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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. friends, we are going back to et, we are analyzing for you the opinions of experts, the expert opinions of intelligent people, and now we will talk about what we hear about in the news, when, for example, those kidnapped from russian captivity are returned. of ukrainian children, or how was the extreme return of our defenders from captivity, we will talk with the lawyer of the public organization regional center for human rights, kateryna rashevska, in contact with us, mrs. kateryna, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, ms. kateryna, yesterday we were not surprised, but we just shook our heads once again when we read these un statements that stop this war, because... attention, people are dying in ukraine too,
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and in russia, that is, they emphasize the fact that in russia there are some innocents, as if , according to them, there are victims in that russia, which is another global fact of equating the victim and the executioner, here, well, but now after all these shellings, after shelling on december 29, after shelling on new year's eve in lviv oblast, after shelling of kyiv and kharkiv, kyiv region and kharkiv region on the second of january. again, the un calls for immediate steps to de-escalation, well , again under the guise that people are dying in russia as well. how can this be considered and whether such a structure as the un in principle still counts with it and whether it has any influence. look, they didn't really say anything new. let's remember the eve of the full-scale invasion, february 18, 2022 general. un secretary antonio
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gutierrez calls on both sides to de-escalate and not resolve the conflict. the question is global: did it help? did it stop the russian federation from being a permanent member of the security council, a body that is supposed to maintain world peace? no , just like any statements that are heard today, they were heard from the mouths of representatives of the security council, both permanent and non-permanent members, when the russian federation, taking advantage of its certain priorities and advantages, convened an extraordinary session. due to the situation in belgorod oblast, they are also now coming from the mouth of the representative of the office of the commissioner for rights man, the organization of the united nations , that is, nothing new, in fact the organization of the united nations cannot say: well , let's throw your missiles, kill people on both sides and see how many people are left, then obviously they are calling for peace, because the organization was created in order to maintain security, but some statements, some appeals, some search for a peaceful solution.
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today there are simply not enough of them, because there is a feeling that they are simply detached from reality, they talk about what, what we need de-escalation, some kind of peace, the second day after putin, visiting the hospital, said that he will not stop, that he will only intensify the attacks, that he is ready for peace only on the terms of the russian federation, that is, we are being pushed to such a peace or to which, a lot of questions remain, we should not expect any huge decisions from the un regarding... can settle this conflict, let's hope that at least the human rights council, after such statements by the main person, will reflect that situation, those the crimes committed by the russian federation against the civilian population in ukraine in the reports of at least an independent commission investigating the situation in ukraine, you know, we just have certain inflated expectations, who has watched the reality movie, black hoke down, the fall of the black hawk, africa, somalia think , that oh... it will be like this, the un
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has peacekeeping forces, will introduce something somewhere, but it turns out that theirs, this is a fairy tale, all their calls are to de-escalate yourself, because, well, i don't see de-escalators on russian territory , but the main problem of all this the situation is that in order to use all these peace-making mechanisms, we need the russian federation and its voice, and we ask only one thing: please use the statute. un, and if the russian federation already declares that ukraine is attacking it there and so on, although this is not confirmed information by our armed forces, then let it not vote in the security council, as provided for in the statute , let peacekeeping contingents be introduced, and let them establish peace , as it was predicted after the second world war. no, it doesn't work, i'll tell you more after at the end of january, the international court of the un will make another decision against the russian federation, and it will not comply with it, we
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will see how the organization will react, no way, so the de-escalation of the conflict sounds very cool, as if something is being done, and everyone is calling for peace, and as if the integrity of the statute is observed. but to tell the truth, these are nothing more than statements, empty words that are not confirmed by concrete measures and steps. so, i would stop at this very point, at the very same phrase, and continue, because now the un is planning to prepare and announce such a report on how russia violates the convention on the rights of the child, events should take place in mid-january, everything should be announced in february, and the first part of this report will be released. it's very cool that finally, maybe they will do something, but there is a small nuance, all this, this report will refer to the period from the 11th to the 19th year, that is, from the period of the partial occupation of ukraine, but not the period of the full-scale invasion, when actually the most crimes
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committed against children, does this report even have does it matter now, does anyone there have to pay attention to it and can the un do anything now? and does it for those ukrainian children who are under occupation, who are illegally taken to the territory of russia, eh, who are rewired according to russian standards and who are treated in general, we don't even know how. in fact, this report will be important for everyone, globally, even for international law as a whole, because this is the last chance for the united nations to do something, even pso facto, for ukrainian children who suffer from occupation territories suffering from deportation, forced transfer to russian families for adoption, for almost 10 years. when the un turned a blind eye to it , they turned a blind eye, no one reacted, and then after the start of a full-scale invasion , all these crimes simply flared up on an even larger scale and with greater, simply with greater
