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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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in fact, it has already been sent to court, this is article 336 of the criminal code of ukraine, that is, we are currently working within the framework of the legislation. a resident of cherkassy, ​​who told the enemy about the location of the ukrainian military and air defense systems, will spend nine years behind bars. the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine reports on the court verdict. for several months, the man collected intelligence information and transmitted everything through messengers to employees of the russian fsb. he added to each message. in the exact coordinates of the objects of the armed forces on the map, for during his work he earned almost uah 28,000. and the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine released a video of the destruction of the su-34 bomber, which burned down at the shagol airfield in chelyabinsk, russia. the video shows how an unknown person attaches explosives to the fuselage, sets it on fire and gradually moves away from the plane. support
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of the ukrainian army, european and euro-atlantic integration, economic development - this is the formula by which the best european solidarity faction in the verkhovna rada works on local and international platforms. one of the priority areas in the 23rd year was the support of the ukrainian army. people's deputies made numerous trips to the front, demanded an increase in the financial support of the army. the faction also worked on the criteria necessary for the start of negotiations regarding membership in the european union and joining ... the north atlantic alliance. we were the political force that first made the decision that during a full-scale invasion, budget funds that go to finance parties should be directed specifically to support the armed forces of ukraine. and on for these purposes, we transferred 54 million, so that they would go specifically to the purchase of drones, thermal imagers, everything that is currently in short supply in the armed forces of ukraine. our priorities are
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, above all, the support of the ukrainian soldier, the support of the ukrainian army, the support of the armed forces of ukraine, european and euro-atlantic integration, international activities and the work of international delegations, this is the economic security of our state, this is the support of the ukrainian language. according to the national police, the racketeers were detained by law enforcement officers in the zhytomyr region. a group of criminals demanded fictitious debts from the residents of the city of korosten, in addition, they provided services for the so-called settlement of financial conflicts. money was demanded by force and intimidation, if the threats did not work, the bandits took property from the victims. investigators gathered evidence of racketeers' involvement in eight crimes, detained them together with their leader, a criminal authority. myroslav marynovich is known as a dissident and singer. the founder of the ukrainian helsinki
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group, but for the communist authorities he was a particularly dangerous state criminal. because of his anti-soviet position, he spent 10 years of his life in camps and in exile. later, in freedom, he led the pro-ukrainian movement on the international arena, and now at the ukrainian catholic university, he gathers young activists around him. today, january 4, myroslav myranovych turns 75 years old . of the ukrainian catory university, let's see together, maybe this kind of leadership is not even popular, because it is not about a successful success is a person who very often took the other side, which was not popular, which was not mainstream, but which rested on its certain values ​​and convictions, a painful encounter with the totalitarian system in...
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marynovich started from his university days. in 1970, following a classmate's denunciation of criticism of the soviet government, he was summoned to the kgb, and his career in the komsomol ended when miroslav was instructed to hold a meeting regarding the expulsion of a boy who had taken a church marriage. most of the participants, like marynovich himself, voted against. him asked that if you are not with us, then you are against, then you are against us. he said: yes, fine, i'm against it then. having said this word, he takes a certain position, which he adheres to, and marynovich's word in these and similar cases was always measured, but it was always honest. on november 9, 1976, in lviv, mykola rudenko created the ukrainian helsinki group, the first human rights organization in ukraine, which documented and transmitted to the west the facts of communist crimes against human rights. it included 10 members. founders the youngest of
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among them - myroslav marynovych and mykola matusevych. miroslav was then 28 years old. and we are going with mykola to consult. on the one hand. it is clear that sooner or later it will be an arrest, because at that time it was unimaginable to imagine that the authorities would tolerate some self-proclaimed, right-wing groups. on the other hand, we are young guys, we want to respect ourselves. marynovich was not hired, he was harassed, regular searches were conducted at the homes of relatives and friends. in march 1977, marynovich and matusevich at a dinner in memory of taras shevchenko in kyivska philharmonic orchestra, suddenly appeared on the stage and called to sing the testament, they were arrested, later sentenced for anti-soviet agitation to seven years in prison and 5 years of exile. under severe
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trials, marynovich not only wrote the gospel of yurodivy, but also crystallized his principles and worldview. all of them. the sufferings that i had to go through, they did not break me, on the contrary, they somehow elevated me spiritually, and i consider this a huge gift from the lord god. myroslav marynovych returned home in 1987, exactly 10 years later founded and headed the institute of religion and society at the lviv theological academy, which in 2002 became a ukrainian... catholic university . myroslav marynovych since then and until now gathers around him hundreds of young activists who consider him a moral authority. such people perform an invaluable mission in society, especially in a young society that is building and defending its statehood, like
