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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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we will already explain everything clearly to everyone and tell everyone, so we already have a rough idea of ​​what arrived, when, and from which places it flew. mr. oleksandr, it was mentioned that the enemy used 10 daggers, is there any data on this dagger component of enemy attacks, have certain fragments already been found there, is it possible to assume where exactly the enemy was aiming with daggers, we can... say, that at almost all places where daggers were used there were objects that clearly indicate that they were daggers, we know their distinguishing features, we can clearly say that, from where and when the parts remained, we already have all of this, we examined everything today, we also examined it on the 29th, and we basically have the whole picture already assembled, we can say where the daggers were used. how uh, well, where
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did we fly from, we all know about the planes, uh, well , the wreckage is mostly of industrial objects, there are a lot of misses where they didn't quite hit where our enemy planned, but everything is identified, we can say exactly where it was used directly... dagger missiles, mr. oleksandr, are these samples of daggers or kha-101 missiles, these are new products, because, relatively speaking , today our agency, based on a certain photo there, concluded that it is actually the kh101 missiles with the fourth quarter of last year, which indicates that these are new samples, but the enemy is trying to erase the serial numbers there and trying to confuse it so that it is not possible to determine whether... the time
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of manufacture of these missiles, whether your conclusions confirm this time of manufacture and that it are all the samples used by the enemy mainly of new production? well, i can tell you that both on the 29th and today , the x101 missiles were used for 3-4 quarters of this year, well, last year 2023, 90%. the seventh series of the mentioned missiles, they are the newest , we are counting right now, they have already left the assembly line, and they are already a little bit in a new version, but they are standard x101 missiles, but the third and fourth quarters in the parts of which we found are clearly traced and we can see it all, that is, they continue to produce them, too. they have new ones in service, but
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the old ones have apparently already expired. and were there any unusual elements in the structures or in the fragments of those samples that the enemy used, because, relatively speaking, everyone there is talking about these black shaheds, which have some spraying there, about x101 with some new blocks, with thermal traps, about kh-55 missiles without warheads, but with simulators, were there any new nuances in the remains of those designs. with which your experts worked during the results of the strikes on the 29th and today, well , we can say that there is a lot of new, black shaheds talk about it for a reason, black shaheds are so true, well, we have many cases when they are simply painted and simple gray, which are painted with black paint, but there are also new ones, which we already understand, are already produced directly in russia, and they have slightly different... material that is different from
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the iranian ones, it has, they have different signs, designations, they start on the k side. without combat units with simulators of nuclear e-e supply, but what about already thermal traps, which everyone is talking about, fly away. we can say that these are, well, a little bit not thermal traps, these are dipole reflectors that appeared already in the third-fourth quarter of 2023, which are used for the purpose of somehow introducing deception to our means of radio-electronic warfare, the means of defeating the specified missiles, that is, they are fired. around them
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is such a giant shape that glows, and they are designed to deceive our means, radio-electronic radars, which sometimes i define them. and this is new, which appeared only in the third-fourth quarter of the 23rd year in the x-101 missiles and in other missiles currently used by russia. mr. oleksandr , the general staff said today that the enemy attacked from the sea with kalibr cruise missiles, and from the north with ballistic missiles of the iskander type, um, s300, s-400, are there in those wreckages that... that your experts studied, confirming the facts that this time, in particular, the enemy used s-400 strikes on kyiv, and the remnants of calibers, are there calibers for kyiv, kyiv region? eh, well, i can tell you this way that even on the 29th of december
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, the s400 missiles were used, this is the 48n6, uh, this is the name of these missiles, yes, they were used, there were many of them, today these the facts i can't tell you anything, because in the places where we were, they were directly collected, we didn't find them, er, there were mostly x101, m, there were daggers, er, well, we had some places, we are still checking which ones, we have found other remains, which we already meet for the second time. it was on the 29th and we are still here today we are figuring out what it is, i think that the authorities of the pre-trial investigation, if we come to a conclusion, they themselves will tell about it, but i can tell you that those missiles that were
