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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm EET

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well, you have no idea, we are already after each , even now, after each showing, i talk to them, because the children want to talk, they don’t need to be shown to the cinema, well little ones, they watch and that’s it, they can’t stand even 80 minutes film, and now after gadgets , smart devices, they generally quickly, that's it, well , they don't perceive from imagination, it doesn't work anymore, here they are, even those who... well, fifth grade, sixth, seventh grade, they want communication, they want to talk to you, they ask such questions that you even fall down, for example, there is a child alone she asked me, well, after ivan, strength, but this story is a story, that's all, but you really have never lifted a barbell, and what is there to lift, like two sacks of wheat at the station.
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or there a boy came up to you, the last time, two weeks ago i was showing, they asked me to make a presentation of a book, come up, he says: why can't you make a children's film during the war? i am silent, the child sits in the first row, says: uncle vitya, why do you do so little for us? yesterday, yesterday i wrote down the answers in case the children asked me then i walk down the street and answer every child who asked. well, what kind of class is there, there are two seventh graders and one eighth grader, i answered them and one more question, why don't you make a children's film, you understand, i'm not against it, but you understand, and that's why i started doing it , and for the first film i had a grand - for the best scenario, don't touch the boy or what?
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why did you save me for so long, and for cherinalysya, for the best screenplay, i received the grand prix, the coronation of the word, for four years i could not knock out that movie, well, they fought for me, that they sabotaged ivan sila, this is separate, well , it was under yanukovych, but then , well, i can't... in four years, i won't make it through this movie, because i don't share, i see the money that was given to ivan sila, they were completely, they were, i didn’t steal a penny, well, we stole, you’re just going to fall, they gave us 2 million for ivan’s strength, and immediately they took 600,000, i’m telling you where and how they took it, for taxes, wait, i say, well, this is a state cinema, and it gives and takes away for taxes, so we no longer
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pay taxes not for contracts, not for actors, not for whom, don't pay anymore, that is , we gave everything, no, no, no, no, you still have to pay for it, that is, you understand, that was the way it was, then there was filipenko, he broke everything, and there is no such thing anymore, it didn't work out, it didn't work out, but when it was done, you found the money, you found everything, it was necessary, well, he, philip said, i can't give you everything, i can give you 40% for the film, i say, give 40 we will start while we work , we will find more, and while we were looking, bang, the quarantine has started, and i can’t do anything, everyone is wearing masks, i can’t go out and gather people to we can't film an actor in masks, you understand, you remember that it was such a fool, then that's it, the quarantine is over, that's it, and i find a partner, svittv, a national online cinema, that's it, they give the other half of the money, we agree, we agree, what else we will do. nine
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cartoons for the ministry of education asked to make cartoons for the school program, we managed to make one, laksii loskotutun church, i was the producer, well, i also found the money for this film, and they gave it to other programs, and everything was agreed and the war, the war, the war, i was supposed to start shooting on june 1, five months of preparation and shooting, and i have an opi, i am sitting like this, and i also forgot to say a very interesting thing when we were sitting in... what is this the copyright will be stolen, then we will have to go through the courts, and so he published the book, you have an international barcode, well, let’s sit, now the americans will take it, okay, they started writing a book, in parallel, i say, listen, we have another book, i made one for the americans scenario. but they
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started drinking my blood, you see, they wanted to take it away for free, and i did such crazy things i showed him the adventures of flint the parrot and that cherkassky was alive before the soviet union, he liked it very much, took it. based on his idea that this is treasure island, the same thing, but there are only animals there, and i took it as a basis, developed, completely made this scenario, looked at it until i said: okay, vityusha, this is great, we will do it, and then, do you remember, david is gone, and i say, listen, let's quickly make another book, i approached radna filipych sakhaltuyev, he is an artist, people's artist of ukraine, who worked as a stage designer in all danyd cherkaskyi's films. and i say: dear filipovich, can you draw me 20 pictures for a book i want to publish for children? vityusha says: "well, show me, i'll look at the script, whatever it is, for now , listen, i haven't read something like this for a long time, it's very cool, listen, let's make a comic , i say, wait, you'll make a comic, yes,
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and you understands, yes, i'm fine, it will be very funny, we'll make it funny, i say, okay, let's go, and we started, but quarantine." and we thought that i would do it quickly in six months, but it worked out in about two years, they made this book, and right before the war, we presented the book and presented it, you'll miss the time, it wasn't my idea either, they called me, they said, uh, how is the community of blind and partially sighted people in lviv children, it is headed by oksana potipko, she is a professor, a teacher there, there... she has many international medals there, and she says: "viktor, i want us to make cherennolysya for the children." and i say, i even signed up, when the book comes out, i will take it and rewrite it, why? i am from vordov the file immediately gave. and they worked for a long time, because you know that it was necessary, well, what i will
