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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. well, the information day of the tv channel in rozpala, that's how marta oliarnyk and i communicated now, an important signal from the chinese ministry of foreign affairs, therefore, i quote the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people's republic of china for an information request. an ukrinform respondent in china regarding beijing's reaction to the massive russian missile attack on january 2. i quote: the answer of the chinese embassy to our colleagues from ukrinform. i quote: direct speech. china's position on the issue of the ukrainian crisis in the midst of the ukrainian crisis is consistent and clear. we continue to call on the relevant parties to exercise maximum restraint, avoid attacks on civilian targets and protect the safety of civilians. the chinese side continues. to insist that dialogue and
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negotiations are the only way to solve the ukrainian crisis, that is how they call russian aggression against us, and that is what we hope that all parties will take on obligations regarding the political resolution of the crisis, as the fastest termination of the war and joint efforts to alleviate the situation, well, in our country, so to speak, as they say, the corresponding expert is already on standby dmytro yefremov, expert of the ukrainian association of china studies, associate professor of the department of international relations in kyiv mogilian academy. glory. mr. dmytro. glory as a hero. you have heard the reaction, or rather, the response of the chinese foreign ministry to our colleagues from ukrinform. we would ask you to translate it from the chinese diplomatic language into ukrainian, so to speak, practically. it's n- mantra, this is a certain religious technique that the chinese authorities regularly reproduce in their official speeches.
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in response to the question regarding ukraine, that the position is clear and concise, it is consistent, it has not changed, they are in favor of resolving the crisis, as you emphasize, yes, by peaceful means, that is, enter into negotiations, if you want, we will facilitate this for you , well, but we are not going to make any major commitments to ourselves, or push, for example, russia into negotiations, and what they note about, let's say,... there restraint and not harming civilians is again a general phrase in which russia and ukraine are not demarcated, and if we now question the chinese, why so, they will refer to the fact that strikes are being carried out in belgorod as well, that is this is the whole essence of chinese diplomacy, they do not want to somehow narrow their freedom of maneuver, they do not want to become participants in these...
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relations, to take responsibility, and this applies not only specifically to the russian war against ukraine, it is generally the most widespread, the most widespread variant of chinese policy in the international arena, do not take responsibility, express general principles, do not blame anyone, be friendly with everyone and thus promote. interests in the international arena, look, i would also like your opinion on the information published by the financial times, that china has increased the supply of high-precision machine tools to russia by 10 times and is massively exporting high-precision numerically controlled devices, which is vital important for the military industry moscow, and our western partners are already concerned about this, as they usually say, and ... is trying to limit russia's access to
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this equipment, this kind of cooperation between russia and china, in your opinion, is actually the result of what they are both trying to oppose united states, and that's one element of how they're going to do it? i would rather attribute this behavior of the chinese to self-interested business interests, in a sense, these are the motives that you voiced, that is, a warning on the one hand. not to be to be involved or not to become a participant in china is always present to the chinese, through official channels they always deny it and always try to hide any methods of even indirect support to russia, primarily economic methods, yes, but they , on the other hand, having with them all the necessary opportunities do not in any way prevent their own business from developing trade relations with the russian federation.
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moreover, it became extremely profitable when western companies left russia, the market became very free, russians are in a vulnerable situation, they can't bargain about this... uh, and there's always a fortune to be made from the russians, it's a typical practice for china, uh, that is, values ​​separately, business interests separately, and these things never conflict with each other, more moreover, if there is a reason to use such an opportunistic strategy and make money from the situation, the chinese will always use it, what is the logic in this, why do they behave this way, because... if the chinese do not do it, then other chinese will come and do it instead them, i.e. none chinese a businessman, having this opportunity in front of him , will not lose it, it applies to any field, whether it is household appliances, whether it is, i don't know, textiles, means and products of light
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industry, or vice versa, it is these high-tech machines that he mentions financial times, that is, business is business, and for the chinese there is no... there is no value dilemma, well, look, we would like to ask you about the war, a possible war in the south china sea, in particular, it is about the fact that the chinese, yes so to speak, released three chinese balloons near their own air bases, yes, well, it was quite painfully perceived in taiwan as well and they started talking about what china might do during, so to speak, a full-scale destabilization of the european... continent caused by the attack of the russian federation on ukraine, which china is gradually preparing for, so to speak, not washing and rolling, to do in a pinch, of course, reunification with taiwan, yes, in taiwan, of course, i think in shock, the united states is sending signals, xijin ping
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there two months ago in san francisco assured joseph biden the president, so it won't happen it is better not to do anything like that, he suggested that we go our separate ways and so on, you understand. chinese balloons over taiwan, well, there are not only balloons, there are planes, ships, and the whole line, let’s say, demonstrations of military equipment, why does china do this, it reminds again and again on the one hand the taiwanese themselves, on the other hand the international to the community that he will not budge from his position and considers china to be his inalienable territory, moreover, he thus ... sends a signal that he will not tolerate, say, external interference or ways or attempts to change the status quo, on or around the island itself, and so such measures will be repeated again and again.
