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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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happy new year holidays. russian attacks also strengthen the determination of ukrainians to defend their land, wrote the ambassador of the united kingdom to ukraine, martin harris, on social media. he condemned russia's attack this morning and assured that the united kingdom would continue to support ukraine. his colleague, mrs. bridget brink, the us ambassador to ukraine, also emphasized that everything necessary for protection should be urgently provided. she noted that the russian... they intensified the shelling precisely in the winter period, in order to leave the ukrainians in the cold. the russian shelling was also commented on secretary general of the council of europe maria burych. on the x network, she mentioned that deliberate attacks on civilian targets are war crimes. kateryna maternova, ambassador of the european union to ukraine, also spoke. she emphasized that russia will certainly be held accountable. and
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that's not all, see more about this. field hospital underground, medics showed how they save fighters in donetsk region. this month , the parliament may pass a law banning religious organizations linked to russia. does this mean a taboo for ukrainian orthodox church? victory printers: thousands of volunteers make for the army. on 3d printers, spare parts, accessories and even training mines. you can calculate like this that 5 kg of plastic is minus one orc. during the attack on ukrainian cities, one of the missiles fell on the territory of russia. in a telegram, the governor of the voronezh region, oleksandr husyev, called it an emergency ammunition dump. it happened in the village of petropavlivka. seven buildings were destroyed, however, explosions were heard today in bilgo as well. details further. this video was made by one of the
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local residents of the village of petropavlivka, voronezh region, bordering ukraine. doshch tv channel published the footage. according to the governor of the region, oleksandr husiv , there was an explosion around eight in the morning. it was detonated by a russian munition, it was accidentally dropped over the village by a fighter jet of the russian air force, which was probably carrying a missile to attack kyiv. the information under... was repeated and on the official page of the ministry of defense of the country, details about the type of weapons were not disclosed. as a result of the explosion, six buildings were damaged, no one was injured. several residents streets of the village of petropavlivka are transported to temporary accommodation points, in particular to the boarding house korotoyak. after we make sure that the scene is safe and the work of the special agencies is completed , the damage assessment will begin. explosion.
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residents of the russian belgorod also heard, an air raid alert was announced there three times today, debris damaged commercial premises and several cars. as a result of the shelling , a man died, four more people were injured. sources in the special services informed the public that the attack on belgorod was on december 30 carried out by the defense forces of ukraine in response to the russian attack on december 22. on december 5, sources later clarified that the armed forces only worked on military facilities in the belgorod region, and debris fell in the center of the city due to the unprofessional actions of the russian ppu. iryna gut, social affairs, news. in addition to the capital and kharkiv, there was an enemy fire in zaporozhye today. russian aviation dropped two guided bombs on the city. the head of the region yuriy malashko wrote in a telegram that a residential building was targeted. the entire entrance was destroyed.
