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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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approximately 1 m in the western direction , the sensor was located in the city of anadziim. i would like to remind you that on the morning of january 1, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 on the richter scale occurred in japan, unfortunately, at least 55 people died as a result, dozens were injured, and this is bad. more about japan : a passenger plane of japan airlines caught fire at the tokyo airport, haneda international airport, after a collision with a coast guard plane. everyone who was on board the liner was evacuated, but in berehova's plane five crew members were killed. 379 passengers who were on board the passenger plane, as well as its crew members, were evacuated. the huge liner practically burned to the ground, huge clouds of smoke rose into the night sky. well, it's simple, simple.
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it's just kind of terrifying to look at these shots , especially for people like him, who don't really like, but frankly, are afraid to fly, and finally, as a result of a rocket falling in the voronitsa region, this is still russia, 11 people died, he reported the governor of one, reported one of russian telegram channels, according to preliminary data , an improved version of the kh101 missile fell in the village of petropavlivka in the voronezh region, which simply... got tired and did not reach ukraine. about the kremlin zmi, at first they claimed that the incident happened due to shelling from the armed forces, but the russian authorities admitted that the explosion was the fall of ammunition, as they called it, uncontrolled. local residents complain that an entire street has been destroyed, and dozens of houses have been damaged. most of these are uncontrollable irregular ammunition discharges. that's about it the streets are like that, do you remember the russian one...
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well, but on the other hand, how much the russian authorities don't even value their people, they said that no one died, they suffered at home, that is, in principle, those who died, they didn't even they call names, why do residents simply, simply live , yeltsin said to the population, russians, russians, well, that’s it, i have everything in the world column about ukraine, everything only for today, but not everything on our air, there will be more later , so do not wash. turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the universe is around movies, next, oh, whatever you need, megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports, there are discounts on... citramonnytsia 10% in
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travel pharmacies for you and savings. it is a good tradition, during the christmas holidays, to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website, mediap espresso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. cheers to good people! 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue, and now it's time to talk about money, but oleksandr morshchevka will not appear at the moment on the screen, it will be tomorrow, and today i will speak privately with
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ilya neskhodovsky, the head of the analytical direction of the ans network, and we will actually talk about what kind of money we have, what we can count on, how much we will earn, and what about russia's income, because it is actually important, what income does the country that decided to destroy us have, mr. ilya, i congratulate you, good evening, i am glad to see and hear, well , actually, quoting your post today on the social network, facebook, ukraine in the 23rd year received 58 in the same case , 42.5 billion dollars from international partners, this is the kind of money thanks to which we could basically get through this year, programs were financed, salaries, pensions were paid, maybe something was raised somewhere, i won’t say here, but actually it was possible and the prices didn’t rise that much, of course, whatever could grow, and many probably thought that it would always be like this, but here the 24th begins, what we have as of now and what... what we have
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right now, how long will it last us? right now we are having problems, we got the funds in the month of december, and it is mainly thanks to our international partners, i mean this… it was japan that allocated a significant grant that we received, which compensated for the lack of income that we should have received from the united states of america as a result of the political crisis that is happening, and at the moment we have certain problems for the next two months, that is, we, we have that resource in order to fully fulfill our obligations to state employees, and the government has resorted to certain steps. in particular, for example, this is a question of taxation of the income of the bank, banks, commercial banks, but these funds are provided only after the completion of the reporting period, as a result, it definitely does not fall into these two months, and to date, the government has also reduced vacancies in
