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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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damages in ukraine, first of all, and also in poland are caused by a small group of people who want their way, despite the fact that it actually stops ukrainian import-export in many areas of our border, we will watch a movie , discuss it, this is an important topic, well we start it with an announcement about the collection. the espresso tv channel calls for participation in the collection of kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar. these soldiers have been actively defending ukraine since 2000. in the 14th year , in the hottest areas, this is the battle for donetsk airport, ilovaisk, battles for sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast, as well as soledar and bakhmut in donetsk oblast. currently, defenders need kamikaze drones in sufficient numbers, they can stop almost any attack or assault of the enemy, equipment, manpower in a matter of minutes. where there is no drone wing, the wings of human dreams and hopes are lost. let's strengthen the wings of dreams and hopes for our army and vow. the wings of the enemy
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both literally and figuratively. yes, the amount is large, 5 million, but i believe that you and i will be able to collect this amount. now i'm adding to conversations of bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council. mr. bohdan, i congratulate you. congratulations. for more than one day, kharkiv has been under constant enemy fire both day and night. 138 houses have been damaged recently, as well as many other ongoing problems. there is, but as the day passed into the night today, i know that there were again opstri, what is the situation as of now? shelling from the vs-300 complex was recorded yesterday evening late at almost 11 o'clock, and the osnovnyad district, where they got there, was damaged, the school was damaged, there were no dead or wounded, as for the previous... legs of the second or third number of attacks,
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what is happening in kharkiv, very, well, yes, these days were exhausting, especially for the shevchenkivsky district, where i live, and where there were strikes iskander m, you see these shots, yes, because in fact the number of destroyed homes, broken windows, panes , and doors has reached, well, 25 windows and... you understand that all this must be either replaced or covered with osb, all services are working, very difficult, among these, well, very difficult in terms of the amount of work, and still, and people were injured , almost 60 people were injured, one person died , all this together, well, these two days were not at all similar to the new year, let's say, among the affected houses was my house, i am the chairman of the board of the condominium and ... and that's why these two days
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we were dealing with the fact that almost 200 doors and windows were damaged in my house alone, including apartments, common areas , and all the parking lot gates, which were simply blown away by the wind from the blast wave, and therefore, and such a situation, well, nothing, kharkiv holds on, restores everything, the services are working, there are many technicians, volunteers, well, you know, it works so clearly. on the one hand, it is so terrible , we are watching, we see these pictures, this video, but on the other hand, well, you know, for these two years, as a mechanism, clear ukrainians are working, the city council, everyone, you know, like bees in that hive, are busy everyone is doing their own thing, there is no panic , i hope kharkiv is holding up, as well as kyiv, as well as all of ukraine, a school and a kindergarten were targeted at night, there is destruction, suitable, unsuitable, i understand the obvious.
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there is no online education in kharkiv, well , again, i don’t know if the children go to kindergarten, but in any case, is there any information about how serious the damage was caused there, well, i repeat, no one was hurt there, the kindergartens in kharkiv is not working, some schools are working, commercial ones are small there, well, few of them are offline, and the main schools are those that are located, this is the metro, well, you know all about it, six metro stations, which are equipped to the maximum, as much as possible accommodate children. he seems to be studying there, and these are all the institutions that work offline, everything else is online, or the children are not in kharkiv, in other cities, in the country, in europe, well, this is the situation regarding the damage, so you will again have damage windows, housing, roof, roofs , well, everything is standard, to list now, well, to be honest, let's go then, let's go... that's about what, well, a little and a lot,
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although kharkiv is a huge city, but still 10,00 kharkiv residents remained without water and more 16,000 people without electricity, is this significant? were there any damages or have they already been repaired? to settle, especially since we know very well that an arctic cyclone and at least the northeast is approaching ukraine, and it is possible that somewhere kharkiv will be affected to one degree or another, very low temperatures of up to -20 are expected, well, maybe it will not be as low as -20 in kharkiv, in any case , this is the situation, when there is water and electricity, well , because there are both heaters, some devices, they are very necessary, so what is the situation there? critical, will it be possible to fix it again, or have these damages already been fixed? well , look, before the broadcast, i was doing my own thing at work, the thermometer on the street showed -5 , and at these temperatures the heating system of the house is not only mine, it’s a standard