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a pensioner was hospitalized with injuries. in general, according to malashka, the enemy fired artillery and drones at 25 settlements in the region. in the morning, russian invaders opened fire on the village of bilozerka in the kherson region. oleksandr tolokonnikov, the spokesman of the kherson regional military administration, informed the public about this. there is a victim there, a woman was injured in kalkova's leg. also in the populated area. point in the settlement , the light went out. the field hospital is just underground, so the lives of ukrainian soldiers are saved in donetsk region. the wounded receive first aid, and then, when their condition is stabilized, they are transported to inpatient facilities. doctors showed their work to the dutch public broadcaster last month, and now journalists have released the video. more in olena bliznyakova's presentation. this is the first place where it's time. will receive first aid,
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it is provided in full, as far as the specified premises allow, the operating room of the field hospital looks like this... in the south of donetsk region, it was set up underground, here wounded ukrainian soldiers are from one to 20 hours, receive care before being transported to a hospital in other parts of the country. in the morning, there was a patient with multiple shrapnel wounds, like the head , as a result, he stayed here for one hour , blood was replenished, the bleeding was stopped, the wounds were tamped, and with heating pads, since he was somewhere... hypothermic, he was taken to the next stage of evacuation. a doctor with the call sign mezh also provides help, he says, as with any doctor, the job is not easy, because you are responsible for the patient's life. we go through every advice, and we try make the most effective manipulations
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so that he gets to the hospital. medics not only work in the field hospital, they also live there, so they can provide care to the wounded 24 hours a day. per day, since we work in shifts, and with a small influx, one shift works, the other rests, there is an opportunity to rest physically. at the same time, doc says, the pressure has increased, he feels tired and wants victory and peace very much. a saved life, the fact that we helped the patient, saved him, helps to hold on and work further. olena bliznyakova, society. news. two border checkpoints on the border with poland: krakivets korchova, and rava ruska, grebenna remain blocked by protesters at the jagodyn dorogusk checkpoint. driving is difficult. polish carriers have been blocking the roads of ukrainian
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truckers since november. for the christmas and new year holidays, they opened the drive at the medica sheghiti point. olga yavashchuk will tell more about the situation at the border. already. the blockade of the border by polish protesters has been going on for over a month and a half. during this time , several would have gathered in the direction of ukraine to enter thousands of trucks. on the eve of the christmas and new year holidays, the protesters agreed to unblock one checkpoint of sheghini medic. these are the first trucks entering ukraine through the unlocked checkpoint in shegyny. on november 6, some polish carriers began to block the movement of trucks. in just the first few days of the blockade , 20,000 cars piled up at the border. one of the main demands of the protesters was to stop visa-free transport for ukrainian drivers, because it supposedly increases competition. by no permits for commercial transport, everyone does what they want. we also want polish cars to be removed from the yecherga system on the ukrainian side. we
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can register only after entering ukraine. empty cars have to wait 12-13 days, because we are leaving ukraine empty. we do not carry your goods. it is difficult for our drivers to endure it. even those with emergency situations were not allowed to pass, for example, driver ruslan was in a hurry to ukraine because his four-month-old baby was admitted to the hospital with a fractured skull. at the time of conversation with he stood in line for the sixth day by public journalists. two weeks after the start of the strike, the ministry of infrastructure created a headquarters to help ukrainian drivers. at the same time , representatives of the ministry and ukrtransbezpeka took humanitarian aid to poland for truck drivers. due to the protest, ukrainian drivers were forced to live in trucks for several days and...
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the checkpoints krakivets korchova and rava ruska grebenna are still blocked, says the spokeswoman of the lviv border guard oleksandra kushkovska. regarding the krakow checkpoint, we can say that it is, as it were, the busiest traffic at those checkpoints, but we will add that in connection with the christmas and new year holidays, we also observe a certain decrease in krakow and raviruska, the reason there is... the fact that during these holidays , employees of the control services of the republic of poland have a less busy work schedule. a week ago, on the website of the ministry of infrastructure, it was reported that they had agreed with their polish colleagues on common positions for unblocking the border. the next stage
