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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EET

11:30 am
turn on the phone survey and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks. analytics objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and without bias, you draw your own conclusions. we'll be back, thank you from espresso, let us remind you that we haven't done anything...
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we haven't done anything yet, in voronezh there are already a huge number of 160, and that's more houses, left without heating at -20, this is russia, you see, we haven't retaliated yet , and they are already bombing voronezh, and now they are freezing, well done, how well done we are, we will talk with political expert volodymyr tsibulko, in connection with our... studio, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine, heroes glory, congratulations, you see, yes, huge changes are happening in our lives, there was tsybulko, he became tsybulko , polls are taking place in our lives, moods are changing, the first are philosophical questions, when i read all these fresh polls, is it a rating or some other, i want to understand how objective sociology can be in such a society now? during the war, including,
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bearing in mind that part of the people lives by choice, far from the war, and part of it is actually in a state of constant stress, do we need this sociology at all? this is generally a strange attitude, such sociology is more necessary for politicians making management decisions, but during the war and with the unification of the media, in fact, this is not... an analysis of public opinion, but an analysis of the effectiveness of propaganda, that is the problem, that is, the optics are shifted here, and of course, when we analyze sociological surveys, we see that sociologists are trying to smooth out some points that annoy the authorities, unfortunately, unfortunately, this is the practice of yanukovych's time.
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ugh, and as you think, or so slowly, we are gradually moving from these social studies to perhaps some kind of analysis of what is happening in our society, we understand that the big problem is communication in ukraine, and maybe because it looked like this and not otherwise, our society was not ready for war, i am not talking now about everyone to go abroad or to relocate enterprises somewhere on the eve of the war, but in general to be ready... until the beginning of it, at least somehow, before the beginning of what happened. how it looked in the year 23, yes, when we observed very strange conversations between the authorities, for example, and the army, when people were not always informed that it happens when society's expectations are fueled very often, and part of the media and part of the government say that we have won for the second week, everything is cool with us, we have everything.
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and then at the end of the year, we see that the counteroffensive we were living with turned out not to be the way we expected, because we made up something for ourselves, or something was suggested to us, that it should be like this, how would you describe this relationship and how it is necessary to change it right now, well , the problem is that political power is always guided by ratings, guided by electoral expediency, that is, it aims at the next elections, and in this sense, uh... zelensky, his entourage, they, well , zelensky never became the president of the entire country, they worked for all 5 years exclusively with their electoral group, the terror that they, well, the kind of media terror that they unleashed against the opposition shows that zelensky was not going to, he does not understand what it is like to be the president of the whole country, he does not need it, he thought that he could go quietly, so to speak, resource of trust. which
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he received during the election and will keep it he has some opportunities for the next elections, at least, if he does not move himself, then to lead some deputy faction to the parliament. accordingly, a completely different perspective arises here, because let's remember how the soldiers or veterans of the ato behaved before the war began, they all said with one voice that there would be a war, that is, this intuition works in them, what the political authorities did, the political authorities told, that on february 17, we will make a day of some kind of unity, and there in april we will have barbecues and the like, that is... at a certain moment, especially when the ratings and the level of trust in the military already, because the military power was the only, in fact, well, i would say, the only effective social institution, the armed forces, and well, everything with
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weapons in their hands, and in this sense, the political power began to get nervous and create or competitive scenarios, or... try to intercept the achievements of the military and appropriate them, and then we will remember these statements by podoliak that we will be there in yalta petka in 3 months, we will remember budanov’s fairy tales, we will remember, that is, the authorities tried to cook, well at least glue or save behind a part of his electorate with such frankly pre-election fables, and this is a disaster. in the sense of building communication with society is a disaster, because the most important person in society during a war is a person with a weapon, and here a person with a weapon is removed from the front pages of the media, and there
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is constantly highlighted, well, in fact, the political leadership of the country, these people are still more hell, and it's for the money of the payers. taxes, that is, from the budget, which we are literally talking about, taxpayers, but they did not even understand which one a man-made disaster, they initiated , i apologize, in short, putting the military in the first columns, they tried in every possible way to somewhat reduce the weight of the military, and many military people, especially, well, the wounded being treated, then a part of the people... who, well , began to suspect that the state not consistent, not sincere, but very often lies to the military, and then this huge potential that was there in february last year, the readiness to defend the country with weapons, it began to wash away, precisely
