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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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mr. valentin, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you on the new year. thank you, mr. valentin. with the new achievements of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, a su-34 tactical bomber burned down today in chelyabinsk, russia, at the shagol airfield. we are talking about a special operation of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense. and we are talking about the fact that this plane. belonged to the aviation regiment of the 21st mixed aviation division of the aerospace forces of the armed forces of the russian federation e-e and of course, as the russians write, the reasons for the ignition aircraft are being specified. what do you say, mr. valentin, about the special operations that we can and do on the territory of the russian federation, how extensive they can be and how extensive the losses of the enemy... can be
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scaled, these are extremely painful losses of the enemy of russia, because they are happening precisely on the territory of russia, and at rather remote airfields, in this case, quite far from ukraine, but the most important thing is for us, for our victory, in order to stop terrorist missile attacks on ukraine, kyiv, kharkiv and all other cities. it's long past time for us to destroy, especially such bombers, fighters, such as the su-34, by the way, it was still soviet in the 90s, it appeared, it is like the su-34, and i congratulate our scouts, who simply burned it , burned, and moreover, you, mr. serhiy, very correctly point out that it is the mixed division of tra-ta, air forces. aggressor, but
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it is mixed precisely because many planes are destroyed by our armed forces, further, the losses are not combat, that is, these russian missile, terrorist fighters fall on the territory of russia, and the third factor is when finally it is possible to either burn them or destroy them due to the special operations of our military intelligence officers, these are all part of the components of our... victory, i think that, firstly, it is very important, and secondly, it is very demotivating and demoralizing the enemy inside, inside russia itself, and one more thing for our tv viewers, there is nothing and will never be able to replace planes like the su-34, because it is one of the most recent soviet developments of a fighter, a bomber, where two, by the way, pilots are expected, and this the car is quite serious combat her destruction, as you know, is such a drag, at
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least on the order. today, mr. valentin, minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba said in an interview with cnn that ukraine is confident in the further military support of western countries and there is no alternative in case of its termination. let's listen to what mr. kuleba said. we don't have plan b. we are sure of plan a. ukraine will always fight with what it has. what is given to ukraine is not charity, it is an investment in the defense of nato, as well as in the protection of the prosperity of the american people. sir valentin, information has already appeared that ukraine and nato will hold a nato council, and this council will be timed to air defenses of ukraine. we survived two massive attacks.
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the enemy on december 29 and january 2, do you already know about the plans that ukraine is going to bring to the ukraine nato council, in addition to air defense, because obviously it can also be about long-range missiles, yesterday the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radislaw sikorsky said about that ukraine needs to provide these long-range weapons, because without strikes on military facilities. which are on the territory of the russian federation, it is impossible to defeat the enemy. yes, i confirm, and i also confirm that the ukraine-nato council will be held at the beginning of next week. and we, ukraine, formulated and submit to this meeting of the ukraine-nato council, a request for the first, primary, additional missiles to shoot down russian daggers and other missiles of the ha type, well, there are all kinds of 101. 55 and it doesn’t matter, but
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the type that russia produced, especially on december 29 and january 2 on the territory of ukraine. such a request has already been formed by us and will be forwarded. for nato member countries, which are 31 countries, so that they help us urgently. it is very important, and for our dear tv viewers , it is possible, the most important information today is that germany was the first to confirm and transfer to our armed forces additional anti-missile systems and missiles for irst systems, the german ones, by the way, have transferred the additional sky system. and this is a system that more successfully destroys drones, including with the use of artificial intelligence programs. we now need such skynex systems more, even if to be compared with artillery or with armor, armored vehicles, this is what is needed now to
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protect lviv, kyiv, kharkiv, odesa and almost all cities of ukraine. and sky next is a more modern anti-drone system. one more thing: germany is the first of the nato member countries, even before the meeting. council, ukraine-nato also transfers additional missiles to the patriot systems, that is , those that are so powerful, and unfortunately, sometimes with such, you know, unpleasant, perhaps, especially for kyiv and other cities that hear such anti-aircraft systems with unpleasant waves, but it is the most powerful and the most a serious system for the destruction of russian terrorist daggers, which are the most dangerous for any ukrainian city and for ukrainians. civilians , i think that these are the first steps of germany, just confirm my words and confirm our request to the ukraine-nato council for such additional missiles, summing up, missiles should be enough for ukrainian air defense systems, the requests of our military atsh abroad
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have been formed, and this that's right, i congratulate our armed forces and especially the general staff , now it should be noted, which are very fast formulated specific types. missiles, their number, and where and when we need them , that is exactly what ukraine-nato will need for this next week in order to quickly scatter, distribute to those countries that can quickly hand them over to us, and we will quickly were able to bring to ukraine and transfer it to the equipment, to the weapons, that is, just now on your screen, to such systems as the patriot and others around ours. bridge, protect our cities and villages. mr. valentin, and yet, is it possible to win the war in russia without using long-range missiles, which beat on the territory of the russian federation , because it looks like this is the question, question
