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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EET

6:00 am
15 exclusively on the air of one news, i am a russian military ship, i offer to lay down my arms and surrender, a russian military ship, and glory to him. i pray, we are still wounded , fate will come to us, the nightingales will cry, we will sit in the sun, we will reign and... with her brothers on our side,
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soul and body, we will keep our word and show that we are brothers of the ear. there are 20% discounts on bronchi pred in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on optimal at podorozhnyk pam and oshchat pharmacies.
6:02 am
greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. next frames you may be shocked. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom life - frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zemai, let's get started. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war speak. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now we will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news.
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a review of sports events from yevgeny potasha for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also there chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for the intelligent and those who care about espresso in the evening. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko.
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every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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greetings, this is espresso, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and my colleagues and i continue to do a series of interviews with the most interesting speakers for you, in normal times, i would not be so sure that we could hear them, at least my guest today is quite rare in particular, in the ukrainian capital, and this is a great opportunity to meet with an officer of the third separate assault brigade, with an outsider. we do not detail the beard, hello, congratulations, indeed, we are recording this interview exactly at the moment when the third separate steering brigade is located, and not at the front, because you are currently working , improving, re-equipment, and soon
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you will return, maybe when the audience sees this interview, you will be working again for everything, as the feeling of yourself in the conditions... kyiv before christmas, to me i like it, i'm not one of those people who complain about the fact that everyone has to live badly, since there is a war going on in our country, i want to have a chance to rest when i return home, when i return or to some place that is determined by my task there, i go to go somewhere there to the cinema, the theater, a club, i don't know, for the boys, who younger that's why i really like you, the military environment is so polar in this position, because again, it's a very sensitive moment, someone is annoyed, and it's completely understandable, someone is happy and says: oh, i understand what we stand for, and
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in general, well, it’s cool that we can provide such a life at least in some part of our country, i think that the question here is precisely, well, there are two aspects for me, the first is social, that is, when a military man can afford something , which can be afforded by an average citizen, better, well, better, when his family enough, yes, even when he returns home , everything is fine with him, in his psychological state, well, he is more motivated, he does not mind that , well, there, how do ordinary citizens live who do not take part in military actions. there are all kinds of youth organizations, in which i belong to that, yes, that is, there, i
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was there at my expense, there was some survey that was acquired there at the age of 14-17, well, i... to the other side, to the side of the enemy , and not in the direction of its citizens, and this is by the way, now it has been almost two years of a large-scale invasion and there under 10 years of war, this is what characterizes ukrainian society now, someone says that we started to devour each other, instead of fighting the enemy, do you see that? well , this is a classic of ukraine, we don’t even need the dog to throw it at us, we ourselves are from... this is some kind of history of mentality, the question is, is this a remnant of the scoop, or has it already been acquired by us here, i’m talking about i didn’t think so, but there is such a thing, there is such a story, on the other hand, if we weren’t like that, and wouldn’t we be russia then,
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well, no one quarrels with anyone there, everyone is like the pu party said yes, i believe that this is the period that, well, we will come, it will... well, it will either stay with us or not, it is more about permissiveness on the internet, well, that is, it is new for us, that is well, not long ago, no one there, now, dear grandmother, go out, if she has access there, she can do and say whatever she wants, and people started talking, i think that at some point they will just get tired of it and it will happen by itself somewhere will fall off, yes this story will fall off, the question is not to create. there is nonsense for this one it's time for a bow, hey, i'll tell you a little bit about our today's hero, boroda is a man who comes from the crimea, from simferopol, and he is a man who, as his brothers told me, stood at the origins of the azov movement in general, the azov
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movement as such , until 2017, but as they say, the azovians themselves and quite often the former do not exist, you still remain in it... even if you represent or found other units there, i do not know the different branches and forces of the military in our country. and the year 2023 and such a little enchantment as ukrainian society by what should have happened in his opinion, maybe somewhere in the world, instead we are in this studio now, and how did the 23rd year become a disappointment for you in some way, or in principle did you not build any illusions for yourself? let's first say a little about azov, we, that is, we must not get confused here. subdivisions , well, that is, when i left azov, i
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, well, i still had some obds of azov there, yes, but i was not in the subdivision, but what are you talking about, this is an azov family, well, that is, it always remains , but azov, the one that is currently, this people who have completely gone their own way, and it 's separate, well, it's not necessary, if, it's them, but we have our own unit, which... has achievements and but the family is more social, more honorable, that's it my soul is an honor , and about what i was thinking about summing up the results of the 23rd year, and i think that we are alive and we are already well in this studio, i have already laid out some plans directly. defeated, there was no feeling that we were going to drive them straight across the urals from everyone in masks,
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we are military, we, we have a task, we fulfilled it, the tasks that were set separately of the full-time brigade, were fulfilled by all 100% that were put before us this year, the question is that people are told that we should have won. did anyone have their own vision of the results of the ukrainian counteroffensive, then there are two answers here: the first - come and see for yourself why it is not as you thought, and the second - this, we need to put the country on military reals, that what russia did, if we really put the country on military reals, then we have every chance to win from this war well, look, in your opinion, doesn't your thesis about the need to put the country on military rails resonate with you, what
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did you and i start this conversation about, kyiv on new year's eve, we started this conversation with whether i am angry or not angry with these people , that is, this is already what is now, that is, i am not saying that it should be like this, that it is now, and it does not cause aggression in me, does it not cause some uneasiness? that's it, but i believe that it should be different, we should do it as much as possible, that is, not simply give, and every person in this country must do something every day for this victory, and what to do there is not there, you can choose for yourself, yes, now, then, who wants to be on the economic front, who wants to be on some other front, who is in some front, no, it should be a state program, a single strong machine. which will turn into the death of the enemies and into our victory, ugh, and in the army itself
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now, well, that is, in 2023, when it became clear that we need to harness for a long time and we will need a lot of people for this struggle, calls began, join the armed forces of ukraine there, the defense forces, in general, especially since you know your strengths . you can find suitable positions, suitable work , various specialists are needed in the armed forces and so on and so forth, won't we come to terms sooner or later with the fact that we will have, relatively speaking, all uav operators or logisticians, but not attack aircraft will remain, or something like that, well , i put it in quotation marks, it's also a system, first of all, a uav operator is a person who has undergone some kind of training, not everyone can do it, he is a person.
