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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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in the month of february of the 24th year, most of the recipients of assistance can stop receiving such assistance, this position is not supported by the president and is not supported by the prime minister, because it is about more than 2 million people, if this resolution will operate as it is written now, more.. 2 million people will stop receiving money, of course this cannot be allowed, and now a resolution is being worked out, and we are waiting for the ministry of social policy to submit it for the consideration of the government, and the government has options where to get money, when people come here directly, from on whom the solution to financing issues depends, they see everything, they then come there completely different and convince, convince those on whom the solution depends, such as the us governments. japan, norway, other countries
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and, of course, large international organizations, the oonivsky ones, right? we have good cooperation with the un coordinator in ukraine, denis brown , and she always goes to new york, we meet with her, we coordinate, and i hear her speeches, because she directly, it was now the christmas holidays, she directly met them in kharkiv region, in kupinsk under fire, and then i understand that her word, her reputation has weight, and in this way we... really convince our partners not to reduce support, on the contrary, to try to increase it, to make such support focused, yes, a priority for us. and now i would like to return to the residents of the temporarily occupied territories. passporting has become such a globalized problem this year, in particular after putin issued a decree on the deportation of ukrainians who remain in temporarily occupied territories with ukrainian passports, and it is clear that most people were still forced to issue. russian citizenship,
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next year we have presidential elections in the russian federation, and we understand that our people in the temporarily occupied territories will be forced to vote, what political risks might there be in this connection? well, look, if it 's about directly participating in these pseudo-elections, i recommend not to participate, because it can be criminally punishable, the features of a criminal offense, if we we are talking about the political consequences for... the tsar or whatever they call him for the future, then, as i have already said, they threw off their riding pants, because by taking part and involving them in the elections, in fact, the temporarily occupied territories, they completely delegitimized this process, and no sane country recognizes the election process as legitimate, and there is already a question of legal qualification. the international community for us
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, we did not recognize and will never recognize these elections in the temporarily occupied territories, in particular, therefore, if it is possible to refrain from any cooperation, if there is such an opportunity, leave, passportization, i say, if it is necessary in order to leave, take the passport of an enemy state, take it and leave, you need to save yourself, your children, your loved ones , do you think the international community can repeat history as it is... belarus will not recognize, as they did not recognize lukashenka as president, can it not recognize putin, or will they dare, in your opinion? we'll see, because it's really, after all, an international community of some kind such an illusory, but opinion, uh, he has, that it will be possible to sit down, negotiate, and if he is not legitimate, then with whom? i understand them on the one hand, but not on the other, because then you have to decide, dear, you do, either there is international humanitarian law or there is not. either there are
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geneva conventions or there aren't, you ca n't hold elections in the temporarily occupied territories, this is not the internal law and law of ukraine, these are international conventions, and therefore i ask you to observe them, and if you yourself are going to violate them, then why are we saying anything on international law and standards? the mayor of the temporarily occupied melitopol, ivan fedorov, he talked about the fact that people are now being actively forced to change their driver's licenses, car numbers, and some other bureaucratic procedures are known. they force people to change the birth certificate, thus, in effect, stealing our children and information about them, because it is very important for us to know and first of all to know what information is contained in yes in the data, yes, because a person is born, a child must be, certified in our registers, we also have a civil register states, the act of birth and the act of death, everything is fixed, and the birth certificates are becoming fewer and fewer, because they carry them out by brackets.
