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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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congress to allocate money for assistance to ukraine for the current year. let's listen to the direct speech. we will do everything we can to continue to support ukraine, but in terms of the types of weapons systems that we can provide and the frequency with which we have provided them, every two weeks. these opportunities ended on december 27th when we released our last package for the year we had funding for. vasyl, here are the words of kirby. no abuses in the provided military aid were found, and american specialists work in ukraine to monitor this, this is important information, and it seems to me, first of all for the congressmen, who must understand that it is necessary to continue to support our state, well absolutely, because this is how russia spread this fake very actively, it talked about ukrainian weapons in israel in the hands of hamas, it talked about ukrainian weapons that are sold there almost at a flea market somewhere abroad, well, this is not true in our country, and we need to talk about it. again, it is not
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the russians, but to convince those who are to provide us with these weapons in the future. well, and then appeared by the way, there was no information about the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant for a long time. somehow, the russians forbade magata to inspect the reactor halls at the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. we are talking about the premises of three power units. one of them houses the reactor core and spent fuel, the international atomic energy agency reported. they also said that experts have been hearing regular reports for several weeks. explosions near the station. the non-admission of magat experts may be an attempt to hide the real situation. the president also announced this today energy atom petro kotin. we are monitoring this, it is an extremely difficult situation. but now they are protesting again. polish farmers renewed the blockade of the shegyny meyk checkpoint. however , at the moment there is no significant increase in queues at the border, the state border service reported.
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approximately 800 cars are currently waiting for ukraine, there is an electronic queue for departure. currently , protests are announced until february 3, or until the polish government fails to sign a guarantee of meeting the demands of the protesters. well, there was information from the ministry of agriculture of poland's economy, its head stated that the ban on the import of ukrainian products to poland will be indefinite, the embargo will remain in effect despite the letter from the european commission. which requires lifting the ban. vasyl, there were still hopes for the consolidation of the new polish government, and that all blockades, in particular on the border, and regarding the supply of food through the territory of poland to poland, would be lifted. you know, i am very surprised by the attitude towards the european commission, that of individual states, well, let's say, individual politicians of individual states, well, in fact, if not the european commission and not the general money of the european union, well, these states were so successful, this is the first, they would not have these markets, this is the second, but let's...
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remember how hundreds of billions of dollars poured into poland at one time, well, let's not forget how the european markets , employment markets opened up for poles, who filled london, britain, well, germany, again germany is the largest donor to the european union, not poland, not hungary, not slovakia, it seems to me that the european the commission needs to beat people up a bit pockets and explain where the money comes from and how this money can become smaller, because here is this makhnovshchyna, who wants what he wants and does it, well, to be honest, it undermines all the economic and legislative values ​​of the european community in general, in general there are rules by which you live, you live by these rules, you receive money, you get access to the markets of the european union, well, let's sell your goods in your markets, and everywhere you will have customs duty, not duty-free, and, well, then the situation will be a little more complicated, well, in continuation of the topic of agrarian affairs, we will talk with a guest who joins the broadcast, denis marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council. good evening, i greet you. mr. denys
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, well, here it would seem that there should be no more manipulations, but they are, since january 1, the possibility of buying land by legal entities has been unlocked, the volumes are also increasing, instead of 100 hectares, you can buy up to 10,000 hectares, and here, by the way, with there was information that this is already treason, that the land will now be bought by people who have connections with russia, debunk this myth, is this a myth? the problem is clearly there, because the number of land purchases in the same hands really increases 100 times, from 100 hectares to 10,000, and since we have a program about money, i will give one argument why the average small agrarian business is worried, only for the 23rd year due to the low price of the raw materials that we sell, the losses of the manufacturers amount to more than 3 billion dollars, i am not counting the 22nd year, in general, if we talk about direct and indirect losses, more than 46 billion dollars, of course, in
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the 21st year , when the first stage of land reform began, we had other indicators, we had one of the best harvests, and in principle , the trend for the next few years should have been to develop the agricultural sector, but the war brought its own... corrections, people became poorer, many stopped economic activity, those who did not stop survive, i tell you frankly, survives at the expense of what is credited and recredited, and of course we understand that since january 1, when such limits were raised, it creates additional stress for the work of medium-sized and small commodity producers, which is why the all-ukrainian agrarian radio was a registered petition on the president's website received more than 26,000 votes with a request to review the limits, i clarify it is very important... not against legal entities, not against individuals in the next stage of land reform, precisely to review the limits in the context that they are preserved for the period war within the limits that exist today, 100 hectares in one hand for individuals and for legal entities, was the answer of the president, who, by the way, asked
