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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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conflict, that this conflict may be extraordinary and it may go beyond the boundaries of the pogo peninsula, the united states and china have already talked about it, unfortunately, there is nothing to say that they, on the contrary, are helping north korea, because even the use of korean ballistic missiles on e. in our war, it is the same, because they have to protest how they behave in certain conditions that need to be refined, and this is such an open training ground, during which you are our territory, mr. general, during the last a few days we see how the forces back ukrainians are attacking the military
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facilities of the russian army in the occupied crimea, in particular, on january 4, 23 occupiers were eliminated, among them are high-ranking officers, we saw how the defense forces tried to attack novorossiysk, where the main base of the black sea fleet of the russian federation is now located, was burned su-34 aircraft at the airfield in chelyabinsk. literally today, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense released a video of how the fighters entered the belgorod region in a raid, we also see strikes on the military objects adjacent to kharkiv region, belgorod region. in your opinion, is this the maximum transfer of the war to the territory of the russian federation? maybe
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in 2024, because it is clear that when ordinary citizens feel, russian citizens feel the war, they may have a completely different attitude towards the authorities, or putin's authorities will absolutely sneeze at what russians will feel under the blows of the defense forces of ukraine. here is a complex answer, firstly, indeed, the russian leadership is deeply parallel to what they feel there. its citizens, we even saw answers when they say that they are not going to help rebuild some houses on the border with ukraine, that is, this is really such a cynical position for their citizens - they are citizens, i don't know, second-class, probably, we will assume that, in fact only transferring the war to... their territory, and deep
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into the territory, carrying out some acts of sabotage , in the depth of their territory at military-industrial enterprises, at storage bases, somewhere at some airfields, even at those places where no one, maybe i would not have thought, this is exactly the opportunity. our ability and to transfer our problems to theirs, to their heads, unfortunately in russia, they, commenting on what is happening now, say that they protect order in their territories, according to their legislation, the war continues on the territory, that is, our troops ukrainians, according to their legislation, occupied part of it. on their territory, that's what they
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now logically explain to their citizens, and say: we don't fight on other people's territories, we win back what is ours, respectively, in ours of the constitution, well, it is clear that the zaporizhia region, kherson region, donetsk region, luhansk region, and crimea have been part of their constitution for a long time, even though they are ukrainian. land, mr. general, one more important issue , which will obviously be relevant, especially during the next week or two, when the verkhovna rada will consider the bill on mobilization, there are already 73 comments to the committee, the parliamentary committee, to the 73 pages of this bill, which was submitted by the government shmygalya, like you evaluate... the 2024 mobilization plan and where
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is the line between what the army needs, how the army needs to do it, and how it is right. explain to ukrainians and place the correct emphasis on who should be mobilized and the necessity of this mobilization? look, we are playing a very dangerous game with society, because mobilization is the key to the survival of our country. in front of you, in front of me was yevgeny, who clearly explained all this, i don't even want to repeat myself, i don't want a repetition of the century-old strange things when... people just left because they were tired of fighting, you see, there is no such thing as justice, justice is a lottery, they run a lottery, lottery mobilization in the united states was introduced during the civil war, and you try it, if i'm not mistaken, it was the minister
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of justice who proposed to hold a lottery, and what was said to him , he was told so much there, what he thinks, and the lottery is precisely the greatest evil that can be, we will already start saying , this is wrong, this, this, let it be there somewhere in states conduct, or some other things , there is no fair mobilization, there must be mobilization, well, i am not saying total, but clear and understandable for everyone, without exception, if a person has not passed the military medical board and has not presented documents that he is working on defense, not on the economy. telling that i am a ytishnik, i sit at home and earn 20 thousand dollars a month, and i give 19 of them to the defense, you know, i can tell just as much, go ytishnik and work, work at the front, work where you are needed , work, if not at the front, then work in those
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structures that protect our defense, i don’t know there, cyber army, cyber police, cyber security, there are many places where you can work, that is, the concept that you work for defense... or defense an enterprise, or an enterprise of the food industry, or some other thing, all the rest are refusals, therefore the mobilization must be total, or there must be a total check of who is there, if you do not want to fight, you know, i would deprive those people of their citizenship altogether , which simply come out and they say, i don't want to, if you don't want to fulfill your duties, then what rights can you have, that's all. thank you, mr. general , for the conversation, it was viktor yagun, general of the lsbu in zapas, and we continue our broadcast, telecast and broadcast on our social networks, on youtube and facebook, for those who are watching us there now, please , like this
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video and also subscribe to our pages on social networks, including youtube and facebook and take part in our survey, today we ask you the following, is it necessary during the war to attract... to the army of prisoners and convicts, yes, no , please vote on youtube, everything is quite simple there, if you have any special opinion, please leave it in the comments under this video, if you are watching us on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think it is necessary to involve prisoners and convicts in zso (0800-211-381), no, 0.800. 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next with we are political scientist volodymyr tsibulko. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. congratulations. glory to ukraine.