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ukrainian legislation, and this is the process that we are trying to stop with all our might. we appeal to the international community, we ask for help in establishing and identifying our children. at all stages of their birth and stay so that we understand where our children are and know who our children are, because they change their surnames, they change their names, years of birth, yes, hide them, move them, we have a very many facts that we record, collect, group and transfer to an international tribunal. let's simulate the situation, here, for example, i'm 15 years old, i live in temporarily occupied berdyansk, i received, forcibly received. russian citizenship, russian passport, how can i get a ukrainian passport already in free ukrainian territory? well, look, we did not recognize and do not recognize any documents issued by the occupying power, that is , whether they were received or not for us, for our legislation, for the legal field of ukraine, it doesn't matter, but
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in order to get it, because it takes 15 years to get a passport for the first time, yes, in order to get a passport for the first time, a certain procedure must be completed. and the child has to leave for the territory under the control of ukraine, it is about fingerprints that have to be handed over, it is about an id card, yes, we have the technology, we also have a different way of making passports and so on, so she has to leave to the territory controlled by ukraine, go through all identification procedures, there is video identification, but it is for those who have already gone through this procedure, i.e. to see, identify and then check the bases, this... dms can, but if it is the first time, then of course the child must come and undergo the procedure here physically. many orphans remain in the temporarily occupied territories, this is such a global problem, because
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it is very difficult to remove a child from the system, such as from a child's home in a temporarily occupied territory. what are the ways to evacuate such children? unicef, we have good cooperation with qatar, yes with the country that has already helped to evacuate more than one child, these are children from... including orphanages , that is, of course, that the orphanages that were formed on the territory of ukraine in peacetime are now disbanded, because russia scattered these children, she specifically disbanded them, and of course we have to look for directly to the children, there are different ways, but we use them, volunteers, journalists, i thank the people very much, because they risk often very much, but they do it and we bring the children back, you see these smiles smiles, yes... these tears , when we return them, because it is really a great joy for us. how can you evaluate your work in 2023 and what priorities have you set for 2024? for the 23rd year, we have the experience gained from extinguishing fires, yes, we put it into practice through
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headquarters, that is, coordination, we created infrastructure, because there is no infrastructure, i mean institutional infrastructure, yes, who and how, who is responsible for what, where specifically... everyone, where everyone knows what he should do in this area, in the data, in the given circumstances, at the present time. so, these headquarters, which i mentioned, yes, at the level of ova, coordination centers, at the community level, as well as councils of idps and others, for example, we have a meeting on veteran policy, we meet every thursday at 5 p.m. and resolve the issues of family members, yes, who called what, who called, some resolution, some who needs to change, it's all about working with people, but on the one hand it's... tiring, but on the other hand, there's no other way than working with people. so, the 24th year for me personally, i set such a task, so everything that happened in the 23rd year was good, because there were projects that only started to work, yes, there is work, own business, vouchers for
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retraining, our shelter, yes, you know, this program, we have to scale, just scale, what works must be scaled, it is also work. and it takes a lot for it to really scale to the level of the country, not 500 or so or 500 people who got a job or housing, it should be, you know, 50, 500 thousand, then that's a scale, and of course that doesn't work , we have to honestly tell ourselves, it didn't work, and you don't have to be afraid of it, you know, you don't have to drag it a dead corpse of a project that does not work, but we have pride here, something we are not allowed to admit it, they left it alone. put an end and do not waste energy, do not waste time, because time is priceless, yes, nor our human energy. thank you. thank you. more than 200 veterans and their family members have already become winners of the grant program on their own.
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they receive almost uah 100 million to start or expand their businesses and will create about half a thousand new jobs, including for their peers. participant in hostilities with in rivne, oleksiy snitsarenko has already taken advantage of such a chance. with money from the state for his service station, he bought new equipment, thanks to which he is now able to repair cars for the military free of charge . a high-level programmer that allows you to modify the software of cars of any brand, it helps us to extract the software from the car, our programmers correct it, perform what is necessary according to the order and allows you to write back, accordingly makes all the compositions there. procedures for this equipment , the man spent all the grant funds, he received state aid under the program, there is work.
