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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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it is possible that many people are in a state of shock after being hit somewhere nearby, or a shock wave, the contusion can be maximal or minimal, and of course people somewhere do not control themselves, panic attacks begin, tachycardia begins, headaches, it can be different, again after all, somewhere someone's muscles are numb, he can't move, everything happens, there can be many conditions, how hard psychologists have to work, well, people of emergency psychology. let's say, in these situations, how many such appeals there are comes to the people, how much this need is today, well, are there enough people again for such an important work? well, to say, yes, a lot of psychologists work, you know the number of psychologists that are in our organization, then in my opinion it is not enough, but we already have so much, you know, experience, and they are all, they are clearly they see who needs help, and if we talk about...
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in the words of numbers, today they provided about, psychologists in the capital city provided about 100 people with help, psychological help, because it really sometimes happens that psychologists can already distinguish what a strong reaction to stress is, doctors are also involved in this case in our country, in the kyiv region we also had a few hits, several apartment buildings were damaged in our country, right there in the city of... cherry, and that 's it there, our psychologists provided close to, about 750 people turned to them, that is, it is a colossal amount of work carried out by the rescuers of the kyiv region. as for, for example, kharkiv oblast, they also provided assistance to about 20 people who were on site but continue to work. because i will say that the map suffers from shelling almost every day. and her kharkiv
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psychologists work almost without rest. thank you very much for your work, first of all for saving people, svitlana vodolaga , the spokeswoman for the state emergency service, was with us and we talked about everything that people are going through, what they have to deal with when the enemy fires missiles. today, five people died and 129 were injured. again, these advices given by ms. svitlana, in particular, apply to all of ukraine, in general, all of them. but still, we see that the mob is now concentrating its attacks on kyiv, there were checks in lviv, kharkiv, and the dnipro, of course, it is worth having some kind of tourniquet, well , again, any fragment of glass can cross a main artery , and there on the hip, say, and a person may simply not wait for help and that's all, that is, you still have to try to provide yourself as much as possible, maybe you won't need it, well, again , a bucket of water, a towel so that you can close your airway because i'm going to tell you
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yes, if i had such a situation: two floors, when there is thick smoke, you will not run two floors, you will run two floors and fall, well, that is, you will either suffocate, or, therefore , this, this, this, this, these are important things , and again , even when the rescuers are around, you can't wait, these are the things that we have to do ourselves, try to at least protect ourselves, our loved ones and relatives, thanks a lot to the state emergency service , thanks to all those people, who saved neighbors and friends today, went out, provided help, this is dignity, and this is actually very... very cool and again eternal honor and memory of our innocent ukrainians, citizens of ukraine, killed by the russian federation. i invite to the conversation serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, congratulations. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers. i have a few questions for you today, we have time to talk a little bit. first, a very good post by andriy kovalev, who writes that some of the planes that are hitting ukraine with missiles today are bodies such that in 1999, then the president.
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leonid kuchmy and the prime minister at the time valery postovoytenko, valery palych, if i am not mistaken, the tu-160 and tu-95 ms were handed over to russia, and part of the tut-22 bombers were also handed over, and could this have been prevented, what was the need for them then transfer at all? well, in fact, this story is really quite annoying, it is in the circumstances when the enemy is now using these planes to attack ukraine, then it was really signed in 1999. gas agreement, according to which artificially created debts for gas, ukraine transferred to the russians, it seems eight tu-160 and 3 tu-95, but in addition to this , 575 kh-55 cruise missiles were also transferred there, which are also used for attacks on ukraine, they are used there, in particular in the format of these simulators of combat units there , and in principle our air defense is forced
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to respond to... these missiles, then these bombers were transferred, it seems for 275 million dollars, which is interesting that at first this amount of gas debt was 640. then there were 400, then 275, that is, in fact, this debt, the value of these bombers decreased, decreased, in fact, they were handed over at a symbolic price, i think that what happened was the weakness of the current government of ukraine at the time, which decided to do this, and actually a trick, a trick on the part of the russian side, who used this situation to to get bombers, spare parts for them, and in the best condition. because the bombers that were transferred from ukraine had the shortest flight time, and they are still used in combat operations. where is yury, at least this one, yeltsin, boris nikolayevich, the fact that even putin was not there, he is in in 2000, he became the president, but there is
