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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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you probably also saw these thoughts in the bilt about the fact that in the 24th year they will try to recapture the whole of donbas and the donetsk and luhansk regions, then go to the dnipro, and then there for the 25th year of the capture of new territories, how do you feel about these forecasts, how realistic they can be, or how realistic they are, or what are these forecasts for? they have an election coming up and despite the fact that it is an election without a choice, the first person is worried about his rating and trying to prove to the electorate that she predicts the future, what she has in her plans, that the state under her leadership has not lost geopolitical influence, what will they have...
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what will they do in the future, they have not laid down their arms, everything is going according to plan, they are successful, and so to speak , based on the internal consumer and the following statements are made. and tell me, well, what would you call the achievements of the defense forces of ukraine in the 23rd year, which laid down some things that can be developed in the 24th year as well. not in order of importance, but more or less chronologically, the first such event is the battles for solidar, this is a case when our troops calmly and plannedly retreated to an advantageous line and , stopping the enemy, made it so that no one remembers about solidar, probably for at least seven or eight months, what is happening there, why... was located in a lowland on the ruins
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of a populated point, it is not clear, no tactical gains, no impact on the operational situation, but the example of an organized withdrawal to attack a prepared line is a good example of the actions of the troops, it may still be necessary, battles for bakhmut, of course, this is heroism and courage, the stability of servicemen, all that happened at... the tactical level, is a contribution to the treasury of tactical skill, this experience of combat in the city should be seriously analyzed, studied, and disseminated. similarly, the actions of the assault units south of bakhmut in the battles for klishchiivka and andriivka are also an example of successful actions, when we defeated a larger formation with limited forces.
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the enemy, not only forcing them to retreat, but also destroying, well, at least their combat units, of course, it is difficult to get support units there, interesting ukraine's declaration of six areas of the black sea as dangerous for navigation is more of a military-political than a military achievement, suddenly a country that has very limited means of waging war on... has imposed its rules of the game and the enemy is forced to hide with the entire black sea fleet throughout the black sea coast. a very good move, very strong, the use of unmanned naval strike means, well, let's say, somewhat overturned the imagination of warfare at sea today. very interesting is... the actions of the main, main
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the intelligence management, which first, initially captured, returned to the control of ukraine the drilling platforms located in the black sea, after that several raids in the crimea, a window was broken in the air defense system and in the radar reconnaissance of the enemy, through this window a number of missile strikes were made, which destroyed the headquarters of the black... navy , destroyed a submarine, several carriers of cruise missiles, this is also a very instructive example of how complex and systematic defenses can be penetrated the enemy in the chosen directions and inflict huge losses on him by asymmetric means, because neither the damaged missile corvette nor the submarine will return to service by the end of the war, if at all. well
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, the attack on the headquarters of the black sea fleet, where a meeting was taking place at the time of the hit and a significant number of headquarters were destroyed. officers, both land and sea, this is an equally magnificent achievement, so here i would add the offensive operation in the zaporizhzhia region, this is the first attempt at a large-scale offensive, simultaneously in combat several operational groups of troops, unfortunately, from the outside, all this seemed like three separate operations. and not one big strategic offensive, maybe we did not understand something or did not take care of it, but this is a very positive example, if we take into account the problems and shortcomings, in the future this experience will also be very
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valuable, the experience of capturing the bridgeheads on the left is extremely interesting and worth sharing on the shores of the dnieper, by marines of ukraine, kherson. region, purely tactical actions led to the operational collapse of the dnieper enemy troop group, now their commander is forced to throw into battle the 18th general military army, which is not fully formed, it cannot achieve any results, it suffers huge losses, and at the same time it cannot do anything with our bridgeheads. i think that the size of the bridgeheads will increase, our goal is to move enemy artillery positions and enemy anti-aircraft defense positions as far as possible to the left bank in order to give the purely civilian population on
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our, on the de-occupied bank of the dnieper, the opportunity to live and work more or less peacefully , the piggy bank is very interesting. gains, a defensive operation in the vdiiv direction, the enemy launched the operation at the same time, attacking in 14 directions, and our group proved to be ready for this, that is , our scouts were working , the probable nature of the enemy's actions was very accurately predicted, and the defense held out, being ready to accordingly repel such a large-scale offensive, the situation there is difficult, not critical, but difficult, but we have shown what we are capable of, so perhaps those events are the most significant for me in the 23rd year, well, in addition to what we showed what we are capable of, well in principles were destroyed some kind of sufficiently serious enemy force, which is also important in this whole situation, but
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you know, not so long ago there was an article in the new york times, which said that it seems that the usa and ukraine differ in their opinions about how to wage war with the russian federation . the american military seems to believe that ukraine should focus on defense, to arm itself there now, to somehow concentrate there, to produce weapons in the end, and at the same time not to counterattack, at least that’s how i understood it, but as if ukraine still wants to conduct offensive actions also, in order to have more advantageous positions, and in general, is this achievable in practice with... in a blind defense and is it generally so, well, if , you know, it is correct to talk about some kind of blind defense? well, first of all, a war for any media is a good reason to remind subscribers that the media exists. publications in even
