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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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leave, we will live, help to the military, the best new year's gift, i am a russian military ship, i offer to lay down your arms and surrender.
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millet in the sun i will rule and we brothers are on our side, you will put soul and body to rest with your word. that's why we will show that we are brothers of our country, there are 10% discounts on lactial in pharmacies psarynyk, pam and oskad. verdict with serhiy
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rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day! on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. this is a really intriguing film. a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder, we will bring harmony. where there are errors, we will bring the truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady. did everyone love her or support her reforms? i do not admire her intellectual method, which consists in the inability to think that she could be wrong. and... undoubtedly, it was thatcher's reforms that laid
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the foundations for the welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister who truly eradicated socialism from the system. the modern world is sorely lacking in leaders of the caliber of margaret thatcher, and it is all the more interesting to take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. thatcher documentary. only forward. january 7. at 10:10 and 22:00 on espresso.
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greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of the war, and today we will sum up the results of 2023, look a little into the future and start, as always, from the map. results of the war in 2023.
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the war during 2023 was much bloodier than the previous one. the russian army of occupation lost more than 220,000 soldiers killed only. lost offensive potential, lost most of the battle and was forced to retreat to the black sea. losses of the occupiers: during 2023, the armed forces of ukraine destroyed fewer tanks and infantry fighting vehicles than in 22, by 10% and 20%, respectively. the enemy has not only stopped marching in columns, but is also running out of time restore the previously lost armored fleet. at the same time, our soldiers eliminated almost twice as many invaders, bringing the total number to 350,000. destroyed, at least as many wounded russians. there are no official statistics on the losses of the armed forces, however, representatives of the general staff have repeatedly stated that they are 5-7 times smaller than the enemy. real safari this year , the defense forces opened to artillery and anti-aircraft, the rate of destruction of which tripled to 6,390 units,
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respectively. we also shot down 4,300 tactical drones, twice as many as previous year these numbers give a real picture of the nature of combat in the 23rd year, less armored vehicles, more drones and shells. change of the front line and the biggest battles of 2023. two significant changes took place on the front line: the russians managed to occupy bahmud and the territory east of the city, i.e. almost 530 km. instead, the zso punched two large holes in the defense of the rashisti on the southern front with a total area of ​​almost 270 km. triva was also repulsed another 43 km during the counteroffensive near bakhmut. russia lost the battle in luhansk region. throughout 2023, the russians tried to launch a large-scale offensive in luhansk region in order to push the armed forces beyond the oskil river
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from outside luhansk region, as well as to return the lost city of leman, which is strategically important for the battle for donetsk region. battles were fought along the entire 100-kilometer front line with the greatest emphasis on the direction of kupyansk , borova and leman. each of these cities is located at a distance of more than 10 km from the front line. however, the russians managed to advance by 1-1 km in separate and very limited areas during the year. in addition, the zso counterattackers were returned part of the lost positions, as it was in the summer near the villages of novoyehorivka and nadiya, and now it happens regularly near the may day and berry fields. a significant event in the luhansk region was the return to the front of the azov brigade, which was behind... positions in the srebynsky forest in the kreminsk direction. the historical battle for bahmud. the complete occupation of donetsk remains russia's priority goal. a new stage in the implementation of this plan began with the attack on bahmud. the battle began on august 22nd and continues to this day, but the most dramatic events took place in
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january-may 2023. first, we lost several villages near soledar, and two weeks later , soledar itself, which became a threat not only to bakhmut, but also to our bridgehead near. siversk, however, the zso managed to eliminate the threat of the russian offensive north of bakhmut, the enemy waged street battles by the total destruction of urban buildings, except for the saltar and bakhmut, the rashists occupied 24 more villages in the winter. as part of the summer counteroffensive campaign, the ukrainian armed forces returned klishchivka and andriivka to the south of bakhmut, and also came close to yagidny and berkhivka north of the city. however, during the new massive offensive launched in december, the occupiers managed to push our heroes back to the outskirts of bohdanivka and ivanivskyi. a large-scale offensive along the entire front of donetsk region and the battle for ughledar. the ugledar bridgehead is very troubling to the russians because it threatens the operation of the mariupol, volnovakha-donetsk railway. at the beginning of the 23rd, the rashists
