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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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in this administration or the previous ones, right, go back to the time when the soviet union collapsed and when president bush gave his infamous speech, which was called chicken kiev, and we here criticize any american administration equally, because there have always been such hesitation, and you know, that's why we've always depended on congress, and that's why it's so unfortunate that we have the situation in congress that we're in now. because the biden administration up to this point has been more run-of-the-mill. fears, yes, any us government should be aware that russia has nuclear weapons, okay, you should worry about that, but that shouldn't dictate your policy, and there's also fear, and what if russia loses, if putin loses, what kind of situation are we going to be in, well, if you're in fear of it, you are not a world leader, you are not acting like a superpower, we need to make decisions not based on fear, we need to do what is right and... so that ukraine gets what it needs
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to win. on the eve of the congressmen's return from vacation, one cannot do without talking about the aid package and its delay selection both the foundation and the group of friends of ukraine defend this decision as much as possible, and they say that the arguments of opponents of voting for the package are often far-fetched. if they are so worried about the money we give to ukraine, yes, the public is not. understanding, here you are watching and listening to our television programs, we give hundreds of billions of dollars to ukraine, yes, we do not give hundreds of billions, as of now we gave ukraine 62 billion dollars, 42 billion of which were spent here in the states, because this money are used to modernize our weapons, the old version that we give to ukraine, it creates jobs in our states and cities. another thing is that congressmen who support ukraine, but ask the same question. which one did you put to president
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biden, and what is in the final? they want answers, they ask the same question as you at the press conference, and they are ready to support ukraine, but they would feel much better if they knew what a clear plan is. this plan, in particular, should have been determined even before the victory, and what is this victory to be considered? territorially, returning to what limit, and politically, reparations, criminal responsibility for war crimes, what else? and how to guarantee and ensure it? ukraine's victory means that it returns its borders, which were as of 1991. it means that the guilty will be convicted of war crimes, it means reparations, the return of all kidnapped children, the return of hostages, but these borders cannot be restored without long -range weapons, now they are in ukraine, and if you already have such weapons, there are many discussions now , when at... and all this so that in
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the end ukraine becomes a member of nato. it will change the whole dynamic, will not allow russia to shoot, if ukraine is already in the alliance, and nato should come, come soon. and that is why the coming year worries us, it will be full of challenges. one of them is the washington nato summit, and what happened in vilnius, when the larger... we now consider it our main task to do everything so that the usa acts as a leader again this year, because it is not only about ukraine winning in war and repelled putin's invasion. china is also watching, and what is happening in the middle east is far beyond the limits of ukraine, and that is why the importance of the ukrainian victory for the whole world cannot be overestimated. dmytro anchenko, serhiy koval, american. inter tv channel. marathon,
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only news. ukraine should rely on its own strength to survive this war. not only the west should mobilize, but also , first of all, ukraine itself. president volodymyr zelenskyy said this in a recent interview with the economist. in particular, the head of state said that ukrainians are ready to manufacture weapons themselves if private companies from nato countries grant us licenses. yes or not it is really possible to organize serial production of the western one. weapons, what are our capabilities , mykhailo maneliuk understood this, more artillery, more drones, more planes and armored vehicles, in order to defeat russia, we need all types of weapons, as... and more, as
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soon as possible, there is, handsome, when you do start, then it does not resemble reality, everything seems like a game. it is, it is, it is, for a year ukraine received from its partners long-range missiles, dozens of tanks, hundreds of thousands of ammunition, modern air defense systems began to protect the sky, but let's be realistic, the help of the west is not eternal, first of all, we need to rely on ourselves, so to produce more of our own weapons, the number one task for the domestic defense industry, in a recent interview with the publication volodymyr zelenskyy stated that ukraine... to manufacture western samples of weapons, if our partners give us production licenses. the governments of various countries are now looking for opportunities to force the international defense industry to give ukraine its intellectual property, license rights for much less money than it would have been in