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used in december s-400, they were also of the third, of the fourth quarter, new, new hulls, new missiles, er, i can say that this is how they are used, and and... it was used before, this 48 series, and these hulls were found and identified by us, we can say for sure that a bunch they are used, mr. oleksandr, i don't want to ask for details, but from your previous one statement, can we assume that you have the remains of missiles, the detailing of which is such that the enemy had not previously used it for strikes on kyiv, can we draw such a conclusion? well, i think so, we have several cases of the use of some means of destruction that the enemy had not used before, we cannot tell you exactly, we are still checking in order not to
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mislead, first of all bodies of pre-trial investigation, the country's leadership, but we can say that we are still checking, well, this is a very serious weapon that is not used. er, maybe these are some new daggers, well, we, we think that it is different, well, we will report literally there in the near future, and the last question is that it is important for experts to record at the place of the fall of debris and hits, so that later these data can be used as evidence to confirm russian crimes to initiate criminal cases against army officials. federations, we first of all record all the places of arrivals, we use, we record all the objects that we find at the places of explosions, flights the specified means that are used
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, well, for example, x101 has never been on the territory of ukraine, was never produced and was never deployed, we can immediately say that it... flew directly from russia, we determine where it flew from, from what course, well all the parts that are made up of the purpose and the factory numbers, for the purpose of later use in the courts, other various authorities, which will then deal with the investigation and hearing of these such cases in order to clearly fix the places, we conduct not only the photographer'. we tie them with coordinates, we we know where it flew from, the courses , we are knocking everything down so that it is possible, we are still deciphering, if possible, the parts, i want to tell you, it is no no no no no secret that in many means of defeat
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the course is preserved, to which he flew, all the places where he flew there, where he was returned, not returned, and this will just become... that object of justification and foundation of our evidence in international courts for the purpose of punishing the enemy and for the fact that he is such hostile. it has consequences for us, mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for these extremely interesting and important details, for inclusion in our broadcast, i will remind our viewers that it was oleksandr ruvin, director of the kyiv research institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice of ukraine. and then we will find out some military aspects related to the enemy's tactics and countermeasures to this enemy's missile attack, which is obviously not the last. in view of the established practice of missile terror, especially in the winter period, and we have igor romanenko,
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retired lieutenant general and at one time deputy chief of the general staff, in contact with us of the armed forces of ukraine and also the founder of the charity fund will close the sky of ukraine. mr. general, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. take it, i congratulate you. considering your profession and training, i would like you to objectively assess what happened today in the airspace of our country and how the enemy tried to break through the shield of our air defense, and what are the features of the enemy's attack, and what the difficulty of repelling such attacks by means of air defense. in any case, if this blow is massive, that is, for a hundred more than a hundred. if the enemy uses means of striking, then a large number of these
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means leads to the fact that in some cases the anti-aircraft missile defense forces are technically and tactically unable to process, if the flow of these targets, and this is fundamental. position, and the enemy knows it, and that is why he collected it for the second time, having collected a large number of rockets, first of all, having shaheds available, he organizes this kind of air strike, and we saw that in the evening , shaheds were first used, night time these are black, dark shaheds, those that are planned already for the morning and afternoon, you see, they are painted in
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bright white, but actually most of the shaheds were also destroyed, and then various types of rockets were used, and according to the ballistics of batteries with anti-missile capabilities, we do not have so many, so there is a peculiarity in this and in this case they... used 10 daggers, for example, these are quasi, if hypersonic missiles that are launched by specialized fighters, mig 31ka, so, and then different types of other missiles, ballistic, such x22 anti-aircraft missiles are ballistic. is the complexes are converted to earth, earth, their missiles, unfortunately, such as the s-300, they
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have thousands of them still in reserves, well, that is , such a large number, but it differs from, say, a massive strike on the second of december from january 2, from 29 december, also in the fact that on december 20... on december 9, a powerful mass strike was carried out by means of the strikes were distributed over a larger number of objects, and there were military, infrastructure, civil, and so on, and that is, loaded forces of defense, anti-flood defense, on a separate object was less, in the second they were concentrated, well were also several at a time, but mainly concentrated on striking, as
