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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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there is a civilian object, we see the dead , there are wounded, or or simply people died, yes , one civilian was wounded, two hundred were killed, we will not go today, it broke, here it went, and that is just me... he was born in a shirt and i just asked for everything, that is, the driver just as if someone closed him, he just stayed alive, which means that everything will be ahead, everything will be good, we have wounds, girl, let's get busy, fire, how did you spend the night?
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all police officers, the decision was made by the team, regardless of the evacuation of the police, they understood that the city and the village cannot be left without police officers, they made a decision that we would leave here with the armed forces of ukraine, they made a decision that the police would participate in the evacuation of the population, the help of citizens was needed, they began to appeal and the decision came by itself myself, i will not say that there are others not like that, but i chose those guys, firstly, who know the territory very well, secondly, the skills to provide medical assistance, thirdly, they should be good drivers themselves.
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everything works fine, let me root a resident of the city of kurakhova, and the guys, yes, they lost an iron there, the apartment of the parent's apartment in the sunny neighborhood was destroyed in the 14th year, and now the house is in the private sector, one can say that it is still intact, but life is impossible there, although, although people live and we eat we help
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there is no house, there is no rustamokom house , you want to see, it is normal, there are no houses, russia, someone has suffered here, in my village a lot has suffered, houses, people, many people have died, people who were offered to evacuate, they stayed. believed that their home was bigger than they had been able to do in their entire lives, they are not more than him, well, i explained to them how many times i left, that let's give these walls, we will build them, people, no, we will sit, that's why i have already buried some acquaintances, friends,
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they are no longer there. rustam is a unique person, he has been like that all his life, even before this conflict there was a case when they spent have you decided to go with us? but i didn’t think of it, i don’t want to and now they are going, that’s nonsense, don’t say such nonsense, well, what better way to go, well
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, we have pipa vasyl in this direction, he’s like that , he’s more psychological, he probably has methods works, it can be very difficult to persuade, the house is already broken. what is bad, you understand, vasya, well done, he can communicate with people, that is, i sort of manage the general process, yes, the guys there, what rustam, what vasya, that’s exactly what they are doing inside this shell, everything must be done in the team to be united and there should be a lot of trust, thanks to our
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leader, who still looks after us, he tries, he says, yes, let 's stop today, you're already tired, you're already guys, you're on fire, let's... let's slow down, that's it in the first months of the war, when you see, he comes to your office or we have an additional meeting there somewhere in another place at the collection point, and you see his eyes and you understand that these people have more adrenaline than he does he just gets out of them, you can't get poisoned by this adrenaline, because, because they will then go to donetsk, you know? in order to save someone, sit forward , we hold on, we hold on well, sometimes when
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we go there to provide humanitarian assistance, help, that's one thing, but when you, we sometimes go up with the leader, with my colleagues rise. he was still alive, so the bag immediately, yes, it's on the street, now i'll take it out, you're leaving,
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you're getting out of here, i don't know, you see what's going on here, there, where they don't shoot. we receive calls, either through 102, or directly to our phones, as they exchange with each other, the entire district department participates, they collect information, report to us, well... then we decide who can come forward, that is, who well, he can go to the contact zone, we discuss the route of movement, we agree on our actions with the military, with the military, especially in the marine area, at first we were still moving on our own, let's say so, and then it was impossible there airstrikes, the logistics were destroyed, the roads were destroyed, grandfather, we are leaving quickly, quickly, let's go home.
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people turned to us, during the day we took them out of the clinic in marynka, this is the center of marynka, six people were taken out, and then we received phone calls from relatives and a message that a woman and a man came from the area of ​​the dairy, well, they are waiting for us, we reached maksimylyanovka, shelling , tried to wait for something, reached georgievka, also nearby looked, came back, the enemy aircraft began to work. they're getting better, vitalivych, the tops wouldn't go any faster, oh, you bitch, parasites
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, let's go, let's go somewhere , i shook my legs so much, he said, he became calmer, he said , in the end, you did save those people, did we take them out on the same day?
