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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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and by the way, with the help of tiktok, in the same way that russia attacks ukrainians in social networks, well now, let's take the end of that year and the beginning of the year of the 24th, what are they aimed at first of all? today their key ipso is to incline ukraine to peace negotiations, and all their possibilities that exist are involved here, to incline ukrainians today to pseudo-negotiations on peace is to give... putin the opportunity to concentrate his forces, to withdraw as many troops as possible, in order to to hit ukraine again, but already, as he considers, insignificant a blow that would destroy ukraine completely. therefore, for the sake of this, today they include in the process all their canned goods, which are spread around the world, supposedly experts, but in fact, they are pseudo-experts who promote the ideas of russian peace, which need to be talked about, need to be breathed out. such a thesis so that people stop
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dying, but everything that putin is doing today, we have seen, this is all already in the 14th year, yes, these attempts to settle the situation by peace with putin ended in february of the 22nd year, and what about in general narratives and grant-narratives, their actually grant-narratives not much, this is ukraine, a non-existent state and a non-existent statehood, it is about the fact that we... weapons and everything that is provided here are provided by partners, it is all dying, this is a question of our weak economy and energy, although, well, how can it be today a strong economy, when the country is actually in its 10th year of war and the second year of a full-scale war, and there are many sub-narratives under these grant-narratives, another one of the grant-narratives is the breakdown of our mobilization, and even today the goals are working in them there are tv companies that... generate
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a lot of fake fake videos supposedly from the front line, where our soldiers complain, where they throw down their weapons, where they are, well, a lot of all this stupidity that you have seen, well , because of what they do on the fly, it all breaks down just like it is, you know how it is, well , really, the facts are not inappropriate behavior , let’s say with citizens there are obviously tsk workers, but there are moments when this is also done, a certain video is thrown, yes, when there, well , very revealingly, a man shouts, guys, save me, some woman appears, a fight starts, and all this looks very caricatured, sometimes, sometimes not no it's a caricature, sometimes you really believe it, and here, well, or you don't see the beginning of this story, but maybe someone there was rude, rude, maybe someone was drunk, maybe someone threw himself at that tsc employee, the point is not that, we see only what they want to show us. and how important it is here
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to distinguish, first of all, the guys from the front line, because today ukrainians have the greatest trust in the armed forces, and when i saw such a video, when a soldier is sitting in a car or in a trench there, he says, guys, he says, don’t go here, run away from mobilization by any means in any way, by any methods, we are meat, and you listen, and there are quite adequate people, sometimes not very adequate, how to distinguish here, with a cool head, and as soon as you see something as hyperbolized as possible, then 90 percent, and it's... the russians are pushing you this information bubble that 's primarily emotional, so with a cool head, look, check the facts, check the dates, check the source, where it came from, where it went, counter center experts disinformation takes from one minute to 10-15 minutes to, well this fake can be refuted if it is well made. it takes 10-15 minutes for a very
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high-level analyst to check this information, of course, a person who does not have constant, well, contact with fake checking in his life is quite easy to deceive, so i recommend showing him, for example, from telegram, now open phone and see if you see that several channels duplicate the same information almost in one minute. with one with the same headings, then most likely you have already been driven into a certain informational one bubble, you were forced to subscribe to a dozen channels that are actually part of the same network, and this is how the enemy creates this pseudo-reality, an alternate reality, into which he is trying to push you , just as they pushed the russians, by the way, i am subscribed to espresso in a telegram, to tsyplienko, to bratchuk, to golovko. no,
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well, that is, i already distinguish, but thank you for this advice, it is always useful for me, because the enemy constantly creates new fakes of his own, and this is very important and useful for the audience. andriy shapovalo, acting as manager. of the anti-corruption center under the council of national security and defense of ukraine, of course, be careful, be prudent, be always, try to keep a clear head and adequate thinking in any situation, and do not believe everything they tell you and everything they show you , this is not always true, yes, but we will receive objective information from our colleague serhiy zgurets, who is actively working on the verification of this or that information, provides high-quality analytics, he is the host of the progra column, military summaries of the day and the editor of the defense agency, for the question , which already stirred up social networks so precisely , well, people, and such thinking, active ones, referring to the open databot platform, where it is written that kb luch is in a state of cessation
