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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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but hamlet does not want to take revenge, because he is weak-willed, she despises him, and she does not give them to him, so the whole plot revolves around this collision, the aphelia is a little greta tuberg, that is, it is not a copy of that hamlet , that you wrote there once, once, once 150 years ago, but the entire canonical part entered there. nevertheless , the entire canonical part of hamlet of the classic entered there, but many new details. tell me, you once told, i have already forgotten, maybe it will be interesting for the audience, but this story to bathe or not to bathe, it is somewhere, well, i know that you have seen 80% of what you write, it is not brought from somewhere, but it is the real life of ukraine and ukrainian people and so on and so forth. and to bathe or not to bathe, is there any?
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the basis, as it were, from life, is the story of the composer nazarov and two georgian artists, gogi miskishvili and mirian shvilidze. we woke up in the morning in the country, in the lower gardens, and it was such a gray day, and you went swimming, and hogi went swimming and immediately dived decisively, and mirian in italian jacket looked so disgusted at the sea. and sat down, took a handkerchief like a handkerchief and sat down on it with a sad expression on his face, and nazarov looked at one and ran to bathe, then he looked at the second and ran back, and we immediately thought that nazarov was hamlet, and that's how it all appeared, yes, nazarov himself knows that he is hamlet, but of course he is proud, by the way, by the way, thanks to all this for... because he started writing and he is already
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putting something on he wrote hamlet to the middle and i had no choice but to join in, he even me i didn't ask, but what about pictures, do you draw something or do you do nothing? yes, i'm painting a whole series now, i'm healthy, as always, the works are dedicated to my communication with such an artist. there was a french artist from the time of the revolution and napoleon, theodore jericho, these are the reminiscences of his works, i met him in chicago, when, well, i took a museum there, which has more impressionists than in paris, and i went to see edouard manet, and got lost, and so entered the hall in french.
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romantics just in time, and then i saw a picture that depicted a chopped-up gelato, such a stale man's head on a plate, it was just the author theodore géricault, and i mean , i had a hangover, just the thing that i needed this picture in the morning, and next to this picture stood a completely frightened negro, and he to me, he i was so happy for me, as for my own brother, and he looked at me. said, sir, of course, that he is not so lonely, near this one , he and i both looked at it, that's how i became interested in this artist, that's how the idea of ​​​​making this series arose, and he liked to amuse himself by he wrote cut off with a guillotine people, do you hear, lesika, you tell me this, eh... we used to talk about you about this with
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you, but then there was no war, and now during the war, well, you can just philosophize, even irresponsibly just think , you think, maybe, now all patriots and definitely everyone should write about the war, everyone writes, very often it is such graphomania, i don’t know if graphomania exists in fine art, but i see it in literary art, it is possible to write something for... about now, do we still have to wait 10, 15, 20, 30 years to understand, i just because of this artist géricault, who witnessed , if i understood correctly, what was happening before napoleon, during napoleon and after napoleon, and he witnessed and depicted it, this is it possible to wait for something worth paying attention to in ukraine today, or? it's just a law,
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a universal law, during a war, during a revolution, it is impossible to write about one way or another about the war or revolution, nothing will work. oh yeah. well, secondly, i think, because now it is unlikely that rebart or himengway will appear there aldingon, i think that some time should pass, so that it will rethink all this, because now only some philiton things are possible, such for the evil day , such that exist today, and tomorrow no longer, or... someone can shoot, what a talent , here you understand what is the matter in ukraine , only the lazy do not write, and perhaps this quantity will grow into quality someday, well, these are my thoughts, and about russia with its great culture
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, and that is the end, the end of great culture, well , because i listen to liberals very often katsaps, they find out among themselves there. and many of them say that it's just that those who could communicate with at least a couple of words left, and those in russia, they can't communicate with a couple of words, unless it's zakhar prilepin, that's me read things by zakhar prilepin and then argued with russian writers on the topic, they believed that it was literature after all, and i said that it was not literature, well, but i did, well, i, but i sat down, you know, yes strained i finished reading this one, i get stressed when i read dostoevsky usually, it’s hard, it’s like that, well, it’s work, it’s not, it’s not entertainment, yes, but you just don’t need to read it, no, no, i want to tell you that i did something completely different, maybe because i literally
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read something for the next time before the war, a month or two or three later and concluded that if you read dostoevsky, only in this case you will understand, you will understand these inner eyes... wives of katsapism, because he precisely describes the absurdity and lack of cause and effect relationships in any katsap from nobles to some cleaners, it's just complete absurdity, but this one absurdity can only be understood by reading dostoevsky, who himself was an absurdist, let's be honest, we won't lie, and this great russian culture will die at the same time ... that's because it's simply not possible , there's no spirituality anymore, because before at least the spirituality of the church fell upon the church, and now the church says: we must fight to the last hilt, so what the hell is the spirituality here, listen, well, it didn’t start now, i think that