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tell you technically, the braille font, and you have to translate and see that it is in ukrainian and you have to get the signs, they did that for three months. braille, and then they printed it in about a month, did it, we got 120 books, because everything did not fit in one, four, we got four books, 30 copies of four books, because why 30, because that in ukraine before the war there were six boarding schools and 20 to 24 schools for the blind and partially sighted, that's why we had to distribute... all this, moreover, we even have drawings there, that is, they asked to make drawings, children who can't see, they say them, i want to see, he yes, i want to see, i want to read , they never say touch, they never say , viktor, can we look at you, come up and touch you like this with the handles completely to
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see how you look, and we made these drawings, me and me god, why do we make drawings then, let's do it right, no, no, it's weak. stars, they want to see, they can't see well, but they have to draw pictures, unlike us for the sighted, they have to do it a little differently, it's a different technology, so, you can't imagine, on february 24, 2022, i had two books , to give one copy to the braille house in kharkiv, and to give the other to the boarding school, and due to the fact that ruslan asenka broke her leg, i didn't have time, we were able to go and... and so i would on february 24 was in kharkiv, that is, and when we presented this book in kyiv, children came who read it and who told the journalists what they liked and didn't like, and i say it again, blind children read the book and told what they liked and didn't like about the film,
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that's the next stage, which i 've planned now, i can't get through there with a sukaf i went out all this, well, somehow i will try, i want to do it, they invited me too. they asked me to do the audio , that would be good, that is, well, this is the last idea that i am playing, listen viktor, what do you say to me, wait, wait, i'll be right away kolinka, i'll tell you right away, let's go quickly, because i well, i have a question from time to time, and what you say, i can answer your question, okay, come on, continue, continue, continue, quickly, now due to the fact that the war is on, i can't shoot a movie, i have to because of nalysya, it was not a film to shoot, but a film of animations. nothing, nothing, everything was interesting to everyone, believe me, you talk like that, you are really an orchestra person, and you do both audio, and video, and such, and braille for the visually impaired, and for such, for
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such, and you never some administrative position attracted you, because you know so much you can do so much, you should be a minister... well, knock it out and come to an agreement there, i see, you just radiate such energy, such energy for us at the state level, in our country we would have done everything tomorrow and defeated the katsaps, no need , bro, everyone should mind their own business, you understand, i say once again that there will be no copies, he took vakarchuk, ran to the deputies, dropped everything, went to do concerts, and already twice, you understand, that is, that is why i.. i don't want to follow his path, everyone, understand here, any minister or
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what, this is the manager, the manager, he has to , you know, the director of the bathhouse has to see that the faucets work, he doesn't have to wash, he has to see that the faucet works, you see, there are people who are, well, maybe a show for this, he can, not only, he is, not everyone steals, knee, i know, mykola, sorry, friend, sorry, er, the same, everyone. not everyone steals, i know a lot of people who do something for children, for example, this same oksana pimtka, she was the first to do it, i will sometimes say the wrong thing, well, but to make an audio transcription for every children's movie, which was made in ukraine, that is, she made the audio transcription herself in her studio, they gathered there, took an actor, a good guy, and did exactly that, you understand, that is, the person has a knack. to do, she helps a lot of children, but let such people be in charge of this, manage what i
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will be, i will understand, but tell me, where did you get such wisdom, because you just said a phrase that is very rare, very few people, because the person who gets in becomes popular, famous, you just called fame, it's just not his fault, such an atmosphere is created around. oh, why aren't you a deputy, oh, why aren't you the leader of the party, come on, and everyone pushes him there, he gets there, gets lost, turns back , you didn't even step on the threshold, you immediately said, where does this wisdom come from, that parents, where did you learn such and such an attitude to life, understand in advance that everyone should do their own thing, and not jump, if you write books well, then you are immediately the head of the union of writers of the ussr, if you publish books. look, the thing is, well, first of all, there was a great cartoon,
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when you don't say that you will become strong, you will meet a stronger one, it doesn't say that you will meet a wiser one, first of all, this is childhood, let's say, then , everyone has to do their own thing, you know, and secondly, when i was still studying at school or at the institute, i don't remember anymore, i liked one article, there a soviet journalist wanted to extract from the beat american, which... well, to have something for the newspaper, really something it was, he still doesn't work, it doesn't work, he asks him, the question, who are you, i'm an electrician, here you are after 40 years, i will have a business, open a shop, there is money there, and i will take money to the banks, well, if you were the director of this plant, he was so scared, he said, i am a very good electrician, i am a very good , i'm 40 years old, what are you doing, i 've been working, and i have a lot, but no, it's simple. if you were the electrical director of this plant, what would you do? i didn't, he couldn't
