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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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er, it is profitable for them to support this russian intrusion, because everyone there supported them. look, in one of your comments or an interview, i don't remember whether it was a journalist or it was the voice of crimea a little earlier in the 15th year, you assumed that these were the russian military in crimea, that they were probably the best and the most equipped of all that could... the world, well, that is, they are different, i am talking about the fact that it was a show , i remembered, by the way, this, i am talking a little about the dropped, they were just then switching to new weapons, in them then just went completely peres, well, the army, was changing to the newest things there, it's a uniform there, branizhele.
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but everything can be, well, if these are the same guys who came here near kyiv later, then it was quite serious, uh, well, if we talk about 2024 in general, it's already next year, and what would you ask now? from ukrainians,
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maybe from the world, and what would you wish for yourself and for your brothers, specifically? i am not one of those people who wants to ask something, ask someone there, well, everyone lives their own life, if we are talking about our partners there, so-called, yes, and if in they still don't understand what if we lose. their time will come, well, 5 years , it will take russia seven years to restore the military potential that they lost here, and it will be a short battle, well, that is, there, if you count how many territories ukraine lost there in the first three days, it's about one and a half or two countries of the european union, it's in a day, well, that's my personal opinion.
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i do not expect any expectations, any expectations for the next year from anyone, the world is currently in such turbulence, election processes in many countries, the united states elections, including presidential elections, and the question of help for us and financing, including weapons, support too. that now remains suspended, is it not in a shaky , shaky position we are in now, i believe that the biggest mistake is always in a person, it is to plan your life, when you rely on someone, we should plan to completely release to our territory, relying on only on our own, if they help us, it is very good, it will strengthen us a lot, but here is the same plan, which wants very much... it must be taken into account
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only on ourselves, and every citizen of this elephant must understand this, we can only count on ourselves, because only what you have and what you can, only this can be sure, you know, i will hate this for sure, because it is mine, and i will hate this if they give me something, this is no longer a plan, it is already a theory, ugh, how do you see yours? after, i'll just say after, well, i 'd like to generalize the survey, that is, as for the military, that's all that's happening, that's right, there is no such survey, no who in the world has this war, well, i can only compare it to some medieval wars, well, so that they came to get out, alda came and the whole garden is getting out. yes, just below zero, well
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, there was no such thing either in the first or second world war, even, here, and such battles, then i can, that is, no one has such a survey. and god forbid no one will have it, but this survey will need to be somehow, as it is called, strengthened, put all this on paper and possibly include it in some books or textbooks, statutes, i would be interested in this get busy, uh, well, i think building a naat army is what we want, and it's a... quite a long process, are you willing to go along with it, like eventually, you know, here i am this is the stage where i'm not a volunteer, well, i'm not good at anything, i spent 10 years speaking rudely, either in the war, or in structures similar to the military, well, yes, why do i care, if there is
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a really huge layer of work , which i can take on, why should i go somewhere and relearn there. there at the age of 40 an it specialist, for example, should i look for someone to work as a security guard , go somewhere, should i start my own business from scratch, if i have some skills, some experience, and the most important thing is the desire to do it, well, that is i just don't even consider this story, it's all there from 20 if there until february 24, i 'm there something else about myself, what's there about some kind of life, for now, that's all, well, i... and will it be decisive for you, to what extent the state provides of the military even after active hostilities, but it will be one from tasks, well, in order to , well, it happens like this, well, everything always happens like this in my life, that you want, for example, that the state respects you there, you start
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doing something, because it will not be, well, this is extreme it's rare when something is given to you for free, you need to make some effort, those who will follow you... they will already be better off, and this is always the engine of progress, when you want your children to be there, your descendants to be there or the children of your friends there will follow you, follow you and everything will be better for them, well, how do you feel about the thesis that the military will come, restore order, well , they will go into politics, they will go into the economy, they will go everywhere, and here we sit, the rear is like this, but no, our military is cool, they will do everything for us, the military, when they return, if we solve their problems. as they know how, everyone will be put in prison, that's the first thing, well , that's why it won't happen, secondly, we return to the same element that we can only count on ourselves, and if a person, people who will stop turning on zhudna,
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or simply speaking rudely, they are talking there, but they will do something, every day, a military machine on its rails, so there will be no need for the military to come and do something. this is transferring one's responsibility to someone, if a person believes only in himself, he knows that only he himself can do something, and there are 40 million of them, we will see a developed and flourishing side, that's what i want to say about nato standards, so what you said, i'm just not right about this , again, i'm relying on the survey of this war, i think that they will be needed. well, we are now trying to get into the system, which no longer works, it once worked, for example, it worked even in the ato zone, when there from the 14th to the 22nd year, it could work, because it was originally under such a war
