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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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if the situation were to be returned to the status quo by force, before the word victory appeared in the rhetoric during president zelenskyi's visit to washington, because in fact this word, it has now radically affected many headquarters, i mean the political and state headquarters of the countries of the world and in the united states america, in fact, there was such a coup, the essence of which is that a... many countries decided to go for a drastic increase of actual force aid to ukraine, and that's why you can look at this moment that way. it is important here that ukrainian diplomacy, so that the ukrainian military-political leadership now gives clear information about what and how is happening and what are the needs from the one side of the defense order, because the winter must be... finished in such
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a way as to withstand this blow, and i cannot say quantitative indicators that europe and the states today are ready to close all problems, the fact is that their industrial potential simply does not allow it to be done at once, even the available number of weapons does not allow it to be done, but this, but the help that can come, it can significantly to improve the anti-missile defense systems of ukraine, so now... it very clearly depends on the military and political leadership how much the request for assistance will exactly meet the necessary needs, because as can be seen from the point of view, especially of the last four years, tactics and technological changes in the behavior of the enemy, they undergo correction all the time, therefore, it is necessary to always make a correction and understand how the enemy will behave tomorrow in order to realistically... approach
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the order, because there are some cases, let's not dwell on them, but they testify to well not at all, let's say, an understanding of how the enemy will act in this situation, so i emphasize that now the military-political leadership should keep this finger on the pulse and precisely indicate these pain points. mr. roman, you have already mentioned poland and europe and about their position in... in the current situation , today, after another massive missile attack on ukraine, poland announced that it was raising f-16 fighter jets into the sky. the operational command of the armed forces of poland said that to ensure the security of the polish airspace, two a pair of f-16 fighter jets and an allied fighter jet. we know that on december 29, when there was another massive attack on ukraine, one of
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the missiles, according to the poles' statement, flew into the territory of poland, russian missiles, and went 40 km into poland and then returned to the territory again of ukraine. in this situation, can nato, together with the ukrainian leadership, consider any options for helping the north atlantic alliance in a situation when, for example , they are shelling western ukraine, when the patriot systems are exactly on the border with ukraine, it is meant on the territory of poland, is it time to convene a council of ukraine and nato in order to activate the north atlantic alliance after all, but without the broad participation of the alliance, but to receive help from them, because these situations are repeated with missiles that are... .fly
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to the territory of poland, shaheds who fly to the territory of romania, and well, at least these countries definitely understand that sooner or later they may be under attack, just like us. mr. serhiy, here is one question for me, to which i do not know the answer, i am not ready for you at all to clearly define what actions can be taken here, i will say what is the problem, the fact is that the anti-missile system. defense of europe about syedges, it is in automatic mode, and the numbers that are now called are sufficient for the automatic activation of this system, and one problem arises for me, are some inaccurate figures called, or is a class of missiles called that is not subject to monitoring. by this system,
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because what has been announced to date actually says that the enemy has invaded the territory of a nato country. case. in the fact that nato regulations, in particular, when aviation takes to the sky, they have several modes, but the number, which is called 40 km in parallel, already obliges the entire class of weapons, including the anti-missile system, to work in automatic mode defense of sigis, therefore , without knowing the answer to this question, it is too early to talk about some... conclusions, but what must always be remembered is that, if the gun hangs on the stage, it will fire on the stage, it has already become clear and obvious , because flying on the territory of moldova, romania, poland, ah,
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whether shot down, wreckage, missiles, or drones, or the missiles themselves, it shows that... in this case, moscow and the moscow führer have no measure of what this is a prohibited territory for invasion, and this must be understood, including those in the nato apartment. in this case, are there grounds for convening the ukraine-nato council? well, excuse me, i'll say this, if he talks, then he can be summoned, and if he acts, then in this case there is enough of a threat to turn on the ... automatic systems that provided by nato regulations. against the backdrop of intensified, massive russian air attacks on the territory of ukraine, the head of the german bundestag defense committee, marie agnes stark
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zimmerman, again called on the fern government to approve the supply of german cruise missiles to ukraine, according to her, a commitment given by germany. supporting ukraine as much as necessary will become an empty sound if germany and its allies do not support kyiv much more strongly, this concerns the european coalition for the supply of f-16 fighter jets, which should gain momentum much faster - she said strack zimmerman, this is what the head of the committee of the german bundestag said, obviously for the germans, and they understand what it is all about. may end for europe, well, for germany as well. boris pistorius has repeatedly repeated publicly that in the 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th years, a war between russia and europe, well nato in this case, is possible. in your opinion, what can
