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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. in the temporarily occupied sevastopol , an air raid alarm sounds for the second time in a day. the occupiers blocked traffic on the crimean bridge. this is stated by the representatives of the occupation authorities. sea traffic also stopped in sevastopol. foreign public transport. at night , powerful explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied crimea. as a result of the attack, 23 occupiers died, five of whom are officers. this is reported by the local media. the peninsula was bombarded with ten missiles, seven of which were allegedly eliminated by russian air defense. and the others arrived via the military infrastructure in the saksky district. the air defense systems of the russians and the reb station were also destroyed. details of the attack ref. at night, the enemy hit
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the village of vysoke in the kherson region with three mortars, seven people were injured, including a 14-year-old teenager who received a concussion, - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. the occupiers targeted the administrative building and the model building town that night, the russians attacked agro-industry in mykolaiv with shaheds. as a result of shelling in bashtan district , hangars with agricultural products and the territory of the enterprise were damaged. there are also private houses and a cultural center in nivychchyna. this was reported in the office of the prosecutor general. fortunately, no one was hurt. in the morning , explosions rang out in khmelnytskyi region. the russians launched shaheds on the territory of the region. this was reported in the air force. enemy drones. moved from the south towards
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starokostyantynov and khmelnytskyi district, the victims have not yet been reported. in the morning , the russians shelled the city of ukrainian in donetsk region, the building of an educational institution and multi-story residential buildings came under enemy fire. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. fortunately , no one was hurt. also, in donetsk region , a substation came under enemy fire, and a mine was left without electricity. 17 miners are blocked underground. a fire broke out on the surface - informed inenergo. the occupiers also attacked the thermal power plant, people were not injured.
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the air force has not yet confirmed a hostile attack by north korean ballistic missiles. such a statement was made by the spokesman of the command yuriy ignat. according to him , it is difficult to immediately establish accurate data about the rocket, because it breaks into small particles. however, experts will study the wreckage and be able to. give details let me remind you that the united states of america convened the un security council because of the north korean missiles that russia fires at ukraine. it will take place on january 10. america allegedly received information about russia's acquisition of several dozen ballistic missiles and launchers for them. he fed the occupiers in the temporarily occupied kherson region. security service of ukraine. kidnapped the owner
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of one of the largest agricultural holdings in ukraine. zlovisnyka's company still works in the occupied territories and supplies food products for russian soldiers. in may 2022, the businessman re-registered the agricultural company and now pays 100,000 rubles in taxes to the budget of the occupation authorities every month, and the russians use the company's warehouses to store military techniques the thief was detained in kyiv, where he was hiding and planning to escape to erefia. as a result of the fire in kryvyi rih , a woman and three children were injured, including two boys and a girl, they were hospitalized, the state emergency service said. the previous ignition occurred on the last floor of the high-rise building, the fire was promptly
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extinguished. a crime without punishment, a year ago the un fact-finding mission regarding the murder of prisoners in the russian torture camps of elena was disbanded. about how it's going investigation, our correspondent kateryna galko knows. katya, i congratulate you, what is happening with the criminal investigations, tell me. greetings khrystyna, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel, on the night of july 28-29 , 2022, the russians committed a terrible terrorist attack in olenivka against ukrainian defenders, defenders of azovstal as a result of an explosion. at least 53 people were killed and more than 130 wounded in the colony. in august , a un mission was created to find out and investigate what happened there. however , already on january 5, exactly one year ago this mission was disbanded due to the lack of conditions
