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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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over the territory of russia or the caspian sea , in order to get them effectively , other high-quality weapons are needed, for this, for example, missiles such as tauros will definitely not be enough, i feel the mood in the west , as a desire gradually and, unfortunately, very to slowly raise rates, it is obvious that now... the west will consult, and what is the actual answer? what radik wrote, radik sikorsky, you just quoted him , is of course a very good story, we just have to understand, and what will the americans actually say, since such missiles, which work effectively for russian purposes, the americans have them, the germans have them, well, some of our other partners partly have them, and... but this
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answer depends on them, and it is with them that we need to talk now, and talk strategically, of course, they will again calculate the possibility of escalation, the possibility of technical use of these missiles, and many other different things, but long-range weapons are one of the critical issues along with the various types of drones that we critically need, as far as sanctions are concerned, i'm a bit skeptical here, unfortunately. because sanctions work, sanctions are effective, but they work long enough, medium term, and one of the reasons is the endless loopholes that exist, they exist across many countries, mainly in asia, look at what's happening through turkey, the gulf countries, india, kazakhstan , china, well, anything. the latest figures
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for china, well, i specifically looked at the trade statistics there, vehicles compared to the 21st year, eight times in the 23rd, machine tools there in my opinion by 10.5, not even there by 50%, in 8-10 times, that is they bring it all together and retail, and this is where we need our partners to actually... try to cover at least part of these endless endless holes, we understand that these are all machines, what they are used for, and transport vehicles as well we understand what they are used for, that is why the sanctions are the last ones applied by the west, and russian diamonds, something else, these are all good stories, but this is not critically enough, these sanctions
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will not change the behavior of the russian regime, it is necessary to start with difficult decisions, they will cost the event, they are not easy geopolitically, including against the background of what is happening around gaza, including against the background of difficult, i would not say bad, but very difficult relations between the states and china, in 10 days, as you know, there will be presidents... elections in taiwan, on which a lot also depends, therefore , before adopting new sanctions, it is necessary to actually ensure that they work, and this should be our main, main push to our partners, not even an appeal, appeals you won't achieve anything here, you need to sit down here and to conduct such a very direct, frank and tough conversation, not necessarily public. it is not necessary
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to bring it up at all, but the conversation is so necessary and with clear proposals, in which directions we can do something together, and where exactly they should work, otherwise russia will continue to produce weapons, so they will cost it much more, and we we see it, how she gets these microcircuits and so on, but nevertheless she gets it, and this is very disturbing. mr. pavle, yesterday dmytro kuleba, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, indicated five steps that the west can take right now: first, accelerate the provision of additional air defense systems and ammunition to ukraine, second - provide ukraine with combat drones of all types, third - provide ukraine with missiles with a long range of 300 km plus, fourth - approve the use of freezing of russian assets for aid
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in ukraine, fifth - to isolate russian diplomats in the respective capitals and international organizations. it seems that in this list, which dmytro kuleba gives, the event itself. and advanced to the end already this year, well, at least about the freezing of russian assets to help ukraine, it was said on the eve of the new year about 300 billion dollars of assets that are frozen in banks, western banks, in your opinion, is this the announcement that these 300 billion can go to ukraine, or was this not the reason that putin in... has decided to show by force that he will simply destroy ukraine, so that this money does not reach ukraine at all, because with such destruction and with such terror that putin is demonstrating in the west, he wants to say that,
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who cares you want to give money, i just give it i will split no, i don't really see a direct connection here, i rather see a desire to show that... putin is in control of the situation and yet is able to break through the western air defenses and is able to get what makes ukraine work in both the military and civilian sense sustainability, talks about assets have been going on for a long time, recently the americans have been slow, but about... forward, they are thinking about how to start giving us assets and use them to finance ukraine, partly due to the difficult situation in congresses, difficult discussions, and the need, nevertheless, to supplement
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the funding, which i am sure will be agreed, agreed by the americans, also at the expense of russian assets, to a certain extent... a weak link, well, maybe not a weak link, but not a certain link, this precisely european countries, and most of the assets are in european countries, not in the states or in canada, or for example in japan, and there the issue is that there are two dimensions, one political, one legal, the legal dimension is that they can seize these assets, but to them to take away and hand it over to us, we need a new legislative framework, which is not there yet, and it must be perfect, ideal, so that later russia does not go to court and try to undo it, and if it does it in even one case, it will be a slap in the face to the whole system, and to all of us together, that's why we really have
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to ensure here that, as they say, there is not a single loophole in the legal, but the political dimension, it is more complicated, it is connected with those that in europe... there are many who are in doubt, including, for example, those responsible for the european financial system, e.g. the european central bank, they are afraid that if they take away the assets, then someone else will not invest in europe, will not keep assets there, in fact, the situation here is quite simple, there is no violation of international law and your assets will be in peace and will grow. become and will work, but nevertheless, the discussions about this continue, and the discussions, unfortunately, are not simple. i understand that the americans really want to discuss this issue in february, there are really interesting ideas that can move