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budget institutions, and this is due to the fact of reducing the premiums paid for the so-called called. the saving of the fund for the payment of the operation, it was directed to bonuses, by the way, i have certain questions about this, why it was not done, relatively speaking, from the first day, or not at all from the beginning of the war, and for two years officials received bonuses, the amount of course not very big, but still 8 billion, yes here we have for january-february, as a result there are not enough incomes, we now see that this is the result of the foreign exchange market, and for the month of december, from the 36.5 hryvnias that were at the beginning of december, it reached 37.9 at the end almost 38 hryvnias per dollar, and today by 20 kopecks, the hryvnia has weakened and reached 38.2, just a whiff, his statement to
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the ambassadors, or shall we say, to representatives of j7, is precisely aimed at the fact that they are now cannot clearly see that result due to which... they will live these 2 months, that is there is a dollar at 38 or something, and if we do not receive the promised from the european union and the promised from the united states of america in these two months, what can the dollar exchange rate be, well here again the dollar exchange rate can be different, we remember as a matter of fact, in one day it jumped from 8 hryvnias there to 30, and then went down to 12, to 13, well, i mean the 14th year, but i don’t know that... it didn’t particularly affect the purchasing power of citizens, and now, how much can the dollar grow, or will it be kept at the expense of gold and foreign reserves, and how important is it to hold it now? well, still, in 2014 , we had a devaluation first from eight
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to twelve, it was justified, reflecting the economic situation we had, and then we had it after the military invasion in august 2014, in september. led to a significant devaluation, that's when we actually had a jump to 26, 28, i.e. we reached 30 already in 2015, but at that time the national bank could not influence this situation due to the absence gold reserves, in fact, the previous government of yanukovych simply spoiled him, that is why he then went to moscow in order to borrow 3 billion. today we have the resources, we invest in foreign currency reserves somewhere around 40 billion dollars at the end of the year, and this is a significant amount that gives us the opportunity to receive, however, it is still an objective situation in connection with the decrease in income
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from our international partners leads to the fact that the pressure on the dollar on the hryvnia intensifies, what will be the exchange rate, and i think that from... in total, it will reach 39.5, but not more, that is, it is just a more or less objective course, based on our economic realities. further, the national bank has sufficient reserves both now and later, in order to restrain this rate, what should be done in the situation in order to pay salaries, pensions and everything else on time, by the way, i do not agree with the statement that declared time, individual officials, representatives of the cabinet of ministers, that they will save, there will not be an increase in pensions, which they promised there in in march of this year, that they , in particular, for example, will withhold the salaries of state employees, well, sorry, this is such a certain manipulation, we have other articles, these articles
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of state budget expenditures, they are protected, and you must implement them, and there are other articles that you can save on, besides this in... although the international monetary fund has a negative view of the issue, even it wrote in the memorandum: in case of critical situations, you can borrow for a short period. in order to level the situation, that is, with others words, he admits, therefore it is enough for the ministry of finance to enter the sphere of borrowing, in particular through the bonds of the domestic state loan and receive the necessary amount, which then, when our international partners approve the aid they promised, which will be enough to fulfill their obligations and return the funds to the national bank in a short period for... you know, while the fat will lose weight, the thin will die, there is such a saying, i am now
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talking about russia's income, so we have to hold on, we have very limited reserves, resources are very limited, but the situation in russia is like this, despite the fact that putin allocates 40% there, in my opinion, for the military, for the war for this year, and last year russia received 590 billion dollars in export revenue, well, remember , 58 received. for 45 of them, direct assistance from our partners is $590 billion of russia's export revenue, mainly from the sale of oil and gas. this is 160 billion dollars more than the average for the previous decade. well, actually, this is what mustafa nayem writes, he gives such an analysis, and here the question is how to tighten these faucets for russia now, because when russia will have money for the war, no matter how much they give us these tens of billions, there are hundreds of billions and it is clear that... well, this is just an objective reality, with which, i think, real