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, which the whole world has been waging all this time there since the second world war, it is not suitable for this war, and everyone understands that there... the military of other countries, who are looking at us, they have already begun to rewrite own, there are governing documents, yes, and now we are wondering why it is not working anymore, ugh, that's why i'm a little categorical about this , an interesting opinion, that is, nato standards are not a panacea at all, moreover, they may not work in such conflicts as the russian-ukrainian one, and that's what we need. this is the attitude towards the military and within the military, this is the soviet attitude , when i read a good phrase there, the kukanistic chain, when everyone is long-lasting, this is the most important thing in the army, this is the way to chase it, find a problem, reduce it from scratch
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, arrange it, a soldier must always be will be tightened, but in nato the soldiers will also be tightened, but he is drawn to the skill because he is a disciple. uhu, well, and for sure now finally, i just promise, and we understand that the third oshb and other brigades, some of them have simply enormous combat experience in this conflict, are you ready to go specifically. specifically , you will go and teach the world about this, is it necessary to do this
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, or is every conflict different from the previous one and there is no sense, well, look, first of all, you want me there, you don’t want me, how is it, for example, if i am there civilian, i will retire and i will get a job there for good money, then i want to do it, if it is necessary, if i remain in the structure, and the structure needs it, well, that is, it will be some kind of exchange of interviews there, experience there , conferences, or it will simply be necessary to go there, it will be a combat order of disposition there, i will go, i want to do it, that is, here again, nothing depends on whether i want it or not , it is a pure factor that we believe that it should be done, it should be done right now , i asked why, for no one secret that from 2014 to approximately 22, there were in the world certain reservations about, well, for example , people. with the experience of azov, azov did not
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very often get the opportunity to learn on certain weapons, did not receive professional support from the military there from other countries and so on, but it proved to be extremely combat-ready and very effective. actually, is something similar possible even now in your opinion, is it possible that the conventional ukrainian military will be feared in the world, afraid that it is such a combat-capable unit. that oh-oh-oh, are we somehow better off alone? well look, this is a deep question, which is possible, i think, for quite a long time, i will try to lick it short somehow, they are afraid , it is just a position, i know, that no one in the world thought, did not want, but just how gloriously they closed their eyes, that there could be such a situation, that they could ... well, people, they are ready for anything, they will lobby with you all
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they want, yes, people just said, it doesn't happen, well, it's nonsense, it doesn't happen, and that's why we didn't want people like us to see, they didn't want us to exist, because we were scary, so they came up with various canopies, climils for us there. in any case, in fact, they are still continuing in private and in partner states and even inside the country, and the summons went to israel, my god, what else can you do, well , conditionally, your family, again, we are talking about the environment, this is important , that's why i believe that after, well, they still see it there, they are horrified, but then again , there are people like the un who prove that there is no, well,
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it is peculiar, but there are some standard things , which will be needed even now
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, the situation changes steadily every three months at the front, it changes so much that it is necessary to adapt to this story, there are groups of people there who conduct some analyzes there based on the information they receive from the ground, on what they see and even make some plans. well, that is, this is a modern war, but all the same, they are all based on some standard principles , and they change no matter what. hello, thank you very much for the opportunity to discuss these important things, as for me, an officer of the third separate assault brigade with the nickname beard, joined this interview marathon on espresso, i wish you military success, thank you, yes, because to be honest, civilians also very
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often can't find the right words to wish. a successful continuation of everything you are doing now, yes, military luck is definitely something that, well, in fact, in one expression collects everything, and well, of course, i hope that next time we will also meet in this studio or somewhere on the road, i will not be there, great, thank you, thank you to all my colleagues, thanks to whom we were able to have this conversation and record this interview, my name is khrystyna yatskiv, see you soon. turn on well, it’s when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the universe of cinema is around, and then, oh, what is needed, megagogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports, there are discounts on
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fkalor, 20 % in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war speak, serhii zgurets with us, and how the world lives, and now about what happened in the world , yuliy fizar will speak in more detail, yuliy, good evening, please, two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchenko is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready tell us about the weather for the upcoming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio.
