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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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central street, not a single building remained intact, and people died, do you understand what i mean? yes, i understand, i also lost my home, daughter, i have another grandson, they also lost their wallet, what would you do if, if, imagine, you worked all your life.
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don't think, russian prisoners, they don't only play football, walk in a circle or read books, no, they also work, and the work front is completely different. now everything is as if for a picture, they honestly work hard with serious faces, but it was worth it the film crew to leave the workshop, we heard laughter, like teenagers in a children's camp. well , they informed me that doctors are needed, and i have a medical education, well...
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i had to look at this option, since i was told that i would also go to belgorod, to a hospital there, and my task would be basically , this is the treatment of both military and civilians, well, in general , they said that there should be a field hospital, that is , it is located there in belgorod near the border, but they did not specify which side of the border, not only that alexander ended up in in ukraine, as well as with a changed specialty. a military medic became a motorized rifleman. we mentioned the story of the captured oleksandr at the beginning, his life was actually saved by ukrainian soldiers. i was simply told at the border that they would not send me to the hospital, they would send me to the motorized infantry. and let 's check whether oleksandr is really a doctor, as he assures us, a simple test, we gave him the usual medical kit of a ukrainian military man, not even a paramedic. what do you say, comment. well, if such a first-aid kit is issued
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to every serviceman, then it is in trouble, then i will say one thing, this is an excellent first-aid kit, there is a large filling, it, that is, in principle , there are also long whips, so that you can feel it, even without seeing the first-aid kit, it opens, i’m sorry, but why is it so difficult, i definitely can’t help, first aid, so to speak, passed. shot, everything is clear, the test for a paramedic , a medic without tourniquets is like a motorized rifle, which is not failed, but maybe just like that...
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i understand, there is another reason why they could do it, what? because there are ukrainian soldiers who are in captivity, they want to return them. exchange, its fund is constantly growing, and now it is the beginning of a full-scale mobilization in russia, especially, by the way, mobilization, because prisoners, lovers of benefits and apartments, loan slaves and recidivists know about it. specifically about the situation.
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"i want him to spend more time with his family, he can get injured here , they will die, and it doesn't make sense to be here at all. yes, my brother can also be taken to the shopkeepers, because he is obliged to serve in the military. well, i hope , heard
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such information is from other ns servicemen, well , who would be in captivity, что если здесь есть есть ребеной." these are people who served in the army somewhere 20 years ago, painted curbs, that is, the first batches, they were more prepared than the last ones, their well, no one perceives them as combat units, they are all perceived by the russians, the russian command , as a certain amount of meat that must arrive from point a to point b. why should this meat talk about anything among themselves at all? and even mom can now sending his two sons, we just saw it literally, with a smile on eyes, she is happy that she is sending
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her two sons to die or kill someone, well , the funeral is going, well, well, well, but they say on tv that it is necessary, i am waiting. people with serious physical disabilities who were called up by the military, when they arrived there, they thought that i would come in now, and they would check me somewhere at the medical board and admit that i can't go anywhere, because i'm really sick, yes , well, that's what they tell me, and these are people who are really , really seriously with serious illnesses, but when... they were told to get on the bus, they thought that this the bus will take them, somewhere there will be a medical commission and so on, this bus just took them straight to the territory of ukraine, somewhere along the way they were given some kind of uniform, to whom it was given, to whom it was not given, something was enough for someone, something was not enough for someone, and there especially no one keeps these records, they were brought, left, the officers
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who were with them simply abandoned them and left when they realized that there would be an attack on this point, that is, they did not take them with them... deliberately, absolutely deliberately did not take them with him, the command is abandoned, they did not eat or drink for a day, information, telephones, everything , there is no communication with the family at all, pipets, everything is lying around, this is not given to anyone, here i open a new box, here is what is stew, meat, stew, chicken meat in its own juice, and we are hungry for potatoes, how much it's lying around, there's not much of a good thing, in russia the slogan is, we
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don't throw away ours, well, yes, in quotes, as it turns out, why should they drag 101ts of minced meat with them now, if there's more. three or four men on stretchers, they realize that it's a difficult path and they may just not have time to escape, and they're just running away from your soldiers on your own, you stayed in ukraine for three days, yes, and there is? here is the whole line, it is in this office, a room where you can talk by ip phone, that is, on the internet, here every prisoner of war can talk to his relatives from russia. hello, hello, listen
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, it didn't work out to call yesterday, i congratulate you on your last birthday, i wish you happiness, health, all the best, i thought it would be possible to call yesterday, but it didn't work out, there are a lot of people here anyway... in captivity , in captivity, i say, i, i called you back then a month, i'm in captivity, i specifically understood that you called, but no, how is it gathered there , what are they saying, they say that they are going, they are changing, guys, i think that, well, not what i think, i hope the fact that both countries want to return their relatives, loved ones, i just called my father , told him to stay there too, the military enlistment office is pointless, call my commander, tell him, and about that, where i am, that’s it, k the stairs to the governor, well, there is