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glory to heroes. mr. volodymyr, today we are talking a lot, including about mobilization, so we are interviewing our tv viewers and viewers on youtube and facebook, about how they feel about whether it is necessary to involve. to the army of prisoners and convicts, do you think there is such a need and should the state give a chance to people who are not convicted of serious crimes to atone for their guilt, not behind bars, but with weapons in their hands? i believe that such a chance should be given to people, related, thank you, very short, lapidary and er. to the point, in particular, we will now talk to you about the fact that the united states of america wants to reduce military aid this year to help us build up our own military industrial base , state
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department spokesman matthew miller said. let's hear what miller said. we will continue to support ukraine, as long as it lasts. necessary, it does not mean that we will continue to support them at the same level of military funding as in 2022 and 2023, precisely that is why it is so important that the congress passes... a bill on additional funding, because we have not reached the level where ukraine can defend itself relying only on its own forces. how do you, mr. volodymyr, assess the prospects of ukraine in providing itself with weapons, including long-range weapons, which are now so necessary in order to transfer the war from the territory of ukraine to the territory of the russian federation? well , let me remind you that as of the 18th year... in the 18th year, we had the groim-2 missile complex, the bohdan gunship, and more
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a number of new weapons, in fact ukraine, well , the neptune coastal missile complex against anti-ship, even in the 20th year was being formed quite seriously, the 19th 20th year was being formed quite seriously. defense order, then all this was transferred , as far as i remember, instead of 75 combat missiles, neptune anti-ship missiles, i think 20 training missiles were ordered, no launchers, new neptune launchers were created, er, the grim-2 complex at all frozen project, that is, in principle , the potential of ukraine allows to deploy at least the production of ee... these simplest ammunition, first of all , production is already underway in part in ukraine, in particular, the new
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product is ammunition for drones, minister komyshyn says that in december 50,000 fpvidrons were collected in ukraine, well, this is serious indicator, it just now depends on what these fividrons will be equipped with, or whether the military will disassemble them primitively. for example, cartridge ammunition, american, will take out the cartridges and convert them as ammunition for fpv drones, which by the way is practiced, will we fix a complete line of ammunition, there are problems with gunpowder in principle, this is the case in the whole world today, so we need to look for cooperation, but ukrainian opportunities are quite considerable, we need to start at least... mass production, for example, trawls for demining, then engineering machines , because
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part of even the equipment that is in the warehouses of the old soviet one, it can be re-equipped, transformed into either trawls for demining, or into engineering machines, er, self-propelled bridges, that is, there is a very wide range of products that ukraine should try to produce it yourself. that's interesting. to be honest, mr. volodymyr, ukraine has always been a leader in the production of rockets, and in general, we were the country that had rocket technology, pivden mash is well-known, and kb luch is now engaged in this, why do you think, during the last 20 years 20- you , well, without a doubt, there was such a situation that... ukraine turned into an outsider of missile technology, that is, what prevented and in what
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way prevented us from developing it, did we rely so much on the fact that russia is a friendly country, and we have no one to fight with, do we? relied on the fact that the west guaranteed us security with the budapest memorandum, and we don't need to think about that, why are we now ... at the point where we have to convince the western countries that we need long-range weapons and that we need missiles , and we simply do not use what we have, and even more so, in the late 90s or early 2000s, they gave half a thousand x55 missiles, which are now simply flying on ukrainian soil from russia, well, maybe this is it no... and the missiles are transferred, but there is actually a problem, the problem is that the ukrainian armed forces
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were formed for the defense of their own territory, that is , the ukrainian armed forces did not plan any encroachments on neighboring territories, then we fell into a certain technological trap, because the types of weapons that remained on the territory of ukraine recently. in principle, they were still competitive for some period, but competitively capable in opposition to countries similar to the eu. at the technological level, since russia was still engaged in the development of its weapons, then for a certain period in ukraine there were several such excuses, i apologize for such vulgarity, why are the troops not re-equipped, because sooner or later the aviation must switch to unmanned