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the prime minister to deal with this issue within the framework of the issue of national security, food security, we expect that a more active dialogue will begin there next week, because we, as the all-ukrainian agrarian council, also passed the law. projects to the factions, to the heads of various groups in the parliament, which make changes to the land code in the parts of the transitional provisions of this limitation, therefore it is very important that this political will works in order to give support to the understanding of the average agrarian business that it can work calm for the period of the war, and it really will not be created for him problems in the form of large agricultural holdings, in the form of other legal entities of any kind, which is very important, we do not have a... it is written that only legal entities, agrarian entities, any legal entities can enter and buy land, so this really a very important issue on the agenda in the 24th year, i will ask a question, because you know, about the sale of land, there were immediately such outbursts in social networks, when they began to discuss that while our guys are fighting,
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ukrainian land is being sold behind their backs , and what are we fighting for, if our entire land sell, and again this story that the russians through false structures, through the internet, this is still somewhere far away on the warm shores of the warm seas are buying up ukrainian land simply online here is a fake, how to explain it? in relation to the military, this is true, i know very personally, but these are thousands of people, farmers , soldiers, who are really at the front right now, who left their farms, they do not have the opportunity to serve them, there maybe, if there are older children, the introduction helps economic affairs, and they are really afraid that at the time when they are in the second year of the war and their company... simply due to the lack of competition on their part, because they do not have the financial capacity to fight with the big companies, their right to buy this land will be exercised , there is simply no money here, that's why even today i see the military addressing this issue to the president of ukraine, so i really couldn't do it. as for affiliated front
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persons, well, what is the real problem today in taking one ukrainian person there, making her legal campaign, and financial resources to be obtained from... conditional people who will control her flow, money and land cultivation. it took 5-6 legal entities, 60,000 hectares of land in one hand, quite a mechanism that can be implemented today not only by russia, but by many other countries that are interested in working in ukraine. mr. denys, is the price of land leases already increasing with the innovation? are there prospects for an increase in value? well, actually, if we look, in two years of the war, there was no big increase in the price position for land happened, it rose within 10%, and then in those regions where a relatively calm period was observed, well, let's say so, without active hostilities, and in particular, this
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happened at the expense of relocated enterprises, in particular in western ukraine, there in the lviv region, on in ternopil region, in ivano-frankivsk region, we really observed growth there of more than 10%, but in ukraine as a whole , the average hectare is worth within a thousand 1,500 dollars, what will happen with the entry of legal entities, it is very difficult to predict now, because i emphasize, in fact there will be none competition, because in order for the price to grow, there must be competition, that is, there must be representatives of medium, small , and large businesses who bargain with each other and offer the land owner the best price for which he would be willing to sell it, and when the game is to go to the same gate, there is relatively a monopolist there who today has the funds and will... enter certain territorial communities, then he will, in principle, set the price for which he wants to buy it, and this will happen, so that this did not happen, we ask to postpone for the period of the war and two years after the war, keeping the limit within 100 ugly hands, i think, in the conditions of war
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, it is no longer necessary to explain something, when such a difficult situation, well, we have a chat during the youtube broadcast, and the contributor writes the following : when poland joined the european union, for 10 years... there was a ban on the sale of land to foreigners, but why not use this rule in ukraine? well, there is a norm in ukraine, because within the framework of the law in our country, the third stage is still foreseen after the all-ukrainian referendum. and regarding granting the right to buy to foreigners, but i think that in the conditions of the war, we should not discuss this third stage at all and we cannot reach an agreement today in the context of limits, then we are not talking about foreigners at all , but one more fact on the territory of poland, when they raised the conditional possibility of buying land, they initially had 500 hectares, and then when they saw some trends that they were economically unable to resist other parts of the european union that were encroaching on them, they limited the limits to 300 hectares, the same story in lithuania, yes, it is not