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situation, and they still last for some time, that is, somewhere around a day, two or three days, and all these circuits are needed to close so that the cold water does not freeze, the heating is hot. there is water, other communications, so that it all works, as far as the city level is concerned, everything works, water is supplied, well, with the exception of those broken-down houses where they are disconnected from gas supply, from electricity, well, of course, restoration or rescue work is underway there, debris is being removed, so these communications are disconnected, in general the city is working, the boilers are working, heat is supplied at the required temperature, that is, here is my house, the heating system enters from the city + 80°, it is even more than what. it is necessary, so in this regard everything is there, everything is working, but about the low temperatures, but i am also worried about it, you know, i am looking at it, they are reporting that it will be maybe 7-8° in kharkiv, 20 i did not see, let's say, 15-20°, which were in
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the spring of the 22nd year, after the attack of the russians, after the defeated, well, my house is an analogue. on march 5, aviation dropped bombs near the house, then there were just that... on the facade of the house there were such ice ridges, which appeared from the rupture of water, hot water, heating and so on, this was a disaster that we were rebuilding the whole 22-23 year, so now i hope it won't happen, and let's say this, the city council brought osb already 5 hours after the explosion 5-6 hours, somewhere around noon i had a pack of this osb at my door. we closed the windows and everything else, already at 9 o'clock the employees called me as the head of the department the department there, the employees of the ministry of emergency situations there and so on, asked questions, came to the city, decided everything that was necessary there, let's say, it was done quickly in the early days after that, we hope
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that this will certainly not happen again, i am here i will let you know as soon as the information has arrived , my colleagues are telling me that there is a ballistic hit in the kharkiv region, we can't say for sure right now... where exactly it was hit, i am leading to the fact that the shelling continues, and now i will ask about the region, but before i hereby announce the information which just appeared literally in front of the ether, managed to return 200 ukrainian prisoners from enemy captivity, i don't know how much the russians gave for them, but in any case it doesn't matter now, congratulations to the families, congratulations to all of ukraine on the fact that 200 of our defenders, and maybe there are civilians there, i don't know, but 200 prisoners of war managed to be returned home, this is a great exchange that can only be... congratulated and rejoiced for those who waited and for those who are now will not know the horrors of russian captivity, the russians are trying to break through in the direction of kupyansk, what is the situation there, again, without keeping any secrets there, and it is clear that you do not have an operational map in front of your eyes, so, well, in any case, how big is the threat and
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in general the situation and how for the enemy , this is a strategic object, this is a hub station, why is he rushing there, look at this map in our kharkiv residents, everyone already has it in their head. er, for more than a year, because there near sinkivka, petropavlivka, the front almost does not move, but these are key positions, these are our key defenders, the line of defense, because if they it will be possible to do what they want, they go to kupyansk, they go out, cut our bridgehead east of the oskol river, and well, the general line is to push our troops beyond the oskol river, that is, accordingly, this is the same kup yansk, kupyansk-nodal and... further south and stabilize the front along this river, well, of course, that, let's put it this way, including the fact that they are constantly asking there every day, asking in quotation marks, talking about peace, that we need to stop there, we need peace and everything else, that is, this line for them, they see it as
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a line on which you can stop, recover your strength there for a while and record what they want to take away from us, so in this direction. heavy fighting due to attacks, let's say, from the north, the new thing we heard today is an attack on the settlement of zolochi in kabami, and... this is a border settlement, as i was told today, well, i spoke with the military, then their bombers come out at low altitudes, the attack was like this, they dropped several cabins on this settlement, there is destruction, no one died, but oh well this is so new, they started flying with these cabs again, probably they haven't shot down their planes for a long time, well here we should certainly hope for a strengthening of air defense so that air defense is sufficient not only for the defense of large cities. and small towns and in general to intercept these missiles on the territory of ukraine in order to help
