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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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everything can be done, that is, they want it, that is, and apparently, i think that they absolutely sincerely want and prefer this and the victories that we want victories, including in the 24th year, but they must understand that victory is a big the work of all ukrainians, and you cannot really take ukrainians for 45 to send to the front, and keep ukrainians up to 25, because they are potential voters of the servant of the people party, and therefore in the context. therefore, to disperse this whole topic , well, or to divide it politically and say that we work with these, we do not work with these, therefore that we don't like them, but let them go and fight and somehow they are there and we dispose of them there, i am talking about this that if a real domestic policy appears, a war economy government appears, then there will also be communication, but for this two things have to appear: iq, we have with the one with the supply of ikes, a little with shells, hard with missiles with... trust and certain rules of the game,
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someone has to be an arbiter, so in order to put those people for one single round table, that's how espresso studios are happening here now, it could be americans, it could be europeans, yes, because at one time, as roman very correctly noted, the united kingdoms of great britain and northern ireland at the beginning of the first world war made a military cabinet and began active communication and cooperation between the authorities and the position, that is, it was deliberate decisions, and so, and they've changed some portfolios, they've changed people in positions, so they've come to some agreement to not fight each other over some potential ratings, if and when it's all done, i think, colleagues, we can provide that round table for the future military cabinet right here in lviv and make the most of kyiv, we can even transfer it to kyiv. and
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wish all ukrainians happiness and good in the new year, we have to finish our program, thank you for the results of the year, olga len, antin barkovskyi and roman chaika were guests, serhiy, yes, serhiy rudenko hosted the program, happy new year, god bless everyone happiness, health, and for all of us, of course, victory, because victory is what we are waiting for in the 24th year as well. first of all, well, for the victory and happy new year and for the victory.
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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, a news release is for your attention. and let's start with the situation in the capital, where there are many destructions as a result of one of the largest russian attacks. as reported in the kyiv city state administration, fragments of enemy rockets fell on the roofs of a multi-story private residential building and a non-residential building in the pechersk district of the capital. and it was. who burned down two car dealerships, a residential building and warehouses . it happened in the dysnian district fire in the supermarket building. in podilsky , a residential building was partially destroyed, a market and warehouses were on fire, a gas pipe and water mains were damaged. two people died, 49 residents were injured in a multi-storey residential building in the solomyan district. 43 people are in the hospital. rescuers are working on the spot and have already provided assistance. 80 people, the situation
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is difficult, more than 60, almost 70 missiles were destroyed, this attack was combined, shaheds, missiles, cruise missiles are also hybrosonic dagger rockets, mostly most of these rockets were shot down, we see these are fragments that flew, thanks to our anti-aircraft armed forces. defense, but nevertheless, the debris caused a lot of damage, and this also applies to the power supply system, and the now destroyed water pressure in many areas is also connected with this. the aftermath of the attack is still being eliminated from a car wreck in the podilsky district. my colleague, kateryna galko, works there. katya, i congratulate you and tell me, please, what kind of damage is there? i congratulate ira, i congratulate the audience
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of the tv channel in the podilsky district are trying to eliminate the consequences of the massive of the russian attack that took place this morning, as you can see, there is a car fire here, according to the kmva, there were 29 cars burned here, and five more were damaged, there are a lot of them here and they are just burned to the ground, it is nearby many car dealerships and, accordingly , a lot of vehicles were also damaged by debris and burned. two car showrooms with a total area of ​​300 m2, these fires have already been extinguished, and as we can also see that the buildings these car dealerships are completely destroyed, there's also been damage
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to a water main in the area, and there's also been a hit to a gas main, and now all the services are working to deal with the effects, there's a lot of... a lot of people from different utilities working to ensure the restoration of all these, to ensure the restoration of the water supply, the restoration of the light supply, because as you can see, the wires here are also somewhat broken, the gas services are also working, there is a slight smell of gas, but in general everything is working, as far as we know, thank you god has no dead. well, the services are working, they are still trying to restore everything that was damaged by the russian rockets, and that's all the information, as of now, we continue to follow, iro, you have my word. thank you tupikat, it was our correspondent
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kateryna galko from the capital. well, as a result of the massive shelling on january 2 , obukhivsky, boryspilsky, buchansky, fastivsky districts in kyiv region were affected. in the region. previously, two people died, 16 were injured, including a child. a number of private houses and more than 60 cars were damaged. in town vishneve people were evacuated from damaged houses to the nearest heating points. firefighters put out a fire in a residential building in fastiv oblast. falling debris caused a fire in the unfinished church. several warehouse enterprises and one of the regional medical facilities were damaged. in the bottom of the communities of brovarsky, buchansky. fastiv and vyshgorod districts also had problems with energy supply. rescuers and emergency services are working on the ground. energy workers have already restored electricity to 81,000 families. partial electricity supply