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number one, question number one, my friend, and i confirm that the first thing, we in ukraine are on the way out, we need to do it as soon as possible to launch a missile at 700 km and so on, our own ukrainian one, we need it, we are not currently working on it very much, after all, if not germany, then maybe some other country that is a member of nato, such countries of missiles like taurus , with a range of 300, 400-500 km, nevertheless, to provide our armed forces, because it not just rockets that fly in, but that penetrate and destroy even underground ones. even protected by concrete, russian military bases, especially the storage places for such missiles as kenzhal, caliber and others, they are stored in warehouses, but these warehouses, thanks to the work of our armed forces, are known to us,
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especially in the regions of russia that are close to us, we simply do not have enough of our armed forces, we did not have enough of such missiles that could penetrate the concrete defense, finish off and detonate. accumulation of these terrorist missiles, and such missiles as taurus, i repeat, so we will to achieve, i think that the beginning of this year is the beginning of a positive decision for our armed forces in obtaining such missiles. we will also work very much with the french and with our other partners in order to receive their long-range missiles, which work and even today worked in, unfortunately, in... ukrainian crimea, unfortunately, because on our territory we would we are, but we destroy the bases of the occupiers, and this, i think, for our armed forces, is also the formula for victory, to acquire, use and destroy the occupation warehouses and accumulation of missiles whether warships. mr. valentin,
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the new year has begun, but the decision on further financing and financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars is in the congress. the states of america have not yet been adopted. the united states of america is forced to stop military support for ukraine until congress approves a new aid package, national security council strategic communications coordinator john kirby said at a briefing in... the white house. let's hear what kirby had to say. we will do everything possible to continue supporting ukraine, but from the point of view of types of weapons systems that we can provide, and the frequency with which we provided them every two weeks. these opportunities ended on december 27th when we released our last package for the year we had funding for. sir valentin, is it precisely because of this, in particular , these massive strikes by the russian
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federation, that putin is still counting on the fact that the congress of the united states of america will not make this decision, or shall we say, in the interval between when they stopped to finance and until the restoration of financing, that he will have time to strike on the territory of ukraine and on in ukraine, the ukrainian air defense forces will not have the same ones. missiles for the patriots, for example, and in this way, but in the meantime he will use it to destroy our infrastructure. sir, first of all, i answer that the strikes are russian , they are nothing else, especially on december 29 and january 2 , the last of those inflicted by russia and the putin regime, this is such a schizophrenic terrorist reaction to the fact that... no forces of ukraine on the field the battle does not give the enemy the slightest chance for
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the slightest victory, either until the new year or before the new year, and now maybe until the quasi elections, this proves one thing, that including such russian ipso information all over the world, they spread despair, paid insane amounts of money to their agencies, how everything disappeared, how ukraine is not succeeding in anything, well , what, but the ukrainian armed forces provided they piss and they don't let it go, on the contrary they beat and destroy the occupier on ukrainian soil, that's why these were such reactions, you know, even terrorist ones, but connected precisely because russia cannot and will not be able to give results at the front on the battlefield, friend , today they really have already resumed the work of congressmen in the usa. 60 republicans, senators, congressmen from the state of texas, went to the border with mexico,
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went there, looked at where and how the construction of the wall against illegal migrants should be strengthened, and so on and so forth, i mention all this only to that next the main body for consideration and approval of the additional budget, and next week 110 billion. we have a very bad sound, please excuse me mr. valentine, now our editors will redial you, because we have a very terrible connection, in fact, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, and also on our youtube and facebook platforms , for those who are watching us live now on our youtube and facebook platforms, please don't forget to like this video on... don't be stingy, every like is a promotion of this trending videos on youtube or facebook, and
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in addition, take part in our survey, which we conduct both on our social networks and on tv, it sounds like whether the military should go into politics, on youtube i can already see that the ratio such, 73% of respondents say yes, no, 27 if you look at us in tv broadcasts, so call and dial the number 0800 211 381, if you think it is worth joining the military in politics, if not, 0800 211 382, ​​we have regained contact with valentyn nalyvaichenko, mr. nalyvaichenko, once again, please good evening, once again, i don't know what the last sound was, but let me repeat, you spoke about 110 billion dollars exactly, and so did we. it is important, both i and other people's deputies, who know and can work with congressmen and
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senators, we are right there during working hours, and they, thank god, have returned to work, we are convinced that next week everything, they still voted for the additional allocation of 61 billion in defense aid to ukraine, as well as to israel and taiwan, which in the aggregate will mean 110 billion from the united states to strengthen defense. lands, the lands of those countries that are subjected to aggression, we are for the aggression of russia, israel - the terrorist attacks of hamas, and taiwan, the strengthening of defense, including defense systems. on this island, but coming back to us, 61 billion we did not change the request and wish and request to the american congress, and i remain optimistic and convinced that we can and should work with american partners, they were our key partners last year and will remain this year in support of the armed forces.
