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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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e by companies, that is, how much of these 400 million have we mastered? well, today we have already mastered about 300, and again it is there at various stages , procurements have taken place somewhere there, procurements are in the process of procurement, but it is drawn up, we allocated the public and private sectors, we understood that if it is a generation facility , it belongs to a private company, but it is critically important for the power system, we also helped through the fund . that is, it seems to me that this unity is the basis of victory. absolutely agree with you. and all the same about money, that's if take into account that, for example, 300, i will say very roughly now, we have mastered 300 million, well , in fact, the rough math remains 100, plus there will probably be new contributions, but how much of these funds will be enough to significantly increase generation, i do not know i understand very clearly. on the cost of such
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equipment, but i want to understand to what extent this process will be operational, that is , will we be able to quickly increase this power with this money that is left, plus we cannot rule out new strikes? look, it's, it's not the amount of money that's going to help you to quickly reform or increase, and it is definitely in question and huge funds are received, including credit. and loans are constantly being raised by various companies, including ukrenergo, ukrhydroenergo, both for restoration and reconstruction, that's why 400 million in the energy sector are not critical funds at all, well, let's put it this way, because if we're talking about large projects, yes, even to build a system of gas turbines or gas-disturbing plants there. this country, well, we have to
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talk about billions, but it is important that we have understanding, moreover, it is like one of the elements of our energy strategy, then we say, it is also the wind of the sun, and i am very, very glad that we are not stopping here, this year we added 114 mw of wind in mykolaiv oblast, 60 in odesa , now there will be 54 in lvivska, that is... well, we, we are constantly, we are constantly growing, i would say so, generation, in fact , the citizens made a huge help to restore the power system, because we slightly changed the tariff for the population, and in fact, thanks to these funds, when the tariff for the population was raised, you in particular, they emphasized that the funds that can be accumulated will be directed to the restoration of the power system.
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what is the amount we are talking about, how much did we manage, well, look, it is somewhere in this period, and we are talking about six months there, yes, in fact there, in this, well, a little more, in this period, it is somewhere around 16, 18 billion hryvnias, where did they go, they went to reduce the service, accordingly, these funds were accumulated for the repair campaign of two of our key generation units, these are ukrhydroenergo and energoatom and by... in fact, that today we have nine units working, the fact that ukrhydra is actually fully ready to support production with the available water reserve, whatever it may be, is thanks to people. what will happen to the tariffs next year for both electricity and heating, in particular, because if there was an increase in the price of electricity, heating, we are still going without any significant changes, look, while i... let me
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say this, that until the end of the disgraceful season, there will be no no changes in the tariff policy are expected, but if we talk after the end of the heating season, even with from an economic point of view, is this issue being considered at all, we don't understand how we will approach the end of the season, you know, it's like there is a conditional last season, we also planned a lot, and we came to what, so let's see, what season will be, and how are the russians. will modify the strikes, what will be the power, what will be the impact on the system , the issue of the zaporizhzhia station has not gone anywhere, and by the way, this year is also our great success, ukraine has been elected to the governing board of the magat, this is a huge tool for us, we will have this tool for two years, which we will use in order for this site to help... us
