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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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they are working to ensure that even those who lost their homes in the temporarily occupied territory can apply for compensation. now officials are looking for tools to record the destruction of housing. there is a symbiosis of several solutions , including satellite surveys, and documentary confirmation of the fact from various sources, including photos that the person had, such a non-standard approach, currently we are working with the executive committee of the melitopol city council, we expect the completion of this work in february, and if we have understanding that the approach proposed by us works, and on the basis of it local self-government bodies can make such decisions, and we will be able to spread it to all territorial communities that are currently under occupation and to people whose homes have been destroyed. apply for compensation for damage or destruction. housing can be found in the application or
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in the administrative services center. nina kolomiets, roman barashev, inna gogoi, details, inter marathon tv channel only news. chevrons approaching victory. strength, will and indomitability, passed down from father to son for centuries, and i am the one who carries cossack strength and cossack glory imprinted on my heart. i am the one who carries within me the glory of freedom-loving ancestors, whose unyielding will
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... lives to this day, i am the one who, throughout the centuries, carries within me the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who will never bow down to the enemy, i am a warrior of ukraine, indomitable and unconquered, i will defend the land given to me by god and always believe in my invincibility. finding yourself in new circumstances is a challenge that thousands of defenders are overcoming. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy of ukraine. applying for a veteran's grant is easy and convenient through action. apply and receive up to 1 million hryvnias to start or develop your own business.
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privatization is important for industry because it is the creation of the new from the old. look, the state has non-working industrial sites, so it sells them to an entrepreneur who will create new production on their base, and with it, jobs, profits and benefits privatization from the state property fund of ukraine. we have, we care, we develop. what is this ? columns will be left. there was no,
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it was just a movement, we walked along the roads, that’s all, yes, yes, the prisoner’s scheme is simple: first tell about training, then that everyone was abandoned, and most importantly, don’t forget about the look, here one, full of guilt and apologies, we forgot something, and the main argument is that this war is not necessary, i still cannot understand what it was for. we have long been dealing with this topic of russian soldiers who were captured by ukrainian defenders, dozens of videos, interviews, filming, and on almost all sources they, that is, prisoners, say exactly this: they do not need war. an interesting fact: 8 months of war, tens of thousands of victims, and they, that is, military personnel, still do not understand something. and what about those who went to war when hostilities were in full swing. russia already was losing thousands of its own, and decisions should have been made by now.
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a lot, yes, no, he fought for 5 months, 5 months, oh, that’s quite a lot, 5 months, there were also mortgagors, it’s also like personnel, but they went here solely because their apartment would be taken away and they would be forced them to pay off all the mortgages that russia has been paying for them all this time, they have such, but if they refuse to comply with the order, they could take all of it away from them, and these people have two by two by three. child and if they were forced to go here in this way, then you forgot about it prisoners, about whom we knew at the beginning of the summer, that they were going here even before the appearance of the famous video with the beautiful ones, the minimum age that we take is 22
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years old, if younger, a bill from the nearest relatives, that they are not against, the maximum age conditionally, conditionally, it's 50 years in six months.
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the safest place in the country. at the beginning of the war
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, thousands of refugees went here to western ukraine. paradoxically, it is here that those who forced civilians to flee, those who brought war to our land, are received. camp for... prisoners of war in western ukraine. you will see the conditions of their maintenance and decide for yourself whether the russians deserve them. we talked with the prisoners, you will hear their thoughts, arguments and motives. spoiler, it will be very nasty in places. on august 12, i woke up, i had to. i was on my way back from the educational center, in the end everything changed, we first drove to the airfield on a kamaz, and then to the airfield by plane to belgorod, that is, the day passed as if nothing foreshadowed trouble
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, as i usually wake up, as always at 6 in the morning, yes with cat food, potatoes dug up, potatoes removed, cellar i cooked food, my wife, my wife came from work, it’s all good, it seems, no , the loan needs to be paid with something, well, you ’re long, come on, i went, it was a wonderful day, i went for a walk,
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but at first glance, they there are many here, the number of prisoners changes, from here. russians are taken from the camp, although unfortunately not often, but replenishment is regular. they drive in from there, they are brought in special vans, they are lined up here, by the way, there is a church, every sunday a service is held here, a clergyman comes. cross, if anyone i need it, then the cross has forgotten what i want, please, let's talk, where are you? 40 people go to war, where are you, the temples are empty, to whom do you pray, which ones? by god, what are you waiting for, the slaves will come in a crowd