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they haven’t produced a single word for a long time, so and as for the great russian culture, it seems to me that this is greatly exaggerating. that is completely exaggerated, i think that, well, they say about the 19th century, how, and i always thought that i believed that soviet, for example, literature was much stronger than classical russian, but all that died, it died a long time ago, it was strongly somewhere in the 30s, and that's it... that's the end of everything, and here they are, starting there from somewhere in the 50s, 40s, they produce absolutely nothing, well, even then, that means the end of the history of russian, because
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earlier they could at least say that in we have great literature, and if there is not, there is no great literature, then maybe it is great for scientists, you know? that's how i , as a quasi-pseudopcheni, study the russian character by reading besov, or there is a teenager, and yes, yes, okay, you can do it like that, there are no questions to study , but it is not for the general public, and no one in their right mind will simply read this multi-volume tolstoy horror, well, because well, not because it won't be the end, it won't be, why i don't know, it won't be. everything will not be, well, for example, i always believed that there is a lot of soviet literature better than the classical 19th century, that such people as the babeli platonov , no one will reach them, but all this, all this is in the past, and
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why, well, yes, the babeli platonov, of course, well, stylistically it is completely different, this, well, this that... is it something so exceptional or if yes, well, it's brilliant, yes, it's absolutely brilliant, but it is no longer there and will never be again and... for them, for example, the guru is pilevin, personally i i will not read it, well, i also read pilevin, but i did not find it, well, yes, i understand that i am after the first page, i i know what it's all based on, what the structure is, these are all moscow antlers, it's just me more or less. where does the construction come from, and this is written for the sake of this construction,
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there is nothing else there, this text, however good, well, well, yes, well, that is, this is this moment of perestroika and coolness, it is, as it were, the last gasp of russia as such in any guises, yes and in fiction, in fine arts. these philosophies, it’s as if, well, that’s exactly what they breathed, they say that before death there are a lot of people, they somehow come to life for 15-20-30 minutes, the day before yesterday i was reading chekhov, how he asked for champagne, said that he hadn’t drunk champagne in a long time, drank champagne, said, well, now i’m dying, well, with pleasure, because i haven’t drunk champagne in a long time, then suddenly i drank it and well, you can die, but these last 5 minutes he was so... lively, even the doctor described him, a german, well, it was all in germany, in the black forest, he says that he
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was as if he had shown himself as a person, already some kind of blush, which appeared, and died immediately, that is, it is such a person, we see such a person before the dying person is like that, well , do we want to see it, we, maybe we don’t see it , but we talk ourselves into it, abigo, it’s all frivolous, po... okay, potichka, so i want to tell you all that you saw the conversation two irresponsible ones, instead of what you usually saw in good soviet films, now you saw two bad guys, one more, the other less, and generally behaved absolutely not, well, on the other hand, how to watch, you know, i think that we are cheerful, carefree, normal people and... what kind of people should be even in times of war, because putin's main goal is for us all to be caring and cry, when we laugh and
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carefree, that's exactly what putin doesn't like, but they say that with whom you celebrate the new year, with that, that's the way the new year will be, then i think that after all, since i hope that at least once there was such a, well, i 'm not saying that a smile, but such a smile for us, well, such a thought about a possible smile, maybe that year will bring? to us not only a smile, but also a laugh , happy new year everyone from september, from poderevyansky, these are beautiful people, i hope to see you, amigo, next time year, finally drink some kind of medicinal drink, good luck, you mentioned this soviet cinema, i , as taras wrote, i am afraid, as i remember, the tv, the christmas tree. there is also semi-sweet, no , come on, i explain to everyone, i am, we
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are absolutely antipodes, i adore exactly those, not even the last ones, but the 50s, and then he tells me, how can you even even for a second to turn on, how in general, and i say, you know, when it’s a lie from the beginning, that is, there is no lie, then this is how we... once said that sometimes kitsch seems like art, that is at first it's kitsch, kitsch, kitsch, kitsch, but there comes a certain moment when you see, the same way in soviet cinema, when, when there is, when there isn't , you know, well, artists know how to show light, you have to surround darkness do, then the light emits, it, it is so, bright, caravaggio, yes, caravaggio, the same, yes, and what is, what is music? that, as they say, music is a picture, and then the frame, what, and the frame is silence, because the music then arises
