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tv   [untitled]    January 3, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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that context, which probably, perhaps, someone has forgotten. well, yes, we must not forget that the occupation is coercion, first of all, that is, it is the people, if they do not accept the occupation administration, then the majority of those who remained, they do not want the life of a sub-occupation in the occupation, then they risk every day, every minute of their lives, that is, for the ukrainian language... there can be oppression, because there are such examples, but it can also be for correspondence, for communication with relatives, including even with relatives, when they find your phone and there are messengers there, where there is some ukrainian news, then this can also be a reason for some kind of oppression, coercion or persecution, and there are many such cases, so the main thing is now... well, people they live in a sense
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of fear and insecurity, they do not know what will happen tomorrow, that is why skadovsky's life is like this today. thank you very much, we were contacted by the mayor of skadovsky oleksandr yakovlev, who told us about the actual conditions in which ukrainians living in the occupied skadovska well, the european union today introduced sanctions against russia. diamond mining company alros and its general director pavlo marynevich. alrosa is one of the world leaders in the volume of diamond mining. the company carries out prospecting, exploration of deposits, extraction, processing and sale of diamond raw materials. diamonds are in the 12th latest package of eu sanctions against russia. as a russian diamond mining company, alrosa has grown to a 30% share of the global market.
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antwerp, and how the new restrictions could return antwerp to the processing capital of the world diamonds in the former glory of the diamond capital, let's see. antwerp is the diamond capital of europe. tourists look into shop windows with shiny jewelry. we have no money to buy diamonds. from shops with packages. do you ask when buying diamonds if they are not russian? and no, why? the topic of diamonds became political with the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine. on march 31, 2022, the ukrainian president appealed to the belgian parliament to add russian diamonds to the sanctions list and thereby help to restore peace to ukraine. a peace that is worthwhile.
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more than anything, than any values, any diamonds. diamonds bring moscow 4.5 billion euros a year. for a long time, it was the most profitable of russia's export items, which did not fall under the sanctions of the european union. russia gained the role of a significant player in the diamond market not least thanks to antwerp. in the early 2000s , the term blood diamonds was coined in the west. he referred to diamonds from african countries where civil ceremonies were held. the rebels bought weapons thanks to the profit from precious stones. antwerp was looking for an opportunity to rid diamonds of a bad image, and russia's reputation at that time was normal. so in 2007, during a state visit to moscow, the belgian prime minister called on russia to cooperate more closely with the belgian diamond industry, and it worked. david van turnhout remembers those times. he worked in a trading company of the diamond quarter. from 2004 to 2012, he later became
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a journalist, an investigator, one of his last materials was about how traders from antwerp began cooperation with the russian diamond mining company alrosa. i i know a company that was small in the market, and it got rich quickly, i used to go to their office, because i worked in the diamond sector at the time, and i saw how huge batches came in, practically buckets, the market is just god. alrosa later switched to more profitable multi-year contracts, which obliged the antwerp traders to buy large fixed volumes of diamonds, regardless of whether they could later resell them. gradually , russia increased its share in the world trade in rough diamonds to 30%, and succeeded in a step that now helps to stay on the market. they obliged their
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clients to open an office not only in antwerp, but also in dubai. and now, after the start of the war in ukraine, many market players are sending russian diamonds immediately to dubai. from dubai. to india and then they return to belgium as an indian product. belgium was initially against sanctions in order not to lose the market, but one way or another it began to go to competitors in india or dubai, where there is less control. so after a year and a half, after the beginning of a full-scale invasion, the belgian prime minister announced: sanctions are being prepared. this happened during the visit of the ukrainian president to brussels in october. it was taken away from us. a lot of time, because we want to avoid circumventing diamond sanctions. if this is done only in the wholesale market, they will be traded in other diamond hubs of the world, and they will not disappear from our stores. to close loopholes, belgium added the world's strongest economies, the group of
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seven, to the sanctions. it is in the g7 countries that 70% of products with diamonds are bought. the idea is because only countries will be involved in tracing the origin of diamonds. with g7. kamenets will have to make his first stop on the way from the place of extraction to decoration in antwerp, where there are reliable mechanisms for tracking precious stones, and in no way in india or dubai. the diamond sanctions of the european union and the group of seven countries come into force on january 1. at the initial stage, they will be less effective, they will simply prohibit the direct import of rough diamonds from russia, which is practically non-existent at the moment. the next step is gradually two stages, from march and september, a tracking system for already processed stones and diamonds will be operational in antwerp, and these dates will be the beginning of the actual effect of the sanctions. these sanctions are supposed to divide the global