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restored in buchanskyi, vyshhorodskyi and fastivskyi districts, the dtek company reported. in general, more than 86,000 consumers were left without electricity in kyiv and the region due to the enemy attack. currently, specialists are working to provide electricity to all homes. 49 injured, including six children in kharkiv. 38 victims were hospitalized in the hospital, four children in a light condition, three in a serious condition. among them, one elderly woman is in a coma. i will also remind you that a 91-year-old woman died as a result of the morning russian attack. less than four strikes on the city beforehand rockets and daggers, - informed the mayor of the city igor terikhov. the city's residential buildings were hit, high-rise buildings, civilian infrastructure and cars were damaged, fires broke out, emergency services are working on the ground, according to
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oleg sinigubov, the head of the military administration of the region, during the day the invaders shelled about 20 towns and villages of the kharkiv region. and that was the news. at this time we will see you at 15 o'clock, you can read more news on our site espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch on youtube marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi continue the broadcast on the espresso tv channel. the information day of the tv channel continues, so what, we are now adding the people 's deputy of ukraine, kira rudyk, to our marathon in the espresso studio , marta uliyarnyk and antin borkovskiy are working live, and we know that our editors have already established contact with ms. kira rudyk, the people's deputy of ukraine . we welcome you and ms. kiru to our airwaves, and we would like to take this opportunity
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to ask you about today's terrible morning. we know your home has been affected blast wave from today's rashi strike. you showed a photo on your facebook. county, your house has suffered some damage, in a word we would like to ask how you feel first of all and actually, what consequences did you have to decide today? welcome to the studio, welcome to the hosts, thank you for this opportunity, i'm already much better than this morning, i woke up like most kyivans today to the sound of the air alarm, and i started to go downstairs to sit under the stairs, where we usually hide during air raids, but she simply didn't have time to do it, that's why that the explosions started, and one of the explosions was as close as possible... to the place where i live, there was a fire there, and my windows were blown out, that is, just imagine the force
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of the impact if the windows were torn from the frame and blown into the middle of the room, on on the first and second floors, and there was glass everywhere, and my neighbors started fires, first of all, of course, i looked to see if there were people who needed help, then we looked for my cat, but... thank god that i have there is no major damage other than cuts and i want to remind everyone who is watching and listening to us right now not to ignore air raid signals is first of all, and secondly, once the attack has started, stay as far away from windows as possible, because most of the damage to the people i saw today, and to myself, is glass damage from debris, who were either on the ground or flying from... this moment, it 's just a matter of banal security and protecting
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yourself and your loved ones, don't ignore the rule of two walls, it's very important, we see that russia has now intensified its terrorist attacks, and extremely it is important to once again go through all the points with your family, who where is he hiding, because it could happen to anyone, and thank god very much that now... uh, a lot of people are in the hospital in a minor condition, and, uh, it looks like there are a lot less casualties this time, but we turn to all our partners today with a personal story that the war is not over, it is very far from over, if there are delays in aid, delays in the supply of weapons, and within ukraine, i want to tell everyone ukrainian once again. ukrainians, let's stick together, one of the most important
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of things that happened today is a large number of people who simply came to each other's aid, and during the fire, and those who were just standing on the street, he was cold, well, ukrainians, as always, show not only miracles supporting each other , the miracles of survival, uh, of course, once again we are extremely grateful to our air force, which did... so that no more damage was done, and which again did a miracle for all of us, which did not miss more missiles on their targets. dear ms. kiro, i would like to ask you about such a practical aspect, in particular the provision of assistance from the kyiv city state administration, the state budget and relevant institutions responsible for providing appropriate support. how it all looks in practice, maybe there are certain things that should be ... how to improve as soon as possible, so we understand that there should be a film ready, there should be ready, i don't know, those services
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that will turn off the gas and electricity and turn them on as soon as possible, well, and similar things, in particular , we understand that a lot of people do not have the funds for timely restoration and resettlement, yes of course, well first of all there are basic things that no matter how painful it is, they need to be done when you understand that everyone who you are... safe no one needs help, you need as soon as possible record the damage to the phone and for that to happen, it can be added to the damage report. the second , of course, is an appeal to the law enforcement authorities, because the police should come, if everyone is alive, healthy, that is, there is no need for an ambulance, the police should come, record it, because it usually happens more than once the house and not... two, then you need someone to be at home all the time and be able to wait for
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law enforcement agencies, then write a statement, then you need to issue a statement through action, because there is restoration, and it will be necessary to add photos there, because my the first one was mrs. kira rudyk, we hope that we can restore the connection, at the moment we cannot restore the connection and it is a great pity, but we have to, we have to... the russians carried out two airstrikes on orikhov in zaporizhzhia, an entire pod was destroyed driving currently, we know of one victim, a 757-year-old woman was hospitalized. this is reported by the zaporizhzhia regional military administration. the enemy launched two airstrikes with guided bombs, guided bombs on the city of nuts. as a result of the attack on the nivyshten building, the entire entrance was destroyed. well, we will then move on to our next guest, who joins us virtually in the studio, ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the sbu in 2004-15.
