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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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who did not receive a russian passport , we do not know at the moment how strictly it functions, because when last time they tried to introduce this ban, and in fact it broke due to the presence of certain ambulance workers, because people came to the call, first provided help , and then they already asked for a passport, and it turned out that the person did not have a passport, but help had already been provided, and what measures were taken? were used additionally, what additional fuses were used, we still do not know, i think that it will become clear in a day or two. sergey, but oksana asked about the celebration in the old style of the moscow church in the occupied territories, and she is interesting, in our territories of zaporizhzhia, how it happened, we remember the rather powerful influence and agent activity of the moscow order of lenin of the patriarchate in zaporizhzhia itself, yes, everyone ukrainian churches switched to
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a normal calendar, so how does it look in the community now, how many celebrated christmas eve on the 24th, how many will celebrate on the fifth together with muscovites, tell me? and well , first of all, unequivocal, let's say, stubbornness parishioners of the moscow patriarchate , i can’t call it any other way, that is, people who first of all go not to god, but to the moscow patriarchate, because for them it is a priority, and... and these will definitely go to the service on the sixth and in general i would advise the security service to rewrite these people, because they should be put on the appropriate record, and if they have not already done so, but because these are people for whom belonging to moscow is more important than all other things, there and so on and so on similar, and this is , firstly, secondly, there are people for whom there is a certain the habit factor, and i think that this year...... there will not be
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so many of such people, because first of all, it is not a day off, and this creates certain problems, because on the seventh i go to work , and therefore normally you won’t celebrate, as they say, but oh, on the eighth to work, at the same time, let’s see, the sixth, saturday, the holy evening, according to the old style, so let’s see how many of these people there will be, in my opinion, a third of those who went before and in a word, tell me what you can hear from the tokmak, because there were reports of quite loud ones explosions, but then there was no information, where exactly , what exactly, and so on, we have about a minute, well, so, explosions happen almost constantly, if not to say daily, so mak is in the affected area by mars, so all the more or less warehouses, which they quickly create, are accordingly affected, and this has pe'. thank
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you, serhiy alyshenko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council and a volunteer, was in touch with us and we are now moving to kharkiv oblast. yevhen vasylenko, spokesperson of the main administration of the state emergency service of ukraine in the kharkiv region, joins our broadcast. glory to ukraine, mr. eugene. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. yevgeny, tell us about this additional blow that kharkiv received, we know about the s-300, which ones? the destruction he brought, this is the extreme attack that was. so, after such a terrible morning yesterday, the enemy continued to launch rocket attacks, in particular at night on the kyiv and osnovyansky districts of the city of kharkiv. er, one of the rockets hit the building of the educational institution, the gymnasium was partially destroyed.
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rescuers went to the scene, examined the area, fortunately there was no one in the building, examined the adjacent the territory where the private sector was located, they went to almost every building , the window openings were partially damaged there, psychologists worked on the spot with the local population, which was extremely upset by this situation, explosions, and after that it can be stated that the victim there were no casualties. mr. yevgeny, we have been here for several days, i understand that this happens all the time with you, but we actively hear about it from our speakers, from our guests, in the last few days about the fact that residential buildings, schools, that psychologists work immediately on the ground after such... shellings,
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please tell me such an algorithm of actions, how people should act if similar things happen, because it actually concerns not only kharkov, so there is an arrival, if it is even there or before the announcement of an air strike. did people not go down to the shelter, or is it possible that even there somewhere in the shelter the doors in the basements were torn down, because such cases also recorded how to act, how to behave? well, at least when i heard the air-raid alarm signal, and if i recall yesterday morning, the signal was in advance of the expected a massive, expected massive... missile attack on ukraine, people, well, some were ready, and we advise everyone to prepare, at least go down to the shelter, the nearest shelter, many residents of kharkiv
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were at the metro stations at that time, some expected, if not such an opportunity, even if you have to hide behind two walls in the apartment. where you are, and if a person was already under the rubble, but did not go down, there was no shelter nearby, or the alarm sounded and literally in a matter of seconds there were explosions, a person under the rubble that do? of course , the units of the state emergency service react to any situation, upon arriving at the place of the call, they already know what to do, how to help a person, all services are involved in... all the forces and means that are possible, if there is such a need, the tinological calculations for the search of a person , help is provided directly to the person, if we saw before the new year, there for a day when our
