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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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my statement, this is what the majority of analysts and specialists agree on today, so whether brussels, washington, paris or berlin or kyiv wants it or not, the war will be transferred to the territory of the enemy, otherwise, from all points of view, from the point of view from the point of view of achieving victory, it will be paralyzed, and any achievement of the border under such conditions, because... with missile-space strikes and highly developed missile-space forces , the front is not built linearly, it carries a territorial principle, a general territorial principle, and so it is it is necessary to understand, from here it is obvious that the strikes must be carried out on the corresponding objects of the enemy, and at the same time it is necessary to observe, as far as possible, the norms of international...
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law, i would ask everyone, please pay attention to what was written after, what happened in belgorod. yaroshov , being a man and a politician, and an authoritative public figure and a military man, absolutely clearly stated: any war has laws, laws both unwritten and written, and whoever wants to be respected in the world must these laws. and follow these rules, the ukrainian army has to do it and it is doing it, so here are all the false statements of the moscow führer regarding their strikes on military facilities there, while at the same time they are hitting residential areas, shops, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, this is the truth of what the moscow führer is doing, well, and the second thing is that these rockets fly where they are...
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sent and at the same time they cannot even imagine where they will fly to, everyone knows that. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our own platforms on youtube and facebook. if you watch us on these platforms, please like this video, don't be stingy, i see we have over 3k people watching on youtube at the same time, please like this video to help it trend on youtube. in addition, we conduct voting. also on multiple platforms, on youtube and on tv, if you're watching us on tv, you can vote in our poll using your smartphone. today we ask you about whether ukraine should transfer the war to the territory russian federation? yes, no, yes, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free of charge, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we also conduct the same survey on youtube. everything is quite simple there, choose
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the option yes or no, or write your comments under this video. mr. roman, one more question about the future of vladimir putin and how he is perceived in the world and in ukraine. volodymyr zelenskyi gave an interview for the economist. he said that the west had lost a sense of the urgency of the war in ukraine, and many ukrainians have lost their sense of existential responsibility... from russia, to quote volodymyr zelenskyi: putin feels weakness like an animal, because he is an animal, he feels blood, he feels his strength, and he will eat you for dinner with everyone your eu, nato, freedom and democracy. the most important profession that a ukrainian can do now is to be in ukraine, and for our western partners to be with ukraine, if you don't have one. forces, then either get away or
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move to the side, we will not retreat. how do you, mr. roman, assess the possibilities now? our western partners to quickly and dynamically change the situation, because these shellings require a quick reaction, quick decisions, and perhaps much faster than it was planned for 2024. mr. sergey, there should be a very short answer, and it sounds like this: they are doing everything they can do now, and they are doing it from the point of view of assessing the current situation, from the point of view of the perspective of how it can develop, and they are acting with from the point of view of several possible options for development, which concerns, say, each specific case of them it is necessary to discuss, it is necessary to talk about... speeding up the work here, about certain
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cooperation, about convening certain coordination actions and decisions, it is necessary to work on this, no one here... avoids criticism, constructive criticism, proposals and so on, everyone's work is here there is, and i can say absolutely clearly that neither the european countries, in their vast majority, nor the united states of america, have refused, will not refuse to help ukraine. another thing, i say once again, any case, it does not require reflection, it requires thought out. reactions, war is a very complex thing, and in it, just like in any business, it is impossible and inadmissible to reflect, these things require a reaction, a reaction that does not cause the unfolding
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of unpredictable enemy behavior. in this case, it is necessary to clearly understand that the west is going this way, including europe. the fact that there is everything and everything is needed is also true, because if we take hungary, slovakia, some of them in croatia have their own things, in germany, there is everything, but the dominant position today, especially after these two cases of massive attacks, is that how can we quickly provide all the necessary assistance to ukraine so that it can be protected, and as for ... the president's statements, yes, they have a right to exist, because he is in pain, he is responsible for the situation, he understands it very well, he does not hide from it, and it is good that he openly communicates with his partners, allies and friends of ukraine. at
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the very end of our program, mr. roman, i want to ask you, as a historian, about the strike on to the university dormitories, where... 100 years ago, stepan bandera studied and to the roman shukhevich museum in lviv, how do you assess the russians' efforts to annex not only your territory, but also our history, that is, it is not only about bandera and not only about shukhevych. the most important thing is that we understand what is happening. the essence of this , so that we understand, is that the price of information, the price of our strength, our will and our spirit, it is connected with our history, with our tradition, with our heroes, and
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during the war they beat not only on weapons, not only on the soldiers, including on our history, on our stronghold, on their leaders, on those who inspire ukraine, on those, on those who created ukraine, because they are fighting next to us, and in fact, that's it what is happening is a payment for the fact that the overwhelming majority of ukrainian society went so long to hrushevskyi, to vynnichenko, to petlyura, to bandera, to shukhevych, maybe someone does not remember. and i remember how, after the awarding of the bandera, the cancellation of the decree of the president of ukraine went to court, yes, it is not much, but that was it. forgive me, but i remember, starting in 1991, how it happened, and
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this road, which we followed for 30 years before these famous names, for a long time, it became a consequence of the fact that these are now attacking... surnames, these names, these premises , this history, because she is fighting, she is just like all of us fighting against the enemy, and this must be understood, and this cannot be taken lightly, because it is one of the serious arguments of this war. thank you, mr. roman, for the conversation, it was politician, diplomat roman bezsmertny. there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in psyllanyk, pam and pharmacies save, there are 10% discounts on lactiale in psarynyk, pam and save pharmacies. do you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress,
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the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of a drone. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. for the approaching victory, which is waiting for. all of ukraine! glory to ukraine! glory be to the heroes! verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad: about ukraine, the world, front society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the bad day for help. telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. bribery, high treason and decisions against defense capability. judge doljko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company. who are the judges? excelled last year, cars are constantly being changed for her, watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on thursday, january 4 at 5:45 p.m. on the espresso tv channel.