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mr. ivan, welcome to espresso. yes, welcome, welcome, studio, thank you for inviting me. well, we have today. unfortunately, it's almost three a day of such intense shelling by the russian occupiers, and we can see that their activity is only increasing, and they used a huge number of daggers today. today, kyiv is simply seriously injured, and kyiv has probably not experienced such massive strikes during a full-scale invasion. so what does it all come to, in your opinion, why are the russians now so actively trying to terrorize ukrainians? yes, let's get to the bottom of it, i have... an opinion, i'll try to voice it now, look, first of all, well, you don't have to to calculate the value of the scrap metal that they dumped there today on kyiv, on the whole of ukraine, because the russians, well, the russian federation, as well as the soviet union, never counted money for the military sphere, so to think that oh, it's okay, how many
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losses they have , yes, how much she used, you can calculate it purely for illustrative purposes just like that for reference and that's all, but... there 's no need to assume that it somehow economically floats, i estimate this blow at roughly a billion dollars could have been, well, well, a billion more, a billion less, the russians have this money, now look, my personal vision, here now, it really looked like some kind of hysteria, because 10 daggers, well, it really looks like a hysterical blow of some kind, it’s not some calculated, cold-blooded countryman, but there’s something planned, but somehow it was chaotic, but they shot as much as they could all night. and i have the impression that it was they who worked out the russians and played the belgorod card. belgorod is a city that was apparently fired upon by the ukrainian volley fire system, some cluster munitions, some vampires, although according to the tactical and technical characteristics, our fire salvo systems, even if they went to the state
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border with the russian federation, they simply would not reach belgorod, although the fragments of the russian s-300 are retrieved on the spot. and putin then says there that we will give a decisive answer there, i am all boiling over there, and here , with such a blow, he basically played this card, he showed his masculinity again, and such cool, well, how cool, for them cool in quotes for us informational reasons that for every ukrainian strike, yes we will to answer even more, even more decisively, and maybe it was also aimed at accumulating putin's rating before the elections, of course. he can be painted, your viewers will say, all he wants, but he is tired of what is painted, he wants to get organic votes, he wants people to follow him, tear their throats, shout that putin is handsome, putin is well done, well let's see if it succeeded or not? mr. ivan, look, well, but the enemy would also like to achieve certain goals, that is, it is not only about the outside
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domestic russian propaganda goals, but maybe he would like to achieve certain domestic ukrainian goals, right? this is one aspect, the second moment we understand that rather than all this can be part of the so-called cascade operation of the enemy. there may be such a thing, we do not rule out any scenario here, it is possible by some percentage, or any, i don’t know, vector of the development of events, it may be used somewhere by 20%, somewhere by 30, all this can be, i don't rule it out either, aimed at what to explain to your viewers, it's tired, there what everyone is tired, there are no new year 's holidays, it is clear that... the military did not have any holidays at all, it is possible to count on civilians, that they will be exhausted, that they will break down, that how long can we fight, let's somehow reconcile with russians, i will simply tell you a thesis that i will repeat constantly, for russians , in these two years, the war has become, has become the meaning of life, they cannot
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imagine themselves without war at all, i am not talking now about the deep-seated people, by no means scratching their heads wanted them. this applies to those people who are in the kremlin, around the kremlin, as well as those who earn big, big money from it. i will once again explain the logic of my thoughts as follows: if we just fantasize, the war has stopped now, right now, yes, they wrested 20% of the territory, so they are celebrating, they wrested ukraine takmak, there is mariupol, although, well, they won’t be able to even with the 20th attempt on the map to show the russians where these cities are in... they are losing the meaning of further existence, there is no meaning around which they have united for the last two years, denozification, demilitarization, war, military industry, there is no need. in that army, there are 600 thousand, pay them 200 dollars, so part will be left, part will be returned back, there is no need for those soldiers who also receive a large salary, they will all be sent back and these
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people will start looking for new meanings for themselves, and the kremlin it understands that this chaotic mass, for now, it is gathered in a heap by such a centrifugal force, and when such a force is not there, then they will disperse and then no one knows how it will end for... moscow, for russia and for the kremlin , well, for everyone, everyone, everyone. mr. ivan, you mentioned that one of the goals is to sow a certain panic among ukrainians, and fear, and in general disappointment, a kind of hopelessness, and i just want to remind you of what zelensky said in an interview yesterday the economist, he said that he has the feeling that ukrainians have lost the sense of existential threat in the context of the fact that there are currently unpopular decisions, some that will be related to mobilization are possible, and he. said that if we are going to focus on domestic politics, then we need to call elections, or change the legislation and forget about counteroffensive actions and
