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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue the great eteri, i will add oleksandr morchivko to the conversation, money during the war. alexander, please. congratulations, vasyl, thanks to the viewers for watching the long broadcast, i will fill in the next few minutes. the results of this economic week
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, you will learn about the blocking of the border, as well as what innovations at ukrposhta, more details in a moment, i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, so from the important topic of this week, in fact, the protests have resumed, almost 200 ukrainian trucks now stuck in queues at the border due to the blockade of polish farmers and... transporters, this was reported to our state border service, since yesterday the blockade has been resumed at the medicashegini checkpoint, there are currently about 600 vans waiting to enter there, the rest of the vehicles are at three other checkpoints . let me remind you that the polish government said yesterday that it is ready to accept all the demands of the farmers, which they put forward, in particular, despite the call of the european commission, they plan to leave the embargo indefinitely, that is , the ban. export of our products, in particular
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grain but ukrposhta will deliver medicine to the liberated and front-line territories. the pilot launch of the initiative will start on february 1, the postal operator will receive a license to sell medicines in existing postal stationary or mobile offices. pharmacists are also currently being recruited, well , it is clear that non-prescription drugs should be released. only a specialist, and not an employee of ukrposhta, who will be such a logistician to deliver these products, has the right to tour medicines. it is planned to introduce a hotline to arrange citizens' requests for drugs. well, i can just take a second, we just talked today with oksana pogumiy from the kherson region, she said how important this service would be for the residents of the de-occupied territories. well , really, in general, this innovation of overcrowded ukrposhta branches works in those cities that don't have them. branches or had
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unprofitable ones and they have already closed, then these mobile branches come to silrad, i know personally, and bring correspondence, some small things, goods and parcels for such residents, who are really now separated far from the regional centers and regional centers, do not have the financial ability to go for certain letters or shipments, and if we talk about ukrposhta, then pensions... in the cities , it was proposed to additionally receive five economical ice cars, available for exchange of another 14 million energy-saving lamps , ukrposhta reported , pensioners in the villages already took advantage of this opportunity in december, the exchange is now available to all citizens of retirement age, those who want to get lamps for the first time and those who have already taken them, who have used this program, you need to come to the ukrposhta branch with your passport, code, pension certificate, well... your phone, so that an sms will come there,
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informing you that the bulbs just for you are already waiting for you in your ukrposhta branch. they feed the aggressor. the national agency for the prevention of corruption this week included the producer of the two products on the list of international sponsors of the war. here, the lithuanian company previously announced that it would not cooperate with the aggressor country. will leave the market of muscovy, but now they are recording in the nzk that the lithuanian company continues to pay taxes to the budget, the budget of refia, hires employees, and is not going to close down the business, well, these are the double standards of international entrepreneurs, they exist, and the lists of those who support the economy of the aggressor are fixed and... replenished by the zk , well, we will continue
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to talk about the hot news, this week the economic community discussed the national income strategy, what kind of document is it, or is it really just that? fulfillment of the requirement of the main creditor of the international monetary fund, is it really a specific document which will completely change the revenue strategy of our budget in various ways, because the european community really says that it is enough to take what is necessary and earn it yourself, we will talk about this with mykhailo nepron, the first vice-president of the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine, he is in touch , good evening. well, good evening, you had such a good story about the money, i think we should have a discussion with you in one of the issues, because from time to time there are various conversations about the need to privatize ukrposhta, so what? skazhimoschatbank should be privatized, then the question arises, if it was a private