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commensurate with the territory of ukraine, but nevertheless the agrarian story is the same, they allowed foreigners, the british, germans, french came, they bought the best plots of land, well, they are relatively small, yes in relation to ukraine, the land, but it is the best, and they lost their perspective as an internal producer, because economically they were not able to fight it, and they stopped this land reform, allowing... to buy only a lithuanian in the territory of their country, and it is not no military actions, just economic competition, war in ukraine. well, there are indeed different practices, positive or negative for the world, i am sure that the ukrainians will reach an agreement, in particular regarding the third stage, but i think that in the future after the victory. thank you, denys marchuk was on the phone, the deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, and he promised us the end: pensioners in the cities were offered to receive additionally. five economical led lamps, available for the exchange of another 14 million energy-saving
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devices, it was reported in ukrposhta. in in december , pensioners in the villages have already taken advantage of this opportunity, the exchange is available to all pensioners, those who want to get lamps for the first time and those who have previously used this joint european program with the state. to do this, you need to come to the ukrposhta branch with your passport, pension code, and of course know your phone number, you will get there. info, is your five extra ledes just for you, it's all free, this was info, the latest information from the world of money, i'll say goodbye, but the big broadcast is going on, there will be more to come, many people in our country are worried... that our reputation institute does not work, but recent events can give us some hope and
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an opportunity to look to the future with optimism, well, for example, the kraków cultural cluster, located on rusanivka in kyiv, canceled iryna gatun's one-act play, she is an actress of the black square theater and a resident of the 95th quarter, the same actress who played the already scandalous girl from siskadovsk, forgive me, she is a girl from skadovsk, this is exactly the number i was thinking of. i think you have heard about him, this is the number in the new year's quarter that caused a stir and residents of occupied skadovsk, and resettlers, and the mayor of this city and many ukrainians. well, once again we see that the institute of problems of contemporary art did cancel, or rather, suspended the maznia sonia morozyuk exhibition, because there is actually such a social disturbance and the institute reacted to it. i want to say that around this artist. there has been a lot of talk lately, if you haven't heard of her, you must have missed something a little bit,
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because well, her name has been discussed on many platforms, well, because well they discussed her age, that she is only 25, and she broke into our artistic life just like that, and she has such a thing, she showed her studio, it is such an expensive-looking apartment, and she also has an expensive car there, and somehow , well ... simply for this artistic promotion, so fast and powerful, a lot of money is needed, but sonya herself said that no, she does not have any sponsors, she achieved everything herself, i must say right away that there are many women who really have enough at an early age it happens that they open their own business and already earn a lot of money , as well as men too, but well, not in this case, but let me show you now an excerpt from the program, our colleagues on television, and where sonya herself and the host tried in every way to assure their viewers
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that really there are no sponsors, here the artist did everything herself. now we can say that you are at the top of the iceberg, popularity, recognition, creative realization, but for some reason many people mistakenly think that a person is so cool and immediately at the top, you know that there are connections, fame, even you often say it in your youtube releases that... you are wrong if you think that there are sponsors, that it was all given to me or something. the easiest way and the easiest option there is to think that everything has been given to you, it is because a person does not want to work. a lot, from morning to night, from night to morning , to have the same thing, so it's easier for her to say, like, her father is wealthy, she has a lover, and she was given a present, well, well, i don't know what will happen with sonya's future, and what will happen to her fiance and spheker, will they prove it after all the embezzlement of igor, the fact that igor hrynevych
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embezzled 1 billion hryvnias for the supply of clothing to the armed forces of ukraine, but, well, this exhibition, it was loud enough, it had enough visitors, and now we can see at the opening, at the opening there were many journalists and the public who came and interviewed sony, and admired her talent, her business abilities, let's see, for example, how sonya herself talks about her work, you know, when i'm all there they say, my god, our home... such large paintings, what is needed for the house, for the space in which it will hang, i do not adapt to what will be comfortable or uncomfortable for someone, i paint such chromes, because i like it, i generally have a dream to create some kind of picture , well, like there is 5 by 5, well, well, well, the scale of the personality is such, you understand, the scale
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of the personality, well, in the end i will say that of course, in order to... develop in this artistic field, it really often takes a lot money, and in the end, both artists and their managers, for example, can earn a lot, and it's absolutely normal , but certainly not in this way, well here, thank god, this artist and star of ours, who left on time , was declassified, if this had not happened, then i imagine that she could have made some content for years. some paintings and she would really be considered a classy, ​​talented business woman from art. it will get really cold in ukraine , natalka didenko will tell us right now, let's watch and listen.