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deter putin from such a war, or cannot, cannot his current... attacks be a demonstration that he is ready to go absolutely to the limit where he will simply be kicked in the teeth, all collectively, and as in option for missiles that fly into the territory of poland, or for debris that flies into the territory of romania, when, when this border will be, when nato will say: listen, it's enough to endure, because he will now... do the same thing that he makes the east and south of ukraine. mr. serhiy , here we need to answer two questions: firstly, whether today, in particular , germany can, to its detriment in matters
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of defense and security, continue to supply ukraine with the much-needed weapons, point by point, piece by piece yes, systemically no. the industrial complex does not work so powerfully that put into serial production all the necessary equipment and weapons for ukraine. and actually what defense minister pistorius says is very close to the truth, decisions have been made, there is a will for this, funds have been allocated, but the truth is to launch the entire complex, which especially concerns the system. air defense and anti-missile defense 3-5 years. as for the political position, it is even stronger in the german parliament. both chambers support the need for the strongest possible aid. it is no accident that germany
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doubled the aid, including financial aid ukraine. that is, in fact, there was a crime in germany, and this crime. also applies to the social democrats, cdu, csu, with the exception of the alternative for germany, which continues to play with the moscow führer, and here it is important that... that germany receives , including, technological support for starting production. let me give you this number: by the end of 2024 alone, rain metal will produce 700,000 units of 155- caliber ammunition. come on, let's not deceive each other and be honest. the concern, which, well, here... is one of the largest concerns in the world and launches the production of the corresponding
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ammunition in such volumes in just a year, and if we take complex equipment now, then we have to understand that in reality all these countries and the french and germans have a lot of problems, i am not saying that they are insurmountable, but they have quite a lot of problems, not only to start this production, but also to understand. the situation on the battlefield, remember, we started with talking about the leopard-3, we will receive the first modification, it is, well, let's say, the prototype and the opponent, well, of the soviet tank of 1972, so it is necessary to understand how today, the european industrial potential is ready and can serially deliver... similar equipment before release, and these conversations about
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the fact that the führer can attack europe, are they connected with what? europe is reaching the brink of running out of possible, potentially possible weapons for supply to ukraine, this is all former soviet equipment, and this is the equipment of the 70s and 80s of the nato countries, which is gradually being phased out of operation in the nato countries. this is what we need to talk about, therefore, these decisions, which related to the joint production of ukrainians and of poles, ukrainians and germans, ukrainians and french, it is not because of the desire of ukraine or paris, ukraine or berlin, it is because there is only one way to form, there is a tank union, a plane union. munitions association or whatever it is that they started to call them in fashion with different words, i just want
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us not to deceive ourselves, because you know, when they said a year and a half ago that there would be an f-16, well, there is no industrial potential to make them to the state , restore to such a state that they can rise to heaven in those necessary for ukraine's numbers, that's what we're talking about today and... and why europe is talking about the threat of an attack, because even today europe itself has problems with potential forces that can withstand massive attacks and the nature of the current war. behind this are the decisions made by national governments regarding the increase in defense orders and the construction of industrial facilities for the production of equipment, ammunition and weapons. mr. roman, do i understand correctly that europe has not seriously considered until 2022
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the possibility of a war against russia, and the current state of the military-industrial complex is related to this , or the war in ukraine, relatively speaking, digested much more weapons that they could oppose to russia, and now europe has this deficit somewhere ammunition and weapons in some way to... cover, to be precise, until the middle of 2023, this position remained only in the middle of 2023, it became obvious and clear that the conduct of the war in the parameters that are currently taking place in the russian- the ukrainian war, needs a radically different approach to the development of industrial potential, this is the first, and the second, mr. sergiu, because we will be caught and they will start beating us. the problem is that the technological leap, which
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the chief of the general staff and the former chairman of the committee of the chiefs of staff of the united states of america says, because they simultaneously announced it in march of last year. he can change the situation, radically change it. and we are talking about completely different technologies. approaches from completely different weapons, and in fact, to date, this is where the challenge lies today, including the union called ramstein, because... it is not just about reacting to russian attacks with the same massive iron and weapons, it is about raising the technological level, about a technological leap and the use of modern weapons, which can paralyze those quantitative mass indicators within which
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the russian armed machine operates. mr. roman, russian dictator vladimir putin promised the participants of the so-called svo, new strikes on ukraine after the attack on belgorod. let's listen to what putin said. we hit with high precision weapons, in the cities, where they make decisions about the places of concentration of military personnel and mercenaries.