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, pray to god, repent, god and faith in him is one of the motives of the russians in this war, the denazification and demilitarization of ukraine, it is no longer working, a new stage, a new mission, desatanization . after the shock and search, personal belongings of russian soldiers are stored in this room, which, by the way, are physical evidence. that they are occupiers, because the uniform of the armed forces russia, minshov, by the way, he was lucky to have only his uniforms in sacks of nevi, they had the right to kill at all, you think, why not, we are on someone else's territory, well, in fact, we came to someone else's house, that's why how would it be, everything, the soldiers in the ssu performed an operation on me. just as they took a prisoner, they operated on me right there in the wet landing, after
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the explosive detonation i was wounded, i fell off the armor, either by the shock wave, or i fell, i don’t remember well, and there they dragged me into the field of bushes, there they helped me tighten the tourniquet for about one and a half hours i stayed in the field for about an hour, after that i was there - they found the soldiers in su and some more wounded and took them to their, as i understood it, field camp, they took out the splinters, that is, treated the leg so that suppuration did not happen later, and took them out, as i understood, most of the fragments, since only two metal fragments were revealed later in the hospital during an x-ray, they saved my life. now we go to the medical department,
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four patients are hospitalized here with various wounds of varying severity, so it is necessary to wear such a khalas. here in the medical department has many different offices, a dental therapist, and so on. now one of the prisoners is having his legs bandaged. here the prisoners of war are rehabilitated, the wounded are regularly bandaged, and any diseases they brought from russia are also diagnosed. this is one of the offices i was talking about, the dental office, across from the ultrasound office. pay attention, there is new equipment everywhere, here, for example, the chair is made. next is
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the barber shop, every captured soldier gets a haircut, and only then is he given clothes. uniform for all seasons. here, look, a set of underwear, a summer uniform, a winter uniform, and, of course, shoes. i can't answer this question, i just
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saw an advertisement, they are recruiting people under a contract, and i first went to my military enlistment office, then the republican one, i passed the commission there, well , a psychologist, a psychotherapist, uh, and after a week, i was probably released to the republican one. military enlistment office and went to the city of totskyi by bus, signed a contract with totskyi and through -
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in part, the prospect, i say again, we have a military mortgage, this is very it's convenient, you serve, the army pays for you , you retire, in addition to the fact that you are paid a pension, benefits, and an apartment, it's good, that's why people are afraid to be fired, that is, they're afraid to lose such a good place, and where are you from from the city of tula, and if you now think carefully about how you would be afraid to lose the place and how afraid to lose it... of course, life is more expensive than a sweet place, an apartment, of course, but, but i think that in at that moment, people thought last of all about death, again, here but they don't talk much about what losses are, not losses, how everything is really happening here
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, that's how it is, that war is war, and people aren't just running around with machine guns and shooting in the air. six months, it didn't concern us at all , we didn't discuss the topic of war in principle, what do you fear most in life, i can't say for sure, death, probably, like everything, that's why i went to the military, well, i represented the service to the military, as it were being in parts, that's exactly what this device is because of. almost a year of war, but it did not concern some at all, the rest came for it titles, benefits, apartments. completely destroyed cities, tens of thousands of dead, although they are still not recognized by the kremlin. in addition, war in russia is being shouted from almost every corner. time passes,
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nothing changes in russian cities. the russian prisoners lied and will probably lie, but why? are they afraid? this is not the worst human reaction. let's assume that their life is a complete lie, multiplied, of course, by fear. fear, which is sown by propaganda and instilled by the russian security forces. and, unfortunately, in most cases it is not the fear of being a non-human lose your life of course, there were thoughts of terminating the contract, but in russia it is not as easy as it is. it seems, that is, in order to resign from the army or to terminate the contract - it is necessary to go through a lot of people's accounting, and it will take not a month, not two, not three and not four, we were faced with the fact in 2 days, it is not so easy to take and just leave, i'll go, well, i'll get some kind of article, judge
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, i have a contract, i signed a contract, if i violate its conditions, i'll find a thousand conditions to put me in prison, that is... to spend ten years or several years in prison there, that is, or how, that is, the system of punishment was voiced to you, the system of punishment, well, up to the deprivation of freedom, that is , failure to comply with the order is fraught, here were some people who talked about living examples of that, the fact that people were imprisoned for the fact that they did not want to obey orders. we do not know where this military unit is located, and the number of detainees either, but the arrests and criminal cases of mobilized russians who refuse to go to ukraine, they say, we will tell next, we will also mention the state program i want to live, so to speak, the reservation of places in