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rescuers did an incredible thing, saved a man who was completely buried under the rubble, it seems that only one of his faces was found and he... showed, he shouted and he gave signs that he was alive, he was here and that he needed help , the rescuers worked quite quickly, in a matter of minutes, the man was saved in 10-20 minutes, and he was not even injured, he at that time was in the corridor, the explosive wave passed, destroyed three floors down, a meter from the epicenter. he was there and we see he remained alive, so we recommend people to always choose at least two walls and in no case not to panic, and when
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the emergency services, the rescue service, have already arrived at the scene of the incident, to listen there, well, to give some signals that the person is alive, that he is under rubble. and needs help so that he can be rescued quickly and efficiently. mr. yevgeny, you just showed a huge burst of yesterday's shelling, it has already been found out from the debris that these were iskander m missiles, er, accordingly, a sufficiently powerful weapon, do you see the need to review certain points, here you are twice now they talked about the rule of two walls, but judging by how it was carried out... floors, stairs, and in the apartments themselves, people also called up a lot of videos, it looks like the rule of two walls doesn't work either, you don't recommend changing anything, just in this, in this case the rule of two walls worked, the rocket came right into
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the yard, and all the damage and destruction was caused by the blast wave, and people , who were near the windows, well... you understand , some residents try not to hide during the explosions, to watch what happened through the window, so we once again advise and urge not to stand near the windows, but those people who hid, at least in bathroom or in vestibules, they received minimal injuries, those people who were at that time either in the yard or in an open space. or near the windows, they received very serious injuries precisely from the glass, uh, and most of the people who received, at the moment it is already known about 62 injured persons, who yesterday during the day turned to the medics exactly until the evening, and
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after two hours and after 5 hours, and the main and the biggest of their... injuries are injuries from glass and fragments of some concrete structures of the house, mr. yevgeny, but please tell me, this is not the first time we are watching when these... attacks are quite clearly going along objects such as theaters, museums, schools, we had a case here, in kyiv, yesterday finally , you know, there, a roasted rooster pecked, they drew attention to the fact that the external surveillance cameras from usb have been broken for a long time and muscovites have been conducting online surveillance for a long time, whether they aim correctly, whether they fired well , whether there is something similar in..., whether you know anything about such an adjustment, this is most likely not
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a question for us, maybe you just know, because we are your first kharkiv' yans after yesterday's attack and after this case with broken cameras, po they already have a sales office in the capital, have you , as a kharkiv resident, heard something similar? no, the nature of the recent events indicates that most likely the enemy was attacking the... residential sector in such a chaotic manner, directly hitting the residential, residential quarters, there is not a single building nearby, only civilian infrastructure, all the airstrikes hit the ground, and a fairly large number of buildings, especially residential buildings, which are located nearby, were affected by the blast waves, this is exactly what happened... and as we can see in the footage along bakulina street and nezalezhnosti avenue, and in the central
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part of the city of kharkiv, when the enemy struck on the night of december 30, and also continued to bombard the central part with unmanned aerial vehicles on the night of december 31. mr. yevgeny, after these shellings, you said that the actual residential buildings were very badly damaged, 55 high-rise buildings were damaged, this is a lot of information, how does the city in general look today after almost two years of full-scale war, if in a few days we have damaged so many high-rise buildings , well, just as kharkiv was destroyed, in general , during this entire period, the center was always under fire. yes, if you have heard, the beginning of the war, this is the terrible shelling of northern salttvka,
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salttvka, er, 602nd microdistrict, horizont district of the industrial district, kyivskyi district, that is, the whole part that is closest to, it is either northern or northern - the eastern part of the city, and at the beginning of the war it was quite significantly destroyed and damaged. but communal services also work, most of the houses have already been restored and continue to be restored, er, if you can visit salttivka right now , then uh, the situation there has significantly, significantly improved, people are returning to their homes, just yesterday on the arrival to after the arrival of the shevchenkivsky district, they worked at the scene as on... our rescuers, who were sorting out the debris outbuildings and
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garages, mutilated cars were towed away , utility services immediately worked at the scene, a large number of equipment and people from the utility service cleared, sawed trees, cleared debris, cleaned territory, restored order, helped people immediately. people, the majority of people , both independently and volunteers helped, and communal services put things in order both on the territory of the house and in the apartments, they immediately began to put up windows, including osb, and some apartments also began to insert windows, metal-plastic windows, but you mentioned the windows, i'm just looking at 550 years... con is the result of those knocked out at the karazin university for yesterday, i see that
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even in the memory of national importance, i'm talking about the state state industry and there the windows flew out, like in general, quickly on time, because it is winter, but how do you manage to quickly glaze, restore such a large number of cars, it is definitely not a question for us, local authorities, you drive, you see, they have time for glass quickly? is there a lack of this, well, of course they make it, of course they make it, at least at least a temporary, temporary closing of the windows, and what is it? in order to be able to glaze this window after a certain time, and it is quite fast, this, those who live in kharkiv, in kharkiv know that everything is done quite quickly. over the past few days, various experts and i have analyzed the targets the russians