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ukraine. myroslav myranovych, as one of the founders of the december 1 initiative, always advocated that the ukrainian people understood what spiritual values ​​are like these spiritual values. have to protect our people, move them to europe, i, for example, if i were very worried, whether we, those who were close to him, whether we would be able to take such a position, to play such a role that he played in our lives, this a very big challenge and a very big responsibility, well, sincere congratulations to myroslav marynovich on his 75th birthday. and i wish health, success, most importantly in the implementation of those ideas that he definitely has and those plans that he still definitely has did not implement, but will definitely implement. well, now we will not talk about plans, but we will talk about our everyday life and reality, not always pleasant, but which is worth discussing. natalya pushyna, a lawyer
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who is in touch with us, mrs. natalya, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, i did not hear, well, but i hope that we will hear you now, and one of the hottest recent news, well, actually this... the wine continues to swirl and burn, because there are various draft laws that are submitted to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, the government one is being finalized, new ones are submitted, the draft about mobilization, and it is very actively discussed both by those who are affected by it and by those who are not affected by it, but in your opinion, does it comply with the constitutional norms and does it not violate basic human rights, please hear me, no, we don't hear, right now, let 's get in touch now and try again, i'll just explain for our viewers that... that government bill on mobilization, it is being finalized, today the committee on national security of the verkhovna rada of ukraine started work, which discusses this draft law, is alternative bills, in particular oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy, there is one more bill that was submitted, and actually today
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, general valery zaluzhny, and the chief of the general staff, and the minister of defense of ukraine were invited to the conversation he died, and the actual work began, the leader of the servant of the people faction said. in the verkhovna rada of david rahamia, so we are waiting for it, but here it is important to understand that there are basic things that no law can violate, rights are still written in the constitution, citizens of ukraine, they must be observed, yes, there are rights, there are duties, one must not forget, because people always protect only rights, but forget about their duties, to defend their state, this is a duty in the language of a citizen, well, the state must also provide all the necessary things that will help a person to defend this state, again , their rights will not be violated, because you are a soldier, a civilian in... still a citizen who has his rights and does not forget again about your duties. yes, well, if ms. natalie, come to us now we are adjusting, and we will discuss a number of other issues today, in particular, the council of the european union extended the global regime of sanctions against violators of human rights for 3 years until
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december 8, 2026, there are many such violators , unfortunately, there are enough such violators in ukraine as well, and well and there are such violators outside of ukraine, especially if you move to the northeast there, there are a lot of such violators near moscow. in the countries themselves, there are a lot of people who violate rights, well , rights are violated both outside and in other countries, civilized, this is a common phenomenon, but again it is very important to understand where to turn. if your rights are violated. so, ms. natalya pushyna, a lawyer, is in touch with us about the law on mobilization, whether it complies with constitutional norms and whether it does not violate basic human rights. please. can you hear me? good evening. good evening. well, first of all, i would like to point out that the constitutional duty of a person and a citizen of ukraine is to protect the motherland, this is the first thing, our independence, to protect the territorial the integrity of our ukraine. but there is still a duty. perform military service in accordance with the law, and that is why the law must
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regulate the process of mobilization and military service of our citizens, and our constitution, in addition , allows us to limit the rights of citizens when martial law is officially introduced, but laws cannot limit, the basic rights of our citizens, which are guaranteed by our constitution of ukraine, we are talking about those, what is specified in the new draft law, which was submitted and was considered today, is a number restrictions that apply to evasions of mobilization, in particular, this is a ban on real estate transactions, driving vehicles... and the use of funds in general by such persons, by the way, this
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directly violates the main basic rights that are guaranteed to the citizens of ukraine by our constitution, therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to approach the preparation of such bills very carefully, it is necessary to involve specialists, special... qualifications who understand this, first of all it is necessary to involve lawyers, it is necessary to involve the military, it is necessary to involve the public, and it is necessary to involve other competent specialists in this field , this is my opinion, and therefore it is necessary to approach such bills very, very carefully, and i believe that this should be one of the global bills, and not some... several draft laws that are prepared and submitted for consideration by committees, generally then
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by the verkhovna rada. thank you. well, the council of the european union extended the global regime of sanctions against violators of human rights for three years until december 8, 2026, the decision confirms the obligations of the european union. well, this regime of sanctions, who it is, how it specifically operates, should be understood, and again, if a person understands that his rights are being violated, how should he react to this, so that these sanctions are used against those who violate these rights. please know that the european union is very careful about the rights of the people of the european union, in general, the rights of people that are guaranteed by the states, that is why a number of such, well, laws and institutions are being created, which are based on that. to be really guarantee. the preservation of the rights of citizens and individuals in general, and to stand