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launched a second powerful assault on the city and were able to approach it at a distance of 2 km. however , half of their armored vehicles, more than 200 units, were destroyed on the way from the soviet union in three weeks. since the russians made no serious attempt to attack vgoledar again until december, when they launched a broad-front offensive across donetsk region. as a result of this offensive, they managed to complete the occupation of maryinka, and also... to come close to the enclaves of sil pobeda and novomykhaivka, where the deepest breakthrough of the front since the battle of bakhmut took place, about 5 km. if these trends continue, the enemy will once again be the next in line. battle for avdiivka. in just two months, the russians lost 13,000 soldiers and more than 210 units of armored vehicles. at the same time, the enemy breaks through hundreds of meters per week in a steppe village. the invaders have been storming ada for almost 80 days. only to its middle. their advance on the slopes near novokalynovy novobakhmutivka, which
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is north of the city and near the northern and pervomaisky half-day, is even more modest, although the invaders have less than 10 km left to cut off the logistics to the semi-surrounding avdiivka, but the armed forces of ukraine are building a second and third line of defense here, also with at such rates, rushers can break down and lose their offensive potential in 1-2 months. the year 2023 has begun. from the battle for bakhmut ends with the battle for avdiivka, both will go down in history as the bloodiest, but during this time the armed forces of ukraine managed to increase their firepower, if in january -february they killed an average of 740 russians during the day, then in november-december 950. instead, russia, which at the beginning of the war could attack along the entire front, now has potential only in some sections of several kilometers. the counteroffensive of the armed forces of ukraine on the southern front began on june 4-6 at the same time in the polish, tokmak, and berdyansk directions. in the first months of the offensive, overcoming minefields and defense lines,
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our military managed to capture three bridgeheads, the largest in the area of ​​velika novosilka, where they advanced more than 10 km in depth, 25 km in width and liberated seven villages. in the tokmat direction, the defense forces liberated 100 km around the village of robotyne, in the melitopol region, they managed to penetrate 2.5 km deep and liberated three villages. then the offensive slowed down and in the end. did not fulfill the initial goals of reaching the sea of ​​azov, but prepared a good basis for a counteroffensive in 2024, in particular managed to preserve the prepared skeleton of new brigades, and also more than 80% of armored vehicles. on the left bank of the kherson region, the armed forces of ukraine managed to gain a foothold, at least on two bridgeheads near the antoniv bridge and the village of krynki. other promising areas near the bare pier and oleshok are also being developed. a thousand of our heroes are kept in suspense. 65 thousand enemy army. ukrainian victories in the air and on the black sea. in
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2023, the defense forces were constantly increasing their range. our drones began to fly to moscow, and not only, having struck more than 20 strikes, the armed forces of ukraine probably damaged more russian aircraft at airfields than in in the air in addition, ukraine won this round of the battle for the black sea, not only forcing the russian ships to retreat from sevastopol to novorossiysk, bringing back under its control the so-called. boyka towers. this made it possible to control part of the water area to such an extent that gur made two raids on the western coast of crimea. missile strikes on the docks in sevastopol, the destruction of the submarine and the repair docks in kirch only completed the defeat of the black sea fleet of the russian federation. the crimean bridge is waiting for its turn in 2024. my guest viktor kyvylyuk, military expert of the center of defense strategies. colonel of the armed forces reserve, and we actually met with him at the end of the 22nd year,
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there were several interesting insiders from him, now we will talk about it. greetings, mr. viktor. good afternoon, ms. olga. well, you said then that the russians would carry out some kind of local, limited offensive operation, and it actually happened near bakhmut, we saw it. then you told us. that the forces concentrating in the valuyok area have to advance somewhere from there and really did advance on krimina, were advancing on the liman, well, that is, we saw all this, you and i did not talk much about the south then, but you mentioned that very serious fortifications were being built in the south, so we also attribute this to the fact that we, in principle, somehow saw it at that moment , that's why they expect something so interesting from you now, well, but first let's... let's talk about, well , somehow so concentratedly about why it was actually not possible to carry out
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a large-scale counteroffensive, because there are a lot of conversations around this, some people say, that it was necessary somewhere in one place only, but efforts were scattered, or it should have been done differently, what do you say, that is, whether it was necessary or not necessary, necessary or not necessary, it is not important here. then hesitate, the answer on the surface, not only is it necessary, but we are also obliged, because this is ukrainian land, and to return what was taken by the enemy is the duty of all those who have now... joined the defense forces, uh, i also want to note , that it is wrong to call the events in the azov direction a counteroffensive, or is this a classic offensive operation, absolutely textbook, right here according to all the canons of military science, why did it fail, many of
