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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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normal operation for us, again, back to what i said, we have an open war, and there is nothing to be surprised about. he who brings war to others sooner or later receives it from himself, which, in principle, eventually happens. what is so interesting, i can say that without revealing the details, one of the very seriously injured was quite a famous person, immediately they called for a helicopter to evacuate him directly to moscow. i will not reveal everything else, that’s how it happened, and one more piece of information, so far without official confirmation, in crimea during the ukrainian strikes on military facilities, could probably suffer or even die, the head of the russian general staff gerasimov, please comment , what do you know about this? let's just say, i don't have information confirming this. thank you, we hope that sooner or later it will appear, the head of the intelligence department
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kyrylo budanov was in direct contact with the tsn studio about the largest exchange of prisoners during the full-scale war and the operation of ukrainian intelligence. special operation on enemy territory. the occupiers received an order from moscow to install mine barriers obstacles along the border in the belgorod region, fearing a breakthrough by the ukrainian special forces. but our intelligence decided to work in advance. and according to the information of the main intelligence department, the ukrainians carried out a raid there, during which they attacked a russian platoon stronghold, blocked the only road on which the occupiers moved, and as a result, some of the invaders were eliminated in firefights, some were blown up by mines, the number of dead and wounded occupiers is specified . doctors are fighting for the lives of injured passers-by, and maternity workers gutted wards and operating rooms are being dismantled.
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a week after the massive rocket attack on the dnipro, there are still more than a dozen victims in hospitals. on december 29, the russians hit a shopping center and a sawmill . the mother and babies were saved. in total, the attack took the lives of seven townspeople, mostly passers-by, and another 30 people were injured. tsnga correspondent pavlovska will tell more. i know you will be fine. oleksandr dydenko, 25 , is leaving the company. his life finally out of danger, they pulled me out of that world i will be able to live on, and the most important thing is literally, a forklift driver, he was in a hurry to go to work in the morning and suddenly changed his route , decided to stop by a shop for cigarettes on a nearby street, an explosion rang out 100 m from it, a rocket hit the maternity ward, the roots kill, i'm sorry that i felt bad about things and immediately came to the rescue.
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a passer-by rushed to the bloodied man, he put four bandages on me, a passer-by who crossed paths, i am also very grateful to him, bohdan, his name is, if he sees this, i am very grateful to him. oleksandr was immediately taken to the hospital and on operating table. he survived only thanks to the skill of our surgeons, three teams operated, they did everything possible to save his life. debris riddled the body, the surgeon had to remove half of it. meter of intestine. the metal was his own clothing, which was brought to the abdominal cavity by this fragment. good predictions. he is recovering. this is the main thing. another oleksandr is still in critical condition in intensive care. he stopped at an intersection near a shopping center when a russian missile hit the building. we took my mother to work, and then we were going to our own. after complex operations, he is on permanent dialysis. this is equipment that helps the kidneys.
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helps to survive, everything, everything is fine, it’s going, brother, everything is fine, the shopping center has not resumed work after the impact, the maternity hospital on the next street is also in ruins, before that it was a house of happiness, hope for the future, after this despair, excitement , hatred for those who sent it to us, it was she who insisted that all patients and doctors go to the shelter on time, four babies with their parents and twelve pregnant women... who were in the delivery room during the rocket attack, everyone survived. they let the children down in the place with their parents, even though they didn't really want to, they let them down in time to the basement. the first blast was strong, everything shook, the second blast already flew the doors, they saw that there were no more wards opposite, nothing, everyone jumped out. the babies, along with the women in labor , were taken away by relatives and caring people , the pregnant women are doing well, and twelve unborn babies who survived the rocket attack will appear in the world. soon.