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the world's leading media, this is a reason to talk, but not a reason to correct. in plans as for purely expert opinions on this matter, which, however , are distributed in a slightly different information environment. the idea of ​​blind defense is this in advance, the idea is a failure. a defense can only be successful if it is active. but the scale of activity, we should talk about it. i would... for those who are interested in the problem of war, i would advise them to re-read the interview that the bbc took from the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general muzhenko, he shares his vision and recommends moving to a strategic defense,
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periodically launching counterattacks, here i share precisely this point of view, because if the enemy does not want to... bind our will, in the end he will will seize the initiative and make you play by his rules, this is the way to advice. look, well, of course we understand, and at least we heard. it is already from the russians that the russian occupation army is still going to take offensive actions, this year they did not succeed in these large-scale actions, but we heard, for example, at putin's press conference, he said there that they have already concentrated 600,000 of their of the military precisely in the area of ​​hostilities, well , actually, how do you assess their ability to... such a larger-scale offensive and what its directions might be, well
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, somehow let's try to predict their actions, everything is much simpler, from the fact that the person who says that he is putin, there are two, three of them there, this does not mean that in reality it is so took place, all the available forces and means of the enemy are involved in hostilities today, he has practically none. operational reserves and no strategic reserves at all, he formed two armies on the 18th-25th, both of which have been fighting for two months, being underformed, not having military units of the army kit, but the need for infantry forces the military leadership of the enemy, these are not ready to throw the military units of the formation into combat in full. based on what we see now and what
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the leader of the enemy said at a press conference the other day, we can conclude the following: before the elections, which are to be held there in march, the enemy will try to reach the border along the river in the kharkiv region . schools, if he succeeds, next year the enemy will try to capture kharkiv region in its entirety. today we see that out of four tanks divisions, having three in the kharkiv direction, the enemy was unable to do absolutely anything, except to lose a huge amount of combat equipment and advanced 2-3 km in separate directions. to say that some kind of miracle will suddenly happen and they will still
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come to the bank of the oskil river, i don't see any chance, a little further south is bakhmut, also in order to take control of the donetsk region in its entirety, the enemy must break through the lines in the area of ​​bakhmut and avdiyivka, then fight in the time abyss, somehow. in pokrovsk and further through kurakhov to move another 80 km, with a rate of progress of 2 km per month, they will go there for 40 months, the math says so, so there are chances not only before the elections to fulfill the tasks of the russian president and take control of the luhansk and donetsk regions in full, chances there are absolutely no battles. which: the enemy has a colossal advantage, but he is fighting there not for a military
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victory, but also for an informational pretext for the elections to announce that we have won a victory, but so far the victory is so-so conditional, it turns out not very well, the resources are spent enormously, and i think that this difficult struggle, sometimes in favor of the enemy, then in our favor, will continue there for more than one month. even further to the south, zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region, the southwestern part of donetsk region, the enemy is on the defensive, we, unfortunately, do not have sufficient resources to develop our offensive, but in some areas we confidently overcome the second defensive line, if we will focus on building on this success. it can fundamentally break the operational situation at the front, the kherson
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region, i really count on the fact that we will have the strength and means to combine several tactical bridgeheads into one operational one, of sufficient depth, 10-15 km, so that the enemy, well at least 80% of his firearms have lost the ability to strike right. bank of the dnieper, and we, on the other hand, gained the opportunity to transfer heavy equipment and artillery with a firing range of at least 20-30 km to this platform. which can also significantly change the situation in this direction, after all kherson region is the key to crimea. i think that events should develop in this way. if you look at the floor above, most likely, the next six months the enemy will impose, under the guise of love, some
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negotiations about an armistice, about a temporary cessation. well, as we already had, if not the christmas truce, then new year's, easter, knowledge day, harvest, there's something else, but all this is just a smoke screen, we will prepare against them, accumulate operational strategic reserves in order to continue the offensive and act in the manner in which he spoke the other day the president of the russian federation, it's clear... also, the plan for the coming months for the defense forces of ukraine is to maintain the defense and to achieve the maximum depletion of the enemy's resources wherever possible. in fact, this is what it all boils down to. thank you, it was viktor kevlyuk, a military expert of the center for defense strategies, a reserve colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, who gave us a little, well, you know, insiders of what could happen in the 24th year on the battlefield. we
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will see you again. wow, i went for a walk, water, there is not enough ordinary water here, drink reo, i am saving myself, reo, you ready, dear, ready, i took reo, reo is water for special medical purposes, there are discounts on lollipop, 10% in pharmacies, plantain. and saving vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about
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the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now, yuriy fizar, yuriy, will talk in more detail about what... happened to the world ok, please, you have the word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, lina chechenna, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the new year, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy. he was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more
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important topics. even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, svitro. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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we are looking for 11-year-old georgy tarasyev from donetsk region. the boy disappeared in june 2023 in the volnovatsky district in the village of velyka novosilka. this area is very close to the front line, but the village where the boy lived was not under occupation, so it is difficult to even guess where george could have gone. about the guy for more than six months. there is no news, i really hope that with your help the child will be found. attention to the photo: georgy looks about 11 years old, he
