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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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men that can live in pockets. thank you, we have to let you go. serhiy danilov, deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies. now it's news time on the espresso tv channel. we pass the floor to iryna koval, who has already prepared the most efficient and freshest information with the news editor. so iro, we give you the floor. well, tell me what this issue will be about. thank you martha. well, i will tell you about the most important things that are happening in ukraine and in the world in just a few seconds. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine and the release is for your attention news on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. i'll start with the fact that defenders from the east pmk shot down a rocket over the dnipro district. and the russians hit
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avdiivka, one person was killed, another was seriously wounded, the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin, reported on this. the occupiers fired four rockets into the city after shelling destroyed residential buildings. the number of victims in the capital as a result of yesterday's rocket attack has increased to 54, the city's military administration. most of the victims were mine explosion. injuries in addition, there are two dead. in total, five people died in ukraine. the rashists reduced the number of infantry attacks in the taurian direction. over the past day , 25 combat clashes took place there. instead, the enemy is actively carrying out airstrikes - said the commander of the tavria military group oleksandr tarnavskyi. in total, our soldiers eliminated 386 occupiers, four more surrendered. also the armed forces. to ukraine
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destroyed 40 pieces of equipment, including three armored combat vehicles, six artillery systems, 14 drones and ammunition storage. half of the shaheds and a fifth of the cruise missiles were shot down by mobile groups in the north of ukraine - said the commander of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine, serhiy naev. the general thanked the personnel of the mobile groups for their work and the thousands of lives saved. hey, guys, they hit enemy targets in the ukrainian sky from cheetahs, from brownings, from zu23, from manpads stinger, sincere thanks to our guys, and we will continue to do everything to ensure that the ukrainian sky is protected, increase the number of mobile fire groups one of the largest russian attacks on ukraine, which took place on january 2, did not cause critical damage to the energy industry. as reported. chairman of the board
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of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi, the emergency crews were only involved in the elimination of local consequences, and the power system was working in a balanced way all the time, so it was possible to fully restore the current within a few hours after the shelling. the ukrainian energy industry is once again passing the test of strength, although the latest attack caused damage to energy facilities in the kyiv region. the lesions are not critical. power system remains balanced, there is no shortage of power, schedule of planned outages is not applied. electricity supply in kyiv region has been restored for all families. they tried to enter hungary illegally. transcarpathian border guards detained 12 evaders. the organizer of the scheme took the men to the border with his own transport. for this, he received uah 12,000 from each. driver and offenders. to be detained
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together with the police, administrative offense reports were drawn up on them. 99% of ukrainians who left in 2023 are returning home year, have returned, this is reported by the digital service of state data analysis. therefore, last year more than 32 million border crossings were recorded, and only 40,142 thousand did not return to ukraine. and... this is 15 times less than in 2022. the peak of returns to ukraine was recorded in spring and summer. 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. the shevchenkiv district court of kyiv sentenced the former head of katyvna isolation to denys kulikovsky, nicknamed palych. the start of execution of the sentence will be counted from november 9, 2021, when it was taken
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in custody kolikovsky is accused of torturing and abusing captured ukrainian military and civilians. since 2019, he moved to kyiv and... lived in the capital until he came into the sight of law enforcement officers. in general, it is very important for me that there is this sentence in some form, and the detention of this person kolupovsko was extremely resonant, we, i think, the whole society knows that he was in kyiv for two years, so it is also important for me, as a lawyer after all, that for now he is attracted. responsibility and there is already a verdict. ex-general andriy naumov of the security service of ukraine was released from prison in serbia. his documents were confiscated and he was forbidden to leave the territory of ukraine, the bbc reported. naumov's lawyers filed a complaint against the decision on the ban on leaving,
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but the court did not satisfy it. let me remind you that the former official headed the internal security department of the sbu from 2019 to july 2021 . a few hours before the start of the full-scale invasion, he left ukraine. he used minibuses with cash and jewelry to escape. they attacked elderly people. law enforcement officers exposed a criminal group in odesa. criminals broke into women's apartments at night, stole money and valuables. therefore , they were caught red-handed. during an attempted attack on the home of an 85-year-old odesa woman. the organizer of the group was a citizen of moldova, as well as an employee of the charitable foundation. she collected data on victims who received cash payments. all those involved were detained and face up to 15 years in prison. emergency officials
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in ternopil oblast created a corruption scheme. the security service checks more than ten officials of the state emergency service. according to the investigation, the suspects. collected a 20% kickback from each fire service contract, and for this they registered enterprises that perform these works for their relative. during the searches , law enforcement officers found uah 250,000, as well as bank cards and documentation. the law enforcement officers suspect a former investigator in zhytomyr region of embezzling half a million hryvnias. this was reported in the prosecutor general's office. thus, in march, an investigator detained a local resident on suspicion of selling drugs during the search of the suspect , cash of various currencies was seized, but the investigator did not give the money as physical evidence, but decided to appropriate it.