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the situation forward, well, somewhere in about a month we will see to what extent these ideas work both legally and in fact politically, so again... those countries, they are critical in this sense, well, what about the russian diplomats there, well, the russian embassy is basically such complex residencies, who are engaged in, in fact, subversive activities in countries, contacts with leftists, with right -wing parties, not all right-wing parties are bad, i must say, we have right-wing parties that you can work with, swedish or... look at milon, but there are also complex right-wing , who can get more and in national elections and in the european elections this year, so in this sense we will have a lot of challenges, by the way, about the elections, mr. pavle, i wanted to ask you about the elections of putin, not the president
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of russia, but the elections of putin, let's say this, because in march this year these pseudo-elections. including in the occupied territories of ukraine, which were declared by the kremlin to be part of the russian federation. and what do you think, how realistic is it that the west may not recognize these elections because of these very elections that will be held, these pseudo-elections that will be organized on our territory, that is, how realistic is it that putin will be the so-called president of the russian federation, as oleksandr lukashenko is the so-called president of the republic of belarus. the situation is different. the situation with lukashenko is that, like you, we
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all remember that the elections, which were supposed to be elections, were not elections at all, to paraphrase a well-known sentence. the situation in russia is different, and i believe that one of the key tasks of ours, and not only ours, our friends, for this year is to put before... the question that the elections held in the occupied territories make putin illegitimate leader of russia, or at least a limitedly legitimate one, this is a difficult political discussion, since the west wants to preserve the possibility, at least theoretically, of some kind of communication with the leader of russian... crimea , and we must, unfortunately, take this into account, but
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ask the question that holding there are no elections in the occupied territories for russia, personally for putin, to pass without any consequences, legal, political, this is absolutely critical, and here to get away with some additional formal or semi-formal sanctions will show fundamental weakness for... the west and we should really say so, because this is exactly the point where we should speak absolutely directly , directly from the point of view that holding elections in the occupied territories delegitimizes the entire election process, and this should have the implications that this is a matter for political discussion, so far, as you can see, the question is not brought up in general, but i think that this is the most critical question, and in the case
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of limited, not even if not full recognition, it is one story, but even in case limited recognition, for example, when the west there declares what it can do with a limitedly legitimate president, what it cannot do, this will put putin's legitimacy inside russia. in general, there is room for maneuver here, and this should be done. thank you, mr. pavle, for the conversation, this was pavlo klimkin, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19. friends, we continue to work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those currently watching us live on these platforms, please put in... the story of our video so that the abinos were promoted in the trends of youtube and
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facebook, and take part in our survey, today we are asking you about whether it is possible to replace mobilization with an additional tax for conscripts, yes, no, please vote on youtube, it's pretty simple, leave your comments, what you think about it under this video, and those who watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote if you think that such a tax instead. .. mobilization can be for conscripts additional 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next with us is political scientist igor reiterovich, mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, it's a little better now, mr. igor, i congratulate you, you can already hear it, so congratulations, i congratulate you, i 'm glad to see you. on our broadcast, mr. igor, we ask our viewers, who watch us
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both on tv and on our platforms, in social networks and on youtube, whether it is possible to replace mobilization with an additional tax on military conscripts, this topic is currently being pumped up in the information space, what do you think, i think that it is not possible, we must understand one very simple thing that the question of mobilization is not only a question of what is actually for. .. this is not only a question of who should be subject to this mobilization, it is also a question of certain, well, such a concept as justice, it exists. we understand this, but if restrictions are introduced, for example, according to some, well, some material feature, then they will clearly not be positively perceived in society, because it will create differences between different social groups, which exist and can lead to a huge number of conflict situations,
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this is the first moment, the second moment, it is connected with the fact that, well, if we look at . the proposal that is currently being discussed , it seems that on the one hand it has not been officially confirmed, but on the other hand there is a lot of talk about it, that is, it is clear that there is no smoke without fire, something similar is being discussed somewhere, so if we look at this proposal, then there questions arise even from the point of view of its economic or some other expediency, because it is presented as the need to protect, well , some critical industries, so that people have a certain reservation there and can perform the tasks assigned to them, provide. development of the economy, support, for example, of critical infrastructure there, and so on, but the amounts that appear indicate that this, well, mobilization then will not affect, well, to put it mildly, not those who are engaged in specific matters, but some cadre, and this once again brings us back to the same social justice, well, and the third most important moment, if we look at