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necessary for its deployment. however, the relatives of our defenders do not stop their fight for them. and now let's talk with mrs. maria, who is... the wife of a seriously wounded prisoner of war. mrs. maria, i welcome you, please tell me how the disbanding of the un mission affected the study of this situation, what is going on now and who is currently engaged in this study? good day. of course, the fact that the un decided to disband the mission to establish the facts of the killing and mutilation of prisoners of war greatly worsened our situation, one can say so, because the international investigation is not being conducted until now, although already. almost a little more than a year and a half has passed since the terrorist attack, the state bodies of ukraine still do not have answers to many questions, such as, for example, how many people died, how many were injured, what weapons were used, what is the logic of all this, why the russians
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did this, why did they decide to simply take 193 people to a separate barrack according to pre-spearheads, according to pre-compiled lists to burn them or fire at them, well, that is, it is still unknown, it happened there, we, as families of prisoners of war who were wounded, who died during the terrible, during this terrible terrorist attack, decided to unite in order to prevent to forget about this terrible tragedy, to find and bring to justice the perpetrators, to find both the perpetrators of the terrorist attack and the organizers, that is , everyone who took part in it, not only those who carried out directly, but also those who gave orders, we we are currently working on so that... the investigation of the terrorist attack still took place, international, it is meant, for this we turned to ukrainian human rights organizations, such as the media initiative for human rights, the ukrainian helsinki union, the regional center for human rights, and together with them we are looking for different mechanisms, different ways, we are currently appealing
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to the un human rights committee regarding the volenivtsi terrorist attack, work is also underway to submit to the international criminal court, and the possibility is still being considered. to regarding submission to the international the un court, well, that is still under question, but we will also try to do this, currently in ukraine , the prosecutor general's office, the prosecutor general's office, or more precisely, the sbu, that is, these two bodies in our country are engaged in the investigation, what is currently known about the prisoners of war, is there any information, at the moment no, well, i can... speak now about my husband, because i personally have no information since he was injured during the terrorist attack, i saw it was only after the terrorist attack on video on video from the hospital, after that i did not receive any information from russian information resources either, for example, there was absolutely
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nothing, no photos, no videos, there even from interrogations or from colonies, from places of detention, so , unfortunately, it is a very difficult situation, because as we know that russia does not allow representatives of international... divulges absolutely nothing, neither for families, nor. publicly, well, not at all, so, unfortunately, we do not know what is happening to our relatives. thank you very much, and thank you to all our advocates. let me remind you that the actual return, the last large-scale return, took place two days ago, however , many of our boys and girls remain in captivity of the russians, almost nothing is known about them, it is important not to forget this, we hope for the activation of international organizations and... kateryna galku spoke
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about how the investigation of the crimes of the occupiers in russian prisons is ongoing. this is me closing the issue and saying goodbye to you until tomorrow, stay with us. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour , we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. ukrainian air defense against the russian missile arsenal, what else can putin strike and... how will we answer: there is no plan b. allies will discuss military aid issues at
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the ukraine-nato council. mobilization compromises. the verkhovna rada is discussing a high-profile issue government bill. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, general ihor romanenko and the former head of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine valentyn. livaichenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how an su-34 fighter-bomber burned on the night of january 4 at the shagol airfield in chelyabinsk, russia. the main department of the ministry of defense of ukraine is behind the special operation. let's watch the video.