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in poltava, civilians were taught to master small arms, grenade launchers and uavs. the school was dedicated to the memory of the defender and hero of ukraine vitaly hrytseyenko, who died last year. the event was organized by relatives and close friends. anna morozova will tell how everything happened. kateryna works in the section of tactical medicine, where they practice applying a tourniquet. at first, the girl practices on others, and then stops blood circulation and itself. it hurts when it doesn't work out, but i want to live. you have to spin. the hardest thing is pain, it should be more than pain. at the next table, the girls carefully examine the weapons, but the instructor pushes them to practice and encourages them to try to disassemble the machine gun." 30 people joined
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the training, where the public organization voroskol shows basic combat skills and tells how to save life. my friends, everyone. well almost everyone is now fighting, now at war, and this event, it is now dedicated in memory of our fallen soldier vitaly hrytseyenko, gogol. first of all, we must be involved in this, we must remember about them, we must remember that we still have it, and yes, it is already full-scale, the second year has already been 10 years. since the ukrainian army works with drones, the civilian population is also taught to take them into the air. unmanned aerial vehicles, in fact, controlling a drone, it is not super complicated, it can be mastered by everyone without exaggeration, the brain adapts to what the finger is doing there one thing, the drone there does another, and
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it literally does not take much time, this training in memory of the fallen defender vitaly hrytsienenko on the defendant gogol, he not only defended the country, but also trained young fighters. of military affairs, the man was the deputy commander of the azov regiment, and he was engaged in the training of all the azov citizens who came, as we called them in the new recruits, we called them cadets, who come... they are needed for our youth. charity school. the organizers wanted to hand over the money to the soldier's family, but they wanted to direct the money to urgent needs of azov. we have those who, let's say, are our fallen comrades, friends, we just plan to regularly hold memorial services. these are memory schools. will continue in 2024. anna morozova, bohdan proskorov from poltava for
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espresso tv channel. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website spresso tv. follow us on social media and watch on youtube. then antin borkovskyi and marta oliyarnyk continue the broadcast. we will see you at 4 p.m. thanks to murina kovalya of the news editorial board for this one colleagues are able to give inspiration, although, of course, the situation in the country is extremely difficult, and we are currently engaging political scientist taras zagorodny, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group. glory to ukraine, mr. taras! good day, heroes, glory. well, good news has arrived for the ex-general of the sbu, mr. naumov, who , accordingly, is generous and kind and fair, well in quotation marks, without quotation marks, i don't know, serbian
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law enforcement officers, released from prison, here 's the news: naumov was sentenced to a year in prison for money laundering, well, no may he will leave hospitable sunny serbia while the appeal continues, and accordingly we would like to ask you what can await former general naumov and, in general, what he is. this case is part of what is called our internal ukrainian history, well, look, what awaits him, well, according to the decision of the serbskyi court, if he bears responsibility there, well, he will be released, and he cannot be sent home with a diplomatic falyegil by mail, no, look, first we have to understand if we have the extradition treaty, is there... but within the framework, are there any general rules, that is, regarding
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the extradition of certain persons, this should also be understood, we are here, i have not yet studied this issue here, it should be understood here, further for that , in order to demand extradition, here a crime must be committed, for example, on the territory of ukraine, so in order to demand that his serbian authorities extradite him, so for now on what... grounds, so, and further, is he a citizen only of ukraine, that this issue is big, and many other things, so here it is, from the looks of it, the fact that we haven't seen any reports, most likely, well, not yet, unless there is a criminal case against him, theoretically possible, because i don't remember if there was a criminal case against him, well what are we worried about, because it will suddenly turn out that he is... the only one of some other countries and may , for example, move, he is also the bearer of colossal secrets, well, he will move to one or another
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third country there, not to mention the struggle of pain , of course there to of the russian federation, but you know this as if you were watching water, because sources in the law enforcement agencies informed babel that naumov himself may receive asylum in russia, and information about naumov's possible move to russia is also confirmed by the insider publication. oh, oh, yes, taras zagorodny, we hope he will tell us something now. well, i don't rule it out, because he ended up in serbia for nothing , he was engaged in money laundering there, as they say, because serbia is a country friendly to russia, russian agents are quite active there, and well it is possible that it can also be so, yes, well, well accordingly received, ukraine received a new chairman of the committee a couple of weeks ago, so on issues of freedom of speech, the voice from... faction proposed its candidate, well , accordingly, a new signal came from the acting head