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brutality, and then everyone was somehow very confused, before that the reaction was quite impotent , this is the only chance to simply demonstrate as if these events bothered. at least the united nations, un committee on children and until 2022. in addition, we can already, as i mentioned, tie these events to what happened after 2022 and try to draw such conclusions that will be relevant and adequate to reality, because in fact it is a big problem of the un that we are in 2024 we will listen to a report that has been out of date for 5 years, so all these conclusions of the committee should be as closely related to the current situation as possible and aimed at preventing, firstly, the development of these violations on a larger scale, and secondly -secondly, to contribute so that these violations stop, in particular , to return ukrainian children who are currently under the control of the russian federation. ms. katrina, i have a question for you as a lawyer, because all these
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meetings, emergency convocations, and even the un assembly, this is something that is very annoying, they don't even last. to the scandalous league of nations on the eve of the second world war, they at least managed to condemn the ussr as hitler's allies, so this is a collective, i don't know what to call, like a club of anonymous anonists, and those who do nothing they can decide, except for the question of profucating the crazy international finances that are pouring in there, and this option, which is the statute, has a point of no return. there is an opportunity to change it, at least to throw out the aggressor country with a blocking vote from the security council, and there is already so much talk about this and there are already so many different legal ways to make it happen , according to your calculation, when they approach
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this deadline of such a peculiar internal one, they will be able to do it or not dare to, actually you started this question very well to me as to lawyers and absolutely correctly pointed out that in theory there are various ways to suspend at least the voting of the russian federation in the security council, ideally simply to remove it from this body, as a state that takes its place there completely illegitimately, without any legal reasons but here we return to the harsh reality of geopolitics, when states, especially permanent members of the security council, are not ready and do not have the political will to take such a step, that is, they are not satisfied with the situation of an armed conflict. between the russian federation and ukraine, they want to stop it as soon as possible, but not on the terms of the russian federation, but at the same time, in order to prevent the absolute collapse of russia and the undermining of its role as one of the five global policemen in the international arena, as far as is known, you know, there are such rumors circulating
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in various diplomatic circles that if there are any active actions to suspend the membership of the russian federation in the security council, then china will be admitted. and will stand up for the russian federation, no one needs it. so is the united states america would not like, for example, to block the right of the russian federation to vote on this issue as a party that has a dispute with ukraine. because then they will be blocked in certain issues, etc., etc., etc., that is, we have to take into account the fact that , unfortunately, ukraine hurts only ukrainians and ukraine itself, and no one here will actively fight for the re-stitching, re-stitching of the international world order, until that moment, until it finally collapses, and the russian federation is currently doing everything in order to level international law and for to simply manage international relations from the position of the right of the strong, that is why this state. arm yourself, and believe me, if you don't stop her in ukraine, she will continue to conquer the world. madam,
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we have two minutes for one more question. yesterday 's exchange of prisoners has not happened for a long time, and we thought that we talked about the fact that russia is not interested, they do not go into contact in the matter of exchange of prisoners, and here is the result: 230 ukrainians returned home, and the institute of studies war now writes that not because the russians are so... good, but it is simply beneficial for them, because thanks to this exchange they can position themselves as those who comply with international legislation, the geneva convention, do not violate anything and act within the limits of international norms of international law, or indeed this is how it might look, or should we, under any circumstances , go to all these exchanges to bring our people home, eh? the first part of the question: does the russian federation comply with the convention, and how does it look from the outside, please
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look at these prisoners of war and all , the people who have returned, it can be seen from them that the russian federation does not comply with the third geneva convention, the additional protocol one to it, that is, the treatment of these people is not humane, and the conditions are equated to torture, there is nothing more for me to comment, and therefore the second second question looks quite logically the answer to it, that so we must make every effort to return our people and return them as soon as possible, in order to save their lives. the conditions under which russian hosts the federation of our prisoners of war, as well as civilians, who are also received without any absolutely telegitimate legal basis, are inhumane, and in such conditions it is simply impossible to save, to preserve one's dignity, to preserve one's health and to finally return to a normal life after release, therefore , time is absolutely against us in the matter of the return of adult civilians. that in the issue of the return of the children, it is necessary to do as soon as possible, of course, to agree
