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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EET

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distribution of humanitarian aid, the innovation concerns the importation of imported cars, from now on military personnel as individuals can also receive vehicles. from january 21, the 91/11 law comes into force, and charitable foundations that import cars for themselves can transfer them not only to military units, as is happening now, but also to individuals in the military who... need this help. as long as volunteers are registered in the automated system, the cabinet of ministers allowed the import of aid based on paper declarations. until april 1, 2024, the electronic declaration procedure will remain voluntary. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. well, let's continue, a great story and news await you now, and in general, during the second hour of the great ether, the world is about ukraine with yuri fizer, or really the north. korea attacks south korea,
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what happened there, why the escalation, money during the war with oleksandr morshivka, also today news sports from yevhen pastukhov and weather from natalka didenko, big cold will come to ukraine, where, in which regions , what disadvantages await us, and now here's what: current information about the situation at the front and recent terrorist attacks in the russian federation, such topics were discussed by the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umerov and his newly appointed polish colleague vladyslav kosinyak kamil. in addition, umeru expressed gratitude for poland's intentions to strengthen its role in various coalitions for the sake of security in europe, and also invited his colleague to visit kyiv. germany and luxembourg will continue to support ukraine in its fight against the russian invaders, because it is about protecting the democratic values ​​of europe - said the foreign ministers of these countries, they emphasized that in the new year we should not forget that russia's terror against ukrainians...
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continues every day, and therefore, according to anena berbok, it is important to strengthen winter protective shield over ukraine, both with the help of generators and transformers, and air defense systems. xavier bethel, in turn, called it a wrong approach to think that this is just a war in ukraine, which does not concern others. and in the city of shibyekino on an air alert sounded again in belgorod oblast today, after which drones attacked the industrial infrastructure. three businesses came under fire, street lighting was turned off in the city, one victim is known. and 43 traffic accidents happened at roadblocks in ukraine last year, the minister of internal affairs of ukraine , ihor klymenko, said. 10 people died in these accidents. almost 40 more were injured, the minister added. among the main causes of these tragedies.
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in a hyper-intoxicated state, as well as excess speed after tragic events, these areas are additionally marked with road signs and bright tapes, and law enforcement officers undergo additional training so as not to become a victim of dishonest drivers. a traitor from donetsk was sentenced for espionage. a resident of novohorodivka will spend 12 years in agraty, the security service of ukraine reports. the man was scouting. to locations of defense forces near avdiyivka and sent information to his supervisors from the fsb. with the beginning of the russian invasion. the collaborator openly supported the aggressor and was not ashamed write about it in russian garbage cans, such as classmates and vkontakte. not only contact or budget form of education. the cabinet of ministers has developed a draft law that should cover accessible education to as many students as possible, the prime minister said. minister of ukraine
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denys shmehal. according to him, in the future, young people will be able to acquire their profession at the expense of state procurement of budget guarantors, soft loans, and also on a paid basis. benefits are also promised to participants in hostilities or children of fallen heroes. now 60% of applicants enters into a contract - the minister added. the purpose of the draft law is that, on the contrary, more than 60% of school graduates receive various types of state support. at the same time, we are introducing a model of state grants that will allow full or partial coverage of training costs. these grants will not have to be repaid, they do not involve any obligation to work. the size of the grant will be affected by two criteria: the first is the results of an external assessment of knowledge, the second is the chosen specialty, although the amount of the grant will not necessarily cover the full the cost of education, but the number of entrants who... receive financial support
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will increase significantly due to a more equitable distribution of such support. over half a million archival documents are now available online. in lviv, a new digital resource was presented by of the central state historical archive of ukraine. copies of ancient documents became available on a single platform, an international search portal. collections of documents on parchment, deed books of galicia, dating from the 15th-17th centuries, were placed there. personal funds descent and metrical books of various denominations. during the year, the portal is planned to be filled with new copies. the digitized archive of the kirovohrad region will be operational already in february. for example, work at home, at the computer , go to this wonderful information resource, find everything that interests her and not necessarily visit the archive, but first of all we need to save our, our, our most valuable