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the workers of the maternity ward, together with the families , dismantle half of the wards and operating rooms. we transfer what is in cells to a safe place. everyone has hope, everyone. they work on it, everyone helps, everyone spends all their free time here as families. all the premises of the maternity hospital were destroyed, only the shower room survived. they have just finished the renovation, and apparently no one has even bathed here yet. the employees of the maternity hospital believe that the institution will be able to be restored. the building survived. and i think that the only thing i endured was that our mothers prayed for us. i really hope that time will pass and pregnant women will lie in this maternity hospital again, they will give birth and will be children, the survey of structures and surviving medical equipment is still to come, as is the calculation of the damage caused to the city by another attack by the russians. olga pavlovska, oleksandr kulish, dnipro-tsn, 1+1 marathon, eaten news. for the fourth day, cleaning continues near the high-rise building in the solomyansk district
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of the capital, which suffered a russian attack on january 2. the windows are broken, already covered with rain, the residents of the building are still living with relatives or in temporary shelters, and the demolition of the rubble continues. from morning to evening, we will ask tsn correspondent dmytro for details fordak, he is now right next to this damaged house. dmitry, congratulations, so is there still a lot of work near the house that was destroyed, and have people already received any help? svyatoslav, well, the answer to your question is obviously behind my back, you yourself can see another testimony of what russian peace is like, from the house, from the apartments in this building, there are not many. left, there are simply no windows intact, but people are holding on, today we visited the aid center, which was located in the school, just opposite the most damaged building, there are people they really got the most necessary things, you could spend the night there for a few days, eat, drink tea, coffee, people brought
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a lot of things there, clothes, shoes, hygiene items, and all this is now enough, for now there is no need for such help, also in this center people wrote: the application for financial aid is uah 10,000 from the city and uah 10,000 from our friends, partners from france and norway, and near this most damaged house in the solomenskyi district , various works are ongoing, and construction debris that has formed is being removed here after an insidious attack by the russians, here the utility workers and heat energy workers are doing their work to restore, well, a lot has already been done here, in fact, almost all of this building is unbelievable, but already... electricity supply, water supply, heat supply have been restored, let's hear what managed to do at the moment, we are finishing cleaning the area around the house from the construction debris that was formed as a result of the explosion, we have only two entrances left without electricity supply, which were the most affected, water supply is available for five of
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there are nine entrances, there is also heat supply, and people can see that they have already moved away from... the first shock on the morning of the second of january, many apartments have already met their residents again, although it is not very visible at first glance, because the windows are covered with wood and it is simply not visible that there is electricity, but you can see it if you look closely, and those whose apartments are completely destroyed or unlivable still return and even try to take out the objects that still survived, but we met one married couple who visited theirs run-down apartment, let's listen. what do they say, our apartment didn't burn down, well , it's lucky that it didn't burn down, a lot, but it's all damaged, unfortunately, i can point out that not only the city utility services work here, but also ordinary simple
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volunteers and those who care, and tomorrow here in the silymensky district, the locals know the exact address, there will be another toloka, no less than one, so tomorrow i invite everyone to come here as well. there are all tools here to help, so you just need to desire and free hands, well, when these apartments will be restored, it is difficult to say yet, according to the locals, it will be at least six months, sviatoslav, this is the situation now. thank you for the information. ssn correspondent dmytro furdak about the consequences of the russian attack on the capital and about the people who were left homeless due to this attack and need help. well, then we will show you the bright side of difficult times. about those who rush to help, as soon as trouble happened, to help strangers, these are stories from kyiv after the shelling of this house on solomyanka, but we we are sure that there is such a thing in every settlement that suffers from russian aggression. stories of ordinary humanity, further in tsn. these are
