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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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defense glory to ukraine, mr. andrii, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, colleagues. well, we would like to ask you now to analyze the main russian fakes of the past year and in what way they will try to shake or shake our internal psychological situation. so. you have a word. well, actually, there were a lot of fakes. during the past year, we recorded 100 a day there. and even more they made them, i would here divide the grant-narratives and sub-narratives by which these fakes can be classified in principle, and one of the main grant-narratives that this is ukraine , that there is a failed state, a non-existent country, the second is about the fact that western aid is disappearing somewhere in the ukrainian steppes, including one of the sub-narratives and super-fakes there as part of this campaign, it is
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alleged that ukrainian weapons got to hamas , but this fake was refuted very quickly , and in principle, gur worked so masterfully that only the russians opened their mouths and immediately received an answer to all their black-eyed accusations, of course the topic that peace negotiations are one of the biggest topics, and... in principle, summing up the 23rd year , we can say that, namely, towards the end of the year , the narrative intensified that it was as if a collective event deliberately disrupted the peace negotiations between kyiv and moscow at the beginning of a full-scale invasion and now has to bear the blame responsibility, but look, well, this information was confirmed by some officials, in particular, when we talk about the so-called istanbul negotiations, on our part,
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look, there is a military trick, and there is a deliberate disruption of the agreement or operations, and therefore to sort out these ipso, i would recommend it already after ukraine celebrates the victory and already after that we can talk about some details and falsify the details of certain information operations, to discuss them live today is, first of all, incorrect, and secondly, if not ... it sounded like this is really playing into the hands of the kremlin , by the way, we are asked there about the tactics, techniques , procedures according to which we work, i can only say in general terms that we use software there, the best in the world on today we work according to nato standards in order to quickly exchange information with colleagues, and the russians are very afraid of this, because we have basically learned to shoot down their information attacks on the fly, moreover, we can...
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predict and plan where they will appear the next moment, and so in principle, how today with their morning missile attack, that they lost somewhere 20 missiles, and 72 did not reach, the same with their fakes and with their information attacks, they are doing a lot of things, but today there is no time to do they don't have any quality disinformation campaigns there that's enough, and that's why all this is easy enough to refute, it's easy enough to break even on the fly, mr. andriy, well, by the way, i can disagree with you about, for example, one situation that is not very easy to break this ipso, i will now explain to you what i am talking about, i will not advertise telegram channels, but i think you will guess where they actually distribute recommendations to botfarms, how they should actually promote a certain ideology and certain attitudes among ukrainians, and so on there is a psychological point here...
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we are talking about the fact that ukrainians should be pawned to give up, emotions that can devastate or leave without strength, it is enough to be in panic, fear, this, you know, phrase everything is lost and so on and so forth, but we have now to discuss the draft law on mobilization, and frankly speaking, this draft law is very scandalous, because many... norms, even, the obbutsman says, are such that they contradict the constitution, and in fact, the russians using these facaps, let's say, which emerge somewhere, they actually begin to interpret them, and many ukrainians really began to think that we have a dictatorship, us everything is prohibited and so on and the like , and we understand that the russians also know this, this cauldron only starts to grow lies,
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the question is, how can we actually be correct in this context, how can we not get caught up in all this, and and where, after all, is this border, you know, between righteous indignation and playing along. the enemy you see, the most effective way to maintain information hygiene during a full-scale war in ukraine is to trust official sources of information. we currently have a basically unprecedented history since february 2022, when public authorities are as open as possible, they are verified in social networks, they communicate very well. in principle, today we are an example of the communication of state power with its citizens, and as for the information you are talking about, and in order not to fall on the hook of such and such information terrorists, the only recommendation is not to trust anonymous
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sources, everything that today pours from conditionally anonymous sources, it all works, at any moment it can work for the russians, we do not know who is behind these channels, to whom they belong, in whose interests they work, that is, when you talk about a certain information channel that disperses specific information, you should understand that this channel was created specifically for this audience, for that information bubble, in which you are also, including professional journalists who are looking for professional information, but using information from anonymous sources is one thing to eat. there at the sink, you might eat something tasty, but most likely you will be full without need. as for the law. mr. andriy, delicious formulated look, i would just like to clarify what we can expect in the current new year, the 24th, which fakes will be the most active now, and in the next couple of months, what