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is thin and has light blond hair. if suddenly someone has seen the boy or knows where he may be, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free or. write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. any information is important. i also want to tell about the disappearance of 15-year-old valeria polizhai. the girl is also from donetsk region and also from the vuznesen district. valeria lived in the village of urozhaine, which was liberated from the invaders during the summer counteroffensive. it was in the summer of 2023 that it became known about the disappearance of the girl, but still about her. there is no news, so i am asking for your help, try to remember valeria's face, and if suddenly you see a similar girl somewhere, immediately call us on
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the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 1163. calls from ukrainian mobile operators are free. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in total, since the beginning of the war, we have received more than 200 appeals for help. fortunately, the vast majority of boys and girls have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. sometimes people who cannot find their own children do not even know what to do or where to turn. if suddenly you find yourself in a similar situation and have no idea how it works. call the short number 11630 or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. here you will be provided with all the necessary advice. in
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addition, everyone who sees me now can already help in the search for missing children. take just a minute of your time and visit the magnolia children's tracing website. here you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone, and in the end it will help. you can find and now regarding the territories controlled by ukraine and a more or less peaceful life. unfortunately, children also disappear here, as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers who often just run away. we talked about this topic with a psychologist and have collected a lot of tips for parents that can definitely prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. one of them is about the importance of talking with children... not only about everyday topics and matters, but also about one's own feelings, experiences and fears. frankness, according to experts, will help not only open up to the child, but sometimes even get support
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and help. show sincere interest in the personality of the child, because often all our conversations with children, and especially with teenagers, boil down to a few topics: cleaning, grades, maybe some other material moments, but they something completely different is important, it is important for them to talk... about feelings, about experiences, about the world, about how everything is arranged, on the other hand, they may not be ready to be the first to do it, and here it is your turn, you have to be the first, who will talk about their fears , their doubts, their hesitations and feelings , and this will not only create a good relationship between you and the child, not only allow the child to open up to you in the future, but also help you get support, get help, feel needed and beloved in his own. families kobzar, such a call sign
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will receive tatyana shevchenko is on the front line. even before february 24, the woman signed up for the lviv teroborona, and on the first day of the full-scale invasion , they went to the location of the brigade to defend ukraine. i remembered that one of my professions is a medic, so i decided that i could be useful, i would learn all military things while in the reserve, leaving for training. in the past , mrs. tetiana worked as a nurse in lviv. hospital, so she was hired as a sanitary instructor in the 103rd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. well, but health instructor, means health instructor. my task is to save, help, treat, not only, let's say, not only physically, but also morally, and simply to be a spiritual support for the team, for the individual. composition in
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june 2023 , a medical company was created at the base of the 103rd brigade. the command decided to appoint tatyana, the head nurse. near the front line , a 25- bed inpatient medical reception and evacuation department were set up in the basement. and the evacuation department is engaged in evacuation, interception, leaves, works with more wounded, and medical. in which both our guys who do not need hospital with somatic diseases are treated, and we accept from all brigades, we have such a concept as acuberotrauma, they work against the background of artillery fire, sometimes at the stabilization point we have to accept 12 or even 20 soldiers at once , such moments feel like hell, ms. tatyana admits. i'm glad when we don't have
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work. "if we don't have work, it means there are no wounded guys, well, our evacuation ones the brigades are silent that they are not transporting anyone , there is no need to leave for any interception , no help is needed, so there are no wounded, our chat is silent about the fact that there are two hundred, an hour after the tourniquet is applied, the wounded soldier must be taken to the hospital, but in combat conditions actions, this is not always realistic, evacuation continues for 3-4 hours - fine, 6-8 hours, unfortunately, and sometimes longer. and everything depends on the medic of the battalion, first of all, everything depends on the military man himself and on his comrades. ms. tatiana calls medical colleagues as a second family. i went to war because i believe that someone in the family must go to war. it's either dad, or mom, or children, god forbid. ago. it so
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happened that i went to war. after the victory , sergeant tetyana shevchenko plans to return to work in the lviv city council, because she knows that she can be useful to her community. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, my name is vasyl zama, this is the velika eteri program, i and my colleagues are with you during the next one hours 47 minutes. today. we have a special broadcast and a little later i will tell you why, everything will be as you are used to, now we will talk with guests from the region, then we will discuss the topic of events at the front with serhiy zgurets, and in the second hour we will show you a movie and to discuss this important topic with our guests: who is blocking the polish-ukrainian or ukrainian-polish border, is russia behind it, how to change this situation and what losses in ukraine, first of
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all, and in poland... pretends a small group of people, which demands its own, despite the fact that she actually stops ukrainian import and export in many parts of our border, we will watch a movie, discuss it, this is an important topic, but we will start it with the announcement of the collection. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. these wars have been actively protecting ukraine since 2014 in the hottest directions. this is the battle for donetsk airport, ilovaisk, battles for sumy region and kharkiv region, as well as soledar and bakhmut in donetsk region. currently, the defenders need enough kamikaze drones number, they can stop almost any attack or assault of the enemy in a matter of minutes, and equipment, manpower. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. let's strengthen the wings of dreams and hopes for our army and cut it.


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