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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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2.5 hours and it is very good that the commander-in-chief, general zaluzhnyi, and the minister of defense umirov, and the chief of the general staff shabtala, and all three military specialists presented the request, vision and wishes of the armed forces and the ministry of defense of ukraine. there will certainly be a response from the entire ukrainian government, from the entire ukrainian society, and people need to be reassured by this, we will support it. and do everything we can to ensure that the armed forces, our defenders have the opportunity, and it's very important here, let me explain very briefly, that our armed forces, our defenders had the opportunity, firstly for rotation, secondly for training, this is for those conscripts who will be drafted further as part of the general mobilization, but for training, mastering weapons, mastering military tactics and the ability to conduct combat operations, and those who master and
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will be suitable, so those ukrainian men and women will be able to get the opportunity to serve in the armed forces and defend the country, as well as the issue of demobilization, those who have already served more than two years, and in fact even three, the verkhovna rada will certainly find the possibility to provide legislative opportunities for demobilization, further, fourth, we have not forgotten and believe me, we will insist... on the fact that rehabilitation, treatment of the wounded, restoration of those defenders who lost limbs, health, and actually the most expensive during the war , the state must also direct all its resources, no excess profits for banks , no bonuses in corporations, including deputies, there will be no bonuses, we will direct all this to the rehabilitation of our wounded or the rehabilitation of those... our
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defenders who were injured, or again and i say, god forbid, serious disability injuries, this is what is in focus now during the work of both this committee and other committees of the verkhovna rada, and next week i say that the meetings of the verkhovna rada will take place, when they will start already in the hall, in the session room the bill will be considered in the hall, and i think that there will be several of them, that is, the bill. about mobilization, mr. valentin, throughout this period, there 10 days, ever since this draft law was made public, there was a lot of different information, many ideas were articulated, including representatives pro-government forces, servants of the people in social networks, somewhere publicly spoke about the possibility of some kind of tax for the people.
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who instead of mobilizing will work more, pay more to the budget, there was information that they are very actively discussing the topic of a possible lottery for the mobilized, as was the case in the united states of america during the vietnam war, when those who were who will be mobilized, who will be sent to the war in vietnam, whether there will be such norms at all and... whether is it even being discussed seriously, or is it just such an information dump in order to see how society will react to it? this is all frivolous, it does not solve anything for the general staff , for the armed forces of ukraine, taxes, casinos, lotteries and so on, but what we will take seriously is to strengthen the motivation so that the conclusion of a contract by ukrainian citizens with armed forces
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of ukraine was profitable, prestigious and extremely motivated. i mean, first of all, salaries, land allocation of land plots not to land oligarchs, but to those who protect countries. we believe that there should be a principle: one should not trade land, but protect it, but protect it and give it to defenders and family members, so i am convinced that the principle of motivation for protection. and the prestige of military service both for the defenders themselves and for family members, believe me, this will be the main issue in the verkhovna rada. i know the sentiments of all factions and represent, including the homeland, i can say that we stand on these principles, so do not doubt either us or the armed forces of ukraine, precisely because motivation, through the strengthening of the armed forces, we will find a legislative solution to strengthen and improve the mobilization, the only thing
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... what we are advocating is to abandon such, you know, punitive, extremely negative external measures that have now appeared on the streets in process. i don't know whether it is the tcc or who carries them out, when people are captured on the streets, without explanations, without seeing their families, and so on. no, no, no, you can and should act so firmly, but in a civilized and motivated manner, this is the most important thing. well, obviously, when we talk about mobilization, then mobilization should be fair, for all citizens of ukraine, suitable for military service, and well, this should be the main meaning of it. of the mobilization law , because when it comes to money, when someone can contribute money, and who is poorer, he goes to the front, that is, there is simply inequality between people who are in society, and such inequality should not exist, because it is a constitutional the duty of any person
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to defend his country, we hope that the verkhovna rada will make a wise decision and in in principle, this law will not cause so many emotions and so many comments and such a reaction. those people who, as they say in this bill, want to remove someone from their disability, or transfer them to another group, will not have it, we immediately reject it, and the people who take care of nbider, yes, well, that’s it important, one more question, the very end of our conversation, mr. valentin, regarding our european partners, polish prime minister andrzej duda called on the european partners of the council. but increase production weapons to help ukraine and prepare for a possible russian aggression, it is meant to be prepared by a european for a possible russian aggression, as andrzej duda said, without radical increased efforts in the field of weapons, we will remain far behind russia. this will mean
