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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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indeed, how can we help? artem logutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, espresso tv channel. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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espresso, we start the information day with news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. restless in russian bielgorod. there were explosions at night. there was an air alarm. the local governor, vyacheslav gladkov , said that on the way to the city, they shot down, as it were, nine aerial targets. there is destruction in private sector, as usual, without casualties. according to the governor, on december 2 , byelogorod was attacked three times, and this morning there were reports again in the city. about the air
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alarm. there were explosions in crimea as well. in local publications, they write about a possible attack on the bolbek military airfield. there seemed to be two explosions. at the same time, the occupation governor of sevastopol, rozvazhaev, said that a missile had been shot down over the black sea. and two victims of russian attacks on zaporozhye: a 54-year-old man and a 63-year-old woman died in the village. due to artillery fire. also injured 76-year-old resident of orikhov. yuriy malashko, the head of the regional military administration, said. the occupiers raided the region 134 times per day, shelling 23 settlements . one injured due to russian shelling of kherson region. the occupiers shelled the region more than 120 times per day, - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. damaged quarters, medical and educational
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institutions, administrative buildings, a library and a station in the kherson district, as well as a factory in berislavsky. destroyed school and water supply. the russians attacked kharkiv the night before previously by s-300 missiles. one of them hit an educational institution in the osnovyansk district , oleg synigubov, the head of the region, said. part of the two-story building collapsed in the houses nearby due to the blast wave. smashed the windows. at the place of impact , a hole with a diameter of about 10 m was formed, which quickly filled with water, so the rescuers assume that the underground water supply was damaged. the number of victims due to yesterday's mass attack on the city also increased. 62 people were injured, among them six children. two more people died. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces. of ukraine. our military
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advanced in the verbovoy region of zaporozhye and forced the russians to retreat from some positions. in addition, our defenders repelled an enemy attack near the robot, and also improved their positions southeast of novobakhmutivka in donetsk region. the situation in the ovdiiv direction remains very difficult. the occupiers continue their assaults. they also tried to attack the left bank nine times kherson region. a day at the front. 57 combat clashes took place. our aviation and missile forces hit 14 enemy concentration areas, three anti-aircraft missile complexes, two control points, the russian artillery and radar system, as well as a fuel and lubricant warehouse. 130 wounded and five dead. such are the consequences of the massive russian attack on ukrainian cities on january 2. the enemy launched almost 100 rockets. types and
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trajectories were calculated by the enemy to cause the most damage, president volodymyr said in his evening address zelensky this is absolutely deliberate terror, and in just a few days of these last days, from december 29 to today, russia has already used almost 300 missiles and more than 200 shaheeds against ukraine. no state has yet repelled similar strikes, combined with drones and missiles, including air ballistic ones. just today, 10 daggers were shot down. i thank every soldier of our air forces, the armed forces of ukraine, all fighters of mobile fire groups, every anti-aircraft gunner, all those in the world who are already helping ukraine with weapons to protect the sky.
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kyiv experienced one of the heaviest shellings since the beginning of the russian invasion on january 2. how the capital recovers, in our story. these are the first minutes after the explosion in a high-rise building in the solomyan district of the capital, which was the most affected by the massive russian attack, today the enemy launched almost 100 rockets of various types across ukraine, of which almost 60 were directed at kyiv, resulting in two deaths and 49 injuries. i woke up from the explosion, well, it banged very hard and sprinkled me. glass, glass, and me i started to get out, but all the furniture is lying and i climbed on the furniture, i reached the door, the door was jammed, i could not open it, because the frame was knocked out, flew out, and i returned to the kitchen, and the kitchen grates flew out, the first floor,
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everything flew out, all the kitchen furniture is lying, i climbed over it and jumped, gift lives on the eighth floor, her apartment burned to the ground, an enemy rocket hit right near her entrance. and for an hour and a half, the woman and her family could not get out from under the rubble, because the exit was blocked, so they had to wait for help state emergency service. everything happened in an instant, she pushed us all the way to the wall, glass fell, there was even glass in the mouth, there was glass everywhere, there was nothing in the apartment, there was nothing, all the doors were blown down, that is, there is simply nothing there, fog, dust , something is burning. near the high-rise building, the red cross society has set up a temporary heating and aid point for the residents of the solomyan district who suffered from the rocket attack. we put up tents, we put up a heating station where people can warm up, where people can charge mobile phone, if there is no phone, they
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can call us. we gave blankets, we gave isofolios. the blankets are so shiny. we provided first aid. we provided psychological first aid. other districts of the capital, podilskyi svyatoshynskyi, pecherskyi, obolonskyi and desnianskyi, were also affected by the massive attack. high-rise residential buildings, warehouses, and private households were damaged. a large-scale fire broke out in the podilskyi district as a result of falling rocket debris, two car showrooms were on fire, 29 cars were completely burned, and five are damaged. there were many explosions and flames. about 50 meters, i live nearby , i came, it was all burning here, in total, in the space of kyiv and the region , the air defense forces destroyed 61 rockets, of which about 10 were daggers, as well as 13 shakheds at night, the museum of the commander-in-chief