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the only thing i can do is remove this russian propaganda about the alleged elections in america, which will not be for ukraine. no, it is not so, and among the democrats and republicans in the congress there is a clear understanding that by supporting the armed forces of ukraine, the us congress supports global, european security, because it stops aggressor putin, as it helps us to stop him, our armed forces to destroy the potential of the aggressor before they resort to further aggressions, or to others. european countries or nato member states. mr. valentin, today the verkhovna rada of ukraine held a meeting of the committee on national security and defense, which discussed the issue of the government bill on mobilization, which was submitted to the parliament on december 25, 2023. from what
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is known, valery zaluzhnyi, the minister of defense, was present at the committee hearings. rustem umyerov, and there is information that came from modern sources, what, what, what did zaluzhny say? zaluzhny spoke out against the recruitment of prisoners and convicts into the army, but said that, literally quoted by zaluzhny's publication, i need people, the russians have already called up 400,000 and are preparing several hundred thousand more to 400,000 for june, who should i fight or turn to to the world and there to ask people, or you go, fight, if not to provide. how do you assess the prospect of the adoption of this bill, because even before it is officially made presented in the verkhovna rada, and, i don't know , probably the minister of defense will present, or whether the commander-in-chief, zelenskyi,
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there was a very violent reaction to this bill, how do you assess what can be left in this bill, what? will be removed from this draft law, and what should be the mobilization of 2024 in ukraine? we must, the verkhovna rada must reassure all ukrainians. the first and most important thing is that during the war, and the war continues, no one will and will not allow the constitutional rights of citizens to property, to bank accounts, to be violated family ties and so on and so forth. this bill will be removed, it is a government bill. therefore, he is not a professional even at the start. second, today, during the meeting of the committee, it lasted more than 2.5 hours, and it is very good that the commander-in-chief, general general zaluzhnyi, and the minister of defense umirov, and the chief of the general staff shabtala appeared, and all three military specialists presented the request, the vision and wishes of the armed forces and the ministry
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of defense of ukraine. the answer is from the entire ukrainian government, from everything. society it will definitely happen, and people need to be reassured, we will support and do everything possible to ensure that the armed forces, our defenders have the opportunity, and it is very important here, let me explain very briefly, that our armed forces, our defenders have the opportunity, first of all for rotation , the second - for training, this is for those conscripts who will be drafted further as part of the general mobilization, but for training, mastering... weapons, mastering military tactics and the ability to conduct combat operations, and those who will master and will be suitable, so these ukrainian men and women will be able to get the opportunity to serve in the armed forces and defend the country, as well as the issue of demobilization, of those who have already served more than two years, and in fact even three, then
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the verkhovna rada will definitely find an opportunity to provide legislative opportunities for... mobilization, more , fourth, we have not forgotten, and believe me, we will insist that the rehabilitation, treatment of the wounded, restoration of those defenders who lost limbs, health, and actually, the most expensive, during the war, the state must also direct all our resources, no profits for banks, no bonuses in corporations, including deputies, there will be no bonuses, we will direct them. all this for the rehabilitation of our wounded or the rehabilitation of those of our defenders who were injured, or again, i say, god forbid, serious injuries. this is what is in focus now during the work of this committee and other committees of the verkhovna rada and next week i i say that there will be
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meetings of the verkhovna rada, when the consideration of the draft law will begin already in the hall, in the session hall, and i think that there will be several, i.e. draft laws on mobilization. mr. valentin, during this entire period there are 10 days. ever since this draft law was made public , there was a lot of different information, many ideas were articulated, including representatives of the pro-government forces, servants of the people in social networks, somewhere they spoke publicly, they talked about the possibility of some kind of tax for people who instead of mobilizing will work more, pay more to the budget, appeared. information about the fact that the subject of a possible lottery is being discussed very actively for the mobilized, as was the case in the united states of america during the vietnam war, when
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they chose by lot who would be mobilized, who would be sent to the war in vietnam, whether there would be such regulations at all and whether it was even discussed seriously, is this just an information dump in order to... see how society will react to it, it's all frivolous, it doesn't solve anything for the general staff for the armed forces of ukraine, taxes, casinos, lotteries and so on , but what are we going to do? to be taken seriously, this is to increase motivation, so that the conclusion of a contract of ukrainian citizens with the armed forces of ukraine is profitable, prestigious and highly motivated. i mean, first of all, salaries. of land, the allocation of land plots not to land oligarchs, but to those who protect the country, we believe, should be a principle,