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of negotiations is at the level of the ministry infrastructure of poland and protesters. olga ivashchuk, anatoly kyrychuk, ruslan lavrenov, suspilne novosti lviv region. in january. may consider in the second reading the draft law on the ban of religious organizations connected with russia. this was publicly announced by the head of the specialized committee, mykola poturaev. the document was adopted in the first reading in october. after making amendments, it is prepared for the next vote. daryna kolomiets understood why the process was delayed and at what stage it is now. the draft law on the prohibition of religious organizations related to the russian federation were registered a year ago. the document was developed on behalf of the nsdc. authors and experts with whom we spoke say that the purpose of the draft law is to prevent structures that undermine state sovereignty from operating in ukraine. in case of acceptance, the service for ethnopolitics and freedom. provides a religious examination to identify connections between the ukrainian and
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russian churches. next , there is a procedure called prescription. we tell certain religious organizations that your connection with the centers in the country that carries out aggression against ukraine consists in the first, second, third and fourth. please condemn these violations, because this is already a violation of the law, if for... will be passed, and then, again, there will be no complaints about them. if the religious organization does not respond within a month. the service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience has the right to appeal to the court, and only the court will make a decision. before the law takes effect, churches can independently cut ties. religious scholar lyudmila filipovych, as an example is given by the old believer church in ukraine, which on october 22 became the ancient orthodox church. and it rarely left the subordination of moscow, the service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience proposed
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to do the same to the ukrainian orthodox church. on may 22, the uocmp held a council of bishops, at which it made changes to its charter. removed all references to the russian orthodox church, except for the reference to the letter issued by patriarch alexy in 1990 . the state service for ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience checked the updated. regulations. the conclusion in pec will continue to be subject to the russian orthodox church. write letters, refuse to be included in various structures. let your mother church know that you are going to live an autonomous and independent life. write letters to other leaders of other orthodox churches and tell them about your intentions for autonomy. this church does not do all this, but only confirms it to everyone . next step, and what is the step of silence? the ukrainian orthodox church proves that the draft law was created to persecute them
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confession, or in other words, aimed at the destruction of the church, they write about this on the official website, however, filipovych says, if the uoc can prove that it is not subordinate to the russian orthodox church, then they should not worry. ukrainian shoemaker dmytro lubinets is of the same opinion. he says that the document does not contain violations of people's rights, because everything happens democratically. according to... european laws. this draft law is aimed at providing an opportunity to the state service on issues of ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience, to provide them the possibility to go to court with a similar summons, and only the ukrainian court can decide this. the draft law does not solve this. in my opinion, as of now, there is no violation of the rights of believers in ukraine. considered in the first reading 10 months after registration in the parliament, it was supported by 367 people's deputies. the head of the specialized
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committee, nikita poturaev, says that the committee will continue to work on amendments. in particular, changes have been made regarding the appeal of the examination decision, now it will be possible to do so only in those specified by law courts in addition, work was carried out on the amendments of the head of the sbu, vasyl malyuk. according to them , the activity of the organization can be terminated in the same way through the court, but already for the reason that the management received a sentence under serious articles. for example, collaboration, we clearly define the mechanism of parish transitions, i.e. if the community, either by itself or led by a priest, wants to move from one church to another, then we mean, well, first of all, we clearly define the procedure by which this can happen, and accordingly, it will become clear, transparent and much simpler than it is on today. poturaev assures that the document will go to the second reading in january, right after the bill on mobilization. daryna
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kolomiets, bohdan zaika and dmytro suslov. social news. they live in basements and dilapidated houses, charge their gadgets from generators, and ride bicycles to fetch water. this is how people have been living in the front-line gulyai field and orichovo field in zaporizhzhia for two years. however, despite the shelling , they are not going to leave their homes. from zaporizhzhia, i am a public correspondent. ivan shows the consequences of a russian projectile hitting u own house, he says, these are the current realities of life in the city of gulyaipole. occupants hit his yard three times during the year. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon , when they went straight to the bedroom, they were at home and miraculously remained alive. father ivan says that the russian soldiers did not leave a living place from their native field. he says there
