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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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then an unsuccessful, unfortunately, breakthrough towards mariupol, somehow, that is, you were still in all these processes in order to facilitate, further, release, there were our brothers, that is, i don’t know how everyone, in me it was exactly that, i thought about the liberation of mariupol , well, i, i didn’t, i didn’t believe in it, well... there were such a number of troops that it was unreal, but we couldn’t leave our friends there, our , that is, it was a business, huh, well, now bahmud and the situation around him looks complicated in the context of the fact that the enemy took the initiative, and there are great threats that the gains, including the third separate assault brigade in the... year that you were there, could
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be leveled, simply because the russians are pressing madly, it will be unpleasant, yes, i understand how much sweat, blood and everything else is put into making andriivka, a tick , and so on, but what about the fact that it is a war, and there are situations when it goes from hand to hand, then to us, then to them, well, look , forecast. do something or talk about it, and how will you feel, if so, well, how, somehow we will, well, yes, people, i am, we are military people, and i don’t understand in principle, these are all there, well, such emotions as lunch or anger, from this, it is better for you not to do the opposite, so it is easier to do something than to just think .
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everything is bad, but the only thing that can be said is that it is high time for all of us to stop blaming the, i don't know, the industrious, the silsky, the cornerless, the president, someone else, over there, and start doing something ourselves every day, that's when we will have the right to do it, well, and there will be a result, and everyone, at least, will be able to clearly say yes, here and there it was mishandled or... and here and there we tried our best , but we were unable to complete the task, and so we all come back to the same thing, well, we need a normal military state machine, uh, well, if you already mentioned about the military and political leadership, at the end of the year there is a lot of different information about internal conflict, how do you perceive it, i can’t smile, well, that’s it... hamsters in
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banks, something there, results and zero, the main thing is that nothing bad happens, i'm fine, we love to eat to blame each other, that's the question of what, what, what was done, not who is guilty, why guilty, for now i'm saying it's ipso, and maybe someone's stupidity, that's what, in any case , this is in the hands of the russian federation, therefore... not only do i not accept it, but i even try not to look there, i turned off facebook and i can’t find you there , i don’t need to, i can find you, but i don’t sit there, because these bastards are toxic facebook, okay, well, a few words about crimea, the 23rd year in the minds of many, in my opinion rather infantile people, should be crowned with walks on on the embankment there near shama in simferopol,
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i don’t know what else, i always, i personally am always a little triggered by such a conversation, because it is difficult to imagine a military operation on the scale of the liberation of crimea, well, that is, in theory, you can probably talk about it with the military, but my god, this is again so much sweat, tears, blood and everything, and what about you, how was it for you to watch with your eyes all such media campaigns regarding crimea, well...
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the question is how it will be there, no one knows, well that is, maybe it will be a military, there is a brilliant military operation to cover and everything, maybe gur will be able to knock them out. somehow with my own methods, it will be a small special operation there, we don’t know, there is no survey for similar military operations, well, i don’t have one, that’s why i predict, say, or say that it will be a terrible massacre, i won’t, maybe everything will be in the best form, and regarding crimea, i often, well, that is... i didn't really like the audience there, now i liked how i lived there, how people live there, probably still, but i would return to the mountains, for which i miss a little, but maybe the vineyard beat something that you didn't like when you lived
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in the crimea, well, which you didn't have enough of, you know , even so savka, well, you sat down, you know, i used to go... well, i felt something there, well, i felt like there it's uncomfortable, yes, but this in no way means that a person who grew up there does not
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want to return there, it's just that everything wants to be changed, modernized, however, that's what i'm talking about, that i really want to go back to get there, i miss the mountains, i want a vineyard somewhere there. towards yalta. ugh. and tell me, please, you don't have an internal one something like that, you have already said that you are not one of those who take offense, but the internal question for many residents of the peninsula in 2014 is why, why, why did this happen, and why was there such support for the russian occupation? i wouldn't say that there was direct support for the russian occupation, well those. there are thousands of degenerates who directly took an active part in this, 500 of them for the money, well, here, well, you are talking now about the power link of all this, yes, if they had the real support of the population, they would not sent in an army, well, they would have come out and
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done everything themselves, well, no one would, i believe that not a single european would have gone against it, but they had to lead the troops. such a huge number of troops, to block the units , if the units were for them, how did they cross over anyway, yes, why did you block the part, yes, that you blocked the fedosian part, what was the problem with the part in the pass, part . from the headquarters of the marine corps in the crimea , they are now trying to rewrite this history, and in simferopol, which was held for four days in almost full circle, today, as they are, the most important thing is that those people who at that
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time tried to do something in ukraine after the victory of the maidan, it is very profitable for them to support this idea, because they do not breed with bows, that's how it is there. supported , and this is for me, this is exactly what stings a little, because everything was wrong, well, gentlemen, everything was really wrong, it’s just beneficial for you so that they don’t hang some kind of responsibility on themselves, although it is a direct it is the politician's duty to take responsibility, and it is profitable for them to support this russian one throw in that everyone there supported them, look, in one of your comments or interviews... i remember whether it was a journalist, or whether it was the voice of crimea a little earlier in the 15th year, you assumed that these were the military russians in the crimea, that they were probably the best and most well-equipped of all that they could have,
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and it was unlikely that they were any real fighting force, i remembered, by the way, that i am talking a little about... about something else, i talked about the fact that it was a show to the world, ugh, well, that is, they dropped it, they were just then switching to new weapons, at that time, they had a complete transition, well... the army was switching to the newest things, uniforms, bulletproof vests, protective equipment, weapons, and they threw it out for the world to see, ugh, that is, it is not enough that they are so beautiful airborne troops arrived in airplanes and helicopters, and here they are all beautiful, such a display, such everything else, i thought then and in principle that i don’t have any others there...
