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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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the warmest +6 +10° in the crimea up to +11 the weather will be cloudy, in some places a little rain, and in kyiv the next night the air temperature is expected to be -5 -7°, tomorrow afternoon 0.2° of frost and therefore precipitation, which is expected in the capital in in the form of snow and on the roads will be restored, ice will appear , the forecast is very interesting in the future, despite the recent forecasts for cooling, the models have changed the updated forecast for warming, that is, on the 4th-5th-6th it will be quite warm, the nearest cooling is expected, according to previous forecasts, i emphasize from 8 january, then serhiy rudenko , the verdict program, let's watch it together, good evening,
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. rocket terror continues, the enemy attacks civilians. infrastructure and historical monuments. putin's election against the backdrop of war and occupation. is the world ready to recognize the dictator as illegitimate? mobilization 2024 requires unpopular decisions on how to adapt the economy to the long-term war over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, aviation expert valery romanenko and flights.
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diplomat roman bezsmertny. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of the consequences of early morning mass shelling of the russian federation in kyiv on the morning of january 2. from the explosion, well , there was a very loud bang, and glass and glass fell on me, and i started to get out, but all the furniture was lying down and i climbed on the furniture, i reached the door, the door was jammed, i could not open it, so that the frame was knocked out, flew out, and i returned to the kitchen, and the grates flew out of the kitchen, the first floor, everything flew out, all the kitchen furniture was lying, i climbed over them and jumped, and when i came out, cars exploded and burned.
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everything happened in an instant, she pushed us all the way to the wall, glass fell, there was even glass and glass, there was glass everywhere, i looked and there was nothing there, that is, nothing in the apartment, well, there is nothing, well, all the doors were blown down, that is, well there is simply nothing there, fog, dust.
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friends, for those who are watching us live now on facebook and youtube, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about this, should ukraine transfer the war to the territory of the russian federation? yes, no, on youtube. voting is quite simple, now on the screens you see phone numbers that you can call and vote if you watch us, for example, on tv . so, if you believe that ukraine should transfer the war to the territory of the russian federation, 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of this program, we will summarize it.
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voting, well, we should have the first guest on the call now, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum valery romanenko. mr. valery, i congratulate you, thank you. joined our broadcast today, yes, good evening, good evening, mr. valery, as zelensky said, over the past five days, russia has fired at least 500 missiles into ukraine and drones, two massive attacks on the capital on december 29 and in the morning of january 2, in the last two massive attacks, russia actively used dagger air ballistic missiles, can we... say that russia used everything they have that flies against ukraine, well, that is, except of course , nuclear warheads and nuclear weapons. no, you can't say that, russia still has the potential for at least three such
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massive attacks. well, if we count, then as of august, the russians had approximately, well , now i'm not even telling you approximately, but clearly. i will say, that means they have about 600 missiles there was an inviolable reserve, yes, after that the russians began to release their missiles, and at a rate of about 120 missiles per month, for four months they practically did not make any serious launches, so a few missiles once a week for a period of time, not more often, the expenses were minimal, the result was that the russians had more than a thousand missiles at the end of the year, well, a little, a little more than 1,000 missiles, in the last two raids, the russians spent 200, 200 missiles, clearly spent 200 missiles, that is, in they still have about 300 missiles to the untouched stock, this is information
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gur and yes, what they give us is just an analysis of this information, mr. valery, i meant by types and by'. fications , have they used everything, everything that flies, except for nuclear warheads, i will clarify, well, i am telling you, and you still want an analysis of the shaheds, well, i have, i mean, of the missiles, are they all the stocks , i did not ask whether they had taken away all the stocks, but whether all types of missiles had already been used in the shelling of ukraine, were they still like that, did they still have any missiles that had not yet arrived in ukraine? well, they are cooking more x50 missiles, this will be a reduced, cheaper version of the x101, simpler, more primitive, but so far there have been no facts of the use of these missile systems, well, not a single such missile has been seen yet, but the russians are