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of the ministry of culture and information policy, mr. karandeeva, they say they can change the format of the telethon, the only news, well, according to the head of the ministry of culture, the telethon has achieved its goal, and now tv channels are considering the possibility of changing the format, what do you think will happen now in information policy, we understand that the telethon... it's just, i don't know, part of this big information iceberg, well , it's hard for me to say, but what mr. karandier meant, we'll still see ... what exactly what will be done, because it is difficult to discuss intentions that are not yet known whether they will be implemented, because our officials like to talk so vaguely that they will ever be changed, but they never say the terms, and when it will be changed, in a year, in two, or when it will be at all, maybe through
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it will happen for a week, so let's see what will actually happen, that's why it's hard for me. to comment on something, but why did they gather, so to speak, to reformat this telethon? well, we understand that sociology tells us that maybe everything is not so good and not completely, so to speak , the official, you know, united media people cope with what is called informing the population and , accordingly, the formation of a certain psychological, including psycho- emotional mood. well , look, i wouldn't consider the issue so narrowly here, because we... we still are must understand that the media is time, after all, it is a part of society, and when the war , after all, went into a protracted phase, and this is now clear to the whole society, the question here is that the marathon is there, they can change something there and so on, well, it's hard to say, maybe it will remain in this format, we don't know yet, the question here
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is that it is clear that the war has entered the phase of exhaustion. these are new challenges for society, new challenges for the economy, new issues facing the command of the armed forces and so on, because it means that, since the war is entering a protracted phase, this means a new degree of mobilization of the rear and industry and many other things, because after all, a war of attrition is already beginning a war of potentials. potentials of economic, demographic, military and so on, and the one who can concentrate the maximum potential, then in principle has, has advantages, and here we should already look at things that primarily concern our
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defense industry, we must understand that we can increase this imbalance in potentials only by... increasing production own weapons, because there are objective factors that the russians, well, the russians are simply more, there are more of them, and they can mobilize, judging by the way they are behaving now, they already see what pace of war they can take, that for the russian federation, i am sure that the kremlin is calculating it, well , they are ready to put about 200-300 thousand per year. accordingly , they are sure that they also conducted sociological studies in order for the russians not to rebel so much, they are increasing military production, so powerfully enough, and these are challenges for ukraine large ones, which we should already look at, reformat, including, first
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of all, increase the production of our own weapons, because only there we can increase this imbalance that exists between. the ukrainian army and the russian army, well, for example , zelenskyi announced that next year, or rather this year, 1 million drones will be produced in ukraine, well, here is the question of whether it should be produced more, because based on the fact that , for example, for every russian, well, for example, there should be three drones, which should probably already be controlled artificial intelligence, yes, a lot of other things, to deploy. production, first of all, of missiles , which we can produce, of armored vehicles, which we can produce, well, now the ukrainian armored vehicles have announced that they have, they, well , what she was told, already works out in my opinion, six or 10 vehicles per month, well, this is already by ukrainian standards, it is impressive that
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our defense industry has been working for so long for the past 30 years, this is already a huge break, the question is that, apparently... it is necessary to increase it even more, we need money, we need resources, it is necessary for the cabinet of ministers to finally resolve the issue of corporate income taxation, because we are here discussing this issue constantly with you, on your channel, it is still not resolved, we have already prepared everything possible, there was also a meeting at the ministry of defense, and the manufacturers drafted a resolution accordingly, the draft resolution, which should be submitted to the booths, still does not exist. expansion, expansion of the order, i believe that it is possible to expand, find money under the order of banks, directive order, obligations, especially, it concerns state banks, to lend to the defense industry or strategic industries that we need , for example, the rural production of agricultural machinery, because this is a dual-purpose industry, because on the basis
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of these enterprises, you can also produce equipment, for example, military, the national bank together with the ministry of finance has long been able to issue five-year bonds at 10% for 10 years, the national bank can easily buy it back... these will be poured into the defense industry from 100 to 400 billion hryvnias, this will only reduce unemployment in our countries, and why hasn't this been done until now, i'm sorry, sir taras, you just say the right things , but here is the question, why is it the second year of a full-scale war, and it is still not done, why are we talking about it in the future tense, and because financiers, financiers for some reason think that the war does not concern them, they they behave frankly, as if they are not there, as if they do not exist in the country. war, the national bank begins to tell that it cannot make such a targeted credit issue, he, they are lying, because in the 22nd year they
