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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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continues, we are adding oleksandr skoryk, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, to our broadcast, we will talk about the situation in the city, we know that the city suffered a lot from yesterday's attacks. actually, mr. oleksandr, welcome to espresso, glory to ukraine. i congratulate you, glory to the heroes. i would like to ask you in general what the current situation is in the city and the region, how far the citizens are recovering from the recent... rocket attacks, and actually, as of today, what are the results of those consequences, whether many people were injured previous figures, and i would like to understand what the situation is now? literally a minute ago, we were driving near the city, in the center of the city, where there was yesterday's caliber flight, until now our rescuers and special services are sorting out the debris, there is a lot of equipment involved, a lot of human resources. involved, very big
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destruction, i would say that hundreds of apartments were left there without windows or doors, it is a very densely populated area of ​​the city, and in my opinion, a very large number of people were affected there, the rescuers did their job practically completed with regard to rescuing people, now they are disassembling the remains of rubble there and those places where... which are damaged, most of all there are ceilings, pierced and so on, and all day today we have air alarms, guided aerial bombs are working, constantly from aircraft takeoffs in bilhorod region, and we are constantly in alert mode, there are flights in zolochiv district, in kupinsky district in... chuguyiv district are constantly operating
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literally every every every hour , we are literally on air alert mode, at night around 10:30 p.m. we recorded three arrival, one of them to a school in the osnovyansk district, it is empty, but it was disturbed by the arrival, a hole appeared in the area of ​​10 m in diameter, which filled up. from which we concluded that the main water pipeline was still damaged, now our special services will also deal with the consequences of this terrorist act, and the situation in the city is very tense, because literally since the 31st, we have been in a state of such constant, constant constant tension, very very tense. the situation in the city, well
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, actually, i wanted to ask, but you already answered about the fact that now we see a trend in ukraine, that the russians have begun to manufacture and use various types of weapons more intensively, and we understand that the situation in the kharkiv region is not better either, and even more so we understand that they are reaching this region with s-300 missiles, which do not fly, for example, to the central or western territory of our country, but actually i wanted to ask you about the shelling and the situation in general. and around those settlements and those districts that are near the combat zone, special attention near senkivka, which is not far from kupyansk, so and i would like to know how critical the situation is now, in particular with regard to the number of shellings, and the consequences, are people actively trying to evacuate from there now, and are there any people willing at all? well, senkivka cannot be called a settlement that is under fire at all, it is a populated...
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settlement that is on the front line, where there are constant hostilities, constant assaults from the enemy, so the population there has been there for a long, long time evacuated because it's a hot, hot front line that's constantly is moving dynamically, dynamically, in relation to the shelling of the border, then constantly every day the border guards and our defense forces, which... stand on the border with the russian federation , constantly suffer from shelling from the most diverse types of weapons, and mortars, and artillery, and guided air bombs, and the activities of drg groups, today there were even reports that they fired at builders who are building fortifications on the border, terrorists behave very brazenly, they constantly terrorize not only our troops... the entire population of the border,
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therefore, in kharkiv, i believe that the situation is the most difficult in the region and in kharkiv, and that air raids, i would like to remind you that we have the most... air raids, according to statistics, by the number, by the amount of destruction, we too, unfortunately , in the first place , because in our city alone, 1,400 high-rise buildings have just been destroyed, plus thousands of the private sector in the region, and every day the region receives destruction, every day we are shelled in a very large , intensive area, because the border area in kharkiv itself, it very big. plus in the kupyan region, the front line is dynamically and constantly moving, and these are combat operations, combat operations every day, so the situation is difficult enough, yes, mr. oleksandr, we are aware that the situation is extremely difficult, and we understand that at the operational level, the enemy would like to advance in the direction of kupiansk,