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they want to intimidate us and create some kind of insecurity in our country, but we, on our part, will increase the strikes that i mentioned. well, it is quite logical to ask mr. roman, can ukraine increase its attacks on military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, and what do we need for this? let's go back to... belgorod, because for many this question is stuck in the throat, and it is incomprehensible to many people, yes, first of all, was it a ukrainian targeted attack on the civilian population, no, no, and today it has been said dozens of times about what
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actually happened, how it happened and so on, and here it is very important to clearly take a position ukrainian... army, ukrainian armed forces, defense forces, do not fire on the civilian population. secondly, putin is lying, lying, because he understands very well that he has no other way out, because he is lying about the fact that they are hitting military facilities, military facilities, and secondly, in why is he lying, in the fact that these russian weapons are high-precision archery, they hit the sky with a finger, where... it hit, and the essence of these blows is to force both ukraine and the world to take certain actions , the essence of which is to sit down at the negotiating table, and in parallel, in parallel, pay attention, with these strikes, we have already drawn one parallel with you, the second is that
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a whole series was passed on the european world mass media... that about the fact that putin gives signals about negotiations, and it should be understood only in this way, was the same the tactics of the moscow führer have always remained the same, since 2014, hence , i said this once again, i have to say, i'm sorry, it is necessary not to reflect on it but to react, for this there must be appropriate, including verified points for... delivering strikes, not random strikes, precise strikes, starting from sabotage work, ending with missile strikes, regarding the transfer of strikes to the enemy's territory, it seemed to me that until two years ago this was closed,
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it is impossible to win a war by fighting only on one's own territory, and this is not only my statement, c this for today. day, most analysts, most experts agree, so whether brussels, washington, paris, or berlin or kyiv wants it or not, the war will be transferred to the territory of the enemy, otherwise, from all points of view, from the point of view of achieving victory, it will paralyzed, and any achievement of the border under such conditions, because with missile-space... strikes and highly developed missile-space forces, the front is not built linearly, it carries a territorial, all-territorial principle. basically, that's it it must be understood, from here it is obvious that the strikes must be carried out on the corresponding enemy objects, while observing
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as much as possible the norms of international law, i would ask everyone, please pay attention to what was written after what happened in belgorod, yarosh absolutely clearly, being a man and a politician and... both an authoritative public figure and a military man, he absolutely clearly stated: any war has laws, laws both unwritten and written, and whoever wants to he was respected in the world, has these laws and these rules to observe, the ukrainian army must do it and it does it, so here are all the false statements of the moscow führer, regarding their strikes on military objects there, and at the same time they are hitting residential... quarters, shops, schools, kindergartens in kindergartens, in hospitals, that is the truth of what the moscow führer is doing, and the second thing is that these rockets fly
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where, they are sent, and at the same time, even when fantasizing, they cannot imagine where they will fly to, everyone knows that. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you watch us on these platforms, please. please like this video, don't be stingy, i see we have more than 3 thousand people watching on youtube at the same time, please like this video to promote it in youtube trends. in addition, we also conduct voting on several platforms on youtube and on tv, if you are watching us on tv, you can vote in our poll using your smartphone. we are asking you about this today, whether you should ukraine to transfer the war to the territory of russia no 08021382 all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program
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we will sum up the results of this vote, on youtube we also conduct the same survey, everything is quite simple there, choose the option yes or no, or write your comments under this video. mr. roman, one more question about the future of vladimir putin and how he is... perceived in the world and in ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy gave an interview for the economist, he said that the west has lost its sense of urgency about the war in ukraine, and many ukrainians lost the sense of existential threat from russia. i will quote volodymyr zelenskyi. putin feels weak like an animal because he is an animal. he feels blood, he feels his power, and he will eat you for dinner with all your eus. nato , freedom and democracy, the most important profession that a ukrainian can do now is to be in ukraine, and for our western