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about this... there is an opinion, in my opinion , the main reason, it was not necessary to make three main blows on three, it was necessary to choose one and concentrate all available efforts there, the second point, the help that was supposed to be provided by our partners, arrived late, not concentrated. somewhat not in the volumes that were expected, and most importantly, unfortunately , the issue of the supply of aircraft was not resolved, and to conduct a large-scale operation in, especially in three directions at the same time, it is quite difficult in the absence of not only
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dominance in the air, but at least under conditions available advantage. therefore, apparently, these three factors played a decisive role. well, we still read a lot that there were disputes between the american and ukrainian military regarding the defense of bakhmut, and our command was reproached for using shells in this area and exhausting some units that could participate in the offensive in the south. in your opinion, was it worth defending bakhmut? it is not worth talking about disputes in... the headquarters of the armed forces do not have foreign advisers or consultants with whom you can argue, our partners are just spectators in the stands, as is the entire expert environment that is outside the defense forces, today, these are the assessments of outside observers who are not familiar with our military plans, and
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let's put it this way, they see what they see, they they look at it through the prism of their... their experience, their military science, their knowledge, and accordingly have, well, a difference from our point of view. as for whether or not it is worth defending batma, as soon as we began to advance and quite successfully wedged ourselves into the enemy's first line of defense in the zaporizhia region, the enemy immediately made an effort, became more active in the bakhmut area, with the aim of drawing our reserves there, and... to make the intensity of fire support in the zaporizhia region drop due to the need to support resource defense in the bakhmut area, and in principle, these are absolutely expected and adequate actions of the enemy, which compensates with its activity in one direction, operational and tactical problems that
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began in another, it is logical, whether it is worth defending bakhmut, from the point of view of... from a political point of view, the maintenance of any settlement is important, because this is our ukrainian land, and we have to defend it, from the military point of view, if you are going to defend a settlement, you must prepare it for defense. those who were in bakhmut, those who are in bakhmut now, do not tell about the presence of any defense forces there. ores, some lines, positions were prepared, the city was not prepared for defense, these are purely tactical local resistance units, which were organized at the level of battalions of brigades, and not at the level of the operational group, in my personal opinion, let's put it this way, it was worth immediately
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withdrawing to the lines advantageous for defense. having given the territory to the enemy, but having preserved , first of all, human resources, no allies will give us infantry, and accordingly to preserve a huge amount of the same ammunition with the production of which the world defense industry has not yet coped very well, i am personally inclined to the fact that it was worth retreating, well but it would, for example, not do anywhere offensive the same... wagner's infantry there, whatever, it would not have stopped after they captured bakhmut, yes, i think, they would have tried to go further, certainly there would not have been less of an enemy. but let's compare the situation in a mirror, the one in the zaporozhye direction and the one in bakhmut. the enemy built a huge number of defensive
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structures, trenches, explosive and non-explosive barriers, laid minefields 15 km deep, which we overcome in six months. something prevented us from doing the same in the bakhmut area. aligning the front line, reducing its length. hiding behind these buildings, we would have crushed the same number of enemies as we crushed in street battles, but we would have paid less for it, it seems, well, tell me, look, well, the problem was not only in mining the enemy’s artillery, the problem was also in because, well, what zaluzhny wrote in his article, the saturation of drones and the impossibility to concentrate in... forces because of this, because everything is clearly visible, and actually this problem would not have changed in any way from what we have there there would be a little more artillery or
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less, well, i'm not even sure that it would would change a lot if we added aviation, that is, the problem of saturation with drones and their countermeasures, it remains, and it is somehow not entirely clear to do something about it, first of all, it is not necessary to measure by quantities, who among... spends the available resources more efficiently, he, accordingly, gets better results. we have an army of drones, the state special service for communication and technical protection of information buys drones for the ministry of defense, it is not at all clear why it got there. the ministry of culture on television collects on drones for the state border service. our adversary was simply evicted. from trading centers of merchants and launched there the production of unmanned aerial vehicles of various types, two approaches to solving the problem
