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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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already during martial law, elections in majority constituencies are impossible, so the situation here is more difficult, of course, thank you, oleksandr salizhenko, a parliamentary analyst of the movement, was honestly in touch with us and it was already time for news on the espresso tv channel. iryna koval, the news editor has already managed to prepare a selection of the most relevant and freshest information, so iro, we pass the word on, tell us what will be in this issue. thank you, marta, in just a moment i will tell you about the situation in various regions of... our country after the morning shelling by the russians, so wait for 15:00 in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. in the capital. numerous destructions
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as a result of one of the largest russian attacks. as reported in the kmda, fragments of enemy rockets fell on the roofs of a high-rise private residential building in pechersk district, two car dealerships, a residential building and warehouses were on fire in obolonsk. a fire broke out in the building of a supermarket in the dysnian district. in podilsky , a residential building was partially destroyed, a market was on fire, and storage facilities. damaged gas pipe and water mains. two people died in a multi-storey apartment building in the solomyan district, 49 residents were injured, 43 people were hospitalized. the situation in the area is difficult, more than 60, almost 70 missiles were destroyed, this attack was combined, shaheds, rockets, cruise missiles as well as hybrosonic dagger missiles, the vast majority of these missiles. was shot down, we can see that
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it is debris that flew, thanks to our armed forces of air defense, but nevertheless, the debris caused a lot of damage, and this also applies to the energy supply system, and the now destroyed water pressure in many areas is also connected with everything. in the town of vishneva near kyiv, two people were killed and 11 were injured as a result of falling fragments of downed russian missiles, including one child. 11 apartment buildings were damaged in the city. according to the information of the head of the kyiv regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko. people were evacuated to the nearest heating points. psychologists of the state emergency service will work with them. in the bortnichy microdistrict , private residential buildings were damaged and church. in general, there are several private residences, more than 60 cars, several enterprises and warehouses in the ponivychyna region. suffered damage. from regional medical institutions.
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there are 52 wounded, among them six children in kharkiv. 38 victims were hospitalized, among them four children in a light condition, three people in a serious condition and one elderly woman in a coma. a 91-year-old woman also died as a result of the morning russian attack. the enemy struck the city at least four times with dagger rockets, he said. mayor ihor terikhov. high-rise buildings, civil infrastructure and cars were damaged. in the morning, the rashists twice hit orikhov in zaporizhzhia with guided aerial bombs. a 75-year-old woman was wounded, said the head of the regional military administration yuriy malashko. as a result of the attack, the house was mutilated, and the entrance there was completely destroyed. now zaporizhzhia has again announced an air strike.
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the largest combined attack in history, the air defense forces destroyed 72 air targets that night, including 10 of 10 kh-47 dagger air ballistic missiles, 59 of 70 cruise missiles (x-101-x-555) and three out of three cruise missiles caliber. this despite the fact that in the first wave of the attack, the defense forces were defeated. 35 shaheds. volodymyr zelenskyi has already reacted to the morning attack on ukraine. the president noted that russia will be responsible for every life taken. the head of state expressed his condolences to the families of the dead ukrainians. i thank the employees of the state emergency service of ukraine, policemen, doctors, everyone who helps people. our air force, anti-aircraft guns.
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thanks to everyone in the world who help patriots mobile fire teams thank you guys irises, nasamsy, each such system has already saved at least hundreds of lives. dmytro kuleba called on foreign countries to respond decisively to the morning russian attack, in particular to speed up the delivery of additional air defense systems to ukraine, the ministry of foreign affairs reported. the government official also asked to provide us with combat drones of all types, long-range missiles with a range of more than 300 km, and to cut off contacts with russian diplomats in european countries. and energy workers have already restored the light for 250,000 kyivans, but without power some residents of kurenivka remain, reported the company det. electricity supply was partially restored in buchanskyi, vyshhorodskyi and fastivskyi districts. in general, more than 86,000
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consumers were left without electricity in kyiv and the region due to the enemy attack. during the massive missile attack on ukraine in poland. four f-16 fighter jets and an aviator flew into the air. this was done in order to guarantee the safety of the airspace of ukraine. this was reported by the operational command of the armed forces of poland on the ex social network. state the border service of ukraine is strengthening combat units with fire weapons, in particular anti-aircraft guns. as noted, this is done in accordance with the threats that exist today. arise on the border with russia and belarus. andriy demchenko, spokesman for the state border service, noted that the anti-aircraft guns will be used to fight against enemy missiles and other air targets, as well as to destroy enemy personnel and equipment. karma