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are shell holes, damaged houses and an eerie silence all around. but the locals are used to it. every day, every day, oh, well, how, shall we say, it’s not here for us, it means that somewhere in the second walking field, the field has already been practically developed, there is no one here anymore, one the husband stayed on that street, and we still lived here, and we are gathering in the basement for the evening , but they hear, yes, but we hear there, because it is not possible to drink at home, there is no rhyme, there is no roof, come another time sometimes, it is supposed to be here, well, what i hear is the holy style, well, as they say, sit down. - says serhii yarmak, head of the city territorial community. according to him , they cannot calculate the exact number of evacuees, because people return seasonally to plant vegetables. and this is orykhiv, zaporizhzhia region, 5 km
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away from the occupied territory. local resident vitaly pilay says that the situation has worsened over the course of a year. this apartment is repaired almost every day, because even the door to the entrance is blown away by the blast wave. in general , everything is broken, in a word, we live in the basement. me, brother, woman, woman is now in zaporizhzhia, brother is at work. the city has been without electricity, gas and water for almost two years. the man says he has his own generator, and water is brought by rescuers. gas is bought in cylinders. five times during the year , enemy shells hit maria yushko's house. one of them is still in the neighborhood. the towns were sticking out, they came , they looked, they said that when the war, that is, the russians are driven away, then they will come, pull them out, don't approach 2 m like that, don't do anything near it, that's how it lives, at first they were afraid, but now they're used to it. the woman lives in her own house, she says, she and her husband
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go down to the basement only during shelling. during 2023, 683 people left orihiv. another 950 remain to live in the city, mykola vinnichenko, the head of the orihiv city military administration, said. karina galunova, olena lysenko, vladyslav kiyashchuk, public news, zaporizhzhia. print victory, this is the motto of more than 3,000 volunteers who joined together to make parts for our defenders. all you need is a 3d printer. drops and launch platforms for drones, training mines and grenades, shanks for grenade launcher... shots, accessories for paramedics, and this is far from all that printers supply to the front. since the beginning of the war, they have shipped more than 50 tons of products. anna sergiets will tell more about those who help the military bring our victory closer. here are these ammo cases help me defend ukraine. in these
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shots, a serviceman shows the products sent to him by volunteers from the printing army. this is a community... that creates parts for military needs on 3d printers, everything happens here, it makes a hostovik for a mine, now we have a printer, this is a batch, as i told you, 100 pieces, a lighter is printed, it is called it is already assembled and ready to be sent, evgeny markiv finishes printing a batch of shanks for shells for military personnel, the husband works as a carpenter, but... a month ago in came across information about the project on social networks and decided to join, bought and set up two printers in the office. i want to join in our joint victory over our invaders, so to speak, and i decided that it will be so, well, from my side, i will be able to help more that way. more than 50 tons of products
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, 50 thousand kg, were sent to the military to make it clear what it is, for example, this thing, it is a tail for the rkg, that is, this thing is attached to an rkg grenade, and dropped from a drone, one such thing can destroy both tanks and apc, such a thing weighs 150 g, and we sent 50 00 kg. the volunteers buy the printer and plastic themselves, the finished products are sent free of charge to the military at their request. evgeny has already sent 11 kg of parts in a month of work. about a thousand products have already been sent, you can calculate that 5 kg of plastic is one minus one orc, that's all, 10 people were invited there. they printed 100 kg there, it turns out that you lost how many 20 orcs, well, that ’s the math, it’s an anti-personnel mine of the 2nd generation, of
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the pressure type, well, it’s a mockup, not a mockup, but actually a training one, then there’s a manual one grenade, hand grenade mock-up of the russian armed forces. oleksandr smilyanets shows ready-made products that he will now send to the military, he joined the printing army six months ago, his job is to maintain printers, but now he also prints products for the training of sappers, you understand exactly who needs these products, where do they go will go, and in principle the decision was made quite quickly, the first printer was bought, for example, this one, and so they started printing, and oleksandr also prints products for paramedics, shows the ampoule for drugs, quite tightly, ugh, herself... well, it is very, very strong , i tried so hard, but it is not possible to flatten it, volunteers learn to print with the help