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partners to be with ukraine, if you do not have the strength, then either get away or move aside, we will not back down. how do you, mr. roman, currently assess the capabilities of our western countries partners quickly. to dynamically change the situation, because these shellings, they require a quick reaction, quick decisions and, perhaps, much faster than it was planned for 2024? and mr. sergey, there should be a very short answer, and it sounds like this: they are doing everything they can do now, and they are doing it from the point of view of assessing the current situation, from the point of view of the perspective of how it... can develop, moreover, they act from the point of view of several possible options for development, which concerns, let's say, everyone specific case, they
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need to be discussed, it is necessary to talk about acceleration, work here, about a certain cooperation, about convening certain coordination actions and decisions, it is necessary to work on this, and no one here shies away from criticism. critics of the constructive proposal and so on , everyone has a job here, and i can say absolutely clearly that neither the european countries, in their overwhelming majority, nor the united states of america, have refused, will not refuse assistance to ukraine. another thing, i say again, any case, he requires no reflection, it requires a thoughtful response. war is... a very complex thing, and in it precisely, as in any business, it is impossible and inadmissible to reflect, these things
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require a reaction. a reaction that does not cause the unfolding of unpredictable enemy behavior, in this case it is necessary to clearly understand that the west is going along this road, including europe, that there is everything there and everything is needed, this is also true, because if we take there hungary, slovakia, part of croatia has its own things, germany, there there is everything, but a dominant position. today, especially after these two cases of mass attacks, is how to quickly provide all the necessary assistance to ukraine so that it can be protected. and as for the president's statements, yes, they have the right to exist, because he is in pain, he is responsible for the situation, he understands it very well, he does not hide from it, and it is good that he communicates openly. its
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partners, allies and friends of ukraine. at the very end of our program, mr. roman, i, as a historian, want to ask you about the strike on to the university dormitories, where stepan bandera once studied 100 years ago, and to the roman shukhevich museum in lviv, how do you assess the efforts of the russians, and... we are not only interested in our territory, but also our history, that is, it is not only about about bandera and not only about shukhevych, the most important thing is that we understand what is happening, the essence of this, so that we understand, is that the price of information, the price of us, our strength, our will and our spirit, it is connected with our history, with our tradition
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with our heroes, and during the war they do not beat only for weapons, not only for soldiers, they also attack our history, our stronghold, our leaders, those who inspire ukraine, those who created ukraine, because they fight alongside by us , and actually, this is what is happening, this is the payment for that in... including the fact that the overwhelming majority of ukrainian society went to hrushevskyi, to vinnichenko, to petlyura, to bandera, to shukhevych for so long, maybe someone does not remember, but i remember how after the bandera was awarded, the cancellation of the decree of the president of ukraine went to court, yes, it is not much, but it was, forgive me, but i remember,
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starting from 90, 190. 91, how it happened, and this road, which we walked for 30 years before these glorious names, for a long time, it became the consequence the fact that these surnames, these names, these premises , this history are now under attack, because she is fighting, she is fighting against the enemy just like all of us, and this must be understood, and this cannot be taken lightly, because it is one of '. arguments of this war. thank you, mr. roman , for the conversation, it was politician-diplomat roman bezsmertny. friends, we are on the air polls were conducted, you were asked whether ukraine should transfer the war to the territory of the russian federation. so, we will now look at the results of the survey on youtube, because on television we see not quite correct numbers. correct it, please, on youtube 94% - yes, 6% - no. unfortunately. the time of our program
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has come to an end, thank you all for your attention, goodbye, the biggest missile attack in the world, that's what today's attack on the ukrainian capital is called, can we say that the tactics of the russians are changing, let's try to understand today's edition of bbc ukraine, i'm olga polomaryuk. caliber iskander daggers kyiv was attacked with almost everything they had in their arsenal. in the russian aerospace forces. what was it, an act of revenge or the start of a winter shelling campaign? not a single peaceful night, russia has been shelling the territory of ukraine for days now. they hit kharkov, kropyvnytskyi, the most massive rocket attack fell on the capital. first, a russian woman.


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