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peacetime, because now ukraine has limited opportunities to buy licenses. let's assume that defense companies that manufacture weapons for the armies of nato countries will be given more. we will be given licenses for the production of weapons. experts are convinced, then we will be able to put on the conveyor, in particular, long-range stormshadow missiles, atakams, ammunition for patriot systems, modern tanks, but we need some time, which we do not have. in a year, it is possible and possible to make the possibility of serial production, that is, this, this led a large chain several businesses, starting with... crates or packaging and ending with the assembly of these elements, because most of the modern businesses, unfortunately, were destroyed during this large-scale invasion. however,
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lack of time is not the only problem that entails the launch of serial production of licensed weapons. we have problems, starting with the place for production and ending. production personnel, such personnel, firstly, are very few, secondly, a huge number of these people are mobilized at the front. speed the start of production depends primarily on the complexity of the components that will be manufactured. it is also logical to create small things so that it is more difficult for russia to find out what kind of production it is and to hit the enterprise. as for the placement of defense plants, there are several options. production can be arranged underground for security purposes, or agree on the location of facilities in the territories of other states where there is no war, however, this is again a matter of agreements with partners, often
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not even governments make such decisions, here rather, we are talking about western private companies, and their owners are primarily interested in making those things that will add value to the company's shares, in this context of giving. licenses to ukraine for the manufacture of weapons components would be possible if the countries where these factories are located were also in a state of war. there are already companies that are ready for joint production with ukraine, the german concern rainmetal will start assembling armored vehicles in ukraine in the near future - these are the words of prime minister denys shmehal. and it's not only our wishes, the company's president, armin paperger, previously also declared his intention to enter into an agreement. one contract with the ukrainian government is already working, our joint venture, together with rainmetal, will initially repair western systems, then we plan to start production of such systems with them, and
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this is a good format for us, we have several such already established joint ventures, which are in different formats, some as simple from... some as spr. in particular, according to the minister, together with the united states of america, we we are already working on three projects of hybrid franken air defense complexes. this is our productive cooperation with our american partners, in which we took our soviet systems, integrated them together with our western partners, together with western missiles, together with western launchers. and they received a new hybrid air defense system at the finish line. everyone knows that the development of any air defense system is 5 years plus. we are not waiting for these 5 years. also , the european branch of the american general dynamics corporation and a design and production enterprise ukrainian armored vehicles are considering
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the possibility of joint production of combat vehicles of the ascot infantry. this bmp is in service with spain, austria, great britain and the philippines. the country is starting work at a frantic pace. defense machine. we ourselves manufacture drones, anti-tank complexes, self-propelled artillery installations, and ammunition. according to the ministry of strategic industries. the number of companies producing weapons on the territory of ukraine increased fourfold in less than a year, in particular, we managed to produce six of ours bohdan self-propelled artillery installations. the president also talks about the good pace of production growth. the important results are the production of our rockets, the quantity and quality indicators of rockets are already significantly higher and will be even higher. according to. edition of forbes , during the past year, ukrainian defense and industrial enterprises produced
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weapons and military equipment for a total of three billion dollars (three times more than a year earlier). in 2024, the government has even more ambitious production plans. however , we hope that in the new year partner countries will also support us. mykhailo meneliuk, yevhen kaminsky, details of the intermarathon tv channel, the only news. the support of international partners, as never before... to our soldiers in donbas, the enemy is keeping the entire line of defense around avdiyivka under tension, and there may be another escalation in the regional military administration. the russians are now accumulating forces, and when the ground freezes, the assaults will most likely resume. my colleague, ihor lyvynok, saw with his own eyes how our defenders restrained the enemy on avdiivskyi directly with what efforts, see his exclusive report. at the limit of human
