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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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"m2 dagger with the help of the paatriot air defense system. this is a record, if these missiles hit the targets, the consequences would be catastrophic. the commander-in-chief wrote. well , you will find out more news in just a few moments. iryna koval and the news editors have prepared the latest selection of information, so we pass on the word you, iro, and tell me what will be in this issue. well , what antin t said and a lot of other information from kyiv-kyiv oblast will be in the issue, so wait. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine, and for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio iryna koval, welcome to all viewers. two people died, 43 were injured. such consequences of a large-scale attack on the capital were reported to the city. military administration.
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fragments of enemy rockets fell on the roofs of a high-rise private residential building in pechersk district, two car dealerships, a residential building and warehouses burned in obolonsk . a fire broke out in a supermarket building in dysnianskyi district, in podilskyi, a residential building was partially destroyed, a market and public buildings were on fire, a gas pipe and mains were damaged water supply. and the kyiv region suffered from the morning attack, there are hits - damaged residential buildings. my colleague, dmytro didora, will tell you more, he is in direct contact with us from vyshnevo. dima, i welcome you and i am waiting for you to give details about the consequences of the attack and how many people were injured. iro, i congratulate you, and i also congratulate our viewers. 11 apartment buildings have been affected since today. of the morning attack on
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the kyiv region, we are in vyshnevo, right now and behind me you can see exactly the consequences of this attack, as we were told that the rocket hit here, it was not the fragments of the rocket that fell, and at the place of the explosion a hole was formed 3.5 m deep, the fragments of the russian rocket are still lying there, and you can see the inscriptions in russian, the serial numbers of this particular one. and now there are many apartment buildings around and next to the explosion a few meters away is the playground itself , there are no military facilities around this explosion, now we can see that people are putting their homes in order, they are knocking out the remains of windows that are completely gutted throughout the house , a lot of glass fell around, and now they are... tightening them
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with a film, or they will seal it with wood, in order to somehow save their homes, what exactly did they hear in the morning and how did they escape, let's hear, we were just lucky that we were in the bath, sitting, and all that there are many of you, well, dad was injured by glass, well, he was cut, so what, what are you going to say, damn it, nothing, what? everyone is alive and thank god, otherwise we will repair everything already, they produced a light, a flash, a sound, everything flew, glass, and that's all, nothing more, all these doors suddenly opened, onto that balcony, there were flying pieces of wood, and that's all, a lot rolled down, well, the windows were broken, that's all, thank god, no one was hurt, the christmas tree was slightly damaged, what products were there. 60 cars
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at the site of the explosion were also destroyed or destroyed, and now we can show you that people are collecting this garbage from the explosion, which was caused by this glass, windows that were blown out, a rescue headquarters for people was deployed on the spot, rescuers, doctors are working there, and law enforcement officers, currently law enforcement officers are working at the scene of the explosion, they will determine what it is. for the rocket that hit a cherry tree today, in the yard of an apartment building, and also inform that 16 people asked for help, but they say that these were minor injuries, they were injured by the glass, which was broken by an explosive wave, that's all i have for now, iro, thank you, dimo, it was our correspondent dmytro didora from the kyiv region, and the largest combined attack in history. 99 air targets were launched
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by the enemy over ukraine, this night the air defense forces destroyed 72 missiles, including 10 out of 10 air ballistic missiles. 47 dagger 59 out of 70 kh-101-kh-555 cruise missiles and three out of three kalibr cruise missiles. this is because in the first wave of the attack, the defense forces shot down 35 shaheds. energy workers have already returned the light to 250,000 kyiv residents, but some residents of the smokehouse remain without power, detek reported. partial electricity supply. restored in buchanskyi, vyshhorodskyi and fastivskyi districts. in general, more than 86,000 consumers were left without electricity in kyiv and the region due to the enemy attack. volodymyr zelenskyi has already reacted to the morning attack on ukraine.