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of activity, this enterprise is also in a state of bankruptcy, and betrayal has begun, you can support it, or you can to explain what is happening with the design bureau, which makes, well , let's say, no... stugni and many other things. please. indeed, until recently the luch state design bureau was and remains a leader in the production of high-precision weapons. this is both neptune and a whole line of high-precision ones anti-tank guided missiles. the company has orders, the orders are increasing for the next year, the production volume is also increasing, and of course, the information that in open data boot that the luch company is bankrupt and is located. in the last bankruptcy there, of course, it caused a significant number of questions, including to me. what is the objective situation? now, in fact, kb luch is changing its form of ownership, becoming a joint-stock company from a state-owned enterprise, it is exactly this process that now covers all
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enterprises that are the basis of the ukrainian defense industry of the new joint-stock company, and now exactly this process is taking place, in open data boot itself. there is no line of termination due to stockpiling, and in fact this line of bankruptcy is highlighted, so in fact it is just the kind of formal indicators that have somewhat excited our viewers who follow the fate of our defense enterprises, so in any case it is not about bankruptcy at all of the leading enterprise, it is about a change in the form of ownership, which actually will be reflected in a new form after a certain time status of kbm. and then we will talk in the same way about missiles, about 200 missiles from britain for ukraine, but it is not stormshadow, about the situation near avdiyivka in a conversation with our military and about war, technology in a conversation with manufacturers of systems of rebi-shock unmanned complexes, about all this for moment. so,
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after... such massive attacks by the enemy on our territory, which took place there on december 29 and january 2, the british ministry of defense made a decision to promptly strengthen the air defense capabilities of ukraine. for this, ukraine will receive 200 from britain rockets these missiles are not stormshadow, of course, they are missiles with an aym index of 132 and rams, which are actually air-to-air missiles for fighters, but... due to sufficiently high energy, they can be used as anti-aircraft missiles, such a missile has a range of 25 km, when launched from a ground launcher, it is about half the size, and the british just made such a launcher based on
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a supakat truck, and a certain number of such anti-aircraft missile complexes are already on standby in the ukrainian army and are used to fight the enemy. we targets, here is the video that we saw before, it was actually demonstrated for the first time sometime in october of last year, the launch of these missiles at enemy targets, and these missiles have a thermal homing head and are effectively used to fight against the shahed and with russian cruise missiles, so, in any case, this is an aid of 200 missiles for these new air defense systems, well, a very necessary step to strengthen our air defense. and then we will turn our attention to the front line, because there everything depends on weapons and on courage and skill of our soldiers, and where avdiivka now remains the most intense area. in total
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, there were 32 combat clashes around avdiivka yesterday, which is actually more than half of what happened along the entire front line, and it continued today and... we will talk with our guest about what is happening there now. in particular, we are joined by dmytro lazutkin, he is the head of the public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently defending avdiivka. mr. dmytro, i welcome you to channel espresso, glad to see and hear, my greetings, good evening to all, please tell in more detail what changes have happened in your area, where your famous famous 47 brigade is located, because we know that they are now protecting the area in the steppe zone , and there was information that a couple of days before that, there was some kind of silence, but it was less so, today the commander of khortytsia, general tarnavskyi said that , on the contrary, activation is now taking place in all directions
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of the front line, including just avdiivka. what in what is happening to you over the last couple of days and today? during the new year's holidays, the intensity of battles, shooting battles , primarily decreased, indeed, the number of enemy attacks is now increasing, but enemy shelling did not stop, because... rockets were actively used, and cabs, and artillery worked their, and mortars, and actually speaking, with the support of mortars and artillery, small infantry groups tried to gain a foothold in the village of stpv, where close -range battles are fought almost daily, every morning at dawn they try to enter, are trying to gain a foothold, there are actually not many places where you can do it, there are certain basements, there are... no meadows where you can take positions one way or another, they are trying to do it, our military
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is knocking them out, despite the fact that the weather conditions not too favorable, there was even a slight thaw, but still it’s dirt, it’s a swamp, we understand that it’s not so pleasant to sit in the trenches, especially under fire, but nevertheless the soldiers of the 47th separately mechanized brigade really fulfill the tasks assigned on them, they track the enemy, and yes... they attack, are counterattacking, it should also be noted that the occupiers tried to carry out attacks in the direction of berdychiv, well, traditionally, the side of the avdiivskyi coke plant, which remains under the control of the ukrainian army, several adjacent units, and representatives of our brigade, and now, as i understood from your words that in fact the eastern part of the steppe is now in a gray zone because the enemy is trying to approach there. your brigade destroys it, and did the enemy manage to climb over the railway, did he succeed