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because of the efforts of the authorities, the authorities themselves in essence extinguished the potential to, mr. volodymyr , look, you are only part of the problem with communication, but in general... the most important thing in this communication is a clear understanding during the war of one's own stranger, now here is the example of this one's stranger, look for the people who sat in a full hall and, while those who were not sitting there were watching in front of the tv screens, the 95th quarter’s cringe number came in as if it were their own, where absolutely in the style of a not-so-not-so-not-so-not-so-not... long-winded actress spoke about skadovska of siy, even the mayor skadovska oleksandr yakovlev had to react, and this number of the 95th quarter, which immediately came into contact after the president's new year's address,
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showed and highlighted that for this audience, this intention, it is very interesting to look not at the number, but at these faces , here there are others... and our own, and these are not the defenders of ukraine at all, this is not at all what you are talking about, we have been completely defeated by state propaganda and paid for by such numbers of the quarter, which is now sitting on budget money, previously on b of kolomoiskyi, accordingly, this target was shot down, her can still be returned in the current state, when those who criticize the single marathon are strangers to this audience. you are a stranger to them, and i am not there, that’s the problem, there is still a chance, yes, there is no chance, because the whole propaganda machine is based on the name of podolyak, it is built on the preservation of
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zelensky’s electoral core, they don’t need another , the rest of the country, they need, well, let's say , uh, the core, that is, the circle of voters. 20, 30, 40 percent, which will allow zelensky to remain in politics, but they will see about it, in in essence, the marathon almost... does not highlight the heroism of ordinary ukrainians, almost does not highlight the exploits of soldiers, but it is full of all kinds of scumbags, and when all sorts of semi-professional psychologists and the like come out there, i understand that society is traumatized and, in fact, the quarter are sold by the owners of the block as such collective psychotherapy, but... including tv series, that’s what they are, they appease under the guise of such collective therapy, but this therapy
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preserves it, especially in the 18th year, people are critical of poroshenko, when they were told that the war is going on, they said what a war, there is no war, and now for part of zelenskyi voters there is no war, no, they behave as if the war is somewhere, the war is about others. they live for themselves, as if there is no war in ukraine, no consolidation is needed anymore, they have already won everything, podolyak has already won and was drunk in yalta. mr. volodymyr , while we are on the topic of informing, by the way, about yalta, now they are telling us that so and so, ukrainians were in crimea this year, it is about these special operations of the sbu and gur, but we now it's not about that, many journalists are considering new formats of the telethon. experts have been shouting that the telethon has been irrelevant for a long time, in the beginning it was important, now it all has to work
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differently, how do you see further work, high-quality and effective, that corresponds to the situation, media, television in ukraine, see, in in the previous phase of the war in the 17th and 18th years , there was no serious pressure on the media, even in a situation when the ukrainians begged poroshenko to close all these medvedchuk channels, the western partners kept saying: "no, it's freedom of speech, it's sacred, you want to go to europe, please leave freedom of speech." and now let's see what the government is doing, which swears that it will lead us to the european union. the law on electronic media was meant to, let's say, reveal all these restrictions that... the government came up with during the war, the freedom of speech is a disaster, because three patriotic
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channels were taken off the air, they basically became super popular in social networks, but there is no movement in terms of freedom of speech , or at least the creation of some competitive situation in the distribution of state contracts, because... i want to remind you that during this time the state spent more than 2 billion hryvnias on the telethon, at a time when popular patriotic channels did without a single state penny, so other tv channels cannot exist on any , well, in some other funding models, they can’t, they can, why then does the state spend such crazy amounts of money on...
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it’s less than it used to be that the ukraine channel, the ukraine tv channel, reached audiences , less, we have to finalize the conversation, simply literally, we will use it for a moment, you are talking about internal use, we want to understand. will there be changes in the 24th year, because in the western world there was an accident of two planes in japan, and not a mass attack by hypersonic missiles of ukraine, we have a foreign language for some reason in the moscow language, and we also have a separate channel for temporary migrants in europe, here two channels are engaged in utter nonsense. and by the way, i'm talking about foreign languages ​​in russian, what they want to do, and for crazy money,
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will there be an understanding now that it is necessary in the 24th year to change, the language should show our war, urbiet orbya, and not engage in the continuation of the quarter only outside of ukraine in russian, well, the urbiator for them is within a radius of 500 km near kryvyi rih, probably. does not spread further, for me, it became a real, well, let's say so, diagnosis of the catastrophic state of the state information machine. the situation with the undermining of the kakhovskaya highway. ukraine had a completely clear, unequivocal situation that this hes was blown up by the occupier. there were no means of delivery to deliver several hundred tons of explosives to the ukrainian hes, occupied by the enemy troops could deliver explosives. it was impossible. and in this situation, the ukrainian authorities
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mulled over the situation for three days, that is, they could not... could not clarify the picture for the civilized world, in this niche russian propaganda influenced, influenced in its main, so to speak, poison called, not everything is so unambiguous, and only after a couple of months, we were able to convince our partners, first of all, that the russians had blown up the gas station, well, it was visible from their behavior, instead, the bank... simply put the brakes on the situation, and i'm afraid that this some element of the negotiating position, an element of concessions in the future negotiating position , why is ukrainian society afraid of direct, direct negotiations between zelenskyi and putin, because putin will simply make zelenskyi a slob or a carcass, mr. volodymyr, we must say goodbye to
