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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EET

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an air raid alarm sounds in the temporarily occupied sevastopol. the occupiers blocked traffic on the crimean bridge. this is stated by the representatives of the occupation authorities. sea and land public transport also stopped in sevastopol. at night, the enemy hit the village of vysoke in the kherson region with three mortars. seven people were injured. among them is a 14-year-old teenager who received a concussion, - said the head of the regional military. administration oleksandr prokudin. the occupiers targeted the administrative building and the modular town. that night, the russians attacked agro-industry in the mykolayiv region with shahedes. as a result of shelling in the bashtan district, hangars with agricultural products and the territory of the enterprise were damaged. there are also private houses and a cultural center in half of the country. this was reported in the office of the prosecutor general. fortunately, people. were not injured. in the morning
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, explosions rang out in khmelnytskyi region. the russians launched shaheds on the territory of the region. this was reported in the air force. enemies drones were moving from the south in the direction of starokostyantynov and khmelnytskyi district. no casualties have yet been reported. power lines were damaged in cherkasy region as a result of a crank attack by shaheds. the military destroyed five enemy drones on the territory of the region. there were no casualties, reported the head of the regional military administration, ihor teborets. currently, three settlements are completely without electricity, two more are partially cut off. emergency crews are working at the scene of the hits. and in the morning, the russians shelled the city of ukrainian in donetsk region. under the building of the educational institution and multi-story residential buildings were hit by enemy fire. this was reported by the head of the regional military.
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administration vadim filashkin. fortunately , no one was hurt. also, in donetsk region , a substation came under enemy fire. without light, the mine remained. 17 miners are blocked underground. a fire broke out on the surface, the ministry of energy reported. the occupiers also attacked the thermal power plant. people were not injured. the united states may not continue military support to ukraine at the level of the past two years. this was stated by the spokesman state department matthew miller. according to him, washington's goal is to help kyiv develop its own military-industrial base, independently produce and purchase weapons. at the same time, the state department emphasized that since ukraine does not yet have such opportunities, an urgent decision by congress is needed. about allocation of funds. let me remind you that
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earlier the white house stated that they currently have no money for new military support for ukraine. slovakia will provide ukraine with humanitarian aid worth more than 200,000 euros. this was reported in the press service of the ministry internal affairs of the country. it was noted there that the weight of humanitarian aid will be 21 tons. the support package will include power generators, heaters, clothing and... first aid kits, as well as food, bottled water and clothing from the supplies of the minister of the interior of slovakia. he fed the occupiers in the temporarily occupied kherson region. the security service of ukraine exposed the owner of one of the largest agricultural holdings in ukraine. the scoundrel's company still works in the occupied territories and supplies food products for russian soldiers. in may
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in 2022, the businessman re-registered the agricultural company and now pays 100,000 rubles a month in taxes to the budget of the occupation authorities, the company's warehouse. the russians are used to store military equipment. the attacker was detained in kyiv, where he was hiding and planning to escape to erefia. knocked down a woman and hit her with her heels. the police detained a drunken driver in the capital. the accident occurred at an unregulated pedestrian crossing. a woman with injuries was promptly hospitalized, the kyiv police said. soon the law enforcement officers searched for igor kermanych. he turned out to be a 36-year-old man in a state of alcohol intoxication, he faces up to three years in prison. in the kharkiv region, a seven-year-old boy got stuck in the middle of the frozen uda river in the village of pisochchyn. the child
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was riding on an inflatable sled down the hill and flew into the air, the thickness of which is only 1.5 cm. this was reported to the regional emergency service. the rescuers did not delay, pulled out... the frightened boy and handed him over to his mother. fortunately, the child was not injured. in vinnytsia, wounded soldiers are helped to restore their psychological health, four-legged rehabilitators. a labrador, a shepherd, a boxer and a spaniel have already become professional assistants to doctors. they help physiotherapists and medics in the recovery of soldiers who have suffered severe injuries. my colleagues will tell more in the story. in one of the rehabilitation departments in vinnytsia, where severely wounded ukrainian soldiers are put back on their feet, dogs have become rehabilitators.