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one more question, today our colleague iryna koval talked about it on the air, and now i see in the top news channels that he is highlighted in red and black as such, russia is able to form troops for the offensive in these weeks in chernihiv. says the head of the chernihiv regional military administration, well , please clarify here that this can be formed, how threatening and risky it is, that the enemy is now on the approaches to chernihiv oblast? well, actually, i think that's a bit of an alarmist statement here, because what is taking place on the borders with ukraine, our side monitors it quite carefully, we know that on the territory of the kurdistan, bryansk, and belgorod regions, there are 19,000 personnel concentrated there, this number... does not change, but against the background of this number it is necessary to pay attention to what the ukrainian side is doing during this time, well, in particular serhiy nenaev, who is responsible for the defense against the enemy from this direction, said that relatively speaking, the construction
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of the first line of fortification has been carried out, now the second line of fortification is being built, laid about 500,000 anti-tank mines, as nayev said, during this time also 16... times, these fortifications were compacted, traps were created in order to blow up bridges there, and other roads there, if the enemy tries to advance to our territory there, and special detachments are being created, which are now, conditionally speaking, monitoring the actions of these drgs on the territory of the sumy and chernihiv regions, that is , in fact, these measures are related to fortification, fortification, they are taking place and they significantly, conditionally speaking... minimize risks from direction from the north, but we understand that in any case these measures are taking place, and it is very important that they be systematic, now we, as we are already doing the second line of defense in these areas, we will talk
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about the details of the associated with the enemy's missile attack, because today there was such a second mass attack by the enemy using the entire arsenal of missile attack weapons, starting from hypersonic kha-101 missiles and other samples, but about all this in a moment. so, tonight the enemy resorted to another long-range attack attacks on ukraine using almost the entire available arsenal, starting from shahed and ending. first sound, this was already the second such mass attack in the last 5 days. the russian attack this time was directed primarily at the largest cities, at kyiv and kharkiv, and to overcome the anti-aircraft defense, the enemy used such tactics of a concentrated
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attack. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhnyi reported that the russians launched 99 missiles of various types on tuesday, of which... 72 were shot down and 10 of 10 kinzhal air ballistic missiles, in my opinion, this is such a unique result. and about how we are currently investigating all these cases related to strikes on our territory, what conclusions we draw, what aspects should be taken into account, we will talk with our guest, and now we are joined by oleksandr ruvin, director of the kyiv scientific research... institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice of ukraine . mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening, i am also glad to see you. your institute is like that a certified institution that conducts examinations on recording, documenting,
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determining the amount of damage caused by russian aggression in various directions, and of course, i am sure and know that these are the two largest attacks and 20. december 9 and today until february 2, your experts worked , work on all cities where the enemy carried out strikes or where it fell. wreckage, is it possible to draw conclusions from these attacks, first of all, at this time, where the enemy was aiming, whether they were more energetic objects, whether they were industrial, or whether the enemy deliberately resorted to strikes on civilian areas, what are the first conclusions you have already received after the work of your experts? well, good evening once again, to the audience , first of all, i want to say that our specialists ... went to all the places where the enemy used all the means of destruction that
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were used on the 29th and today, directly, and i can say, on our first view, these were, first of all, attacks not on energy facilities, you can see it yourself, it was mainly industrial facilities, and we think that the world... known strikes on civilians areas, what species were used in the affected areas, well , these issues are being discussed here today all day, we are experts, we speak in a dry, dry language, where we directly have to say what happened, how it was, in what way, who used it, from where it flew, at the moment we have already collected almost all the evidence, time is conducting... research, and we hope that in the near future we will be able to, we will
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explain everything clearly to everyone and tell everyone, so we are already orienting ourselves, what has arrived, when and from which places it flew, sir alexander, but it was mentioned that the enemy used 10 daggers, is there any data on this dagger component of enemy attacks, is there already some debris found there, or? can you guess where the enemy was aiming with daggers? we can say that objects were found at almost all places where daggers were used, which clearly indicate that they were daggers, we know their distinguishing features, we can clearly say that, from where and when the parts were left, we already have all this , we inspected everything today, we also inspected it on the 29th, and we basically have... the whole picture is already assembled, we we can say where the daggers were used , in what way, well, where they flew from, we all
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know about the planes, eh, well, the wreckage is mostly of industrial objects, there are a lot of misses where they did not quite get where they were planned our enemy, but everything has been identified and we can say exactly where the dagger missiles were used directly. mr. oleksandr, are these samples of daggers or kha-101 missiles, these are new products, because, relatively speaking, today our agency, based on a certain photo there, concluded that actually it is about kha-101 missiles from the fourth quarter of last year, which indicates that these are new samples, but the enemy is trying to grind sulfur ones there as well. numbers and tries to confuse so that it is not possible to determine the time of manufacture of these missiles, do your conclusions