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documents. the ultimate goal is for all state archives to be connected to a single window, that is, the goal that the society sets before me, task. in fact, it is to have an archive in smartphones, i think that many ukrainians, as they say, will get stuck in this archive, looking for some of their roots and something related to their family, this is very interesting, in fact, an important matter, and from the war in in ukraine , thousands of animals are injured or left to their own devices, many of them are helped by the team of the uanimals foundation, since the 16th year the organization advocates humane treatment of animals and protects them from ex'. otations and bullying. since the beginning of the full-scale war, all efforts have been focused on rescuing animals from combat zones. for me, personal motivation is saving the earth from where we are all headed. daniil koval joined the
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ua animals team in the summer of 2023. since the beginning of the great war, the boy wanted to do an important job, so he started delivering feed for animals in kyiv and the region. later help. became unnecessary, so daniil returned to his usual life. i got used to a normal life again, which was work, and then the kakhovskaya manor was blown up. i wrote to unimals, do you need my help, he said very much, they found a car with a driver, we i went there with my friend , we stayed there for five days, took out animals, also distributed fodder around the village, returned to kyiv, i realized that i don't want to go back to normal work again, i want to... stay in volunteering . from that moment on, the boy could not return to his former job in kyiv. daniil was in the hottest spots of the front line. avdiivka, bereslav, orihiv. according to his own calculations, together with the team , he saved more than half a thousand animals. the most difficult thing in all this is that the animal does not
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understand what you are doing to it. she, some the animals have never seen the cages we transport at all. they always stress and start, well, many start to become aggressive when they see new people. who in a hurry wants to take her away, put her in this cage, it is difficult. however, not only because of this , the guy is worried, but also for the life of each tail. the road is also an important component of animal evacuation, constant shelling in every direction adds stress. but the guy is not going to stop. in the new year, he wants to save even more four-legged friends. i believe that the animals are more important than us on this one land we are taking away their home, not theirs. but it was not always like that. before the beginning of the great war, ua animals were more defenders of animal rights, initiated the draft law circus without animals. also, thanks to negotiations with people's deputies, it was possible to achieve the adoption of a law that provides for increased responsibility for cruel treatment of animals, and dozens of ukrainian designers
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gave up natural fur. a charity fund was opened and the story of donations, their conversion into a wide variety of aid began, that is, we did not buy before. fodder, they started now, they didn’t buy medicine , they started now, they didn’t evacuate the animals from the front, they started now, practically everything changed accordingly, and it’s been like this for two years and it’s been going at such a very, very, very, very high pace, count how many animals have already been given help is very difficult, animal advocates emphasize, because all help is different, over, over, over, over, i don't even know how many animals. it is difficult to say exactly, there is a lot, it is just that this aid is also very different, we take part of the animals from the front directly, part of the animals we take right there on we sterilize the place and do not take it away, but we also help shelters a lot. it is not an easy job to take animals from the combat line,
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in order to give the animals, people fill out applications with all the information about the four-legged friend. the ua animals team builds optimal routes to pick up as many animals as possible, then the tail. are sent to shelters and rehabilitation centers throughout the country, and then we help these shelters with food, medicine, if we need to pay for operations, we pay for operations, then this is a kind of barter, they agree to take under care of animals, and then we stably support them with various resources that are needed. currently, the ua animals team consists of more than 50 people, including evacuation teams, managers, communicators and lawyers. some people are also engaged in the international direction, so that the whole world knows about the crimes of the russians, and the team is not going to stop, there is also someone to save in the new year. dmytro didor apolina karnasyuk, oleksandr. burlevich, espresso tv channel. very