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the front and help in those positions where the enemy is really committing atrocities, well, for example, the downing of planes in the kherson region over the black sea for a week, at least now, has already made enemy attacks on infrastructure impossible the so-called grain corridor, that is a big plus, so of course i would very much like the f-16, i think, could also help somewhere in this, in this situation, and what is the situation with... the evacuation of people, i understand that it remains the same, despite everything, people in kupyansk, today i saw a video, well, in dzhivka, of course , the situation there is completely different than in kharkiv oblast, but the people of vavdiivka today shot the enemy with a rocket at a residential building, a man died and half of the house collapsed, well, that's it words how to live on or on the battle line, or near the line, please, about the evacuation , well look , evacuation was announced in august-september, first in three communities, then others were added, these are communities around kupyansk and this... evacuation, well, first of all, children was, but their parents and families also left with them, so
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it was even forced, and it was all done, i think, well, maybe a little late, but it had to be done, that's why the evacuation continues, such losses, let's say, among the civilian population, we no longer see, probably for that reason, that there is very little of it there, and, on the contrary, the shelling has increased, and the desire of the enemy army to capture it has not decreased. to shoot and kill, it does not decrease in any way, on the contrary, regarding the evacuation, here in kharkiv yesterday, it seems that such information spread, an sms message from the military regional state administration, regarding the telephones provided there, everything else, who wants to evacuate, from whom to evacuate, who does not have the opportunity, this already applies not only to kupyansk, kharkiv itself, other cities, then the telephone numbers are indicated there, and who will provide the opportunity it's... at the state level , at the regional level, all this was done, to be honest, i
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don't see any panic about kharkov, well, for someone to leave en masse, there are people who live in my district, that's right most of the attacks were in the shevchenkiv district, which is the center of the city, where i live , some of my acquaintances, well, they are concerned about taking their children to a safer city for women, that’s it, these are already such thoughts, maybe some people did it . but in general the mass evacuation of kharkiv from kharkiv is not happening, well, i will ask the others, there are big challenges facing kharkiv, kharkiv region, let ’s talk about kharkiv region now, and again there may be a lot of needs, ongoing repairs, providing housing, helping people, we don’t know where, where i will ask if, first of all, there are enough workers to create certain, i know, there was once such an initiative in kharkiv. here are these brigades, where people could work, receive some funds, well, that was very positive, and
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secondly, the budget of the region, as far as it is designed for such unforeseen expenses, we know that local budgets have been cut a little, how much is it designed for such unforeseen expenses? well , so let's start with the workers , there are not enough qualified specialists, i can tell you this clearly, because i myself have several people working for me, whom i have supported throughout the war, and i also support them financially and... just, you know, i pray a little on them, that i have them, and at any moment they will come and help there with any questions about the restoration of the house, well, a lot what about repairs and so on, so there is a problem with this, but in principle it is being solved, you can find people, you can do your own, let's say there work, as far as financing is concerned, well, you know, i was even a little surprised how much this time has risen compared to 22 in the year when there was no money, no materials and nothing... it was clear what to do and which factories were working, the city did not allocate anything at all then, now in
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a day we collected 50 signatures of our residents of the building, made a table , sent her to the shevchenkivska district administration, where already there is help, well, help from the united nations is planned , for example, for catching windows and everything else there, that is, during the day we were asked to provide this information, there will be money, we will do all this as it will be in fact. i can't say the fact, apart from that , there is funding from the city, for example, there are programs for condominiums 75 for 255, that is, residents pay 25 or usb, and 75%. is paid by the city council, there are also companies that are engaged in this, i changed the age in my house there to seven in the summer, at the expense of the city, i.e. there is money, the next question is what you said about the tax being taken away, this military levy, yes, well, this is a big loss for the city, clearly, because the kharkiv budget was very seriously filled with this tax, it was