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friends, for those who are watching us now youtube and facebook, please like this video and subscribe to our pages on these platforms. in addition, throughout the program we conduct a survey, we ask you whether the military should go into politics. yeah, no, if you're watching youtube, it's pretty simple. if you have an opinion, please leave it in the comments below. video, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you
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think the military should go into politics, 0800-211-381, no, 08021382, please call, all calls to these numbers are free. our first guest is ihor romanenko, retired lieutenant general of the armed forces of ukraine, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 2006-10, mr. general, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on our air. i welcome you too, glad to see you. mr. general, let 's start with today's explosions in occupied sevastopol and yevpatoria, as the commander of the air force of the armed forces of ukraine writes, there was an attack on sevastopol and yevpatoria, more precisely at... at the command posts, and once again, mr. olyschuk, petro olyschuk,
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thanked the air force pilots who planned the operation for their impeccable combat work. mr. general, in your opinion, by what means could the air force of ukraine hit these command posts, and what do you know about these strikes? well, the information provided, including on records. who did in the very place near sevastopol about the participation of shaheds, but if it was the shahed type, if we had here... apparatuses, but if it was the head of people, then this indicates that there were applications blimps, blimps - this is a variant of using missiles that our
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allies, i.e. stom shadow and scalp, do not give us. french therefore, the most effective, we discussed this on your channel, striking, then it happens when several types, different types are used, if you organize and carry out calculations first, and then organize the formation of this strike, then it is done in this way, and in this case, if so they did that if applied. different types, but somehow they must arrive at the end at the same time, and then the means anti-aircraft defense and anti-missile defense are difficult to affect at the same time, if all these air targets were to be selected, and they can be planned to enter from different
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directions, that is, it is the most difficult so-called star strike. and therefore, in such a case, a large part of the means of launching an air strike will break through the defenses and hit the targets, which is exactly what happened at these airfields, i have been to the airfields and command posts in yevpatoria and belbek, here in the equator there are. .. factory aviation capabilities were at that time, the russians were also building them up and using them accordingly, there are airfields at the plant and in belbek itself, we remember that in belbek there is the so 27th russian su-30th, and also the nik 31k
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periodically appears and flies over depending on... the performance of tasks , that is, they justified there the issue of training the pilots of these planes, what about refueling in the air, this is a difficult story, because if i were on the nato refueling stations, i would also take part, and with britain we took off and refueled the planes , those from the european continent flew in for refueling from britain itself and... especially young people, this is a rather complicated operation, training, why did the russians do it? in order to be able to influence the naval, american air strike group, and they have already set up two in the mediterranean sea, and in order to get and use the same daggers there, it
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is necessary to refuel here, in addition to from the point of view of striking ukraine, where it is refueled so that it can spend a longer time... in the air if necessary and then strike. taking into account the importance of these aircraft of the russian air and space forces, which are based at these airfields, and also there is a separate control system, then these operations were planned and they were successful. i think the specification will be impressed by something... well, a little later, our official military sources will find out in such conditions, and the foreign ones from satellites, photo by photo from the light, the corresponding ones, it will be possible to look in more detail and find out how much happened impression, but what exploded there, as
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witnesses and near hepatoria and near belbek about it was said that... mr. general, yesterday the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radislaw sikorsky, stated that after the massive strikes of russia on the territory of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine need to be provided with long-range weapons, long-range missiles, which would help solve the issues, in particular regarding those places from where planes take off, from where they are launched. missiles, in your opinion, how realistic is it that our western partners will come to what ukraine has to inflict with long-range missiles. strikes on military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, as i understand it, our military-industrial complex does not currently
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produce those missiles that could fly there at a distance of 300-500 km or thousands, well, they do, but exams are held and so on, work on this is going on so that the current time, well, i will support the french. they did not talk about missiles, but about the fact that they have the right, since they are defending themselves, to strike a military object in russia, and there, then, all this russian propaganda immediately raised this issue, all this noise about this, and they are there catherically they declare that they will then strike, and so on, to us, we already see that... we remember, a year ago, perhaps also on objects in the crimea, so to speak, their views were such that it is impossible strike, because there will be an escalation, and this is changing gradually