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the contact of veterans with animals helps relieve stress and distract the boys from memories of the war, doctors say. animal therapy helps reboot and. recovery of veterans , this is all treatment with emotions, but it is canisterapy, when it is carried out, it is proven that mental tension, aggressiveness, depression, irritability are relieved, all physical functions and, of course, cognitive memory are improved. serhii topin was wounded in april near bakhmut. a bullet hit a soldier of the amphibious assault brigade in the spine. serhiy is eight months old. was chained to the bed, only here in the rehabilitation department of the psychoneurological hospital he was put in a cart, and already now the man began to smile, physiotherapists work, how to say it correctly, they give you confidence
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, the atmosphere is like that, i won't say it, they work very, very well, you know how you lie for eight months, nine months against walls... you don't see anything practically , you have walls, a hospital, medicine, i'm being treated, and such programs, they take away a little paint, it's nice. doctors assure that, even after such a severe injury, they will be able to put serhiy on his feet with the support of four-legged friends. he has been with us for almost a month, three and a half weeks, during this time he can already... sit in the cart for an hour at a time one and a half, several times a day , he sits down on his own, gets dressed, he transfers to the wheelchair with help, we still have a lot of work ahead of us, a lot of work, but well, in such a short time, we have already made
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good progress. the dominican canine center was the first to respond to the request of rehabilitation doctors and, together with its pets, took up the support of wounded soldiers. positive dynamics, in addition to dogs, we also brought cats, we have not only canis therapy, but animal therapy, in the future we plan to add animals and bird, for the positive recovery of our boys after the war. the animal will not judge or make fun of defects, so wounded fighters are drawn to labradors and sheepdogs. many people have thought about buying a dog after a course of animal therapy. anastasia holoshivets, viktoria vurshchak from vinnytsia. for espresso tv channel. we have an informative morning already at 12:00, read more on our website, also on our social networks. join, put your preferences, then my colleagues oksana vasychanska and roman chaika will continue with the analysis. don't switch
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stay with the espresso team. welcome to everyone who joins ether espresso. we will now talk about a very resonant and sensitive topic. and while we are talking about it, we call for donations for the benefit of the armed forces of ukraine. let me remind you that we are currently collecting for kamikaze drones for our defenders, 5 million hryvnias need to be collected in order to close this need, to close this goal. qr code and card number, even two. here you see now on the screen, who is more comfortable. take a picture of yourself, please copy, save, and whenever you get a chance, and away at least a little every day. please support our defenders, because this is our common cause. well, in the meantime, we
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will return to the topic that we have been talking about for many weeks, there is a need, and this need is called to be or not to be, this need is called the draft law on the introduction of changes regarding mobilization measures, and we have gone through several stages, the stage when the draft law was... in the form of a simple draft, and everyone in ukraine was subjected to a large information attack, which was sometimes coordinated from russia, to dispel fears, panic and all propalshchyna, but later there was the next stage, the stage of adjusting this law to the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, b, of the ukrainian constitution, this is common sense, and stage number three is a psychological attack during the closed hearing that took place yesterday ended with that, but the need remained. ivan tymochko,
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a servicewoman of the armed forces and head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, is in touch with us. yes, but they say that something happened to the connection, we are currently restoring the quality of the connection. so here is the third stage, which i talked about yesterday mentioned, it's actually kind of a false start, because it turned out that the committee that had. to consider this draft law, now it turns out that there are more questions to it than necessary, and we warned about this, in particular , our experts, lawyers, and constitutionalists and everything else, because the law of mobilization is completely clearly written in the constitution of ukraine, as a prerogative of the supreme commander, i.e. president during martial law, this is what we will talk about, ivan tymochko, i will remind you again. it is given by the head of the reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, a serviceman in contact with us, mr.
