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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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the lady only goes forward. the thatcher documentary is just ahead. january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 at espresso. so, after massive such enemy attacks on our territory, which took place there on december 29 and january 2, the british ministry of defense decided. the decision to promptly strengthen the air defense capabilities of ukraine. for this , ukraine will receive 200 missiles from britain. these are not stormshadow missiles, of course, these are missiles with the index em-132 ass ram, which are actually air-to-air missiles for fighters, but due to sufficiently high energy, can be used as anti-aircraft missiles. such a missile has a range from an aircraft there.
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25 km when launched from a ground launcher, it is about half that, and the british just made such a launcher based on a supokat truck and a certain number of such anti-aircraft missile complexes are already on combat duty of the ukrainian army and are used to combat enemy air targets, that is the video that we saw before was actually first shown somewhere in october of last year's launch. these missiles at the enemy targets, and these missiles have a thermal homing warhead and are effectively used against shahed and russian cruise missiles, so in any case , this is a help of 200 missiles for these new air defense systems, well, a much needed step to strengthen our air defense. and then we will turn our attention to the front line, because there everything depends on... weapons and on
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the courage and skill of our soldiers, and where avdiivka is still the most intensive area. in total , there were 32 combat clashes around avdiivka yesterday, this in fact, more than half of what happened along the entire front line, the attack continued today, and what is happening there now, we will talk with our guest. in particular, we are joined by dmytro lazutkin, he is the head of the public relations department. of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently defending avdiivka. mr. dmytro, i welcome you to the spresso channel, glad to see and hear you. my greetings, good evening to all. please tell in more detail what changes have occurred in your area, where your acquaintance is located, the famous 47th brigade, because we know that it is currently defending an area there in the stepovoye zone, and there was information that a couple of... days before that there was some kind of
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silence, there were fewer attacks, but today the commander is general khortyts ternavskyi said that, on the contrary, activation is now taking place in all directions of the front line, including avdiivka. what's going on with you these past couple of days and today? during the new year's holidays, the intensity of battles and shootings primarily decreased, and indeed, the number of armed men is now increasing. attacks, but the enemy shelling did not stop, because rockets were actively used, cabs and artillery were working, their mortars were working, and actually, with the support of mortars and artillery, small infantry groups tried to gain a foothold in the village of tepov, where close-range battles are fought almost daily , every morning in the dark they try to come in, try to get a foothold, there actually aren't that many.
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a place where you can do it, there are certain basements, there are certain meadows where you can take positions one way or another, they try to do it, our soldiers are knocking them out, despite the fact that the weather conditions are not too favorable , there was even a slight thaw, but still it is dirt, it is a swamp, we understand that it is not so pleasant to sit in the trenches, and especially under fire, but less with therefore, the soldiers of the 47th separately mechanized brigade really... carry out the tasks assigned to them, track the enemy, attack, counterattack, it should also be noted that the occupiers tried to carry out attacks in the direction of berdychiv, well, traditionally, the side of the avdiivsky coke plant, which remains under the control of the ukrainian army, several adjacent units , and representatives of our brigade, and now, as i understood from your words, that in fact this eastern part of stepovoy is now in a... gray zone, because the enemy
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is trying to approach there , your brigade destroys it, and did the enemy manage to climb over the railway, did he manage to gain a foothold there from the west. part of the railway, which actually borders on the steppe, well, they quite regularly cross the railway, experience huge losses, i think that most people have seen, well, who was interested, at least so the video , there are a lot of videos on the internet, there are videos and photos where the field is simply littered with pipes , including from zaliznytsia, actually starting from krasnohorivka, and our drums. .. drones work very efficiently, very skillfully, filigree, in some places, i would even say, and our artillery also works very well against infantry, but when the branli is connected, the occupiers really, really feel something like a feeling of universal terror, because
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brelli works well both on bmp3, and on tanks, and on infantry, so crews have the result and effect. which are used in this area , primarily due to their mobility, efficiency, especially in high-speed work, the suddenness of this machine has been proven more than once in the donetsk direction, where in fact, if compared with the zaporizhzhia direction, there is more space for bradley for that , in order to realize its power, due to the fact that after all there was an offensive, there was mining, there were separate sections through which they entered, there is... there is more opportunities, let's say, in the berdychi district, in the stepovoye district, and near the coke-chemical plant. well, really, when we think of the bridley, it actually dominates the battlefield now, those people, i, in particular, when i watch the work, well, your crews, how they destroy the mtlb, and we drive out the enemy infantry in such dynamic ways, well, maneuver actions, well, this