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to monitor that what is violated, they are not violated, that is why such a global regime of sanctions of the european community in the field of human rights, it has been implemented for many years, and allows the european union to apply sanctions against individuals, legal entities, bodies. in state power and non-state entities, that is why the european union approaches this issue very carefully. well , actually, how is the situation in ukraine today with respect for human rights and whether there are signs that they are significantly violated against citizens, again engaged in various types of activities. please. you know, unfortunately, today we can state that, well, unfortunately, that... our state does not respect
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the rights of our citizens guaranteed by the constitution and other laws, and we can see it very clearly on the case, well, sir kostiantyn zhivaga, why, because here we faced all the violations that could possibly be, we faced the fact that we do not have access. to justice, we are faced with the fact that we have long-term criminal proceedings, which, unfortunately, we can already note. 10 years, 9 years, 5 years, that is, these criminal proceedings, which are not investigated, are criminal proceedings, but which are artificially created against mr. zhivag, and within the framework of these criminal proceedings, i would like to say what we already have as a solution of the european court of human rights, which indicated
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that the state of ukraine violates our rights. citizens, we have the decision of the french court, which confirmed that it is impossible mr. zhivag's extradition due to the fact that our client cannot get a fair court decision here, and we have the fact that even when we turn to law enforcement agencies, to pre-trial investigation agencies. with the proposals to question our client , they are not responding to these proposals, to our proposals, we have, we have a lot of violations within the framework of these criminal proceedings, and i would like to point out that, in our opinion, we have encountered that our
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system applied... all the possibilities that indicate, or rather, it must be a trial violation of human rights, why, because in this case we see such bails, which in general are, well, unrealistic, that is, people who work all their lives will not be able to make appropriate bails, so we believe that artificially created criminal proceedings, the rights of our client are violated, and therefore this is a vivid case that can confirm the state of affairs with human rights in our country. thank you so much for joining, thank you for your comments. natalya pushana, a lawyer, was in touch with us. well , now we will talk about the events that took place outside ukraine. yuri fizer is with us, the world is about ukraine. yury evening, yury, good evening, please. good evening to you
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vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today. in particular, i will talk about the following. the white house calls for closure. pressmen to unblock the provision of military and financial aid to ukraine, polish prime minister donald tusk called on europe to arm itself because putin may attack, and lukashenko has prepared for retirement, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column. well, let me start with this: we will continue to support ukraine and help it resist. russia's aggressive war, attacks that began during the christmas holidays. matthew miller, the official representative of the state department of the united states of america, said this yesterday during a briefing. this is how he answered a journalist's question about whether the white house administration has really changed its position on supporting ukraine, from its complete victory on the battlefield to strengthening
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its position before possible negotiations with russia. mr. miller called such information false. but at the same time added that further kyiv's support will depend on the us congress and called on american lawmakers to urgently vote on the president's proposal to allocate aid after returning from the christmas break. well, one more interesting moment , during this briefing, mr. miller answered the journalist's question and commented on the recent statement of the minister of foreign affairs of the terrorist country, sergey lavrov, that butsim taiwan and taiwan and the general situation around taiwan and the korean peninsula may become the next hotspots in 2024 year, as mr. miller commented on it, let's hear from him himself. we don't need to listen to lectures about various world conflicts from russian officials who started
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their own war. we are actively working to try to put an end to the conf'. that is , it can be briefly summarized as follows: don't stick your nose where you shouldn't stick your nose. john kirby, the strategic communications coordinator of the white house security council, called on american lawmakers to urgently unblock the provision of military and financial aid to ukraine. during briefing, he emphasized the fact that the pentagon regrettably spent all the previously allocated co... according to him, the weapons and ammunition from the last allocated aid package have not yet arrived in ukraine, and further support remains under question, although, he says mr. admiral kirby, white house report. is making every effort to ensure that this support continues, and he explained it this way, let's hear from john kirby. despite all the noise i've heard over
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the past few days in zmi about putin suddenly wanting to hold talks, i have to to say that he certainly does not act like a man who wants to negotiate. he's doing everything he can to bring ukrainians to their knees, and that's why it's so important that the request for additional funding... all of us ukrainians will hope that after congressmen return from christmas break, they will vote to continue aid to ukraine. israel wants to strengthen relations with ukraine and the ukrainian people. the new minister of foreign affairs of the jewish state wrote about this on his page in the x microblogging network, this is the former twitter israel katz that's how he responded to the main post. diplomat dmytro kuleba, in which he congratulated mr. katz on his appointment as the head of the ministry of foreign affairs. i would like to add that it would be good if our relations did not break down in the direction of