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well, if they are the same guys who came here later near kyiv , then it was quite serious, huh, and if we talk about... in general, 2024 already next year, what would you ask now from ukrainians, maybe from the world, and what would you wish for yourself and for your fellow citizens, specifically? i'm not one of those people who wants to ask something, ask someone there, well , everyone lives their own life, if we talk about it in... our partners, so-called, yes, yes, and if they still don't understand ,
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that if we lose, then their time will come, well , it will take 5 years, 7 years for russia to restore the military potential that they lost here, and it will be a short battle, well, that is, there, if you count how many territories ukraine lost there in the first three days, it's about one and a half or two elephants. of the european union, this is for a day, here, well, this is my personal opinion, that's why, if, everything, everything is on their conscience, well , i don't expect any expectations, any expectations for the next year from anyone, well, look, the world is like this now turbulences, election processes in many countries, the united states, and presidential elections as well. and the question of help for us and financing, including weapons, support too
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now remains suspended, eh, aren't we in a shaky, shaky position now? i believe that the biggest mistake is always a person, it is planning your life, when you rely on someone, we should plan to completely release to our territory, relying only on our own strength, i... if they help us, it is very good , this will strengthen us a lot, but the same plan that bezugla wants very much must be based only on ourselves, and every citizen of this country must understand this, we can only count on ourselves, because only what you have and what you can, only this can be sure, you know, i will do this for sure, because it is mine, and i will do this, if i have something... yes, that's it not a plan, it's already a theory. ugh. how do you see your life,
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after. i'll just say after. well, i would like to start summarizing the survey. well, that is, there, as for the military, this, everything that happens, this, well, there is no such survey in anyone in the world. this war. well, i can only compare it to some medieval ones. well, i came to get out, alda came and whole cities were completely leveled, well, this did not happen in the first or second world war, even, that’s what battles are like, then i can say that no one has such a survey and god forbid no one will have it, but this survey will need to be put down on paper and possibly included in some books or textbooks, the statutes,
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i would be interested in doing this, uh, well, i think that the development of the army according to the nato model, that is what we want, and it's quite a long process, are you ready to join before that, as well as in the end, you know, here i am, this is the stage where i'm not a volunteer, well, i can't do anything, i'm 10 years old. jobs that i can take on, why should i go somewhere and retrain there at the age of 38 or there at the age of 40 to become an it technician, for example, to look for someone to be a security guard, to go somewhere, or to start my own business from scratch, if i have some skills there, some survey, and the main desire to do it, uh, well, that is, i just don’t even
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consider this story, everything is there from the 20th, if there until february 24, i’m there something else spinners what is there about such a life , that's all for now, well, i'll be like this , i'll drown until the end, but will it be decisive for you how much the state provides for the military even after active hostilities, that will be one of the tasks, well, for that , for it to happen like this, well , everything always happens in my life, what you want , for example, for the state to respect you there, he starts to do something, because it won't be, well, it's... a rarity, when something you they give it for free, you need to make some effort, those who will follow you already have them it will get better, well, this is always the engine of progress, when you want your children to be there, your descendants to be there or the children of your friends to be there, and they will follow you, they will follow you and everything will be better for them already, ugh, that's how you are
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do you relate to the thesis that the military will come , restore order, well, they will go into politics, they will go into the economy, they will go everywhere and... we sit in the back like this, but no, our military is cool, they will do everything for us, the military, when they return , if they will solve their problems the way they know how, by putting everyone in prison, that's it first of all, well, that’s why it won’t happen, secondly, we return to the same element that we can only count on ourselves, and if a person, people who will stop including zhdun or simply speak rudely there, they will something to do, every day for the military. the machine is on its own rails, then there will be no need for the military to come there and do something , this is transferring one's responsibility to someone, if a person believes only in himself, he knows that only he himself can do something, and there are hundreds of millions of such people, we we will see a developed and flourishing state,
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but i want to give about nato standards, so what you said, i just don’t know about ... about, again, based on the survey of this war, i believe that they will be needed, well, we are now we are trying to get into a system that no longer works, it once worked, for example, it worked even in the ato zone, when there from the 14th to the 22nd year, it could work, because it was originally under such a war, that's what the whole world has been doing there all this time , from the second world war to this war no, it doesn’t fit, and all the military of other countries, who look at us, understand this, they have already begun to rewrite their governing documents like this, and now we are asking ourselves to pay attention to something that no longer works, huh, that’s why i am a little categorical about it related