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in action. attacking ukraine, the occupiers destroyed half of their village in russia. witnesses published video of the attack on the village of petropavlivka in the voronezh region this morning, just at the time when kremlin terrorists were launching rockets across ukraine. according to zmi, a kh-101 missile fired from the caspian region fell in russia. the ministry of defense of refia confirmed the information, saying that there had been - i quote: an abnormal discharge of ammunition. apparently , there were no casualties, but six houses were damaged. here we are, here we are in petropavlivka, there is no street at all, everything here has burned down, blown away, on january 2, we welcome the new year, let's hope that vdroge will not fall into
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the same funnel, but yarikadim, there is nothing, in the afternoon russia attacked missiles. air defense allegedly shot down eight air targets over the belgorod region, the russian ministry of defense reported. the agency noted that the territory of the country was shelled from the ukrainian jet system under the alpine fire of the alder. and during the day , 26 combat clashes took place in the tovrri direction. the occupiers have significantly intensified the combat work of aviation, said the commander of the group of troops, tavria oleksandr ternavskyi our soldiers succeeded. 357 invaders and destroy fifty units of military equipment, in particular two rocket salvo fire systems and the buk-m1 anti-aircraft missile system. also, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed three tanks, five artillery systems, one anti-aircraft defense system, 20
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drones and three warehouses of russian ammunition. a powerful earthquake in japan caused more than one owl. meter of large areas of the earth's surface towards the sea of ​​japan on the affected noto peninsula of ishikawa prefecture and nearby areas. this was reported by the geospatial information administration of japan. specialists established that the device in the city of vidzima moved horizontally to the west. it is about one and a half meters the largest recorded so far from suv. in neighboring cities , a displacement of about 1 m in the western direction was also detected. a sensor in the city of anamizu stuck out. let me remind you that on the morning of january 1, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 occurred in japan. as a result , at least 24 people died. residents of a number of prefectures were warned about the threat of a tsunami. such were the news at that time. we with
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i'll see you at 4:00 p.m. as always, you can read more on our espresso tv website. also follow us on social media. and then look at my colleagues and listen carefully, by the way, to antin borkovskyi and marta oliarnyk. thanks to the news editor, thanks to iryna koval, yes, extremely disturbing news, but we will, in any case, inform you about the most important things live. marto liarnyk and antin borkovskyi are in the studio, and we are adding dmytro didor, espresso correspondent, to our broadcast. who is currently in kyiv region, is ready to share with us information about us. of the russian attack on kyiv and the region this morning, we welcome dmitry to the air and ask you
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to share exactly what you know as of now about the consequences of the russian attack on the kyiv region and kyiv. marto antina, i congratulate you, i also congratulate our viewers, we are now in vyshnevo, this is the kyiv region, it is less than a kilometer from kyiv, and right at the place... of the fall of the rocket, of what happened here, we will show you everything now, because the consequences of the fall of the rocket are striking, and here, along with by me, this is what is left of this rocket , it is an iron shell, here you can see the inscriptions in russian, for example, the location of the camp, that is exactly right, the rocket was transported right next to this place, and the explosion from the explosion of this rocket is also very large. huge, about 3x-4 m deep, and i want to say that we
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are now in a residential yard, there is no military facility or anything else around here, a playground is a few meters away, only residential buildings are around me , which are currently affected by of this explosion, and we can show you exactly the consequences, as they say in the regional military administration. houses, 11 apartment buildings, 60 cars were damaged, and we can see how powerful the explosion was, the cars were destroyed, the glass in them was completely shattered, and windows and panes were also broken in the house itself, and now we can see that people are trying to fix it. to take out this construction debris, because there is a lot of glass right on... near the house, because we see that all the windows in this residential building are broken, in general, like
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they emphasized to the military administration that 11 residential apartment buildings were damaged, these are the houses that are around the place of the explosion, the residents say that the explosion was very powerful, and how exactly it happened in the morning, let's hear, light, whistle, lightning flew everyone. and nothing else happened, all the doors to that balcony suddenly opened, there was a flurry of water, we immediately hid behind the wall, well, everything happened very quickly , that is, the light went out, there was a flash in the house and there were noises, everyone said that what help... 16 people turned to doctors, one of them is an eight-year-old child, but as
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the rescuers told us, the victims did not have any special injuries, either they were injured by the windows or by the flying glass, which, as you just heard, flew very hard and quickly, people , maybe they didn’t even have time to hide at this moment, here they deployed an invincibility point near the house, people can get all the necessary help, they also informed the regional military administrations that they had prepared places for one thousand residents, there they are, this is temporary housing, where they can apply and have prepared hot lunches to warm people, since it is very cold outside now, and the liquidation of the consequences of this attack on kyiv region, on vyshnevo, is ongoing, people in... they are measuring the windows and now they can block them or with film , or put a temporary ceiling