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moreover, it's a hot time in taiwan right now, there's an election, an election race going on there, and so china is also trying in a certain way... either to influence the general public opinion of ordinary taiwanese people, it's trying to push them to believe, or to strengthen their belief, better let taiwan remain in this state of limbo than receive or move towards receiving independence, because it is not in the interests of china itself, or the united states, or other regional players, and thus... it is not in the interests of the taiwanese themselves, because the threats are high, the consequences are unpredictable, and it is better to maintain the status quo, it is better for taiwanese citizens to support the candidate who does not sharply oppose taiwan to mainland
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china, and not bring the situation to a certain escalation. see, finally, what they wanted to ask you, and what the publication imagines. nicene asia, maybe you have encountered that, well, because they threw in a high-profile story that butsimba sidzin pin during a conversation with, forgive me, putin, but i don’t want to mention, you know, in january, well, in one word, that putin assured sidzinpin that he was ready to fight in ukraine for several years, yes , at least five, well, and accordingly, is this a throw-in, is it possible to trust this otnikei asia. yes, to a certain more or less reliable source, i will not speak for the entire publication, but you very rightly raised the question, we in the ukrainian association of chinese studies monitor media sources that they publish information about china, and here is the author who made this publication
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on behalf of nicea asia, he has already drawn attention to himself several times, he was, this is the same person who, you remember, wrote a few months ago that it was a russian ... the minister of foreign affairs during his visit to china leaked information about her because of the recruitment of the chinese minister of foreign affairs for the benefit of western special services. and of course you can't confirm or prove it in any way. hypothetically, we can assume that putin boasted to the sidzinpins, said that we are ready to wage war there for as long as 5 years, but again, we cannot deny or confirm this thesis in any way. our view is that in most cases this journalist creates. such fictions, and does not have insiders inside the chinese polyburo or the central committee.
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the master of artistic whistling in chinese, yes, well, we know such international political scientists, he is not the only chinese figure filling the clogged and spitting internet. thank you, mr. dmytro, we were contacted by dmytro yefremov, an expert on ukrainian association of chinese studies, associate professor of the department of international relations of the kyiv-mohyla academy. kyiv-mohilianka gives very high-quality experts, right? well, good luck to them in their scientific research, now we will go for a short break, after that we will return to the studio, we will discuss the really sensational scandal about the new year's quarter of 95, very really blatant, there was an incident, more, i did not watch, but from a professional, let's say so , from a professional point of view, in the interest of a professional, i had to watch this passage, what exactly we are talking about, you will hear in a few minutes. there are 15% discounts on power detox
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of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day for. two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. the war created
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join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family, with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ucraine. the espresso information marathon continues its work, and now we will actually talk about the scandal with the evening new year's issue of the quarter. it's about a bad joke about the language issue, actually, what did the actors of this quarter do, they actually made a skit in which they made fun of a resident of the occupied territories, who spoke russian all her life, because she was under the influence of soviet propaganda and so on and colonialism, well, actually she finds herself in
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transcarpathia and has a dialogue with a local resident, and here she seems to be speaking in... such a very broken ukrainian and calls the that she is from skadovsk, but actually said it in a slightly different form. let's watch a snippet of this concert, so to speak, and get back to the discussion. were you born in ukraine? oh, yes, of course. and why didn't we communicate in ukrainian before that? well, what about that? well, i, well, because i'm from siskadovsk. sorry, who? no one, and from where? there is a city like skadovsk in the kherson region, so i am skadovsk. well, so there was also talk about the fact that you have a nice smell of conifers here instead of needles, some such primitive in fact, the game of words is happening, and
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in fact, everything would be nothing if we were not talking about... firstly, the city, which is currently under occupation, and secondly, many ukrainians, russian speakers are now trying to switch to ukrainian, which they succeed it is not very easy for everyone, and accordingly, in this way , the residents of kvartalov actually made such a joke on those people, and probably somewhere they took away the desire to try to speak ukrainian fluently, because they showed that as ukrainian speakers, the citizens of our country can be among them in such a way joke, and so do we we add to... in the kherson region and the coordinator of the kherson network rayon in you, who actually already filed a complaint against the tv channel 1+1 to the commission of journalistic ethics because of the issue that we showed you. mrs. yevgenia, this is how we add you to our broadcast, well, actually, thank