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capabilities. shot. kill the infantry. battles in the avdiiv direction, how our soldiers hold back the russian armada. at one point , we were even sitting in a roundabout, because they started taking us to the gate, the gate was on fire. the picture is called burnt out at work, here is a rest, yes, you, you, decided to rest, yes? there are people who, by their actions and willful efforts , become an example of indomitability and hope for others. have you seen how much equipment there is? well, a we have a landing of people, did you manage everything? well , it was successful, yes, i have sasha 50 or 60 shots per day with rp. 3-4 technique steps, this is more than 20 units. and two or three groups were still climbing, you fired 50 shots in a day with an rpg, yes,
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somewhere plus or minus 50-70, another one drove by there, well, she didn’t go far, she was, as you can see, a black dig, this is how the fighters of the 116th separate tro brigade fight, the boys from poltava who worked and studied before the great war with russia and did not even think that one day they would have to fight to the death with the enemy on the battlefield. i to you i will explain why we succeed. firstly, because we are motivated, and secondly, we care for each other and motivate each other to move forward. ivan is 20 years old, he admits, he did not make the decision to go to the front as a volunteer, he took into account the risks, thought about the future, now he is a grenade launcher. well, to put it bluntly , i guess i thought for a week about whether to go or not, well, i really thought that i might not have tomorrow... well, regardless of anything, i went , not very good, good morning,
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alive, i love the smell of palm trees in the morning, if possible, the guys in the trenches film a chronicle of their war, the beginning of the russian offensive near avdiivka, famous footage of the ukrainians smashing columns of russian equipment, this is an attack right on our positions, on the 19th-10th, when this well, such a difficult battle, then i will hand it in... well, 14 units of technical units of equipment were destroyed by our landing, i don't remember, there seem to be three or four tanks in the field, as sasha says at one point, what about that tank , he says, and i shot him, he stopped for some reason, that is, it was destroyed and it was more than 200, about 50 personnel were destroyed, well, this drone was flying, dmytro bilokin counted, his personal history. impressive, worked as a lawyer in a foreign investment company, after february 24 the firm offered
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him to go abroad. dmitry said no. the second tree after the break, right. it was the most basic such argument that i did not go anywhere and so on. i thought about this for a long time, i would not be able to look at myself in the mirror. well, it would be unreal for me. all the boys had already suffered injuries and severe contusions, but never from their own positions did not retreat. came here. and somewhere here there was bleeding, there was no major artery in front of them, the guys stood up and will continue to stand, they say, the russians are much less lucky , the armada of their equipment could not beat the guys from the poltava tro, you can be the elite of the russian army as much as you want, and then get kicked poltava waste disposal plant.
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poltava dtro, i don't know, i would have shot myself in place of their commander, if, knowing that... i have people whom i trained to fight there for 20 years and so on, were dismantled by 20- and 30-year-old boys who well, in general, military in fact, they only focus on games and so on. from donetsk region, ihor lyvynok, vasyl dendin, volodymyr humenyuk, tv channel inter, details, marathon, edinny news. today , the verkhovna rada's committee on security and defense began considering the government's draft law on the improvement of certain issues of mobilization, military registration and... passing of service, the head of the servant of the people faction, david arahami, announced this in a telegram. the discussion will last several days, and today the meeting was attended by defense minister rustem omerov, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi and serhiy shapkala, chief of the general staff. all of them emphasized that the draft law needs improvement. 9 thousand cases regarding
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evasion of mobilization. this is what the police call this number. already taken to court. men of reasonable age resort to the most incredible schemes. they pay several thousand dollars each, and are even ready to risk their own lives to escape abroad. our correspondents checked which schemes are most often used by fugitives and how law enforcement officers counter them. what happened find out? see further. the sbu and special services are on these shots. they catch a gang that illegally crossed the border. the perpetrators helped men of draft age to leave ukraine to the unrecognized transnistria. according to a similar scheme, violators wanted to cross the border in bukovina as well. four men in a boat tried to conquer the mountain river tisza. behind
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this line, the neighboring country of romania is already 9 km under the close supervision of border guards. along the way , civil servants agree to show us places, most of which are ukrainian men are trying to escape to europe, evade from here and try to cross the state border, a little higher, there is a section of the forest, so that it would be more difficult for us to notice them , that's where they try, but they don't succeed, an observation tower, a night vision device , and that's how we find them. in order to illegally cross the border, violators wait for the right moment, wait for the outfit to pass, or for night, and then they try to cross the state border. often risking their lives, they try to cross the border through snow-covered mountains, so most often such fugitives have to be not just caught, but saved, and the first unsuccessful attempt does not stop