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andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day. in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can you... catch your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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stepan barna, currently a sergeant of the 10th separate edelweiss mountain assault brigade, and until 2023 ukrainians knew him as a people's deputy, ex-head of the ternopil regional state
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administration, philanthropist, entrepreneur and scientist, now instead of a high position he holds the title of defender. of ukraine. recalling the past, stepan says: being a politician is not a choice, a vocation, but now it is a duty calls service in the army. i was aware that there would be a war. all the time, i was convinced that there would be a full-scale war with russia. i did not believe that russia would calmly put up with the existence of a ukrainian state. 10 years ago, when the first shots were fired in the east. of the country , stepan barna was engaged in politics, while at the same time actively helping the front. he says that he always understood that the priority for the development of ukraine is a strong army. that's when, in the 14th year , volunteers to fight. brother oleg barna left, instead stepan became a reservist. it was during the formation of the brigade itself, so that, while still in the status of the head of the regional state
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administration, i tried to popularize service in the reserve, already after i left the post of head, i went to a meeting of reservists and there signed the contract of the operational reserve of the first line with the edelweiss brigade . and accordingly, when the war began. the large-scale attack was the president's decree on the mobilization of reservists, well, he was mobilized in his unit, he remembers, he was most worried about how he should fight in winter, because he does not like the cold, being in a position in the middle of winter is the most difficult for a military man, but the man has been wintering at the front for the second year. in the first days, our brigade was transferred to... the border with belarus, and then already in march, at the beginning of march we were in the area of ​​zhytomyr and
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kyiv regions, that is, i met the war already in zhytomyr region, and from may 2022 the brigade transferred to donbas. the fighter says that his main motivation is to ensure peace and finally separate from russia, and if this does not happen, then there is a possibility that this is not the extreme generation. which one fights with the aggressor, the worst - dies. stepan's brother oleg barna already gave his life fighting the aggressor. a well-known politician and an ardent defender of everything ukrainian, he was always distinguished by his patriotism and categorical attitude towards russia. in the future , stepan barna sees ukraine as a full-fledged member of the european union, in the unified nato collective security system, with the preservation of national traditions and the development of new ones. so that children have the opportunity to develop here. study, get an education, get housing, create a business, work in a field that will be comfortable and interesting for them, and for the country
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to be for life, from the new year they expect a peaceful sky and ukraine's victory over the enemy, a peaceful sky, faith in the great future of ukraine, faith... in the fact that ukraine will be an independent, cathedral state, that we will become a full-fledged european country, the belief that this land will be the best for our children and for our future. stepan barna has been in the war for 21 months, he dreams most of all to return home, he says, his relatives are waiting for him here, and at the same time there is a lot of work on the consequences of the war. which are necessary to liquidate, my name is andriy, i am from the city
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of bila tserkva, in the kyiv region, i and my comrades went voluntarily, at the beginning of a full-scale full-scale invasion , we wanted to contribute to the overall victory, and... not just, well, we have been for the past year and a half were involved both in the dftg and in volunteer work, let’s say so, well, recently we even took courses in aerial reconnaissance, control of uavs and drones , we even flew a certain number of hours, let’s say, on mavics, everyone knows, and well, they joined voluntarily in the ranks with his two tours now from the ranks of the armed forces , i don’t have such a feeling of fear, i used to work there as a mountaineer, i always worked at heights, and