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gem market into two categories: the market of the strongest economies, the group of seven countries, and third world countries, latin america, asia , etc., where prices are much lower. elena the massive shelling of ukraine with missiles and drones, which russia carried out on january 2, caused worldwide solidarity with ukraine, as well as sympathy for the relatives and friends of the victims. let me remind you that russia launched 99 missiles over ukraine on tuesday, as reported by the armed forces of ukraine. at the same time, western partners called for strengthening the countermeasures system. defense of ukraine. so, for example, the head of german diplomacy, annalena burbok, said that the petrya and iris t-6 air defense systems, which have already been provided, save the lives of ukrainians every day. in the bundestag, meanwhile, calls were heard from some deputies to chancellor olaf scholz
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to dare and provide ukraine with powerful long-range taurus missiles. to this day, berlin is not is in a hurry to deliver them. the president of lithuania, gitanas naoseda, said that the ukrainians, i quote: say goodbye to the anti-aircraft defense provided by the west, but they need more. well , polish foreign minister radoslav sikorskyi also called for long-range missiles to be provided to ukraine. we must respond to the latest shelling of ukraine in a language that putin understands, by tightening sanctions so that he cannot make weapons from smuggled components and by providing kiev with long-range missiles so that he can strike. blows on launchers and command centers. so who is slowing down the process of providing ukraine with long-range missiles, what good could they do on the battlefield? we discuss further. defense express military portal expert ivan krychevskyi is with us. good evening. good evening. well, as we have already said, we
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hear that one of the conclusions, so to speak, after the massive shelling of ukraine by russia, is the need to provide long-range missiles. if it happens, well, in a greater number than is already happening. what range can it be about, i mean, what is the required range of such missiles for the armed forces, looking at what task you are setting, because to begin with we have to outline for our viewers that if we are now talking about getting us missiles that would allow us to reach such objects in the depth of the territory of the ref at least 600 km or even thousands, such as factories for the production of cruise missiles or airfields of strategic aviation, then, unfortunately, there are no such missiles. those missiles that are being discussed there now, well , there in the magazine they write now that it is a german missile taurus, it is powerful, no one disputes that a missile that can fly 500 km and carry a 560 kg warhead is powerful, but this is only enough to completely
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cover the radius of damage of the russian army temporarily in the occupied crimea, as far as the russians know they even pulled their ships from carrier calibers to the new russian one, so well... you can call them battlecruisers, but this is not that, not the tool that will help us prevent any new russian attacks. strategic aviation, and such missiles that we have there is no range needed in the west, but it turns out that there are such missiles in russia and there are no such missiles in the west, is there any will to provide any possible other means of hitting such distant targets, you can simply explain to those who do not understand, whether there is such a thing at all possibility, or are these exclusively drones, we are now, you know, in principle, we are in those situations where we will simply hug and cry, because russia has been arming itself for all these 30 years, it is looking for... loopholes, how to circumvent the agreement so the so-called inf treaty on medium- and short-range missiles, which
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banned the deployment in europe of cruise and ballistic missiles with a range of more than 500 km, that is why it has a large number of iskanders, it even has winged iskanderkas that can be delivered from kaliningrad to some european capitals, it has calibers as a form of bypassing this agreement inf, not to mention the several hundred x550 missiles still accumulated at the time of the full-scale invasion. ex 101, but there is none in the west, because if we go through it further, immediately for france the scalp is the second most powerful weapon at the end of the line, the first - this is a scalp naval missile, well, for launching from frigates, for some reason similar in caliber, only there the launch range is only 900 km, as far as is known, we do not have frigate-class ships with mine launchers that could charge such a missile, in great britain, let's say, stormshade is also the second most powerful weapon, the first is the tomahawk. for launch only from submarines, we do not have submarines. here, of course,