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to gain a foothold there on the western part of the railway, which is actually right there and borders right on the steppe? well, they quite regularly cross the railway , suffer huge losses there, i think that most people saw it, well, who was interested, at least yes, there are a lot of videos on the internet, there are videos and photos where... the field is simply not all corpses, in that including from zaliznytsia, in fact, starting from krasnohorivka, and our strike drones work very efficiently, very skillfully, filigree, in some places, i would even say, and our artillery is also very works well on infantry, well, when bradley is connected, the occupiers really, really have something like a feeling of universal horror, because bradley works well on bmp 3. and on tanks, and on infantry, so the result and effect have bradley crews,
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which are used in this section, primarily due to their mobility, efficiency, especially in high-speed work, the suddenness of this machine has already been proven more than once in the donetsk direction, where in fact, if compared with the zaporizhia direction, there is more room for bradley in order to in order to to realize... its power due to the fact that , after all, there was an offensive there, there was mining , there were separate areas through which they entered, here there are, there are more opportunities, let's say, in the berdochy area, in the stepovoy area and near the coke-chemical plant, well, indeed, when we mention bridley, in fact, she dominates the battlefield now, those people, i, in particular, when i observe the work, well, your crews, how they destroy the mtlb, there and drive out the enemy infantry so in such dynamic maneuvering actions, well, it really shows a great. sterility in your soldiers, but i would like to ask if there are any other technological solutions at this stage that
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can relatively speaking, well, strengthen our defensive or offensive capabilities, because now it seems that we need to somehow , well, a little bit relieve our infantry, which is currently on its own the main burden of combat operations, how they can be figuratively speaking strengthened by technical or technological solutions on the battlefield, you absolutely. the right-wing infantry really has moral and willpower qualities , despite fatigue, despite exhaustion, holds the defense and holds the battle lines practically unchanged for a long time, if we talk about... about other means, well, first of all, you understand that the number of those means that we have, if there are more of them, then this can already lead to a certain effect in our favor, well that is, if there were, for example , 10 times more bradleys, there would be more shells, so here we can talk about increasing both the amount of what is already there
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and ammunition, if it becomes more, again, i think , that... each of the commanders will only be happy, well, if we talk about some technical means that are modern and very effective in the field today, of course we are talking about epividrons, we are also talking about drones that conduct reconnaissance and rep and rr tools, which are now extremely necessary, because in principle high-quality rep tools can level the preference of one or the other. parties in drones, because the drones will fall, will land in the wrong place, or will hang in the air and exhaust their energy reserve, that is, in any case , reb is now actively used both on that side and on ours, were there were cases when they planted their own drones with their reb, there were cases when the rep
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actually did such things, the means of the rep were made so that... the sky, the sky became practically clear, that is, it is quite serious, now trench reb is also used, that is, on small ones of small power, but which does not allow fividrons to work, and means of radio-electronic warfare are also installed on armored vehicles, that is, this is a serious thing that should not be forgotten and at the state level, it is necessary to develop and pay as much attention as possible, because... it very prospective, but is it possible to conclude that over a certain period of time the situation with fpv drones in your brigade with reb means has improved, well, maybe against the background of the president’s visit to this part of the front, or some such positive changes exactly in these two components of the technical equipment of your brigade? well, it seems to me that
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positive changes are taking place because many foundations, many volunteers help, and the state as well. helps, well, it was a good initiative of the mayors of the cities of dnipro, lviv and of kyiv, yes, when they are stationed there, even more fpv drones were handed over to those brigades fighting in the avdiiv direction, believe me, the enemy feels it, and again i will note the skill of our bradley crews and our crew operators working on the resets and which also destroy quite a lot of... actively enemy manpower and equipment that appears to cover these assaults to the enemy. mr. dmitry, i cannot but ask if there is an understanding now regarding the evaluation of the actions of the enemy's plans for the near future, because there were reports from various sources that the enemy is accumulating forces there, novoselivka is the second, there are other regions, which