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also preparing several new types of shaheds, less powerful, than those currently in use and the x50 missile, but it will be a conventional cruise missile that is easy to shoot down. even artillery systems, if we talk about this potential that russia has, and compare it to what we can repel, what kind of attacks, what kind of attack, what do you say about the extreme, the last attack that was on kyiv, considering the number of kinzhal aeroballistic missiles used by russia, that is, 10 missiles, and i think that the total number... they now have 80 or 90 missiles left, that is, as far as the ratio of their potential corresponds now air defense, well at least the capital? well, i don’t know how many anti-missiles we have in the capital stocked against them, but
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anti-missiles are much cheaper, cheaper than ordinary anti-aircraft missiles, so i think that the russians will not release them in one times, they just don't have... there aren't enough carriers to release all this stock of daggers in a few days, because they need to be programmed, and in general, it's unrealistic to make a mass release, but the pace is so high they took, you see, they actually released 20% of all available daggers in two raids, well, but they do it, i understand, in order to still... understand what anti-aircraft potential ukraine has, because first we saw shaheds flying the same course, well, they flew after a certain time and the same trajectories were repeated, what do you say about their work, in terms of programming the flight of these missiles, because missiles are
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such heavy weapons and which bring much more, of course, alignments than shaheds. well, this time the rockets were launched with a very complex trajectory, they flew over almost half of the territory of ukraine, they entered from the sumy region, then went south to... the vsk region, well past myrhorod, so it could be assumed that they were going to this air base, this is a very famous airfield in myrhorod, yes, but they passed by and went further to kirovohrad region, then turned to vinnytsia, and from vinnytsia suddenly made a sharp turn to the north and went to zhytomyr, in zhytomyr another sharp turn of 90° and entered kyiv from the west, as once they hit lviv from the west, so... all this really needs to be programmed for a long time and they expected that
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our anti-aircraft defense would be much less dense in the west, let's say that there would be gaps and their missiles would reach the city, but as you can see , their hopes and expectations were not realized. sir valery, volodymyr zelensky assured that russia will answer for every life taken, head of state... condolences to the families of the ukrainians who died, let's listen to what the president of ukraine said. i thank the employees of the state emergency service of ukraine, policemen, doctors, everyone who helps people. our air force, anti-aircraft guns, mobile fire groups. thank you, guys, thank you to everyone who helps, patriots, aris, nasomsy, each such system has already saved at least hundreds of lives. mr. valery, we ask our viewers about whether ukraine should transfer the war to
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the territory of the russian federation. well, obviously, we are talking about the expansion of ukraine's capabilities to launch strikes on the territory of the russian federation against military targets. how do you assess such opportunities now, to what extent do we have such opportunities , and how can we take advantage of these opportunities if our western partners nevertheless allow us to use their weapons for military purposes located on the territory of russia? we can consider 250 kilometers, no further, even if we got the storm shadow missiles, this is now our longest-range weapon, but closer than 50 km, even to launch these missiles, we will not be able to approach the line of battle. because russian fighter jets and russian s-400 systems are waiting there, and
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in order to avoid losses, it will be necessary to launch from a certain distance, but then at least two airfields of russian bombers will come under attack, that means baltimore , voronezh and morozovsk, that’s where we we can already coat these su-34s, a few more airfields. they are already under our strikes , but with miller, for example, yes, but we can still manage to strike the airfields of attack aircraft, and this is where this shakhtarsk, primorsky, primorsky-akhtarsk, from where we are being fired at , in addition to attack aircraft, they take off there , they also launch shaheds, well , we can cover these airfields, and in general, in general, if we were allowed to launch at least attacks on russia, atacoms, missiles, that is the loss of russians
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, and yes, to things, you also need to get normal attacks, because the ones we have now received, they are with cluster warheads, they are not suitable for causing serious damage to aviation equipment, but we need more advanced models that have been produced since 2003, and in which the united states has enough of these systems. so, if we get this, we will have long arms of high-precision and rapid defeat, because, with the drones that we release, they will not be able to quickly react to the approach of the russian, for example, an anti-aircraft launcher and launch missiles, or to the approach of iskander, employment missile launch and departure positions, it is necessary to react very quickly, if we had attack systems with... well, it is enough and permission to use them, then these installations could be
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destroyed as they say at the launch sites, even before the launch, destroy all these russian iskanders, unfortunately, we do not have permission to use high-precision western weapons yet. mr. valery, to what extent is it possible to restore the missile programs that have always been in ukraine, and missile technologies and production. missiles of its own production in order to use them for strikes on the territory russian federation. there was already information that we converted neptune from... an anti-ship option at a range of 280 km to a land-based one with a guidance system similar to storm shadow, that is, not a satellite one, in which it is easy to put obstacles, but such a system that photographs the surface under it and no, it cannot be obstructed, physically it cannot