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absolutely to the stupid, ridiculous conditions of the russian federation, when it starts there to bargain, it’s just to close all these exchanges for the future in the end, but if the conditions look plus or minus acceptable, we need to decide everything for the benefit of the people, the ukrainian people, in conclusion, we simply don’t have enough time, but look, they gave nebenzi some such a propagandistic thing, look... we are good and humane, not a word about sloth and not a word about other atrocities, in absolutely open one in the architecture of the russian fascist regime, this is about kadyrov, after all, he is , no second, but and no third in theirs architecture, kadyr opened all his security forces in chechnya, ordered them, if you cannot , for example, catch some criminal according to their... version or punish, then carry out blood revenge, that is, kill his relatives,
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this is a wild medieval thing declared at the official level , at the level of the un, regardless of benzi's license, are such things tracked there at all, are they reacted to, or is this an internal russian affair? in fact, there is a very weak reaction to the relevant appeals, which is at the level of russian politicians, high-ranking officials, which is... the russian media, which regularly calls here to simply kill and destroy the civilian population, is absolutely not guilty of anything, that is why the matter is in our hands, we must collect such evidence, document it and finally hand it over to the international criminal court, so that this person in in the future did not escape responsibility, any calls to kill even the army of a prisoner of war, not to mention his family members, to kill civilians, children and so on, they... completely contradict not only the norms of the international rights, human rights, international
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humanitarian law, but simply common to the ordinary humanity of a person, so there is nothing to talk about here, this is simply the collection of political bonuses by kadyrov himself at the regional level, which should be condemned as a global leprosy with a word in the un, we do not convey this, it is better in the hague at least, and thank you very much for the professional analysis, kateryna rashevska, lawyer of the regional center public organization. of human rights about this side of the war, and about the other side of the war, we will talk with a military expert, a former employee of the sbu, ivan stupak, in contact with our studio, mr. ivan, congratulations, glory. to ukraine, yes, congratulations, studios, thank you for the invitation to the heroes of fame. and what else can we talk about, if not about the ex-general of the security service of ukraine naumov. yesterday he got out of prison in serbia, let me remind you, on the eve of a full-scale invasion, just a few hours before the morning of february 24, he left ukraine safely, he is accused, suspected of treason,
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maybe he passed some information to the russians, such assumptions, could sing with them. work, and also, he took some money and some valuable stones with him, do you think, maybe you have some more reliable information, how many such naumovs can still be in ukraine, and in the ranks of the sbu, and even naumov himself, what will happen, he will go around drinking rakia or whatever will happen to him, well, look , as far as we know, an appeal has been filed there against such a decision, and he was... taken for his foreign passport, he is still in serbia, that is, this is legal the story, it's still going on, well, i don't know, we don't know when it's over ends, this year, next year, in three months, in three weeks, i am not unfamiliar with the local legislation, but once again, the legal history continues, on the question of how many such assumptions, well, no one really knows, because
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- first, the russians recruit people from the streets, i mean there among the local population of ukraine, but in the 23rd they recruit in june, the sbu will detain them in october, that is, these things exist, of course, they try to penetrate into various state institutions and services security, and intelligence management, and foreign intelligence services, and the president's office, everyone, everyone, everyone, that is, they need information, and trend information, what is happening in general, what are the trends, plus narrowly profiled some details in some directions, for example, on the production of ammunition, how much is produced locally? where are they manufactured, how many percent of the needs are closed, what can be done so that ukraine does not have these ammunitions, i.e. different areas of activity, i.e. there is such and such a story, ugh, but i wanted to ask you, here is a very interesting moment, when this extreme began 2 in january, a massive combined missile strike and shelling of kyiv, under the new leadership of maluk
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, we saw how quickly they reacted to what we talked about with shymanov, literally. in the morning, we talked about the fact that some broken video cameras broadcast live for the russians, where to shoot, where to fly , useful idiots, or maybe not useful, but just expensive idiots, are doing it on telegram channels, and now we already have an ambulance the reaction of four fools from kyiv, in already detained, they filmed the attack on the second day, according to the article there, they can be imprisoned for up to 12 years for such actions . at this moment, you see that they know how to react quickly, and then the question arises, if they worked out the security issue so quickly and correctly, for example, for these four telegrammen, then why can't they work out for so long, well, i don't know, for example, max buzhanskyi, for example , or bakanov's lawyer, for example, somehow it
