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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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2:00 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention, a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. one person died, eight more were injured as a result of an enemy attack on kropyvnytskyi. earlier in the morning, the occupiers hit... the city with an
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kh-59 missile, informed the head of the regional military administration andriy rajkovich. several buildings belonging to local energy companies were damaged. emergency services teams are still working there. the survey of several partially destroyed buildings is ongoing. investigative teams continue to work and search for debris from rockets it was also damaged. resistance of the 35 kv power transmission line. because of the missile attack , there were interruptions in the supply of electricity and water in some microdistricts of the regional center. now everything is restored, the situation is under control. the number of victims of russian terror has increased . on january 2 , an 84-year-old woman died of injuries in a hospital in kharkiv, the regional prosecutor's office reports. also to doctors from
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a 23-year-old girl appealed to georgia, so as a result of a rocket attack in the city of kharkiv , two people died and 63 were injured. on tuesday in the morning, the occupiers targeted residential buildings three times, damaged apartments, shops, cafes, pharmacies and cars. the main directorate of intelligence released a video of the destruction of the su-34 bomber, which burned down at the shagol airfield in russia. the video shows how an unknown person attaches explosives to the fuselage and sets it on fire. gradually moves away from the plane. the occupiers want to hide the real situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and that is why they did not allow magat specialists into the reactor halls. this opinion was expressed by petro kotin, the president of energoatom. he emphasizes that only returns. a station
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under full control of ukraine can ensure its nuclear and radiation safety. let me remind you that yesterday the russian troops forbade the experts of the international atomic energy agency to check the reactor halls of three power units of the station. this happened for the first time, after the russian occupation of energodar. the committee on national security of the verkhovna rada today began consideration of the bill on mobilization, the deputy chairman said. faction of the servant of the people david arahamiya. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine arrived at the meeting valery zaluzhnyi and defense minister rustem umyerov. deputies will consider the document for several days in separate blocs. let me remind you that the government submitted to the parliament a law on improving certain issues of mobilization and military service. in particular, it is about changing the conscription age from 27 to 25, canceling conscription and changing the rules of delivery. summons and
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almost 9,000 criminal proceedings have already been initiated by the law enforcement officers on the facts of evasion of the military draft. this was announced by the minister of internal affairs during the telethon ihor klymenko of ukraine. according to him, a third of these cases are already in court. the minister explained that if the mobilized person did not respond to the summons, the territorial recruitment center must first draw up an administrative protocol. violation, subsequently, if a person changes his place of residence and evades mobilization, the military officer applies to the national police. the national police currently has about 9,000 criminal proceedings, 2,600 such materials have already been sent to court, this is article 336 of the criminal code of ukraine, that is, we so far we are working within the framework of the legislation.
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a butter-cheese factory is on fire in kanev, cherkasy region. the fire at the enterprise is reported to the state emergency service. the fire covered about 2,002 m2 of the roof, and black smoke covered the surrounding streets of the city. rescuers are taming the flames and ask the locals not to panic. polish farmers have resumed the blocking of the shegyny medica checkpoint, however, at the moment, no significant increase in queues is recorded at the border. as reported to espresso in the western regional office of the state border service at the entrance to ukraine 800 cars are waiting, there is an electronic queue for departure. the trucks that made it are currently being processed. drive to the border before blocking. meanwhile, the participants of the action promise to let through three trucks per hour without delays of cars with humanitarian aid and perishable goods. the protests are planned until february 3, or until the polish government signs
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a guarantee that their demands will be met. from february 1 , as part of a pilot project, ukrposhta will start delivering medicines to the de-occupied areas and the frontline. areas, such service should bind the problem available medicines in the entire controlled territory of ukraine already in the first half of next year, the ministry of reintegration reported. for this, the company must obtain a license for the sale of medicines in existing postal, stationary and mobile offices. they are also currently looking for premises in the capital that would be suitable for the first licensed warehouse and are recruiting pharmacists who will be responsible for dispensing prescription drugs. time is planned to launch a hotline for processing requests from people. in the united states, a man during the judge stormed the session. the incident happened in the city of las vegas. judge mary kay holtus sentenced delon's family in a case of
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battery causing great bodily harm. so the judge refused to release the man on bail. after that, the criminal suddenly jumped from his place. and jumping over the bench began to beat the woman. the guards tried to drag him away. the judge and one of the guards were injured. lucky rescue in the kyiv region, emergency services workers freed a wild roe deer from a metal fence. the incident happened in the village of makariv, buchansky district. the animal got stuck between the rebar of the fence right in the middle of the street. the rescuers expanded the iron.