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of the upa roman shukhevich, he burned during the russian attack on january 1. unmanned debris fell on the building. there was a fire, but some exhibits were saved. details in our story. the occupiers are still afraid of the leaders of the ukrainian national opera, that's why our historical monuments are being attacked. january 1 marked the 115th anniversary of the birth of stepan bandera. and at dawn, the russians hit the university in dublyany, in the lviv region, where the leader of the un was studying. due to the fall of the drone debris , the roof of the main building collapsed. which erected one of the first monuments to the leader, at the same time the russians also attacked the museum of the opa commander-in-chief ruman shukhevich in bilogorshchi, also on the outskirts of lviv, with a shahed. the fire burned the building almost to the ground, and with it shukhevych's personal belongings, including furniture, a table,
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chairs, an armchair, a piano. fortunately, none of the people were hurt. the originals of things of that time, the originals of things. the patron of the museum, well, the hero of the museum, the person, the person in fact at the epicenter of the museum's view, was named after him, unfortunately, it will not be possible to restore this in this building. the museum housed the last headquarters of the upa commander-in-chief. an important historical object of this two-story building was the crypt, which was located at the entrance to the attic. it was from it that roman shukhevich entered the last battle with units of the soviet mgb. the most valuable obviously in this museum is the very building of this museum, taking into account the fact that this is the very building where the last battle took place on march 5, 1950, in which roman shukhevych died. it has been preserved since... those years, since the 50s , and sometime after the revival of ukraine's independence , they started talking about the need to create
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a museum there. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russians, the staff of the institution took six hundred of the most valuable exhibits of the shukhevych museum to a safe place, but they were not able to evacuate everything. strictly speaking, the term survivor means that he stands, you understand, that is, the fact that it is standing, that it did not collapse, but everything collapsed. just know, a little bit of walls will hold back, and it still gives, and the bust of roman shukhevych, the works of uktor chereshniovskyi, is what we can talk about at the moment, everything else has obviously burned down. the museum of general khorundjo of the upa, roman shukhevych, will be rebuilt, lviv mayor andrii sadovy assured this. the most important thing is our memory of our heroes, of all those who fought for freedom at different times. ukraine, and no one can take it away from us, unless, of course, not let's ignore it ourselves. with this, i conclude
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the episode, further on the air, welcome my colleagues, oksana voschanska and roman chayko. don't switch, stay with the espresso team. good morning, welcome to espresso, we will now collect for you the entire picture of the last day and night on the fronts and various corners of our homeland. and while we will involve various speakers, experts, specialists and opinion leaders in our conversation, you have a responsible and important task. to donate to our defenders, we urge you to join the fundraiser for kamikaze drones, this
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for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, the soldiers of this brigade have been actively defending ukraine since 2014, for 10 years in the hottest areas, there was also the battle for donetsk airport, ilovaisk, battles for sumy oblast, kharkiv oblast, soledar, bakhmut, we all know these points defenders need drones. in sufficient numbers, they can in a matter of minutes stop almost any offensive and any assault actions of the enemy, equipment, manpower, because where there is no drone wing, unfortunately, human lives are lost, human dreams and hopes, so be active , get involved, our ambitious goal is uah 5 million, drones are not cheap, but they are very necessary, here is the qr code, one, two, card numbers, please copy for yourself and with each one. can you give me the opportunity? well, if you didn’t make it to our news release, let us remind you that
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the night passed without general air alarms for the entire territory of ukraine, which did not prevent the russian-fascist occupier from launching a second missile attack on kharkiv , they would have fired frantically at nikopol, as is customary in there are also fifty shells in kherson residential quarters, in a word, the enemy was raging, but... this time there were also interesting moments, something was shot down in the belgorod people's republic, as the governor always says, an incredible number of drones were shot down in the air on approach flights, well, there was also concern in the kursk people's governorate, there is no electricity in residential buildings after an air attack damaged the substation. maria petrovna in belgorod also did not sleep today. well, this is the situation, but from kyiv, sad news for the morning. one person, unfortunately, died in the hospital, this person was injured by a missile shelling on december 29, so a total of 30
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people were killed and another 29 were injured that day, they report from kyiv, and actually in kyiv, we will question our first guest today, leonid yemets, a member of the kyiv city council, in touch with us, glory to ukraine, mr. leonid, glory to the heroes, we will first of all ask about the consequences of yesterday. after the mass powerful attack on the capital on january 2, has the city already recovered, has the city already dismantled the rubble, ruins, the most important thing that needed to be done? remediation work is ongoing as we speak the infrastructural damage that was caused, i.e. the first, literally minutes after the shelling, the light went out in some areas of the city of kyiv, the water supply went out, well, precisely