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really shows great skill in your soldiers, but i would like to ask if there are any other technological solutions at this stage that can, tentatively say, well strengthen our defensive or offensive capabilities, because now there is an impression that we need to somehow, well, a little relieve our infantry, which is currently carrying the main burden of combat operations, as they can, relatively speaking, be strengthened by technical or technological solutions on the field battle? you are absolutely right, the infantry really has the moral and willpower qualities, despite the fatigue, despite the exhaustion, it maintains the defense and maintains the line of combat units. practically unchanged for a long time, if we talk about other means, well, first of all, you understand that the number of those means we have, if there are more of them , then this can already lead to a certain effect in our favor, well, that is, if there were
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, for example, 10 times more bradleys, or there were more shells, so here we can talk about an increase both the amount of what is already there and... ammunition, if it becomes more, again, i think that each of the commanders will only be happy, well, if we talk about some technical means that are modern and very effective on the battlefield today, it is clear that it is also about epivdrons, it is said and about drones that conduct reconnaissance, and rep and rr facilities, which are now extremely, very necessary, because in principle , high-quality rep facilities can eliminate the advantage of one or the other side in drones, because drones will fall, will land in the wrong place, where necessary, or hang in the air and exhaust your energy reserve, that is, in any case, the reb is now actively used both on that side and
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on our side, there were cases when they planted their own drones with their reb, there were cases when really the rep in general ... made such means rap was done in such a way that the sky became practically clear, that is, it is quite serious, now trench rap is also used, that is, on small, low-power ones, but which does not allow the fividron to work, and armored vehicles are also equipped with electronic warfare devices, that is, this is a serious thing , which should not be forgotten at the state level. it is necessary to develop and pay as much attention as possible, because it is very prospective, but can we conclude that there is a situation with fpv drones in your brigade over a certain period of time? and with the means of the reb, it has improved, well, maybe there on the body of the visit of the president to
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this part of the front, or some such positive changes precisely in those two components of the technical equipment of your brigade, it seems to me that positive changes are taking place, because there are many funds. .. they help volunteers, the state also helps, and there was a good initiative by the mayors of the cities of dnipro, lviv and kyiv, yes, even when they are there. more than half of the drones were handed over to the brigades fighting in the avdian direction, believe me, the enemy feels it, and again i would like to mention the skill of our bradley crews and our crew operators who work with skids, and who also destroy quite effectively the enemy manpower and equipment that appears to cover these enemy assaults, mr. dmitry, i can't help but ask.. . is there an understanding now regarding the evaluation of the actions of the enemy’s plans for the near future, because
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there were reports from various sources that the enemy is accumulating forces there, novoselivka is the second, there are other regions, which your data indicates within the limits of what is possible, regarding the nearest enemy actions on yours area? well, there are various different data that they have really accumulated a lot of tanks in the... direction, where they will use them, in what way, so far, it is difficult to predict, again, for this, you need to have the whole range of information on the whole front line, and i am convinced that our intelligence is working, and our, our leaders of this operation in this direction, the commanders understand what and how to do it, now there is a certain intensification of hostilities, after all. and i will remind you once again that their artillery did not stop working either for the new year or not
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after, and just like that, they did it quite tightly, so it can’t be said that they are somehow exhaling, well, maybe it ’s some time of regrouping, but then again , our leadership will also, for sure, draw conclusions and build a defense like this in such a way that it ... continued to be as effective as possible, and the enemy suffered, continued to suffer enormous losses. mr. dmitry, thank you very much for your comments, for what you and your brothers are doing for our country. and i will remind our viewers that dmytro lazutkin was in eteriso, he is an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, head of the public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently protecting avdiivka from the russian invasion. and then we will talk about... the production of equipment and weapons and confrontation with the enemy in the field
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of technology, prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal said that over the past year , the production of weapons in the country has tripled, the task for this year is to achieve growth six times, these are such important goals and difficult goals, but at the same time we understand that actually our entire defense industry is 80% these are private companies, and it is private companies that provide these qualitative changes, should provide the changes that the prime minister is talking about, and these private companies work in various fields, and now we will talk to the director of one of these companies to understand which the challenges are now being solved by the directors of such small and medium-sized enterprises that are really focused on helping our armed forces, we are joined by vadym kodachigov, this is the director of the kort company, this is a company... which is engaged in the development of defense radioelectronics technologies, including combat drones.