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one thing: europe will be vulnerable to a direct russian attack in the next few years. no one can doubt that europe has a strategic perspective. russian aggression, this will happen when russia's advantage is clear from the military point of view possibilities, donald tusk is also talking about a possible war in europe with russia, and german defense minister boris pistorius is talking about it, they are talking about it in the netherlands, they are talking about it in finland, how do you assess the possibilities and intentions of putin to leave. further to europe and start a war with nato in order to prove to the russians that, in fact, on the territory of ukraine, he is not fighting with the ukrainian army, but with nato. yes, putin's regime
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has been standing for decades on the fact that it is at war with nato, with the west, and with ukraine, they started with us, and now ukraine is a single country, and ukrainians. a single people, a nation, who accept russian terrorist missiles into their own body, into their own country, thereby protecting europe, the european union, and nato member states. there is no doubt about this, neither among us, among ukrainians, nor in the baltic countries, which are closest to us and beyond, you correctly noted the geographic finland and so on, maybe somewhere else in portugal or in distant countries there are such, you know, reassuring moods, but... and they'll come to nothing soon enough, because in fact the putin regime cannot exist in any other way, except to attack , conquer, you know, spoil and destroy everything that is european civilization, so
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without exaggeration, and this is the main position of ukraine, we need to say so honestly at the top of my voice to the whole world, especially for... that we are the only thing that is stopping russian aggression now, so that it does not end up on the territory of lithuania, latvia or poland, once, twice, together as a group of 27 + 1, 27 is eu member states, plus one - ukraine, which is in it starts negotiations on membership in the eu. we have 28 countries, at least in order to continue to use and stop the russian aggressor, and we are... much stronger, by the way, and we proved this last year, well, imagine, putin only has kimchanir, from which he exported all the old soviet shells, iran, from which he even buys small ballistic missiles or tries, which it is not known whether they fly at all, and we have 27 developed european
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partners, one patriot supplies, and the second arist, the third - skynex, the fourth types weapons, which are secret, i did not announce them , but this... is not a comparison, therefore, our conviction in the 24th year is not to deprive european partners of persuasion, on the contrary , to increase support for the ukrainian people, ukrainians. and the ukrainian armed forces, this is something that is a constant, you know, at the beginning of this year and a priority of the entire 24th year. thank you, mr. valentin, let's hope that the 24th year will be just like this, it was valentin nalyvaichenko, people's deputy of ukraine, former head of the security service of ukraine. friends, during this program we conducted survey, we asked you about whether the military should go into politics, now we will look at the results of the survey on tv. 85% yes, 15. no, we also have a vote on youtube, yes 73%, no, 27%, these are
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the results of today's survey in our program, friends, i'm putting an end to this, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and yours relatives, goodbye. there are discounts on akvaamaris of 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. attention, incredible novelty from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. ideal fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska stayle boots have a universal design and practical black color. therefore , they will fit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. so take it right away. a pair for you and your man, the side zippers will ensure a perfect fit even
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who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours , vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about... ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. i vote yes. believed that a political nation is united precisely by mutual respect, which
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you were not of nationality, in ukraine they voted for a recidivist thief, and also with great satisfaction that such a person can definitely be a strong businessman, how can we build a state that simply will not disappear from the political map of the world, and where are these people who generally believe , that ukraine is ukraine, and that its history has nothing to do with russian, that its past is not russian, that... the free population has never been the focus of army units. in this situation , terrorist states themselves, such as russia, such as iran and others, can also level. forms of international law, our first task is the preservation of the ukrainian state. ukraine as a bomb shelter, ukraine as a shelter, ukraine as a state that must ensure the survival and
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development of the ukrainian people, which is, in principle, the main duty of any civilized state. life , it in itself suggests the plot, of course, when i was planning the topic of this lecture, i could not guess about these plots, although i should have suspected, it is not only a high standard of living, not only a developed economy, not only cultural enrichment, not only universities and schools, although that is also very important, but on the other hand... on the other hand, your university and national school can be in any other country where you are in the minority, but your armed forces, and i think , there is no need to explain this to ukrainians today, they can only be where you are the masters, your special services, your state infrastructure, everything that should provide you with the opportunity not just