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the president noted that russia will be responsible for every life taken. the head of state expressed condolences to the families of the dead ukrainians. i thank the employees of the state emergency service of ukraine, policemen, doctors, everyone who helps people. our air force, anti-aircraft guns, mobile fire groups. thank you guys, thank you to everyone in the world who helps, patriots, irises, nasamsi, each such system has already saved at least hundreds of lives. during the massive missile attack on ukraine in poland, four f-16 fighter jets and... avi azapravnik took to the air, this was done in order to guarantee the safety of the country's airspace, this was reported by the operational the command of the armed forces of poland in the social network ex. and as a result of the fall of the rocket, 11 people died in the voronezh region of russia,
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one of the russian telegram channels reported this. according to preliminary data, an improved x101 missile fell in the village of petropavlivka, voronezh region. which did not reach ukraine, the kremlin media initially claimed that the incident occurred allegedly due to shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, but the russian authorities admitted that the explosion occurred as a result of falling ammunition. the locals they complain that an entire street was destroyed, dozens of houses were damaged. one person died and four were injured, and four more cars were destroyed. three times. an air alert was announced in belgorod today. air defense allegedly shot down eight air targets over the belgorod region, the russian ministry of defense reported. the department noted that the territory of the country was fired from the ukrainian vilkha salvo missile system. residents of belgorod oblast
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post videos and photos on social networks where loud explosions are heard, as well as fragments of something knocked down and at the tokyo airport. haneda a japan airlines passenger plane burst into flames after colliding with a coast guard plane. everyone on board the liner was evacuated, but five crew members died in the coast guard plane. 379 passengers who were on board, as well as crew members were evacuated. the huge passenger liner practically burned to the ground. huge clouds of smoke rose into the night sky. beegov. security informs that its plane, which probably collided with the passenger plane, was heading to niigata airport to deliver aid to the earthquake-hit noto peninsula. a powerful earthquake in japan
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caused landslides of more than 1 m of large areas of the surface towards the sea of ​​japan. this was reported by the geospatial information administration of japan. specialists it was established that the device in the city of wajima moved horizontally to the west, that is, by about 15 meters. displacements were also found in neighboring cities. let me remind you that on the morning of january 1, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 occurred in japan. as a result , at least 48 people died. residents a number of prefectures warned about the threat of a tsunami. such were the news at that time. you can read more on our website espresso tv, follow us on social networks and watch on youtube. antin barkovskyi, marta oliyarnyk, continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel, we will see you at 5:00 p.m.:
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we thank our tireless irina koval, and the invitation. the newsrooms promptly, accurately and precisely inform about the most important things, we pick up the batons, and now what , let's probably start with the collection: it's been a long time since we went to our tv viewers with a hat, well... we understand that we closed one collection, and now a collection has appeared, the new espresso tv channel regularly supports our fighters, exactly in this way. well, it is not the first time that you have been able to see how important it is to have a sufficient number of drones, so our collection together with the kholodny yar mechanized brigade concerns the actual collection of drones. soldiers of this brigade have been actively defending ukraine since 2014 in the hottest directions, it was the battle for donetsk airport and ilovaisk. for sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast, soledar and bahmud, in short, they have visited many areas
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and had combat operations there, and currently defenders need kamikaze drones and in sufficient numbers, they can stop almost any attack in minutes, and we know very well that when there are many drones, then there is a greater chance to save human lives life, and human life is the most important thing, so please be kind, join our meeting and by chance we thank you sincerely for all... the previous meetings, which we could close with your joint efforts, well, in principle, if you want to get more and broader information about our meetings, you can also see it on our website in the espresso volunteers tab, and actually there is information about closed and current meetings, so familiarize yourself and join the meeting that you consider necessary. well, the amount is psychologically difficult, uah 5 million, yes, but on the other hand , we understand that the soldiers need, well, we need to help our military, so close. if not, then dear viewers, if you have the opportunity, then a couple of hryvnias, then transfer it,
