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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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in the committee, what exactly do you consider to be discriminatory, the ban on real estate transactions, driving a car, using bank cards, this is a direct, direct rule of the constitution, a person cannot be limited in his rights, if a person officially owns, for example, a house, we cannot we are at the level of the law to forbid her to sell this house, or to buy... another house, this will directly contradict the constitution of ukraine. yes, there is a rule that directly allows rights to be limited under martial law, but these rights cannot be limited, you know, without infinity, on the one hand we protect our state, we protect all citizens of ukraine, we fight against the russian federation, but we cannot come to the same state that we, fighting against... the russian federation, will turn
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into something similar to the russian federation, when we will have neither laws nor norms, and the constitution will turn into just a piece of paper. that is why i am waiting for the official referral of this bill to me, we will study it carefully, and i will do my denial. and another bill, volker türk, the un high commissioner for the protection of human rights, he is concerned about the banning of the ukrainian orthodox church and... they say, this bill, it contradicts international law on the protection of human rights, türk's opinion for you in this case, it is authoritative , is it important for you, as a ukrainian obbunsman , to listen to the un high commissioner? it is more important to me that the international institutions that act to protect people's rights in the world and in ukraine, in particular, work effectively. mr the supreme... commissioner is considered in the world as
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one of the most authoritative law enforcers, well, that's why he holds such a position. based on this example, i do not think that we deserved any criticism, we did not deserve it, because even the definitions used by mr. türk, that we allegedly banned one of the confessions in ukraine with this draft law, but this is not true. this bill has been sent. to provide the state service on issues of ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience with the opportunity to apply to the court with a similar summons, and exclusively the ukrainian court can solve it, the draft law does not solve it, in my opinion, as of now , there is no violation of the rights of believers in ukraine, it is the russian federation that spreads information that... that ukraine took
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the kyiv, kyiv-pechers lavra, just because they wanted to, from of one denomination, took away, handed over to another. in fact, it is not so. a special commission of government representatives was created, including my representative. this commission investigated the terms of the contract, on the basis of which one of the denominations used national property reserve, which on... belongs to the state of ukraine, and when i established the fact that, for example, several buildings that had historical, historical significance were simply destroyed without any permits, and a lot of buildings appeared, again , without any permits, more than 30 different buildings were built there during all this time, you will probably be surprised, but all these buildings are related. to
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the service sector, then restaurants, cafes, hotels, there was not a single built structure that would be used in order to conduct religious service, it didn’t matter what the state did, it realized that it recognized this as a breach of contract, and again they filed a lawsuit, they didn’t even make this decision on their own, then based on the court’s decision, not even a change of denominations took place, as far as i know, as of these buildings have not been transferred to anyone else. with the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union, how will your area of ​​responsibility change? do you have more work? yes, it has already increased, because one of the directions for which we are responsible is the direction of how to control so that the appropriate the legislation, which will now change, corresponded to 100% of the norms of the european union through. protection of human and
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citizen rights, same-sex marriages in ukraine will legalize, you know, a choice without a choice, no matter how we feel about this issue now, i understand. this issue is sensitive for ukrainian society, this issue is considered ambiguous, but if this issue is legally recognized on the territory of the european union, what do you think should be the answer on the territory of ukraine, which wants poland to resist, poland has its own vision, yes, poland, it was easier for poland in this regard, because poland first became a member of the european union, and then we entered into... conditions for the settlement of this issue, so poland can now afford to raise discussions if we say that we are all different, but we all are equal, then it should be written in the national legislation, if it is not, it is either i
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should interpret it as discrimination on some grounds, or we should it in the constitution marriage is the union of a man and a woman. we do not say anything about marriage, marriage is you now about legislation regarding civil partnerships? i am now talking about the general principle that we should use in our work, everyone is talking about it, as one of the tools, how to regulate it without making changes to the constitution of ukraine, is to adopt a draft law on so-called civil partnerships. i thank you for the conversation, thank you for taking the time, finally we met, thank you, always open. mr. igor, recently the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine oleksandr kornienko noted that the public now needs real results in the fight against corruption, and that the government should work in this direction at