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of video lessons posted on the army printing website, they say it is not difficult and takes no more than two or three days, what exactly do they choose to print on the site where the military leaves applications, and this is a video taken by the military and paramedics, which will give the maximum number of balls. thank you, thank you from the medics of the 58th brigade, we work in donbas, we received such shields from you, they are very beautiful, anatomically shaped, everyone who wants to can join the printing army, regardless of profession, register on the website... buy a 3d printer and print orders. anna sergiets, dmytro suslav and dmytro panov, social news. it is better
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to recover so that the war ends. the main wishes of the military, with whom the correspondents of the public spoke at the halychyna rehabilitation center. now veterans are waiting there for prosthetics. their wives came to support them on new year's eve, daria kinsha celebrated 2024 with them. after his injury, ihor is undergoing rehabilitation at the halychyna rehabilitation center in the lviv region. to create new year's mood for himself and others, the man decorated his cart with a christmas tree branch and a garland. i'm not, i'm not giving up, i'm not going to lose heart, i'm ready to shoot at people. you didn't pay attention to my legs, but you already paid attention to the branch. roman was mobilized in february of last year , he says, during his fourth combat sortie in the direction of bakhmut
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, he was wounded, lost his left arm and leg, is currently undergoing rehabilitation and is waiting for prosthetics, in the soldier's room there are children's greeting cards reminding him of the new year, roman says he is not in a festive mood, but he is happy that his mother and sister came to him from zaporizhzhia for the new year. for the new year , tetyana came to her husband from kyiv. dmytro was injured under a coal mine in december 2022 and survived the amputation. tatyana says that they are used to celebrating
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the new year together, so she could not leave her husband alone on new year's eve. golubtsi, yes, there is some meat, salads, there is just not enough space. it's a little tight, yes, but we agreed that we will spend christmas with my daughter. let's go to my parents, that is, already for the new year we will come to my husband, it does not matter , in fact, there is a place, what the place looks like, whether it is a fancy restaurant or an ordinary ward, the main thing is that relatives are nearby, in the temporarily occupied territories, everyone who has not lost in themselves, a festive table for svetlana is also preparing her husband leonid, while the husband is undergoing rehabilitation, the woman lives... with him in the center, you cannot prepare such a person, because it is not at home, but as bought, this one, i always asked the woman to make me
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lifted me up so that she would... sit me down, so i did i can stand on my feet , it’s like, i can walk a little and back, the military tell me what they wish for themselves on new year’s eve, well, stand on my feet, like, learn to use prostheses and like, well, walk a lot, it’s not like there, like from the bed there somewhere to have breakfast, to live like you almost lived before, and to learn to walk with a prosthesis as long as you walked on your two, well, to get back on your feet faster, everything so that this war would end better , the main thing is that the war would end, now, and the second is that we remember, well, we wish that we had there is such a general problem, we do not remember
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our history well. new year, new year, as the best in the future, for the family, for the family, and oksana seniv, public news.
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chevorons, approaching victory, i will arrive quickly, i am already buying a ticket, one to the dnipro, please, thank you. uah 5 from each bus ticket goes to the restoration of ukraine. we will rebuild the country together with ukrpas ua and dobrobat. get involved. privatization is important for ukrainians, because it is the creation of something new from the old. look, the state has old property that is not profitable income, so she sells it to an entrepreneur
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who wants to s... create something new, that's how new businesses, jobs and profits appear. privatization from the state property fund of ukraine. we have, we care, we develop. the most dangerous tasks, careful planning, and years of preparation. if you say that you are specially appointed, you must live up to these words. divers, sapper snipers, aerial scouts. give me the time, give me the equipment, we will complete any task. on land and under water, the special forces of the omega unit work to destroy the invaders. there is one there is a saying that there are no irreplaceable people, but i believe that most of us are irreplaceable. stories of people who are feared by the enemy and hunted for us. omega works in the documentary project. if you're doing work in the gray area and you're still alive, you're probably doing
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it effectively. already tomorrow at 11:15 p.m. exclusively on the air of edinnyi news, i am a russian military ship, i propose to put weapons on the ship. of ukraine. and the sparrow is still a brother to us, come on, we will have a dream of fate, we will throw away our hairs, all simple in the sun, sana.


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