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appeared to be targeting during the latest strikes, and all agree that they were definitely aiming there... there and then somewhere in there, did we shoot down their missiles or were there hits? , for example, in lviv, yes, a small house, in one of the microdistricts of the city on the outskirts, a museum was clearly hit, no non-military object, and similar things also happen in other cities, residential buildings in odesa, in kyiv, in relation to kharkiv, or there they operate according to a similar scheme when kindergartens, residential buildings... the center of the city is shelled, is there such a clear, well-aimed guidance, they just shoot there, because it is close to them, because it is so convenient for them. it 's the same as you said, i'll just say it again, yes, of course, the enemy is hitting residential areas, critical infrastructure, civilian infrastructure, educational institutions, like
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this night, that is, not only. iskander missiles, as well as s-300 missiles, which have recently become more frequent, and uh, in particular, they are hitting the central part of the city of kharkiv, and the residential sector. s-300, to what extent they are definitely flying where the russians aimed, yes, you can already analyze it, there is no information about where they were headed, there is only information. to where it flew, i'm not exactly sure, it 's not the missiles with the wrong purpose, they just stupidly rearrange them and well, but there was another interesting situation, it was similar in kyiv and i saw it yesterday in kharkiv, when in as a result of the shelling, not only heat networks, but gas networks are destroyed, and when
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gas networks also catch fire, i understand that this is for the public service extremely. the situation is not their parish, but there must be synchronous actions to shut off the gas so that there are no further explosions and burns, how do you cooperate in such cases when the gas pipelines are interrupted? yes, yesterday, yes, yesterday there was a situation when the gas pipes and the gas supply to the house itself were interrupted in two places, we give credit to the gas service, which worked quite quickly, as well as the electricians, who should immediately react and disconnect, the gas service is gas, the gas supply is shut off in order to further minimize the leakage of gas, or at all suspend, because we understand that extinguishing the gas, if the gas gushes, it is better
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not to extinguish it, because there will be a corresponding gassing of the territory and it can happen. explosion, therefore, in this situation, the gas workers worked quickly, the gas was shut off there in literally 10-15 minutes, and restoration work began later, after evacuating all residents from this building. mr. yevhan, thank you for your service and for the rescue, and pass on greetings and thanks for your service to all the soldiers of the state emergency service, who are with us. was yevhen vasylenko, spokesman for the main administration of the state emergency service ukraine in the kharkiv region, here's what we managed to find out, well, it seems that kherson and kharkiv are among the most heavily shelled cities, although the capital, too,
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probably suffered the most destructive damage since the first shelling on the 24th. shelling, and we will talk about the capital in the future, because the destruction, the wounded and the dead - these are the words that are now very often heard precisely in the context of conversations about kyiv, and that's all, these are the consequences of yet another russian mass shelling of ukraine. this time , it was the capital that suffered the most. currently, it is already known about two dead and 49 injured people. let's take a closer look at all this in our material. these are the first minutes. after the explosion in a high-rise building in the solomyan district of the capital, which was the most affected by the massive russian attack. today, the enemy launched almost 100 missiles of various types over ukraine, of which almost 60
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were aimed at kyiv, resulting in two deaths and 49 injuries. i woke up from the explosion, well, there was a very loud bang, and it rained on me glass, glass, and i started to get out, but all the furniture is lying and i climbed on the furniture, i reached the door. the door was jammed, i couldn't open it, because the frame was knocked out, flew out, and i returned to the kitchen, and the kitchen, the grates flew out, the first floor, everything flew out, all the kitchen furniture was lying, i climbed over them and jumped. podarka lives on the eighth floor, her apartment burned to the ground, an enemy rocket hit right near her entrance, the woman and her family could not get out from under the rubble for an hour and a half, because the exit was blocked, so they had to wait for help where... sense. everything happened in an instant, she pushed us away, all the way to the wall, glass poured out, even glass was in her mouth,
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there was glass everywhere. there is nothing in the apartment, well, there is nothing, well, all the doors have been blown down, that is, there is simply nothing there, fog, dust, something is burning. not far from the high-rise building, the red cross society has set up a temporary heating and aid point for those affected by the rockets. attacks by residents of the solomyan district, we set up tents, we set up a heating station where people can stay warm, where people can charge their mobile phones if there is no phone, they can call us, we gave blankets, we also gave blankets for folios, these are so brilliant, we provided first aid, we provided first psychological aid, other districts of the capital were also affected by the mass attack , podilskyi... sviatoshynskyi, pecherskyi, obolonskyi and desnyanskyi. high-rise residential buildings, warehouses, and private households were damaged.