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because of power outages, and accordingly , all these consequences have already been restored, there is light everywhere, the internet is available , there is water, there is actual heating, well, except for the building where you are now, which you are showing, of course, work is still being done there, in general, last year the city of kyiv spent from its budget, that is, from the funds of the taxpayers of kyiv, somewhere around 2 billion hryvnias for recovery of the crash. such caused by russian shelling, well, accordingly, during the formation of the budget for this year , sums were laid down, but neither you nor we know how much money, forces and resources will be needed to eliminate the consequences, and what these consequences will be, it all depends on skill of our
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air defense operators, availability of air defense equipment. and communal services, rescuers, our doctors, they work, and for which we have to thank, because this work, it is not easy, they constantly work under the risk of a repeated attack, because we understand that if the task is terror, then to attack the object where the rescue work is being carried out, that 's exactly what it is... the methods of terrorists and the russians use them, we have already seen specific cases of this, including in the city of kyiv, but the services are ready, kyiv the infrastructure is working, they call the number of 321 apartments that were damaged in two buildings, and they say that seven apartments were completely burned down, this is actually
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about the house that we showed in the solomyansky district, did you contact us? people about getting some kind of temporary accommodation, do these people have in which damaged apartments, where to spend the night, where to live, where to stay? one of the schools was equipped so that people who lost their apartments could find temporary housing there, the city is working on compensation and will suffer through the corresponding application. can fill out the form accordingly and receive several stages of compensation there, first in a row or in the future more thoroughly, it depends on the degree of damage to their property, and i will remind you once again that the funds that were in
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the public budgets and in the city of kyiv, they were significantly reduced even last year year and this year, since the state... took away the so -called military personal income tax, that is, the tax on the allowance of individuals, and this was one of the main items of income of territorial communities, well , the city is the capital, and of course, we will find funds, we will redirect them from other directions , and there are already relevant draft decisions registered by the european solidarity faction on sending about e... billion hryvnias to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, but this does not change the fact that there must be funds for, including compensation for damages from the russian shelling and for the preservation of the infrastructure and for the salaries of those services that, accordingly, work from morning to evening in a non-stop mode, because
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no one knows how many of those shellings there have been and will be, and well, all these needs, they must be... provided for and in the capital of ukraine, the local self-government has fully coped with this task at the moment. mr. leonid, i wanted to ask you about the questions that escalated yesterday, we drew attention to the spokesman of the city military administration mykhailo shamanov, he turned out to be the same saw everything with my own eyes, on drain tanks and anonymous. telegram channels and those that are quite often involved in spreading panic, fakes, dispersing russian narratives, such as truhaks and others, a video actually appeared. broadcasting of the shelling of the capital, this was also seen in the city's military administration, they promised to turn to the security service of ukraine. as of today, we know that
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the sbu blocked two webcams, one belonged to the condominium and broadcast live, the second was a city camera, it turns out that they are usually very easy, like all webcams, to hack for hackers, muscovites connected to them and literally watched and... adjusted the shelling of the capital online, so these two cameras are blocked, and two questions arise, the first question is that there are many condominiums in kyiv, and there are even more cameras, is there a plan to turn off the , in these webcams all over the capital, or at least some kind of audit, accounting? and the second point, this is the second question, have people already dug a little with the cesspools of telegram channels, because some of the admins are known, will the security service of ukraine work with them, at least in the capital? well, i think, here is the question
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not to the local self-government, to me as a representative, probably the question is more to a citizen and a politician, er , of course, well, first of all, it is the task of the security service to detect, er, these online broadcasts, by - the second, of course, it harms ours. national security is a threat to every resident, both in the capital and in any other city where such a broadcast is conducted, because it is a greater gift to the enemy than as a record of where he hit or did not hit and how our air defense works at the same time, where do the missiles that shoot down the russian missiles come from, well, this is extremely useful information and to provide it in this way ... to our enemy so that he can use it to more effectively hit the ukrainians, well, it is on the one hand, if it is not done on purpose, this is stupidity, if
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it is done on purpose, then it is treason, well , or simply subversive activity for the benefit of the russian special services, therefore it is the task of the security services of ukraine, it is written exactly in their functionality, to detect and prevent such... activities , what is needed from the local self-government in this direction, all information, access to all facilities, well, i can say that we will provide, but we provide anyway, because it is defined by legislation, and we accordingly support such a position of the ukrainian community, which is already on the second year, at least there shouldn't be such cases, regarding... anonymous telegram channels that use this information, or rather spread it, under the guise that someone has already