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confirm this time of manufacture and that these are all samples used by the enemy, the main thing is that they are of new manufacture, well , i can tell you that uh and 29 x-101 missiles were used already in the third and fourth quarters on the 1st and today. this year, last year year 2023, the 97th series of the specified missiles, mm , they are the newest, we already count like that , they have already left the assembly line, and they are already slightly in a new version, but uh, standard x101 missiles, but the third, fourth quarter in parts of which we found are clearly traced, and we can see it all, that is. they continue to produce them and they have new ones in
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service, but the old ones are apparently already finished, and were there any unusual elements in the structures or in the fragments of those samples that the enemy used, because relatively speaking, everyone there is talking about these black shaheds, which have some kind of spraying there, about hasto1 with some new blocks there, with heat traps, about kh-55 missiles without warheads, but remember... were there any new nuances in the remains those structures that your experts worked with during the results of the strikes on the 29th and today, well, one can say that there is a lot of new things, the black shahedis talk about it for a reason, the black shahedis really do, well, we have many cases , when they are simply painted, and simple gray ones painted with black paint, but there are also new ones, which we already understand, are already produced directly in russia, and they have a slightly different material, which is different
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from the ones from vidra, have different signs, designations. they start on the k side, er, also x55 rockets, today one was used, which did not explode, broke up, they are without warheads with simulators of nuclear ee stock, but er, as for the thermal traps directly, which everyone says are flying apart, we can say , that these are, well, a little heat traps, this dipole reflectors that appeared. already in the third-fourth quarter of 2023, which are used for the purpose of somehow introducing deception to our means of radio-electronic warfare, rails, er, means of defeating the specified missiles, that is, they are fired around them in such a rosy shape that
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glows, and they are intended for to deceive our friends. radio-electronic radars that precisely determine them, and this is new, which appeared only in the third and fourth quarters of the 23rd year in the kh101 missiles and in other missiles currently used by russia. mr. oleksandr, the general staff said today that the enemy attacked from the sea with kalibr cruise missiles, and there at night with ballistic missiles of the iskander m, s300, s-400 type. are there any facts confirming that this time, in particular, the enemy used s-400 strikes on kyiv and remnants of calibers in the wreckage that your experts worked on, are there calibers in kyiv, the kyiv region? er, well, i can tell you that er and on the 29th of december
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, the s400 missiles were used, that is... 48n6 er, this is the name of these missiles, yes they were used, there were a lot of them, today i can’t tell you anything about these facts, because in those cities where we were, they were directly collected, we didn’t find them, er, there were mostly x101, there were daggers er, well and we had some places, we are still checking, which we found others. remains, which we already have for the second time, it was on the 29th and today, we are still figuring out what it is, i think that the authorities of the pre-trial investigation, if we come to a conclusion, they themselves will tell about it, but i can tell you , that those rockets that were used in december s-400, they were also
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of the third and fourth quarter, new, new hulls, new missiles, i can say that this is how they are used and were used before, this 48 series, and these hulls were found by us, identified, we we can say for sure that boroch uses them. mr. oleksandr, i don't want to ask for details, but from your previous statement, can we assume that you have remnants, missiles, the detail of which is such that the enemy has not used it before for... for strikes on kiev, can such a conclusion be made? well, i think so, we have several cases, the use of which means of defeat, which were not used by the enemy until the last time, we cannot tell you exactly there yet, we are still checking in order not to mislead
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the first line of the body of the pre-trial investigation, the country's leadership, but we can say that we will pass... well, this is a very serious weapon that has not been used, maybe it is some new daggers, well, we think that it is something else, well, we will literally report it to the nearest at times, and the ultimate question is that it is important for experts to record at the place of the fall of debris and hits, so that later these data can be used as evidence for confirmation. of russian crimes to initiate criminal cases against officials of the army of the russian federation? we, we, first of all, fix all the places of arrivals. application, we record all the objects that we find at the places of explosions, landings, the specified means that are used, well, for example,
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x101 has never been, was never produced, and was never placed on the territory of ukraine, we can to say right away that it flew directly from russia, we determine where it flew from, on what course, well, all the parts, which... the composition of what it is made of for the purpose and the factory numbers for the purpose of later use in the courts of other different instances, which will to investigate and listen to these cases in order to clearly fix the places deciphered if there is possibilities, parts, i want to tell you, it is not, no, no, it is not a secret that in many