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oleksiy is the owner of a service station, where they perform complex manipulations with electronics in cars. he says that the purchased device helps to cope with such work quickly. the software is launched , followed by a check, verification or hardware. we choose this car accordingly. it syncs, checking the software, firmware of the device itself. and even after that gives access to manipulations with the car. oleksiy opened a car service in rivne four years ago, when he was discharged from military service, he is a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. from the 14th to the 19th year, he served in military service under a contract, from the 17th to the 19th year, he took part in the anti-terrorist operation of the oos, he was in the donetsk direction. there were specific tasks, we worked along the entire perimeter of the contact line. i got. from a participant in hostilities at the age of 25. now 31, oleksiy has his own car service since he was a child
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garage for two years when he moved to this spacious room, and worked in it for a short time, a month later a full-scale invasion began and the man went to serve again. for a year and a half, he performed tasks on the border with belarus, managed the sto remotely. the guys worked almost offline without me. maintenance of cars, repair of electronics, chip-tuning, repair of environmental systems. practically very practically all works except major repairs of gearboxes and engines. at the service station, they help the military on a volunteer basis, it is conducted here for free technically complex car repair. on older cars, you need to change the firmware of the car there, because it is impractical and expensive to repair it. the same system of ecology, it should not bring the engine to the front, it does not need it there, on the front for sure. we throw away these systems for them, sew them up, make more powerful cars to the best of our ability. and it must be cars from the military unit with documents. the entrepreneur also created one
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workplace at his station. these were the requirements of the grant program. took mark to work, an equator lost his business because of the war. before the war, he was engaged in cargo transportation. with the beginning of the war, my work, let's say, ended. well, because the main direction of movement of my, my work was the east, this is kharkiv. dnipro, mariupol, oleksiy offered to try this job, closed the entrepreneur and started working here, let's say, changed the field of activity by 180°. with cars in the repair of such and such, i have never been involved in such things, but little by little i got involved, learned what i needed to know. there is a lot of work at the station now, the guys say, in order to fulfill all orders , they work without holidays, work. there are not enough hands, a mechanic was mobilized for the war, and people with such a profession, says oleksiy, are now worth their weight
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in gold, and despite this, military vehicles are being repaired out of turn. the military must do its job, the economy must work, people must go to work, we just try to help, taxes, the economy, everything we can do from our side for the faster victory of our state, we try to do as much as possible. own business grant program for veterans ministry of economy. extended to 2024, so defense attorneys have a chance to receive from 250,000 to one million hryvnias for their own business. from rivne with faith in victory and the zsu, snizhana sydoruk, mykola vasylyuk, details, tv channel inter, marathon, single news. in ukraine , the minimum wage has increased since january 1, and now it is 7,100 hryvnias. accordingly, they increased. and certain social benefits, including the payment of the army of reconstruction. this
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government project enables the unemployed to perform socially useful work and get paid for it. how does it all work? an example from odesa in the material of andriy anastasov. the village of kosyn in the north of odesa and the enterprise tobmal - unemployment is a total problem, so the community , together with the employment service, organized socially useful works for local residents. this is weaving. for naval units of the armed forces. such nets, 30 m in length, protect the coastal strip from mines that were installed in the black sea by the russian occupiers. this is paid specially, this is what you see. such a point is 40 by 40 or 60 by 60 , the mine goes there with its teeth, it is inserted here and it can't get out again, and it turns out that this net becomes a ban for the passage of the mine to the shore, and at what depth? for 6 months, such work is paid from the social insurance fund in case of unemployment, the amount of one and a half of the minimum wage, previously it was uah 10.50, and since the new year, when
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the bar was raised, the amount already reaches uah 10,650, but money per head... such a time difficult in our country, which hurts each of them, and they do it with pleasure, they come, they put their soul into it, understanding that it will be a benefit for the armed forces of ukraine. mrs natalia, almost the entire family protects the state at the front. husband and two sons. so, if the kapronovanytka did not dig into her hands, the woman pulled hard. another knot, they can't always call, they can't always say, knitting just calms your nerves, but you trust your neighbor and think that she will help someone, she will bring some benefit to someone, in general, work within the framework of the army of reconstruction program can be absolutely various, from the elimination of the consequences of enemy shelling to
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the construction of defensive structures and landscaping, the registered unemployed are added, but recently to this category... the government also added forced migrants. this means that less displaced persons, who may not want to register with the employment center, but want to participate in community service, can participate, and the work will be paid for by our funds, even when local budgets do not have funds. regarding the organization of such works, first of all there must be a corresponding order of the military administration approved by the command, but the service says that many... it also depends on the initiative that the local authorities should show, so we call on all our colleagues from territorial communities and local self-government bodies to work together, all our specialists are ready to provide fully professional advice on the issue, please contact us, we will be glad and we will solve these issues together. it should be noted