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the administration of the president, not the president, well, that is, you can write, they will try anyway, so that at least they would put in the lists, that i am alive, come on, thank you, when they talk to their relatives on the phone, relatives often do this to fathers, they do and say, don't say too much, don't you say too much there? because they understand, they return to the same slave regime, mom somehow does something in order to get you out, i understand that it depends on exchanges, maybe the military enlistment office, yes, she called the military enlistment office at the selection point in tyumen the part with which the contract was concluded, actually p i also talked to them, told them that i called, that is, it was on the third day after i was taken prisoner. i'm calling, they haven't marked me as missing yet, as i understand it, and that is, he's constantly
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calling, trying to get me to be put on the list for a higher exchange, that is , somehow to contribute to this, maybe i can't say exactly, i contacted the committee soldiers' mothers, and moreover, they no longer want to return to russia, they say yes, okay, we will tell you everything, everything is as it is, we do not mind that we recorded, showed, but we will not return to russia, that is, solve the issue with us as you want, we will not return to russia, we came according to your program i want to live, we knew about it from the beginning, i want to live, because there are many things managed to get married, for example, well, on the 21st, i get a summons, i understand that i have catastrophically no time, and i also understand that most likely military training... will be straightforward, well, minimal, i didn’t even imagine that it would be so
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minimal, because there are twenty on the fourth, we were given a machine gun, all the military training came down to the fact that this is a kalashnikov assault rifle for you, these are two grenades, i think you know how to use them, everything, all the military training, these are people with a healthy instinct who want to survive, this is the first , the second is people who think. simple explanation - these are people who did not plan to serve in the army, these are people who are related to the it industry, and this is very important, because you have to think, in them, and this is exactly the logic, their thinking led them to what is better to appeal, surrender, i want to live, than to become this cannon fodder, it is my opinion that photography is the main thing...
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why do we go there and do we need to go there? why? well, i repeat, ukraine is
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another state, these are internal problems, that is, why are we going there? why do these thoughts mean that the mobilized russians really want to live, and not exist on the loans and benefits of the aggressor country. there is a demand, primarily among the mobilized, because we are talking about... people who, against their own will, definitely find themselves at the front in the role of cannon fodder, but there are also cases regarding military personnel, why is there a demand, because... this is an unjust war, it is a war of aggression for the russians, and even at some deep subconscious level, one way or another, despite the propaganda, they understand this, and a huge number of so -called partially mobilized people definitely do not understand what they should die for, this is mostly not a manifestation of some kind of civic position, we should not idealize, it is not
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a political position, it is a desire to live, not a desire to die inexplicably for... well, they killed as they would in captivity in ukraine, well, in ukraine, you don’t have such a thing , i remember, yes, i know, they told me that you need to get to... a telephone line, a chatbot, and other tools, if we talk about the number of calls per day, through various communication channels , that is, this and that is about a hundred appeals, and
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there are often jumps, that is, it feels like only some new ones'. these measures take place on the territory of the so-called russian federation, the number of contacts immediately increases both from the mobilized people themselves and from their relatives who want to save the lives of their sons and husbands, and ukraine is ready to help in this, he tried to escape, although he plans to return to russia, because he does not consider himself a traitor, maybe he does not yet realize all the consequences. or hopes that he is just a little person that no one needs, i have a mother, i have a future wife, take me away, i am afraid that after i stay here, they will not be released, and when he goes back through the exchange, will he not necessary, especially for the security forces, this little person in russia, and in general, how this exchange will take place,
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how many of ours can be given for one a russian officer, oh, well, you 're asking me here? this is a question that i probably wouldn't answer you even if i knew the answer. we force them to go to this dialogue, simply force, provoke, force, whatever you want, you can call it. our video is one such tool, because these mothers would not know anything about them at all, even if they appear somewhere in the video of our military, in short videos where they are captured or in a photo, in russia they don't care. they begin to tell that the nazis captured them and killed them, what do you want from us, that's all, they died , wait, you will get compensation someday in 150 years, our videos are, as it were, an irresistible argument for the rashists, that they are in captivity, no one killed them, no one tortured them, and they are ready for exchange. recently, we have seen quite intensive
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exchanges, this is partly because, well, they are not dictating now. and, that is, ukraine is a subject, the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war is a subject, and the negotiating group is a subject, and the enemy understands this, so we have the corresponding results, they don't dictate, it's difficult work , it's mutual work, but there is no dictation here, ugh , at first there was, well, there were efforts, of course, but on february 24, what happened at all, we ran away, here we are... no, it won't be like that, officers are valued the most by russians, well, these are standard answers, it is clear that the officer corps , it is clear that all persons who have access to some information are military specialists with special skills, well, we will not delve into this further, because it is a separate
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story, after the victory, guys, welcome back, thank you, glory to the heroes, you... they are bringing ours on tented kamazs and we forced them to do a lot of things, first of all, they are already taking theirs away, because we embarrassed them with this, yes, embarrassed them, and they already started bringing prisoners on buses, as we bring them on buses , and they started to bring them by bus, they have already started some from these buses. they took away not only ours, they also took theirs on kamazes on board cars, that is , this... this is just such an illustration, as if treating them as their own. there is another question,