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mr. vadim, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. congratulations, seroh, greetings to you personally, and greetings to the entire audience watching you. and i would like to use the example of your company to understand whether there are positive changes, because i know your persistence in promoting projects of various purposes, which are needed by the armed forces, sometimes ignoring them. there are any bureaucratic barriers that stand in the way of your company, i would like to hear where the greatest promotion, successes are in your products in in the field of reb unmanned complexes, what has been done over the past year? well, over the past year , we were actually able to do a lot, and our biggest achievement, or rather not our achievement, the biggest achievement of the government is the resolution on the possibility of procurement without... systems and radio-electronic warfare at the expense of local budgets, this is a significant
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advance, there is much less, like any bureaucracy, and now we are already taking part, we are putting our products on the tender procurement, it is very competitive in our country, so we hope that this direction, he will sneak forward and give much more orders and we will work much more deeply with the military units, secondly, one of the most... achievements is that the brigades themselves and the brigade commanders, who are quite advanced people who care about to their personnel, they are quite... they are in close contact with us and we conduct developments with such brigades as the third assault brigade there, the 92nd brigade there, this is the main intelligence department, the security service, they are very sensitive to everything there, and we constantly develop new combat concepts application, and according to this combat, well, according to this concept, we are developing new equipment that
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works very effectively at the front, and by the way, the brigades themselves now have the opportunity... to purchase those samples that they consider effective and necessary. yes, this is exactly the basic achievement that we now have the opportunity to conclude such tripartite contracts, it is the acquirer, you who finance, these are city budgets, or city budgets, or village budgets, plus the second party is the acquirer, these are brigades , who then use our products and the manufacturer. this is us and we are for due to such tripartite contracts, we are able to meet the needs, because at the moment we are able to produce up to four and we can develop up to 10,000 products there per month, but we have not entered into government contracts yet, because now we have almost finished the procedure , now we
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are waiting for who will come to us as a customer, after which we will sign with the ministry of defense. contracts, at the moment, well, with contracts so far it’s complicated like this , vadim, you’re talking about contracts for unmanned complexes and for means, for means of radio-electronic warfare, which must be purchased by the ministry of defense through these new procedures, through these two new agencies that are now created, yes, that is, in fact, you do not have this new experience yet, no, not yet, well, we are counting to the fact that today is only the fourth of january there, so probably there maybe, maybe , we hope that by the end of january we will have a contract there and we will start large-scale production, then production, because we are able to do it, but what now the military units that are most interesting are the shock units complexes of your production, or rather means of rep for combating enemy unmanned complexes? no, uh, seriously
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, well, you haven't known me for a long time, so you know that i'm... a combat commander myself, so i'm constantly developing new things that will be, now we have a new concept, we are now, here i'll even say this live, let them rub shoulders there, we're now declaring war on drone operators, we're not so much using drones as we have a new development, this is a new concept of stormtroopers without a sail, strike-reconnaissance a squadron that will be from... and destroy enemy operators, now we are planning a whole series of measures that will be aimed at ensuring that we prepare a sufficient number of crews that will intercept and destroy operators, the operators themselves, we are one operator - there are about a hundred ftv, so we are now planning to start hunting specifically for operators, this is a new
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concept, and then i will ask about what is possible... it will be important for other companies, how can we now scale the production of electronic warfare tools that the main obstacles exist on this path, and where should the state help such companies that, relatively speaking, want to do more, but cannot due to certain financial, technical, and organizational limitations, what does your experience show? the production cycle of radio-electronic warfare means is about three months, additional development is another... 3 months, well, that's it, well, if you jump around there very energetically, then it can fit into four months of development and serial launch of serial production , the main bottlenecks here arise in the ruckus of what is very fast the radio frequency pigment changes, that's
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what we do ourselves, that we make the newest things constantly there, sometimes on fpshechki, then on airplanes. we are developing the latest communication systems, we are developing new navigation systems there, we are constantly changing the tactics of combat use, and unfortunately the orcs are not completely morons either, and they learn, they learn from our mistakes, from their mistakes, they also they constantly play with it and we have to catch up somewhere, they catch up with us, sometimes we catch up with them, but we are 100%. we are not far behind in some segments we are ahead of them, but they have a state, even their state reacts faster, because they... well, let's say this, they allocate crazy money for procurement and purchase an elemental base from china, buying almost everything there, our
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partners there, who are european countries , they are watching, they are not developing the production, the production of the radio element base there, and we are forced to search for it all over the world and we can find something there, this is the biggest problem, mr. vadim, unfortunately, time is running out quickly, thank you for the work, which you are doing for our armed forces, creating new models, and i will remind our viewers that vadym kodachigov was in eteriso, he is the director of the cord company and a former fighter of the 241st brigade. these were the main results of the day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel.
