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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EET

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for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to everyone!
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viewers and to the most important events at the moment: germany and luxembourg will continue to support ukraine in its fight against the russian invaders, because it is about protecting the democratic values ​​of europe, - said the foreign ministers of these countries. they emphasized that in the new year we should not forget that russia's terror against ukrainians continues every day, and therefore, in anna lena burbok's opinion, it is important to strengthen the winter protective shield. over ukraine, as with help generators and transformers, as well as air defense systems. xavier bethel, in turn, called it a wrong approach to think that this is just a war in ukraine, which does not concern others. current information about the situation at the front and recent terrorist attacks in the russian federation. the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov and his colleagues discussed such topics.
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the newly appointed polish colleague władysław kosiniak kamysh. in addition, umer expressed gratitude for poland's intentions to strengthen its role in various coalitions for security in europe, and also invited his colleague to visit kyiv. 43 road accidents happened at checkpoints in ukraine last year. the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko told about it. as a result of these accidents , 10 people died, almost 40 more were injured, the minister added. among the main causes of these tragedies are drunk driving and speeding. klymenko called on citizens to carefully follow the rules for passing through roadblocks. he said that after tragic events, these areas are additionally marked with road signs and bright ribbons, and law enforcement officers undergo additional training in order not to become a victim dishonest drivers. you.
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a traitor from donetsk received for espionage. a resident of novogradivka will spend 12 years behind bars, the security service of ukraine reports. the man scouted locations of defense forces near avdiyivka and sent information to his supervisors from the fsb. with the beginning of the russian invasion, the collaborator openly supported the aggressor and was not ashamed to write about it in russian social networks. classmates and vkontakte. almost 2,000 ukrainian trucks are stuck in queues at the border due to the blockade by polish farmers and carriers - said andrii demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service. as of yesterday, the blockade was resumed at the medic sheghini checkpoint. there are currently about 600 trucks waiting to enter ukraine. the rest of the cars are at three other checkpoints. let me remind you that the polish government has declared that it is ready to accept all the demands of the farmers that they have put forward. in particular, despite the appeal of the european commission,
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they plan to leave the embargo on the export of ukrainian products, including grain, indefinitely. over half a million archival documents are now available online. in lviv presented a new digital resource from the central state historical archive of ukraine. copies of ancient documents have become available on a single international search platform. portal, there are collections of documents on parchment, act books of galicia, dated from the 15th-17th centuries, funds of personal origin and sealed books of various denominations. during the year, the portal is planned to be filled with new copies. the digitized archive of the kirovohrad region will be operational already in february. a person can, for example, work at home, at a computer. go to this one
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a wonderful information resource, find everything that interests her and it is not necessary to visit the e-e archive, but first of all we need to save ours. our, our most valuable documents, the ultimate goal is for all state archives to be connected to a single window, that is , the goal that society sets before me, the task, in fact, is to have an archive in smartphones. warriors and ribbons. two artistic cycles of hanna kryvolap merged into one artistic project about the courage and strength of ukrainians, about sources of inspiration. and motives of the exposition will be heard later in our material, these are stories about people making history, we're all going to make history now, it's a tremendous honor. in the halls of the national museum , the kyiv art gallery, an exhibition of paintings by hanna kryvolap. part
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of the exhibition are portraits that no one ordered and no one asked to write. on them are those who defend us and our peace. the story inspired the work. about the fallen commander serhiy derduga, it was his image that became the first in a series of portraits. from that time i started working, and it seemed to me that i really, i should paint portraits, portraits of those people who pave this, we have light through the darkness, and i don't have such, well, if there was a specific selection, these are people with whom i am familiar. these are the people i am told about, these are the people with whom, as it were, my life comes into contact, among the images of defenders there is also an image of maria nazarova, an instructor in tactical medicine, her portrait was inspired by the meeting with the girl, hanna