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in vinnytsia , four-legged rehabilitators help wounded soldiers restore their psychological health: a labrador, a shepherd dog, a tapaniel boxer, and a snake. have already become physiotherapists for medics in the rehabilitation of soldiers who have received extremely severe injuries, animal therapy courses in one of the hospitals have been made part of the rehabilitation process, how it all happens, we suggest you look, and what is a snake, a snake, and what is a snake, snake opportunities in our assistants? from the rehabilitation departments in vinnytsia, where seriously wounded ukrainian soldiers are put back on their feet, dogs became rehabilitators. the contact of veterans with animals helps relieve stress and distract the boys from memories of the war , doctors say. animal therapy helps veterans reset and recover. this is
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all treatment with emotions, but it is canisterotherapy, when it is carried out, it is already proven that mental tension is relieved. aggressiveness, depression, irritability, all physical functions improve and of course, cognitive memory. serhii topin was wounded in april near bakhmut. a bullet hit a soldier of the amphibious assault brigade in the spine. serhiy was bedridden for 8 months, only here in the rehabilitation department of the psychoneurological hospital, he was put in a wheelchair, and now the man started to smile. physiotherapists. is engaged, how to say it correctly, they give confidence in themselves, the atmosphere is like that, i won't express it, they are very , very well engaged, you know how you lie for eight months, nine months in the walls you don't see
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no, nothing practical, you have walls, a hospital, i am treated with medicine, and such programs take away a little beauty. pleasantly. doctors assure that, even after such a severe injury, they will be able to put serhiy on his feet with the support of four-legged friends. he has been in... almost a month, three, 3.5 weeks, during this time he can already be in the cart, sitting for an hour, for an hour and a half, several times a day, he sits down on his own, gets dressed, he transfers from the cart with help, we still have a lot of work ahead of us, a lot of work, but oh well in a fairly short time, we have already achieved considerable success. the dominican canine center, the first to respond to the request of rehabilitation doctors. and, together with his students, took up the support of wounded soldiers. there was a positive dynamic, in addition to the dogs
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, we also brought a cat, we have not only canister therapy, animal therapy. in the future , we plan to add animals and poultry as well, for the positive recovery of our boys after the war. the animal will not judge or make fun of defects, so wounded fighters are drawn to labradors and sheepdogs. many after the course of animal therapy plans. over the purchase of a dog. anastasia holoshivets, viktoriya vurshchak from vinnytsia for the tv channel. such was the news at this time, we will see you in 15 hours more, as always, you can read on our website esreso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch on youtube. then my colleagues antin borukovskii and marta oliyarnyk continue the broadcast.