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that is, a person will not go into battle just knowing how to shoot, he will be able to do everything possible, and the brigade and the senior as the senior commander will be fully equipped. the safety of these guys , who will carry out direct offensive actions, if it happens, it will be military rails, it will be right there , they will follow it, that is, without losing human resources, we will be able to do a lot more, well , the third osha, as we speak, now i there doesn't seem to be a person in this country who
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doesn't know about the existence of your brigade at least, because very apt. and how about me the information campaign is accurate, many representatives of various businesses support you, and we see it every time we just go to the supermarket, and how did you manage to achieve this, well, that is, to create a certain brand and encourage people to join you when mobilizing recruitment, i understand, that there will never be enough people, but willing to join you in principle. a lot , as far as i know, well, first of all, this is word of mouth radio, well, that is, yes, again, we all, everyone writes posts on the internet of some kind, and people see, ah, well, that we have a little - to another, yes, that is, people see the fact that, as we develop, as we were able to completely set up a unit in two years, here, someone
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was hanging out with us, who has friends, someone is also reading somewhere, he is being mobilized, he is... . i want to be in the third assault brigantine, someone is right there, our contingent is right there, it’s exactly volunteers, and someone is looking for a place to go, here is a person who wants to, he monitors the internet and chooses where to go, then he stumbles upon us somewhere, oh here i will go, and then it has already grown into the commander brand, that's all and the manager is good, that is the work of the commander, the selection of his team in time there. and the people who are responsible for some media component, it works, it works, we have been talking for a long time about the fact that the most important thing is our people, yes, and this is how we differ from our enemy, i understand that in combat conditions it happens different, and it cannot be done without losses either, but after almost two years
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of large-scale invasion, do we still... stand on this, do we still have the understanding that man is above all? it depends on the commander, i can only say for ours commanders, well, our recruitment process is such that human intelligence is the most important, well , because a person is here, even if you do not take a humanitarian, then... purely from a military point of view, a person can react to any situation, a person can do the craziest things task, if she is ideologically savvy , if she is motivated, that is the most important thing, a person after the war will be able to develop this country, that is the same motivated person, and therefore
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people's lives are the most important, returning a little to... after all, the azov family uh, extremely a long and very dramatic, tragic episode with mariupol, with the mariupol garrison in general, and azov, how did you experience it, and in general, how, how internally could you bear all of this, because it is a crazy load, well, it was really big for us. .. with a blow, the fact that we couldn’t somehow, well, really help it, but at that time i was involved precisely in the defense of kyiv, and well, we had something to do, too, that is, we were fighting there, and at the same time, our command in particular
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found some options, so there together with loud from the plane. volunteers rushed to mariupol, azov residents and not only old azov residents, but also a bunch of young guys who , well, because of their ideas, also flew there coldly, there were unsuccessful, unfortunately, attempts to break through to mariupol, somehow, that is, you anyway, we were in all these processes in order to make it easier... i don't know how it is for everyone, it was exactly the same for me, we didn't think about the liberation of mariupol, well, i... in this, i'm not in that, no believed, well, there were such a number of troops that it was unreal, but we could not leave were there our friends, ours, that is, it was a matter
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of honor, huh, well, now bahmud and the situation around him looks difficult in the context of the fact that the enemy has taken the initiative, and there are great threats that gains from... in particular, the third of a separate assault brigade for this year, while you were there, may be leveled, simply because the russians are pressing madly, it will be unpleasant, but yes, i understand how much blood sweat and everything else is put into the fact that andriivka, klichchiivka and so further, but what about the fact that this is a war, and there are situations, when from hand to hand, then to us, then to them. well, look, predict something or talk nonsense, and how will you feel if this is the case, well, how, somehow we will, well, yes, people, i
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am, we are military people, and in principle, i do not understand, all of them are there, well, such emotions as lunch or sadness, it won't make you better on the contrary, so it's easier, well... to do something, than to just think about how bad everything is, the only thing that can be said is that it's high time for all of us to stop blaming there, i don’t know, a hard worker, a syrian, there is a corner, the president, someone else, over there, but start doing every day something on our own, then we will have the right to do it, well, and there will be a result, and everyone, at the very least, will be able to clearly say: here and there something was done wrong or here and there we made the maximum effort, but we were not able to to complete the task