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sanctions are necessary , how can you pressure russia so that it also loses a little weight and lacks money for the war against ukraine? well, firstly, 590 billion, it was received in 2022, and why is the start of the war so big, and also the desire to blackmail the european union so that it does not help. to ukraine, and therefore limited the supply of gas, which then led to the fact that that the european union refused to buy russian gas, to a greater extent, then in this context it is still the result of the policy of russia, which led to such upheavals, the price of oil was more than 2022 more than 100 dollars per barrel of oil, they got on... boots, that's why the strike that was carried out in february, march 2022,
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it didn't work, because putin very quickly compensated for these losses due to the high price of oil and gas, which is partly there, but sold directly to territory, sold to europe and in the whole world, the situation in 2023, gas sales have fallen significantly. nevertheless , the main profit has always been brought by oil, despite the very successful start of 2023, european countries and the united states of america did not ensure strict compliance with the sanctions, which they led by limiting the price of $60. as a result, the price of russian oil reached for a long period of 80 dollars per barrel of oil, which gave them the opportunity to get from... a much larger amount, what is compared on average, then we must not forget that in 2020, to be precise, 2000, yes, in
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2020, when russia got into a fight with saudi arabia, and on top of that, we have 30 seconds, please, just to, i mean, this comparison is a little bit manipulative, prices were very low in 2020, there the price of oil was 30 dollars per barrel of oil, in order to hit russia as hard as possible, it is necessary to keep the price at... less than 50 dollars for at least six months, this will be a really powerful sanction that will provide an opportunity to receive funds for the war. thank you very much for joining, and thank you for your as always expert comments. ilyane skodovskyi, head of the analytical direction of the ans network, was in touch with us. well, i will now invite serhii rudenko to the conversation, which will be discussed in the verdict program, which starts at 8:00 p.m. sergey, please tell me, good evening. good evening, vasyl, let's talk about the last ones today. 5 days and two of the most massive strikes by the russian federation on the territory of ukraine, in particular on
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the ukrainian capital, as president zelensky says, over the course of 5 days, russia launched 500 missiles and drones across ukraine, mass strikes, mass strikes on peaceful cities. today we have military expert valery romanenko and diplomat-politician roman besmet will be guests. within an hour, we will find out all the details of the massive shelling, in particular on the capital and today's massive attack, i hope valeriy. mamanko will talk about how great russia's potential for shelling ukraine with missiles and drones still remains, and in particular, whether russia has already used all missile modifications to shell ukraine, and how long these massive shellings can be, when
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during these massive shellings use hundreds rockets, and with roman bezsmertny we will talk about putin's phobias and about the elections, because in three months in the russian federation there will be so-called elections of the so-called president of the russian federation vladimir putin, and of course putin is now trying to demonstrate to his voters first of all his determination in the fight against ukrainians and with what he considers neo-nazism, and understandably, he will be showing strength now. and force, which will obviously be liked by his voters, and of course the reaction of the west to these massive shellings is of interest, because the representatives of foreign countries, diplomats are in kyiv and just like kyivans, like ukrainians , suffer from these mass shellings, obviously they advise the leaders of their countries
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to provide more aid, more air defense, more weapons to ukraine, we will talk about all this, literally in 13 minutes at 20:00 the big verdict begins, vasyl's big evening of winter continues, vasyl, you have the word, thank you sergey, so don't miss the verdict program at 20:00, we are now moving on to the scandal, first the 95th quarter, which someone is watching, joked unsuccessfully , and in his performance, so it is let's call if the number sounded the phrase " siskadovsk, it's as if a russian-speaking ukrainian woman who wants to speak ukrainian was told that she is from skadovsk. the mayor of skadovsk, oleksandr yakovliv, commented on the offensive joke of the 95th quarter about the residents of the occupied russian city. i will not to say everything he said, he is the only thing that seems to me important, now, what is worth hearing , he said so, i hope that these people who