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kupiansk uzlovoi, so our, our fighters withstand enemy attacks, but, in general, if we talk about the details of the situation at kupiansk from. front, where is the hottest, where is the most difficult situation, the most difficult situation, there is a settlement senkivka, it remains in a more difficult place, but our defense forces report that they are holding on, and i have a lot of my acquaintances there, personally, who are in the military, it is really difficult for our heroes there, because the weather conditions, by the way, have worsened , now... in the kharkiv region it is -8 degrees below zero, it was 10 in the morning, now it is -8 degrees below zero , it is much more difficult for our soldiers to be in the trenches, it is much more difficult to defend themselves, but the situation is under control and our soldiers there will clearly not give
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the enemy the opportunity to advance in this area , therefore, they are controlling the situation and kudos to our armed forces for this, mr. oleksandr, i would also like to know, you already mentioned the drg and... actually, have you noticed any activation on the part of the northern front over the last period of time, i mean, and the liberated territory of the kharkiv region, which is actually now under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, have they recently begun to somehow try to destabilize the situation there, because military experts on our airwaves have repeatedly said that the russians are trying to use such actions in quotation marks, to focus our attention on... areas of the front where there are currently no active hostilities, but this kind of helps them to concentrate where ours could more actively strengthen the front there, that is, there is such a simple tactic regarding this issue ? unfortunately, we have to state the fact that
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the situation of breakthroughs by subversive groups has increased in all territories, not only in the de-occupied territories, but also in the territories. which, which were not occupied, well, for example, there is information there, i do not know how relevant it is, and whether it can be said, but there on the territory of bogoduhiv district, on the 31st , a sabotage group attacked directly, directly on our territory, and i would also like to say that the enemy is carrying out a lot of informational and psychological attacks on us. thus, i even heard one of them from representatives, representatives of the moscow patriarchate, the russian church, that there, for example, in vavchansk , the drg had already entered there, that they were retaking some territory there in a new way,
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the bulk of these messages were carried on the goal is to intimidate the population, especially the frontline and kharkiv oblast, and show the enemy as strong, as one who ee... maybe, can conduct actions, offensive and sabotage actions, but in fact, in fact, the situation has intensified with sabotage groups, but it is not critical, because along the entire border line we we have, we have military defense forces that defend our country, so i believe that it is more due to the informational and psychological attack of the russian federation to intimidate the population, but mr. oleksandr, in short. i would like you to tell me now about the real mood of the people of kharkiv, so we understand that the enemy is not for nothing is trying to use not only shelling , but also incitement of its fake stories, but in any case, we understand that the psyche of many people, so to speak, is already a little
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shaken, i do not know what the situation is specifically in kharkiv and kharkiv oblast, describe be in a good mood, well, how do you write moods, if i personally, my family, we are already... for the fourth night, we practically do not sleep, because the city is under intense shelling, at the same time , everyone can see the nature of these shellings, they are of a chaotic nature, chaotic' the situation the character is chaotic, and they are not targeted, everyone understands that you can fly to any part of the city at any time, there are people who have not endured psychologically, psychologically and, leaving the city, there are such, this is a small number of people, but these are mainly people who have small children, who are simply, simply worried to the extent that they cannot psychologically withstand such tension, and... the bulk of the population is outraged by this,
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on the contrary, it brings them together in order to fight the enemy , and the mood of the population is such that they simply hate our enemies and the people of kharkiv more and more are moving away from the myth that we are some kind of mythical brothers or people with whom you can have some kind of relationship. some negotiations, some neighborly, neighborly actions , this is an enemy, this is a terrorist, he is insidious and he is cruel, the mood of the people of kharkiv is anxious, but understandable, and the actions to protect the city, all say as one that in any case, we let's defend our city, our country and help our military. thank you, oleksandr skoryk, mp. the kharkiv regional council was and will be in touch with us
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to wish mr. oleksandr the opportunity to sleep, after all, to stay awake for four days, it is difficult, and we understand that the russians will try to shell, but nevertheless we wish the people of kharkiv to at least find an opportunity to sleep during the day, so that somehow they can get away from all this horror. now we're going to take a short break, after that we'll be back, so stay with us. there are 10% discounts on hepar at psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. turn on well, that's when everything is as you want. click, and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around the universe of cinema, next? oh, what is needed. megogo, turn on hundreds channels, thousands of movies and sports. it is a good tradition during the christmas holidays to carol together. with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website. media partner espresso tv.