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there is a qr-code, there are card numbers, well, we will now to involve ivan kyrychevskyi, military expert of defense express. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan. glory, have a good day. well, as the classics said, i will briefly report the message of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, general zaluzhnyi. so, the air force set a record for shooting down daggers, 10. ten kh-47 m2 dagger aeroballistic missiles with the patriot air defense system. this is a record. if the missiles hit the targets, the consequences would be catastrophic. well, the key story is how much we still have left in the fire extinguishers. accordingly, ammunition. that is, whether or not problems with our overseas friends with the supply of suitable ammunition? well, in general, yes. the key story is that our anti-aircraft forces worked. system, our air defense system is actually against daggers , the key story, yes, because there could really be
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catastrophic consequences, so mr. ivan, everything from this case, well, if everything is from this case, to be honest, in principle, i don’t understand where they are fighting from sentiments that our anti-aircraft missiles may, in principle, run out earlier than those of the rashists, since the rashists have a significant stockpile of missiles, but who said that we had a stockpile of anti-aircraft missiles, if you take this narrow segment to shoot down the daggers from the petroyuets, it was not used there. on the one hand, the americans produce a relatively small number of 450 pieces per year with
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the prospect that they planned to increase it by 20 percent by 2024, but on the other hand, these pak-3 are rarely fired, we obviously have such an untouched stock of these missiles, which are protected precisely for ballistics and daggers, in fact, if these missiles were not there, we would have seen the result, in terms of ammunition for rockets, to anti-aircraft missile systems that will shoot down rockets. and cruise missiles , i.e. these calibers kh-101, kh555, well , let's not forget that on december 29 , the minister of defense of great britain immediately announced that we would be given several hundred anti-aircraft missiles to begin with, then he further detailed that two hundred of them - this is up to, as he said there, up to the f-35 and eurofighters, roughly speaking, the aim-120, which are for nothing, 200 missiles for nothing, it is somewhere now worth 2 billion dollars, this is what the british they gave us hot pursuit, canada said yesterday. about the fact that they supply us with nasams and rockets for them, and here is a nice nuance that there are no nasams in canada at all, that is, they
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managed to buy them somewhere in advance, understanding that the russians are preparing podlians for us for the winter, well , that is, we don’t have any here why feed on the attitude that our rockets will run out unexpectedly, so the russians fired a lot, more than ever, and at the same time they are still trying not just to hit critical infrastructure, but to exhaust our air defense, but let's not forget that if ... well, from the race, from whom will run out of missiles faster, they or we , well, to put it mildly, the result there is not determined in advance, by the way, just in case, in the footage we see a patriot with pak-2 missiles, which are not... the aerodynamic targets are just right there for the type for the massacre of the bryansk air defense forces and over the kherson region, the patches there are thin, that is , we should have plus or minus everything right there. mr. ivan, regarding today's attack, we know that in addition to daggers, the russians used kh-101, 555 and kh-55 air-launched missiles, and actually on your website
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defense ua there is information that the russians, those rockets. what the kha 101 were like today , it turns out, was done in the fourth quarter of the 23rd year, and that's not all, and that's not all, and it's actually about the fact that they really accumulated a certain missile potential, they worked to to accumulate a certain amount and catch up these days, i would like your expert opinion and a broader understanding for our viewers, what this means, it means that at a certain moment they still... used a critical number of missiles and this period of lull, which we had there in the fall, it was due to the fact that they clipped these the new missiles they are now using. that's right, this is exactly what was ordered, and plus this second parameter, which is, well, the second value of this parameter, that this missile was manufactured in the fourth quarter of 2023,
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means, after all, that this is the rate at which these missiles are able to do, it will still affect the interval of further shelling, here we can... recall how history developed last winter, when the russians launched strikes on our energy sector with intervals of even less than a week, they could even do several days between such strikes, but then after all, it was necessary to increase the interval, well, that is, going out there one strike every two weeks, plus there, literally speaking, there was also such an interesting detail that the tersians began not only to put serial numbers on their cruise missiles, they began to train there to write abra-kadabra, now i will explain what i mean. and you are fed, show us your wonderful cat, he hid somewhere, and he t, that is , he meows so much from under the table, that is, we thought that he was begging on his knees, well, okay, jokes jokes, continue, yes, sorry, what are the on the other hand, where would you go in this life without cats, so with your permission i will continue, regarding serial numbers, cats always poop, why