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be obstructed, and the range reaches 400 km, if we succeed in setting up these systems, then... we can shoot at 400 km even without the permission of our allies, and if they we just have our missile and their navigation system is the same as on storm shadow, yes, we wouldn’t even need permission from them, we are 400 km away, well, 300 there, three, 350 km away, taking into account the fact that the launch is not from the front line, yes we could cover. russian, and these are the majority of russian military airfields, first of all, in addition, several important defense enterprises, where it is necessary not to make holes in the roof, but to collapse the entire ceiling, just like they do to us, yes, then in this case , if we had a real production cooperation, let it be we would even, that means, pay crazy
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money there for the supply of components, for example, navigation. but the systems are there for what i said, so some others of the same charge, so that we do not produce it from the very beginning, ours would be at least a shell, that is our shell, our body of a media country and no international agreements, at the same time we do not we are violating, in the same way it would be possible to produce more advanced drones with a long range, or copy the same shachet, because what is being produced in our country so far is... well, let's put it this way, still far from the real ukrainian shahed. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, thank you for the conversation, it was valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. friends, we are working live, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us there now, please be
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sure to like this video so that it can trend on youtube and facebook. and besides... take part in our survey, today we ask you about this, should ukraine transfer the war to the territory of the russian federation? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, vote yes or no, or leave a comment under the video. if you 're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. yes, 0800-211381, no - 0800 211382. next, we have a politician on the phone. ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the republic of belarus in 2010-11 roman bezsmertny, mr. roman, thank you for being with us today. good evening. greetings , mr. roman. ukraine survived the second a massive strike in the last 5 days, and
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the capital and other cities of ukraine, kharkiv, dnipro, odesa, are recovering from this strike. what the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba wrote today about the reaction, as a reaction after another massive attack, he writes that putin is intensifying terror against ukraine. today was already the second massive missile strike in just four days, civilian infrastructure was damaged, and there were wounded and dead, including children. we expect all states to strongly condemn the attack and take decisive action. here are five steps you can take right now. first: accelerate the provision of additional air defense systems and ammunition to ukraine. the second is to provide ukraine with combat drones of all types. provide ukraine with long- range missiles of 300 km plus. the fourth is to approve the use of frozen russian assets
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to aid ukraine and the fifth is to isolate russian diplomats in their respective capitals and international organizations. mr. roman, what do you think, how, how should the world react to these strikes, because the first massive strike, which took place on december 29, immediately caused a reaction from joseph biden, who said that it is necessary to speed up the provision of weapons and financial assistance to ukraine, whether the reaction of our western partners these days was sufficient, and whether this is what he posted on his twitter. uh, is it in the x network, as it is now called, dmytro kuleba, or can it be implemented at all within a short period, and these are two processes. forecasts and proposals for 2024 and the situation that arose after two massive bombings, if they overlapped
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secondly, few people now distinguish between quantitative and qualitative parameters. the first thing to understand is that the year 2024 is the year of a completely different qualitative aid, orders of magnitude more technological in... higher aid, including the topic voiced by the next minister, which concerns the transfer to ukraine of almost 380 billion dollars of frozen russian assets abroad, actually for me it is clear that this massive attack that took place is a reaction to the list. e-e proposals for assistance to ukraine in 2024 and changes in the tactics and strategy of waging war, a
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let's say this, by the democratic civilized world against russia and the clear determination that ukraine must and will win this war, and these unambiguous things, they... beginning of 2024. actually, what the minister announced is what is currently being worked on, and especially things are being worked on that relate to new approaches to help with weapons, ammunition, equipment, etc. from solving issues of physical protection of the military to new installations that concern and air defense systems and missiles with a range of 300+ missile