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that this year in ukraine, another increase in the payment of such labor is planned from april 1, when... the minimum wage will increase for the second time, this amount will already be 12 hryvnias. with odeshchy andriy anastasov, ihor mikhanoshyn, details, intermarathon tv channel, united news. well, of course, as every year, ukrainians will face certain changes from january: an increase in the minimum wage, a recalculation of pensions or social benefits. my colleague yaryna markiv collected the main innovations that have already come into force and will tell you about them further. new taxes, higher salaries, improved services. since january 1, more than 100 laws and resolutions, including the state budget, have entered into force in ukraine. traditionally, it will double during 2024 the amount of the minimum wage. as of yesterday , the minimum is already higher by 400 hryvnias, increased from 6,700 to 7,100 hryvnias, in april it will be 800 hryvnias. the subsistence minimum will also increase according to the general indicator
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from the current 2,589 uah to 2,920. along with... salaries, taxes for entrepreneurs will also increase, for those who pay according to the simplified scheme, monthly payments will increase by 88 uah. pensions , the minimum pension in ukraine will increase by uah 268 this year and will amount to uah 2,361, the maximum will increase by almost uah 2,680. also, in 2024, the length of service of the required for a well-deserved rest. ukrainians with 31 years of experience will be able to apply for a pension at the age of 60. to retire at 63 , you need at least 21 years of experience, at 65 at least 15. in general, all payments linked to social standards will increase this year, there are about 20 of them. this is assistance to low-income families, children under guardianship, alimony payments to pregnant women. tariffs for gas, heating and hot water will remain unchanged until the end of the heating season,
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but in the future, a significant increase in the price of water supply is possible. it starts in 2024 a new stage of land market reform. legal entities will have the opportunity to participate in land purchase and sale operations. individuals will be able to buy land in the amount of no more than 10 hectares. ukrainians who plan to import cars will feel a blow to their wallets. since january 1, the cost of services of the ministry of internal affairs has increased. issuing a driver's license has increased from uah 26 to uah 230. taking a theoretical exam from uah 13 to uah 250, taking a practical exam from uah 13 to uah 420, registering and re-registering a vehicle from uah 200 to 350 hryvnias well, that's the end of us. ukraine may adopt a new draft law on mobilization, which includes many changes. the document is being prepared for the first reading, probably for consideration by the deputies, and it will be presented from january 10. iryna
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markiv, oleksandr kruglyakov, details, tv channel inter, edina news. that 's all i have, and the single news marathon continues. keep yourselves. chevorony, approaching victory. you are not born a marine, you become a marine through constant training, support and help comrades and commanders. join the friendly family of brave in spirit and faithful to the oath sons and daughters of the motherland. beat the enemy once... with the best cossacks of today , contact the representatives of the marine corps recruiting and recruiting center in your rtcc and sp, or call us at
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the number on the screen. finding yourself in new circumstances, a challenge that thousands of defenders are overcoming. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy of ukraine. application. applying for a veteran's grant is easy and convenient through action. apply and receive up to uah 1 million to start or develop your own business. rules of a warm country: kitchen. thank you for using the dishwasher less often. washing dishes by hand is so family-style. let's beat the winter together.
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chevrons approaching victory. czujesz co symphonia. it is created by railway workers to lead you to your dream.
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dear passengers, we are waking up. ukrzaliznytsia works every day so that all holidays come on schedule. merry christmas and happy new year. greetings, friend, i am marichka padelko, a tv presenter and mother of three children. i'm sorry i don't know your name. i would like to know. what kind of work did you do before the full-scale war, what coffee did you drink and what did you dream about, but i know something else, one day you went to defend what is dear to you and to all of us, our ukraine. my husband is also at the front, and i understand what difficult trials the war forces to pass every day. i am sorry for your injury, i really want you to get well. and the least i can do for this is to share my blood. i do this very sincerely and with only one note. thank you, hero. hospitals need
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donated blood every day. one donor can save three lives. donate blood, save the hero. war is a separate horrible surreal world, many who live in peace cannot understand it, because no one wants to end up and exist in hell, and when suddenly doomsday comes in your native house, people beg for... mogu, then higher forces send angels to earth.
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so what's next? yes.
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i am 39 years old in the ministry of internal affairs, i have been working since 2001. in my opinion, genocide is happening to the people. cities, here they let death go ahead of them, because there is complete devastation, by the time living people enter, they are already walking through the ruins, over stones, over the bodies of citizens, we do not allow this, the rank of senior police sergeant, i am in ranks the ministry of internal affairs of the 1998 year,
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if no one can get it, well, they call, they say, until the very end, only the whites will get it, terror-bullying our nation, they simply destroy us. i am the head of police videl number two of the pokrovsky district police department. i am responsible for these people who are going there. and i will be responsible for those people whom we will take out of there. at the station without seyach , kurakhova has arrived again, you and the wounded people seem to be, we are leaving there,
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let's go let's go. kolya, here, fuck, once, two, fuck, next, yes, yes,
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