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talk about such things, but if it is about serial numbers, then the specificity lies in this, in all these rocket fragments, which we found there , the serial number usually started with either 263 or 315 digit, well, it hinted that it was there for a certain year, here the russians decided to simply hide these two numbers, two combinations of 315 and 263, in order to make it difficult for us in principle, and then how later, well, we succeeded to find out, that's what we see there the number nine, that's in the nine, if you subtract five or another number there and subtract five, that's where we get a quarter, that is, they started to write cunning serial numbers on the necklace in this way precisely in order to... it was difficult to understand the origin of these details, firstly, and secondly, to complicate the sanctions chains, that is, it all means that the russians are preparing for a long distance, because they will have to , well, such overtime regimes, make cruise missiles for a long time for long strikes on our infrastructure , it is necessary accordingly to prepare, we definitely need to prepare, and we understand that the competition
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is not easy, relatively speaking, whose military-industrial complex will work faster, relatively speaking, ukrainoza. western or russian, well, but, as they say, as they say, the classics, let’s wait, we’ll see, but an extremely positive signal arrived, literally an extremely positive signal from norway, yes, norway promised to sell necessary weapons to ukraine, that is, on the one hand, i don’t i know what the military-industrial complex of norway is, with on the other hand, maybe this is an extremely important signal, because it will allow us to deliver something extremely exotic and important. mr. ivan, what is the norwegian defense industry and, in general, what are the possible bonuses for us? but just there, the bonuses are in the air defense segment, because norway is in general, well, a co-producer of the same drones, well, that is, it turns out that just for this, in order to put it on ourselves, we had to first of all ask, even nervously, to put it on ourselves, we had to
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ask them for permission, that in the usa as a partner, now it turns out they can supply it to us directly, plus norway has another interesting missile. is called a navel strike missile, it is anti-ship in general, but it is made using stals technology, that is, so that it is almost invisible to radars, in terms of overall characteristics, and in terms of flight range , it is a little worse than neptune, but it is worse seen by enemy radars, plus some modifications with this navel strike missile, they can be for ground targets, and accordingly, if we suddenly wanted norway about these navel strike missiles, which we requested from them in april 2022, would be sold, then we would have another... missile arsenal, in addition to these stormshades and skalkovs , a third such girlfriend would appear, which would allow to strike on russian military facilities temporarily in the occupied crimea, especially since if the russians still have problems repelling... attacks with stormshadow scalpels, they may have even more problems with the missile missile strike, that is , it cannot be said that norway is such a big defense giant, but they make two such point products, which we really
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need, and the fact that norway decided to remove all these restrictions, but it only plays into our hands, because, well, in this case, as you nicely drew, there is a competition between our and the western military-industrial complex and the russian, here is a story about the removal of bureaucratic obstacles for the sale of norwegian weapons, it is also about acceleration. some of our processes, so that we beat the russians, so that we not only do not run out of missiles, but they accumulate faster than theirs. ugh. mr. ivan, what if we are talking about the results of the 23rd year and forecasts for this year year, what new weapons, new nomenclature, i mean, our state received last year and what is expected this year, and whether this nomenclature can really significantly affect the course of the war. indeed , our publication published such. an interesting course of parades, what is the most , well, the most in the field of weaponry, i would add that, first of all, the scalp of the stormshades, because, well, for the first time in history after 2006
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, when we disposed of tu bombers there 22 m3, then we have aviation long-range weapons that allow hit at a distance of more than 300 km, because after about that period we did not have the principle of armament for bombers, which would allow us to hit such deep targets, and that is where the takans was mentioned in our publication. well, this is a significant event from several vectors at once, well, because , firstly, after the skat missile armament was removed from us, we did not have missiles that would allow hitting at a range of more than 100 km, we would attack this barrier if removed, there are all the more, of course, prospects for where to move, because we received a basic version for 160 km, we would also like such a version of the devokobin for 300 km, but there are probably prospects for expansion, not to mention the fact that, after all, f16 well... the decision on planes, this is probably the most important decision for us on weapons that was made in 2023, because the decision to give us the f-16, it will be so long-lasting, the effect is calculated for several