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they always do not forget the capital and kharkiv, kharkiv, and in this connection such a large number of missiles on mainly two objects, two targets, an understandable number funds per object increased significantly, and this made it difficult to perform tasks. by our forces of anti-aircraft, anti-missile defense, but despite asking, i would like to ask how much time is allocated to pre-charging the petrio complexes there on... sams or s-300 in such massive attacks, does it take into account the enemy saw this flaw in the air defense system, so that so many missiles flew so that we fired, and then did not have time to reload. as a rule, against rockets, if there are, well, there were, for example, 10 daggers, such a number from the point of view of the presence
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of launchers and missiles on them, here the question of missiles on them arises. in this direction, that is, they will work out such a number in one complex, and this would not be a problem, but they will put a full stop and it is actually destroyed, that is, the question here is not so much, the question is that, for example, from one an airstrike will be carried out the next day, depending on how powerful it is. the next strike, then it takes several days, there are four plus-minus, less power strike, less, more powerful, a larger number needs a structure that develops routes and enters this data, it is clear that more days, so from the point of view of recharge, if there are launchers, and most importantly missiles
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, there can be installations on them, but there are not enough missiles, this is a problem, so we will look at the latest ones, for example, from the americans, although other countries are helping , but the supplies were, well, of course , the caliber, artillery ones there, but there were precisely missiles for means of anti-aircraft defense, so one launcher may be critical here , but on it, and then, if there are not enough launchers, and there were generally enough of them in number, then the question is which one you will raise. you know by rewiring, it does not play a big role, mr. igor, thank you very much for these explanations for the time for our broadcast, and i will remind our viewers that it was igor romanenko, doctor of technical sciences, to the retired general, the founder of the charity fund "zakryem nebo ukraine", where he explained
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how an improvised air defense system was built to repel a russian missile. she was swarmed, these were the main military results of this difficult day, then more international and economic news, then vasyl zimi will be on the big air, so stay tuned to the espresso channel, there are 20% discounts on amicitron in the pharmacies of psyllsnyk, pam and oschad. there are 20% discounts on deflu in pharmacies psylansky, bam and oskad. attention, a good offer, order a light bulb wisely light at a special promotional price, only uah 99. durable, reliable, and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, but we
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the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many they became like relatives, and also distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. stay every day. from 20 to 22 for espresso. thank you
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to serhiy zgorts, i thank his guests. these were the military results of the day. the second hour of the great aether begins. there is a lot of interesting news about ukraine ahead with yuri fizer, we will have a professional guest with whom yuri will discuss important international topics. i will also speak today about economic issues. again, what should not be expected in the coming year. cultural news from rivnichyna , the scandalous speech of the 95th quarter for the new year, who did he offend, what is the reaction already, and the weather from natalka didenko, is the cold coming to ukraine, well, just now we are talking about we will discuss the most important news of the day with you: destruction, wounded and dead - these are the consequences of yet another massive russian shelling of ukraine. this time , the capital, the city of kyiv, was the most affected. so far, it is already known about two dead and 49 injured. more details in our story. these are
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the first minutes after the explosion in a high-rise building in the solomyan district of the capital, which was the most affected by the massive russian attack. almost 100 missiles of various types were launched today by the enemy over ukraine, of which almost 60 were aimed at kyiv, as a result, two dead and 49 injured. i woke up from the explosion, well, there was a very loud bang , and glass, glass fell on me, and i started to get out, but all the furniture was lying and i climbed on the furniture, i reached the door, the door was jammed, i could not open it, because the frame broke , flew out, and i returned to the kitchen, and the grates of the kitchen flew out, the first floor, everything flew out, all the kitchen furniture is lying, i climbed over them and jumped, gift lives on the eighth floor, her ... apartment burned to the ground, right next to her the vehicle was hit by an enemy rocket, one and a half hours hours, the woman and her family could not get out from under the rubble, because the exit was blocked, so
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they had to wait for the help of the state emergency service. everything happened instantly, she pushed us all the way to the wall , glass fell, there was even glass in her mouth, there was glass everywhere, the apartment was empty, there was nothing, all the doors were blown down, that is, there was simply nothing there. there is no, fog, dust, something is burning, not far from a high-rise building, the red cross society has set up a temporary heating and aid point for residents of the solomyan district who were injured by the rocket attack. we pitched tents we set up a heating station where people can warm up, people can charge their mobile phones there, if they don't have a phone, they can call us, we gave blankets, we gave isofoliocras, these are so... brilliant, we provided first aid, we provided first psychological aid, other districts of the capital,