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explains, impressed by her cheerfulness and strength, even in such dark times, i am delighted, i have never been to the other side of the canvas. i really like it, i'm amazed that, what and in different in the fields of art, people find the desire to write about war. alongside the portraits , the exhibition also exhibits a series of tapes that combines pre-war works with current works. so we watch how the once joyful and free stripes dramatically and painfully turn into camouflage nets. the tapes that she started writing a few years ago, they have now risen to... a completely different level, and this is a symbol of true faith, victory, like the picture behind me. more than 20 works are presented at the pulse of love exhibition, 11 of them are portraits. the artist plans to create so much same portraits, how many months the war will last,
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with the belief that it will not last long. and now there are still a lot of bad guys at the front, i think that hanna will get to them. at least well-known ukrainian artists will be included in this project, there are soldiers here, there are people like maria, and here there are volunteers, and we really have heroes, the pulse of love is an exposition about ukrainian courage, sincere gratitude and the immortalization of exploits, it can be viewed at the national museum, kyiv art gallery until january 17, kateryna galko, oscar janson, espresso tv channel. residents of the english game of gloucestershire were forced to temporarily exchange their cars for boats. the high water forced them to fish out. the government has already issued more than 300 flood warnings. tourist operators reported serious disruptions, and
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about a thousand houses were damaged. after the storms that swept through britain in recent weeks, the country was covered in prolonged rain, which caused rivers to burst their banks. and waterways throughout england and wales. the storms also caused natural disasters in other parts of europe. returned to the family. employees of the indian nature reserve helped the baby elephant, which had fought off the herd, to reunite with its mother. usually the herd does not move on when the young one disappears. in this case, they managed to retreat almost 4 km. in order to find the herd, it was necessary to use drones. before returning the baby elephant to its family, the foresters dug it up and covered it with swamp so that no human odors could be heard. later, with the help of a quadrocopter, the employees of the reserve were able to make sure that the cub and its mother were peacefully sleeping together. and
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i have to add that we are collecting funds for a front-line car for the tankers of the offensive guard. who defend the eastern flank of the struggle for our independence. avtovka on the front line fights and saves. in off-road conditions and constant shelling, the service life of front-line vehicles is short. we need a lot of cars and they are needed quickly, so we encourage you to join the collection. let's put victory on wheels together. our goal is uah 250,000. and almost half of the amount has already been collected. so we thank everyone who donates to the armed forces of ukraine. together we are strength, and together to victory that was all the news at the time. updated release, wait already. at 6:00 p.m.
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about crazy expenses for new furniture, order the mattress stoper casper ortolight at a special promotional price of only 999 uah with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants: stoper casper ortolight mattress - your healthy sleep and instant furniture renewal at a good price, call! watch this week in the program judicial control with tatyana shustrova. bribery, treason and decisions against defense capability. judge dolshko called the ministry of defense of ukraine a private company. which of the judges stood out last year? cars are constantly changing on it. on thursday, january 4, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the war created many
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challenges for us ukrainians, and even more for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that we can be stronger only by uniting together. friends, welcome. friendly online community, enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. without expensive consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and we learn something new. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of
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the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. welcome to the espresso channel. the government of ukraine plans to increase the production capacity of the domestic defense industrial complex this year. six times compared to the 23rd year. increasing the capabilities of the defense industry should scale up the production of long-range missile systems, drones, shells, armored vehicles and other systems. topics for our military currently, according to the ministry of strategic industries, ukraine's defense-industrial complex includes 500 enterprises, which employ 300,000 workers. however , it should be understood that currently four out of five companies in our opc are actually private, and this component is developing primarily due to the initiative
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of managers and collectives of enterprises, which create what is needed. for our army and defense forces, so about the capabilities of private companies, about how their potential was realized last year, which plans for the current year, we will talk about this in the next issue of our program about war and weapons, and in general on and in general by companies and on the example of specific samples of weapons and equipment. my name is serhiy zguryts, i am the director of the defense express company, which, together with the espresso channel, is currently striving to highlight the most relevant... life of our army and the defense-industrial complex. and now we are joined by serhii vysotskyi, deputy head of the ngo national defense association of industry of ukraine on strategic communication. mr. sergey, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. yes, congratulations, mr. sergey, congratulations, dear tv viewers, i am glad to see and hear you too. you have been working in this