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to survive, but to defend and win, can only be in your own . the state, and then you don't have to rely on others, i belong to one of the first generations of people of jewish origin, who were born when this state was, i was actually born in 1967, when israel won the six-day war, when jerusalem was liberated from the occupation, when jerusalem became a full-fledged capital of this state, and i always grew up with the understanding that this state exists, defends, wins, develops, and that is why it was so painful for me to look at my ukrainian friends or classmates who lived essentially in an atmosphere of statelessness, maybe without realizing it themselves, because many of the jews
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lived in an atmosphere without a state until the state of israel appeared, as in a normal atmosphere, when you don't have something, you can even... not realize how much it is is valuable, just like when you already have it and begin to lose it, and we all felt it with you, i think, emotionally, on february 24, 2022, how painful it is to lose what seemed to you to be just air and a constant. ukrainian statelessness also had tragic consequences for the ukrainian people over the centuries. you you know all this very well from history. because once again there may be a government that will pretend that it is a ukrainian government, as was the case with the ukrainian ssr, will open schools, universities, engage in ukrainianization, translate the works of the classics of marxism and leninism into ukrainian, but the holodomor is
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absolutely obvious , that this is no ukrainian government, because it does not protect you, but destroys you. at the behest of moscow, and everyone in this government is competing with everyone else to destroy as many of their own countrymen as possible, because such the logic of the existence of any colonial occupation government, and we must always remember this, and that is why when we talk about how ukraine looked, looks and will look like, i always say that... we have to think about this asylum, about ukraine becoming a state of the ukrainian people and those citizens of ukraine who realize this and share these values, because only a state that acts as a national asylum is able to protect minorities, is able
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to understand the problems of others, is able to tolerate those who respect this state for its cultural, political, historical values, a state that does not take place as such a shelter, as a rule, ignores the needs and demands of all others, because what is the difference, we live like this, and you will live like this, and this is also absolutely an obvious point that we should always remember when we are told, here you speak with nationalist slogans, you want the priority of one nation over others. mini, we just want the citizens of ukraine to have equal chances in the ukrainian state, citizens of all nationalities and of any religion, except russian. of course, but i hope that soon there will be no more russian church on our land, just as there is no russian state, so i think that people who are christians of the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate
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will get their own ukrainian church on this land, this is also necessary to realize how important a task for the future, and such a state, is it really an example of how to solve all these complex problems that exist between the representatives of this single political nation? but i always believed that a political nation is united precisely by mutual respect, no matter what nationality you are, no matter what language you use in everyday life, but you must respect the people who created this state in order to protect themselves, their values, their historical and cultural heritage, and it is so logical that i am always sorry that i have to talk about it all the time in the classrooms in ukraine, because i... perfectly understand that such a conversation would never take place somewhere in poland or in bulgaria or in france, it is absolutely obvious to all people there, people here
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people have to be convinced of this, people have to be convinced that the state was really threatened and is threatened by danger, people have to be convinced that you and i are in the territory, which is essentially not... just the state of the ukrainian people, but also the land , which is claimed by another state , russia, which believes that this is part of its imperial territory, that in order to survive and build a state, we need to defend ourselves in this country, and that for the last year and a half it seems absolutely logical to the vast majority, and that last ten years, it seems completely understandable for many people who took seriously the threats related to the occupation, annexation of crimea and the beginning of the war in donbas,
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remember that for decades this was not recognized, ignored, considered completely inappropriate by a huge part of our society, and everywhere where were our armed forces? how could we admit that they were actually destroyed during the first decade of independence, and that the last ministers of defense before the russian attack on ukraine in 2014 were citizens at all russian federation. president of ukraine, prime minister of ukraine, first vice prime minister of ukraine, minister of internal affairs of ukraine, prosecutor general of ukraine, head of the security service of ukraine. chairman of the national bank of ukraine, i'm just listing everything i remember, first, everyone fled to the russian federation, to the country that