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to occupy the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant as soon as possible and what is the situation in the armed forces now in the armed forces, well , look, the situation has not gotten better and it becomes really like this. worse, just yesterday raphael came out with a statement that the russians have completely restricted, well money, i mean completely restricted access, the mission that is permanently there, freedom of movement on the station, and why? well i guess that's what i'm saying again the situation is getting worse, the equipment is degrading, and when inspector magate, who is on sanction today, i want to go see if there is a problem with the pump. if it is not there, then he is simply not allowed there , because it is there, and this is a problem, because in fact, to verify the state of affairs, and this is a matter of nuclear radiation safety, the pressure on the personnel has increased, they are
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now very strongly demanding to arrange contracts, a large number did not, and receiving. citizenship, we saw a case, an example of kyivstar on december 12, when mass a cyber attack put this mobile operator out of business, how often are cyber attacks on the ukrainian energy system, what threats does this pose, these cyber attacks? look, in cyber attacks, we have been living with such massive cyber attacks since january last year, before the big one. even on oblenergo are different, if you take 100%, so to speak, of those attempts, then they had success, maybe percentages, and then we very quickly, these, attacks that
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affected oblenergo, and they recovered very quickly, so they failed put or make a dramatic one. on us from the point of view of cyber, and in conclusion about the plans for 2024, the key thing is what are the tasks that the ukrainian energy companies are setting for themselves? well look, of course we have to finish the season, and again, depending on how it goes, you know, when we planned for the 21-22 season, we certainly didn't plan for the end of the war, that's also quite obvious. we definitely need to develop success, i would say so, and we already talked about fuel, it's full synchronization, that's it implementation of the entire catalog of measures regarding the synchronization of ukraine, already political synchronization with europe, this is an increase
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in the volume of possible exports and imports, this is what we will still work on, this is the construction of another interconnector with poland this year, we need it. we need even more interconnectors, and we have them, the interconnector is the lines that connect the energy systems, yes, that is, we introduced a new line this year, during the war we did it, a new line, the khmelnytskyi rzeszow nuclear power plant, and it increased the crossing , that is, in order to become as an energy hub, we need more, more lines, connections, and this, by the way, increases the reliability of our system and the reliability of our neighbors, i.e. systems, so it is important, this is what we will work on, these are specific projects, these are not plans to write plans, these are specific projects, and we, i think next year, will start huge projects in nuclear energy, i don't want
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to go into detail about them right now, but a lot has been done to get them started quickly come true, mr. minister, i am very grateful to you... i am grateful for this conversation, i am very grateful to our energy workers, who are keeping our energy system going for the second year in a row, and let's hope for only good news already in 2024, thank you very much, thank you, well, this was an exclusive interview minister of energy of ukraine herman galushchenko, my colleague anna cherednychenko. chevrons approaching victory. an athlete is, by its very nature, a strong and steadfast person, but for more than a year, ukrainian athletes have been going to the start with sorrow, each of them has a broken
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heart that aches for ukraine, for those who russians took their lives for those who were deprived of happiness. from rivne, in this house in the dnipro , the ukrainian boxer, honored champion of ukraine, mykhailo korinovsky, died before the tragedy due to a russian rocket. he celebrated his daughter's birthday, another dad, no one else. i urge everyone to support the ban on russians and belarusians participating in sports competitions. from the decree, they demonstrate that they support their army, and therefore the genocide of the ukrainian people. we must stop the wanton killing of ukrainians. silence affect the rules of a warm country, healthy
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care, slightly under-pressing clothes are in trend this winter. thank you for helping promote winning fashion. let's beat the winter together. chevrons approaching victory.