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the historical experience of similar stories, when there was a possibility of a certain redemption and well... in fact, it is called that, in a different way it is very difficult to name, it was extremely negatively perceived by the societies where these initiatives were implemented, and it did not contribute, let's say, to improving the quality of mobilization and in general the desire of people, well then to live according to the laws that are in place in the country, because anyway there is always a fear that someone who simply has more money will be able to buy illegally or legally. well, this deferment while those who do not have it, well, they will be forced to live according to the legislation that exists in this or that country, so look, this idea, it is even dangerous, not that it is there is harmful, it is dangerous, it is better not to bring it up for discussion in this format at all, it is better to talk, for example, about the features
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of the reservation system in general and the creation of a transparent, open system, well understandable for everyone. why some there will have, for example , a postponement, some will not have a postponement, and on the basis of this, if any decisions are made, at least among a large part of the citizens, they will not cause any objections, but that is what shows exactly about the system of this reservations and the system of these postponements are now being talked about very little, which leads to certain not very pleasant thoughts, well , mr. igor, in general, the leaders of the state do not talk too much about mobilization either, because... well, it turns out that mobilization 2024 needs leadership, political, including leadership, in order for this process to take place and for this process to take place in a way that is understandable for society, so that those who can fall under the mobilization, whose disability or group
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of disabilities can be canceled there and transfer to the status of those who can be mobilized, so that they do not stand in queues to... the polish border in kilometers, as we see it now, in your opinion, this is what is happening to people who have begun to leave the borders of ukraine en masse and to stand in these queues is a failure of communication, not insufficient communication, or in principle , the fact that no person has officially presented this mobilization plan or the draft law on mobilization. and it turns out that we all live within the framework of this bill that the government submitted, and now it turns out that the servants of the people are preparing another bill of their own, that is, that there is no communication, that someone had to come out and say: yes, we are conducting this mobilization, we need this mobilization, we cancel such, such, such, and we charge for it
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responsibility, because there is no other way out, either ukraine will exist, or it won't exist, well... i called it a total failure of communication, because such things really need to be discussed at the stage of their preparation, and we are going to leave for several weeks, at least, we saw it is exclusively due to the publications of individual people's deputies who made such remarks, it is very difficult to name it in another way, on their facebook pages or during some few broadcasts and talked about the most controversial principles, well, of the draft law, which was preparing, and here it is a question of... personal responsibility, those people who are entrusted with politics, who are entrusted with this responsibility, should not avoid it, take it upon themselves, while perfectly understanding what it can lead to. to the drop in their rating, well, the simple question is, who are these people, there is really no need to invent anything here, since we have, first of all, the constitution of ukraine, where
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, if i am not mistaken, it is clearly written in the 106th article, who is in our country, well makes announcements regarding mobilization, and to some extent controls this process and is coordinated by the president of ukraine. the current law on mobilization also stipulates that the president of ukraine, the cabinet of ministers, the relevant ministry and the minister must do it. and the national security and defense council, that is, in principle, all these people had to communicate and had to explain what was happening, what was going to happen and what it could lead to in principle, but the attempt to transfer responsibility entirely to the military, it seems to me, is i didn't go much, because well, first of all, an explanation from of the commander-in-chief were clear enough and many drew all the necessary conclusions for themselves, and secondly... it was simply, or rather unwillingness, it was such a stereotype that our politicians have that citizens do not understand much, who is responsible for what, in fact, they
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know this very well, and this played a bad joke precisely with the authorities and immediately brought down any possible positive perception of some norms that are in this law, and here really, so that there would be no such queues on the border, you need it now, well, when there is the representatives of the authorities who have something to do with this are speaking, to call a spade a spade. to give arguments, and, by the way , one very interesting point, including by their own example, to show that there is nothing terrible or extraordinary in this, and they are exactly the same people who, if necessary, will carry out all those prescriptions , which are included in the new law, here i mostly mean the same people's deputies, but, unfortunately, we do not see or hear about such initiatives, but we just see an attempt to say now that it was false start, we will have some new bill, and we will discuss it accordingly, but the problem is that breaking the negative wave from the appearance of the first edition is extremely difficult, especially since the issue is not even in queues at the border, so
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that if you look at the percentage ratio there to the total population of ukraine, well, we understand that very, very few people are trying to leave there now, and there is also an unclear situation with whether to let them out or not, when some additional bans are created that do not regulated legislation, well, that's right... in principle, it does not benefit the law that we will be considering today and for which the verkhovna rada will simply be forced to vote, we understand that this is something that we will not have to bypass , so now it would be good to spend these two weeks on consultations with all interested parties, and by the way, returning to what we started with, is it possible to replace mobilization there with a tax, and for conscripts, this is also a question of consultation with the interested party side, for the employer ask them, hold some kind of, i don't know, a round table, a press conference, where the president, the secretary of the national security council, the relevant minister will be there, they will discuss these questions, give answers, i think,