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a large-scale fire broke out in the podilskyi district as a result of falling rocket debris, two car showrooms were on fire, 29 cars were completely burned, and five are damaged. there were many explosions, the flames were about 50 meters high, i live nearby, i came, it was all burning here. in total , the air defense forces destroyed 61 rockets, including about 10 daggers, as well as 13 shahed missiles in the area of ​​kyiv and... we saw it, we experienced it, because there were alarms all over the country and everyone was in tension, because rockets were flying over all regions, in fact, we know how it feels to be shelled, how it feels when you have such a neighbor next to you, and suddenly with some... from a parallel reality a prompt appears. so the un called on russia and ukraine to take immediate steps to de-escalate - this is a quote. immediate steps to
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de-escalate the war. the un high commissioner for human rights, volker turk, said that there is an alarming escalation of hostilities in ukraine and russia. and attention, quote. dozens of civilians were killed in ukraine and russia. imagine what he emphasizes. and international humanitarian law. defends indiscriminate attacks and attacks on civilian objects, that's what calls for de-escalation, what are they talking about think and one of the founders of the concentration camps and the red terror, the international criminal wolf ulyanov, lenin said about useful idiots, and if you gather a lot of them, you will have a big group called the league of nations. it was on the eve of the second world war, she showed her impotence. and toothlessness, the number of useful idiots and leftists in the un is now, in my opinion, even more extreme, and here are such statements against the background of a bald
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criminal still working there from the foreign intelligence service of the ministry of defense of russia, he is called nebenzi there, and with all that huge with a stream of lies and bullshit, it seems to me that the un in its current form has failed. of these useful idiots from the league of nations on the eve of the world war, this is not the only, nor the first, nor the last statement in the style, you know, there is such a supporter of the south american leftism, so as not to call him a communist bolshevik, he, for example, at the crossroads in in the form of the pope, he says, let a russian and a ukrainian become one, let them sacrifice together. ikat ugu ot ot somewhere approximately this is the same statement about from the un only in the style of this krynzh u performed by the pope in the vatican. listen,
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what about the turks? also to such useful idiots, is this their own policy, the turks - it is fundamentally, they have a law, i am sure you want to tell our viewers now about what the minesweepers are giving us, britain, we will tell the viewers , we will explain what we are talking about, great britain decided to transfer, transferred minesweepers to ukraine for what purpose, to mine the black sea, which may be even more important now for the black sea, it is incredible, accordingly, there was information that they would come to us, but already you... no will come, because the turks said that they classify this special military operation of russia against ukraine as a war, and article 19 19 of the montreux convention on the regime of the straits said that it should be closed, because turkey, turkey, controls and ensures the activity and security of the bosphorus and dardenel. so they said they would not let these minesweepers through until the end
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of the war. here it is. you are inclined to a formal , some such resolution, you use it for your own benefit, it seems to me that they just dined, there are no such big hyper-profits, because the zord corridor somehow happens without them, well, i'll tell you now about how effectively it happens in the second war, we also know that the war in israel is connected at least with russian war , if only due to the fact that one of the active participants in this attack on the state of israel is iran, the same one that supplies these drones, which are now launched en masse over ukraine before each missile attack, painting them black, so israel carried out a brilliant operation, he attacked the office of hamas, we understand that hamas, it is not only sitting in the gas sector, it is in beirut, and here is a precise attack and with...
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one of the leaders of the organization, saleh al-aruri, was eliminated, these are purely point attacks, we have already waited, because the companies of ilya kiva, about this little gvintik, i would like some new ones to be added to them, and here is another interesting piece of information, a new hour in russian, it’s no secret that there are many ostarbaiters there, i’m moving to the noise of the war, by the way, it just really surprises me that when i read about... illegal migrants going to russia i just wonder who wants to go to russia it is illegal to live there, to get a russian passport, and now i will say, uzbeks, turkmens, well , in one word, the whole of soviet central asia is added to them, part of the advertising was obviously good, so some are from somewhere there, from the north of afghanistan and so on, here they come, work illegally, then try one way or
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another. through their communities and diasporas, and these are big eyes, to get a passport, only they get a passport, here comes a new hour, a surprise, they are not running after olivier, because they are just running, but they are being hunted, yes and it happened, in particular in st. petersburg, because on new year's eve, when people go out there , there were mass celebrations in moscow and st. petersburg, so a couple of thousand, several thousand migrants were hunted, they were just on safari in the city. they were caught for that, and center e, the center for combating extremism, just confirms this, in order to hand them summonses, and they will go to the svo, as the russians say, and then they will complain that they, traumatized, wounded, disadvantaged, those who are lucky enough to become, and not two hundred, are returned to the front very quickly, because it khabarovsk krai is already bragging about what it is, it is not
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bragging, it is complaining that... here we are, unhappy, poor, disadvantaged, we are being sent back to ukraine, that's the story. yes, now is the time for news and khrystyna porubiy is ready to share information about the most important thing at the moment. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, well, it continues to explode in russia, where exactly, i will tell you more in detail in a moment, as well as about the situation in the regions of ukraine, so don't miss it. ten on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world. at this time, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. two victims of russian attacks on zaporizhzhia: a 54-year-old man and a 63-year-old woman died in the village of plavni due to being hit by an art projectile. so.


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