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in the background of silence, then you see, you hear, and that 's when, and when i understood that this is art, when there are no lies at all, clothes, food, furniture , uh, music, architecture, words, sentences, etc... you look at all of this and you understand some kind of film from 1953 or 1955, but they started filming back in stalin, you just understand that this is already an art, you have to somehow have a special... some special exercises to achieve the fact that there is no truth anywhere, you see, women's shoes, you know for sure, there were no such shoes anywhere , you see everything that cannot be, because no one can beat, as our great said, as he i told myself, i was a khohol, well then there were no ukrainians, there were khohols, i mean chekhov
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, he said without offense, well, that’s it, we messed up something again, thank you for your attention to... everything is fine, i hope everyone liked it, and who didn't like it, well, well, we can't do anything about it, bye-bye event, bye-bye audience, bye-bye, happy new year, wow, i went for a walk, water, there 's not enough ordinary water here, drink reo. i'm saving myself. reo. you are ready, dear. finished. took reo. reo. water for special medical purposes. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and you are in the world cartoons click and around the universe of cinema. and further. oh, what is needed. my turn on hundreds of channels
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, thousands of movies and sports. a special performance is legendary. on january 8, the stage of the lviv opera, tickets on the website of the organizer big show ua, information partners, espresso tv channel and radio fm halychyna. live sound. this is a truly intriguing film, a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder, we will bring harmony. where there are errors, we will bring the truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady. whether everyone loved her or not supported its reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method of
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not being able to think she could be wrong. but there is no doubt that it was thatcher's reforms that laid the foundations for... the work of the state many years ahead. she was the prime minister who truly eradicated socialism from the system. in today's world there is a great shortage of leaders of the caliber of margaret thatcher. it is all the more interesting to take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. documentary film thatcher. only forward. january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 at espresso. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. bribes, treason and decisions against defense capability. judge doljko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private
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company. which of the judges stood out last year? cars are constantly changing on it. greetings, this is judicial control and i am tatyana shustrova. together with the team, i congratulate you on christmas and new year holidays. we believe in the victory of our armed forces, whose courage and resilience impresses the whole world. and thanks to whom you and i have been following the judicial reform taking place in ukraine, which is one of the key requirements for our accession to the european union. summarizing the results of the year, let's remember... those desperadoes, representatives of the old system, who tried with all their might to disrupt important transformations for ukraine, and fortunately they did not succeed. the judge of the zinkiv district court of the poltava region, serhii dolshko, in his court decision called
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the ministry of defense and the cabinet of ministers private companies, and the laws on mobilization and martial law - copyrighted. according to the case materials , a resident of donetsk region who is a military serviceman and suitable for military service, who received two summonses for military service, the first in january, and later in march 23, ignored both summons, although he was warned of criminal charges liability for draft evasion. judge doljko acquitted him, the servant of themis based his decision on the fact that the laws of ukraine and the decrees of the president on... mobilization and martial law, which are called so-called in the verdict, are allegedly author's works the so-called laws of ukraine, which are legitimized under the guise of laws, are auto -authored works, have no constitutional basis, are not laws in substance, are not mandatory for implementation by the people, are offers from an entity that provides
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public administration services, these normative acts have the status of being applied, and are not legally valid legislation. in addition, judge dolshko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company, referring to the fact that the department has... the identification code of a legal entity. the same the cabinet of ministers also called it a private company. the judge claims that the ukrainian government owns the private foreign company dandbreet, citing foreign registries. also, the judge believes that territorial staffing centers do not have the right to staff the armed forces of ukraine, but can only offer to conclude an employment contract. at the same time in the sentence. it is emphasized that coercion into a labor contract is a form of slavery. however , judge serhiy dolshko is not the first to surprise with his logic when making court decisions. in 2021
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, he justified the illegality of the introduction quarantine in ukraine, and in 2018 he acquitted a businessman who was detained while handing over a bribe to the chief of the zinkiv police. within a year , he closed the case against ex-chairman zinki. of the district state administration, who submitted the declaration in time and was running away from the police. at the end of april, the security service of ukraine detained the head of the poltava district court , larisa bogomolova. she is suspected of treason due to alleged cooperation with the russian fsb. at the beginning of the war, bogomolova worked as a judge in the berdyansky district court, after. capture of the southern city voluntarily remained in the temporarily occupied part of the zaporizhzhia region. according to law enforcement officers, she allegedly urged