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synoptic hello to all. dear viewers, we are, of course, talking about the weather that is expected for the next day and beyond, because the synoptic situation is getting complicated, it is very interesting for forecasters, and therefore of course i will be happy to share the forecasts with you, but first we will talk about such a phenomenon, which in the forecast is called the ultrapolar invasion of cold or arctic, well, from the name itself it is clear that it is an air mass. which moves from the regions of the arctic and it goes, so to speak, from the northeast to the southwest, well, to be more scientifically accurate, such definitions are arctic invasion - this is the invasion of the mass of the arctic air in the middle latitudes , which is accompanied by a decrease in air temperature and a decrease in humidity and usually an increase in atmospheric
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pressure, often reaches north africa, asia minor, even florida e. well, i also want to say that the invasion of an anticyclone or arctic air masses along the ultrapolar axis, e -e, that is, to europe from the north or from the northeast, but not from the northwest, that is, to make it simpler, the arctic invasion is ultrapolar - it is usually from the north or from the northeast, and by the way, such an invasion is expected on the territory of ukraine, but we will talk about it later, now we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and although here ... everything is relatively calm, now you will see from the forecast chart that no magnetic storms are expected, nor even any medium ones, there moderate, even more powerful ones, so let's actually move on to the weather forecast, and i want to say that for now in most regions of ukraine, as we predicted, warm weather will prevail, so tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, there is
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a chance of precipitation at night, but on the day without essential precipitation, and the air temperature +1 + in transcarpathia and in the chernivtsi region can even reach +7. in the north of ukraine , sleet and rain will pass tomorrow. the daytime air temperature is +2 +4°. well, in the extreme north , i want to say, in the northern regions of kyiv region, chernihiv region, sumy region, it can be minus even during the day. in the east of ukraine +3-+6°. the maximum air temperature is predicted for tomorrow, so of course, if it rains, then mostly. to rain, it will be cloudy in the central part of ukraine, precipitation is more likely at night, during the day, or without any significant precipitation, or in some places small +2 +6°. in the south. in part of ukraine tomorrow will be cloudy weather with clearings and tomorrow in the south even sunny clearings are possible, and the air temperature is accordingly high +6 +10, in crimea up to +12. in kyiv
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, rain is expected tomorrow, with wet snow in places, the air temperature will behave atypically, so to speak, because at night it will be a little even warmer, there 0 + 2, 0 +3°, during the day close to zero, in the evening up to -2-3 °. here it is... interesting, as i said, a difficult synoptic situation is expected in ukraine in the near future days what's next? since january 7, in most regions of ukraine, well, starting from the north, of course, cooling is expected, what we talked about is the arctic invasion of cold air, you should not be afraid of this word invasion, these are synoptic atmospheric processes, absolutely normal for winter, that is why it is getting colder and it will be cold in most regions of ukraine, well... in january in many regions of ukraine, and in the southern part and in the central regions , a southern cyclone will cause precipitation,
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gusty wind, snow, sleet, accumulation of wet snow, etc., an increase in air temperature, i.e. i want to say that this cooling will be short-lived, rather short-lived, because an increase in air temperature is expected in most regions of ukraine already from january 11. by the way, here is the very end of the news that did not make it into the release, as they say, in russia, putin decided to create a formation, a military, well, an armed formation, which will deal with the fact that it will protect the districts of the city of moscow, i don't remember now how many districts are there in moscow, well, there they are somehow divided into districts, districts, they have them there his own map of moscow, and after... he arrived in moscow, he did not reach moscow allegedly because of lukashenka's call, maybe for other reasons, in any case, moscow was actually not ready for the wagnerites' offensive, if he had reached, it is not known why all this would end,