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means of defeat the course on which he flew is stored, all the places where he flew there, where he was turned there, not returned, and this will become precisely the object of justification and the foundation of our evidence in international courts for the purpose of punishment. the enemy and for the fact that he has such hostile consequences in our country. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for these extremely interesting and important details, for inclusion in our broadcast. and i will remind our viewers that it was oleksandr ruvin, director of the kyiv research institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice of ukraine. and then we will find out some military aspects related to enemy tactics and countermeasures. the enemy's missile barrage, which is obviously not the last in view of the established practice of missile terror, especially in the winter period, and we are in touch with ihor romanenko, a
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retired lieutenant general and at one time deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine and also the founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine. mr. general, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. take it, i congratulate you. considering your profession. and for preparation, i would like you to objectively assess what happened today in the airspace of our country, and how the enemy tried to break through the shield of our air defense, and what are the features of the enemy's attack and what is the difficulty of repelling such attacks by means air defense? in any case, if this blow wears. massed nature, that is, for a hundred, more than a hundred, the enemy uses means of striking, then it is large
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the number of these means leads to the fact that , in some cases, the anti -aircraft missile defense forces are technically and tactically incapable of being reworked if for... these purposes, and this is a principled position, and the enemy knows it, and that is why it has already assembled for the second time, having collected a large number of rockets, first of all, having the shahed available, he organizes this kind of air strike, and we saw that in the evening, the shahed were first used, the night time. these are black, dark shaheds, those who are already planning in the morning and during the day, you see, they paint it
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white, light, but actually, the majority was also destroyed, and then various types of missiles were used, and as for ballistics, we don't have many batteries with anti-missile capabilities. therefore, there is a peculiarity in this, and in this case they used 10 daggers, for example, it is almost as if hypersonic missiles launched by specialized fighters could be 31k, and then different types of other missiles, ballistic, such as x22.
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is still in the reserves, well, that is, it is quite a large number, but it differs , for example, from the massive strike on december 2nd from january 2nd, from december 29th in that on december 29th , a powerful mass strike was carried out by the means. were distributed over a larger number of objects, and there were military, infrastructure, civil and so on, and that is, the load on the forces of defense, anti-provincial defense, there were fewer on a separate object, they were concentrated in the second, well, there were also several, but but mainly focused on delivering blows, as they always do not forget
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the capital and kharkiv, kharkiv, and in connection with this , such a large number of missiles for mainly two objects, two targets, the clear number of means for one object increased significantly, and this made it difficult for our air and missile defense forces to perform their tasks , but despite asking how long. is allocated to the pre-loading of tam petrio tam sams or s-300 complexes in such massive attacks, does the enemy take into account this flaw in the air defense system, so that so many missiles fly so that we fire, and then not managed to reload, as a rule , anti-missile ones, if there are any, well , there were, for example, 10 daggers, such a number from the point of view
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of the presence of launchers... here the question of missiles on them in this direction arises, that is, they will work out such a number in one complex, and it would not be a problem, but they spread the point and were actually destroyed, that is , the question here is not so much, the question is, for example, from one air strike to deliver the next one, when... on this, depending on which, how powerful is planned the next strike, then it takes several days, there are four plus-minus, less power strike, less, more powerful, a larger number needs a structure that develops routes and enters this data, it is clear that more days, so from the point of view of recharge, if there are launchers, and most importantly missiles for them, there
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can be... there are installations, but there are not enough missiles, this is a problem, so let’s look at the latter, for example, from the americans, although other countries are helping, but there were supplies, well, it is clear that the artillery calibers are there, but there were precisely missiles for means of anti -aircraft defense, therefore, one launcher may be critical here, but on it, and then, if there are few launchers, and they are generally... determined by quantity, then the question that you correctly raise regarding reloading, it does not play a big role. mr. igor, thank you very much for these explanations for taking the time for our broadcast, and i would like to remind our viewers that it was igor romanenko, doctor of technical sciences, retired general, founder of the charitable fund we will close the sky of ukraine, where he explained how
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the . advanced air defense system for repelling a russian missile attack. these were the main military results of this difficult day, then more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's great broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you to serhiy zgorets, thank you to his guests, these were the military results of the day, the second hour of the great ether starts, there is a lot of interesting stuff ahead, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, we will have a professional guest with whom yuri will discuss important international topics, i will also talk today about economic the question, again, is not worth it to expect in the coming year, the news of culture comparison, the scandalous speech of the 95th quarter for the new year, who did he offend, which is already there?


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