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complexes, this is what is being discussed, and this is what nato, european countries and the united states of america are working on now. the second thing, which... was actually accelerated by the statements of joseph biden and the activity of european politicians, is about the transfer to ukraine of these 380 billion russian preserved, frozen capital, assets, first of all, these are funds that are in the bank accounts of european and united states of america banks and so on, the appropriate forms are currently being developed. and the third the direction of this work is actually political and diplomatic steps, which relate to, first, paralyzing the channels through which
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russia currently circumvents sanctions, and we are talking about economic steps, we are talking about clarifying the sanctions policy, and the second is about diplomatic restrictions, because due to... the gap that arose in diplomatic work between european countries and the united states, on the one hand, and on the other, a number of countries in the indo-pacific region and the middle east, and russia was able through saudi arabia and united arab the emirates in 2024 will hold a number of diplomatic... events that, well , let's say this, have affected the issue of the diplomatic duel in the international arena, so this is the second direction that concerns political
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activity that is currently being discussed, the third is that concerns the clarification of the sanctions policy and the clarification of packages 11, which have already been adopted, and 12, which are actually on the way out. the next question is about economic. policy, economic policy of aid to ukraine, and new approaches to economic policy in energy sector , in order to minimize russia's opportunities to increase budget revenues, especially in the energy sector, i emphasize this, and actually these two processes are now overlapping, and as i said, few people can distinguish between what is being done, tactics and the strategy of 2024, and what is a reaction, because here reflection is the least suitable for such situations that
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have happened now. because in order to respond to such things in a clearly thought-out and victorious finale, and it is necessary that what was planned for 2024 and within the framework of ramstein, and within the framework of nato and within the framework of the european union, and within the framework of assistance by the united states of america, was implemented. mr. roman, what happened today and what happened 5 days ago proves that. that putin is going to abank, that is, he has no other, other maneuvers left, and he has no other solution to the russian-ukrainian war, that is, he is going for the complete destruction of our infrastructure, he is going for the complete destruction of our cities, and if , let 's say, on the eastern and southern fronts they are advancing armies, then here they are trying to destroy shahed, rockets, various.
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weapons, hypersonic missiles, today 10 aero daggers, these missiles that flew in the direction of kyiv, which were shot down by anti-aircraft defense, as you think, that is, putin as a political card player, he is still counting on some game of cards, or he it's just eh... there is no other way out and just what he 's doing, about just such political gopnichestvo, which should lead him to some kind of negotiations or to some kind of conversation with someone, the fact is that this, i'll say it like this, a well-thought-out plan implemented by russia, or that what you just listed, it coincided with a whole series of information emissions that happened in the world, the content of which is reduced to
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the fact that in the winter of 2004 2004/5 putin will start attacking european states. this is a well-thought-out plan that shows that , firstly, it is not only about the destruction of ukraine as a state and ukrainians as a nation, it echoes the informational signals that went out in... in a number of european, world and american publications about that this moment of transition of power in the united states of america, putin will resort to attacking european countries, and he, as it were, launches a massive, massive attack on ukraine in confirmation of this. at the same time, those of you who deeply understand this topic know the economic forecasts for 2024 and
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beyond. especially in russia's rocket and space industrial complex, they look at these events as a step of desperation, why? because the things i said about, which are being considered and planned tactically and strategically for the 24th year by the united states, europe, and nato, they are, in principle, based on the indicators for the end of 2000. in the 24th year, they will even create a tactical advantage in quantitative indicators on the side of ukraine, from the point of view of even weapons, even ammunition, which since 2014 has been discussed as a deficit, and it is obvious that this step, in the opinion of many european and american politicians and analysts, indicates a step of desperation and an attempt, as if by force, to return
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the situation to the status quo before the appearance of the word victory in general rhetoric during president zelenskyi's visit to washington, because in fact this word, it has now radically affected many headquarters, i mean the political state headquarters of the countries the world and in the united states of america, in fact , such a coup took place, the essence of which is that many countries decided to go... to a drastic increase of actual force aid to ukraine, and therefore you can look at this moment in that way. here it is important that ukrainian diplomacy, that the ukrainian military-political leadership now provide clear information about what and how things are happening and what are the needs: on the one hand, defensive order, because winter is necessary...


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