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cool people and a very important and cool business they are engaged in saving four-legged friends. now the world is about ukraine. yuriy fizar is already with me. yury, good evening. please. good evening to you vasyl. good evening to everyone who has joined us today. among other things, i will talk about the following: aid to ukraine. how putin is going to attract new recruits to his aggressive war in ukraine. well, how do anti-russian sanctions work on the example of one character - ramzan kadyrov. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. let's start with the following: the pentagon wants to continue helping ukraine and has four billion 200 million dollars for this supplying us with weapons, but cannot ... use them without the authorization of congress, said the official spokesman of the us department of defense, patrick ryder, during the briefing. these
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funds, he says, appeared after an error was found in the assessment of aid presented to ukraine, and this gave the pentagon the opportunity to spend more than 6 billion dollars on aid. these are funds under the president's arms transfer program, the so-called pda program, the shipment of weapons from... american warehouses in the pentagon, according to general ryder, for this program has the authority to spend this money, but there is currently no authorization to do so, that is, as much as we would like to get this authorization, and the authorization can be given by the congressmen from the upper and lower houses of the american highest legislative body, so we are waiting for them to come back from the christmas break and let will unlock perhaps 4 billion dollars, you know, this is a huge amount of money, and it will , of course, benefit us. the situation on
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the battlefields in ukraine is difficult, but putin will not achieve his goal and will never seize it ukraine. this was stated by the spokesman of the us state department, matthew miller, during a press conference. according to him, putin's russian government has already lost, but now washington needs to help ukraine, washington and its allies need to ... be able to bring ukraine to the end of this loss. at the same time, mr. rechnyk once again emphasized that washington should continue to help ukraine, although he added that this assistance in digital equivalent may be somewhat less than in 2022-23, and explained why the us will focus on helping ukraine put their own economy on military rails. although, says mr. miller, now the main ... again, this is the decision of the congress, let's listen to it in direct language. we
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have run out of funds, but ukraine needs to continue to be supported as it relies on this aid. the ukrainian people rely on her to continue to fight against the brutal russian onslaught. that is why it is imperative that congress restore funding to a democracy that is fighting for its freedom. well, here is an interesting moment, even this money, which is already there. is in the pentagon, about which the state department knows, and of course , the white house, even this money, these four and a half billion dollars, cannot be allocated in ukraine without the consent of the congressmen who are still celebrating, but they will stop celebrating already on january 8, that is, on monday, because the congress resumes its work after the christmas holidays, when exactly will the question of aid in ukraine be voted on the agenda? in both houses of the american congress, and when then, if they are absent, they vote, and i very much hope
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they do, this document will go to the signature of of the president of the united states of america, joe biden, is currently unknown , but for some reason i personally have such a conviction, even that they will still vote and still find a common language in order to continue helping us fight the aggressor, i will say, you know, if they rest , it means very well. the ukrainian army is fighting what it can fight, because i remember before the invasion when ben wallace, the then defense secretary, took his leave and came back to britain to actively help ukraine prepare for it a full-scale invasion, but there is another problem: that war is logistics, if russia very quickly receives weapons from iran or north korea, well, we do not have such a rapid supply of weapons, there are many bureaucratic problems, well, we simply do not lose from this , but simply this life, again the health of our military, first of all, and citizens, including civilians. well, but now the main thing is to still unlock this aid from the united states of america, because the aid from the european union is
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also very good for us, but it will not be enough, considering what you said. aid from iran from north korea, but i will talk about north korea a little later, and now about the united states of america, the united states will introduce additional sanctions against all individuals and legal entities around the world who help russia circumvent the already existing financial restrictions, about this the day before under during the briefing, the coordinator of strategic communications of the white house security council, john kirby, said. according to him, washington also dissected. all information about military contracts in favor of the russian army, because, the following is a quote from the admiral: because we will not allow countries to secretly help russia's military machine, this is the end of the quote. well, at the same time, he once again emphasized that the us government continues to be on the side of ukraine and will restore financial and military aid as soon as congress unblocks it, john