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do you hear this symphony? it is created by railway workers to lead. do not dream, dear passengers, we are waking up. ukrzaliznytsia works every day so that all holidays come on schedule. merry christmas and happy new year. oh, i almost killed myself. generators will be installed here. put on the balcony. the generator emits carbon monoxide, so only outside 6 meters from windows. and doors safety rules are followed, they save lives. viktor bortnyk, a ukrainian
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military man, who, together with his comrades, was completely surrounded, held his position for seven days. there was a shortage of ammunition, water and food, but still they did not surrender the ukrainian positions. unfortunately, not everyone managed to get out of that battle alive. for the sake of the dead brothers and five. who are waiting for him in the mykolayiv region, he continues the daily struggle for victory, then our conversation with him, controls, we will go to the encirclement, i heard, we control the region, there are grenades, so why are we grenades, men, they us they cut us off , they cut us off, my call sign is young, since i came at the age of 20, then i had a contingent of people who were... 40, then they say, you will be young with us, i got into the ninth a separate rifle battalion in the 22nd year in
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the month of july, and until now i am serving in this battalion, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to ukraine, how did february 24 actually begin for you, i was working in kyiv and woke up at 3 in the morning, the guys and i got together, and i say, guys, we need to do something, we are going to play the defense, the only one was wednesday guys who served, because before that i served forty years of service, 18 i went to urgent... service 20 came as a convenient court started working in kyiv and immediately the war began, they went to the teroboron, but there very instantly all the cities were killed, there remained one exit , this is a military unit, we came to the military unit, the major came out, he says there are people who served, well, they went through military service, i say yes, i just came from shirt service there, he says how old are you, i say 20, he he says, well, go rest for a while, he says in us there are guys who, well, men , what kind of subsistence life they will use to win back our country, you will have to rebuild it, yes, from... us home, they came to mykolayiv oblast, and i have already left my military commander, and already my military commander has already sent me to
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the ninth separate rifle battalion, how did my family react, my father reacted to it normally, my father is patriotic, he fights in the fifth assault brigade, well, mother , of course, if he is the only son and the eldest, then a little worries was, the only son and the oldest, i want to update how many are in the family? there are six of us in the family, six children, yes, i 'm the oldest and i have five sisters, very beautiful, beautiful and... respectable girls like that, you know, the oldest is 12, then nine, seven, four and a year went by , how events developed further, where did you end up and... and in what directions did you have to fight, win back which cities, which settlements during these two years of war ? on august 28, our assault in the kherson direction began, we entered the village of petrivka from the side of kryvyi rih, then went like this lyumivka, near where we had khreshchenivka, i was wounded in khreshchenivka, the detonator of this one, the whole detonator went off, then i
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came a little bit, i was evacuated, then i arrived already after the wounding in... well, also in the kherson region of novokaira, we were already holding a defense near rivers, to whom are we filming this in memory of us? yes, so that the parents can look at all those who are sitting at home drinking beer and relaxing and saying that we will earn 100 thousand, come to us, guys, it's fun here, a penny is not worth it, goodbye, see you, let's go we came to kherson to bakhmut, in the 23rd year, in the 20s, the assault of the wagnerians began. bakhmut, i.e. the outskirts of the city, and we just kept the defense of the city there in this outskirts, it was very difficult there in terms of artillery, i.e. artillery and a mass of people, they did n’t end up in them in the opponents, you can’t say that they are any there the mobs are lousy or something else, you know from such a plan, this is a worthy opponent, he knows how to fight, knows how to fight, and it is difficult to fight with him, today's tool, father, father, everything
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will be fine, and i am young. and you can remember your hardest fight, where was it and under what circumstances? it was in makiivka , luhansk region, it was the most difficult, probably such a battle, they are all difficult, we were surrounded, we fought there for a week, seven days, as you say, it is difficult, there were both daytime and nighttime assaults, that is, it is constant, they constantly wanted to clean us up there, that is, they did not succeed, can you tell us in detail about that day, we entered the position on september 30. and it turns out that on the first of october we were stormed, that is, the enemy stormed, we left, i still remember two tanks, but very close, almost in position, and three or three bmps, left with the infantry, that is, it was very fast, such masses flew in, stormed, cut us off from our positions,
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made it like a ring, you were surrounded, i understand correctly. you and how many soldiers were with you? we had two positions hit, there were seven men in my position and there was a position in front of me, there were also seven men there, and we put 14 men together in defense, how many days were you surrounded? seven days, and how much during this time, during these seven days of you stormed the enemy? i won't tell you, well, i don't know, i can't tell you how many my brother and i killed in one day, how many of us have already been stormed. empty, empty, empty, i hear bullets hanging overhead,