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the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city. picardy tertia. good health to good people. live sound. there are discounts on ice cream. 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people. those interested in the evening verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new
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two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and get involved, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday with... the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. it. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all
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the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and educate. new, together, we are growing, join us, become part of our family, with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine and enable me ukraine. the euro-atlantic alliance condemned russia's latest massive strikes and declared that it would continue to support ukraine and defend every centimeter of poland. this is the corresponding official comment of the press service of the alliance. i quote verbatim: nato strongly condemns russian missile and drone attacks on
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ukrainian civilians, cities and towns. this is another demonstration of putin's attempt to break ukraine's determination, he will not succeed, and emphasize in the alliance that nato has already provided ukraine with a wide range of air defense systems and is committed to further strengthening its defense capabilities. we will support ukraine's right to self-defense against russia's aggressive war, we will stand by ukraine as long as necessary. well , let's hope that we will get long-range ones additional missile complexes and aviation in the appropriate amount, in particular, it refers to f-16 aircraft. this will be. a key demonstration, well, so that our people, even in the occupied territories, also understand that the ukrainian armed forces have the opportunity, and we have already talked about this many times about resources, and here it is also important to remember what fate can happen to those people who live under occupation and who actually felt all this horror of the russian occupiers, and
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almost two years ago russian interventionists staged a genocide of ukrainians in the kyiv region, in according to official data , more than 1,700 bodies of tortured and executed civilians were found in the buchansky district. today, after this terrible nightmare, the residents of the de-occupied cities and towns of the region are learning to live anew. how did the fate of ordinary people who survived the occupation of the russian barbarians turned out, let's look further. bucha, the name of this city is now associated throughout the world with the terrible crimes of the russian occupiers. during... these three days, the invaders executed 461 residents of the city, he was shot, these are my daughters, husband, ms. halyna shows photos of killed relatives and friends, at the beginning of the occupation, she and her family hid in the basement, a lot of peaceful people were shot dead, my friend
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, too, and my son went to the teroboron. he called us and told us to do whatever you want, but we have to flee from here, then the woman and her family went to poland and could not stay in a foreign land, so she returned home. this is our ukraine, we love it, well, no matter where we are, home is better, home is better, everything, so ukraine is ukraine. barodyanka was also under occupation for only one month, and for a place. for an eternity, you know, there is such a thing, i want it to wake up, but somewhere i got stuck on this on the 23rd on the 24th, and it's like you're sleeping, and the dream is a nightmare, and you can't wake up from it. mrs. lilya saw with her own eyes the horrors of the russian invasion. on march 1, the occupiers dropped an aerial bomb on her
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house. the woman's family miraculously survived, the very next day they all managed to leave the village together. they also drove along the highway with a stroller in the middle, men on the sides, so that in case of anything, it would be possible to protect them, and after the deoccupation of kyiv region, ms. lili's family returned to their native bardyanka, and her husband went to the front. the man is now at war, he is in i am an officer, he is now, he was a year ago, february 23 will be a year since he went to fight. the woman herself helps the soldiers as best she can, weaving camouflage nets. will there be a lot? already on august 16, 48 pieces. this is the 49th. only as of may 2022 , more than 300 civilian burials were discovered in borodyanka, and another 41 dead were found under the rubble of buildings. the bodies
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of the residents of borodyanka killed by rashies are still found on the territory of the community. this is so cool. everything, thank you, our good friends, for not forgetting us, now if possible let's transport as many people as possible, and this is volodymyr, he was transporting humanitarian aid in occupied irpen, the full-scale russian invasion, like most people, was a terrible surprise for him. on the 24th, i turned 30, woke up, opened the news, and yes... my husband was not lost, organized his friends and worked with them to evacuate.