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looks double, well look, unfortunately i can't say why exactly buzhansky, what material is there on him, there is no material, whether it is a purely political issue or a purely legal one, but it's simple, well, let's work out these fools, as you rightly noted, it 's fast, it's not difficult at all, it's not some kind of nuclear physics, in general, well, a person posted a video of his from his channel, well, what's hard to find, what kind of person is it, it's a matter of technology, they found it, searched for it, if you don't know this camera there, for example, if it's there for a general inspection, where you can verify the district, the location of this camera. and then technically, who is the administrator or the owner, it's not difficult, i 'll tell you really, i don't want to fence anyone off, but cases related to treason are extremely complex there, cases related to theft of state property are extremely complex, there are so many nuances, there are so many details, just one fact that somewhere there a person communicated or corresponded, that is
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not enough, there needs to be intent, sub' the objective side, the objective side, what information was there, there was a leak, that is... there are many nuances, except, of course, the political color, well, politics is also present, look, mr. ivan, if naumov is already suspected of treason , if there are all these e audio, which we can listen to with the crimean sbushniks in the south, and they put it out, the security service of ukraine itself put it out, we understand that at the center of the personnel and all this was a brilliant... poltava lawyer, former head of the servant of the people party, bakanov, well that is, it's somehow strange that everything has already been documented and put forward to everyone, but they say that the central character... no, go, you will be a good lawyer in poltava, well, look, i, and i can explain why he became a lawyer and instantly became a fop, physical a person is an entrepreneur, things like that
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are made solely in order to legalize your wealth, if you have earned a lot of money, and you have it lying under the sofa, under the keel, and i don’t know, there are 20 million euros, you cannot come to the bentley car dealership and say, here is a bag for you money, give it to me in bentley, you will be asked where the money approval, financial monitoring comes from? and in order for this money to be laundered, it must be passed through the system. you say: i am a lawyer, here i was paid a lot of money for consultations, i have seen such consultations, well, not in this example, here is an example, just from my experience, and a person advises another person on the first article of the law of ukraine on labor, he simply takes, cuts out the article from the internet, comments on it, puts it under the act of work performed and receives for it, well, that time it was there 10.
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mr. dubinsky, well, it would seem, well, this is a person, this is a mouthpiece, no, it is closed now, yes, he left the chat, ihor valievich kalomutsky, drinking coffee somewhere in the center of kyiv, but in a gray building , such a cheerful, one-room apartment he has a one-room apartment, it seemed, well, ihor valeriovych, it’s deep down, who can close him, they closed him somehow, so maybe they’re just hiding him from the fbi, the fbi, just so that, well, i don’t think so, well, listen, we’re so dependent on of the united states. what if the question arises: guys, you either hand it over or you don't get any help, i think that the things will be collected personally by the general of the sbu, mr. ihor valeriovych, and sent to him on an
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official plane, so understand that it will be quick. mr. ivan, one more question, we have two minutes of time left, the former commandant already isolation, the executioner, kulikovsky, was found guilty, given 15 years, and in the end we observe from time to time they keep those who sympathize, support, help russia , give positions, lead and so on, and various sentences, but there 15 is mostly the maximum they are given, i understand that there is ukrainian legislation that provides for certain types of punishments, but we understand that even if this person gets out in 15 years, and god forbid somewhere there they are released early, then it will be no less harmful, and it is not known what kind of activity will be carried out from... fences , is the ukrainian legislation ready, is it possible to do something to isolate those people as much as possible, to try to extract some benefit from them,
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so that taxpayers do not feed them, and so that they do not harm our country ever again country, yes, come on, there is a verdict of the ukrainian court, once again, we can't cut off his fingers, or i don't know how to let it go, we have legislation, we are not russians. that is, there is a sentence of 15 years, the person received, we do not know about conditionally premature history, it is possible, such a history is possible, but most likely in five or seven years, and well, from this day, from the moment of the verdict, it is one time, and we do not forget that it is probably, probably possible to exchange, not a fact , that this particular person will go to the exchange, because if he fled from his dpr region, was hiding in kyiv, that is, he does not like it there, he is wanted there, although in principle the russians can find him, if they take revenge... they can put him on the exchange, put, for example, two or three of our soldiers on one of them, and our side will not be there then it is very difficult to express myself, but no, we will
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not, of course, we understood what the prospects are, thank you, mr. ivan, ivan stupan, a military expert and an employee of the security service of ukraine in the past, now we are going on a short break, but it remains with espresso, more news will follow. attention, an incredible novelty from razpak tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska stayle boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore, they will pass as both men and women. sizes - from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once: for yourself and for your husband. side zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg. eco futro insulation. perfectly retains heat and wicks away moisture, and the top is made of water-permeable and wear-resistant raincoat fabric and reinforced with eco-suede. alaska stayle boots can be worn both in wet
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regional office. state border service for entry into ukraine.


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