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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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were injured as a result of the morning russian terrorist attack on ukrainian cities. elimination of consequences continues. daggers, cruise missiles, calibers and iskanders. this morning, the russians again massively attacked ukraine. 99 missiles of various types were launched. our defenders of the sky managed to destroy 72 aerial targets, including 10 daggers, 59 cruise missiles, kh-101, kh55. kh-55, as well as three cruise missiles caliber. objects of critical infrastructure, industrial, civilian and military facilities. the main direction of the attack fell on kyiv. let me remind you that the enemy started attacking ukraine at night. in the first wave, shaheds were launched from the southeast. all 35 attack uavs were destroyed by our air defense. an 86-year-old woman became a victim of the russian attack on kyiv, she is... a resident of a house in
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the solomyansk district, in which a fire broke out. she died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. the mayor of the capital vitaliy klitschko announced. according to detailed information, 43 residents of this high-rise building were injured. 37 people in hospitals in the capital, there is a lot of destruction as a result of one of the largest russian attacks. as reported in the kmda, fragments of enemy rockets fell on the roofs of a multi-storey building, a private residential building and a non-residential building. building in the pecherskyi district of the capital, in obolonskyi, two car dealerships, a residential building and warehouses burned down. a fire broke out in a supermarket building in udesniansky district, a residential building was partially destroyed in podilskyi, a market and warehouses were on fire, a gas pipe and water mains were damaged. in the city the situation is difficult, more than 60, almost 70 missiles were destroyed, this one.
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the attack was a combination, safeds, missiles, er, cruise missiles, also hybrosonic dagger missiles, the vast majority of these missiles were shot down, we can see that the debris that finished, thanks to our air defense forces, but nevertheless, the debris caused a lot of damage, and this also applies to the power supply system, and it is also connected with the now destroyed. our correspondent kateryna galko works in the pochersky district of the capital, she is with us live. katya, i congratulate you, i will tell you about consequences of the attack. i congratulate khrystyna, i congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. in the pocharsky district, where we are now, debris fell on the roof of a 25-story non-residential building. as you can see, several floors have been renovated,
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however, we talked to the workers who came to restore the consequences, and they said that there was no critical damage to the structures, so the restoration will take about two months, we also talked to the residents of this area, they say that they heard an explosion, but thank god, they don't have windows... place, we know that several cars were damaged by debris, and windows were blown out in some places, there is some glass lying on the street, however , there are no critical consequences in this part of the capital, that another high-rise building was damaged here, as well as a private house, well, in general, there are no victims, let alone...
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dead, thank god, that's all the information, let's stop for now, khrystyna, you have my word. thank you, katya, it was our correspondent kateryna galko, she works in the pechersk district of kyiv, she told about us. consequences of the russian attack. in the town of vyshneve near kyiv, as a result of falling fragments of downed russian missiles. two people died. 11 people were injured, including one child. they are given help. five apartment buildings were damaged in the city. according to the information of the head of the kyiv regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko, people were evacuated to the nearest heating points. psychologists of the state emergency service will work with them. in the microdistrict of bortnychi there are private residential buildings and a church, in general, in the region of nivychchyna there are several private residences, more than 60 cars, several enterprises and warehouses, one of the regional medical facilities was damaged. and we still have
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information about the details of the missile attack on kyiv. our correspondent tetyana golunova works in the solomyan district, she is in touch with us. tanya, i congratulate you, tell me the details of the attack. greetings, colleague, greetings to the viewers of the espresso tv channel. we continue to work in the solomyansk district of the capital, which was the most affected by the mass russian attack in the morning. behind me is a ten-story building that suffered the most damage. i will say that people from this houses are now close to each other in the points that the red cross opened. firefighters, police, doctors continue to work, everyone is provided with all the necessary help, i will say that as of now , one person has died in the solominsk district, 43 people have been injured and 37 of them
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have been hospitalized by doctors, i will say that the apartments of some residents of the ten-story building have been damaged, and some more some have less, some left their house without even taking a dock. ran out of moments in what he could. we talked to eyewitnesses of this terrible attack, so i suggest listening to people's comments now. we are at home, we were sleeping, and then we forgot that we don't have this door, well, well, the front door, well, a little bit of the window there flew out. i didn't know where the child was anymore, we just went to the second room, where my grandmother was. then they went home, i don’t know, they were at home, they were gathering, their parents came , they gathered my husband, my mother, the child, my grandmother,