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, it will change there as well, but look, in connection with these strikes, this is the first thing, the question must be raised and at the same council ukraine nato will, as you know, raise the means of anti-flood defense, and definitely. buckets of corresponding ballistic missiles, i.e. not only that the blows are inflicted, there they go supplies, that is, this is definitely the time
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when germany should also decide on this, they are holding debates in their parliament there, as always, they are waiting for all these strikes to take place there, because of the casualties in ukraine, and after that it is accepted some kind of solution, and despite the fact that... work is being done so that they learn to accept prejudices, but they seem to be not very successful, and that is why the reaction to all these circumstances, shelling in ukraine, air strikes, missile deliveries to north korea , deliveries of missiles to iran, sirens to the russians, this is exactly the time when it is necessary to provide this kind of missiles, to provide drones, means of combating enemy drones and so on, well... but you see here and there they have christmas and new year holidays, well, there are different reasons, but yes or otherwise, this issue will be
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raised with nato countries, and separately with countries that have the appropriate means, for example, anti-hail defense and not only anti-hail defense, the acute issue of ammunition and a number of other areas. mr. general, today is lieutenant general... serhiy naev, who commands the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine and manages mobile air defense units in the north of ukraine, and in particular in the capital stated that the situation with portable anti-aircraft systems for mobile air defense groups is such that there is enough ammunition to withstand several subsequent powerful attacks, about this he said in an interview with afp. according to him, the current situation with portable anti-aircraft systems for mobile groups is as follows. that there is a need to replenish the missile stockpile, he added that the priority is currently more ammunition, since the russian invaders
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they really want to recognize our air defense system. observing how the russians actively and massively bombarded ukraine over the last week, what is the goal of russia, to exhaust the air defense, to destroy the air defense, or even to lead to... to a situation where ukraine will be forced to make some concessions towards russia , due to the fact that the russians are quite actively shelling the capital and the largest cities of ukraine. anti-aircraft defense is a very important anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, and therefore they definitely track and try to damage the means anti-hail, anti-missile defense. but anti-aircraft defense is a means of protection, their purpose is to strike objects, and if last year most of them were
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infrastructure objects, we remember. that during the winter they wanted to go on lockdowns in order to, well, blow up heat, light and so on, that is , to suppress the moral and psychological state of our citizens, and this is for the majority, not only were there also military facilities, but that's it, the last between the end of last year and the beginning of this year, they pay significant attention to striking on military objects, in that... and on the line of sight, it is involved that they almost did not do there with rockets, for example, with their shaheds, they diverted to their there orterel, salvo systems and so on, and now they go, and on military objects are airfields, these are enterprises, they are looking for development, they are conducting military-industrial complex of ours, that is why there are such features, well, since the last
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blow, i did not give it. attention was mainly paid to our two largest cities, kyiv and kharkiv, but also to all such planar rather large objects, including military purposes, i.e. there are this kind of accents this year, this should be kept in mind regarding manpads. their range is small, and therefore it will not be possible to complete the task with mobile groups with manpads, it is necessary, therefore, to arm these mobile groups, and their fate is already increasing to 20% of the targets at low altitudes, they destroy them, and these also include winged missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles, well
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, including those that can be on the line... so that at night they might attack, for example, our portable ones, that is, there is not enough firepower, in addition, in mobile groups under fire means need equipment, searchlights, thermal imagers, instructions, i.e. , equipment that would be even better for regagtion stations , that would detect, accompany, that would increase the effective use of fire
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means of these mobile groups. these efforts, opportunities are increasing, the potential is growing, but not as quickly as we would like, you can understand general naiva, who is taking care that this potential grows in the north in the north-eastern direction, for which he is responsible. mr. general, there are statistics for the 23rd year that 3,800 airmen were destroyed by air defense forces targets, 887 cruise missiles, 15 kinjal missiles , 41 iskander m ballistic missiles, 2,691 shahet drones, 35 drones, lancet, 131 types of other drones, so considering the potential that the russian federation possesses, what can you say about the missiles that are in arsenal of the russian army, and which have not yet been used
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against ukraine. well, except of course those that carry nuclear warheads, they are working on increasing their efficiency, that is , using different types, and well, if something new is being developed, then maybe there is not enough forces, but from the latter, i would like to remind you that zircon rockets are naval, but they can be used there for modernization not only. on ships, but also in a complex, that is, they do it, as a rule, universally, that is, well , it’s like iskander, for example, on operational-tactical missile systems, the iskander is launched with a winged missile in the form of a missile, iskander m is ballistic, but modernized iskander is used from mig-31k aircraft. in order to speed.


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