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in the form of such wooden boards, and what kind of rocket it is, they say now, they cannot say, because the police have collected the fragments of this rocket and now they will establish what exactly flew here, but there is information, we talked to our sources. and they say that it was not the debris of the rocket, but that it was the arrival of the rocket in this residential yard, and this is all the information i have and have time to tell you so far. thank you, dmitry, grandfather. the espresso correspondent was in touch with us from myshnevo near kyiv and talked about the consequences of the russian attack on this city this morning by the russian occupiers. well, in the meantime, dtek has restored power supply to 250,000 kyivans, another district is being restored, the press service of dtek reports. i quote: dtek energy workers restored electricity supply to 250,000 kyiv residents who were left without electricity
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due to the morning shelling. part of kurenivka's residents remain without power in the computer . well, we are adding political technologist oleksiy golubotskyi to our broadcast and know that mr. oleksiy's apartment was also damaged by the russian attack today. we welcome you, mr. oleksiy, to espresso and ask you to tell us about how your morning was today, what consequences of the russian attacks did you feel on yourself? congratulations, well... judging by the fact that i still went to the ether, that is , nothing fatal happened, but of course the shock, the stress is huge, the neighbors are less i was very lucky, well, here the fragments of the rocket fell in my yard, even some control unit collapsed, i handed it over to the police,
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very much so to speak, but the dream was that the gap was somewhere 100 meters away, and of course everything is much scarier there, but surprisingly, thank god, supposedly everyone is alive, although very seriously , this is the private sector far from, well, let's say this, not on the borders of kyiv, that is, you can even say that this is the central district, or can you say now, you seem to be writing , yes, this is podilsky district, kurenivka, yes, you you show me, that's how the stairs were torn off there, well, in principle. in principle , the stress has already gone a little, so you can take it more calmly, everyone is alive, although of course, well, to pass on such an experience, god forbid, to anyone, but what did the enemy use, daggers, ballistics, some other, i don’t know, cruise missiles , shahed, what
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was it like, well, how can i tell you, i was there, so to speak. stood in his yard without binoculars, still tried to find a more or less safe place, that's why he's not such a specialist, well, according to the debris, it seems to be what they're called there, x, isn't it x, this junk is the kind that, in principle, has been in service for a long time, it's still soviet, it's not a dagger , for sure, i found the plate, i forgot what it 's called, x55 or x555, yes who said, yes. ok, i am very glad to hear that you are at least moving away emotionally from this terrible morning, we would also like to talk with you about other important topics that relate to our political situation in our country, and here we would like to hear your assessment about those political events that took place during the past year, and we know
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that, for example, it decreased somewhat over the past year the number of ukrainians who believe in victory, there are some such... certain pessimistic attitudes, well , we understand what this is connected with, but how do you, how could you explain it and how do you see it all? well, it's natural, listen, two years practically lasts in a few, in two months, it will be two years, as the war continues, there were completely different expectations of a large number of people, yes, we remember how our propaganda worked, and... the main propagandist, the truth is that he is currently abroad, and something has completely gone out of his mind, i understand that now it's about arestovych, yes, yes, not for nothing, i'm joking, of course, everything makes money, now from other owners, he constantly changed owners, ah, now new owners, a bitch of all russian origin, well, he
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convinced a huge number of people, when , i remember, when i tried for the first month or two... three somewhere in public or even in private conversations, well, let's say to express a certain doubt, then i heard only in my address, at best, simply, and so that i closed the window, so to speak, there were all a huge number of ukrainians, looking into their mouths, listening every word, to us, that is, to the majority of ukrainians, a huge number, i will say not in the majority, of course, in a large number of people, in principle, there is no... there is no critical thinking, it is not only ukrainians, it is in general in the world, it is a normal phenomenon, a person, critical thinking is very rare, he uses such things in his life, but here... this critical thinking was completely turned off here, people believed that russia would collapse, that sanctions would strangle russia within three or four
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months, well a maximum of a year that we, a country that generally for at least half of its own history, not only did not prepare for the war , she did everything to be as unprepared as possible, and this is how it happened, thank god, it turned out... yes, what, and the talents of the ukrainian military leaders, and the heroism of the ukrainian soldiers, that we were lucky that on the beginning of this full-scale war , well, the most terrible thing did not happen there, although , again, later we will consider all this from a different point of view, so the fact that now seems to us to be such a transitional stage, yes, if according to the result, ukraine lost, well, that is, ukraine will remain within the limits that it is now, or a little less, it is possible... future generations will evaluate the war itself and the beginning of this war in a slightly different way, but still critical thinking, understanding that a country that does not seriously prepare for war is also