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of gaining dominance in the segment of unmanned aerial vehicles of the tactical operational link, you can talk about it, or you can do it, but whoever can handle it better will get the result . the second point is opposition to any system. which is controlled through a radio channel can be organized accordingly by suppressing that channel, the enemy as well suddenly brought to the line of battle a huge number of small local radio electronic warfare systems that cover small positions, individual units of combat equipment, yes, accordingly, we are trying to do the same, but... this is still losing in volume, one more moment, here small means of radio-electronic countermeasures, which are small on platoon strongholds, on
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an individual tank, self-propelled gun, armored personnel carrier, in the world of such production of the required scale , it simply does not exist today, this is a discovery, that happened in this war, and whoever adapts faster, according to the situation, wins. but look, well, with all the stories with drones, with the fact that it is now a very important force on the battlefield, for example, the provision of aviation, those f there 16, which we have all been talking about here for a long time, is it capable now in this situation is really there to somehow change or significantly change the situation on the battlefield, as you judge, it depends on what you are more afraid of. air defense or enemy aviation, now the picture looks like this: we, with objective reasons, for a year and a half we have not seen
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air battles between planes, because both sides of the war do not risk flying deep into the enemy's territory and try to operate from beyond the reach of anti-aircraft weapons of each side. the second point, the enemy lost a huge number of highly qualified pilots who started the war, 324 aircraft were lost, this is about 350-400 pilots who died, will no longer return to flying work, or are in our captivity, accordingly, this factor is equally serious affects, because the qualification on that... side of people who pilot various types of aircraft has definitely fallen, the next moment, we don't...
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see the use of aviation on a massive scale, all that the enemy has now can create an advantage over the battlefield, where the operation is carried out by a force the size of a reinforced battalion of a battalion of a tactical group, we do not see that squadrons are used, much less platoons or aviation brigades, on our side the same thing happens, and this is explained by the fact that we simply do not have enough. aircraft, therefore, if suddenly we receive aircraft of any kind from the allies, it will not automatically mean that we have gained some advantage, whoever has a greater range of detection of aircraft in the air and a greater range on board air strike means, in fact , will dictate the further development of events . but
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certainly receiving aircraft from the allies will allow us, firstly, to level the situation in the sky, and secondly, to drive away the enemy, who is using hovering aerial bombs on targets on the front edge, this will be very important relief for the forces on the ground, yes , it will be a very big relief indeed, especially as far as aerial bombs are concerned, yes, i agree with you, absolutely, let's take a commercial break now, very briefly. and after that we will talk more, maybe about some plans and what we see in the future. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of a crow. to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier. for the approaching victory, for which the whole of ukraine is waiting.
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glory to the heroes, see this week in the program judicial control with tetyana shustrova. bribes, treason and decisions against defense capability. judge doljko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company. which of the judges stood out last year? cars are constantly changing on it. watch thursday, january 4 at 5:45 p.m. the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder, we will bring harmony. where there are errors, we will bring the truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady. did everyone love her or support her reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method, which
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is... the ability to think she could be wrong. but there is no doubt that it was thatcher's reforms that laid the foundations for the welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister who really eradicated socialism from the system. the modern world is sorely lacking in leaders of the caliber of margaret thatcher, and it is all the more interesting to take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. lady goes alone ahead. documentary. tape thatcher only forward on january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 on espresso. so, we summed up the results of the 23rd year a little and we are talking now with viktor kyvlyuk , a military expert of the center for defense strategies , a reserve colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, we will try to predict a little what might happen in 2024, and you know, we will start with something that you probably
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also saw. and such thoughts in the build about the fact that there in the 24th year they will try to recapture all of donbas and, well, donetsk and luhansk regions, then go there to the dnipro, and so on there for the 25th year of the capture of new territories, how do you just feel about these such forecasts, how far can they be, well, how realistic, or what are they for at all. such predictions are made, they have elections coming up, and despite the fact that it is an election without an election, the first person is worried about her rating and tries to prove to the electorate that she foresees the future, that she has plans, that the state under her leadership has not lost geopolitical the impact that they will have in...


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