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i live in a three-room apartment at kudryashov 7, well, it’s wet now, it’s in this building, i was in the room that was near, well , it goes to the side of the school, because there are two two rooms and the kitchen opens into the yard. a rocket flew, and i woke up from the explosion, well , there was a very loud bang, and glass, glass fell on me, and i started to get out, but all the furniture was lying down and i climbed on the furniture, i reached the door, the door was jammed, i could not open it, because the frame was knocked out, flew out, and i returned to the kitchen, and the grates flew out of the kitchen, the first floor , everything flew out, all the kitchen furniture was lying, i climbed over them and jumped and... quickly, i didn’t take anything, not a passport, well i have nothing now, and i will also say that as a result
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the missile attack damaged the water supply and in some areas the light went out, however , utility services are now working and according to the information of the company director. it is clear that there will be no power outages, the utilities just need time to restore the light supply. currently, kurenivka, part of the obolon and svyatoshyn districts, remains without power in the capital. that's all i have. my friend, i give you the floor. thank you, tanya, espress correspondent tetiana golonova spoke about the consequences of the massive attack on kyiv. wounded, among them five children in kharkiv , 38 injured were hospitalized in the hospital, four children are in a light condition, three people are in a serious condition, one of them is an elderly woman in a coma, also, let me remind you, a 91-year-old woman died as a result of the morning russian attack, the enemy inflicted
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at least four strikes on the city, and previously with dagger rockets, - reported the mayor igor terekhov, there are hits in the residential buildings of the city, damaged high-rise buildings, civil infrastructure. and cars, there were fires, emergency services are working on the ground, according to the head oleg sinigubov of the military administration of the region. during the day, the occupiers shelled about 20 towns and villages. karma in action, attacking ukraine, the occupiers destroyed half of their own villages in russia. witnesses published a video of the flight arriving in the village of petropavlivka in the voronezh region this morning, just as kremlin terrorists were pelting ukraine with missiles. according to media reports , an x101 missile launched from the caspian region fell in russia. the ministry of defense of erefia confirmed the information, saying that there had been... i quote: an abnormal discharge of ammunition. apparently, there are no casualties, but
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six houses were damaged. here we are. here we have petropavlivka. there is no street at all. everything here was burnt and blown away. 2 january. we welcome the new year. let's hope that he will not fall into the same funnel a second time. and here is yarikadim. great, nothing, no more, this is the end of the issue and i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, my colleagues will tell more, stay with us. glory. ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. over the next hour
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we are talking about ukraine, about the world, about the war and our victory. over the course of the next hour , we will talk with our guest, politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9 volodymyr mogrysk. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. thank you for the invitation, mr. sergey. i congratulate you. good evening. history with certain security guarantees from great britain, then maybe guarantees from germany, security guarantees, other countries, world leaders, does this in this situation save ukraine from the fact that ukraine is not a member of the north atlantic alliance, but these bilateral agreements and bilateral security guarantees, well, in this case , security guarantees for us, or do they give us... opportunities, at least half or a third of those that are
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in the north atlantic alliance, well, mr. sergey, how i mentioned the security guarantees from britain not by chance, because this is actually, well, that's what it's about, it's really about guarantees, not about help, but about guarantees, well , for now it's possible to... talk about it, but, there is a feeling , that just britain will, perhaps, the first country that will really provide guarantees, unlike others who will provide or continue to provide assistance , what these guarantees will be, this question is, of course, behind seven locks, we cannot talk about it, this is something that will remain big for muscovites, but a very unpleasant surprise, i... i hope, that's why i think this is exactly what we're talking about, whether
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the aid will bring us 30-40 or 50% closer to nato, closer in the sense that we will be compatible with the alliance as seriously and as possible deep, but that's all not what is written in the fifth article of the washington treaty, so the supply of weapons, military aid is very good, but it is not a guarantee. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, spoke at a briefing about the plans of the armed forces of ukraine for 2024, a small excerpt of what zaluzhny said, let's listen: the 24th year, it will not just be different, it should be different from the 24th year to the 23rd year, because otherwise, what i wrote about in the article awaits us, respectively. we have found these problems and have probably already found 90% of these solutions
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issues that must be resolved in order to act more effectively next year and most importantly to save people, we are working on this, our partners who are also interested in this issue absolutely agree with us, and i can assure you that the next will it be different year sir? volodymyr, the next year will also be different in that there will be various elections in seven dozen countries, and the most important elections are in the united states of america, the election of putin. in russia, i'm not talking about the election of the president, the election of putin in russia, and many more various parliamentary and presidential elections, which events of the 24th year, in your opinion, will have the greatest impact on world politics, and accordingly on the politics of ukraine. it is necessary to have those weapons that will give our army the opportunity