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structure, they would go and do it like this, but these are essentially charitable, they are social events, they are expensive, so we understand that the medicines that will be taken there... they are unprofitable, nothing will be made from this money, moreover, its employees are risking their lives, so these are colleagues, somehow let's plan and talk about this topic, because recently journalists asked me a question, whether we have too many state banks, state institutions and how to react to it, of course, there is taskusia, but let’s go back to the national revenue strategy, well, i urge anyone who doesn’t have the patience to read 147. but there are such ones on the website of the ministry of finance, as one of your colleagues also told me, and there are pictures there, i say, for those who wants to see, there are also pictures, and there you can look at this strategy, it is more written out, more clear, more specific, well, let's leave it at that,
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in principle, there is nothing wrong with the fact that another strategy has appeared, dear society that wishes to develop, and for he sets guidelines for himself, for... himself he sets signposts in order to understand where it is going and what it should arrive at. there is another point, tell me, colleagues, let's think about how many strategies were adopted during the independence of ukraine? we, i asked myself a question, then i talked with colleagues, talked with experts, nobody or you, and you mean only financial strategies, well, there were, let's say, strategies, 10 steps, 10 steps to meet people, let's say there was once such a program, a program. well, i have a question this one was adopted, how many were implemented, oh, that’s how much the strategy of part of the independence of ukraine was adopted, but we counted, well, well, let’s say this, about a thousand, not so,
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because there were all the strategies for fighting poverty, the strategy for the development of territories, and of such strategies, each government something, at best . the notes were caused by this strategy, what's wrong there , in your opinion, what's wrong here, let 's do it, it doesn't move me, you rightly said in your opening speech that this strategy was carried out as one of the landmarks, as one of the beacons to receive
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another trance of the international monetary fund, that is, money will be given, but as it will be , the strategy up to the 30th year is no longer under our power, oh, you said correctly, when marchenko... asked the day before yesterday there was a meeting with the minister of finance, the head of the tax committee, well, he is a young guy, i hope that he will finish working as a minister until the 30th year, although i have doubts, how quickly ministers change, this was a beacon that ukraine had to fulfill in order to receive 2.3 billion, so she fulfilled it, she will receive money, what will be implemented from it, well, me to be honest, i have great doubts that this strategy, therefore discussing what is right and what is wrong, can... be criticized for a long time, and most likely it will be another strategy that ukraine made in order to receive money from the international monetary fund, and it is unlikely that it will be real. mr. mykhailo, serhii marchenko, the minister of finance, you mentioned him , said that the strategy will be implemented
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in stages, but the main thing is that it will work when, maybe, maybe i won't say literally, when there will be trust of ukrainian businesses in the tax system, in the customs system. will generally be trust, well, this phrase is so banal, because everyone talks about trust, but how in practice? you understand, there was a question not only about trust, there was a question about... the fact that the tax authority first of all, because there was a question of taxation, and according to this strategy , the tax authority receives additional powers and bank secrecy, as such, loses its understanding, and will have the tax opportunity to block accounts, impose arrests, that is , quite a lot of repressive measures, and when representatives of the business environment of experts began to criticize quite logically, he told me, well, you understand, these are the consequences when we reorganize the tax office, when about... honest, decent people will come there, when we reach such a level, well, the truth
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immediately arises a logical question, who will determine that the tax office has already reached that level , when it can implement it, who will determine what it has achieved, mr. mykhailo, in this reorganization, i have been in economic journalism for more than 20 years, and every government reorganizes fiscal bodies, tax, fiscal, fiscal tax is called , restructuring, but who will determine, what is it and effective model? what criteria, what criteria, by which to determine that the tax system has already become like that of central europe, at least, well, we do not say for such western european ones, at least like our neighbors, the czech republic, poland, yes, that is, i say once again, that there are good things here, this is the reset of customs, this is the creation of a single it structure, which should consolidate information about the business, take into taxes that the tax officials did not see. specifically, they did not have the opportunity to raise the wheelhouse, call and say, let's solve it, so there are good things, but i