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captivity, and for now about the places in the colony without prior reservation, they left theirs. the usual story, that is, they left, stayed with a friend, well, they don’t know what to do, how would they go to war for the first time by themselves, here they also throw their own, such, well, it was a confused state, of course, they all accepted us, the intelligence stayed , everything is humanly normal, that is , nothing like that happened, they were even surprised that they called us just children, there were already grown-up uncles like that, they were just watching, but they were still like children talking. what is sergey's name, and also tyoska , his last name is rybel, like rybel, rybel, yes, jew, no
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, they beat us all, i didn't even understand anything, but somehow in the place where the zsu forces were, they accepted everything there, calm down, everything, he says, don't be afraid. everything is normal, like we won't kill you, nobody will offend you, don't beat you, nothing like that, well, that is, everything was fine, i thought it would be different, but as they thought, well , propaganda works from both sides, that is here and there they talk about what is mocked there, here they talk about what is mocked, the truth is somewhere in the middle, this is the middle and it is also squat. well, everyone has heard about war mosquitoes, i think that in principle
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there is no need to comment anything after that, it is clear that freed russian prisoners who fall back to russia, people are captives and immediately fall into the millstone of russian propaganda, someone finds in themselves maybe. at least keep silent and have the strength, yes, or find some wording that will not be there at all to differ from reality, well, someone does not brag and says that what is ordered, 57, for example, the man returned, it was when medvedchuk was changed, yes, they were able to take information, information about these comments from five or six russians, that is, the specific story there is like this, 57 flew in from... talked to everyone, selected those who can best formulate theses from their propaganda, and they stand and
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broadcast the politics of this party, well, of course, i really, really laughed with this brazhkin, of course, that's why they didn't feed him, they only gave him bottled water to drink, well damn, well, well, i 'm just sorry, how stupid do you have to be to film something like that, because i... you will be released, but we need to be in time for your dinner, you see , we are put in conditions here, yes , so that you eat on time, the third department,
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we go out to prepare for lunch, thank you, i am just like an ordinary soldier, i can’t do anything about it, in syria, too, and especially special operations, that’s not war,
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behind the building i saw a bright light, how surprised i am, i'm afraid to imagine, how would it be себя выбольный от... to use the word surprised, when children could have died from a rocket, a complete lack of empathy. air raid alarms are sounded several times a day and last for several hours, and all prisoners must descend into shelter. there are several such shelters, and all prisoners and all personnel can stay in them. and even doctors. according to the conditions: chairs, light, toilet, water and a long table, longer than that of a bunker.
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that's how he lay for a minute, feigning pain on the football field. we watched it match, he is a litmus test of the emotions of the prisoners in the camp, in the eyes of excitement, on the faces sometimes, but... while we were filming the conditions under which the russian prisoners are received, that's what i thought of ours.
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group, it is quite small, but we are the personification of the whole country, because even in this small group we have a person who lost a lot in this war, and we have an acquaintance, or an acquaintance of an acquaintance, who lost a lot due to the invasion of russia , you consider yourself a good person, well , yes, you think that a good person can to attack another... country, well , i didn't make any efforts before that, that is, i didn't shoot, you shot, you're an artilleryman, you shot, i'm a driver-driver, a simple example, you got into a truck, you took the guys, the guys arrived, let's say they shot at the military, let's say they didn't hit civilian objects, the soldiers died, the family gets a funeral, zinc, mother and two children were left
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without a father, simply because he was protecting his... alexander ruled the city with a similar attitude. where do we get these shots, details with numbers, chevrons and even faces occupiers soviets stopped. rusna got out. they were filmed by our cameraman, serhiy. at the beginning of the invasion, he stayed near kiev and filmed all the events.
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the street is central, not a single building remained intact, and people died, do you understand what? yes, i understand, i lost, too, fat, daughter, i have another grandson, they also lost fat, what would you do if, if, if? imagine, here you work all your life, yes, you earn, you buy, people come and simply destroy it, what would you do, honestly, you would shoot, you say that i'm just a driver, it's a system, it's, well, it's teamwork, and even if you brought some booths there, you still
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worked for...


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