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stories of rescue, from houses destroyed by rockets, sitting on the sofa, covering up, people who had no chance to save. themselves and frightened animals. daredevil this is our story about those who will definitely come to the rescue in the most difficult times. this is our thanks. to those who do not remain indifferent, i am very grateful to you, and the cat is also very grateful to you, a nine-story building in the solomyansky district after the shelling on january 2, with burnt-out windows, on damaged on the balconies, blue and yellow flags are hung by the residents of the affected apartments to show that they are holding on and will not give up. the apartment in the second entrance, on the first floor, was closest to the epicenter of the explosion. shots of the service are circulating on social networks. emergency situations, through smoke, fallen slabs and a twisted window, they get a person, we
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meet with oleg already in the hospital, he was brought here after a fire with gas poisoning, he tells why he couldn’t get out of the solitary confinement, i asked how to get out of the solitary confinement, that’s all collapsed, furniture, walls, doors , i started calling 112, already there i reported that i... apartment number, that i was sitting there and that i smoke a lot . oleg is 62 years old, he used to live with his mother and brother, but the only relatives died shortly before a full scale invasion. oleg is one meter and 5 cm tall, he moves on crutches, well, the smoke is coming so as not to lose the plant, consciousness, he just sat down on the couch, there to cover himself and... and began to wait, he remembers the very moment when he saw a face through the smoke
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his savior, he was wearing such a helmet and this protective glass, maybe even i would recognize him would, of course, if the young man would see. 24-year-old maksym khorunzhiy says: a whole team of people rescued oleg, but he was the one who found him. seeing that a person with a disability and understanding what to bring him out, carry him out on his feet. fresh air was almost impossible, we, i decided to take her in my arms and become a chain of three and pass her through the window. i raise my head, because maxim's height is 2.05, he is a meter taller than the man who had to be found and carried out of the smoke and fire. perhaps no one knows about this story i wouldn't have known if it weren't for this photo that went viral on social networks. how many such stories maksym and his colleagues have in general cannot be remembered, the only thing is to count. how long did his shift last then? instead of 24 hours, we worked there for 36 hours. it was very
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timely, for which he is very grateful. so far, oleg has only seen his apartment in this video. it is not only destroyed, but burned and flooded with water. the car is the only possible means of transportation for him, it was parked under the house, and now it is also gone. they brought him a handbag, some clothes, and whatnot from the apartment very important, orthopedic shoes. they make it to order, and they also found the crutches, right? yes, it was very important, because these crutches are an individual order, you can't buy them in a store, he's not sure if he recognizes his savior by face, they only look at his photos on the phone. oleg smiles, even when he talks about the fact that he lost everything, but he gets very emotional when he thanks his savior, he is very grateful to you, maxim, for turning me out... maxim will hear this gratitude for the first time on our broadcast. this episode from his life
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calls ordinary work and says: it's not him, it's them, all in a group. i don't see myself as a hero and so on. i'm just doing my duties and my work. at the nearby entrance, there is an announcement on the door, this mustache has disappeared. not all the animals in the broken house could be saved or found. a special operation to rescue animals unfolded here. here on the ninth floor. seconds, a fraction of a second. ludmila and her husband volodymyr didn't even realize what happened right away. blood from his paws remained under the sofa. it is immediately obvious that cats live in this apartment. scratcher for claws up to the ceiling. this is a home for a kitty named michelle and a cat named toshka. he simply rubbed it, but it was still in the glass. here, everything is just in glass. and he ran into the entrance. it has already been cleaned a little in the apartment, at the time of arrival. the heat looked like this. misha's pussy was caught, but tosha ran away.
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you don't understand the scale of it all. and you're holding that cat, looking at all that, and you just don't understand where you are in what world. well, like a cat, in principle. three policemen from the police regiment came to the apartment for rescue special purpose. two persons were found who were in a frightened state. and they were looking for some of their animals. lovers, after talking with these persons, were asked to leave this apartment, the owner refused to leave the house without the cat.