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other employees to support the russian occupiers and cooperate with them. and those who refused to cooperate were handed over to the fsb. bogomolova gave the occupiers information about the transfer of three azov fighters from mariupol to the mangosha district. the russians killed these servicemen. the security service of ukraine published an audio recording of bogomolova's phone conversation with the occupier. today we heard information that three people from azov somehow they got out of mariupol. can you hear me yes, i hear you, yes. and they will go here so that you keep it in mind. judge larisa bogomolova, without remorse, betrayed the employee of the russian fsb and all of her own. colleagues who had a pro-ukrainian position , can i ask you, do you have a list of judges, there are not so many of them, of course, and you can mark for me those who
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are an ardent opponent of all this, i can, mark and send me a photo, either please in telegram, good, good, good, except for the frank knocking, larisa bogomolova for of the russian occupiers, she also performed the work of a personnel officer, in particular, according to the investigation, she helped form the occupier. a division of the ministry of emergency affairs of russia, and also recommended to her russian curator the candidacy of gauleiter berdyansk and the heads of one of the captured local hospitals, so i will make a list for you, you better call me one more time, tell me, ask me one more time, i will tell you for sure, you must we will definitely use it, if i know something, i will tell you for sure, if i don't know something, i will say: i'm sorry, i don't know, okay, we've agreed. what i don't know, i can ask someone i know, and i know half a city. the court took larisa bogomolova into custody without bail,
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and the lawyers tried to cancel her arrest, assuring that the judge had a serious illness. in particular, it was emphasized that bogomolova has been suffering from cancer and diabetes since 2017. also lawyers of larisa bogomolova. that all the information about the azov fighters, which she gave to an employee of the russian fsb, is not true, according to the decision of the zaporizhzhya court of appeal. according to the testimony of the suspect, the information that was reported to the employee of the fsb of the russian federation is fiction, does not contain reliable data that was known to her, any coincidences are accidental. however, prosecutors did not find confirmation of these words. court. left bogomolova in custody. the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office
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exposed a kyiv judge for bribery. of the odesa district court, lyudmila saltan. according to the investigation, the judge received $400 from a citizen for passing a positive decision in a civil case in his favor. she was detained immediately after receiving funds. currently, her actions are qualified under the third part of article 368 of the criminal code. obtaining an unlawful benefit. judge lyudmila saltan has for a long time. ambiguous reputation, questions about her integrity arose long before her detention. the ukrainian judge, whose only source of income, according to the law, is only salary, lives in the elite cottage town of sauvignon 3 near odessa. here she has 10 acres of land and a house of 400 square meters. according to avtomaidan experts, its
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current value is in 2009 it amounted to uah 1,282, this is lyudmila soltan's 21-year salary, as of 2011. today, this estate can be worth from 550 thousand dollars, at least 20 million hryvnias. soltan declared that this house is officially worth about 2 million hryvnias, although... in our opinion, it is her price is underestimated, when we filmed and flew over this house, it was 2016 there, then the judges did not have this a huge salary, as they have now, she also does not have any income except the judge's salary, then at that time it is quite difficult it was explained exactly how she could
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buy such a... house. in her declarations , lyudmila saltan also indicated the presence of an apartment in odesa of 68 m2. the judge also likes expensive cars. in 2013, she bought a new volkswagen tuarec. its value at that time was at least $50,000. this is soltan's total income for three years. cars are constantly changing on it. she had a volkswagen. oh and she sold and bought newer ones, she currently has an audi q7, also 2019, at least it was 2019 in the 2020 declaration . lyudmila saltan was appointed as a judge in in 2009, in 2017, the verkhovna rada voted to elect her as a judge for an indefinite period, and already in
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2019 in... the higher qualification commission tried to dismiss her due to ineligibility for the position. then soltan simply failed the qualifying assessment. judge saltan of the kyiv district court of the city of odesa received less than 50% of the maximum possible score for the performance of the practical task, and therefore did not pass the exam and cannot be admitted to the second stage of qualification assessment for the position held. petition for the dismissal of the higher qualification commission of judges was transferred to the higher council of justice in january 2019. the latter undertook to consider it only after one and a half years in august 21st. however, it still did not satisfy. so lyudmila saltan remained in office. she administered justice, until she finally fell for a bribe. this was
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the final digest of the judicial control program, see you in exactly one week. 18:00 in ukraine, for your attention news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. it was loud today in the temporarily occupied crimea. the sounds of explosions were heard in balaclava, yevpatoria and sevastopol. at least a dozen of them were heard in the last one. the so-called local governor, razvazhaev , assured that their air defense had worked successfully. they allegedly shot down over the peninsula.


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