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is evidenced by your data there, within the limits of what is possible, regarding the enemy's nearest actions on yours. area, well, there are different, different data that, indeed, they have not accumulated many tanks in this direction, where they will use them, in what way, so far, it is difficult to predict, again, for this, you need to have the whole range of information on to the entire front line, and i am convinced that our intelligence is working, and so are our leaders operations of this direction, commanders. they understand what and how to do it, now there is a certain intensification of hostilities , after all, and i will remind you once again that their artillery did not stop working either for the new year or after, and likewise, similarly, they did it quite densely , so it cannot be said that
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they are exhaling somehow, well, maybe it is some time of regrouping. but again , our leadership is also likely to draw conclusions and build defenses in such a way that they continue to be as effective as possible, and the enemy suffers, continues to suffer huge losses. mr. dmytro, thank you very much for your comments, for what you and your brothers are doing for our country, i would like to remind our viewers that dmytro lazutkin was on the air, he is an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, the head of the public relations service. of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently protecting avdiivka from the russian invasion. and then we will talk about the production of equipment and weapons and the confrontation of the beast. in the field of technology, the prime minister of ukraine denys shmygel said that last year the volumes arms production in the country has tripled,
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the task for this year is to achieve a sixfold increase, these are such significant goals and difficult goals, but at the same time we understand that actually our entire defense industry, that is 80%, are private companies, and especially private companies provide just that. these qualitative changes should provide the changes that the prime minister is talking about, and these private companies work in different fields, and now we will talk with the director of one of these companies to understand what challenges are currently being solved by the directors of such small and of medium-sized enterprises that are really focused on helping our armed forces, we are joined by vadym kodachigov, he is the director of kort, a company that develops defense and radio electronic technologies. including combat drones , mr. vadim, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, congratulations, sirok, i greet you personally and i congratulate the audience that is watching you, and i would like to use
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the example of your company to understand whether there are positive changes, so that i know your persistence in promoting various projects assignments that the armed forces need, sometimes ignoring any bureaucratic barriers that stand in the way. of your company, i would like to hear where the biggest advancements, successes are in your products in the field of reb, unmanned complexes, what did you manage to do over the past year? well, over the past year, we were actually able to do a lot, and our greatest achievement, or rather not our achievement, but the greatest achievement of the government, is the resolution of the possibility of purchasing unmanned systems and radio-electronic warfare at the expense of... budgets, this is significant promotion, there is much less than any bureaucracy, and now we are already taking part in tendering our products , it is very competitive in our country, so
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we hope that this direction, it will move forward and give much more orders and we will cooperate much more deeply with the military units, secondly, one of the biggest achievements is that the brigades and teams themselves... the brigades, which are quite advanced people who care in their personnel, they are quite they are in close contact with us, and we conduct developments with such brigades as the third assault brigade there, the 92nd brigade there, this is the main intelligence department, the security service, they are very sensitive to everything there, and we constantly develop new concepts of combat application, and according to this combat, well, according to this... concept, we are developing a new technique that works very effectively at the front. by the way, the brigades themselves now have the opportunity to purchase those samples that they consider
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effective and necessary. yes, this is the basic achievement that we have now the opportunity to conclude such tripartite contracts is the acquirer, you, who finances city budgets, or city budgets or village budgets. plus the second party is the buyer, these are the crews who then use our products, and the manufacturer is us, and we are able to meet the needs due to such tripartite agreements, because at the moment we are able to produce up to four there and we can to develop up to 10,000 products there per month, but we have not yet entered into government contracts, because now... well , we have almost finished the procedure, now we we are waiting for who will come to us as a customer , after which we will sign contracts with the ministry of defense,
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at the moment, contracts are so complicated, vadim, you are talking about contracts for unmanned systems and for means, for means of radio-electronic warfare, which must be purchased by the ministry defense because of these new procedures because of these two new agencies that are now created, yes, that is , in fact, even before this new experience you do not have yet. no, there is not, not yet, well , we count on the fact that today is only there on the fourth of january, that's why it's probably there, maybe we hope that by the end of january we will have a contract and we will start large -scale mass production, because we are able to do it, and what the military units are most interested in now are the strike systems of your production or rather means of rebs to fight against... we are free complexes no, well, you know me from the first day, so you know that i am the combat commander myself, that's why i constantly develop new ones.