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what is happening with the russians, whom we eat we give them, because there are other stories that photos of russians who were captured by us appear in the russian media, yes, we know that we gave them, we exchanged them, it is even recorded that we gave them and exchanged but in russia they are starting to write that we killed them in captivity, and i understand that they were not killed in captivity at all, more precisely, i know that they were not killed in captivity at all, but most likely, or they were locked up there somewhere and they do not issue, or they finished after obbin directly to russia anatolyevich, born in 1967, went to front to go to the side of ukraine to fight against the russians. on september 4, he carried out his plan to go to the side of ukraine, on november 11, the twenty-second year, he was on
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the street of kyiv, where he received a blow to the head , as a result of which he lost consciousness, he woke up in this basement, where they told me that they would judge me, stop, no need later, nuzhin was executed with a blow to the head with a sledgehammer, what is known about him, he was in prison, he was recruited by pmc wagner, well, you already know what happened next. russians, three or four times only showed the exchange, that is, who they are picked up, three or four times they showed who they picked up, all the other times they just didn't show who. that is, what happened to these people after the exchange is completely unclear. they even hid the fact of the exchange itself, that it was. and i see a screenshot, i have a lot signed. chechens , specifically chechens who are in the opposition, who are in europe, and i see that one of them reposted a screenshot from the page of one of
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the russian fighters, and there sits one of the chechens with whom i recently communicated zakaev was killed on his return, apparently he said something wrong, i received a message from my mother that they had already come to her... fsbb and asked her for proof that i was not recruited here. they are asking my mother in russia for proof that i was not recruited in ukraine. fsb that is, how they present themselves is very interesting to me. it is clear that after his return , russia will not leave mykhailo alone, but living in khacha has an advantage over ordinary captivity. as far as i know, there is? those military, this is such insider information, which russia invited, but the program works, and there is a very
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fine line here, without their consent, according to the terms of the program, they cannot, they will not be returned and exchanged, and this condition, as i was assured, it will work if he agrees, if he says: i want, then yes, the main thing is that... this is repeated regularly, people who do not want to return to russia, at least to putin's russia. even during the second world war, sacred to russians, the ussr automatically considered all prisoners of war as traitors, therefore from fascist concentration camps to soviet gulag camps there were 233 thousand prisoners of war and this is not... constant interrogations and filtering, neither the soviet authorities then, nor the russian authorities now, will check the prisoners of war, it is easier to just close them, a historical
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constant, the war will end on the territory of the country that developed it yazala, the war can be on the territory of russia, what can be done, it will be defended, probably. well, if necessary, i will go. in front of you may be a ukrainian soldier who saved you, and now you can walk, i don't even know how to answer that, it's very difficult, it's simple here's the solution, here's it, because i understand that... here's this guy who was talking to me in the landing, met him again under such a circumstance, i
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don't even know how i'm going to act. getting up at 6 in the morning, leaving at 10, everything is strictly according to the schedule, and leisure time too, here they play football, watch tv, and of course they read books. an interesting fact, mostly on the bedside tables there are such books of religious content, the new testament, for example, and they all sit. will be held captive here until russia invites them to exchange. the mobilization season continues, who will be more in it, such as mykhailo or such as the personnel of the russian military? well, guys, for the sake of home, so the best advice for you is to give up, there are places. if an increase is required, ukraine is organizationally ready for it. in addition, we are not alone, there are international
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partners. who will certainly be happy to help in such humanitarian issues, a representative of the church comes to us every sunday, and we talk, talk, and pray, and he said something that i don't i imagine what would have to happen so that this situation, everything that is happening now, has ever been forgotten, how many years must pass, how many decades, centuries, have been returned, not forgotten, everything is great.
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chevorons, approaching victory, i will arrive quickly, i am already buying a ticket, one to the dnipro, please, thank you, my country will not fall to its knees, in my heart you are forever alone, no one will prevent us, when. uah 5 from each bus ticket goes to the restoration of ukraine. we will rebuild the country together with ukrpas ua and dobrobat. get involved. privatization is important for ukrainians, because it is the creation of the new from the old. look, the state has old property that does not generate income, so it sells it to an entrepreneur who wants to create something new. this is how new businesses, jobs and profits appear. privatization from the state property fund of ukraine. we have, we care,
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we develop. documentary. film by tsn correspondent olga koshelenko. you had time to think about something at that moment, you wanted to say goodbye to your relatives. when life seemed to have stopped, i look at my feet and they are gone. they were helped to take the next step. we are doing everything we can here. stories of ukrainian soldiers who found the strength to fight on. they say we think we'll get you back on your feet by the end of the week. i say we will get up early. documentary. we stand by. tomorrow at 23:10 on 1+1 ukraine. every hour on the air of edyni news. we follow the main events of ukraine and the world. only relevant and verified information. so that you are aware of the main thing. news live, in the united telethon. every hour. i am a russian
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warship, i suggest you lay down your arms and surrender, russian warship, merela ukraine and glory still.


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