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to safely destroy everything that belongs to the enemy and force him to flee from ukrainian land. therefore, the task for the 24th year is precisely to obtain this high-tech weaponry, which will allow us to turn the tide of this war. regarding the elections, for some reason now, you know, such a wave of dispersal of another horror in quotation marks has begun regarding what and what will happen, if what? well, democracy is about democrats. that it is not a dictatorship where there are no elections, in relation to putin, it is not an election, it is a re-appointment, it is a self-reappointment, i would put it this way, there are no elections there , there cannot be, and although they are already talking about 30 candidates there, well that laugh at the chickens, sorry, these are obvious things that do not
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affect anything in any way, the numbers are already drawn, regional administrators, governors already know, yes called from... you have to give the turnout and how many voted for, so, well, well, it's, it's, it 's funny, in terms of elections in democratic countries, yes, it's really a competition, it's really a political struggle, but i don't think that , the democratic world is so weak that it will change its foundations from mr. x being replaced by mr. y or madam or madam y, that is not really the case, even if... talking about elections in the united states of america, what for us is fundamentally, certainly, important and interesting. however, i think that under any circumstances, whoever won, though there's a lot at stake in this issue, and this gentleman you have on your screen right now is far from guaranteed to
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return to the white house, but whoever wins america. democracy is american, its principles will remain the same, the basis of democracy is law, it is order, it is human rights, so no matter who is the president in the usa, these principles will be preserved, for this there are enough big tools and powerful tools to no one could usurp power there, unlike countries like, say there is russia, china or whatever. something like that, so of course we'll be following these developments with great interest, the one thing we should never do, the word never here, it seems to me to be perfectly acceptable, is to bet on somebody, it's up to americans to choose their government , and we must
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accept the one they choose, but i assure you, i am convinced that it will not in any way affect... help to ukraine, because it is in the interests of a democratic event. by the way, about the democratic measure on the perception or acceptance of the results of certain elections, we know that in march 24th there will be putin's election, or, as you say, putin's reappointment, and the election or pseudo -election will take place including in the territories of the ukrainian state, which is the russian federation. proclaimed its own and wrote it into the constitution, precinct commissions have already been formed, there are already relevant circulars to the central voters of the russian federation, can the world, based on the results of the elections in these occupied territories, not recognize the legitimacy of the president of the russian federation,
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putin, after his victory, as it was in 2020 with the then president. belarus , and now the so-called president of belarus, when the whole world calls him the so-called president of belarus or the self-proclaimed president of belarus, well, you see, mr. serhiy, if we remember the 14th year and the seizure of crimea and parts of donbas, then after there elections were held, the ukrainian side also insisted on recognizing the elections in russia as illegitimate, at that time the west was not ready for this and said: yes, we recognize them as illegitimate in the occupied territories, but everything else, well, we have to accept. the situation after that. has changed in this way, we now have a completely different position of the west in relation to the russian federation, and it would be logical that, taking into account the fact that
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the elections will be held in illegally occupied territories, taking into account that there was no democracy in russia, and there is no , and that this is really not an election, but a reappointment, then it is definitely logical... it would be to make a political decision that under such circumstances to recognize someone as a legitimate leader, well, it is just a complete political absurd, will this happen, well , for now, unfortunately, the question is open, although such a discussion has already begun, already in many european capitals and not only in europe and in america, there are at least conversations about whether to recognize or not to recognize, it is already fine. that is, there is still a little time for it to be possible to come to the absolutely obvious conclusion that to recognize putin as the legitimately elected president is to give him another
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opportunity to tell the whole world, and i am completely uninterested in your opinion, that i do what i have done, and address all your concerns i will not pay attention, therefore, to this issue... of political will, i really hope that the west will finally move forward in this regard. and what, mr. volodymyr, would it mean if the world did not recognize the legitimacy of president putin, that is, what consequences does this have for him, well, considering that he already has a warrant from the international criminal court, and this also happened in 2023, that he received this warrant, what, what changes, ie, does it affect what? the environment with which he communicates, there are the countries of central asia and asian countries, the countries of the middle east, or does it have only exclusively, well, this is the lesson