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in this situation, i always say , what are you nervous about, oleg, she will not implement, well, such strategies have already been adopted immeasurably, and while we need money, the international monetary fund is promised everything, the money is received, and then they say that the situation has changed, let's start negotiations, it will be the same here, and there is a very short one minute, if we have already mentioned the reform of the tax ochen... danylo gitmantsev of the tax committee of the parliament said that it is necessary to move somewhere in the direction of the polish tax model, whether it is appropriate in ukraine, or whether it is possible is there a grain we will take but make our own? i want to remind him at the next discussion that he deceived us all, he promised six months ago, when we were considering the polish model, i even wrote a text on this topic, and we had discussions with him, and he swore that the polish model of taxation small business in ukraine... won't happen, it's not on time, it's a good model for it, but it's
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a polish model, let's tell the audience why it's not on time, because the stakes are high, or why, because it's tougher for ukrainian business , we do not have the same level of well-being and we do not have the same level of business as in poland, if we tax, as the poles do 18% it business, then this industry will close tomorrow, it simply will not exist, we are doing, to put it briefly, we are taxing. depending on the income of the group , how much money will you get, in poland, what does the ministry of finance want and what does it want, depending on the type, auditors, it experts, appraisers, lawyers pay the most, and then taxi drivers, then there are, you see, there are professions , if you exaggerate to say that taxation goes according to professions, you and i are not in the same situation now, in order to make taxes tougher, it is necessary to put things in order with scrolls and schemes. with smuggling, with vep and other structures, there is live money, but you have to touch small
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business. thank you for joining the conversation, mykhailo neprin, the first vice-president of the chamber of commerce and industry of ukraine was in touch. well, vasyl, this is how i saw this economic week, although it was a little short because of the first of january, but i will follow the news from the world of money, but the big broadcast continues, where there will be a lot more information, watch us. yes, well, about sports, now is the time to find out, yevhen pasakhov has prepared the most interesting information for you, let's watch together. elina svitolina successfully started 2024. the first racket of ukraine reached the semifinals of the tournament. uta 250 in auckland, new zealand. in two sets of the quarterfinals, svitolina confidently defeated
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the czech republic's marie bouskova. alina won the first set with bublyk 6:0. in the second game, the opponent did not have much chance either. ukrainka won the match ball with a score of 5:3 and closed the match on the first attempt. svitolina will play in the wta semifinals for the first time since july 23 year the opponent will be the 71st racket of the world , the chinese cu-1. earlier at the tournament in new zealand. elina has already beaten the title holders caroline wozniacki and emma radukana. at the biathlon world cup, the fourth stage of the season started in oberhof, germany. the men's race took place on friday. women's printing race. among the ukrainians , vitaly manzyn overcame the distance of 10 km the most successfully. he finished 31st. dmytro pidruchny also made it to the scoring zone of the competition, becoming 34th. anton dutchenko lacked only one position for this. he finished 41st. however, dudchenko, like artem pryma, who took 51st place, qualified for
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the pursuit race, unlike artem tyschenko, who took 65th place. benedikt dol won the competition. at the finish, the german won by less than 2 seconds ahead of legride from norway. five ukrainian biathletes took part in the women's sprint. three of them finished in the top 40. anastasia markushyna - 27, yuliya dzyma - 32, and khrystyna dmytrenko - 38. iryna petrenko and lyubov kypyachankova did not qualify for pursuit. victory in the race was won by the leader of the general standings, justine brezabouchet from france. the third stage of the cup of nations also started in germany. luge sports ukrainian andriy manziy won the silver medal in the men's single-seater race. at the finish, he lost to latvian kaspars rinks by only 0.100 seconds. manzia's silver medal in winterberg is his best result since last january. then the ukrainian sankar took second place at the stage of the cup of nations in latvia. the main men's