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taken away, and i don’t know how it will be , how fair, or... it is fair to allocate it in kyiv, but it is not enough here, but nevertheless there is a budget, and there is even, let's say, all this is financed, i am especially grateful to our mayor, our employees, that's why i think everything will be on a level. thank you very much, mr. bohdan, for your work yours, above all, and for your comments. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council , kharkiv has been under fire for a long time, just like kyiv, well, we understand that... it is near the border with russia, unfortunately, the russians are firing, and not only with long-range missiles, but also with anti-aircraft missiles and what they are using against, against kharkiv and the s-300 missile as well, now we will talk about the events at the front, i am joined by serhiy sgurets, director of the defense express agency, host of the military summaries of the day column, serhiy, congratulations, congratulations to you, vasili , i congratulate our
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viewers, today we will talk about what is happening in certain areas of the front, as well as about the problems of mobilization in the format of a law. which is being prepared and about the needs of the armed forces in men, weapons, ammunition and new technologies for the introduction of hostilities in a way that will be more exhausting for the enemy than for us. more on that in a moment. there are discounts on eurofast 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. klats and you are in... in pharmacies, plantain for you and oschadnik big
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ether of vasyl in the winter for two hours. to find out about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zimi's big broadcast , a project for smart and caring people, in the evening over espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko , from now on... in a two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. this is
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that's what i'm looking for, it's not possible, well, i 'll tell you from memory. i just read about it, i just wrote , well, we will start with this, now it is very brief , then we will move on to the actual conversation, and the guest will join the conversation, but it is important, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro koleba wrote on the x social network, this is the former twitter about the fact that at the request of the ukrainian side, a decision was made to hold the ukraine-nato council, and the main goal here is to strengthen air defense, well , it is not said when it should take place, in your opinion, for how long? everything is being prepared and again anyway, apart from air defense, what else could we do now as a matter of priority, in fact, as i understand it, this is one of the first meetings of the ukraine-nato council, it will be directed just in case
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ukraine's proposal is accepted for measures related to the strengthening of air defense and just in the context of the enemy's attacks on our facilities, on our civilian cities, in order to speed up the transfer of new samples of air defense systems that may still be in our partners' possession, as well as to speed up the processes of development. with pilot training to use the f16 in the system of air defense, i think it is very good that this mechanism will exist, and it is very important that it really gives results related to measures related to the strengthening of air defense, and i think that we also thank to our partners for the patriot mirror, for the nasams mirror, iriste and others, but of course they will also thank us for the top advertisement, 10 downed aeroballistic missiles. they are, well, it is believed that they are supersonic, that is, hypersonic daggers, but de facto, this is artificial hypersound, which, roughly speaking, is created due to the speed of the aircraft and
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the speed of the missile itself , so the russians have yet to fly before real controlled hypersonics and well, but in any case, everyone thought that it was impossible to shoot down kenjal, we proved that it was possible, and now we will move to the front, so that despite a rather difficult situation, i just read in front of evter that the enemy is now carrying out assaults on novo bohdanivka, if i am not mistaken. this is in the direction, if i'm not mistaken again, in the direction of the time ravine or not, whether it's new when we talk about bohdanivka, ivanivsky times, then it's exactly that section, and where the enemy has been trying to carry out offensive actions for a long time, there is a slight advance in the direction of bohdanivka along one plantation, i think it is not so critical to say that some kind of situation there has changed, but i just like it for made an introduction that the enemy there is now carrying out airstrikes, trying to... push through with these things, but on the other hand there is, well, more comforting, obviously, news from other areas of the front, we will start from the melitopol direction, well, the tokmak direction,
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let's say, because then there are two from tokmak the roads are going to melitopol to berdyansk, the work is not voluntary, what is the situation there now, at least , in my opinion, it was possible to stop the enemy a little, and at the most, even i read that there is a certain advance, well, today, in fact , the general staff meeting spoke about the fact that there is measures that... led the forces without defense in these directions , primarily around the robot, because we will remember that for a long time the enemy has been trying to press from the flanks on our bridgehead, which is about 10x10 km there and due to the attacks of these assault regiments of the russian army to complicate the state of our positions, and you , in general, remove this bridgehead from... remove, in particular, said the commander of otukhortytsia, oleksandr ternavskyi, in today's summary of the general staff, it was said