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things that will be, now we have a new concept, we are now, that's me so directly i will say to the ether, let them go there, bastards, we are now declaring war on drone operators, we are not so much using drones, as we have a new development, this is a new concept of a droneless attack and reconnaissance squadron that will intercept and destroy enemy operators, now we are... planning a whole series of activities that will be aimed at ensuring that we train enough crews to intercept and destroy the operators, the operators themselves, we one operator is about a hundred ftvi, so we are now planning to start a hunt specifically for operators, this is a new concept, but then i will ask about what might be important for other companies,
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how... through well, it is possible to scale the production of electronic warfare means, what are the main obstacles on this way and where should should the state help such companies, which conventionally speaking, well, want to do more, but cannot due to certain limitations there in terms of financial and technical organization, what does your experience show? the production cycle of electronic warfare means is about three months, additional development is another three a month, it’s like that, well, if you’re very energetic, then it can fit into four months of development and serial recording of serial production, the main bottlenecks here arise from the perspective of the fact that the radio frequency segment is changing very quickly, here we are we do exactly that, we make the newest things all the time , sometimes on fivies, then on airplanes, we develop the latest
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communication systems, we develop there... navigation systems, we constantly change the tactics of combat use, and unfortunately, orcs are not completely morons either, and they are learning, they are they learn from our mistakes, from their mistakes, they also constantly play with it and we have to say that somewhere they even catch up with us, somewhere we catch up with them, but we are 100% not behind and in some segments we are ahead of them, but in their state, even in them, the state reacts faster, because they , well, let's say this, allocate crazy money for procurement and purchase an elemental base from china, buying almost everything there, our partners there, which are european countries, they are watching, they are not they are deploying production, not production there radio element base and we are forced
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to go there. all over the world and scrape where we can, that's the biggest problem. mr. vadim, unfortunately, time is running out quickly, thank you for the work you are doing for our armed forces, creating new models, and i will remind our viewers that vadim kodachigov was on the air, this is the director of the kord company and a former fighter 241- th brigade. these were the main results of the day, and more international... and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. good evening, we are of ukraine. thank you very much to serhii zgurets, thank you to his guests, these were the military results of the day and the second hour of the big air show world of ukraine with yuriy fizar is ahead. money during the war with oleksandr morchivka will also be in
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the news today. and the weather from natalka didenko, where it will be cold and when it will be cold, and where it will be very cold in ukraine, we will learn now about the most important news as of this hour. residents of sevastopol and yevpator heard the explosions loudly in the temporarily occupied crimea. commander of the air force of the armed forces mykola olyschuk of ukraine confirmed the combat work of our defenders. the defenders destroyed the command post of the invaders, the strategic committee of the armed forces of ukraine noted. the occupiers themselves report on the allegedly successful work of theirs. all 10 missiles were allegedly shot down over the peninsula, but there was a casualty due to falling debris. the so -called local governor, razvazhaev, emphasized that this is one of the most massive attacks on the peninsula in recent times. unfortunately, one person died and two others were injured in stanislav in the kherson region, the enemy shelled the settlement with artillery, the regional prosecutor's office informs. a 62-year-old local resident was fatally injured.


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