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all levels. in the light of several recent investigations, journalists may get the impression that corruption is being combated. these were investigations of police officials, and one might get the impression that it is difficult for the ministry of internal affairs to work ahead of the curve in the fight against corruption, or is that so? well, first of all, any reportage, journalistic investigations are studied by our services, checked, checked by the relevant services, ministries of internal affairs, central executive authorities, and i can say that in some cases indeed... we came to the conclusion that the very system of selection and verification , first of all, of some future candidates for some positions, it needs, at least, correction, and here we are working with our international partners, we are working,
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we are developing such a system within the ministry of internal affairs in order to minimize such cases in the future, of course, that no ministry or... no central executive authority can 100% to guarantee that these checks will be as valid as possible, as complete as possible, but we must do everything possible to ensure that any, any mistrust in each ministry of the department, precisely through the selection of personnel, precisely in the first place, through the appointment of managers who have impeccable reputation. in order for our citizens to be sure that the people working in these positions are verified, that's why we made and constantly draw conclusions, i think that in the near future we will be able to select employees for management
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positions precisely according to the new methodology. this year started off terribly the plane crash in brovary, in which the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs was killed, and it can be said that... which ends with the completion of the investigation, because the sbi announced all the versions, and also named the culprits in this tragedy, where several officials of the state emergency service, they received suspicions, in one of the interviews i recall you promised to share your own thoughts on this after the completion of the investigation after the publication of the official data of this investigation. affairs, and for yourself personally, in this case, you put a full stop they never put an end to the issue, including me and our team, which hurts to this day, and in my office
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there are models of helicopters that are on the balance sheet of the ministry of internal affairs, central executive authorities, when i watching them, i always remember this tragedy, why it happened. i always have questions, as if i know the answers to all questions, but i am absolutely sure that after the end of martial law, when our teras will already be able to fly when the aviation will already perform its duties in full functions, we will avoid such possible plane crashes that happened almost a year ago, we have completely rebuilt the safety system of our aircraft, we are now training our pilots in a different way, we... with our international partners, with the french companies that provided us with these helicopters,
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we have more than 50 of them in the system of the ministry of internal affairs, we have installed additional simulators, we have established additional requirements for technical personnel, and of course we will be more meticulous about meteorological control in order to ensure that our services clearly understood what miscalculations were made before this, what miscalculations we did not make, and what we should not make even after the resumption of aviation operations in the future, and this is a question not only for the ministry of internal affairs, but for the entire aviation fleet of our country. the terrorist attack took place recently in transcarpathia, where during a meeting of the village council , a deputy detonated several grenades in the premises, 26 people were injured. but it raises a debate about the circulation of weapons in general, about the circulation of explosives,
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about the amount of illegal weapons that can be in the hands of the population, and what approach does the state have to solving this problem now? we are talking about the regions that we have already mentioned, these are the regions that have a border, for example, with russia. regions that have, directly, on the territory of which hostilities are taking place today, and regions, as we say, deep rear, so this terrorist attack, or this crime committed by one of our citizens, was committed in the most peaceful region, and when we talked about the creminogenic situation, we said that zakarpattia, chernivtsi, ivano-frankivsk, ternopil is one of those regions that are in the cream'. from a non-genetic point of view, none of us can relax, because
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a grenade or an automatic weapon or any other weapon can appear in any region, so all law enforcement agencies must work hard to detect such ammunition and such weapons from our citizens, although we mostly understand that during the period of martial law our citizens have the opportunity and this... the necessity, first of all , in the areas that i named, i mean, which border belarus or russia by the federation, have the right to have weapons in their hands, but these weapons must be clearly accounted for, accounted for in the national police so that we know later, after the end of martial law, what to do with them, and so that the citizens first of all know , that they will painlessly, without breaking the law, hand over these weapons within a specified period to... to the police authorities, and we say, if in this case we are talking about the local
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government, yes, this is the premises of the local, rural administration, where you could come and bring these few grenades, so we say that it is hypothetically possible to carry such a weapon into any institution, be it an educational institution, a shopping center, or a train station. train buses and so on, and here the state, and first of all, law enforcement officers must do everything to minimize such a possibility in general, that is why we started, of course, in schools, it is difficult to do this during martial law, it is extremely difficult, because there are no people, because the load on law enforcement agencies, as i already said, has increased by 80%, in particular on the police, these are non-specific functions that we perform, initially. with the first day of a large-scale invasion, but here there must be a comprehensive approach to ensuring the safety of all our citizens, and