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inquisitive viewers and readers can ask questions, well, you can also come up with something impromptu, cut a trigger there the installation from the ship, put it somehow on the car chassis and launch the tomahawk from there. well, the americans tried that, they literally did it, in order to restore on combat duty, let's say, the ground version of the rocket launchers that were disposed of in 1991, but it turns out, it took them four years to do that, that's all. they now have the first experimental battery of typhoon complexes on combat duty there in 2023, which can be launched on earth-based tomahawks, which have a range of 1,800 km, and what would happen to us in theory it is necessary to destroy the entire depth of the territory of russia, it is not that there is no question of political will, there is nothing to give, if we continue to deal with the situation of strategic aviation in the usa and in russia, then we will be very sad, because it turns out how much it is possible to argue that the 95... place is an old plane, it cannot take a full load, the nk-12 engine is old and
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there are no maintenance problems, but here the question arises with the b-52, what is there in terms of combat capability, well, they can use an unguided bomb there weapons or immediately cruise missiles with nuclear warheads, in this format to carry out strikes with conventional cruise missiles, the americans cannot now with b1b lancer bombers, there is an even worse situation with the level of combat capability, so it is not that there is no question here. what is there, you know, here we are sitting there and arguing, but we don't want to, we don't have political will, the problem is that there is nothing to give, by the way, if you single out subjects with a lack of political will, in order to we would at least expand some possibilities, however paradoxical it is now didn’t sound, then it’s frau zimmerman, well, she’s the one who heads the defense committee of the bundestag, because i’m the one in the opposition, by the way, right now, one of the active ones, what’s the matter, minister of defense pistorius has repeatedly and us ... he stated through the media that here, despite speaking simply, money in the morning, chairs in the evening,
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i.e. first we need funding to replace the tauruses, and then the tauruses will go to ukraine, but no, frau does not allocate money for does not agree the decision on, let's say, acceleration of funding to the bundessphere, on there the request for what is needed, the request from the german government for the need for additional money for taurus was made in the fall, but there is still no money, so we are very happy to hear that we have some... in germany that so pathetically and hypocritically they call on scholz to give us missiles, but they don’t give money to give missiles for this, you understand, man, i understood your point, but then i just want to ask, what kind of missiles are we talking about, when, for example, in particular radyslav sikorskyi says, when they talk about taurus, what tasks are they talking about, and why exactly? the western partners remind us that it should be given at last and not stopped, stop keeping them, which tasks can then be done. to perform, which ukraine has not been able to do before, is also an open question for me, here
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you can even ask about radosław sikorski, on the one hand, he is a very outstanding contemporary of ours, because if you evaluate his activities as the minister of defense of poland in the early 2010s, you can say so , if it weren't for him, poland would be very weak at the beginning of february 2022, and that's how it was there is a lot to give, but on the other hand, why does poland in this case not want to start with itself and not offer to give something from its stock. winged am 158 to f16, there the functionality is similar to that of these stormsheds or taurus, there in terms of range, and in terms of the throwing warhead, it simply turns out that if the taurus-16 does not become available, the gm150 is also needed. poland calls for this, only it is ready, not ready to do it, other countries also call for it, but are not ready to do it, accordingly the question arises there, what are they objectively called, as far as i remember, it is mentioned in the context to knock out the crimean bridge, but strike, the crimean bridge is a structure 18 km long, as far as is known, the taurus
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does not carry a warhead with nuclear equipment, attempts to take it out with similar missiles, well, in fact, because skalpishev are similar in design. according to the type of rocket, these rockets can be used to take out the logistics of the russians, small bridges, it seems that there are some more chongar ones, but it did not end with the expected result, in principle, when behind all this following the discourse, i don't understand what subject is being discussed, because none of those subjects have missiles that would allow us to pre-empt, well, pre-emptive strikes on russian military facilities, which are used for long-range missile strikes, the maximum that they can give in theory is for us to hit the crimea more often, but the nuance is that the black sea fleet took the missile carriers far away, so i personally do not understand what it is about, this it looks, you know, more like white noise generation, you have to react somehow, everyone is reacting to the events , let's help ukraine, but no one is taking concrete steps, we will follow this really, really, according to the statements, are there concrete steps, mr. ivan, you mentioned the possibility of providing poland with missiles that could