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and was already waiting for the hostess, how was the cat behaving , the cat was scratching a lot, well, he was scared , just like us, well, everything is fine, what your relatives told you, well done, what did they say, the police say, here it was important to save every life, this pets and they are part of the family for everyone, tosh and misha temporarily moved out of town, who is there, are you our daredevil? that misha was only looking out to see who had come to her. a bag, a bag. tosha, or as he is called at home, the potato is waiting for our visit under the bed. toshenko potato plush we try not to touch tosha and misha for too long. their owner, lyudmila , thanks the police both on behalf of herself and her pets. igor, you know, these cats, they are
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so special, due to the fact that they are so scared, few people can handle them. do it, and the fact that you just caught up with our tosh i am a potato in this chaos, in this panic, i am very, very grateful to you, because this cat is also very grateful to you, he does not realize it, here i am hugging you, i am very grateful to you for your work. these are only two stories of rescue from kudryashova street, but there is another one that unites a large number of people, people whose names we may not know, those who simply came to help, brought... things, dismantled rubble, cleaned territory, people who became a chain and in the cold handed each other pieces of brick, concrete, leftovers trees, everything that was once a cozy yard and a house, they called themselves an anthill, but in fact it is a great powerful force, the power of people, which allows us to believe that we can withstand everything and stand up. natalya nagorna, volodymyr
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cherenkov, gennadiy shulga, tsn, 1+1, marathon, single news. thank you to each and every one who helped and saved people, the president of ukraine is speaking about this today in the traditional evening address, let's listen further. i wish you good health, dear ukrainian men and women. just had a conversation with the president of turkey erdogan. a very meaningful conversation. as always, we are using every day of this week to intensify our international work so that this year begins to produce results from the first weeks. i thanked. the president for the achieved level of our cooperation in many areas, in particular in defense. we have joint projects that are already successful, and this year we must do even more to strengthen our states, our peoples. in many ways, security in our region depends on ukrainian-turkish cooperation. in the black sea, and
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and globally, food security. i am also grateful to... president erdogan personally and all of turkey for supporting our work regarding the maritime export corridor from ukraine. as of today, since the start of the corridor, more than 14 million tons of cargo have already passed through it, and this is almost half a thousand ships. and the economic, security, and geopolitical result is very important. we demonstrate that we can give back. security of our region despite all existing threats, we see how the strength of our partnership adds strength to our entire region, they spoke today with by president erdoğan about our work on the peace formula, i informed about the preparation of a new meeting at the level of advisors that will be held in davos in january, invited
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the representative of turkey, turkey confirmed, and each country its... participation in the joint work, now, the work of the advisors, later leaders, will demonstrate how important it is for international law to work, to work 100%, starting from the un charter, ending with all other norms that guarantee respect for nations and territorial integrity of states. special attention to the item peace formulas regarding the return of all prisoners and deportees. today i discussed this with... the president of turkey, the return of ukrainian children who were abducted by the russians, the return of prisoners and all those against whom repression is taking place in the occupied territory, in particular... in crimea, the mediation of turkey is very important so that it is possible to release and crimean tatars, and all others, adults and children, soldiers and civilians, who
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are held in russian captivity. we are working with all partners to ensure that ukraine receives a sufficient amount of defense supplies this month packages now we already have another defensive step by germany for ukraine. these are missiles for air defense. this is artillery caliber. 155, as well as other necessary things. thank you. very timely package. we expect similar steps from our other partners, in particular the united states. so that the russian terror could not win from this winter, like the last one. of course, i am constantly in touch with the military, with our commanders, every day, every night this year there are new tough combat clashes, the most intense battles. avdiivka, maryan direction, bakhmutsky, lymansky, kupyanskyi, the south of our state, the absolute heroic work of our soldiers, all
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defense and security forces, every brigade that is not on the front line, every unit, everyone who works for defense, everyone who helps, and the main priority of our state remains unchanged, to give everything necessary for the defense of ukraine and for... our active actions: ammunition, drones , equipment, personnel, to endure this year means to endure this entire war, an important time, in many ways decisive, thank you to everyone who realizes this, who helps the state to become stronger, for our soldiers to be able to destroy the enemy. thank you, guys, for your accuracy, thank you for your stability, thank you to everyone who adds strength to ukraine, glory to our people, glory to ukraine. the united marathon continues, broadcast by news from tsn. the united