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it is not necessary to trade land, but to protect it, but to protect it and give it to defenders and family members, therefore i am convinced that the principle of motivation, protection and the prestige of the military service for both the defenders themselves and for the members families, believe me, this will be the main thing. issue in the verkhovna rada , i know the sentiments of all factions and i represent the motherland as well, i can say that we stand on these principles, so do not doubt either us or the armed forces of ukraine, precisely because of motivation, because of the strengthening of the armed forces, we we will find a legislative solution to strengthen and improve mobilization, the only thing we are advocating is to abandon such, you know, punitive, extremely negative ones. external measures that have now appeared on the streets in execution, i don't know whether the tcc, or whoever executes them, when people are captured on the streets, without explanations, without seeing
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their families and so on, no, no, no, you can and should act so firmly, but civilized and motivated, that's the most important thing. well, obviously, when we talk about mobilization, the mobilization must be fair, for all citizens of ukraine who are fit for military service. services, and this should actually be the main content of this mobilization law, because when it comes to money, when someone can contribute money, and who is poorer, he goes to front, that is, there is simply inequality between people who are in society, and such inequality should not exist, because it is the constitutional duty of any person to protect his country, we will hope that the verkhovna rada will make a wise decision and.. .. in principle, this law will not cause so many emotions and so many comments, and there will not be such a reaction from those people who, as they say
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in this draft law, want to deprive someone of their disability or transfer them to another group, and this will not be taken away for us right away we also reject people who take care of the disabled, yes, this is another important question, the very end of our conversation, mr. valentine, regarding our european... partners, polish prime minister andrzej duda called on european partners to radically increase the production of weapons in order to help ukraine and prepare to the probable russian aggression, it is meant to prepare the europeans for the probable russian aggression. what andrzej duda said: without radical increased efforts in the field of armaments, we will remain far behind russia. this will mean one thing: europe will be vulnerable to a direct russian attack in ... a few years, no one can doubt that in a strategic perspective europe is the target of russian aggression, this will happen when russia's superiority is evident in terms of
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military ... capabilities donald tusk is also talking about a possible war in europe with russia, and german defense minister boris pistorius is talking about it, they are talking about it in the netherlands, they are talking about it in finland, how do you assess the possibilities and intentions of putin to go further into europe and start a war with nato in order to prove to the russians. that in fact, on the territory of ukraine, he is fighting not with the ukrainian army, but with nato. yes, putin's regime has been standing for decades on the fact that it is at war with nato, with the west, and with ukraine. they started with us, and now ukraine is a single country, and ukrainians are a single people, a nation, which russian terrorists take into their own body, into their own country.
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missiles thus protecting europe, the european union, nato member states. we, the ukrainians, have no doubts about this. nor in the baltic countries, which are closest to us. and then, you correctly noted the geographic finland and so on. maybe somewhere else in portugal, or in distant countries, there are such, you know, soothing moods, but they will also go to nothing soon enough, because in reality it is different. putin 's regime cannot exist except to attack, conquer, you know, spoil and destroy everything that is european civilization, so without exaggeration, and this is the main position of ukraine, we need to speak honestly like this in full voice the whole world, especially for europe, that we are the only thing stopping russian aggression now, so that it does not
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end up on the territory of lithuania. latvia or poland, once, twice, together as a group of 27 + 1, 27 are eu member states, plus one is ukraine, which is starting negotiations on eu membership this year. we have 28 countries, at least in order to continue to use our power and stop the russian aggressor, and we are much stronger, by the way, and we proved this last year, well, just imagine, putin has only... kimchenir , to which he took all the old soviet shells, iran, in which he even buys small white ballistic missiles or tries, which are not known whether they fly at all, and we have 27 developed european partners, one patriot supplies, the second - st, the third - skynex, the fourth - those types of weapons that are secret, i did not voice them, but this is not a comparison, so our conviction in the 24th year is to convince european partners
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not to deprive, on the contrary, to increase support for the ukrainian people, ukrainians and the ukrainian armed forces, this is something that is constant, you know, beginning of this year and the priority of the entire 24th year. thank you, mr. valentin, let's hope that the 24th year will be just like this, it was valentin nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, during this program we conducted a poll, we asked you about whether military personnel should go into politics for... we will look at the results of the poll on tv 85% yes, 15% no, we also have a vote on youtube, yes 73 %, no - 27%, these are the results of today's poll in our program, friends, i'm putting an end to this, i wish everyone all the best, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye.
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the yemeni houthis are blocking the red sea, can this affect the situation in ukraine? let's analyze together in today's episode of bbc ukraine, i'm olga polomaryuk. experts and financial analysts warn that the situation in the red sea can paralyze world trade. western countries sign joint statements and threats. take action, could another military conflict begin? israel's war with hamas, which has been going on for almost 3 months, has led to large-scale disruptions in world trade. yemeni houthis as a sign of solidarity with


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