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be apply to the f-16, well, i want to ask you casually whether f-16s will soon appear in... ukraine, according to forecasts, this should happen already at the beginning, at the end of the 23rd, at the beginning of the 24th year, well and considering the amount that can be expected now, or what will they be able to make a difference on the battlefield? let's start by saying, i'm going to be very careful here, because let's say this , this missile strike company that the russians have deployed, it's aimed, among other things, at not being able to deploy at 16, so let's say, as they say, yakovikam, that is, western ones. sailors, well, when they tried to assume how the f16 deployment in ukraine could happen, they assumed such a concept that it would not be like this, but at once all of them conditionally 50 pieces appear there loaded with bomb loading one by one full program and let's knock out the russians somewhere under the bahom, that the deployment can take place gradually, and there is a small link to begin with, well, that is, a few planes that
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will perform air defense tasks, this is their assumption, we have 20 seconds, unfortunately, yes, well roughly speaking... you don't need to wait for any results immediately from the f-16 in combat, maybe you need to wait until they can fit into the air defense system, it will already be good. we will continue to conduct these topics, specifically air defense and ukrainian opportunities fighters, we were contacted by ivan krychevskyi, an expert of the defense-express military portal. thank you. thank you for watching svoboda live, we will be back tomorrow, this program was hosted by sashko shevchenko. goodbye. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and the world of cinema is around, then, oh, what you need, megogo, turn on
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hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. they lose them, they die, but they still go straight, from the very beginning stormtrooper otuta, if you are stormtrooper otuta, then we will give you, a fierce hell is raging around you, everything around you can be killed, they are going to storm, i am so oops, the first and second groups are going to storm, and i take turns. the guard company of the 110th ombr was formed in the spring of 2022. subsequently , a decision was made to repurpose the unit to perform more complex
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tasks. a joint decision was made with the command of the brigade that it is necessary to do something more possible. a more important job than guarding the gate, which is assigned to her job duties, decided to engage in, train, reconnaissance and repulse assaults, possible positions, that is, whether they were lost or new, and over time they began to coordinate, to pick up people who came to replenish the brigade. currently, the guard company performs the functions of an assault unit and is a kind of hot reserve of the command. such are our tasks, such assaults, repulses, well, but in the case of some, strengthening of positions, support of other units. at the beginning of october , the russians launched a new offensive wave on avdiivka, the enemy attacks did not come as a surprise, all units, in particular the attack aircraft of the guard company, were preparing for
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meeting the enemy, you can expect anything from them, so it was necessary to strengthen the positions, we strengthened the positions in order to hold during that assault, walked, disarmed, looked where, where you can dig, where you can hold, where you can do something, where you can put something on the 10th , in the morning of september 4, i was picked up by the operatives of our unit, well, that was the next change of our unit and the turn of the operative-on-duty brigade, we singled out two groups that were seen to strengthen the positions and received them for four days, they held positions in the area terekona, unfortunately, with one... loss, but successfully performed all this. during the entire period that i have been here, and these were probably the most massive, massive assaults, this is a very large
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number of equipment units, a very large number of ee personnel, which, i don't know, is thousands, it is very, very much for me it was strange and scary, well, it was scary in the sense that such a number is large, that is... on the first day, with the forces of our brigade and friendly brigades, we knocked out approximately 50 pieces of equipment. a big role in restraining the advance and the destruction of enemy equipment was played by mine-explosive barriers. in the spring, we set a task there to help the zapers make a line of mine barriers. and this actually happened to us under shelling more than once, because there were moments when there was a kilometer. and there were such moments that 800 m to these , then we considered, well, we tried to get there, well , i got up early there at three o'clock, the fog began, and in the fog, all the men gathered, went, mines
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were brought to us, they were laid out there earlier, and we already distributed them from there, well, where we made a line chku, it turns out, yes, yes, they were lying there for six months, it was march, i was injured in april, and it was in march to april, somewhere from the middle of march , they were worn for two weeks. the guys say , they blew up at yours, it’s two dances, well, on the first day it was, i say, well, cool, i say, pretend, i say, and i was already thinking, what were we struggling with there, i’ll say something like that, i probably didn’t see no in the same direction, because we follow different directions of our defense, that is , the zaporizhia, kherson, and mykolaiv directions, friends are serving everywhere, but such a says no one told what happened. well , so that you understand where the group is, for example, 25-30 people, it turns out, they arrive, six people get up, they do not go back, they go further, 20-30 minutes pass, a new,