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greetings, this is espresso, my name is khrystyna yatskiv and we... continue with my colleagues to do a series of interviews with the most interesting speakers for you, in
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normal times i would not be so sure that we could hear them, at least my guest today is quite rare happens , in particular, in the ukrainian capital, and this is a great opportunity to meet with an officer of the third separate assault brigade, with the call sign beard, we will not go into detail, hello, congratulations, we are actually recording this interview. exactly at the moment when the third separate assault brigade is located, a not at the front, because you are currently working, improving, being equipped, and soon you will return... maybe when the audience sees this interview, you will already be at work again, most likely, as the feeling of yourself in the conditions i like kyiv, before christmas, i'm not one of those people who complain about the fact that everyone has to live badly, and
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since we're going to war, i want to go home, go back or somewhere. as determined by my task there to have a chance to rest, go to the cinema somewhere, to the theater, the club, i don't know, for guys who will get younger, that's why i like me so much, you, the military environment, are so polar in this position, because well, again, it's a very sensitive moment, it annoys someone, and it's completely understandable , someone rejoices and says: oh, i understand what we... stand for and in general, well, it's cool that we can at least in some point of our country provide such a life, i think that's the question here, well there are two aspects to me, the first is social, that is, when a military person can afford something that an average person can afford a citizen is better, well, better, when his family
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is in abundance, so when he returns home, everything is fine for him. in his psychological state , well, he is more motivated, he is not mad that , well, there, how do ordinary citizens live who do not take part in military actions, and the second aspect is, well, the initial psychology there, upbringing, the psychological state of a person, which was before that, yes, yes, that is, there, i have there, at the expense of all kinds of youth organizations there, which... i was there for some kind of survey, which was acquired there when i was 14-17 years old, well, i am aggressive to the other side, to the side of the enemy, and not to the side of our own citizens, and this is by the way, now it has been almost two years of a large-scale invasion and under 10 years of war there, this is
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what characterizes ukrainian society now, someone says that we have begun to eat one thing. alone, instead of fighting the enemy, are you watching it? well, this is a classic of ukraine, we don’t even need the dog to blame us, we ourselves will argue with each other, we will blame each other inside, this is some kind of history of mentality, the question is, is this a remnant of the scoop , or it is already acquired by us here, i did not think about it, but there is such a thing, there is such a story, on the other hand, if we were not like that, wouldn't we then be russia? well, no one quarrels with anyone there , everyone is like the party of pu, he said, yes, i believe that this is the period that, well, we will come, well, it will either stay with us or not, it is more about the permissibility on the internet, well, that is, it is new for us
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, that is, well, no one there has done this recently, now dear grandmother goes out, if she has access there, she can do and talk. all that wants and people started talking, i think that at some point they will just get tired of it and it will fall off somewhere by itself, yes, this story will fall off, the question is not to force stupidity there during this time, while it is, i will tell a little about our today's hero , the beard is a man who comes from the crimea, from simferopol, and this is a man who, as his brothers told me, stood in... in general azov, the azov movement as such until 2017, but as they say, the azov themselves and quite often there are no exes, you still remain in this community, even if you represent or you are already founding other units there, i don't know, of different types and forces of the military in our country,
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and the year 2023 is a little enchanted as ukrainian society. what should have happened in his opinion, maybe somewhere in the world , instead we are in this studio right now, and what did the 23rd year become for you, did it disappoint you for some reason, or in principle did you not build any illusions for yourself? let me first say a little about azov, we, that is, we need not to confuse units here, well, that is, when i left azov, then i, well, i am for... there are some obds azov, yes, but i was not in the unit, that is , what are you complaining about, this is an azov family, well , that is, it always remains, but azov, the one that exists at the moment. these are people who have completely gone their own way, and this is separate, well, you don't need to if it 's them, but we have our own unit, which also has
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achievements, and but the family, yes, it's more social, more honor here and there, it's an honor, and about what i was thinking about - summing up... 23rd year, ah, i believe that we are alive, and we are in this studio, it 's good to be, we didn't make any plans directly victorious, there, there was no feeling that we were going to drive the saura out of everyone in maskal, we are military, we, we have a task, we carried it out, the tasks that were set before the third separate steering brigade were carried out 100% , we were faced with this year, the question is that people are told that we should
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have won, or did someone have their own vision of the results of the ukrainian counteroffensive, then there are two answers: first, come and see for yourself why not as you thought, here is the second - we need it put the country on the troops. what russia has done, if we really put ukraine on the military rails, then we have every chance to get out of this war. well, look , in your opinion, does your thesis about the need to put the country on military rails not compatible with what you and i started this conversation about, new year's eve kyiv, we started this conversation about whether i am angry or not angry with these people here that is, this is already what is now, here, that is, i am not saying that it should be so, i am saying that it is now, and it does not cause aggression in me, does not cause any