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, and that's why we keep coming back to the same thing, well, we need a military normal military state machine, uh, well, if you already mentioned the military-political leadership, at the end of the year there is a lot of such different information about internal conflicts, how do you perceive it? i can't smile, well, these are hamsters in a jar, something has zero results, the main thing is that it doesn't go bad, we like to argue with each other and blame, that's the question of what, what, what was done, not who guilty, why guilty, at the moment i'm saying, it's ipso, and maybe someone's stupidity, that's what's wrong with anyone. this is in the hands of the russian federation, so not only do i not accept it, but i even try not to look there, i turned off facebook and i can’t find you there
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, you don’t need to, you can find me, but i don’t sit there, because these stupid facebooks are toxic, okay , well a few words about crimea, the 23rd year in the minds of many, in my opinion rather infantile people, should be crowned with walks on the embankment there near shama at the train station in simferopol, i don't know what else. i am always, personally, always a little triggered by such a conversation, because it is difficult to imagine a military operation on the scale of the liberation of crimea, well, that is , in theory, you can probably talk about it with the military, but my god, it is again so much sweat, tears, blood and everything, and how did you feel, how was it to look into everyone's eyes? media such campaigns regarding crimea? well, first of all, nobody knows about military operations in crimea. well, in fact, we are based on some of what we see, we saw how they took
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mariupol, but there the azov garrisons of marines stood to death, we saw how they took bakhmut from us, how many forces they put there, but again we were attacked by wagner, that's it. i will not say that it will be a terrible massacre, maybe everything will be for the best
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. to the crimea, i often, well, that is, i didn't really like it there, the audience liked it now, how i lived there, how people live there, probably even now, but i would return to the mountains, which i miss a little, and maybe there is some vineyard that you did not like when you lived in the crimea, well, which you have not yet it was enough , you know, i'm also a scoop, i... well, i sat down, you know, i once traveled a little in the former yugoslavia, here in aslan, and here you go, for example, to bosnia and herzegovina, montenegro, albania, you go, well, cool, well, europe, well, roughly speaking, you move the bridge to serbia and that's it, the bridge of koltsov in the crimea in simferopol, well, that's it. here
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not everyone understands that, but my god, it's a sleepy , sleepy soviet district, i wish you all the best, and here at these contrasts, well , i felt somehow, well, i felt uncomfortable there, ugh, but that in no way means, that a person who grew up there does not want to return there, he just wants to change, modernize, but that's what i'm talking about, that he really wants to go back to get there. i miss the mountains, i want a vineyard somewhere in the direction of yalta, huh, but tell me, please, don’t you have an inner one like that, you already said that you are not one of those who take offense , take offense, but the internal question for many residents of the peninsula in 2014, why so, why, why did this happen, or why was there such support for the russian
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occupation, i would not say. that there was direct support for the russian occupation, well, there were a thousand degenerates who directly took an active part in it, 500 of them for money, ugh, here, well, you are now talking about the power link of all this as if they had real support population, they would not have introduced the army, well, if they had, the people would have left they would have done everything themselves, well, no one would, i believe that not a single member of europe... i was not that kind of support, you understand, huh, well, i remember exactly why, as if they didn't have it was necessary to land such a huge number of troops, to block the units, if the units were for them, how did they cross over anyway, yes, and why did you block the part, yes, that you blocked the fidosian part, which
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one? the problem was with a part in the pass, a part from the headquarters of the marine corps in simferopol, which held out for four days in almost complete encirclement, today, the way they are trying to rewrite this history, and the most important thing is that those people who at that time tried to do something bad in ukraine after the victory of the maidan, they are very profitable. to support this idea , because they breed with bows , that's how they supported everything there, and that's it for me, that's exactly what happened a little bit, because everything was wrong, well , gentlemen, everything was really wrong, it's just beneficial for you, in order not to take any responsibility, although it is the direct duty of a politician to take responsibility, and it is beneficial for them to support
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look at this russian throwback that everyone supported them there. in one of your comments or interviews, i don't remember whether it was a journalist or the voice of crimea a little earlier in the 15th year, you assumed that these were the russian military in crimea, that they were probably the best and the most equipped of all that they could have, and they were hardly, there was any real fighting force, i remembered... by the way, i'm talking about something else, i 'm talking about the fact that it was a show to the world , well , that is, they dropped out, they were transitioning just then for new weapons, they were just undergoing a complete transition, the army was switching to the latest and all kinds of things, such as uniforms, body armor.


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