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ivan, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glad to see you in the company. mr. ivan, first of all, we would like to show, in addition to what roman just said, how the picture looks from the inside, it is not about the rear, but about the front line. i am sure that among your acquaintances, among those with whom you crossed paths there, there are a variety of people... people, and those who came voluntarily, and those who were under contract, and those who received a summons and did not want to go, but different people came with different thoughts, with different, with different motivations, is there any difference in how they behave, how they fight, how they react and live during the war, fighting there, defenders, in fact, who came in different ways from different desires, well... let's start with the fact that those who a priori did not want to go to serve, they, they
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did not come, those who came, what to say, those who came, as you say, voluntarily, a contract, this is also a volunteer , by and large a conscious choice of military service, everyone perfectly understands one thing, it is necessary to protect, maybe there are some nuances, there may be some contradictions between the fighters, but everyone perfectly understands the main point. it is necessary to protect, it is necessary to defend, and whoever even comes with doubts, when he sees the consequences of the work of the russians on the front line, sees what they are doing to the civilian population, of course, all the arguments against disappear by themselves, the question immediately arises, how to perform tasks more effectively and actually save your life, these are basic things at the front, in fact, so to say that the military does not have them. understanding whether it is absolute different people, no, everyone is united by one goal,
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one task, regarding the level of preparedness, yes, this is another issue, of course, those who were on contract had more time to prepare, those who were mobilized went through training, again but at different times, at different stages, but in any case, every mobilized person who joins the army, at the slightest desire, has the opportunity to educate himself as much as possible. to prepare you for those realities that appear before him, regarding the law itself, as we all perfectly understand the law on amendments to the laws, or rather, this is the bill that makes the changes. to many laws, so we perfectly understand that it is necessary to take into account the problems and challenges , to correct a number of documents, to polish, it is necessary to do it not just there, let's say the recruitment of people, but to make a long-term system for the preparation of the civilian population for war, if in our country, for example,
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if there is a question of canceling military service, then it is necessary to train the civilian population outside the army so that they can be combat-ready and effective in any case in case of mobilization, to shorten even the process itself, the period of preparation. we understand that it is important not only to focus on the law in relation to the serviceman, but also to his family members, we also believe that there should be any law, the changes that will be adopted now, they should be long-term, effective in their action , not after ten. changes, dozens of amendments, which will actually hinder the work, which will again cause a certain mistrust in the army, very smart people, very smart military, so we, we are very we know and understand well, we analyze and also understand the challenges that we are currently facing, that we are facing, this is all a process of formation, it is important for us that
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there is now full communication, both representatives of the top command staff and civilians. and actually the representatives of the verkhovna rada, legislative bodies, and executive bodies began to work in a general complex, in general general work, and did not begin to shift responsibility from one to another, or as was the case before, there was a certain desire to concentrate attention on the military on mobilization processes, now both local self-government bodies and executive bodies should equally do the work of preparation and mobilization. the same military also have power, the simple point is that now everyone is obliged to work and do it effectively, because these formulations can help, must support, these are all methods for manipulation, clearly, they are obliged, it is necessary, that is, if these words are legal,
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and then professional , equally clear mobilization orders will be written under it. conscription, dismissal, demobilization, payments, determinations, then we can say with you that the law really worked, and this is really the result of the work of many, because until recently, literally until a few days, it was just separate discussions, discussions of deputies, politicians, bloggers, and the military submitted proposals, but there was no the general collection of such a large scale as it... is forgotten at the level of the ministries, which will be obliged to deal with the provision, the military, which will prepare to train, the authorities, the cabinet of ministers, which will be obliged to find funds for expenses, compensation and so on, that is, this is a general process, and it is important that it finally began to be outlined, you know, clear
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features of work and the distribution of responsibilities and obligations between all branches of government. mr. ivan, we understand that there must be appropriate new modern legislation on mobilization, but it is also an important point that there must be new approaches, because these soviet, zhukov practices can no longer work in the 21st century, and actually in your opinion, how is it everything needs to be changed as soon as possible, because replenishing people and to replace those who need leave , who need treatment, it is necessary already... today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, that is, how should work here in the rear, with those who are mobilized and with those who receive summonses, in general, the system of involvement to the army , so that it doesn't look like it often looks from the video, when people are being dragged into the silos somewhere, they are stopped on the street, and here are the posts that were given for several days, and then immediately sent to
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the front, and the russians grab it and but they are dispersing, and in ukraine, they are also inciting. more panic in fact, the mobilization processes both continued and continue, there are two sides of extremes, somewhere on the one side there is such a fake euphoria that everything is so perfect that it goes nowhere, and there is the other side, there, let's say, oh my god, everything is gone, betrayal, a traitor, but it goes back and forth, there is no more than 5%, 90% is daily routine work that employs people. in fact, they are constantly mobilizing, preparing, forming teams, sending them to training centers, conducting medical examinations and many others. moments that actually happen but they happen behind the scenes, they are not so irritating, and in fact , few people in society really