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break it in any way, he couldn't understand, then he asked him a brilliant question, how do you feel about bodgata? he said if the inheritance is there, then happiness, and if i earned it, well done, that's psychology, that's how i have it, i 'd rather do it, you understand, and go there, you understand, it's not mine. moreover, when i remember me, in germany they asked the question, if you were the president, what would you say about the law, i would want the artists not to go, not the artists, not the musicians, no one, no one , creative people should not be, the same for officials, because even remember bohdan selvestrovych zastupko, he suffered, he suffered so much when he was a minister, all who did so much, these monuments, these are his was closer to memory. to help the theater there, it was closer to him, you know, the minister
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of culture, yes, but tell me, when i read your biography, it says that you started acting at school, which teacher was important to you, who noticed this, i just remember, adam mykolaivna rogovtseva once told me, i say, what about you, how did you feel that you... could be an actress, he says: i read poems, i saw that at school i read with scenes, and everyone, everyone was silent, looked at me, and i realized that i could hold the audience, but ... you have, how did you decide that you are the way you are now, that you are there, was it at school or, i found, mykola, i understood, thank you, i found, where is mine, unworldly energy can be pushed somewhere , you know, when you come to the theater institute, for example, you have such chaos, a person-chaos, whatever i am, andrienko or vasya bendets,
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chaos, and then, all the teachers, four years ago. .. they help this chaos somehow , they take it in a mold, so that you know, so, so, so, so, you can manage your chaos somehow, so and when i came to the drama club when i was 10 years old, then after that i had to play the main role, and one day i played the main role in the play, and the next day i played episodes, an episodic role, a secondary role, so i had to work at once. 14 days, when you remember that in the soviet union, when it was the new year, there was a christmas tree for 14 days at a factory, at a factory there or in a district, when needed , children were brought there, and the children performed these performances together with adults santas, and we played this play, i liked it, you see, i understood that it was mine, and
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i even had a conflict situation when the parents ' meeting and i and my father... were sitting, and when i was asked whether it was the sixth grade or the seventh, i no longer remember, that's it they asked what do you want to be, i said, an artist, how did everyone start saying not a cosmonaut, not a communist, no, no, i don’t know, there a captain of submarines, and everyone started to laugh, and my father stood up, hit the table with his fist, said, so yes, this is his dream, let's not break his dream, and this is what father said, this is for me it was already, you know, my father also influenced me, if you have a dream, you go to the goal, why do you turn around, go all the way there as a theater director, well, that's why temptation, the theater director , a car, an office, this is a gemar, this gemar, i i tell you, i was offered to be , the americans offered, everyone gave
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me money to become the director of an animation studio, i refused, i refused, i said no problem... but come on, i can do something else, i will hire a person who knows how to count money , who knows how, a manager should be, you know, all the officials who are that managers should be, you know, if a person, okay, if he has the experience to work there, he worked there at the factory, for example, he was in charge of the workshop, then he rose and so on, then he knows what proiziz is. you know how to lead a thousand people , you understand how they live - to lead, and as a certain teacher, who, i remember, was a smart young girl, and she taught the first classes, and they used to communicate with her, she said: you know, viktor, how difficult it is for me, because i have 20 children, each of them has their own character, this should be shouted a little, a little, on the contrary, to say, come on, come on alone,
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alone, alone, that is, i am looking, a young girl who understands... how to work with children, you know, it was just a discovery for me , tell me, please, did you remember and i realized that we are going out for the new year here, you, well, you talk to your colleagues, this year, last year during the war there were so-called christmas trees, there was an invitation to actors or you don’t know, just curious, well, i wasn't invited. immediately it changed there, santa claus walked forward with his feet a great future, here, st. nicholas is still somehow not used to it, all they know, what they did, is that they had time to shoot the film st. nicholas and it was shown, as if the actors came and bowed and said that so and so and so, that's it i mean this in the cinema, and yes,
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well, just understand, our people will celebrate and... and st. nicholas, and the old new year, and the new new year, and orthodox christmas, and catholic festivities, well, it will be that i called, i say, come on, when i can come, i have to come there exactly, distribute books, there with to talk with the children, after the 13th, until the 13th , i will not gather the parents, that is, you understand, and now there is such chaos, everyone does not know when the gulbarites are, they celebrate at home in the evening, there is a new year... they celebrate something there, well, if you take vasyl bendas, for example, for the carpathian villages, then they go there clearly, they know the churches. but that's all, it's one story, and in the city people live in a bit of chaos, they don't know how we came from the village, should we do it like a city person, or
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should we do it differently, people, well, each to his own has a christmas tree nailed there something , something like that, well, just in case, you know, cross yourself, yes, i'm jewish, well, just in case, well, i... will the 24th year be happier than the 22nd and 23rd , what do you think, let's go, it all depends on people, if people think that everything will be fine, that we will win, that everything will be... light, everything will be fine, then people will think about it, then it is so and it will be, and if you think that it is bad, and something will happen, that is simple, do not ask, because they will give, and what will you do with it, you understand, so it is better to ask