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there's lunch there, god forbid, that's it, but i believe that it should be different, we should do it as much as possible, that is, not just serve, but every person in this country should do something every day, every day, for this victory, and to do it here and there ... choose for yourself, but as it is now , who wants to be in the economic front, who wants to be in some other front, who is in some other front, no, it should be a state program, the only strong machine that will turn into the death of the enemies and our victory, ugh, ugh to the army itself now, well, that is, in 2023, when it became clear that we need to harness for a long time and we will need many people for this struggle. there have been calls to join the armed forces of ukraine , the defense forces, in general, especially since you know your
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strengths, you can find suitable positions, suitable work, various specialists are needed in the armed forces, and so on and so forth, won't we come to grips sooner or later with the fact that we will have, relatively speaking, all uav operators or logisticians there, and attack aircraft won't stay or something like that? this is a person , he will be able, this is a person in which, in which is invested , who has undergone some kind of training, not everyone has money, in which forces are invested, that is, well, it is not just to recruit people, say, you will be an operator, yes, that is, that is a person prepares there for six months, he studies, learns this science, after which he goes to war, this is not the case with passat. a lot, we have a human resource, the question is that it should not be lost, yes, that is why we are constantly working on medicine, that is, a person will not
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go into battle just by being able to shoot, he will to be able to do everything possible, and the brigade and the senior, as the senior chief, will fully ensure the safety of these boys, who will conduct direct offensives. if it happens, i will, it will be military rails, it will be there, it will be followed directly , that is, without losing human resources, we will be able to ugh, more, well, and the third oshb, when we speak, now it seems to me that there is no man in this country, which would not know about the existence of at least your brigade, because the information campaign is very apt and, well, in my opinion, accurate, there are many representatives of... various businesses support you, and we see it every time we just go to the supermarket, and how did we manage to achieve this, well
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, that is, to create a certain brand. and want people to join you during the recruiting mobilization, i understand that there will never be enough people, but in principle there are many willing to join you, as far as i know, well, first of all, this is word of mouth, well, yes, again, we all they write posts on the internet and people see, well, that we are a little different, yes, that is, people see that like us we are developing, how were we able to put up a complete unit in two years, here is someone who was hanging out with us, who has friends, someone is also reading somewhere there, mobilizing him, i want to be in the third assault storm, someone is right there with our contingent, yes these are volunteers, and someone is looking for a place to go, someone wants to, he monitors the internet and chooses where to go, then he stumbles upon
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us somewhere, oh, here i go. and then it already grew into a commander's brand - this is also a managerial job, that is, the commander's work, the selection of his staff, often there are also people who are responsible for some media editor, it works, it works, we have been talking for a long time about the fact that the most important thing is our people, and this is how we differ from our enemy, i understand that in... conditions things are different and without losses cannot be avoided either, but for almost two years of a large-scale invasion, do we still stand on this, do we still have the understanding that a person above all else, that is, depends on the commander, i can only say for our commanders, well, we the recruitment of personnel is going on, and it is exactly
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the same as the human resource. he is the most important well, because a person, here even, well, there is, if not taken, a humanitarian, then purely from a military point of view, a person can react to any situation, a person can perform the craziest tasks, that is, if he is ideologically savvy, if he is motivated , that is the most important thing, a person will be able to develop this country after the war. here is the same motivated person, and therefore people's lives are the most important, returning a little to the azov family, an extremely long and very dramatic tragic episode with mariupol, with the mariupol garrison in general and azov, how did you experience it and in general... how
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was it possible to endure all this internally, because it is a crazy load? well, it was really a big blow for us, precisely the fact that we couldn't really help it somehow, well, really, at that time i was involved in the defense of kyiv, and well, we had something to do too, that is, we... were fighting there, at the same time, our participation command was finding some options, so helicopters were flying there together with gur to mariupol, volunteers, azov citizens and not only old azov citizens, but also a bunch of young guys who, because of ideologically minded people flew there, there were attempts that were later unsuccessful, unfortunately, about... a miracle in
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the direction of mariupol, somehow, that is, you were still in all these processes in order to facilitate, further release, our brothers were there, that is, i i don't know how it is with everyone , it was the same for me, we didn't think about the liberation of mariupol, well, i didn't believe in it, well, there were such a number of troops there that it was unreal. but we could not leave there were our friends, our the situation around him looks difficult in the context of the fact that the enemy has taken the initiative, and there are great threats that the gains, in particular , of the third separate assault brigade for this...


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