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thank you to irina koval, thank you to the news editor, we covered, if not everything, then almost everything, but we understand that many details could have remained out of the attention of our journalists, that is , we will pick up the baton and analyze all the most important ones. events of this day, at least this day, marta ulyarnyk and antin borkovsky live in the espresso studio, today we start by reminding you about the collection that the espresso tv channel wants to close for the needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar, we need to collect with you 5 million hryvnias in order to purchase drones that will help our soldiers to perform their work effectively, and i will remind you that the soldiers of the 93rd brigade... have been in the hottest directions since 2014, this is the donetsk airport and
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ilovai battles for sumy region and kharkiv region, soladar and bakhmut in donetsk region, and currently they need kamikaze drones in sufficient numbers, so please help us, let's close this collection together, have the opportunity to see on your screens qr code in privat and monobank, there are also card numbers, if it is more convenient to make a donation thanks to a bank card, then please see the number, you can copy it, take a photo, or if you have a modern smartphone, please go to with a qr code, it can be done in two clicks, and in this way you help bring our victory closer, and nato secretary general jen stoltenberg is convening a meeting of the nato ukraine council on wednesday, january 10 at the level of ambassadors at the request of ukraine after the recent russian missile and drone attacks. an emergency meeting will take place in just a few days. ukraine nato. well, now we are adding oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political spectator of
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the information resistance group, to our marathon. glory to ukraine. mr. alexander. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, i would like to start with such hot news, it is about the verkhovna rada, the relevant meeting of the committee was promised to sit for no more than three days. the head of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhny, chief of the general staff shaptala, and so on, whispered, and began. analyze the law on mobilization and so on and demobilization, your forecasts, what are they saying in expert circles? i will say this, for the adoption of this law, first of all, there must be a sufficiently fruitful communication between the military and the political environment, without it somehow prove this bill, the law, is impossible to level effectively. use , because there are a lot of points that need to be corrected
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, that need to be adjusted, and that require bilateral agreement, bilateral discussion, so only if there is a fairly close cooperation, then we can see something that really works, which can become this an impetus for mobilization for victory. and not mobilization for the sake of mobilization, but which points do you think require more careful study and communication with society? as to me, there are many of these moments, and it concerns the informational component, it concerns the mobilization process itself, it concerns issues of both informing and providing, as well as providing for the mobilized person and his family, during his stay in
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the combat zone, if he is sent to the combat zone, according to one or another... qualification, about the suitability, whether this person should be sent to the combat zone directly to the battle line, or he can be more useful, bring more precisely to be maximally effective in terms of the coefficient of useful action, useful in the physical part of ukraine, that is , there are many such points that need to be coordinated, in fact, there is very little time. for this, and it had to be done, to be frank, back in 2022, but in 2022 , against the background of providing the army with the necessary number of volunteers, ah, territorial defense, when we did not yet have, accordingly, the need for a fairly large-scale rotation , and at
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the same time in the wake of our successful counteroffensive actions in the north. sdarmi, in kharkiv, in the kharkiv region, in pravoberezhnaya kherson oblast, all this was postponed for later , everything is fine with us now, let it all happen later , but now, well, let's put it this way, we have to do all this in a realistic mode, and i have hope that after all, we are more less, let's do everything correctly and professionally, because when something is done in an emergency mode, it is not always absolutely one hundred percent... it can work precisely for efficiency, unfortunately, it must be recognized. mr. alexander, we would like to ask you about john kirby's statement, right? john kirby, let me remind you, is the coordinator of of strategic communications of the national security council of the united states of america. yeah, he said, well, this bailout was the last one. we understand that, well, the key story is
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a continuation of what kirby said, that is, when there will be a decision of the congress, accordingly, the auxiliary. the packages will be delivered in time , but, well, we understand that the congress has not yet been in session, we are all waiting, everyone is quite nervous, well, the russian propagandists have already started to spread kirby's phrase, somewhat taken out of context, but in any case, what do you think , as much as we will have in the present the situation is difficult without american help, in particular, it is about the prospects of transition to help from the european union? europe can only che... partially compensate for the lack of aid from the us, regarding the aid package that was talked about, this aid package is meant to be the last one for the final period of 2023, i will not be surprised if in the near future we will see another aid package already as of the 24th
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year, on this, no matter what anyone says, but there is still funding, it is, after all, this... the financial opportunity is in washington, so now, these statements are in some sense also pressure on the capitalist hills, on congress, on the actions of congressmen, representatives of the democratic and republican parties, speeding up the process for them to finally find a consensus, in any case, even if this consensus will not be found in january. ah, then , uh, there is a possibility, uh, of transferring this or that weapon to ukraine by other means, they are not legally correct enough in relation to the us legislation, uh, but there is such a possibility, conditionally, it can be called a plan b, about which no one knows says, allegedly, that this plan b does not exist, that it does not exist, but this plan, it actually