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competitions - the stage of the world cup will start on saturday, january 6. what an unfortunate person donald batkovich trump , you know, there are constant scandals, where he did something similar, then he took some documents out of the white house, then he allegedly received almost 8 million dollars from various countries, it is not known for what services, it is not known in what way, but here this scandal with jeffrey epstein, well, he is a billionaire, there is a tv series about him. who wants to look, learn more about him, there is a richest man, it is called, something like that, he went to life on his own in one of the prisons in the 19th year, he was convicted of sexual crimes, human trafficking, various devices, he engaged in the investment business, corporate asset management there and became a very rich man, and then decided
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to spend this money on some unnecessary things, criminal, criminal, criminal criminal things, he had an island on this island. there he forced teenagers, children, to have sex with his clients, with his partners, and what is interesting, there are very famous people among these partners, i will not voice them, but what is interesting is that in the list of people who appear in the materials of the case geoffrey epstein, there are former us presidents donald trump and bill clinton, i read this story in the morning, only bill clinton was there, already in the evening it was reported that donald trump also appears in those documents, and besides that, us senator joe is there. well, it’s interesting if this stain also falls on trump, by the way , i’m not at all surprised to learn that his name appears here, it will be very interesting, in fact, it promises a very interesting story in
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the perspective of the presidential elections in the usa, well natalka dnyadenko will share with us the weather forecast for this weekend. information, ms. natalya, i congratulate you, please please, you have the floor, congratulations, vasyl, congratulations, dear viewers, now we will talk about the weather, which promises very, very many surprises, literally in a second, i will immediately start our meeting today with a message about the coming cold weather, it will begin gradually from... january will continue to spread, first to the north, then it will spread to a large part of the territory of ukraine, so we will start talking about how to protect yourself from hypothermia and severe frost, well , they strongly advise, for example, to dress in layers, that is, not one, one, one a sweater, and a few light coats, because
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it can prevent sweating, which is very dangerous in the cold, and in general, clothes should be very loose, protect well... of course, protect exposed areas of the skin, gloves, nose and ears with a hat, scarf, hoods, high collars, well, they don't recommend going when it's very cold, you leave the street, hungry, you should definitely eat something, of course, something high-calorie or warm, and by the way, if it's frozen, they also advise you to just have a snack, and preferably every half an hour, an hour to go into a warm room, if, for example, you spend all day outside, well, does everyone have it now? such an opportunity to move , it is necessary to move in order to increase blood circulation in the vessels, you can jump, you can move your toes, and it is strongly not recommended to touch metal with bare hands, so i... which we all loved to do in childhood, by the way, alcohol is extremely not is recommended, because alcohol dilates blood vessels, which leads to rapid heat loss,
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well, here are the recommendations about the forecast itself, and for tomorrow and the coming days, we will talk with you again, and now we are returning from severe frosts to come to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and now for your attention, a prognostic chart, and it shows that the situation is stable. calm, that's why we don't linger here, but move on to the weather forecast for january 6 on epiphany, well , we traditionally start with the western regions, i want to say right away that it will still be warm almost everywhere everywhere tomorrow, look, for example, in the west, well, a lot pluses, although there will be wet snow, where the air temperature is higher, it is clear that it will rain, where are the minuses, be very, very careful, in order not to slip, in the north. it will be a cold night, relatively, of course, but with minuses , so especially in the morning it will be slippery, be careful , in the afternoon, tomorrow it will still be relatively warm, i.e.