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over time this feeling of fear somehow atrophies, yes, of course, i have many friends in hot places, they probably inspired by my actions and so on, i have, well, not even the fact that i have a family, i have friends... i don't have children yet, my friends have children, i want them lived in a free, independent country, and given that i had never had one before, let's say this, the relation of weapons , i didn't have such a thing, it is very important for me, in principle , i was very familiar with this course, i emphasized something for myself, i took the new literally, really there will definitely not be too much, it is, on the contrary, a big plus. congratulations, we have very encouraging news about six-year-old mysh melnyk. we
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are searching. boy since march 2022, and during all this time there was no news about him, we did not know where and with whom myshkota was, in fact, under what circumstances he disappeared. we only knew that before the start of full-scale invasion of russia, a boy lived in the village of grechyshkino in the luhansk region. we have made many programs about the search for mishko, telling you about his story and asking you to give us any information about the boy. and when it seemed that there were almost no chances left. a witness wrote in a telegram to the chatbot of the children's search service, who reported that he knew the whereabouts of mysh melnyk. and this is the message we received. mishko is in kindergarten, in the village of grechyshkino, his grandmother brings him there, we have photos. we specified in witness details, and he confirmed that the boy is allegedly in the occupied village of grechyshkino and goes to kindergarten. we were also sent a photo and even a video with the boy.
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kindergarten in the village of hrychyshkino, it is located right next to the school, it is the only one there, it is called teremok. congratulations, this is the photo we've had for nearly two years of searching. if we compare with the ones sent to us by the witness, the boy is indeed very similar in both photos. we were also helped in the search by autumn specialists who search for information in open sources. and they succeeded find a page on the russian social network of classmates of mishka melnyk's probable mother, but actually she is with little mishka, and this is a photo of the boy at a slightly older age, by the way, the last photo of the mouse, his mother posted on her page in february 2023. so, judging by the message of the witness, the photo and video he provided, as well as the social network of the boy's mother, everything indicates that
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fortunately... myshko, melnyk is all right, and he is probably in the village of grechyshkino , luhansk region . however, so far this information has not been confirmed and we cannot be sure we cannot be 100% certain that the boy was found. so i am asking everyone, especially the residents of the occupied hrychyshkino in the luhansk region. of course, ukrainian television is not broadcast in the occupation, but if you see this program, for example, on social networks, then please check whether it is really in the kindergarten... teremok is studying myshko-melnyk. if possible, take a photo or video with him and his mother and send it to us in the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. you can also contact us by short number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine free of charge so we really hope that everything is fine with mishko melnyk, and soon we will finally be able to announce that the boy has been found. however, the fate of many. of children from
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the temporarily occupied territories is still unknown, and unfortunately, many of them are forcibly removed and deported to russia. deportation of children is part of the crime of genocide, so i would like to note that if you know of any crime against a child, in particular abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website you can even do it. i also ask you to take just a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the child tracing service. here in the section "missing children of ukraine" you can see boys and girls who are currently wanted. look closely at their faces. i will be very grateful if you share information about your missing children on facebook or instagram. after all, of course, the more people see the ad about the wanted child, the
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more. there will be more chances to find her, and suddenly you personally recognize one of them, immediately call our hotline 116 30, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible punishment mechanisms. greetings, dear viewers, this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and for the next hour and 45 minutes, i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important thing: a large-scale missile attack on the territory of ukraine, unfortunately, as of now, we have information about
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five dead and... 27 wounded ukrainians,


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