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you for finding the opportunity to join, and we want to hear your point of view, in general, how did you decide to... how did you see this excerpt, did you watch this new year's episode , or it simply slipped your way somewhere on the internet, and how did you come to such a decision that after all to complain about this performance, to be honest, i don't watch the quarter, it's a little bit not my taste, and i learned about this shameful issue from the video address of skidovsky mayor oleksandr yakovlev, we also monitor mayors in their work. and deputies, other well-known persons, politicians in particular, and when i heard his address, his condemnation of this video, his poem that he read, i became interested, i had already seen discussions with the people of kadov in various groups and watched this video, despite the fact that that there are only 11 minutes, i watched these 11 minutes six times
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, probably because the first time i watched it was terrible, i survived the 45th occupation in kherson, in particular, i have a lot of acquaintances from skadovsk, we cooperate, we are friends, and we support each other, and we supported and continue to support each other in the same way now in different ways, many residents of skadov were forced to leave, and actually i had a desire to go to court for this scene, but i understand that it will first be a long time, after - the second yaneskavchanka, so there may be questions in court, or to do any more... or an action or some direct action aimed at condemning such actions, for me a complaint to the commission on journalistic ethics was the best option, because it is publicity. it seems to me that such a situation should be publicized, because such videos are not only about skadovsky in the occupation, although this is the main topic, there is also the stereotyping
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of the displaced woman, because the man, for example, is in a more advantageous position there. filed than she, there are many factors, and the key is, of course, the city in occupation, as well as the fact that, for example , the inhabitants of skadovsk are mostly ukrainian-speaking, nevertheless, i have never met there, i have lived all my life in the south of ukraine and worked a lot with skadovsk, i have never met people there who did not speak ukrainian , or they would speak the kind of ukrainian that this lady speaks, so for me it was just... a question of whether i will do it or someone else will do it, well it turned out that i complained, i thank everyone very much for the support that i have, because a lot of people supported me. mrs. yevheni, i am with you i agree, as a person who has visited the kherson region more than once, i can say that with the ukrainian language, it is just better there
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than in many other regions, which for some reason are suddenly considered russian-speaking there, or , i don’t know, with russians, just like kherson oblast had a lot of healthy, normal ukrainian language, yes, but if we talk about the public reaction, how painfully they perceived what the residents heard. your acquaintances and so on, it was a very heavy trigger like that and it's very important to feel that because the support i got after the complaint, i didn't even expect it, well , i knew that my colleagues supported me, i felt it, but for the residents of the kherson region, it turned out that such jokes are simply very painfully perceived, because it is worth mentioning such a well-known case, but... one well-known about how a nurse in skadovsk was publicly killed by the occupiers for exclaiming skadovsk is ukraine, this
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is a very terrible case, and it is quite, it is mentioned by absolutely all the residents of skadovsk, whom i saw in the comments, this is the first, second, when at the beginning of the occupation, the russians captured the mayor of skadovsk, the same which publicly condemned this joke, the people of skadov held a rally. completely disorganized, i.e. they went outside themselves, approached the building where the mayor was most likely being held and shouted: "skadovsk is ukraine, they demanded his release." these are really indomitable people, and skadovsk is a special city, it is very pro-ukrainian, it is a city in which a lot of ukrainians have been, and they can confirm it just like you, yes, that is why the people of skadovsk very painfully... took such a parody, this number was not perceived as humorous, it was perceived precisely as a terrible parody, because he
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set up that the residents of skadovsk would be perceived in this way, besides , a lot of tragic events took place in skadovsk, they continue to happen, because a lot of people are suffering from the russians, and the key thing is the people of skadovsk, who now are at home, they cannot communicate in... ukrainian, because it is a risk to life, and we will see when they de-occupy skadovsk that a lot of skadovsk residents will need help just to learn to speak, to learn to talk about those crimes in any language, because for almost two years communicating in ukrainian is a risk to their lives. ms. yevgenia, i would also like to touch on one more thing: we know that the quarter made jokes specifically not only for... now this is not an isolated case, there was a very blatant situation with senor holodomor, when they dared to joke about the genocide of the ukrainian people, then a part of the ukrainian society