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the understanding that no one said the burotyn operation stop, it continues, even while you and i are h... countries in europe, i also see big flaws, that is, here we agree on many things, yes, but come on, we don't have much time, but there are very important things, first turn, to what extent we have already asked our diplomats, to what extent the voice of the minister of foreign affairs sikorsky is divided
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now in poland, he said that putin understands only the correct language, and that means long distance. inaccurate weapons for ukraine, and not these stupid sanctions that allow the terrorist war in ukraine to continue, very strange appeals from the un, yes, how polish society has reacted to this, i am not surprised by the appeals of the un, how we will follow everyone conflicts in the world and un appeals, this is nothing new. it just people who live perfectly for themselves behind the folds of the states, which are present fire, and they think that they are the most intelligent and do the most useful things, but in fact this is what i would say, at times it looks like some, at least some of them, parasites , that's all i
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can say about the situation in ukraine, and what about shikor. and in poland, of course, i think it is heard and will be heard in poland, but whether it will be heard in the west is a question of how our partners from the european union will treat it, how they will treat it partners from overseas, i mean the states, canada, canada is very quiet, i have always heard that canada is a great friend of ukraine, it will help a lot, of course it helps. but even comparing it to poland and the economic potential to canada, well , it is somewhere very, very far behind, i think that there is also something for ukrainian politicians to think about, why does nothing work in canada where the big ukrainian lobbyist is, that is, not even the first, see for for truthfulness the first
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inter-state actual contact was precisely between the president of ukraine and the prime minister of canada, and ah... we will ask about one very interesting story about a rocket. this is not the first time that rockets fly not only over ukraine, but fly somewhere over the edge of the territory over the territory of poland, that once it turned around, took off, was not shot down by polish anti-aircraft defenses, today the experts explained to us various nuances of why this could happen, but already with the next alarm yesterday and such a massive shelling from the territory. poland watched much more closely what was happening in the ukrainian sky and even raised two f-16 planes into the sky, which did not work on... these missiles, but they were watching and were obviously ready, how ready is poland now, maybe it needs to be coordinated with other nato countries, maybe
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not, explain to us how poland is ready now, from its side, to shoot down these targets if they cross the airspace of poland. well , there is no need to agree with nato. every state has the right to self-defense and does not have to advise that self-defense. with other nato countries, but of course information must be exchanged, and this procedure exists, and more that, from what i know, it was the polish f-16 planes, but also the planes of our allies were on standby, that is, everything was clear here that at any moment when our planes could not cope, or those missiles would too much, then they will come to help. to us, the allies, as to whether they can and will shoot down missiles in poland, i think , yes, there was a warning about it, they even
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told this to the representative of the russian embassy in warsaw, that this is how we will do it from that moment on, but i would like something else and i heard this opinion in ukraine, and i really liked it, that our government should come to an agreement with the ukrainian and already over-ukrainian territory. uh, to shoot down missiles heading towards the western side of poland, and i remember that in nato, in the nato military doctrine, there is such a point, there is such a point, which allows for self-defense to act on the territory of another state, uh, this is even , there we are talking about a security space in some moments even 50 km, in some even 100 km from the border. nato states, that is, it is possible, it is possible to do it, but it is necessary negotiate with the ukrainian side, and i think it would be useful for the ukrainians as well, and for poland
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as well, we know that a visit and contacts at the highest level between ukraine and poland are being prepared, but at the same time, all this will take place against the background of the continuation of this story , thousands of trucks, thousands of vans, and now frost will return. and this story on the ukrainian-polish border continues, and we talked a lot about it with you, and we will stop for now, what do you say, we will just ask briefly, because we have one minute left, and about the visitor, i i think there are negotiations going on here, how it should look, with whom he should meet, topics, crisis moments should be discussed here, so we don't know for sure yet. deadline , but i think it will be soon, there are still internal problems that tosk has to deal with in our state, among others the border
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that you said about the border, i don't know why it all looks like that, of course , i can’t say to date, i heard that there was an improvement, then an exacerbation, again an improvement and so on and so on, that is, here we can see that there are swings, but i say one thing, pro... yes, there is no border blockade, and i think donald tusk is also based on this principle, he has talked about it more than once, what the results will be, because i know that there are negotiations, we will wait, we will confess for the best. thank you, mr. marko, marek šcherant, a polish expert and journalist was on our airwaves, roman and i are also saying goodbye to you, have a peaceful, safe day, take care of yourself, do not ignore the air warning signals, it can... kill your life and stay of course with espresso and tip for the armed forces of ukraine. see you tomorrow.
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12:00 pm
order a reliable and convenient tool for only 1499 hryvnias, a powerful saw, strong, what you need, call. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. it did not cause critical damage to the energy industry. one of the largest russian attacks on ukraine.


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