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of the example of the year, the world year, well, you see , mr. sergey, you are right, absolutely, that is, even to those countries where he still goes, well, you already know, such a creation of such a toxic... toxic atmosphere, when , well, you are still accepted, so you are still somehow doing something there, like a mine, a good mine with a bad game, as they say, but still you are already, well, you are not like that anymore, you are already noticed by the fact that you are not recognized, it is recognized in china, it is recognized in north korea, several odious regimes in africa are recognized there or somewhere else, but you understand this, it’s already , well... really a stigma, but first he received gas from the criminal court, and then this stigma will spread, well, actually all over the world, so lukashenko is also flying to
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china, well, flying , here or there he meets with some, excuse me, international scumbags , he meets, but who from the civilian civilized world will give him a hand, and no one, that is, it is already obvious, and there is also a plus here... the moment is internally russian, it is also a signal to his environment, although, no matter how we say it, it is slavish, it is true, it is depends on him one hundred percent, but when the end of this isolation narrows, even the most frightened people don't care... well , the question arises, how much is possible, how long, can this still be the time when the process of ending all this should begin absurdity and this disaster that is flying towards
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russia, so you know, in addition to such an emotional moment, it also has, and it seems to me, a serious impact on the internal russian political situation, on the layout. around putin, which may ultimately, well, become the next an additional point that will incline this environment to some more specific actions. mr. volodymyr, at the end of 2023, there were a lot of publications in the world press that putin wants a transition, putin is looking for opportunities to hold such negotiations, of course, on his own terms, the world media write. about the fact that kyiv is not ready yet, or kyiv has its own conditions, although we understand that russia also has its own conditions to recognize the so-called. a new
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territorial reality, and it was announced in the 22nd year about this new territorial reality. just a few days ago, the new york times also wrote that putin is ready for the negotiation process, its representatives of the ukrainian authorities and analytical institutions say that these are commissioned texts from the russian federation, which appear in the international press in order to to remind that putin is not...against negotiations, whether a negotiation process as such is possible at all, even if it will take place in different countries and with the participation of different countries, representatives of different countries, it is not just volodymyr zelensky sits across from vladimir putin, and let's say the ukrainian delegation in geneva sits with the delegations of certain european countries, and putin sits with the delegations of other asian or middle eastern countries there. countries and
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they are mediators in order to end the war in ukraine, is it possible to imagine such a structure and such a negotiating group that would work in two different places, but the result would be some kind of agreement there? well, mr. sergey, i can't imagine such a situation even hypothetically, because what does it mean that we are negotiations with russia, this means that we... uh , put, so to speak, or an ultimatum demand that you get out of ukrainian land, pay compensations, extradite war criminals led by putin himself, and then we will talk about something , or putin says, complete demilitarization of ukraine, complete neutral status without any talks, return of the russian language,
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return. opzzhists or something similar, that is, the fifth column, the russian church and all these things that he constantly talks about, and then the question is in the problem, and what are we talking about at all let's talk, is there even a hint that it would be possible to agree on something, the positions of the parties are so opposite and mutually exclusive that to think about, well, any chance for... for negotiations, well, i, i honestly don't know , and the fact that moscow uses its agents of influence in the west, well , you don’t need to go to vorozka here either, these are obvious things, and you see, these are whole special operations, these are waves, suddenly in several leading american and european publications with there are articles about negotiations, well, it doesn't
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happen that for some reason... they are all the same and at the same time, at the same moment, different authors come up with the same idea, well, it doesn't happen like that, it means that everything is being prepared, everything is being prepared ee carefully, ee again, a special topic is chosen , which putin needs now for one reason or another, and he is launching it, unfortunately, he uses the same democracy in the west, which is a sacred cow there and allows the appearance, including such paid ones, i think, without any doubts, materials to create a certain atmosphere around the war, so you have to treat it calmly, but at the same time understand that the ideological war is no less acute than any other, and putin... they
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use it quite well, it should be noted, because, unfortunately, canned goods that he left in the west, in fact, are very, very many, and not only in the west, but also in the east, if we take the statement of the self-proclaimed president of belarus lukashenka that zelensky began to understand that the political way to resolve the conflict in ukraine, as he said, he is the only one, lukashenko stated this. during a visit to moscow, where a meeting of the eurasian economic union or cooperation took place, the summit was held, and what lukashenko said, let's listen, i think that's the best chance, we'll work with them somehow more closely so that they understand that this is the only chance, if they will not use it, there will be a general crack, military or military or political decisions now.


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