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children in kindergartens, schools, institutes, and our citizens who move around the territory of cities or our state. as for your question about weapons, there are really quite a lot of them on hand, we can't count them right now, how many is a million or 2 million, because it is. which our international partners bring, taking into account the experience of other countries on the territory of which hostilities took place, whether serbia, whether it's croatia or bosnia, for example, or whatever. this is approximately yes, there are figures such as up to 3 million, after the end of the war, there may be weapons in the hands of our citizens, mr. igor, the register launched this year, a single register of weapons, it facilitates the process of control, control over the circulation of weapons, well, the state register, it
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first of all gave us the opportunity to take into account and control. which has been legally purchased by our citizens, or which will be purchased by our citizens, do you have specific numbers here? we have 49 authorized users of these weapons, we expect that when our military, after the end of hostilities , return from the front, they will also register these weapons, it is also a reward, first of all, it is a hunting weapon, both rifled and smoothbore, so it is a process for several years because the register itself, it will be expanded, it will be filled with new functionality, depending on how the legislator will regulate the control of the circulation of weapons, but today i can say that we have minimized the corruption component when purchasing the appropriate weapons in in the same stores or
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at any about any process of buying and selling these weapons, everything happens electronically from the... personal account of the owner of the weapon, and i will say that our servers are working perfectly now, we parallel i would like to note , we have several directions to combat the illegal circulation of weapons, this is the register, this is the legislation that will regulate the so-called trophy weapons, and of course the law, which is also the law of the legislators now... i am considering, this is the law on civilian, so-called civilian weapons , that is, we we divide all weapons into categories, uh, we define new conditions for their storage, repair, shooting, uh, and in general, the state must have, as a civilized state, must have clear rules and a clear understanding of what is being done
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in our country with the market weapons in general in the country, and when you expect these draft laws on hunting weapons, which you talked about and civilian weapons, can be adopted, i hope that since the beginning of the year they are already in the verkhovna rada, one draft law should be voted on by the legislators already in the second reading, ee one draft law to be considered for the first time. well, if continue to talk about creating a safe environment, this topic is heard quite often at various congresses, at summits, during meetings with our international partners, and in particular you, mr. igor, announced that the system will be updated. of security in ukrainian settlements, and i am personally interested in how, say, it will differ from those tasks and duties that are currently legally assigned to police officers, it will not differ in any way legally, it will differ functionally, functionally, first of all this will apply to the response time,
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to date we already have a response time in cities of approximately 10 minutes in populated areas that are far from the capital, and up to 20 minutes from regional centers, this also applies to the work of law enforcement officers, the police, in particular , and that's certainly true of public service emergency response, and here we 're talking about what we've already done, which is community police officers who very quickly have to be in their vehicles, their official vehicles, any point of the assigned district, at the same time we are currently expanding the functions and responsibilities of the patrol police, we want the patrol police to cover the highways and the most remote settlements, moreover, we are talking about the fact that the patrol police will assume responsibility for
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a response system in the most remote settlements, including... concerning specific functions, for example, how to work with supervised elements, that is, those people who were in places of deprivation of liberty and after the end during the term of this stay are already at home, that is why we are testing, especially since there is a war and a large number of our personnel are located in regions close to the war zone. at the same time, we are testing and already preparing for peacetime. in parallel with this , the reform of the 112 service is taking place and you are actually talking about its launch. we talked in the spring of this year, in the summer the center was launched in kyiv, literally a month ago in lviv, and do we understand correctly
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that sooner or later numbers 101, 102, 103 and 104, they will fade into oblivion, and we will all use the single number 112 from any corner of ukraine, there are two answers here, that from any corner... of ukraine we will use 112, this is absolutely true, the fact that numbers 101, 102, 103, 104 will disappear, they will exist in parallel. we studied the experience of many countries in europe and the united states of america, mostly in these countries these numbers work in parallel, how are they different? i will give an example, a failure in the work of kyivstar, we remember in december of this year, yes we immediately received twice as many calls to 112 than on a normal day. moreover, first of all, why does another 112 work, not
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only for foreigners, not only for those who come to our country. we are talking about the speed of the same response, that is, at 112 we accept 85% of advisory calls. why did they turn off the internet, why did they turn off the connection. what is happening there with techno technogenically in this or that district of this or that region, this gives us the opportunity to unload, unload operators 101, 102, 103, 104 in order to they responded very quickly to those events that we don't need to respond very quickly to direct calls, yes, but by the 24th, by the end of the 24th, i'm sure that we... we will launch the 112 telephone throughout the territory of our country, well, of course, with the exception of those regions where hostilities are currently taking place. mr. yehor, now