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narratives will they try to sow? well, that we will freeze, that it is necessary, it is necessary to disrupt the mobilization, they will. given the situation with the conditional maidan 3 there, they will try to shake up internal political conflicts in order to go out, to bring people to the streets, but they do not understand one thing, that today the question of this war is the question of our lives, and any our internal political problems are problems that we have to solve already after the victory, because if we plunge into we will be with each other. clarify relations, then the enemy will take advantage of this and, for example, all efforts to kill us, so today there is no gray, today there is black and white, today there is absolute evil in the form of russia, which can migrate under western experts, under some
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advisers, under good people who advise us to go to peace talks by all means, that we need to take a breather, that ordinary people do not what... we are out of politics, this will all go on and on and on, but we have to understand that it is about the survival of our nation, and that is why i will be there, mr. andriy, this is just a counter question, don't you think it is right then somehow, well, they will ban such harmful social networks that openly sow certain misinformation, well, actually, is there any toolkit for this? bans are a good tool, but they are not a tool of a democratic society. as ukraine is today, even despite the war, we value such basic values ​​of the civilized world very much, such as, for example, freedom of speech, ah , as for bans, there are certain mechanisms and a center for countering disinformation, including blocking
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hostile resources, on which we see that blatant disinformation is being spread, we see that enmity is being incited, but this the procedure is quite complicated. it needs careful work, documentation of all this, so that in the future those who do it, who call for a genocidal -type war in ukraine, should be held responsible for it, as was the case in rwanda, when radio of a thousand hills escalated the situation to genocide, to such a mass murder, in principle, similar to what happened in ukraine in buch, but the informational hygiene that our people have acquired... since 2014, that immunity, conditional, informational, should not be underestimated, thank you , we have to, sir , mr. andriy, excuse me, please, we have to let you go, because we have to finish our broadcast, we hope we will be able to talk in our next
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smart crimea. crimea. well, to remind myself where, where our war with and all the other fighters should end, where, so that they don't forget. where we should end this war, not in donbas, not in melitopol, but in crimea. oleksiy, a native of crimea, has been serving as a volunteer for almost two years, but he was once a prisoner of the kremlin, he had to serve 7 years in russian colonies for the so-called sentsov case. oleksiy was detained by the russians in 2014 in simferopol. well, you realize that now here, in the presence of your acquaintances, you had...
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i kind of denied him, the denial of the very fact of statehood in that country was for them, well, although they understood that i was a foreign person in their midst, but mostly with respect and support, then i chatted for the first few days, yes, well, it was repeated i won't, i don't want to remember it, yes it was,
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then it wasn't, then it was mostly psychological - psychological pressure. tell me about how you were fired around the 21st year, well, how until recently you even doubted that you would be fired, because the administration constantly provoked, что krym ours, not ours there and so on, but they already had a law plus five at that moment, if you say that this is an occupation, something like that, well, when they left the state duma, i understood that... like to the border, only when we passed rostov did we go to the north, because there are two more centers there, one in the southeast, the other in the southwest, that is, until i saw that we were clearly going to the north, i couldn’t even believe that they were liberating, well, that is, but the feelings of liberation i didn't have it on the day of liberation, until we went to the north, i realized that this is already the border there
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the occupied part of the donbass, how... they were fun, especially these 300 m crossing the border, when the consuls had not yet arrived, and they had already gotten rid of me, you go, go up to our soldier, the border guard, show your passport, he says, and who what yes, i say , he was freed for 7 years, yes, good, well, let’s find out, 10 minutes , he says, come on, well, we have freed the police there, call them, then someone from their superiors got on the internet, says: oh, so you're like a hero there, he says, a crimean partisan, i say, well, yes, there was tea, coffee they were entertained, it felt like that, then the consuls had already arrived, all your real estate, everything, and it was seized, there is no way to return it, well , it was arrested, it was seized, but while everything is under occupation, you have an apartment there, a house in
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the village, an apartment in the city . well, my father's house in the village, an apartment in the city of materinskaya, well, i was registered there, the last place was in simferopol, you know, what with that housing now, so mostly not supportive relations, especially after twenty- four, it is very difficult for me to understand the parents who supported all this, even in the fourteenth their thinking, if before that we somehow communicated. well, now in principle we don’t communicate, i don’t understand such a thing on the paternal maternal line, noble roots, and my ancestors always perceived the word honor differently and loyalty, well, everyone probably has their own perception, some rest on it, some don’t, the memory of the family, that is, your parents are now in
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the stern, and you do not communicate at all, well, they tried, but i... do not get in touch, tell our viewers about these very interesting bracelets, scandinavian bracelets, military, this is a wolf bracelet, exclusively a military bracelet, silver, the symbol of one, from the inside of a wolf, handmade, and this bracelet has a slightly different history, when it is like an engagement, wedding bracelet, it is brass, because the second one was supposed to be silver, while it was lying in hospital in kyiv, puschevets, met a military doctor, a librarian, a paramedic. девушка второй she has such a bracelet, and in january i came at the beginning of january, gave it as a gift, and