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joked like that will have the courage to apologize to the residents of skadovsk, who are now there. occupation, this is a city in the kherson region, which is now under occupation, it has been under occupation throughout the war, on the shores of the black sea, and those skidov residents who now live in skadovsk, who are outside the borders of skadovsk, i hope they will have the strength to apologize, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, and what is there under the water of this shameful scandal and shameful story , alina chechenina will tell, lina, good evening, please, i say hello to you, vasyl, i congratulate you, greetings to our viewers , i am absolutely not surprised on new year's eve. watched this very show of the 95th quarter and suspected that there would be some kind of scandal, about him in a second, well, in general, our actors of the comedy front, you know, i myself
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can’t stand when they say that, but there is also such a definition, and they and they... very often they began to get into scandals, probably because our society is more mature and begins to demand from them some kind of apology, apology, because this is not the first scandal in the last six months, even in the last few months. well, what about this number, it’s called the girl who speaks ukrainian poorly, and it’s about a girl really from skadovsk, who came to transcarpathia, and here she is sitting with her husband , talking like this and very much. does not speak well, well, the first thing i want to say is that when this number was announced, they said that the girl who came from the east, in fact, skadovsk is the south of ukraine, it is the kherson region, and here the authors still need to learn a little bit of geography , well, in general , we can watch it literally at the beginning of the number, when she says that she is from
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skadovsk, how she twists all the words, then we will talk in general. why do these jokes appear, now let's get these siskadov let's listen, were you born in ukraine? and yes, of course, but why didn't we communicate in ukrainian before that? well, what about that, well, me, well, because i'm from siskadov, i'm sorry, who? no one, and from where? is there such a city in khersonsk? there they somehow outwit the sitskys or there they laugh at small quibbles in the opinion of some of the main characters there, you can make them laugh too, these things
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can be called thongs there and it's funny, but i want to say that this is not the first time that such a story has happened with images when in the authors of humorous shows take people from some regions, and that's how, in their opinion, maybe so ... they joke themselves and oronize somehow, but it turns out that it offends everything, and maybe because these jokes are written on the basis of some fictions, and very on their knees, and in general the authors do not really think about what they write about, because if we even listen to this girl, yes, then she speaks absolutely not the way russian-speaking people who try to switch to ukrainian usually speak, there feel certain complications, they... haven't even studied some common mistakes that people make during this transition, it's just some random set of words in the opinion of the 95th quarter, funny,
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let's listen a little more, and i , you see, i the ukrainian language, well, at school, she growled, no-no, didn't growl, volchara, studied, studied, yes, that's why. a lot of words, words, words, words, words, words, i remember , i already noticed, well, in general, well , humor in general, it is created on the basis of some rules, the authors must first of all study there is some basis, and not to just invent all this like that, but let's listen to what mayor skadovsky said, he made a post on facebook and recorded a video, in which mention? gave words about his evils, which are worse than enemies, let's listen to him, probably the jokes about siyskyskadovsk seem
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very witty to some, but let's leave it to the conscience of the directors, i hope that they will have the strength to apologize to ukrainians, today skado is under occupation, and what he really needs is not mockery. support, i completely agree, well, i’ll just remind you, very recent scandals that took place somewhere around the same topic, the series the girl from kolomyia was released on tv channel tet, and there they showed a girl from kolomyia, the heroine, now we can see a photo, such a strange and completely atypical girl actually from kolomyia, she didn't speak the way a girl from kolomyia speaks, like people from kolomyia, she used the words kura greek. it is not clear why the authors thought that they speak like that in kolomyia, and kolomyia itself, they apparently did not even study what kind of city it is, because they showed it as a very, very crowded
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village, but in reality, kolomyia is a city with a population of 70,000, and then also after the people of kolomyia began to discuss all this in public, and the mayor of kolomyia also recorded an appeal, wrote in myself on facebook and demanded an apology from the tv channel, the tet tv channel, not them... they apologized , they said that, well, sorry, we didn't want to offend anyone, but somehow it turned out that way, you may have misunderstood everything, and quite recently, several weeks ago dieselshow got into a scandal because of their own skit about a family in the occupied territory, i think that all people whose relatives remained in the occupied territories understand what it is about, for example, here they showed that the husband, the head of the family, is absolutely free can cancel from a russian passport , says that i will not take it, although now in the occupied territories it can cost, unfortunately, people's lives if they refuse to take a russian passport, dessert shows have shown that, well, it can be done very easily, and