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states will not support ukraine's military funding at the level of 2022 and 23 , because it seeks to help kyiv develop its own military-industrial base. such a statement was made at a briefing by state department spokesman matthew miller. however, according to him, the united states has not yet achieved to the level where in... ukraine can defend itself relying only on its own forces, therefore it is extremely important that the congress approves aid for this year in the white house. previously, they declared that they no longer have money for new support for our state. the latest aid package was announced on december 27, worth 250 million. for several months in a row, the approval of aid to kyiv has been delayed in congress due to inter-party disputes over the security of the border with mexico. ukraine is offered for this year. allocate $60 billion for security needs, including emphasis will work on strengthening air defense, well, as long as the american side is delaying military aid,
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germany is actively providing it to us, the day before berlin announced the transfer of a new package, which included irst air defense missiles, 10 marder infantry fighting vehicles, more than 900 155 mm caliber ammunition and much more. russia received ballistic missiles from the dprk and launched them twice over ukraine, a representative of the national security council of the sino-korean island of yeonpyeongdoo, where several thousand live, made such a statement at the white house people and a military base is located: north korea fired about two hundred munitions this morning, all of which landed in the buffer zone. i served on yeonpyeong island, so i know that north korea's provocations at any time are not surprising. heard the news about the artillery shelling and i feel worried, i fear that there may be a war. in 2010
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, four people died as a result of a similar attack. nowadays, there were no victims, but the evacuation of the population was announced on nado and other islands. seoul views pyongyang's actions as provocation, and to make it clear to the aggressor that they are ready to fight back at any moment and have started military training themselves. we strongly warn north korea that it bears full responsibility for this escalation, and we strongly urge them to stop it. our military monitors and monitors the situation in close cooperation with the us and will take measures in response to north korea's provocations. in north korea, it was noted that their exercises near the west coast were a natural response to ... large-scale military actions by the neighbor, on the day of the attacks dprk state media published footage of kimchinin's visit to the rocket and automobile plant,
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where he took a ten-year-old girl with him. daughter kim joo e. south korean intelligence believes that he is preparing the girl for an heiress, so she has been with him for more than a year at military parades and missile tests. in general , recently, pyongyang has started rattling its weapons more. the leader of the dprk calls for increased production of various missile launchers and explains that this is an important task at the stage of preparation for a military confrontation with wo. in november , north korea announced a successful launch reconnaissance satellite into space and promised to deploy more powerful armed forces and military equipment of a new type in the border region. on the eve of today's artillery fire in the asian region , the white house said that russia used ballistic missiles and
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launchers that were transferred to ukraine against ukraine. obhen, the ukrainian side has not yet confirmed this, and although it is official that the kremlin and the dprk deny criminal cooperation, the representative of the national security council of the white house promises to raise this issue in the un security council, and introduce additional sanctions against those who facilitate the supply of weapons to russia. according to john kirby, moscow, in turn, plans to hand over fighter jets and missiles to pyongyang in exchange for ammunition. ground-to-air class, armored vehicles, means of production of ballistic missiles and leading military technologies. on december 30, 2023, russian forces launched at least one of these north korean ballistic missiles over ukraine. this missile appears to have landed in an open field in the zaporizhzhia region, and on january 2, russia launched several north korean ballistic missiles at ukraine, in particular within the scope of its night air attack. we are still evaluating in... the fact
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that russia is taking ammunition from north korea means that putin is forced to go with an outstretched hand to the dprk, according to the british defense secretary grand schnapps, and analysts from the institute for the study of war certain, the russian army is trying to get ballistics from abroad, because they bypass ukrainian air defense systems more effectively. oksana tkachenko, tsn 1+1, marathon one. 15 years in prison, but he will spend no more than 11 years behind bars last week, the court in the capital announced the sentence to the chief executioner of the secret isolation prison in occupied donetsk. denys kulikovsky, nicknamed palyche, was accused of torturing dozens of people in this torture chamber for 4 years from 2014 to 2018. how long was the hearing and whether the sentence of 15 years is satisfactory. tsn, mariana
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bukhan, will tell in more detail. palych in the courtroom does not raise his eyes from the floor and does not look around. the meeting lasts a few minutes. the judge reads only the operative part of the verdict. having finally appointed before departure denys pavlovich kolikovsky was sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation of the property due to him by right of ownership. only prosecutors and lawyers hear the verdict of the court in the hall. journalists and convoy. no victim attended this meeting. you understand. the order of proof was understood. 39-year-old denys kulikovsky, better known as palych, was accused of brutally torturing people in a secret prison in isolation on the territory of a former factory in occupied donetsk. most of them were exchanged at the end of 2019. then and the stories of his atrocities became known. i take off
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my pants. wire


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