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kirby also spoke about the missiles that russia received from north korea and about... the consequences, who will have all this, listen to john kirby in direct speech. we expect russia and north korea to draw conclusions from these launches. we also we predict that russia will use additional north korean missiles to launch strikes on the civilian infrastructure of ukraine and kill innocent ukrainian citizens. such ballistic missiles have a range of almost 900 km, and this is a significant escalation of support. from the dprk, which is a cause for concern. well, here is an interesting moment, and why kimchen was so generous and decided to give russia his ballistic missiles. is it only a matter of money paid by the kremlin? no, not just in money, and that's what admiral john kirby said during this briefing as well, and he
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said that in exchange for these missiles , pyongyang, official pyongyang hopes that... that russia will also help it militarily, first of all, the ubyyans want to get from russia, i don't know if they agreed , because mr. kirby did not say that, but they want to receive from russia new russian fighter jets, which is also unknown, surface-to-air missiles, armored vehicles, equipment or materials for the production of ballistic missiles, because north korea is very likely with these materials and others are advanced. technology, well, but john kirby emphasized that if that happens , it's going to have big consequences for north korea, because you know what 's interesting, yura, i'm sorry, just when, i think they've already been given, and if north korea has given and russia has promised, then it's very likely, that they won't give anything, and then they'll tell you that you didn't understand, well, actually
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, and what will he do, no, with putin, well, even if you're already a criminal and you 're helping him, well, you take it in advance , because... otherwise, it is already possible, as they bargained for 12 chairs and said: what about chairs in the morning, in the morning, chairs in the evening, no, in the morning, money in the evening, chairs, in the evening, money, in the morning , chairs, yes, and apparently such a bargain was going on between kim jong-un and putin, something seems to me that putin still won this bargain, well, let's continue with north korea , escalation, escalation of the situation around the north of the korean peninsula, coastal artillery of the democratic people's republic of korea. fired more than 200 projectiles towards two south korean islands located in the yellow sea. this was reported by the yonhap agency with reference to the committee of chiefs headquarters of the armed forces of the republic of korea, that is, south korea. the shells fell near the northern demarcation line, which seoul considers the de facto maritime border. journalists of the yonhab agency, citing
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the south korean military, also said that they will take retaliatory measures because... such shootings by their northern neighbor are a provocation. here i want to emphasize this morning, when i started reading about this, in some of our ukrainian mass media, they said that north korea fired at south korea, it did not fire, it was really a provocation, they fired in the direction of south korea, these 200, at least 200 shells that fell outside the territory. the exclusive economic zone of south korea, but this is a provocation to which south korea has promised to respond without fail and will even evacuate two of these islands in... towards which this island was headed and recently such and such shelling from the side of the coast guard of the democratic people
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's republic of korea took place in 2022, so this is not the first time, but you see, the southern neighbor is ready to fight back about south korea, the apple does not fall far from the apple tree, the leader of the most closed country in the world, north korea, is preparing a successor, although it is more correct to say the successor. after himself in the chair of the leader of the dprk, kimchen wants to see his daughter. this was announced by the candidate for the post of director of south korea's national intelligence chot hyeon. the intelligence agency headed by him analyzed all public appearances of kinjue, as the daughter of the north korean leader is called. and also the level. which she showed to her during these appearances, and on the basis of this she concluded, that she seems to be the most likely heir, kimchenin's heir, you know
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, as they say, the first lady of the country, here is the first daughter of the country, who will become the head of the country, there is this lukashenko's knee, putin, it is not known who you are looking for right away. another young uncle wants one, well, you have to prepare a replacement ahead of time, you have to hand over the entire government of the country, it’s such a complicated government, you have to show how to make rockets, who is behind it, how to punish people who don’t produce these rockets well, vasyl , everything is very difficult here, you know here it's a lot of work so well, russian citizenship for participating in the war against ukraine, putin found a new way to attract new meat, sorry, foreign mercenaries to his suicide squads, which take part in an aggressive war against our country. he has already signed the corresponding decree