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, an interesting opinion, that is, nato standards are not a panacea at all, moreover, they may not... be delayed, but he is delayed with skill, because he - he is disciplined, and not delayed, here, that is, there is a relationship, a nato relationship there, roughly, there or stuntmen, that is it is necessary to implement, in my opinion, well, this is the most important thing from what is there, here, and the survey
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of this war, it is time for them to implement themselves, and not for us to implement them, uh, well, that's it? for sure now finally, this is just what i promise, and we understand that the third oshb and other brigades, some of them have simply colossal combat experience in this conflict, are you ready to specifically go, will you specifically go and teach the world about this, is it necessary to do this , or every conflict, it is different from the previous one and doesn't make sense, well look, first of all... exactly from me you want to be there, you don't want to, how is it, for example, if i will be a civilian there, i will retire and i will be offered such a job there for good money, then i will want to do it, that's it. if it is necessary, if i remain in the structure, and the structure will need it, well, that is, it will be some exchange of information, experience there , conferences, or simply we will need
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to go there, it will be a combat order, an order, i will go, i will to do it, that is, here again, nothing depends on whether i want or not, it is a pure factor that we are i believe that this should be done, for all this it should be done now, why did i ask, it is not a secret for anyone that... from 2014 to about the 22nd, there were certain reservations in the world regarding, well, for example, people with azov experience , azov did not very often get the opportunity to learn about certain weapons, did not receive professional support from the military there from other countries, and so on, but it proved to be extremely combat-ready and very effective, in fact, is something like this possible and now in your opinion, is it possible, what conditional... they will begin to fear another military in the world, fear that this is such a combat-capable unit that oh-oh-oh, it's better that we somehow ourselves, well, look,
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this is a deep question that can, i think, be talked about for quite a long time, briefly, somehow, they are afraid, it's just a position that no one in the world thought, didn't want, that's just how the glory was closed. glaza, that there could be such a situation that they can leave, well, people , they are ready for anything, they will lobby with you all they want, yes, people just like that, it doesn't happen, well, it's nonsense, it doesn't happen, and therefore such like us, didn't want to see, didn't want us to exist, because we were scary. here we have come up with various canopies and climates in all different ways, in fact, and at the moment they continue
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both in private and in our partners and even inside the country, and they always went to israel, my god, my god, what else can you do, well, conditionally , your family, again after all, we are talking about the environment, it is important, that is why i believe that after, well, even now, that is, they already see there.
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that's what you said, that every conflict is really, well, it's unique, but there are some standard things that will be needed, even now the situation at the front changes steadily every three months, it changes so much that it is necessary to adapt to this history, but there are all these groups of people who conduct some analyzes there based on it. .. the information that the countries receive, that is, what they see, and even make some predictions, well, that is, it is a modern war, and anyway, they are all
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based on some standard principles, so why not exchange this survey with partners, thank you very much for the opportunity discuss these important things, as i am an officer of the third separate assault brigade with the call sign beard. joined this interview marathon on espresso. i wish you military success. thank you. so. because, to be honest, civilians also very often can't find the right words to wish you a successful continuation of everything you are doing now. so? military luck is probably something that, well, actually sums everything up in one expression. and, well, of course, i hope that... the next time we also meet in this studio or somewhere on the road, i will get, great, thank you, thank you to all my colleagues, thanks to whom we were able to have this conversation and
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record this interview, my name is khrystyna ya . see you soon, there are 20% discounts on anti-catarrhal drugs at the pharmacies of psyllanyk, pam and oschad. turn on well - this is when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of molts, click and the universe of cinema is around, then, oh, you. still needed. mego. turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. a special performance by a legendary band. the dead rooster with the orchestra at the lviv opera house, with the christmas and favorites program. early lyric songs, new christmas compositions and favorite super hits. on january 8, the stage of the lviv opera. tickets on the website of the organizer big nor are
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2:00 pm
it's 2 p.m. in ukraine and the release is for your attention news on the spresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. the rashists reduced the number of infantry attacks in the taurian direction. in the past, 25 combat clashes took place there, but the enemy is actively carrying out airstrikes, said the commander of the tavria military group oleksandr ternavskyi. in total, our soldiers eliminated 386 occupiers, four more surrendered. also, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed 40 pieces of equipment, including three armored combat vehicles, six artillery systems, 14 drones and an ammunition warehouse.


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