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that in the direction of zaporozhye, the defense forces repelled enemy attacks in the direction of the robot, this means that the enemy pressed from the west and these attacks were repulsed, and there were also messages from vervovoy, that is near the robot, that the forces. defenses of ukraine moved forward, forcing the enemy to leave some positions. let me remind you that it is just to the east from robotyny, and there our units entered the enemy's first line of defense, entrenched themselves there, then we were pushed back, and now the dynamic is probably such that the ukrainian armed forces have positive chances again, but we understand that constant counterattacks are taking place there. and the further situation will depend primarily on the availability of forces, reserves, and the effectiveness of the use of artillery in this area, which is now actually the main god
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of war and the main one. force to push the enemy from any direction, well, i think i don't know when these f-16 will fly into the ukrainian sky, but in any case, i see that, based on the situation with bakhmut, the situation in kharkiv oblast, and the situation in the south, it is necessary to thin out the ranks of the enemy a little, or at least scare them by the very fact of the presence of f-16s, which it can hit there at least 120 km away, well, in my opinion, such a modification is offered to us, it is already, i think, it would simplify the work of the ground forces, we absolutely hope for the f16. as an element of both air defense and a platform that can operate on the ground, but in any case we understand that now the main burden is on our soldiers and on the ground and primarily on the shoulders of our gunners, and now we will talk about certain aspects related to the mobilization and needs of the armed forces with a well- known military and politician. now we are joined by pavlo kishkar, he is a major of the armed forces, deputy commander of artivision.
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people's deputy of the eighth convocation, mr. pavle, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear, good evening, mr. serhiy, good evening, mr. vasyl, happy holidays of ukraine, thank you, and i wanted i would like to talk to you about our military and political realities, because now, conditionally speaking, the law on mobilization is being discussed, it was ambiguously perceived, today there was information that there is already a second version of the law on mobilization from people's deputy honcharenko. some emphases are changing and shifting, but i would like to ask you, like a politician who has experience in drafting bills and like a military man who knows the needs, what is needed now on the front line, how would you assess this current situation, what are his conclusions do and politicians, and the government, to speed up the adoption of that law, which we need right now to strengthen our resistance under the pressure of the enemy,
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well, i'm against it. the adoption of any laws that do not directly affect the change in the situation at the front, but in addition to society, the military also discusses the issue of the law on mobilization, from the fact that i personally made such conclusions, it is necessary to change the very name of the law, to the law on recruiting, the government must start directly with itself, what i am talking about is that there are internal... reserves, the ministry of defense, the general staff, the apparatus of the commander-in-chief, where part of the people can be released and directed to the reinforcement of those units that they consider necessary to strengthen, the state authorities can also replace part of the people with women, part of them voluntarily join the army, and we can
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release a large part of the people having carried out reforms in the security and defense sector, in particular, i insisted and insist that the system of property and housing provision should be eliminated, people should be released and sent after training to strengthen those units, it requires, and these things should be replaced by payments, if we are talking about tangible property, there should be two payments, summer and winter, if we are talking about apartment security, it is a more complicated thing, to replace it at once. payment for the purchase of housing, and such things , the government will actually show by its example how local self-government bodies, state authorities, the ministry of defense, the general staff, the ministry of internal affairs, other military formations that are involved in the defense security sector and directly carry out the military, the reflection of military aggression
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, they must show that... and the system of attracting new people, it must not go into coercion, this video that you see often happens a lot with tsc employees, it must disappear, as such, as you can see, yes , we have to invite people, conduct recruitment among young people, people who want to be involved, i have a whole series of proposals on how to do it, if er... people will be interested, we know the phone number, your letter to the national security council i am sending directly tonight so as not to forget any ideas, there is a whole series of questions about crossing the border, where people who have illegally left the territory of ukraine can be returned without any sanctions, with the only condition of origin being service in ukraine.


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