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somewhere around zero, there the air temperature will be slightly negative, in the eastern part of ukraine, tomorrow the weather will be cloudy , without significant precipitation, the air temperature, as you can see, is high, 0.2° maximum, this is in the afternoon, in the central part of ukraine, tomorrow also without significant... precipitation, so far the maximum air temperature tomorrow, from now on, we will wait for the central let's look at the map of the region with you , the air temperature from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk will range from two to three to 4 degrees celsius, i.e. it will be warm tomorrow in the southern part of ukraine , cloudy weather is expected tomorrow, and no precipitation is expected, as in the east and in the center, the temperature the air is very high, i would say, as you can see, +7 +10°. in places in the crimea it can even be up to +12, in kyiv the next night it will be minus -3 -5°, tomorrow in the day
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it will warm up, it will be from a league to zero, this air temperature will cause precipitation in in the form of both rain and sleet, but still these minuses in the evening and at night, they will cause ice, and of course i want to say, i already wrote about it on facebook, you probably also read the previous ones... and the official structures of our hydrometeorological , starting from january 7 , cold arctic air enters ukraine, in winter it happens that there are frosts, the air temperature will drop, the coldest will be somewhere in chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, there somewhere on january 8-9 it can be as low as -20-22°, and at the same time the southern cyclone is emerging on the territory of ukraine, and therefore in the central part of ukraine, in the south, in the east, in the west, except for volyn and rivne region, difficult weather conditions are expected: snow, wet snow, snowdrifts, heavy snow, wind gusts to storm
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gusts, of course ice and sleet, so if you don't it is absolutely necessary to go on the road in these coming days, somewhere until january 9, until january 10, it is better to refrain from long trips, this is the nearest, difficult, but very interesting synoptic perspective in ukraine, and i would like to congratulate everyone on christmas eve today, tomorrow... . by water baptism and let there will be calm, peace and may all families be together. thank you very much to mrs. natas didenko, both for the information about the weather and for the greetings. of course, it would be desirable for all of us to protect ourselves in these critical frosts. well, there were no such frosts this winter. there is something, sorry , plus minus, but, but not -20, not minus 15, and of course, the enemy obviously activates with his missile strikes, if
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nothing happens to him, and on the other hand, you know, the enemy activates, we read about the fact that he is already in russian novgorod, this is the one mr. veliky novgorod, sometime in the late 80s or 90s, i had to visit novgorod as part of some excursion there, organized by such organizers in soviet times, but there it will be sealed, well, it is to the north, but there it is already sealed with this insulating tape windows, people, because they are waiting for flights to arrive, russia is also waiting and afraid of the cold, because it is also turned off in them and also flies in, and this is how you can overcome russia in this and discourage the desire to shoot at us. good evening, we are from ukraine, there are friends... on bronkhy pred 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings.
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this is a really intriguing film. a film about the life and career of the first female prime minister of great britain. where there is disorder, we will bring harmony. where there are errors, we will bring the truth. margaret thatcher, the iron lady. did everyone love her or support her reforms? i don't admire her intellectual method of not being able to think she could be wrong. but there is no doubt that it was thatcher's reforms that laid the foundations for the welfare of the state for many years to come. she was the prime minister. take another look at the extraordinary life and times of this formidable woman. come back if you want. the lady only goes forward. thatcher documentary, go ahead. january 7 at 10:10 and 22:00 at espresso.
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every day, every hour, every minute we... receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is really happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield? how does the international community evaluate our successes and what is moscow lying about? from the flow of news coming from everywhere, we single out the most important ones. the world is busy monitors whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the backs of the commanders? news. the results of the week are an overview of only important events, significant, reliable events, it is analytics, fact-checking, expert comments, about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso.
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it will not be listened to, it will still be a lot. there will be both fishermen and those who want to be in a delicate crisis dive into the pit, and those who want to watch all this. therefore, tsn correspondent ihor bondarenko checked whether rescue squads are ready for all possible threats. nigo , a swamp-walker, teaches how to save a person who is stuck in a crisis in the middle of the dnieper. the ukrainian all-terrain vehicle can overcome many obstacles not only on land, but also in water. these machines were actively used in the kherson region during the liquidation of the consequences of the russian blow-up of the kakhovskaya dam. boguns will be needed now. people, we think, will still get into the water, even though everyone warns, but people will be in the water. and for us it is. challenge.
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a person who is rescued from a conditional ice is more like a cartoon pokemon, but in real conditions it is no joke, because the victim's life is in danger. we stabilize the patient's condition and will hospitalize him in the nearest medical institution. the situation is even more difficult when a person is in water. a person's life depends on the promptness of rescuers' actions. however, the drowning person must do everything possible to save himself. if a person has failed, one must remain calm, ask to get out of the water, because if you stay in the water for a long time, your limbs will freeze. call for help very loudly. and if you can, you swim to the shore. blue lips, tingling, dizziness, low blood pressure, the main signs of hypothermia. you need to warm up before the ambulance arrives, but not all methods
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are suitable. to change clothes, it is necessary to take off wet clothes.


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