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deoccupation, these are serious words from the president, ukrainians have something to think about, and i would like to understand what your thoughts are on this matter? look, the only thing i can say, well, what is missing is communication, here is communication, explanation, okay, well, well, we know with you that our people, they can... if there is a need, there are needs, there are explanation, it will last as long as necessary, but there was no need to attract people to donations, they are gathering themselves, they will do it themselves, themselves, well, there is no such sort of order, and about communication i am talking about mobilization, they said at first that no, we will not mobilize, then whoop, that is how the mobilization began, no, we will not touch the men who are there received three children, there are all these exceptions under the law, and we... saw that your colleagues, journalists published these screens, most likely it is the administration of the state border service, where, well, there are instructions, no inspector independently decides, does not
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grant permission to men to cross the border only with some kind of unofficial permission , everyone is checked, that is, for a second, well , there are rules, there is a law, if there are any people who violate it, find them, and yes, that is, you start slowing them all down, everyone without exception, there are unreal documents . the documents are fake, everyone is being held back, all at once , it must be communicated, of course , all these raids that are there must be communicated, well , explain what they are, what they are, well, not that, well, it is clear why these raids are mobilization, but they really so forced ok, i'm sure you've also seen these patrols that just stop cars, all armed, all in balaclavas, well, i think it's necessary to explain and then everything will be much, much easier, i'm not saying the situation is completely resolved, but on... he will decline in society, look, mr. ivan, no, i would not like to ask you to make any future predictions, we understand that war is a thankless business, but in any case, what do you
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think, in the next couple of weeks, putin will raise hail from escalation, in particular, when it comes to the shelling of our cities, yes, because they have the resources, do you remember those pitiful experts, who you understand with pink lips on their lips, convinced us that the enemy had what was left there. well, let's be serious , we're just forecasting there, i don't know scenario a and scenario b? the most negative scenario is that they will try to fight for a few more days, i don’t know, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe on the seventh, but maybe there will be such, well , there will be shelling, i don’t rule it out, maybe what the option will be... stretched out in time, i.e. every day, but in small portions, ugh, i don't know, there are five, 10 rockets, plus two or three up to 10 missiles in different regions of ukraine, maybe
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there will be a pause again, and then massed arrivals again, well, how many if you didn't have shells, ammunition, equipment there, and you can't keep such shelling at a constant level, you need a certain time, but let's remember , please, here i remember 52 days in kyiv. in 23 year was not shelled, 52 days, there was a pause, maybe it was also connected with such an accumulation, so one of the three options, it is quite probable and real, but as you rightly pointed out, predicting and taking on the laurels of aristovych, well , i don’t want to, thank you, and what about arestovich, mr. ivan, let’s give an operational layout for oleksiy, you understand, there first he was almost brought out as a prophet there, then he disappeared somewhere. then he began to spin all sorts of nonsense, and so on and so forth, what about the arestovych project, well , wait a second, well, 33 combat exits, well
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, everyone was joking about that, well, how can there be so many. on the video network as he promotes this one washing powder from the past, i remembered , and that's it, he was, well, it's clear that an intelligence officer, yes, a senior lieutenant of the central intelligence agency and works in the advertising business, now, as far as we can see, he went to new york city, maybe in the footsteps of some series, and sex in a big city, maybe he wants to meet someone there or see these places of interest, but he is not in ukraine and that's all, he now conducts his activities exclusively from his platforms, this is telegram, this is youtube and that he has 800 thousand followers on facebook there is, well, no matter what, but there are people looking at him, super, super, this is a good indication of a certain intellectual potential, so to speak, so to speak, there is still room for growth , only 800 thousand, well, not 50 million, thank god, ivan stupak, a military expert, sbu employee
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, was in touch with us in 2004 and 2015, now let's take a short break. after that we return to the espresso studio. there are discounts on pshyk, 10% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. there are discounts on eurofast, 20% in pharmacies, plantain, memory and savings. do you want to wake up rested and full of energy, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can't find a comfortable position on the sofa, you can't help but turn around, you need to improve your sleeping place, meet the stoper casper ortolight mattress from the experts of mattress tv. instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a good price, only 999 uah, also with the possibility of free delivery. old sofas, uneven mattresses, protruding box springs are all a thing of the past. stoper ortolight mattress - your deep healthy sleep for only uah 999. just call now and check with consultants about the possibility
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the snake itself, the following footage may shock you: live news from the scene of events, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, libertarianism frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20.


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