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this is a memorable place, i want to say that we used to sit in a cafe here a year ago, there was even internet here, yes, the former police station was here in krasnohorivka, also a direct hit, it's good that we didn't stay overnight then, five schools in we were in krasnohorovka, that is for such a city there are five schools. you understand , yes, grandfathers, this is a new school
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, it was opened a year ago, a school that was not inferior, and maybe even better than any school in the capital, now we see the very ruins and fires, the fate of this school is such that it twice already, twice, it was damaged like that, it was rebuilt, and now here it is again,
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they loaded things, loaded people, moved to the second address, at that moment the shelling began, and literally in 20 minutes they call me, we have two or three employees, come on, let's get started, here we are together to load, to drag that old woman, the guys
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sat in front, and i stayed behind, at the moment, as from... to the place where we were standing, a mine flew by, the armored side glass survived, but the driver was losing blood, he made the decision to lead the people go on, don't stay in that place , well, i think that he can save people in that way, let's change the leg, everything, gas, everything on
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the fly, let's go, the car saved completely, saved the civilians, there were... six people, they were in a pod in this armored car. are you all ready? a splinter burned through the door and broke it driver's window, but it didn't catch fire, if it caught fire, we wouldn't have it here, shrapnel was taken out of two of my legs, my legs were hit in the limbs, my heel was torn, well, that's it... thanks to the doctors, they got me together, very i am very grateful to them when my soldiers were wounded, now i don't let them go there myself, i don't let them go by themselves, they only go with me. i do not believe that this is harming the service situation in the district, the service activity does not suffer from this comrade of mine, who was at that time, he was
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driving, he was also injured, now he is in the hospital, but he also wants to start work, it so happened that the vehicles that ... they gave me an ambulance, which is white, one child, i came, and brought him sweets, there was a jar of condensed milk , and then there was something else, well, what was possible to get when i drove up, he was always a white angel, a white angel, well, because it was white, well, the child liked it so much, the child gave the name white angel, well, it turns out like me and they called, come on, let's have everything , the founder of this team, ours, which is now called the white angel, he is the head of our department, in fact,
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plus rustam lukomsky, who was also called the white angel, they understood that help was needed people, civilian ambulances can't get there, for various reasons, had to provide medical assistance to people, perform unusual police for...
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in the chest, we arrived, punctured two wheels, but managed to get out, i'm behind a rickshaw, when it happened, bear with me dear. vitalch, we need porters, come to us the medics, the military , the military medics left, the military medics managed to take her away
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, she had a lung wound, they tell me that if it were another 10-15 minutes, she would die, say hello, all the time she tries to kiss my hands, i don’t know how they are ready to go that's it, that's it, they got in, that's it. and proved to us exactly the essence of how you can save a person when there is absolutely nothing at hand, improvise, all, all, come on, quietly, quietly
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, quietly, come on, come on, tied, i don’t know , right, wrong, tied, let’s see now, i'll put her in the car, oops. er, our boys, when they took the child, hands were shaking, they didn't know what to do with her, everything was more or less clear with her father, they provided
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help, put her in a car. what about the child and the father now? the father , by the way, was with our boys, who were wounded during the shelling, when the car flew to us, they were lying in the same ward with that boy, the child survived, the injuries were minor, but eh... shock state, quiet ,
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wait, sit down, sit down, i’ll wait , i’ll do it now, and i told you, come here, come in, get out, there, come in, vasya, let’s put you in car and let's get out, but wait, he has, he has openings here, but oh, come in, you don't have to. there were cases when we took two people, they went to dig potatoes, the owner, here, here, here, and a woman was wounded in the limbs, lower, and her husband was wounded, who is wounded , who is wounded, there, virgins, father, where have you been before ?
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the hand, the hand that pulls, well show me, brother , look, now, we took them to the hospital, provided help, stopped the woman's bleeding, the man was not bleeding so profusely, we brought him to the car, because the shelling was going on, and took the bag
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she asks if it's me or not, i think , maybe something happened, maybe some help, i need to deliver a parcel to someone, she was gone for 15 minutes, already everyone started to worry, she brings out a statuette of a white angel, that's it, well i brought it, she says, but you dreamed of me, and what did i dream of, either to long years of life, or to the fact that somehow i will finish my work, you understand.


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