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more active support by israel in our just struggle against the russian aggressor. the leaders of the member states of the european union must understand that without a radical increase in military effort, we will be left far behind, and... this means one thing: europe will come under direct attack from russia in the next few years. polish prime minister donald tusk said this the day before during a press conference in warsaw. he emphasized that the united europe is obliged to be militarily stronger than russia. according to the head of the polish coalition government, this is the only way to strengthen european and polish borders. and what's more - says mr. prime minister donald tusk, european... the union must continue to support ukraine, thinks about his pension and about his children the self-proclaimed president of belarus
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oleksandr lukashenko signed amendments to the law on the president of belarus. this was reported by his press service the day before. according to lukashenko's new changes, namely from him, under him, this law was written. he says what he wants. to leave office, having left office, was a delegate of the all-russian people's assembly and a life member of the council of the republic, the ex-president and members of his family are now granted immunity in connection with any evil crimes committed during the reign, that is, there will be something like what happened to the ex-president of kazakhstan , nursultan nazarbayev, well, at least until he fell out of favor, well, and two more interesting provisions, in this new law, which has already been signed, after his resignation, the president will receive state property real estate, in particular a plot of land with
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capital structures located on it, and the amendments establish that the president of belarus cannot be a person younger than 40 years old, and this person must have lived in the territory of belarus for the last 20 years and not have a foreign residence permit. that is, everyone. he sent all his oppositionists abroad or put them behind bars, now he says and does such things, well, all in order to stay in office as long as possible. well, there was a su-34, there is no su-34. last night , a tactical bomber caught fire on the russian military airfield shagol, a suburb of chelyabinsk, far beyond the urals, and then burned to the ground. this was reported in the main intelligence office. of ukraine and even presented the proof that you now see on the screens. who exactly did this in gur? clarified after all, we don't need it.
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the most important thing is the burning plane. well, but there it was clarified that the plane belonged to the aviation regiment of the 21st mixed aviation division of the russian aerospace forces. the most important thing is that they all know beyond porebryk that we can get even to chelyabinsk, even beyond the ural mountains, even beyond baikal. and in the end, where we need to get it, we will get it there. and finally, the attack on the judge right in the courtroom during the court session. it happened in the american las vegas, nevada. there a judge denied bail to defendant delon redden, who was seeking parole in a battery-with-serious-injury case. the defendant did not like this so much that... he suddenly jumped from his seat and jumped over the bench and started simply beating the judge. the security forces intervened in the situation, but the representative of the american famida and
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one of the bodyguards were fine. got it, now the man may be threatened with another case, although he is not used to them. delon reden already had three convictions before that. well well, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more, and there will be more in our further broadcast, so don't switch. on obey feel free, you are real, and every touch will be tender when the world on obey opens up to you, loving yourself is now very easy, feel free, pamper yourself every day, naobi feelf is real you. this is a truly intriguing
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good evening, we are from ukraine. we're moving on, and now it's time to talk about money. oleksandr morchevka is with me, money during the war. oleksandr, please, good evening. greetings to the audience, good evening vasyl. so, again a protest action on the border with poland. there is also good news for pensioners who issue at ukrposhta, wait, everything will be in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war. i'll start with the topic international aid. the united states no longer has sufficient funding to provide new packages of military support to ukraine. this was announced by the coordinator of the national security council of the united states, john kirby. he added that no abuses were found in the already provided military aid. in addition, experts are working in ukraine to monitor the situation.
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hope in the white house. that this will help convince the congress to allocate money for aid to ukraine for the current year. let's listen to the direct speech. we will do everything it is possible to continue to support ukraine, but in terms of the types of weapons systems that we can provide and the frequency with which we provided them every two weeks, those opportunities ended on december 27th, when we allocated our last package for the year, which we had funding. vasyl, here are kirby's words that no abuses have been detected in the military aid provided, and there are american specialists working in ukraine who monitor this, this is important information, i think, first of all for the congressmen, who should understand what needs to be done to continue to support our state , well absolutely, because this is how russia spread this fake very actively, it talked about ukrainian weapons in israel in the hands of hamas, and even more so about ukrainian weapons that are sold almost
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at a flea market somewhere abroad. well , this is not true in our country and we need to be convinced of this.


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