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exists, and it will be used in that case. if, of course, the republicans and democrats, they will generally cling to each other's horns and will not take a single step back, but it still seems to me that a consensus will be found, because this issue , by the way, is not only ukraine's, it is israel's issue, it the issue of taiwan, this is generally a fairly global, foreign foreign policy issue of the us at the level of state interests, no party in the history of the us has yet raised his internal interests over the interests of the state, well, everything happens for the first time, as they say, god forbid, of course i didn't want to. for this to happen in the united states, well, but i think that our viewers can themselves name examples of countries where these or other parties are, then mention the party of the regions, for example, or
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opzzh, for example, and another one, well, how about that they say, by the way, mr. oleksandr, you mentioned the lack of a plan b, as if kuleba just said this in an interview with cnn, and i understand that you have a slightly different take on this matter opinion, you have already briefly mentioned it somewhere, but if we talk about some serious... plan b, which kuleba says, is not in question now, because ukraine firmly believes in plan a, then what other possible resources can we attract and internal , including that this plan b of ours is strong enough and that could, in case of something, give us what we need, well, i will not reveal the possibilities that can be used in the implementation of plan b. anyone who knows the general conjuncture of the usa, how they act when transferring this or that weapon to assistance to this or that country in
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armaments, financial aid and others, they can simply say, there is a systematic systemic actions, legally established, which, which consist of what, here is a very simple scheme, let's make it as official as it happens, we will get for example, 100 shells of... 155 caliber from the usa. we don't just get these 100 shells. we receive them at the expense of the american budget. money is allocated for the transfer of these thousands of projectiles to ukraine. accordingly, this budget includes not only logistics, that is, transportation of these munitions to ukraine, as well as domestic production of compensation. of these munitions, minus 1000 of which appeared in us warehouses, at the expense of purchases in other countries that have these munitions, or at the expense of domestic
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production. domestic production is an internal order, it is a loading of the military-industrial complex of enterprises that produces it all. all this is regulated, legally, legally established, that is, there is no transfer, if all funds are not allocated for this in the budget. what is plan b? plan b is bypassing everyone legal of all these dogmas, i.e. bypassing the budget, actually allocating the same thousands of projectiles, but there is no financial foundation, no financial sub-foundation for this, i.e. it will not be carried out. in a completely different way, according to a completely different scheme, exactly how, that’s another question, but you can’t say that it’s impossible, it’s quite
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possible, and, by the way, in the history of the united states , they’ve already practiced it many times, so still after all, there is plan b, but it is not entirely appropriate to talk about it, because even at the level in the usa, it is not quite legal, to put it mildly, because there is nothing. there is no legal basis. look, mr. oleksandr, we would like to ask you about the history of massive russian attacks, we understand that there are cities that are really suffering, and here comes the tragic news that there are explosions in kryvyi rih and kropyvnytskyi. yes, i quote, now, the public, the direct speech of the public, in kropyvnytskyi and kryvyi rih, the sounds of explosions can be heard, so it was as of... two o'clock, 20 minutes there, well, we will follow for an update, well, we understand that something needs to be done about the whole thing, the air defense system is very good, but
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we understand that the russian interventionists can, so to speak, pour and pour more and more, increase, well, increase the number carriers, launchers and so on, well, maybe it’s worth starting to work on their launchers, like you, that’s definitely how it ’s done and... as far as possible, if we ’re talking about the blows that the occupiers inflict along the line of combat in villages and cities , which are located right next to the battle line, these can be strikes with the use of barrel or jet artillery, in this case, counter-battery combat works, and look at the attack, here is a simple example, the enemy raised fighter jets, which strikes our... peaceful people like this, so, accordingly, can we somehow, i don't know, one or another system adapt and corrupt this fighter on the territory of the russian federation,
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or would it be something that would not... to our friends, for example, in washington. if we are talking about the downing of russian aircraft in airspace of russia, then it is with the use, of course, of western models, or air defense, or, well, let's say , aviation, f-16 are the same. for this, we must obtain the appropriate consent from our partners. it can be official consent, or... it can be unofficial consent, they say , we use, but at the same time we do not hear any criticism from washington and from brussels regarding the use of this or that means to destroy russian aircraft, or even just destruction of russian aviation, as well as striking the russian military objects on the territory of the russian federation. it is quite possible, and it seems to me that lately we are getting closer to such a thing.
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the concept of using western weapons without the restrictions that existed in 22-23 years. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for your thoughts. oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political commentator of the information resistance group, was on espresso's airwaves. now we will take a short break and come back to you. there are 20% discounts on amicitron in pharmacies for... travel guide for you and savings. there are 20% discounts on bronchi pred in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. warning, a good offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99. durable, reliable and so powerful. and the price is only uah 99. in stores , ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200. and we offer you a light bulb that shines, even when there is no light, for only uah 99.
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