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attacked us. imagine any other state in a pre-war situation, that is, before the war, when the entire british government or the entire politburo of the central committee of the all-union communist party is captured by the bolsheviks. suitcases and are interested in berlin, how long such a state would last, how it would be perceived in general, as an anecdote, as proof that the people living on the territory of this state are incapable of state building, but we had exactly such a state. we are amazed at the people in the united states willing to vote for donald trump with all the legal charges against him. and i apologize, no one has yet condemned president trump, in ukraine they voted for a thieving recidivist, and also with great pleasure, that such a person is definitely
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can be a strong businessman, who else can be a strong businessman, but a repeat thief, this is our model of success in this society, and this is a huge moment of truth that we have been experiencing for the last decades, must finally find an answer to the question... "how to build a state , for which we would not be ashamed, i would even say more, how can we build a state that simply will not disappear from the political map of the world, because it is absolutely obvious that this is the main goal of the russian president, and it is absolutely obvious that in this situation, the russian president enjoys the overwhelming support of the majority of his contemporaries, who are simply divided into two, i would say, different groups, one minority, the other majority, and the minority. believes that for the sake
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of restoring the historical territory, it is not worth fighting, but it is worth acting economically and political means, and the majority believes that in order to return to the borders of mother russia , a nuclear bomb can be dropped, that is mother , she demands, but where are these people who generally believe that ukraine is ukraine and that its history has nothing to do with russia , that her past is not russian, such people in russia? almost none, and by the way, if the whole society is in such a historical mirage, in such a historical falsification, then it does not even matter, it adheres to the views that the ukrainian problem must be solved by force, that the ukrainian problem must be solved politically, it is important that a person who is trying to solve this problem, will always enjoy the overwhelming
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support of... a significant majority of russian citizens, this is a huge problem of our coexistence with the russians, and i can here to draw a rather good parallel, which is a real illustration of the globalization of such conflicts, when we talk about the conflict in the middle east, the arab population of palestine is also divided into two unequal parts: one part is those who say that... it is necessary solve the problems with the jews by political means, the other believes that the territory should be liberated by force, but everyone agrees that there should not be jews in this territory, that they have never lived there, should not live there and are occupiers of arab lands, and when 99% of people think so, then any force that tries to solve this issue can hope for public support, this is also a fairly obvious point
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that... i want to say when we discuss such issues. another obvious point: the fact that you and i are building a state in a completely special historical period in the history of mankind in general, because the previous wars were exactly wars of armies, armies met on the battlefield, they tried to defeat each other, the civilian population was never the center in... the attention of army units. even during the second world war war, the wehrmacht tried to distance itself from crimes against the civilian population, which were committed by the ss or representatives of other special services of hitler's germany. it has always been a matter, if you will, of honor for any army, we are not complicit in war crimes, even if we do commit them, we are fighting the same soldiers as ourselves. we
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are now in a ... i would say a terrorist triumph, when states behave like terrorist organizations, because basically what russia did in buch, or in izyum, or in mariupol, is practically the same exactly what hamas, which is a classic terrorist organization, is doing now on the territory of israel, and vice versa, when terrorist organizations, it started from the time of al-qaeda and the islamic state, and now passed to hamas, have structures. which are equal to the structures of classical states in terms of their effectiveness and ability to attack, and at the same time these organizations do not obey any norms of international law, and in this situation terrorist states themselves, such as russia, such as iran and others, can also level the forms of international law, because they cease to operate in the modern world. what then is the main task for you and me. our first task is the preservation of
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the ukrainian state. we must clearly understand that its disappearance, its transformation into just another province of this chimerical historical russia, is the main goal of our enemy, not crimea, not donbas, not the south, but simply that ukraine does not exist, that is what that the russians put into words the final solution of the ukrainian issue, because it is the final solution of the ukrainian issue. the question for the russians is the key to the empire. over the centuries, ukrainians were the only real people of the russian empire who could compete with the russians in terms of numbers and capabilities. therefore, the russians need, first, that the ukrainian state does not exist, and secondly, that the ukrainians themselves do not exist, at least in terms of numbers. and you see that they are persistently pursuing their goal, if we look at the tomographic situation in which.


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