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volodymyr did not leave his home in irpen either and today lives in the city with his family and a pack of cats. today , civil infrastructure is being actively rebuilt in the buchansk district, people are returning home, but it is scary the genocide organized by the occupiers has forever left behind a painful memory. according to official data for march 2022. the russians executed more than 1,700 residents of the district. artem logutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, espresso tv channel. well, thank you colleagues for this plot: bright memory
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to the dead, we remember them, and we are aware that the enemy may repeat this or that crime. we are now inviting serhiy danilov, deputy director of the middle eastern studies center, to our marathon. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. glory. i congratulate you, welcome viewers well, the montreux doctrine, 1900 is the beautiful 36th year, so to speak, turkey does not allow peaceful minesweepers of ukrainian property, until recently ships of the royal, royal fleet of great britain, to the doctrine. so, in your opinion, are there any prospects to convince istanbul, or is it all blindly following certain doctrinal principles. agreements, i don't know, almost a century ago, well, at the moment i don't see arguments that would allow to convince erdogan, to change his position, there really
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is a very broad consensus on the matter, regarding of this document, it’s something almost sacred, i would say so, don’t they pray for this montreux convention, consider its provisions so beneficial that any revision of this document will lead to a deterioration of the conditions for ankara, that’s a plus , they didn’t so much refuse us as they were afraid that after that russia would strengthen three on its side, which wanted to have two more... on the eighth, if i’m not mistaken, of february last year, rather large groups of their ships, in
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the black sea fleet, which were in the mediterranean sea from other fleets, in black sea ​​to increase attacks on ukraine, then turkey rejected them for the first time and since then has consistently followed this position, and these are not so much beam washers for ukraine, turkey's reluctance to spend the signature again, look, mr. serhiy, i'm sorry to interrupt you a little bit, well, the communication is not very good, but i would like to clarify, but in general, the so-called sea barter is possible, the british gave us two ships, and we exchange them for a romanian one or another, i don't know, a destroyer or a submarine, which stands, for example, in one or another romanian or, i don't know, bulgarian port. and accordingly, romanians or bulgarians take two minesweepers by self-delivery, that is, it is beneficial for everyone, and then they do not fight for anything, they
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bring them to themselves, for example, in the waters of the black sea, and the montriot doctrine works, and erdogan would to say i am satisfied, well, in short , and we can fry normally further along the black sea . and solving this issue will take enough time that maybe by then it will be resolved in a different way. and mr. serhiy, look, we understand that turkey and ukraine have never been allies in principle, well, if we talk about modern history, but they are and will be partners, i hope, but it is interesting to understand in what context our relations are developing with turkey because the president of turkey. he is trying to sit on two chairs at the same time, and actually, how would you describe the current schedules in the context of diplomacy between turkey and ukraine, well he is. he is not just trying
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, he is doing it successfully, he is a direct beneficiary of the invasion of ukraine and at the same time, the country that received new threats from this invasion, and he gets out of this, he gets the benefit, but he gets the risks, and he minimizes risks and maximizes profits, we need to work to show... uh, what about us, his benefits, his profits will grow, and he himself does not understand ukraine's defeats, but this should be further emphasized. now we are in this delicate equilibrium, which rather characterizes the representation erdoğan, than, some objective picture and
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our wishes, than. in order to earn as much as possible and not lose, uh, well, a serious story, mr. serhiy, look, i would also like, knowing that you are informed and actively monitor the events in the south of our country, in particular, in the temporarily occupied lands of the kherson region, the left shore, perhaps you have some additional operational information, from there, no, nothing more than the general reports. it even expands a little, but the situation is quite dynamic, thank god i won't be able to, besides the fact that the bridgehead is standing, they started flying less, less caps started arriving, but we don't know how long the fear of the russian military will last there, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed for those who hold the bridgehead.
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as evidence, before the new year, the russians spread information among the local residents and on the right bank, that on new year's eve, they will go on the offensive on the right bank, we can remind them of this and ask, well, how are things, where, where are you advancing, and in general , well, the topography allows, but now big frosts are coming, so the dnipro can become, well, i don't want to scare anyone, but... well, take it lightly, well, i wouldn't want to either, well, it depends on the time, during which there will be these great frosts, i can say that our troops are on the right bank of the what i saw, what i heard, we are fully prepared for different options and for different developments of events, and i would also like to be very brief, we have literally
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one and a half minutes that... to the unrecognized nagorno-karabakh republic, which officially ceased to exist, and here what is important is the fate of the ethnic armenians who lived there, we know that many of them had to to leave this house of yours, what is the situation in general with this situation with this situation, forgive me for the toftology, well, the azerbaijani side offered those who wish to return or legalize their... property, a formula according to which people who lived in karabakh can do it, and the situation is now such that when the first ones who return will appear and there will be examples that nothing is in danger in their lives, and i am sure that the serbian people will do everything in their power to demonstrate the bermen who can live
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in pockets thank you, we need you to let go, serhiy danilov , deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies, now the time for news on espress tv channel has passed, we pass the floor to iryna koval, who from the news editorial office has already prepared the most operative and freshest information, so iro, we pass the floor to you, well, tell us what will happen in this release thank you marta, well, i will tell you about the most important things that are happening in ukraine and in the world in just a few seconds. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in iryna's studio blacksmith. greetings to all viewers. i'll start with the fact that defenders from the east pmk shot down a rocket over the dnipro district.


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