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years, and accordingly, this is the biggest event on weapons in 2023 year mr. ivan, look, well, without rose-colored glasses and at the same time without inducing panic, we just wanted you warned our tv viewers, so we understand that there are some extremely exotic russian missiles, yes, well... general zaluzhny informed that 10 out of 10 daggers were shot down, this is a huge plus, but apart from that, we understand that the enemy still has enough different ballistic missiles , winged and the rest of that , that is, they raised more than a dozen fighters on the wing, and there is a fear that they will repeat the corresponding attacks on our cities, if we talk, well, about the average power, then they are able to release about 100 missiles, well and accordingly how long in will they become relevant resources? well, i think that, unfortunately, they have enough until spring, because unfortunately, we are in such
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a mess, when despite all the production indicators, they still have the same story. that they can fire up to 100 rockets in one volley from different carriers, and they still have a reserve, at least for two or three massed attacks, because, well, according to hasta 1, the number is approximately the same. his stock of calibers that could accumulate there at least 200, the russians hardly unpacked. we talk about daggers as an extremely dangerous missile, but there at least the air force can be proud of the number of missiles of this type shot down, and there are missiles that we have not yet managed to shoot down, this is the kh22, a fraction of the kh32, 32 is a repackaged kh22, only there, the electronics are more advanced, the fuel is more advanced, this missile can hit at a greater distance, well, it seems that it was the kh32 that flew there... on december 29, it was made a lot of trouble, that is, we must be ready that this campaign of strikes can turn out to be so much protracted, well, like the previous one, when they were on
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the power system, well, that is, at least until spring. finally, mr. ivan, briefly, how does it happen that the russian-iranian shaheds fly into the depths of our rear territories? well, because we still have air defense density, well , not as high as we would all like, but well... we will strengthen it, in a word. so. we thank you. ivan kyrychevskyi, a military expert of defense, was in touch with us. i 'll just add information from the spokesperson to this thread of air force yuriy ignat, and he actually warned ukrainians that russia may need four more days to prepare a new missile attack on ukraine after today's attack. and ignat asked whether russia would be able to repeat such a massive strike, because it was from the past. only four days have passed since such an attack, and this, despite the forecasts of western experts that such a massive strike cannot happen again, but ignat says that it still can, so we will listen
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to... the air alert and actually follow the official sources of air forces which in fact, they warn where exactly the rockets are flying and we try to at least observe the rule of two walls, well, in the best case, go to shelter. yes, well, now a short pause , after which we will continue to analyze the most important things, we will be contacted by a representative of the national security and defense council of ukraine, the acting head of the counter-disinformation center at the body of the same name. wait. there are 10% discounts on lactiale in psarynskyk pam and oskad pharmacies. attention, a good offer: order a smart light bulb at a special price at a promotional price of only 99 hryvnias. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, but we offer you a light bulb that
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two... hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, who have become similar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the tv channel's information day is going on, so what, we are now involving andriy shapovalov, acting head of the center for countering disinformation at the national security and defense council, to our marathon. glory
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to ukraine, mr. andriy. congratulations, glory to the heroes, colleagues. well, we would ask you now to analyze the main russian fakes of the past year, and in what way they will try to shake or shake our, our internal psychological situation. so? you have a word. well, actually, there were a lot of fakes, we recorded them during the last year there are 100 a day, or even more, they made them. i would here divide the grant-narratives and sub-narratives, by which these fakes can be classified in principle, and one of the main grant-narratives is that this is ukraine, it is a failed state, a non-existent country, and the second is about the fact that western aid is disappearing somewhere in ukraine steppe, including one of the subnarratives and superfakes there...


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