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spread it before, well, you know that, such good excuses to have in addition to the large telegram channel with with a large number of subscribers, there is another small channel with a couple of tens of subscribers specifically for the purpose of first throwing this picture there, and then allegedly reposting it from there, well... a kind of trick, you know, and i am sure that the service security of ukraine should have, well, at least , analyzed this information and settled it a long time ago, or in this case at least conduct explanatory work with the owners of canada regarding the fact that they are anonymous, it is impossible to establish them, well, i still believe, that our security service of ukraine, our spies are able to... establish the owners of telegram channels, no, it’s already difficult, especially since some of them are already installed,
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if the security service of ukraine wanted to, it would go to the website of the chesno community and look there already installed with with photos, with all the so-called anonymous, not quite anonymous telegram channels, thank you, mr. leonid, leonid yemets, the deputy of the kyiv city council was in touch with us, we go further and add ours. the next guest from zaporizhia, serhii lyshchenko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council and a volunteer is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. good word. you know, i can’t start with something else, just as with information , deep state has already written about it, and official sources say that the armed forces of ukraine have made some progress in the verbovoy region, the russians have abandoned some of their positions, this morning is such a happy beast address, summary from. headquarters, we also saw footage showing what the occupiers had left behind in the area of ​​the robot, actually crushed houses and
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trees. which are hard to call trees, actually somewhere there are some pieces of trunks, and several chickens are walking around, freshly laid eggs, and everything, and what was left behind, the occupants’ vital activities, some pieces of dry food, please tell us what is happening there now, well, in fact, the situation is not so joyful in my opinion , as the general staff showed it, because during a certain period of time... the enemy managed to advance at a slight pace in the direction of the robot, to withdraw the line of battle, accordingly, in the southern direction , they also had an advance, and to date we are talking about the fact that the defense forces of ukraine managed to destroy their forward lines, which they captured already in the armed forces, and the gray zone has actually increased, maybe the armed forces will be able
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to secure these positions... given the constant barrages, it is very difficult, well, accordingly establish a line of demarcation, but in fact we did not push the enemy back, we just increased the gray area and stopped him temporarily, maybe permanently, we will see later on his advance in this direction, but unfortunately, there it is the best point of combat collision in in the zaporizhzhia region, there are constant battles, mr. serhiy, after those shellings and what happened. at the beginning of the year, there was a message from zaporizhzhia oblenergo about a power outage, was it related to the shelling, or are these some planned things that are happening, is there electricity in zaporizhzhia, in particular now? in particular , there is a delay now, and starting somewhere around september, a part of the city is disconnected every day, in connection with repair
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works and... switching the system to simplify the system of emergency management blackouts, making this process more efficient , etc., these works are ongoing , the blackouts are daily, depending on the fact that , well, these are partial blackouts in certain areas, these are repair works, a house may collapse there, several houses on the streets may collapse, and this is also directed primarily to adapt the system for emergency shutdowns if. will be needed, mr. serhiy, there is such a list, which in the temporarily occupied territories of zaporozhye, the local occupation administration compiled such a list of churches, who have the right to celebrate liturgies on christmas, of course according to the old calendar on january 6-7, we understand that only churches loyal to the occupation authorities, i.e. the moscow patriarchate, are on that list, all others are not allowed,
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there are restrictions, what other restrictions are there besides these churches are owned by local people, not only by churches, but in general by the entire population of the territories temporarily not under the control of kyiv, well, in general , there are a lot of restrictions for the population in the territories not under the control of ukraine, if we are talking about churches, then in principle the actual existence and permanent activities of churches other than the moscow patriarchate and other. related to islam, certain communities, everything has been stopped , they do not function in any way, etc., in relation to the population, and since january 1, the provision of medical care, including emergency care to those who have not received a russian passport, has been stopped, we do not know at the moment how strictly it
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works because when last time... they tried to introduce this ban, and in fact it broke down because of the presence of certain ambulance workers, because people came to the call, first provided help, and then they already asked for a passport, and it turned out that the person did not have a passport, but help was already provided, and what additional measures were taken, what additional safeguards were used, we still do not know, i think that the day - two it will clear up. sergius, and oksana asked about the celebration in the old style of the moscow church in the occupied territories, and interestingly, in our territories of zaporizhzhia, how it happened, we remember the rather powerful influence and agent activity of the moscow order of lenin of the patriarchate in zaporizhzhia itself, yes, all ukrainian churches switched to the normal calendar, as it now looks like in the community.


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