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therefore, accordingly, if people take a russian passport in the occupied territories, then they are almost some kind of collaborators, well , once again , the russian military has been shown to be fools. him , do not consider that these are some... people who got into their heads, shot some confetti, well, after a series of simply stormy criticism on twitter, especially, the authors of the diesel show, i am there , the actress and the editor-in-chief answered and answered from my point of view, it is very rude, they called all critics bots, and some even saw such threats in his message, that is, there is no apology, in general, i want to say in the end that our comedy shows... the authors of our comedy shows on television and of humorous series very often began to run into such scandals simply because before they obviously got away with it, now
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society will change. and just notices things like that and i think it will continue until they just stop. on this that's all, stay with espresso, look, the ukrainian stand-up, he is really funny and intellectual, took apart this scandal into parts, as they say, and here is marina danaryuk yermolayeva, another good colleague of mine, and she also cooperates with the espresso tv channel, with the website espresso, once we are together with her even in the frame.
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hello everyone, dear ukrainians, we will start our meeting today, of course, as always, with the weather forecast, but first let's look at the rather recent synoptic past, and we'll look at the results of the central... physical observatory named after borys sreznevsky, what december was like in kyiv. so, some statistics, not always romance. so, the average monthly air temperature in december in kyiv was 0.7 plus, which is 2.5° higher than the climatic norm. in the third decade of the capital, in the capital, in the capital, i'm sorry, six temperature records were set, and all in the direction of
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an increase. the coldest. in kyiv, it was december 7, when the minimum air temperature dropped to -9°, the warmest was december 20, when 10.5° of heat was observed. 609 fell mm, 65 mm, this is 138% of the climatic norm, that is , a little more than the norm. so we go further and now look at the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. tomorrow, as you will now see from the forecast chart, is sunny. the activity will be slightly increased, but, rather , the geomagnetic activity, i apologize, will be increased, but the fluctuations are not so significant, so we just observe, as we actually do it every day, well, we move on to the weather forecast, in this regard, from the forecast, regarding the weather forecast for the coming days between different there were real disputes about schemes and models, but we will go gradually, not look too far ahead and see what
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the weather will be like in the coming days. so, tomorrow, january 3 , rain and wet snow are expected in the western part of ukraine, the daytime air temperature will be quite high, so rain will probably prevail, because the temperature is expected to be +3-8°, it will be slightly lower in volyn and rivne oblast, in the north it will be cold, relatively normal, but nevertheless after such a long period of warmth, at night -3 -8°, at the extreme at midnight in some places up to -12 - 14, during the day -1 -7°, so of course sawdust will prevail in the form of snow and roads will become icy. in the east of ukraine, mostly wet snow is expected, the air temperature is -2-7 per day, it will be colder in the kharkiv region, and the warmest in the donetsk region, among the eastern regions. in the central part of ukraine there is rain and wet snow, because during the day the air temperature will reach 2-6 degrees of heat. it will freeze a little at night, so
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the precipitation phase is so mixed. in the southern part of ukraine, where it will be the warmest, plus 6 - +10° in crimea up to +11, the weather will prevail cloudy, sometimes light rain. well , the air temperature in kyiv is expected to be -5-7° in the coming night, 0.2° of frost tomorrow, and therefore the precipitation expected in the capital will be in the form of snow and on the roads, ice will appear, on... next is a very interesting forecast, despite the recent forecasts for cooling, the models have been changed , the forecast for warming has been updated, i.e. 4.5/6 will be quite warm, the nearest cooling is predicted according to previous forecasts, i emphasize from january 8, well, further, serhiy rudenko, verdict program, let's watch together
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good evening, we are from...


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