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them. there are those who try twice or thrice. well, the violators themselves, those who, let's say, want to illegally cross the state border, they are liable for administrative responsibility, and if they are organizers under the criminal code, from three to 9 years of imprisonment. in just one day, border guards detain up to seven people who want to enter europe illegally, the number of violators at this border has increased almost twice as much as last year. on the lion. male offenders choose a more comfortable illegal crossing of the border through a checkpoint, for example, hiding in a truck or a minibus, he was sitting inside, behind the seat, well, in the seat, natalya collects, there are three of them, he is standing here, so the driver comes to me
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, the driver will come out here, that's why the border guards... also open some personal belongings to such vehicles, everyone gets up, looks around, mostly male offenders try to hide, this is the rear part, and then there are partitions, then there are personal things, a person can hide, they disguise themselves with things, and then it turns out such a hiding place for violators. the most popular scheme among cheaters in the lviv region is a fictitious marriage with a person with a disability. such men were stopped more often than not at this checkpoint. the law enforcement officers tell. the quick marriage service costs up to 5,000 conditional units. after the transfer of such a person abroad, i.e. a person with a disability returns, files for divorce, without
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consideration of the spouse, i.e. in the future break up and possibly look for new clients who, for a monetary reward, want to leave the health border under the guise of accompanying a person with a disability. among the popular schemes is the forgery of documents, in particular, certificates of the status of a father with many children or removal from the military registration in the tsc. and men with such fakes. of draft age usually try to get to europe at night, when it is difficult to call, contact recruitment centers or social security, whether such documents were issued, so they are carried out in this way additional measures for in-depth verification of these documents. after increased checks on the ukrainian-polish border , buses with passengers have to stand in line for up to 10 hours, although there are not many men of military age here, they say they are fine with... documents for crossing the border, but they refuse to speak and show them on camera. i have, do you have a reprieve?
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serhiy and his wife were taken off the bus bound for poland, the man is 58, says his wife has the third group of disabilities, but they have not yet received all documents from the medical commission. we didn't know that they let in the fact that there is no certificate, we didn't know, if we knew, you wait, i'm at the income office... i'm on the register, they gave me, well, not a deferment, but a release from service, because i have an income for my wife, they have male violators of their schemes also in transcarpathia, here they like to quickly become parents of many children or guardians of people with disabilities on paper. we see that such attempts do not stop now, that is, they are detected, one or two such offenses may be detected in a day, leave illegally into the country. men of draft age in europe are also trying to use the system to bring in truck drivers who do not plan to return to ukraine. these drivers must confirm the purpose
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of their trip abroad. well, for example, if a driver transports cargo, he does not know to which country and what exactly he is transporting, then we, as authorized officials, have a question as to whether this driver will actually transport cargo from the licensee. border guards only in the last 11 months almost 800 violators were detained, 3,000 illegal documents with the help of which men tried to get to europe were exposed. given the fact that documents are forged quite often, border guards can strengthen verification measures in order to prevent the use of forged documents. strengthening document checks , according to border guards, will reduce the number of people who want to cross illegally. khrystyna hashenko, olga luchchyk, maryana martyn, details, intermarathon tv channel, edina news. housing certificates. since the beginning of the year, they can exchange for a new home the owners of housing
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completely destroyed as a result of russian aggression. the ministry of infrastructure informed us that two families in the kyiv region have now become owners of new housing. it is known that the family from gostomil lost their house at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, now plans to move to... in buch, thanks to which the woman even decided to return to ukraine from evacuation. in general, government officials intend to spend uah 10 billion to compensate ukrainians whose homes were destroyed or damaged. nina kolomiets found out who and what what sums can be calculated by all the innovations of the state program in its plot. buche is one of the cities most affected by russian aggression. yes, there were orcs here, they were in this house, denys's apartment in this residential complex was turned into a military base by the occupiers. the orcs have reached this far, and they were even standing