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was there communication with the command these seven days, when you were surrounded, was there communication with the command. we are not very good , as they say, so there was communication, but we were cut off from all our neighboring positions, that is, we did not hear anyone, we do not know what is being done around us, who is in positions, or are our guys in positions or not, we don't know anything, we are out of touch, and when it turns out we got in touch, it was almost before leaving, we were handed a radio station that already has a connection and we can hear everyone, and it was such a moment when i picked up this radio station, i already heard everyone, you know, the neighboring positions of the guys, i already know, like a breath of air, you know, such an op, it’s okay, i already know someone, we already know something, you know , which is already ours, well, the guys are also driving support, that is, from such a plan, you were the commander there, i was yes, squad commander, you would have had enough kit to hold on for those seven days, what made you hold on, we held on for those seven days was because there was an enemy that was moving
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very, very close contact, 3, 7, 5m, as far as i myself did not imagine that it could be like that, when it is already 70 m, i already understand that it is far, a shelter, they suitably destroyed them, deified them, took away from them bk, that is, what they had, there was food, water, it 's just that it was necessary, we had a very big problem with water, in fact we can for the second hundred years of the battle, the brothers did not fight, because we had nothing, thanks to the trophy weapons , we also fought with their weapons against them, yes, our command threw bc, water at us. but it was not dropped on us, but on the enemy, that is , the enemy was around us, and they simply did not reach us, the enemy, but dropped from what, from drones, from drones, such large drones that could carry heavy weight there. to take six bottles of water even there, we already shined there with flashlights, so that we would not do it, so that they would see us, so that they would throw it to us, because we have wounded, and wounds need water , constantly, constantly water, i myself have been together, i
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myself understand, you don't drink much, but often there is such a plan, and the boys constantly need water, bleaching, everything is needed there, it's all ours the management knows, but , as they say, they gave us concessions, you know , we, when we went to the radio station, we asked for water there... then they gave us rides, that is, they dropped us from drones, although we must understand that we are in the environment, what we constantly need, we need constant bk, constant water, constant food, which we do not should call something there , tell them what we need, they themselves should constantly bring us up, but that didn’t happen and thanks to the enemy, as they say, we destroyed them there, and that’s why we lived like this this week, did we have to take prisoners can but we understood that we ourselves have no resources for life, how did you manage to get out of the environment? it was simply unexpected, at 3:00 in the morning, four men are being harnessed right into
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the trenches, well, in the trench, who? it's ours, we just didn't know, we're out of touch, nobody knows anything you know, we have already reduced our position there, because we already had guys who died there too, they are jumping into our trenches, guys, fights are starting between our own, because no one said anything to us, no one said anything to us, well, we accepted the white thief . we also know that there is no one around us except the enemy, without any injuries, everything went well, we found out then, i was just shocked when the change came, we immediately sent three, how many people out of these 14 so we managed to get out, 10 out of 14 were wounded, then six more wounded, you are there they were also injured, yes, it was a very serious injury, a contusion, the battle began, the arrival came, i didn't even understand why, i didn't lose consciousness. i just felt dizzy, it wasn't the first time i had it, i didn't have such time that i could do something there for a very long time or something else, because i understand that the battle has already started
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, there are assaults, we are being assaulted like how i just managed to come to my senses, it hurts to hold a machine gun in your hands, then they started to work, how many times have you counted, you were on the verge of life and death, oh and i won’t count, because there are many such cases that you specifically understood that this seems to be the case... that's probably all, but thank god that it's not all yet, so i haven't finished my mission yet, what were your motives for holding on until the last this position, i knew that i would die, but i decided not yet today, that is, you know, that we will do everything, that is, we had such chances then, you know, that either we will be taken prisoner there, or we will simply be destroyed, then we made a decision that as long as we have bk, as long as we have strength, as long as we have, as they say, some resources, let's... fight back against the enemies, they won't take us that easily, how is your rehabilitation going at the moment, what do the doctors say, how is the treatment going? i'm shocked, it's just