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you know, for a month and a half, i don’t know, by the way, and lena, if she is alive and well, we will see each other again, maybe, tell us how everything was on february 24, interesting, okay? in the morning, i usually wake up at this time for work, well, at 7:00 a.m. the first thing i heard was some kind of banging, i had just been dozing like that for the last half hour, i think my brother was probably slamming the doors in the neighboring part of the house, i went to the kitchen, i made coffee, i looked at the window open, i think it's damn hot for someone in february, then i brewed coffee. i hear more women, i go out into the yard, i see smoke over the airfield, i think clearly, the arrival has begun, finished the coffee, went to work, got to work
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, took off the foreman, the foreman, today he says it's a day off, well, plus, before that i tried to join the armed forces on a contract for several months, but due to the lack of registration and a military card, a military card in i was stolen by facebook users, because... they were afraid of exchange, not exchange, then there was a retreat, for some reason, yes, well, i immediately went to the local headquarters of the tro, at 7 o'clock in the morning another reboot occurred for me, a lifetime of reboots, so are you went, yes, and what happened next, you were sent to zaporizhzhia, no, no, first assembly information, there is registration, then the whole day is busy. new arrivals, people, some stay , some leave, then they waited for weapons, the weapons were not brought, until 6:00, someone
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was armed, someone was not, uh, at 6:00 my friend, vlad, the commandant at that moment, hello, vlad, how are you doing there, if you see, eh, he said that you're going home, it will be 12, eh, a pick-up by byk everything else. they gave out four grenades, then we arrived at 12, and the headquarters was closed, a bunch of people were standing, everything was dark, we were like, what the hell, it’s not clear, i call the authorities, the authorities say, well damn, we left everyone has left, we have already moved to vasilievka, if you want to fight further on your own to vasilievka, it’s good that i warned you , because i was in uniform before and after, the first thing i bought myself... er, uniform when i arrived , i went to the military, because i don’t accept civilian clothes, here, boy, there are no civilian clothes except t-shirts in the military, it’s good that vlad
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warned, i’m just useless, because if i hadn’t warned, i would i would go to work the next day in a uniform, with patches it is supposed, there were tanks and infantry, well, it was full, it was surprising that all this reached melitopol so quickly, because the sensations were, well, chingar and so on, it is far away.
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still in magadan, the algys rune - protection, the ingus rune - rest and raido, the road, by the way, the feeling that i am in the road, well, i am in the road, since that time, constantly in the road, literally, figuratively, very strongly felt the influence of these things, the bushido hieroglyph, the warrior's way, literally, made, stylized in the form of a samurai image, a familiar one that... works manual work, that's it, well, it's difficult , of course, for someone to understand how scandinavian paganism is combined with japanese shinto, well
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, the warrior's path merges everywhere. some tasks, as he always told the command, replenishment, armament, alignment, then the unit will be able to perform any tasks, this also applies to the army of ukraine, our army, full armament, as required in connection with the tasks, replenishment, never in your platoon 15 people or less, naturally,
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of course, harmony. i see, based again on the fact that there is not enough patriotism in the army , there is not enough desire to fight, there is not enough normal weapons in the right quantity and the right quality for the south, the north, the art of war is such a thing that i advise everyone to understand, even if it is an edition, but a book they know how to publish. the only thing
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they know, probably, eh, not necessarily south, north, east, the art of war is to strike where the enemy does not expect it. simple principle: if you are destined to leave, then here he is, with a sword in his hand, this is the best the talisman, if you left, then you left with him, if you didn’t leave, well, the talisman is with you, well, it will whiten it, it will beautify, well, the habit of cold weapons is great, until the age of fourteen, i was engaged in military historical reconstruction for more than ten years, medieval tournaments , armor, well, in general, melee weapons, we have a special history with him, the gun is a little bit not mine, i had to use such a thing in battle once, unfortunately no, it doesn’t come close, but it often flies by them, well, not yet , but i would like to
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also, i dare you to... ask as a historian: do you see in what is currently happening with russia in the war in ukraine some analogy with what happened with russia, say, 100 years ago, and more than that, of course, russo-japanese war, they lost this war, and their state fell apart, afghanistan, they lost it, it fell apart, and they will also lose this war, there is only one difference, afghanistan and the russo-japanese war...
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17:00 in ukraine, until for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the largest combo attack in history. 99 air targets launched. air defense forces destroyed 72 missiles in ukraine this night, including 10 out of 10 kh-47 kinzhal air ballistic missiles, 59 out of 70 kh-101-kh-555 cruise missiles and three out of three caliber cruise missiles. this despite the fact that in the first wave of the attack, the defense forces shot down 35 shaheds.


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