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going against it country, the largest country in the world with a huge army, and to believe that we will break it in two, two or three weeks, well, again, this is a lack of critical thinking, and all these aggregates create this effect, when people pass a certain period, they lose, they have... the amount of this faith decreases, and in the best case, they start simply , well, let's say this, to look more soberly at reality, in the other case, they start looking for an alternative, they start some very popular, well, at least that's what i see, that talks about, about a truce, about a freeze, about somehow stopping the war there partially. and this, this, of course, this is again natural, why do all these attacks, well, the same, well, listen, people, well, imagine, but i live in such an area,
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there are also rich and very poor, such a specific district, it is not closed , but the private sector, so here is a person, i don't know if she came there from bukovel or from at all, maybe from abroad, goes to the most expensive restaurants in kyiv, goes to the newer ones, buyers, buying during the war. the newest brand of car, here he falls, just like that , he didn't take anything, it didn't seem like a piece of the bite of a huge rocket fell, yes, well, with this, with this approach to life, he will go to the front after that, he got angry with will appear, but no, of course, he will become a supporter of the idea, that we have already fought enough , we have to put up, well, that is, there are many factors that create such conditions, which, let's say, ah,... contributes to the fact that the number of people who begin to consider various options for victory, this is good, that we are still talking about victory in any case, yes, later
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other versions may appear, so that victory, when, well, since the 14th year we have not had crimea and donbas, since the 22nd year in we do not have half of the zaporizhia and kherson regions, yes, it is not known how far it will end, and whether we even have the potential to reach the border. in the 91st year, i say, the considerations we understand, now we live, this is not the 41st year, yes, uh, even in england it was not possible to listen to dozens of opinions of different people every day, whether english or german , that the americans about the war , as we have, yes, people are constantly watching, i have an account on tiktok, i have an account on youtube and i just see, especially in... someone, this primitive, just terribly primitive level of perception of a very large number of ukrainians reality, and that it will be possible to fit into this reality
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wishes, whatever, but the question, actually , mr. oleksiy, is what and under what wishes they can try to write there, well, we mentioned now, so to speak, the transfer of the prophet, there to the recent prophet and style icon, so in particular it is about about'. well, accordingly, but no one appeared in his place, we have such a vacuum, and there is a certain fear that, you know, some, well, i don't know, well, i don't want to believe in putin's supporters, well, but you know, some such quick capitulators, no, well, first of all , they are there, there is simply no concentration in one option, let's say this, well, maristovych was such a monopolist to a certain extent in this... well, listen, there is a distance, there are others, so to speak, yes, it's just, apparently, now the authorities do not want to be associated with too many such,
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ah... well, by winning reports, he still has a certain status, but in the information space of ukraine on a telethon, on and even opposition, well, not opposition, but channels that do not belong to the state or under the control of the president's office, so i i see just a bunch all the time, i don't think i've seen the only thing you have yes, a bunch of good russian ones, yes, which talk about how... in ukraine we need to fight, what we need to do in ukraine and so on, they have huge audiences in ukraine, just huge audiences, and here they are in one way or another at a certain stage , they already have a lot of influence in ukraine, after a while, i'm not saying that they will be capitulators there and everything else, it's just that they will impose and do another point of view, not the ukrainian point of view, based on their own interests ,
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interests of their sponsors. i don't know there a lot of other things, there is neevzora, vlatinina , there, well, p piankovsky, this crazy guy and many others, yes, there are just a lot of them, just turn it on, look at youtube, which ones get the most views, turn on the television, and you will constantly see that there are these inclusions where they tell us what we need, they repeat, yes, what we need to do, how we need to do it, and at a certain stage, when it is necessary, it will be necessary to... negotiate or switch to some other conditions of existence of the country, they will have their say and having a huge audience, which still trusts her to a certain extent, because they are independent, supposedly, they are not connected to the authorities, they are not included, allegedly not included in the system of state propaganda, and they look like that, well, let's say so, well, really not very
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engaged, that... sir, mr. oleksiy, forgive us, we have to finish already, oleksiy holobutsky, a political technologist, was in touch with us, they were talking about the attack in kyiv, and actually about the political situation in ukraine last year. now we're going to take a short break, after that we're going back to our studio, that's why be with espresso. there are 20% discounts on anticataral in travel pharmacies. in pharmacies plantain pam and oskad. attention, incredible novelty from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will fit both men and women. sizes from 36 to
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