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position for some time. i think that you have familiarized yourself in detail with the capabilities of those companies that today... are part of your association, and i would like you to tell our viewers what the capabilities and capabilities of private enterprises look like now, what were the main results for the past year, are there any volume data production, that is, such general features that allow, well, to make a general assessment of what is happening in the private sector of the domestic defense industry. yes, thank you very much, mr. sergey. well, a financial assessment. which we usually do not carry out an association for companies, but we can say for all companies that, of course, compared to the period before the large-scale invasion, production has increased tenfold, there are certain types of weapons that were actually put into
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service, certified, respectively, by the state, already after a large-scale invasion, they went... series, and we hope, of course, that this serial production will become, well, such a foundation for strengthening our capacity, our defense forces, well, from what has been announced, at least publicly already by officials, we can say that finally, our bohdana hawk, which is manufactured by the enterprise, a member of the association, went into production. there are plans for a small increase in this production, well, they went into series and now mass supplies of ukrainian mortars are being supplied to the armed forces, from another company, a member of the association, in fact this the only example, well, almost one hundred percent and almost 100% domestic such a defense
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product, there are some parts, of course of foreign origin, but it is a completely ukrainian product, so... the question is how much this company will be able to build up, expand its production capacity and contract accordingly, well, the technological processes at enterprises, in order to increase this volume, have been transferred, and this is not only about the association company, of course, private ukrainian defense companies are very actively involved in the production of ammunition, now it is manufactured, well... in ukraine, there are several examples in such a tight conversion, in close cooperation with western partners, we are manufacturing. now we are reestablishing contact, we are talking with serhii vysotskyi, he is the deputy head of the public organization national association of defense industry of ukraine for strategic communication, now we
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are continuing our conversation, mr. serhii, continue if there is an opportunity, yes, yes, yes, yes, i said that... over the past year, companies, private companies, not only in our association, in general, there are a number of companies that have demonstrated a very successful example of cooperation and conversion with western partners in the manufacture of ammunition, here i am talking about the line of ammunition of soviet calibers 152, 122, as well as nato calibers 155 artillery caliber, and there the 82nd or the 120th mines for mortars. and this conversion is certainly expanding, we hope that we will be able to supply ukrainian private companies with 30, 40, or maybe twice as much ammunition for the needs of the forces in... of defense already this year, there are high-tech developments, we take an active part in such conversion programs with western
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partners, to strengthen air defense, to strengthen the ability to protect the sky, so in fact, in fact, we have to fully agree, of course with the officials, with the ministry of the strategic branch of industry, by the ministry of defense , that the military-industrial complex in... in order to make even more products this year both quantitatively and qualitatively, well, we need, of course, some conditions, which i think we will also talk about with you on this broadcast, yes , mr. sergey, really the next question, i would like to understand what actually such creation of a synergy effect, it needs such, well, assistance. on both sides , to achieve the most effective result, and of course, then against this background, in any case, our private enterprises have certain difficulties, problems, and they are actually
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consolidated in the format of appeals to nadi, and what are the issues that our private enterprises are most worried about right now, the lack of finance to order, there is forecasting of orders, personnel, equipment of weapons and ammunition, but at the moment i am not sure that these production facilities... 100% can be done, because it requires extremely high investments , transfer of technologies from our western partners, which, unfortunately, they are not going to do yet, well , unfortunately, certain technologies are still not transferred to our state, and of course, this is a matter of security, yes, because, as we we can see on the example of the latter, rocket ones blows, the issue of safety for military industrial complex enterprises , it becomes... very, very serious, therefore , now the production of these products, starting from an elementary mine for a mortar and