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pay attention to this, in terms of correcting those mistakes that were, yes, we have some blogosphere, other issues for professional clear work, we really have several months in time to actually improve the effectiveness of the mobilization and training of people, because here the question is not so much. there is even a question of preparing people for war, just as there is a question of preparing us for the potential demobilization of a part of society to the potential replacement system , what you said there was three months, originally 36 months, you guessed it right, it is a type of general service, now as far as i know 18 months is if at least 18 months of being directly in the combat zone and then the right to dismissal. in any case, those people who will be demobilized or released due to various circumstances, injuries, must be replaced by professional people, trained, because modern war is technological
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and mass on mass will not work, this is the term, which we have, because it is important, i wanted to ask you two questions, it is important, if there is, if there is, if you can hear, actually i have two questions, but in order, so as not to mix everything into a heap, the first is that we... do not see and we do not know which resonant and incorrect wordings in this bill have already been cleared after discussions in the government with the ombudsman, because it is being considered in closed mode, we have seen the clear position of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, russian practice said so, that is, the involvement of convicts in the armed forces of ukraine, he... it's not supports and does not want, well, this is a clear position, but on other such highlighted resonant moments, the armed forces have a position and their own
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vision, i mean two theses thrown into society: the first: war for war and mobilization only for those who does not have the ability to pay 200 hryvnias of tax and tax every month, well, if the war is for the poor, the rich can buy it off. it is this idea with 200 00 hryvnias, allegedly relying on certain historical experience, and there is also milovanov, also a non-military man, who suddenly throws in the option, let's play the american-style lottery for mobilization, here are these two points, as they see in the armed forces, the lottery is hype, it is clearly a desire to attract attention, no one takes it seriously, you can imagine that the law prescribes drawing lots. 3 cm long lot, blue red color, i'm just kidding, but you understand how wrong it is. the question of 200,000, well, in fact, this will simply give
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rise to corruption, because 2,000 is within seven thousand dollars, we know from those sources that even the sbu provides us with information on how much evaders who want to leave for border, i.e. one-time, so it is also the same approximate amount, i.e.... well, it will not stimulate people to pay funds within the country, if every month, it will be corruption, it will simply raise the rates for traveling abroad for escape from criminal and other corrupt structures, and we in ukraine have another historical experience, we have a historical experience when people invested their money to fight, the ukrainian insurgent army used its own money and the money of ukrainians and its supporters and fought effectively themselves, of all developed civilizations. societies , i will tell you, when a crisis came to the country , the population there, especially the middle class, and this is just the middle of the bill somewhere, which may concern the middle class, itself, paid
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money, equipped itself, clothed its own kind in order to protect, here it is simply can be seen as a trigger, as just an irritant to draw attention, that's how i understood it, mr. ivan, and that's why we got to the second question, which is much more important, we see that as there were problems with communication in such... sensitive and important things, they remain that way, because if arakhamia or the milovanov we mentioned really communicate with society according to the parameters of this draft law, and as far as the draft law itself is written by none other than bizugla, then there is a big problem with communication, do the military have and the armed forces of ukraine their access channel so that their vision of the parameters of this law is in the law, or do you have it? the opportunity to communicate it with the lawmakers, of course, procedurally in the army , information and proposals are collected and that
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is being processed, but this... with the armed forces in the classical sense, this is more information on the submission of proposals by the armed forces, structures that are directly responsible for mobilization. the armed forces submit proposals in the classical sense of the military, those proposals that relate to effective organization, proper training and demobilization of the military. this is a synthesis, the collection of such information is always carried out in offices. at the level of , say, public organizations, this is also discussed, be it just like that, nothing happens, in fact there is nothing to say, that two people, this is very positive information from you, mr. ivan, who are really professionals, and the mind has a channel to the lawmaker, and for that we must actually thank you and say goodbye, ivan tymochko, military serviceman
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and chairman. for the reservists of the ground forces of ukraine, but we will stay with this topic, now we will go on a break, then we will return to the continuation makers, so we will move on to the lawmakers, wait, there are discounts on citramon darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies for travelers and savings, turn on good, this when everything is as you want, click and you are in the world of cartoons, click and around... the universe of cinema, next, oh, what you need, mygogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. it is a good tradition, during the christmas holidays, to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the concert ua website, media parrtnder spreso tv. the spirit of christmas will definitely come to your city.
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format. analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of bolodny yar has an urgent need for fivi drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, to bring the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes.


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