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a favorable price, only from uah 799. call there are discounts on pshyk, 10% in psylvanic, bam and oskad pharmacies. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. bribery: treason and decisions against defense capability. judge doljko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company. which of the judges distinguished himself last year. cars are constantly changing on it. on thursday, january 4, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests
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, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m. on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. thanks to durga zgurets, thanks to his guests. these were the military results of the day and the second hour of the great ether world is ahead ukraine with yuri fizer. money during the war with oleksandr orchivka will also be today sports news and weather from natalka didenko. where will it be cold and when will it be cold, and where will it be very cold in ukraine. we will find out now about the most important news as of this hour. residents of sevastopol and yevpator heard the explosions loudly in the temporarily occupied crimea.
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commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine mykola. oshchuk confirmed the combat work of our defenders. the defenders hit the command post of the invaders, the strategic committee of the armed forces of ukraine noted. the occupiers themselves report on the allegedly successful work of their anti-aircraft defense. all 10 missiles were shot down over the peninsula. however , there is an injured person due to falling debris. the so-called local governor, razvazhaev, emphasized that this is one of the most massive attacks on the peninsula in recent times. unfortunately, one person died and two others were injured in stanislav in the kherson region. the enemy shelled the settlement with artillery, the regional prosecutor's office informs. a 62-year-old local resident was fatally injured. one woman came under fire in a car, in she has a contusion and another wounded man refused hospitalization. also, according to the regional military administration, the occupiers attacked the village of tyaginka. as a result , a 52-year-old resident was injured and taken to the hospital. and the number
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of victims of russian terrorism has increased. in kharkiv , an 84-year-old woman died of injuries in a hospital, the regional prosecutor's office reports. a 23-year-old girl also went to the doctors with a concussion. therefore, as a result of a missile attack in the city of kharkiv, two people died and 63 were injured. on tuesday morning, the occupiers residential buildings were hit three times, apartments, shops, cafes, pharmacies and cars were damaged. to continue the topic of kharkiv, i would like to ask my colleagues, if it is possible to show a photo, i... i just read this information about a person who died in kharkiv, therefore, as a result of a missile attack by the russian federation on kharkiv, an honored artist of ukraine, viktoriya tymoshenko, died, i quote, from with deep sadness and pain, the staff of the kharkiv academic drama theater informs about the death of our colleague caused by injuries as a result of the enemy attack on kharkiv, honored artist of ukraine viktoria mykolaivna tymoshenko, says the post of the kharkiv drama theater eternal memory of ishan and of course the enemies
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wanted punishment. during the last attack to kropyvnytskyi, our anti-aircraft forces worked successfully. information about the victims and destruction is being clarified, the head of the regional military administration, andriy rajkovich, said. meanwhile, during the morning attack on the city, a man was killed and eight more people were injured. previously, the occupiers hit the regional center with an kh-59 missile. injured energy object. the state service for emergency situations eliminated the consequences. in bukovina, border guards detained a minibus in which they found the evader and the driver who was supposed to take him to romania. the organizer of this criminal scheme was driving separately in another car. he and the driver turned out to be local residents. they charged a resident of dnipropetrovsk region 6,500 euros for their services. the arrested violators were handed over to the law enforcement officers, the organizer and his accomplice face criminal liability. almost 9,000 criminal
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proceedings according to the facts of the evasion of the military draft , the law enforcement officers have already violated it, the minister of internal affairs of ukraine, ihor klymenko, said on the air of the telethon. a third of these cases, according to him , are already in court, the minister explained, if the mobilized person did not respond to the summons, first of all , a protocol on administrative violations must be drawn up in the territorial recruitment center. subsequently, if a person changes his place of residence and evades mobilization, the army turns to the national police. national police on today is about nine. thousands of criminal proceedings, 2,600 such materials have already been sent to court, this is article 336 of the criminal code of ukraine, that is, we are currently working within the framework of e-e legislation. a resident of cherkassy, ​​who told the enemy about the location of the ukrainian military and air defense systems, will spend nine years behind bars. the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine reports on the court verdict. the man had been gathering intelligence for several months and transmitting
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everything via messenger. employees of russian fsb to each message, he added the exact coordinates of the zsu objects on the map. during his work, he earned almost uah 28,000. and the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine released a video of the destruction of the su-34 bomber, which burned down at the shagol airfield in chelyabinsk, russia. the video shows how an unknown person attaches explosives to the fuselage, sets it on fire and gradually goes off. walking from the plane. support of the ukrainian army, european and euro-atlantic integration, economic development - this is the formula by which the best faction works of european solidarity in the verkhovna rada on local and international platforms. one of the priority areas in the 23rd year was the support of the ukrainian army. people's deputies made numerous trips to the front, demanded an increase in the financial support of the army. also faction.


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