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then the attitude of many ukrainians would change, especially , if it were explained to them that we are not talking about some total things that will affect absolutely everyone, but it will be a very balanced, well-argued story, and it will be done as openly as possible and in accordance with the current legislation, but... judging by of all, i probably regret i have to state that, like most of my colleagues, so far we do not see such political courage in our leaders, which is most likely due to the fact that they are primarily thinking about future ratings, rather than the fact that there are problems now , this problem will have to be solved anyway. well, by the way, mr. igor, you already mentioned the ratings, at the end of the 23rd year, the dem initiative published a rating among the politicians ukrainians trust the most. to the head of mykolayivska ova, vitaly kim, 47.7% to president volodymyr zelenskyi 47.3%, minister of foreign affairs dmytro
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kuleba, 31.3%, the leaders of the anti-rating are oleksiy aristovych -73.6%, yuri boyko - 75.2% and yulia tymoshenko - 76.5%. how do you, mr. igor , as a person who understands politics and political technologies very well, how do you perceive the appearance of such ratings in general, how much does this section give an understanding of how society reacts to certain politicians, to the authorities, who for some reason surpassed here volodymyr zelenskyi, although it is clear that... the mykolaiv regional military administration is managed by volodymyr zelenskyi much more responsibility, much more, shall we say, responsibility to
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westerners. partners, that is, he probably makes tens of times more than kim. why kim won in this rating. look, he won because he remains one, perhaps not many, aggregator of positive news to this day. and all the things that concern him directly, they are, well , his, and they are positive. by the way, here you can draw a certain parallel with the anti-rating leader, the same aristovych, although not very i want to mention him, but this is a telling story when a person produced exclusively positive things. news, she had one relationship, when he started saying completely different things, the relationship changed dramatically, so i 'm actually not surprised by kim's leadership, because he distances himself as much as possible from some negative things, and this brings a certain, let's say there result, these ratings , they are generally ratings of the moment, it is clear that the situation is changing very dynamically in our country now and in a month we can see a completely different picture, because here
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one must also understand the target. the audience and it is necessary to understand how the questions were formulated and how many people were interviewed, in which regions and so on, well, for me, for example, there is a certain wonder that in such ratings sometimes we do not see the military at all, some say that the military you cannot enter there, because they are not politicians, not public figures, but they are officials, they occupy certain positions, and it is strange to talk about trust in the armed forces and not indicate the specific names of people who represent the armed forces there at some managerial level, therefore, the ratings on... should be treated very calmly now, they will change dozens of times, but the most important thing here is that the politicians themselves understand that they don't have to worry, i don't know, drink heart drops there, if they see that their rating has fallen by 20 or so percent, as far as i understand, this is a big problem for the president's office, which is very dependent on these ratings, they are constantly afraid of losing something there, they have to constantly occupy a leading position, but when they understand, that even with
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these ratings. which are falling, all the same , the same president is very popular there, if compared with his, for example, even european colleagues, maybe then they will be more calm about some things, and they will remember one very simple truth that ratings can both fall and grow, but in order for them to grow, sometimes you have to allow a certain fall in order to push back and then go up, if this is not clear, then we will have very half-hearted solutions, which in as a result, these ratings... will bury the 24th year in general, from the point of view of a similar level of trust in specific political figures, i think it will be clearly not positive, that is , the ratings will continue to fall, and who will be the first to understand that there is nothing wrong with that, well, he will get certain advantages, and those who will only look at these ratings, well, believe me, they will end up very badly. thank you, mr. igor, for the conversation, it was igor reiterovich, a political scientist, and i
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would like to remind you, friends, that we continued to work in live on the channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us on youtube right now, there are still a few seconds, one more minute on the air, you can vote in our poll, we ask you this, can you to replace mobilization with an additional tax for conscripts, and we ask the same question to those who watch us on tv, now we will look at the results of the survey that we had on tv. ether, so 28% believe that it is possible to replace such a tax instead of mobilization, 74% no, on youtube 33% yes, 67%, no, well, these are the results of our survey today, friends, i 'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, take care of yourself and your relatives, i wish you all the best, goodbye.
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how civilians suffer from russia's war against ukraine. we talk about it in today's issue of bbc ukraine. i am olga palamaryuk. with each new shelling by the russians, the number of dead ukrainian civilians grows. the un documented as a result of russian aggression. peaceful ukrainians. human rights activists say, in fact, there are many times more victims. first the invasion of ukraine, the kremlin declares, is not at war with the civilian targets of the russian army, supposedly there are exclusively military objects. but only in the last week, first the waves of air attacks on ukraine.


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