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new group. in the offensive in the avdiyiv direction, the russian troops are using already familiar tactics, the so-called meat assaults, sending numerous infantry groups to attack. a group is coming, the group has been destroyed and the next one is following. the group follows the same group, does not even look at whether there are 300 there, whether help needs to be given, it just goes through them moved on, and if we allow them to say in avdiivka, they will go further. it was really a very, very massive, massive assault, for two of these assaults, which took place on october 10 and there on october 19, they did not manage to achieve their goal, that is, to take avdiivka. the ring or to completely take it over, they are building up their forces, they, i think that even another wave of such assaults will be possible, but we are ready,
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we will keep our defense as we are, avdiivka has been ours since the 14th year and we will keep her until the last. vavdiivka already she held on, held on, held on for a long time , and she is no longer being hit by anything there, and planes are already... they are dropping mines, tanks are dropping, we are holding on, we are showing our spirit and we will hold on, because it is ours the land is the same as what they say, there are stories about russian people, but our people also live there, we must not forget that, our people left their property there, left their houses, they too must return to your thoughts and hands and continue your life, because this is our land, our... country. company and platoons are commanded three brothers who serve together since the beginning of the full-scale second. we will be here from september
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2022. we communicate with a lot of people, well, with units, there really are heroes who did their work, here, well , the best, my comrades, with whom i came here, are two sergeants, two platoon commanders in our unit, submitted for awards, marriage , this is really, i think... the finals of their business. combat teams are leaders who lead the entire personnel. i'm following these people, they 'll tell me how far, i'll tell you how far, that is everything, i won't even think that these are people in whom i am sure of 110, i don't know, 200%, i am not sure of myself as much as i am sure of them, that, well, here i
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really saw. people, real men, all of them, well, some of them have their own shortcomings, pluses and minuses, but well, i will follow these commanders and for them i will stand as a hero and i will, i will try, when the task is set, they will prepare it like this , that it will be carried out, that our company also has an assault group, assault squads, and there are retention groups, which he keeps, because we have a function, if we are a reserve, and we can do both, yes. and he knows that again we recruited a group of recruits and we also had such a situation that we suddenly set a task, we have to go there literally for an hour and a half, there is no cheering, well then the commander made the decision that he is going, well accordingly, if the commander, well i i say, i will not leave you in any way, or i say it correctly, i always say it correctly, so that i go, because two, well, there is no sense, we will not do two more, he argued that no, exactly on
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the principles of combat brotherhood, mutual aid and responsible leadership, the commander also educates the new addition to the company. we are forming, we are always forming new additions , forming into groups, and there are people who really deserve respect too, these are the commanders of assault groups, they are responsible for their people who are in the group, they are responsible for completing the task, and these people, i.. . are also one of the best, because they agreed to such a job and also perform it conscientiously and fruitfully, this, oleksandr, we have such a call sign, this is a person, possibly one of the smallest is here, but he showed himself from the best side and continues to fulfill these duties, we entered the position literally.
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at night, it was quite difficult to get to them, but we reached them, well, to the assembly point, let's say, where in front of the entry point, precisely before the start of the operation, the guys even then said no big deal, how can you not see anything, it's impossible, and then i realized that i need to lead people behind me, that i need to be the first, because if i don't push people ahead of me, it will take much more moral energy and time, what are you talking about... and this organizational moment should somehow be left out and it's easier to go and lead the way yourself. the main rule that teams follow when selecting recruits for an assault unit is honesty. i'll tell you this, we, i personally go to the selection, that is, we select people, and when we do exactly that, well, the preliminary survey, talking to people, just in
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a normal environment, not like... just an ordinary soldier, we talk and we say, that is, we never hide from people what we will do, we we say yes, are you ready to perform such tasks, because it is possible, yes, i understand, not everyone can do it, maybe someone can't because of their health, someone maybe because of their moral and psychological state, but we discuss all this while selection, but i say, it takes place in this form and... yes, we see the potential, if a person already has, the proverb sturm has a spark in his eyes, that is, he has already come here with motivation, that is, that something needs to be done , it is necessary to end this war, it is necessary to destroy the enemy, if not they themselves want, it is necessary to destroy them, and there really are still such people, there are, yes, they are becoming fewer and fewer over time, but they still exist, and this, as they say, well, one cannot help but be happy,


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