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aviation, and we don't really need fighter jets, because a fighter jet... is an impact weapon, that is, the aviation was used by the old soviet one. in the 10th year, the first such ones appeared, well, in the late 2000s, more precisely, before the 10th year , the first concepts appeared, which aircraft we should switch to, because we would definitely not operate soviet aircraft, even the ukrainian approach to their modernization. he was already not too competitive, although the mig-29 was modernized by ukrainian engineers quite well, but in fact it looked like we took a break between transitions to other technological levels, we had some types of weapons that were super high-tech, for example, the
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same chain mail is a unique product in its radar system. but at the same time, in fact, the ukrainian military-industrial complex lived only on export supplies, we did not have a domestic market, domestic demand for these products, remember tankoplot and tank bulat, here are all the stories with tanks, when thailand ordered tanks, and ukraine did not succeed, and it was very competitive enough for its time. now, now, probably, ukrainian designers would have developed something completely differently, so now we are in such a situation that it is cheaper for us to cooperate, for example, with the same rhine metal, with the same bae, with the british , with the americans, with the swedes, with the poles, with
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the czechs, with the slovaks and to produce already modern competitive weapons, but in a completely different way... thank you, mr. volodymyr, one more topic, which was this week, and which was quite actively discussed, in particular, in social networks, is quarter 95, or rather, the new year's jokes of quarter 95 in one of the numbers of the new year's eve quarter, on december 31, the authors unsuccessfully joked about resettlement from the russian-occupied city of skadovsk, who does not speak ukrainian well. let's hear how it all went. were you born in ukraine? and yes, of course, but why didn't we communicate in ukrainian before that? well, what about that? well, i, well , because i'm from siskadov, i'm sorry, who? no one, and from where? there is such a town in
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skadovsk, kherson region, so i am skadovska. jokes on this topic have already caused indignation in society, the mayor of skadovsk, oleksandr yakovlev, condemned the authors of the scandalous number, the commission of journalistic ethics called it discriminatory humor, the humorists of the 95th quarter apologized , the actress apologized, the actor apologized , how do you perceive such jokes in general, is it like... to joke like that during the war and this is not the first time quarter 95 resorted to such jokes and is it true that the demand is stirring such an offer? well , there is not always a demand in the creative industries, there are certain
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creative opportunities, but let's see, the fact is that quarter 9 105 was such a serious machine for mocking ukrainian values. let's remember their dumb phrase about the tomos thermos. let's recall their absolutely beastly phrase about the senior holodomor. this is absolute savagery, it is below plinth. but , you see, ukraine is in such a strange situation here, because we all looked back at the tragedy of charlie hebdo, for example, and... at one time, president poroshenko together with the presidents of european countries walked through the center of paris in this many-thousand-strong march of sympathy, but... but this culture of laughter is french, it is always below the plinth, so we have moral frameworks on the one hand,
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and society on the other hand, you know, i have the impression is that society has outgrown quarter 95, that quarter 95 has anchored itself somewhere, well, on the verge of 2010, maybe 2014. when they were still there, do you remember in april 14, when volodymyr rybak was killed in horlivka and students from lviv and from kyiv, the quarter toured in horlivka, i they also clearly mocked the maidan and the like there, remember their abonite sticks, that is, the situation has changed so much that to me... it seems that the quarter itself has become silent in its own way, firstly, well, within the framework of its aesthetics, such, well, stupid, a little
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, well, such anal humor, i'm sorry, but eh , at the same time, they simply pickled their specific audience along with themselves, which , which, too, yes, they don't go beyond genital jokes, that's why they live in their own.. . in a parallel world, let them live, but they should not be menstruum, when, for example, before the new year, this is all, all this crap humor was heard for hours from the airwaves of the most popular channels, and especially the only marathon that is financed with budget funds, this is complete wildness, but by the way, what i wanted to ask you, in principle, quarter 95 was the one. this big machine, which allowed not only to solve some political issues , to make fun of politicians or political processes, parties, in principle quarter 95 until
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2014, it was such an aggregate that brought here to the big stage all those who now support putin, i.e. all these kirkorovs, baskovs, natash korolevs and other people , that is, starting from the second year of 2000 and ending in 2014, for 12 years, in principle , this car was such a carrier , a humanitarian carrier of all the russian pop music, and this car, in principle , shaped the tastes of ukrainians, as you think, in this situation, how can i assess the role of quarter 95 in this story and what in... well , let me remind you that at one time a special channel was created to link to russia, it was called inter, and the 95th quarter did not get off the