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, according to which the right to receive russian citizenship will also be given to the families of militants , wives, children and parents, but for this their husbands, fathers and sons will have to serve at least a year in the ranks of the russian army on the territory of ukraine. the possibility of obtaining russian citizenship is reported. if will live to this solemn, obviously in quotation marks of the moment, will also receive fighters who will fight as part of other military formations like wagner, here i will also add yuri, because putin, in addition, issued an order that orphans and children who were left without a parent people with ukrainian citizenship may receive russian citizenship by personal decision of the president of the russian federation. ombudsman dmytro lubinets said that after granting russian citizenship to children, deported ukrainian children will not legally remain in russia, he called it on he called it a sign genocide, well, actually, it is precisely for this that putin is being brought to the international tribunal, the un criminal court in gaza. well, but it will be a little difficult for him to do it,
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why? the following information about it. the government of nepal has banned its citizens from going to russia to earn money. the reason is that some of these wage earners are recruited by the russian army to participate in the war in ukraine. information about this was reported by the ministry of labor. nepal is also investigating reports that its citizens were killed in the ranks of the russian army, according to according to the information released, at least 10 nepalese were killed in the fighting and four more were captured. kathmandu also said that some nepalis are fighting on the side of ukraine, although the ukrainian government does not confirm this. it is also worth adding that tens of thousands of nepalese go abroad every year in search of work, but before going outside the country, they must... get permission from the government. now those who want to fight on the side of the russian army will not be able to get this permission, and that's a good thing. well, in
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conclusion, the sanctions are still in effect. who wants what on he did not speak of russia, and that strongly. the leader of chechnya , ramzan kadyrov, recognized this, even offering to extradite several ukrainian servicemen who are currently held captive on the territory of chechnya. if sanctions restrictions are lifted from his relatives, he told the so-called former american spy scott ritter, who very often appears on russian propaganda television, who even came to see him in grozny. kadyrov showed ritter the appeal of the ukrainian prisoners of war and added, and what did he add, we listen to kadyrov in direct speech. against. you lead me all, all that you want, well, family, mother, don't touch them, if the lives of these people are important to them, there, if they want to unite families, there,
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if they... well, that's all i have this week in the world about ukraine column, there will be more on monday, but there will also be more in our further broadcast today, so don't switch. thanks to yuriy fizr, we are talking about... like warriors and tapes , two artistic cycles of hanna kryvolap merged into one artistic project about courage and strength ukrainians about the sources of inspiration and motives of the exposition further in our story. these are stories about people making history. we are all making history right now, it is an extremely great honor. in the halls of the national museum, the kyiv art gallery, an exhibition of paintings by hanna
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kryvolap. part of the exhibition are portraits that no one ordered and no one asked to write, on them are those who defend us and our peace, the work was inspired by the story of the fallen commander serhiy derduga, it was his image that became the first in a series of portraits. from that time i started working, and it seemed to me that i really, i should paint portraits, portraits of those people who pave this, the world for us. these are the people i know, these are the people i am told about, these are the people with whom, as it were, my life touches. among the images of defenders, there is also an image of maria nazarova, an instructor in tactical medicine, her portrait was inspired by a meeting with
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the girl, hanna explains: her cheerfulness and strength, even in such dark times, i am delighted, i have never been to the other side of the canvas, to me i like it very much, i am amazed that, as in various fields of art, people find the desire to write about the war, next to the portraits , the exhibition also exhibits a series of tapes, which combines pre-war works with current ones, so we observe how once joyful... free strips dramatically and painfully turn into masking nets, tapes that she started writing a few years ago, they have now risen to a completely different level, and this is really a symbol of faith, victory, like the picture behind me. more than 20 works are presented at the pulse of love exhibition, 11 of them - portraits the artist plans to create as many portraits as the number of months
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the war will last, with the belief that it will last... it will not last long, and now there are still a lot of artists at the front, i think that anna will get to them, and at least include famous ukrainian artists in this project, here there are soldiers, here there are people like maria, and here there are volunteers, and we really have heroes, the pulse of love is an exposition about ukrainian courage, sincere gratitude and the perpetuation of the exploits of proglion. it can be found in the national museum, kyiv art gallery until january 17, kateryna galko, oscar janson, espresso tv channel. it is a good tradition, during the christmas holidays, to carol together with the picardy terc. tickets on the
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