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was very indignant, and actually now we understand that due to the past experience, as well as due to the full-scale invasion, a huge number of our compatriots are now either under occupation or had to leave their homes because they are bombed or in... they are on the front line, well, basically we are all wounded by this war, but still you see that there are more in the hall some of the people who come to this concert, i have a question here, why do you think we are so active now, actually people have started talking about it, it's because we are in this hot phase right now, when we are experiencing all these emotions when we understand that the war is going on now, because when it came to señor the holodomor, then, well, some people somehow focused on this... but there was no direct large-scale opposition to this joke, well, you know, by the way, you touched on a very important topic for me, because the joke
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of mr. holodomor, it was just very it is painful to accept my families, my grandfather was engaged, my late grandfather was engaged in the history of the holodomor in the south of ukraine, so i remember these jokes very well, and but it seems to me that right now you have... we are so wounded by the war that any jokes , so low, low quality, they are very strongly reflect on people, in the quarter there were often jokes about hutsuls who speak ukrainian, i think you will also remember them, mocking the ukrainian language, i was also asked why you did not complain when they mocked the ukrainian language, well, because i complained today, actually. well, this will be the answer to those who ask me, once again, no one bothers to complain to all those who painfully perceive insults in their direction, that's
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pseudo-humor. critical, but it seems to me that today, humor has a special role in society, it is, on the one hand, a way to relieve the head a little, and actually in the occupation, i was in the occupation, and we were looking for high-quality humor, ukrainian stand-up, for example, and relieved ourselves simply with sketches of high-quality humor, but humor is the thing that must be approached very carefully and avoided in any way... such sensitive topics, and precisely because society today is wounded by war, such topics as the occupation, the front, they should not be presented in such a way, let's say yes, in an unprocessed form, that is, to laugh , to laugh at language for me in general, it’s very strange, and to continue styles, yora holodomor, to laugh at the people of skadov today,
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it’s very not... well, again, when there were jokes about the holodomor , we were not personally injured by this, our ancestors were injured, some told someone about it, some did not, some did not, today we all went through one way or another, this is the hell of war, some were forced to leave, some are experiencing shelling, some the occupation, some all three things so it seems to me that any jokes should be practiced many times on different audiences. with different races, because we are very hurt, well , look, i would just like to inform you that quarter 95 has already apologized for the number about the resettlement from skadovsk, they wanted to show, they say, that it is never too late to learn to speak ukrainian, was their apology enough for you and what and what did you really expect from them, well, in particular, when it comes to certain, i don't know, public actions or public messages,
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to be honest, i also read these you'. and they are for me somewhere about the level of the joke that they made, because first of all, this apology, well, i have not yet seen that they issued it publicly, i read that they, as it were , issued it, and promised to cut this clip from the record and delete it from youtube, to be honest, i didn't really expect an apology, public condemnation was very important to me, and i hope that... a public statement will be made regarding these videos so that this kind of thing does not happen again in the future. regarding the apology of the quarter, and 1+1, honestly, it was very sad for me, because it was an apology on we kind of didn't want to, but that's how it turned out. the fact is that i repeat again, this was done about the residents of skadovsk, who
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do not have problems with the ukrainian language. and they are under occupation, someone was forced to leave, that is, they made a very low joke about those people who are not just ashamed to learn ukrainian, but they, they, they already know it, they don’t need it, that’s why i took such an apology as manipulation, there are also words about how let's not blow things up, what's up, don't blow things up on a flat spot, because it plays on hand to the enemy and so on and so on. yes, yes, that is, to me, it seems to me that this phrase, it just breaks absolutely all apologies, nullifies them, because if we have an internal problem, and judging by the resonance it is a very important internal problem, we have to work through it, with publicity , not by publicity, by any legal means, we should solve this problem and not think about what our, our neighboring country says about us, even more so, not think about it, which occupied part of our
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te... to the commission of journalistic ethics , and we with antinom today we already say to you, goodbye, see you tomorrow in this studio, our colleagues continue, so be with espresso. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. today, two people died as a result of russian shelling of the kherson region.
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the invaders covered the village with enemy fire.


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