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ending with some high-tech samples of our weapons, is ensured in a situation of conversion and in a situation when we, as a country in existential wars, competing with other countries for supplies is very limited. number of element base and components for our defense products, in order to more clearly plan production capacities, purchase from larger on a larger scale, in larger quantities, under more long-term contracts that ensure a price reduction of this entire elemental base, of course we would like the ministry of defense and other government customers to provide it anyway. is attention to that norm, the article of the law on defense procurement, which provides for the conclusion of long-term contracts, unfortunately, so far
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the practice of concluding long-term contracts for the supply of weapons and ammunition is not widespread, let's say, there are already examples of such contracts, but they have not been delivered on some, well, such a flow, let's put it this way, of course to me from... in response to me, someone can say that, well, how is it, there are a large number of unscrupulous suppliers, there are these scandals that we saw during this year with companies , well, for example, the very same alpha group, it was a very quiet scandal, well, what if the money was absorbed, but no, but they could not supply the products, so there are such questions, how will we... will we be able to provide in a long-term contract for its execution, for this you can well very
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different approaches can be professed or developed. there is a register of honest companies that supply almost 100% of the contracted products to the defense forces. there are some criteria that can be developed, but the implementation of the rule on long-term defense contracts is a necessity in order to ensure that first of all, and war, you know, is about a resource, and money is a very important resource in any war, in order to to ensure a reduction in the price of final products, weapons and ammunition, predictability and opportunity are needed to contract all these components, elements of foreign origin, production facilities located in third countries in the long term, and of course this will contribute. decrease in price, because unfortunately, according to the examples of contract execution, if we have short-term contracts for six months, for example, we see a trend that every
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six months the prices... for products, for weapons, ammunition, they increase, because , because the world market for these components, chemistry, explosives, gunpowder, it does not stand on instead, this market is highly scarce now, highly competitive, and therefore of course these international companies that manufacture this particular elemental base or these components, well , such as explosives, it's time... again, they constantly raise their prices, because this is a classic, classic law of economics, i will interrupt it a little, a little, i would like to understand, because in fact both you and the directors of many enterprises talk about long-term contracts as a condition for reducing the price and stable loading of enterprises, but this does not happen despite evidence rationality of such a step, you attended meetings with the ministry of defense, with the new
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leadership of the ministry of defense. i think that these issues have been raised, and if there are still no changes, then is there an explanation why the general staff of the ministry of defense or other structures there are not ready to switch to this rational way of cooperation with our defense enterprises, i would know, i would say that there is no unpreparedness, there is a very constructive discussion with the leadership of the ministry of defense, the general staff of lviv. indeed, now we see a lot positive trends regarding the readiness to communicate with the industry from representatives of state authorities, state customers in the field of defense, so we are approaching this, believe me, i think that this year we will have successful examples of similar contracts, i already said that we will say yes , the first ones
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are just the beginning... are there positive examples, they are already being followed up, so we will hope that this dialogue will be continued, that we, together with state authorities and ministries, will work out criteria, work out appropriate decisions regarding what to conclude these long-term contracts, especially with those companies that have shown themselves to be reliable suppliers, with companies that are not just importers, but manufacturers. weapons and ammunition, well, i think we will come to that, again i want to note that the dialogue is very constructive and very positive, well then i would like to touch on one more topic, a long-running topic that started last year, this is exactly the position of the state audit service regarding the profit of defense enterprises, was several decisions of both the parliament and
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the cabinet of ministers regarding... this situation, there were also meetings of the defense industry with the participation of your association and the new leadership of the ministry of defense that the situation is illogical, it needs to be resolved, because it harms the defense itself enterprises. but how does the situation look like today, because i see that there is an impression that the dsu is standing on its own, and these risks are already becoming practical risks, but there are examples of enterprises, in particular there is a fire engine, where... to the director accuses him of violating his authority there, there is a court case, what can be done now to direct this situation in a logical, rational direction? and first of all, mr. serhiy, i want to give an explanation to our viewers, well, regarding such a widespread narrative about some businessmen who make money.


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