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inter channel, but the most, i would say the most poisonous the productions of the 95th quarter were new year's musicals and not only new year 's musicals, where in essence it was created... that there is no difference between ukraine and russia, because the musicals are filmed in kyiv in russian , russian actors play here, secondary roles are performed by actors from of ukraine, and it seems to have always created the illusion of a single cultural space, well, firstly, this is not culture, but show business, culture is completely different, secondly, this illusion, it was just peculiar. springboard to the very profitable russian touring markets, and what is here russian stars toured, so to speak, and
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such tours were always supported by russian big businesses, i remember from the 90s, because i worked quite well in this field for a long time, and uh, there was a certain period when ukrainian musicians were completely were pushed out of the ukrainian... touring market, all the most prestigious large halls in ukraine were bought out for the tours of all kinds of russian stars, relatively speaking, and in this regard, precisely the 95th quarter was a russification machine, so we are not disappointed, those who was enchanted, he was not he was disappointed, he knew, but for those for whom this is a kind of disappointment, i want to remind you that the first big money was earned by the quarter... well, they just brought a bag of money from russia, in my opinion 4 million cash, and it was a shock, because they, one, one later...
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a security official, traveled around kyiv with a bag and wanted to put this money somewhere so that they would start earning new money, he himself told this in an interview, i think gordon. mr. volodymyr, the very end of our program, i don't want to ask you about quarter 95, because mariana bezula is not there yet, but the perspective she has one after her parliamentary term, because she makes a lot of jokes on social networks. and today the verkhovna rada's committee on national security and defense and intelligence recommended removing her from the position of deputy chairman of the committee, and this was reported by a member of the committee, vadym ivchenko. the verkhovna rada still has to consider this issue in the session hall. do you think bezula will get rid of the chair of the deputy head of national security and defense, and in the end it won't
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be so embarrassing for this committee, because... when one of the heads of the committee constantly spits chief of the armed forces of ukraine, there are always many questions, including why bezugla is in this committee and not in quarter 95? well, you just need to create such a humorous parliament, and it will sit there forever without elections, but the point is different: when there was information , the first information appeared that in... servant of the people, almost 50 deputies would like to draw up mandates and well, to betray, then bezugla can now become a very interesting turning point for the faction itself, because without the votes of the faction, it can be removed from the committee it is impossible, the fact that she has caused so much damage to the reputation of the faction itself, although what reputation there is, it is just a black hole,
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so... it will be very interesting for me how some of the servants will react and how they will vote, because in essence maryana bezugla was considered the hand of ermak in this committee, let’s recall her role and mission in wagnergate and in the temporary investigative commission that she headed on the wagnergate case, so here it is right here, if there really is to... get rid of, and fedir venislavskyi, zelenskyi’s representative in the parliament filed for revocation twice and then everything ended with the recall of venislavsky himself. well, let's see how it will work if she remains in the committee, we can say that there is no frond in the faction against yarmak. thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, it was volodymyr tsybulko, we are working live, friends.
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both on air and on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube, don't be shy, please like this video to help it trend on youtube because i i see, many people watch us on youtube, but i do not see a reaction in the form of likes, now we have the results of a survey, we asked you about whether it is necessary to recruit prisoners and convicts to the armed forces during the war... 65% of those who watching us on tv, they say yes, 35% against, on youtube yes, 44%, against - 56%. these are the poll results of our vote today, friends, i will say goodbye to you, i wish you a good weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones, we will meet with you already on monday at 20:00, there will be a new verdict already
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two hours verdict, so wait, i wish you all the best, bye, russians, belarusians at the olympic games, is sport really outside of politics, let's find out together in today's episode of bbc ukraine, i'm olga polomaryuk. the international olympic committee admitted russian and belarusian athletes to the olympic games, which will be held this year in paris, why did this become possible after almost two years of war, and will ukraine boycott the olympics now? russians and belarusians will still perform at the olympic games, despite outrage and threats boycotts and protests of ukrainians all over the world. he made such a decision.


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