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podilskyi, svyatoshynskyi, pecherskyi, obolonskyi and desnyanskyi, were also affected by the massive attack. high-rise residential buildings, warehouses, and private households were damaged. in the podilsky district due to falling debris rockets, a large-scale fire broke out, two car showrooms were on fire, 29 cars were completely burned, and more. five were damaged, there were many explosions, the flame was about 50 meters, i live nearby, i came, it was all burning here, in total, in the space of kyiv and the region, the air defense forces destroyed 60 one rocket, of which about 10 daggers, as well as until this night, 13 shaheds. in kyiv , a scientist who taught at the kievoglyan academy was killed as a result of a rocket attack, this is reported... institute of hydrobiology of ukraine shevtsova lyudmila vasylivna, doctor of biological sciences, professor. for many years, the head of the institute of hydrobiology of the national academy of sciences of ukraine. in recent years, she has been a lecturer
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at kyiv university. mohyla academy. eternal and bright memory. 11 apartment buildings and 60 cars were damaged in the kyiv region as a result of the morning russian attack. more than 700 residents of these buildings received the necessary assistance. 16 people, including an eight-year-old child, turned to doctors. as a result of the explosion, a large crater, almost 4 m deep, was formed in the city. a headquarters was organized on the spot. rescue workers, medics and the law enforcement officers do not give all the victims of the morning attack.
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and that's all, nothing else, all those doors to that balcony suddenly opened, they flew off the cover, and so on, a lot of damage was done, well, the windows were broken, everything, thank god, no one was hurt, there the christmas tree was slightly damaged, then everything here products that were president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy commented on the morning attack on ukraine. the president noted that russia will be responsible for everything it takes. life, the head of state expressed his condolences to the families of the dead ukrainians. i thank employees of the state emergency service of ukraine, policemen, doctors, everyone who helps people. our air force, anti-aircraft guns, mobile fire groups. thank you guys. thanks to everyone in the world who helps. patriots, aryas, nasems, each such system has already saved at least hundreds of lives. another 129 citizens
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of ukraine were injured. russia spent almost 620 million dollars on a massive missile attack on ukraine on january 2. this is evidenced by data from the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine and forbes calculations. the most expensive kha-101 missiles are $13 million. kha-47 kenjal - 15 million dollars and 136 - 50 thousand dollars. air defense operation was recorded during the morning attack. the security service of ukraine has blocked webcams that russia used to monitor the defense forces. according to the investigation, one of the devices was located on the balcony of an apartment building. the camera was used by the local osb to monitor the surrounding area. that the camera itself changes the settings and raises the horizon. he did not pay attention to it, did not expose it to someone there.
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meaning, today i noticed on the tv channel, the telegram channel, that there is a video of my work camera another external surveillance device is blocked in one of kyiv's residential complexes. residents used it to monitor the parking lot. cyber ​​specialists of the security service of ukraine established that this web camera was remotely controlled by the enemy for the covert recording of the surrounding territory, including the objects of cover. infrastructure. according to available information, with the help of these cameras , the aggressor collected data for preparing and adjusting strikes on kyiv. energy workers have already restored power to 250,000 kyiv residents, but some residents remain without power korenivki, dtek reported. partial electricity supply was restored in buchanskyi, vyshhorodskyi and fastivskyi districts. in general, more than 86,000
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consumers were left without electricity in kyiv and the region due to the enemy attack. well, during the massive missile attack on ukraine in poland , four f-16 fighter jets and an aviator were taken into the air, this was done in order to guarantee the safety of the country's airspace. this was reported by the operational command of the armed forces of poland on the ex social network. one dead and four injured, and four more destroyed cars. an air alert was announced three times today. in belgorod, over the belgorod region, air defenses allegedly shot down eight aerial targets. this was reported in the russian ministry of defense. the department noted that the territory of ukraine was shelled from the ukrainian vilha multiple-launch rocket system. local residents of the belgorod region are posting videos and photos on social networks, loud explosions are heard, and there are also fragments of something that has been knocked down.
8:01 am
today they said goodbye in kremenchuk. with a famous ukrainian ex-basketball player


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