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in front of the complex, our armed forces of ukraine were knocking them out of here. during the fighting, the apartment suffered a lot of destruction. there were no windows, well, everything was knocked out with the blast wave, and since we have a front apartment, we still have and broke. these walls had to be repaired anew. denys received the funds for the restoration of housing under the state program for restoration in september, and is currently making repairs. 145 00. 100 well this is quite good. i think that for a warring country to allocate that kind of money for recovery is, well, it's pretty cool. last year, the state paid citizens 2 cents for home repairs. 2 billion hryvnias, the possibility of using housing certificates for the purchase of real estate is now open, this is an option for people whose apartments were completely destroyed. get
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owners of four housing categories can receive compensation from... the state. if the house or apartment needs to be repaired after enemy attacks, the owner is compensated up to uah 2,000 under the restoration program. if the house needs major repairs, you can expect up to 350,000 to restore the apartment. if you have a private house, then up to half a million hryvnias. families whose housing cannot be restored. can receive certificates for the purchase of a new home. if you have already repaired the damaged one housing at your own expense during the war, you can also claim compensation from the state. moreover, even if you did not save receipts from the purchase of building materials. in total, we expect about 10 billion now for all components, component a, component b and compensation for the destroyed. and these are
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all budget expenditures. if we talk about minor damage and medium damage, in these funds that the state budget spends for these purposes, we currently have to compensate the mutt with the world bank, with which we have an agreement regarding compensation for destroyed property. we are currently negotiating with the development bank of the council of europe. hundreds of residents of kyiv and the region, whose buildings were damaged by the enemy, in particular after... long-ago rocket attacks, our windows and panes were blown out, our balcony was also blown out, my friend told me to register in there is help and they have already registered for it, no, we are just getting ready, 12,000 families have already applied for participation in the program, only in kyiv region, the regional military administration notes. positively consider these applications of almost 9,000 citizens, for a total amount of almost 1 billion.
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uah. residents of the frontline regions count on compensation for destroyed and damaged housing. the window was blown out, the whole room was made of glass, we still sometimes find glass. lilia shows what her house has become after the shelling last spring. i remember that debris from enemy shells was collected all over the yard, and when they saw their broken house, they were shocked. there was no window in the children's bedroom. there was no window in our bedroom, the roof was lying on the floor, the building we had was, it was, it was still blown to pieces , the village council helped with slate for the roof in order to make full repairs to the house, the family applied for participation in the state program for restoration and already for i received money a month ago, uah 28 was spent on replacing windows and purchasing building materials, foam
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for insulation, paint, putty, these corners are different, everything that the builders came, they wrote us a list for their work. in total , more than three hundred houses were damaged in the kushogom community. applications 60 families applied for compensation, 40 have already received a favorable decision. the scale of damage is recorded by a special commission. the selych council emphasizes that it is important to collect a complete package of documents. not everyone has documents. for the privatization of the house as a right of ownership, therefore, because of this, we only have 60 applications for this, secondly, if a person applied, or they already had the roof repaired there, for example, a window was changed, because the village council helped, volunteers helped, helped funds, and people have already restored their housing, the ministry of infrastructure notes that they are working on
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so that even those who lost their homes in the temporarily occupied territory could claim nationality. now officials are looking for tools to record the destruction of housing. there is a symbiosis of several solutions, including satellite surveys, and documentary confirmation of the fact from various sources, and photographs that the person had, such a non-standard approach, currently we are working with the executive committee of the melitopol city council... we are waiting for the completion of this work in february, and if we have an understanding that our proposed approach works, and based on it , local self-government bodies can make such decisions, and we will be able to spread it to all territorial communities that are currently under occupation and to people whose homes have been destroyed. you can apply for compensation for damaged or destroyed housing in
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the action application or in this.


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