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but now putin, who is confident of his victory, they say, they say that 158% of the citizens will vote for him, they say that those who died in ukraine, their votes have already been recorded for putin, the russian murderers, have weight for which their votes have already been recorded in ukraine putin, now they are called a voter, but at the same time, in spite of everything. with such support, the supposedly huge putin for some reason creates a formation and actively creates his weapons, a formation that will directly deal with the fact that it will protect the city of moscow and directly the kremlin, what this is connected with, it is difficult for me to say, but as they say, putin began to blow on cold water. thank you for being with us, thank you for watching the great ether, i'll see you tomorrow, take care of yourself, heed the air warning signals and good evening, we are from ukraine.
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there are 20% discounts on anti-catarrhal drugs in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on pshik, 10% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. the verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, more more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts,
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inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on...
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you hear this symphony, it is created by railway workers
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to bring you. dreams, dear passengers, wake up, ukrzaliznytsia works every day so that all holidays come on schedule, congratulations christmas and new year, oh, i almost killed myself, they are going to install generators here , put them on the balcony, the generator emits carbon monoxide, so only outside six meters from the windows and... ray follows the safety rules, they save lives. the single news marathon continues, inter's information service continues to work for you. i am anna kameneva. congratulations. russian occupation forces continue to press our positions along the entire contact line. the most difficult situation is traditionally the eastern front. the enemy is trying to break through
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several defense lines at once. directions kupyansk, liman, bakhmud, attempts to storm everywhere. the enemy does not stop his plans to surround avdiivka. our military commander ihor lyvynok visited the vicinity of soledar in donetsk region, in zvanivka. more about the war, history and stalinist terror. further in the exclusive material. hot section of the front near soledar , heavy artillery, cannons are working, everything is under cover, he brought help to the local population, you see, the water is still flooded, a front-line village in donetsk region with a unique ethnic composition of residents, what is its fate? if i say that this is the village of zvanivka, and it is more than 70 years old here they call the village of the donbas banders
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, then you will probably have something... the bigger question is that we, as ukrainians, are mixed this way and they are that, well, we never have scandals, we were a collective farm, we were all together, how do people survive in inhumane conditions without water in connection with civilization and under daily shelling? the road to the front line is always a test of strength, the presence of enemy kamikaze drones in the sky adds adrenaline. and tell me what it is and why? well, this is such a portable rep system that allows you to plant in half a bucket at a distance of a maximum of 200 m, hostile the section of the front near soledar, villages devastated and destroyed by the war. the russians wipe everything they come close to off the face of the earth. calling number, during the last.
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for 70 years, the inhabitants of this village suffered twice from the muscovites, just look at the church here, probably the only structure that more or less survived here, the basilian monastery, the greek catholic parish, you will ask where it is from here in donbas, and if i tell , that this is the village of zvanivka, and it has been called the village of the donbas banders for over 70 years, then, you will probably have even more questions. in... in 1951, residents of zvanivka were deported from lviv oblast to donbas. the then kremlin leadership evicted people from their native homes. as a result of the exchange of territories with poland, the village of liskuvate in boykiv region was given to the poles. its residents were settled here in zvanivka. the settlers built a church here, the only greek-catholic parish in donbas. by the name of god.


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