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that i didn't expect it, i've been to different hospitals, here i feel that someone needs you, they treat you very well, everyone is worried about you, everyone wants to help you, really treat you, while we are being treated, the problem has gone a little with my back, that always yes, because already on the third day of the encirclement i could not even endure a battle in an armored jacket for a little bit, that is... i had to shoot a little , you don't regret that everything turned out the way it did, that you volunteered on the 24th, went as a volunteer, if there was an opportunity now to change everything differently, would you do it? no, i wouldn't change anything, i would have taken the same... i would have taken up my arms and left in the same way, how do you see our country after the reconstruction, after the victory? beautiful, simply wonderful , in general, i would take the border of the chinese
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wall from russia, you know, i would build it so that we would never see them in our lives, we would not even know about them, and i think the country will be rebuilt and will the greenest, the brightest , you know, well, i don’t know, i can’t convey it to you in words, what i really want, this is what i want specifically in our country, you know, so that we don’t forget, there are ukrainians who haven’t forgotten our slavic history, they haven’t forgotten, that who we are, lived forever, remembered at what price this victory is won, when you return from the front here to the rear, relatively safe, there is something that affects you, of course, there is a war in the country, in the country, there is a war in our country, let's end the war and be something later, everyone rest together, the war is on those guys who are now sitting there in the trenches, sun, heat, rain, no rain. that is, 24x7 they are constantly there, that is, they hold this defense , or even storm there and repel this land, so let's not forget about it, yes, let's all gather, in the beginning how did we
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hold back the enemy, yes such a horde was coming? so far, it seems to me that we have already finished this war, people forget, only those who have experienced what war is, do not forget, this is not the time to just sit, it is always necessary to do something, and i say, thanks to which for the second year in a row we manage to maintain such a defense in the country and overcome the enemy, thanks to those guys who are sitting in the trenches, thanks to the people who support us, people who still don't care. .. what is being done in our country, who value what they have, i.e. our country, who love our country, i.e. these people, who are held by our country. when the treatment is over, what do you plan to do next? i will look at my health, if i can already feel normal, i know that i will be able to pull out combat missions there, then i will go on combat missions. my sisters are probably waiting to go home, oh, they are really waiting , they are really waiting, i am also waiting, i also really want to meet them, well, boring time is passing,
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of course, they are growing up, how do you see our... language and what would you like to say ukrainians who will watch you? all our lives we are fighting with someone, all our lives someone wants to take something from us, do something to us, and no one has succeeded in this, and now it will not succeed either, do not forget who we are, we will remember all the moments and we will be together hold on, we we can only do everything together, what you dream of, to end the war, this is my only dream, it will definitely end with our negotiation, there is no other way. chevorony, approaching victory. you are not born a marine, you become a marine, you become one thanks to constant training, thanks to the support and help of your comrades and commanders. join the friendly family of brave in spirit and faithful to the oath sons and
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daughters of the motherland. the enemy together with the best modern cossacks, contact the representatives of the procurement center and marine corps recruiting in your rtcc and sp, or call us at the number on the screen. finding yourself in new circumstances is a challenge that thousands of defenders are overcoming. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy of ukraine. applying for a veteran's grant is easy and convenient through action. apply and receive up to uah 1 million to start or develop your own business. rules of a warm country. kitchen. thank you for using the dishwasher less often. wash the dishes manually - this is the family way. let's beat the winter together. hello, my boy, hello
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, my dears, i have always said, and i will say, that you are my pride, my hope, my protection, i have always been proud of you, my son, i will be proud of you until my last breath, you are forever alive for me, i love you forever thank you for your kindness, for your love, for your respect. you were really a worthy son with a capital letter and you will be so and give your life so young for all of us for ukraine, i just get up every morning and i want to go open the door as soon as possible because it seems to me that he, as always, he liked to go there for the second time,
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he goes to the economic one. i could already hear his quick steps, and now it seems to me that the holidays are approaching, yura will be home already, ira will come, yura, it will be fun and cozy as always, it's the first time i've been to lukashivka, i've been asking for a long time , to show my comrades the place where yura died, i thought that the heart would be there, but he simply told clearly what it was like there, it was simply terrifying... but now only i realize that, well, maybe white people are there , as they finished, shot, and the child with with that smile she proudly went to her second life, she didn't give up, she didn't sell herself to those cursed rascals, this is the place of our last battle in the village of lukashivka.


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