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printed, simply printed 400 billion uah, yes, they threw it into the economy and did nothing happened, in fact, our inflation, even, even inflation did not increase much, why, because our inflation increased in the 22nd year due to the fact that a third of the economy was lost, this is due to problems with logistics. decrease in the mass of goods and so on, well, here is a question for financiers, banks frankly do not want to lend to its defense, that is , you can get a loan for a car, yes , you can get a mortgage there, moreover, i have not seen oschatbank recently, it gives loans for demining territories, i just have a question, that is, to give to the defender loan, you don't have money, as you say , so that there are no...mined territories, but in order to solve the question, you have to give the farmers that way, yes, the question that the financiers are working on,
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and why do we need such financiers at all , let's say so, maybe you know, they should be taken in one place so that they still begin to perceive reality more adequately and understand that we are all in this boat together, 100%, 100% owners shares, we have 60% of the banking system. to be in state hands. 60% after nationalization alfa bank, this is the cabinet of ministers, as a master should ask the question, what is it, if the bankers do not want to finance the defense of the country, then the question is why such bankers and why they are not in prison for opposing the armed forces. they should be given a clear task, because as they say, there are no risks in speculating on uvpd and certificates of deposit, but how to finance the defense industry, they suddenly have risks, what risks do they have, these are the risks of soldiers at the front , these are risks for families who lose loved ones, and
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they do not have any risks, let it be trending, next, this is a question for the national bank , as you know, yesterday i saw how the head of the national bank posted that he was the banker of the year for the 24th year already, that is , two days have passed since that, he already posted that he... banks of the year, what are you banks of the year, you ensured lending to the real sector of the economy, there is no refinancing, just a really crazy underfinancing, the bank can, the national bank can force banks to lend to the real economy in various ways by lowering some standards, weakening other standards, print target money that is, and he can do it, if you know, there is such a mechanism as bank financing, yes, and what is it, the national bank prints money and gives it to banks, yes, in order to protect, that is, to cover the industry, what is the problem,
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that is, it is complex here the issue must be resolved, because the bankers frankly, when the national bank starts telling that it is independent, i have a question independent from whom, from the bleeding country, if you don't want to say that you are not... dependent here or or, so you work for the enemy, here it's simple, mr. taras, we literally have one minute left, i wanted to clarify , maybe it would be worthwhile to hold rotations in our cabinet, so in order, for example, to strengthen the connection between the national bank and certain practical programs, the national bank with bankers, i believe that the conversation should already be in criminal cases, with the confiscation of property, because they were frankly insolent, well, there is no other question here... no, this is the first thing, then, you know, then other bankers will come and work on the country, because, well, we don't have bankers like that are needed, we need weapons, industry
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and... for the army to be clothed and armed, if the bankers behave like this, then they are not needed either, and to teach them once and for all, if you want to work in the country, you must consider the interests of the country, and not to make money on blood, because i told you in the 22nd year they made an emission of 400 billion, nothing happened to the economy, only the economy was spared, more precisely, it saved such a blow to the economy, then and this question, then what. .. rotations in the cabin, well, of course, what i think they are time has come, mr. shmyhal frankly does not want to do anything, well, he just doesn’t want to, you know , they told me how mr. shmyhal’s visit to one of the friendly countries was, i won’t say which one, yes, he comes, he starts extensive conversations there about let’s do joint production there, well, people are really worried about the people in charge, they already come with specific projects
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, come on, come on, come on... come on, let's sign a memorandum there somewhere in two weeks, it's no use with you, why the hell did you come to the people, that's what question minister the prime minister, he comes with a package already ready to sign, just sign it, and people look at it and ask, well, apparently ukraine does not need what we offer, the country is very friendly to us, very worried about us, and there are manufacturers who are also ready to cooperate with ours there, it is impossible to do it, here is an example with this... with the taxation of the company's profit, it is not necessary to assemble the verkhovna rada, it was blinkered, together with the cabinet, in march of the 22nd year , they passed a resolution to simplify, as they said, production weapons, missed the word profit, right? mr. taras, unfortunately, unfortunately, we now have to move according to our broadcast schedule, we even stretched the time a little, well, but, as the classics said, in the most interesting place,
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the national anti-crisis group was working now on the live broadcast of espresso, well, what is a short pause now , after that we will continue. there are discounts on pshik, 10% in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. there are discounts on zzilor 10% in pharmacies plantain you and save. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price. everything 99 hryvnias, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only 99 hryvnias. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no light, for only uah 99. take advantage of this advantageous offer: the smart light bulb works even without electricity, up to 6 hours without recharging. the secret is in the built-in capacious battery, it's so convenient, especially now, and
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