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good, and with good you will always find what to do with it, if good falls on you, not just a bag of dollars on your head, but there will be, well, there are people to smile, some positive, to be , you understand, and i, but now we are going, well i will now go to germany for... they asked, they support , we need to collect for the medical, for this medical aid car for the boys there on the front, plus i will make presentations there, these are my ones there, there will be such maidans, well, in the german squares , we will hold, well , there is no maidan that is against the government, but we will just to be happy, they already hold there in the ukrainian house, there in wetford, in frankfurt, they hold some kind of fairs , you know, and for example... there they give my book for donations, give some donations, we will give you a book by viktor andrienko, you understand , that is, i was in estonia just now , there is still a festive mood,
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even if you understand, you think, people went to europe, oh, it’s great there, but they ran in, no, you know, it’s not very good for children there, because if they are small, they reorganized themselves, and you know, it's very difficult for those who have two worlds in your head, you see, they want to return to ukraine, but don't believe it... i'm telling you , there are many children who are already wounded from the war, psychologically wounded, you see, i won't tell you the details, they still hear the scooter and let's hide and that's it , but no , it's not a rocket, no, no, no, i know, i know, i know , that is, there are those, and there are those who can't even say their name, i once talked to them, so right there, and i thought that the same thought, well, the children are already fine. they are abroad, we think so, but they are not doing so well, and it is even more difficult for adults, and you know how our ukrainians differ from those who come there, they come and first
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of all they want to find a job, yes, yes, they give allowances, but they want to find a job, you know, they want some kind of job, and they don’t even they understand that if you start working, you start as a taxpayer, so you immediately lose this help, but they don't understand, well, you have to work somewhere, you don't have to sit around all day, you have to do something, do you understand? this is ukrainian luck, this is something that sits in us, that we, do you remember in chekhov, chekhov had a story, i don't i remember whether it was in his letters that he came somewhere in the depths of siberia, he came to look at the huts, such people were standing there with their eyes bent, such men were walking around, and one hut was painted with a beatle and that some flowers were planted there, then he said something like that and what is that and this hohol planted on yes it is true this. the truth is, i would have seen it myself and i was born with the same answer, i once took a taxi from moscow along the golden ring,
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and there was a muscovite, and there were such houses, there are no such fences, such houses, and then i look to a bad house, not like a toilet, you know, in dachas, we have such houses there, like toilets in dachas, i say, i say, and what is this, is that the first secretary of the raikom, and no.
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goodbye, everything, thank you very much, thank you very much, there are discounts on amicitron, 20% in the pharmacies of plantain, pam and oskad, there are discounts on lactium. 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zimaim, let's get started. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. many important topics are discussed with you today let's discuss two hours to learn about the war. now we will
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talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us. and how the world lives, now about what has happened in the world , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during of war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as distinguished guests. studio andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast, vasyl zyma. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live attacks
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kamikaze drones political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoborlai openly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. on the air from washington, the program of the ukrainian service of the voice of america chas time, i am yuliya yarmolenko, congratulations. the prime minister of great britain rishi sunaki and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy discussed the next massive russian air attack on the ukrainian cities of kyiv and kharkiv, as a result of which five people died and 130 more were injured wound. ukrainian air defenses shot down 72 of... 99
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missiles launched by russia, including 10 daggers. according to a statement from the british prime minister's office, the leaders discussed the successes of the ukrainian air defense forces, enhanced, in particular , by the systems provided by great britain. rishi sunok informed volodymyr zelenskyi about london's current work in providing military and diplomatic support to kyiv and promised to continue unwavering support for ukraine. according to reports from the office of the ukrainian president, the special emphasis of the conversation was on further strengthening of long-range air defense capabilities of the armed forces. the joint work of great britain and the united states in support of ukraine was also discussed today by the chief diplomats of these countries, david cameron and antony blinken. act now and provide ukraine with more air defense systems, the presidents of lithuania and latvia urged the world. and the prime minister of estonia, kaia kalas, believes in the victory of ukraine and isolates russia. how american experts comment on the latest events and what actions they expect from the event.


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