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the ministry of internal affairs is the only main body that manages the search for missing persons under special circumstances, before that there were some complaints from the public for the terms of issuing certificates for miscommunication between the department and... and now, after the position of commissioner was introduced, are there any changes, do you observe that the situation has improved here, what can you say, we started working precisely and the ministry of internal affairs took responsibility for this work from the beginning of october 23rd, we knew about the complaints about inaccuracies, about time delays, about, let's say... not the inefficiency of some of the processes that were taking place, to date we have succeeded in a very short period of time, to fully establish communication with families who have
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relatives who are missing, disappeared under special conditions, in almost all regions today we have authorized workers to whom family members can turn. we have a hotline phone, we have a commune, the main thing is that we establish full communication with all our relatives, including civilians and military personnel who have gone missing under special conditions, and i will say that this is quite sensitive for our country is the topic, and i personally supervise the work of this unit, its formation. section, because there are a lot of such problems from the outside, which concern the perception
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of the effectiveness of the work of state bodies in this direction, we have a register, which is managed by the ministry of internal affairs, there are 16,000 people in this register, moreover, we faced many problems, i would like... to dwell on some of them, this is the need to take dna, a lot of our citizens went abroad, and this was also one of the main problems, that we could not compare the corresponding dna, those bodies that are in the bureau of forensic medical examination with the dna of relatives, that's why we tried very quickly here too... to do everything, and in the last two weeks of october and the first five days of november, we turned to our citizens who are abroad, first of all it concerned
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poland and germany, in order... for them to come to the units, designated units of the state migration service, we have, you know, a state-owned enterprise working there , a document, and there they handed over the relevant dna samples for comparison, here we work with our international partners, with the international committee on missing persons, and already in the first days of january we will also contact our citizens who are temporarily abroad in order to... we have collected applications from those who want to submit their dna, and of course, we let's determine with them the places where it will be more convenient for them to go to which country, maybe it will be the czech republic, maybe it will be spain or another country there, the same poland or germany, but the fact that we are every missing person and every missing person with special conditions, we control, so that our services, which
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occupy... and searching for these persons and establishing, of course, dna comparison, so that we have complete information. moreover, starting this month, we introduced a corresponding clarifying questionnaire, which has already been used by 1,600 of our citizens, that is , in order to organize a high-quality search and search for bodies, we need more information, and our citizens can, in the electronic version, remotely, of course to fill such a questionnaire or come to the commissioner in the regions and also fill out this antenna questionnaire in order for our operational services to be more had full possession of such information, and it will of course help us even now during the war and after the war to fulfill our functions and to return, to find the bodies of our citizens who unfortunately died as a result of the enemy's actions, to
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activity... today the topic of mobilization echoes ideas about to mobilize the police. what is your opinion on this matter? let's talk numbers by numbers. how many policemen do we have in the state? 98,000 are police officers who are on duty every day. of them, 35,000 are located in the regions where it takes place. active combatants action, you know, it is 900 km from kharkiv oblast ending with kherson oblast, plus we also have regions bordering the republic of belarus, regions bordering the russian federation, this is part of chernihiv oblast, this is sumy oblast, part of kharkiv oblast, and of course we are also talking partly about odesa, the odesa region and we are talking about mykolaiv region and dnipropetrovsk and dnipropetrovsk oblast,
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you know. marganets, nikopol is constantly under fire from the enemy, and out of 98 thousand police personnel, practically half of them are in these regions, moreover, i can add that we have consolidated units that help our policemen in case of need in regions that suffer, including from shelling, including from the dock, which must be documented. war crimes, we send people from other regions to people, this also applies to explosives technicians, this also applies to criminologists and investigators, it sometimes applies to the operational unit, well , of course, to special -purpose units, so i can practically say that the police are already mobilized, because evacuation in the kharkiv or donetsk regions is handled by the police together with rescuers and local authorities, this can also be said. that people
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voluntarily went to perform such functions, moreover, a unit of almost 500 people, patrol police units that directly take part in combat operations, this applies not only to assault units, it also applies to those of our police officers who perform the corresponding functions, these are operators drones and so on and so on, that is, here you can call and to enumerate the huge number of functions that the police, together with forces with other security and defense forces, perform in the war zone, then i have a question: who will we call the other 40 thousand or 45 who remained in other regions of our country, then the question , who will solve crimes, of course, thank you, we will not...


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